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= Load shaft position = Pendulum position L =0.16 = Half length of the pendulum r =0.16= Rotating arm length m = 0.022= mass of pendulum

Figure 1: Sketch of Inverted Pendulum The free body diagram of the inverted pendulum system is shown in figure 1. The arm and the pendulum rotate in the horizontal (xz plane) and vertical (xy plane) plane respectively. The drawing of the forces is done to simplify the drawing. From the figure above, it is shown that the velocity of point B on the pendulum relative to point A on the arm is

BA = -L cos ()
BA = -L sin ()


The pendulum moves with the rotating arm at a rate of r. Therefore, the absolute velocity of the point B on the pendulum can be expressed as

B = r - L cos ()
B = -L sin () (2)

The acceleration of the point B can be obtained by differentiating (2) with respect to time.

B = r + L sin () 2 - L cos () B = -L cos () 2 -L sin ()


Applying Newtons 2nd Law to the pendulum in x direction, we obtain mB =

x =>

mr + mL sin () 2 - mL cos () = Ax


Applying Newtons 2nd Law to the pendulum in y direction, we obtain mB =

y =>

- mL cos () 2 - mL sin () = Ay mg


mg - mL cos () 2 - mL sin () = Ay

Figure 2: Free body diagram of arm and pendulum

Applying eulers equation to the rotational motion of the pendulum about point B, JB =


m(2L)2 = Ax Lcos () + Ay L sin () (6)

mL2 = Ax Lcos () + Ay L sin ()

Applying the eulers equation to the rotational motion of the arm about point O, JO = O => Jeq = T1- Beq - Axr (7) Substituting (4) and (5) into (6), mL2 = (mr + mL sin () 2 - mL cos () Lcos() + (mg - mL cos () 2 - mL sin () Lsin() mL2 = (mLr cos () +mL2 sin () cos () 2- mL2cos2() + (mgLsin() - mL2 sin () cos () 2- mL2sin2() - mLr cos () + mL2) - mgLsin() = 0 (8)

Substituting (4) into (7), Jeq = T1- Beq (mr + mL sin () 2 - mL cos () Jeq = T1- Beq (mr + mLr sin () 2 - mLr cos () (Jeq + mr2) - mLr cos () + mLr sin () 2 = T1- Beq Combining (8) and (9), the motion of the system is (Jeq + mr2) - mLr cos () + mLr sin () 2 = T1- Beq - mLr cos () + mL2 - mgLsin() = 0 (10) (9)

Lagrangian Formulation

The kinetic energy of the mechanical system take place on the rotating arm and pendulum are as follows, T= Jeq 2 + m (B 2+B2) + = (Jeq+ mr2) 2 + Where JB = JB 2 (11)

mLr cos ()

m (2L) 2 = mL2 is the moment of inertia of the pendulum about its center of mass.

For horizontal plane where the arm lies as the datum plane, the only potential energy in the system is gravity, i.e, V = mgL cos () (12)

There are two equations according to Lagrangian formulation based on two generalized coordinates, ,


+ +

= T1- Beq (13)


Substituting (11) and (12) into (13), we obtain the motion of equation of the system (10) as expected. According to the fact and are inputs of the system and can be controlled, the second

equation in (10) is needed to obtain the non linear model of the system -b cos () + c - d sin () = 0 Where, b = mLr = 0.022 x 0.16 x 0.16 = 0.0005632 c= mL2=0.0256 (15) (14)

d = mgL = 0.0345 Linearizing (14) under the assumption that , the linearized model is as follows: (16)

-b + c -d =0

Now considering x1 = and x2= as state variables, the state space representation of system is as follows: A=[ ] ; B =[ ] ; B =[ ] ; C = [1 0]; D = 0 ] ; C = [1 0]; D = 0 (17)

A =[

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