Day He Tieng Anh 8

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Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng

THCS Qunh Thng

Week 1: The simple present tense

I. Objectives:
- Ss will be able to use present tense more fluently
- Understand and use some model sentences clearly, exactly
II. Language content
- The exercises of the simple present tense
I, The simple present tense:
- din t mt thi quen hin ti
Eg:She often goes to shool on foot.
- din t mt s tht hin nhin
Eg : The sun rises in the East.
* tobe : am ,is ,are
* to have: have ,has
* ordinary verbs :V ( inf )/V(s/es )
(+)I,you ,we,they,N(pl) +V(inf) / He ,she,it,N(s)+V(s/es)
(-)I,we,you they,N(pl)+dont +V(inf)/ He,she,it,N(s) +doesnt +V(inf)
(?) Do +I,we,you,they,N(pl) +V(inf)?/ Does +he,she,it,N(s)+V(inf)?
- always, usually, sometimes, occasionally, frequently, seldom, rarely, scarcel, never
- In the mornings
- every,once ,twice,three times
II. Excercise
1. Supply the correct verb form:
a. We seldom (eat) ___________________ before 6.30
b. The sun ( set) ______________________ in the West
c. It (be) __________________ often hot in the summer
d. She always (cook) _________________ in the morning.
e. My father usually (watch) _________________ the news at 7.00
f. What __________ you (do) __________ every morning?
g. She (not drink) _____________coffee. She (drink) ___________
h. We (be) ______________ in grade 8 this year
i. Liens mother (teach) ___________ Math in our school
j. Nam sometimes (go) ____________ fishing with his friends
k. We seldom (eat) ___________________ before 6.30
l. The sun ( set) ______________________ in the West
m. It (be) __________________ often hot in the summer
n. She always (cook) _________________ in the morning.
o. My father usually (watch) _________________ the news at 7.00

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
p. What __________ you (do) __________ every morning?
q. She (not drink) _____________coffee. She (drink) ___________
r. We (be) ______________ in grade 8 this year
s. Liens mother (teach) ___________ Math in our school
t. Nam sometimes (go) ____________ fishing with his friends
2. Turn these sentences into Negative and Question
a. We go to school every weekday
b. Lan play badminton every weekends
c. Hoa likes to read story books
d. Lien and Lan are in the same class
e. Bas father works in the factory
f. Tam studies English every Tuesday
g. They enjoy watching television
h. His mother cooks dinner for the family
i. Hoas mother goes shopping every Sunday
3. Write complete sentences in Simple Present, using the cues given
a. Lan/ usually/ read/ book/ recess
b. Ba/ seldom/ go / school/ bus
c. Her father/ ride / his motorbike
d. Nam / have / short black hair
e. She/ usually/ get up/ early
Week 2: The simple past tense
A. Form
I. ng t to be: was/ were
1. Th Khng nh
I, He, She, It, single noun + was
We, You, They, plural noun + were
2. Th ph nh
I, He, She, It, single noun + was not ( wasnt)
We, You, They, plural noun + were not (werent)
3. Th Nghi Vn
Was + he, she, it +..?
Were + you, they + ?
-> Yes, S+ was/were . No, S + wasnt/ werent
II. ng T Thng
1. Th Khng nh
I, You, He, She,It, We, They, .+ V2/ V-ed
Ex: We lived in Hue last year
She went to HCM City two days ago
2. Th Ph nh
I, You, He, She,It, We, They, .+ didnt + V(bare-infinitive)
Ex: We didnt live in Hue last year
She didnt go to HCM City two days ago
3. Th Nghi Vn

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
Did + Chu t + V(bare-infinitive) + ..?
-> Yes, chu t + did / No, chu t + didnt

B. Usages
1 . An acion that happened and finished at a specific time in the past.
Ex: He went to Ha Noi last summer
Mai left this city two years ago
Ex: Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music
* Adverbs:
Ago, Yesterday Last night/week/ month/ year. , In 1998, When I was young
C. Exercises
1. Write simple past form of the verbs
a. do- did
f. spend b. go
g. fly
c. tell
h. drink d. buy
i. swim e. give
j. sleep 2. Supply correct verb form : Simple Past
1. I (see) _____________ her last year
2. Hoa (meet) ___________ Lan two year ago
3. She (play) ________________ the piano last night
4. __________ you (watch) __________ TV last night?
5. The house (build) _______________ five years ago
6. Last night, I (go) ________________ to bed late. Suddenly I
(hear)___________ a
noise. I
(get)_________________ to see what it(be) ____________but I(not
see) _____________ anything
3. Complete the dialogues, using the simple past
1. A : How _____________________________?
B : I went to school by bus
2. A: Where did you go last summer?
B: ______________________________ Ha Long Bay
3. A : __________________________ in the supermarket?
B : I bought some beef and oranges.
4. A: What did you drink at the party?
B: __________________________ some Coca-Cola
5. A: __________________________ last night?
B: I slept very well

Week 3: Structure : (not)+ adj + enough + to inf

I./ Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not)+
adj + enough + to inf
1./ Mysister is old. She can drive a car. =>

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
2./ The radio isnt. You can put it in your pocket
3./ This coat isnt warm. I dont wear it in the winter =>
4./ She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World
5./ The weather was fine. We could go camping.
6./ The apples arent ripe. We can eat them.
7./ Mr. Robinson isnt rich. He cant buy a new house
8./ The worker is clever. He can make fine things from wood
II./ Reorder
1./ enough/ Jane/ stay/ to/ alone/ old/ isnt / at home
2./ enough / to be / is / in my class / Lan /old
3./ strong/ to lift/ enough/ that box/ I/ am
4./ easy / that questions / enough / is / for me / to answer
III. Multiple choice
1./ I ________ a letter from my old friend last week
a./ sent
b./ gave
c./ received d./ took
2./ He is ________ to ride his bike to school
a./ not enough old b./ enough not old c./ not old enough d./ enough old
3./ Her mother ________ this city two years ago
a./ left
b./ leaves c./ is leaving
d./ will leave
4./ He enjoys ________ to music while he is studying
a./ to listen b./ listen
c./ listening d./ to listening
5./ Bell was born ________ March 3, 1847
a./ at
b./ in
c./ on
d./ during
6./ The children are old enough to look after ________
a./ themself b./ them
c./ their
d./ themselves
7./ We ought ________ up early.
a./ get
b./ to get
c./ getting d./ got
8./ You should paint the house ________
a./ your
b./ yourself c./ myself d./ herself
IVGive correct verb form

1./ The sun ( rise) ________ in the East

2./ It (be) ________ often hot in the summer
3./ Most rivers ________ (flow) into the sea.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
4./Bees (make) ________ honey
5./ I (go) ________ to DaLat 5 years ago
6./ Tomorrow, she (hold) ________ a party
7./ They (travel) ________ to Nha Trang last month
8./ Nga and Hoa (see) ________ a movie tonight
9./ Sue can ( speak) _________ Chinese very well
10./ What _________ you _________ (do) next summer holiday

Week 4: Used to & Preposition of time

I. "used to"
Ex: He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day
* S + used to + infinitive
Ex: I used to play video game but now I don't
II. Prepositions of time: AT/ IN/ON
1 AT : + Gi
Ex: at 5 am , At 6 oclock
* At noon
* At night
At sunrise/ dawn
At sunset/
At breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
2. On: + Ngy
Ex: On Sunday
On the Sunday morning :
On February 8th 2000
3. In (Thng, nm)
Ex: In May
In 1989
* In the morning/ afternoon:
I. Choose the best correct verbs
1. Ill see you ____________ Sunday, April 1
2. Well arrive ________ 5 oclock _________15 September
3. It often rain ___________ May
4. What do you usually do _____________ the weekend?
5. They often go out for dinner ____________ Sunday evening
6. They got married ____________ December 1996
7. I saw him _____________ 1998
8. Do you often give each others presents ____________ Christmas Day
II. Complete these sentences with correct form of words
1. I was born ... January 1st 1965
2. When did you meet him? At . lunch to day.
3. It often rains ... October in Viet Nam.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
4. What are you going to do .. 2009?.
5. I dont know but Im going to go to college .... September this year.
6. Do you want to watch the sky . Sunset?
7. Sure and Id like to walk sunrise, too.
8. Well, lets go for a walk ... the weekends.
9. I dont know what hes doing .. this moment .
10. What did he do .. thi ninth of April, 2000?
3. Use Used to and didnt use to..
Ex: -travel/ donkey
-> People used to travel on donkey 200 years ago.
- not talk/ on the phone
-> People didnt use to talk on the phone 200 years ago.
1. believe in/ fairytales (chuyn thn tin)
-> People used to believe in fairytales 200 years ago.
2. think/ the earth was flat
-> People used to think the earth was flat 200 years ago.
3. not go to work/ by car
-> People didnt use to go to work by car 200 years ago

Ex1: Use Used to to describe the chages

a/ She always get up early in the morning.
b/There are many tall buildings in the city now
c/ People are much richer these days
d/ People take holidays abroad these days.
e/ People dont smoke a lot these days.
f/ People do exercise regulary these days.
Ex2 Wirte the questions. Use Did you use to..?
a/ In the past. I used to live in the countryside.
b. Yes, I used to have lots of friends.
c/ I used to go to the Vinh Loc School When I was 8.
d/ I used to go to the beach on my summer holidays.
e/ I used to plat tenis with my father last year.



Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng

1.1 .Modal :should (nn) Din t li khuyn

S + Should + V(inf)
1.2.Reported speech:
Dng din t lai hay k li mt s vic cho ai nghe
How to turn a directed speech in to a reported speech.
- i SAY sang TELL,ASK,ORDER,BEG,ty theo ngha ca cau
-B du hai chm, du ngoc kp, du chm than nu c sau PLEASE
-Chuyn i t nhn xng v tnh t SH
( +)D:
(please) +V + O/A >> S +SAID
Eg: <<please open the door>> he said to me
He told me to open the door.
Eg:<<Dont clean your shoes>> He said to me.
He told me not to clean my shoes.
D: <Would/could/can =you/I +v(inf) ?>s +said/asked
R: S+asked +o +toinf.
Eg:<<can you help me?>>Lan said to me
Lan asked me to help her.
D:<<S +should/had better +(not)+v(inf) +o/A>> S+said to +O
R: S +said +(that)+S +should(not) +v(inf)+O
Eg:<<you should clean your bike>>He said to me.
He said that I should clean my bike.
o S+adviced +o +(not)+toinf
I. Change into "Reported speech"
1. Mr. Brown told Ann, 'Please give me some food!'
Mr. brown asked
2. I said to her, 'Don't make noise in class!'
I told
3. Peter said 'Can you help me, Juan?"
Peter asked Juan
4. She told him "Don't swim the in sea!"
5. The tiger said to the farmer "Show me your wisdom!"
The tiger asked

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
6. They said to me "Don't drive too fast, please"

They told
7. He told me "Can you lend me your dictionary"
He asked
8. The man said "Please tell me the way to the post office"
The man told me
9. The teacher told us "Don't put your legs on the table"
The teacher ordered
10."Could you open the door, Linh!"
He asked Linh
1.1 Command
(please) +V + O/A >> S +SAID
Eg: Stand up, please ! Their teacher said
He told us to stand up.
1.2 Request
Would/could/can = you/I +v(inf) ?> S +said/asked
S+asked +O + to V-inf.
Eg: She told me please tell me the way to the market?
She asked me to tell her the way to the market
1.3 Advise
D:<<S +should/had better +(not)+v(inf) +O/A>> S+said to +O
R: S +said +(that)+S +should(not) +v(inf)+O
Eg: You should go to the dentist My mother said to me
My mother said that I should go to the dentist.
2. Excercises
1.1./ Put the following commands and requests and advise into reported speech
1./ Their mother said to them, Dont make so much noise
2./ The police policeman said, Show me your driving license, please
3./ The lifeguard said, Dont swim out too far, boys
4./ You should take a few days off The doctor said to him
5./ You should stay in beds for a few days He said to me
6./ You should take these medicines every four hours She said to me
7. Clean the floor, please! My teacher said
8. Learn by heart all the new English words,please! My teacher said
9. He said to her Could you read slowly, please !
10. Dont eat your dinner so quickly. He said to her.
3. Exercise 2

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
1. Ha said to Mai: Dont touch the electric wires
2. Please, dont tell anyone the news, Ha said to her sister.
3. Dont drive so fast Ha said to Minh.
4. Please remove your shoes before entering Ha said to Hang.
5. Ba, dont interrupt me when Im meditating Ha said to Ba.
6. First switch on, then wait for 2 minutes Ha said to Nhung.
7. Hanh, take the man to the cells Ha said to Tung.
8. Dont forget to write me a letter every week Ha said to her friend.
9. Ha said: Dont make so much noise, Hieu
10.You should go home early My teacher said to me.
III./ Put the following commands and requests in to reported speech (VI, P.38)
e.g: The teacher said to Tim, Com into my office, please
=> The teacher asked/ told Tim to come into her office
1./ Their mother said to them, Dont make so much noise
2./ The police policeman said, Show me your driving license, please
3./ The lifeguard said, Dont swim out too far, boys
IV./ Report the doctors advice to Mr. Robinson (VII, P.38)
1./ You should take a few days off => the doctor said he should take a few days off.
2./ You should stay in beds for a few days
3./ You should take these medicines every four hours

Week 9: GERUND
Gerund: ng t thm _ing c s dng nh danh t gi l danh ng t(Gerund )
V_ing + V-nf

I like dancing, but I dont like swimming

Gerund c dung lm tn ng trc tip ca nhng ng t nh: like, love,
hate,avoid, begin, consider, continue, enjoy, finish, mind, prefer, suggest, stop..
2. Excercises
2.1. complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets
a. Ba enjoys(go) the circus.
b. Nam doesnt like(play)football but he likes(watch).football matchs on
c. I hate(get up)early in the winter days.
d. My mother loves(talk)days when she was young.
e. My sister likes(decorate)..the house
f. After(learn) heart the new words, Hoa oftens writes them into her notebook.
g. Before(go).to bed. I often read a newspaper.
2.2 Gerund or infinitive? Complete the sentences usung the correct form of the verbs
in the brackets

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
a. Where do you want (go) ?
b. What have you decide (do0
c. Dont forget(send)me a postcard when youre on holiday.
d. You must stop(work).so hard. Its bad for you.
e. I dont mind(travel) train but I prefer(fly).
f. The weather was nice, so I suggest(go)for a walk by the river.
g. Have you finished(clean).the kitchen
- T gives class to practice
- Ss do and exchange the results
- T calls Ss to give the answer, others listen
- T remarks and corrects


1.1 . Quy tc chuyn t trc tip sang gin tip
a. Quy tc chuyn t li ni trc tip sang gin tip: li mt thi
Simple present > simple past
Present progressive > past progressive
Present perfect > past perfect
Simple past > past perfect
Past progressive > past perfect progressive
Simple future > would + V
Can/may/must > could /might/had to
b. Trng ng ch thi gian:
Today > that day
Tomorrow > the next day/ the following day
Yesterday > the day before/ the previous day
Last week > the week before/ the previous week
The day after tomorrow > in 2 days time
The day before yesterday > two days before.
Now > then
Ago > before
1.2. Cc chuyn i khc:
a. Questions with shall I> 4 loi sau:
About future event (s kin trong tng lai)
Shall we attend the meeting tomorrow, she said.
>She asked if they would attend the meeting the next day
Request for instruction or advice (Li hng dn hoc li khuyn)
Shall I read it, mother? ha said.
> He asked his mother if he should read it.
Offer to do something
Shall we bring you some new books? she said.
> She offered to bring me some new books.
Suggest to do something
Shall we go to the cinema tonight, he said.
> He suggested going to the cinema that night.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
b. Questions with Will you, would you, could you? (yu cu, ngh, mi)>
offer, invite, order, ask, told.
Will you come to my party tomorrow? he said.
> He invited me to come to his party the next day.
Could you get ready at 6p.m tonight? he said.
> He told/asked me to get ready at 6p.m that night.
Would you like some cigarettes? he said.
> He offered me some cigarettes.
Will you shut your mouth? he said.
> He ordered me to shut my mouth.




2. Bi tp: Chuyn nhng cu sau sang gin tip.

1. Shall I help you with the exercises? he said.
3. Will you have a drink? he said.
4. Do you often have breakfast at 6.30 a.m? he said
5. Do come in and have a drink he said.
7. Would you like to come to my birthday party next Sunday? she said.
9. Shall I do the cleaning up for you? he said.
10. Take your seat, he said. thank, I said.
- Ss do excercises in group. Then give the answer.
- T remarks and gives the keys
1. He offered to help me with the exercises.
2. He offered me a drink.
3. He asked if I often had breakfast at 6.30.
4. He invited me to come in and have a drink.
5. He invited me to come to his birthday party the following Sunday.
6. He offered to do the cleaning up for me.
7. He told me to take my seat and I thanked him.
*. Change into reported speech:
She said: I cant find my umbrella.

Tom said: My friend is coming next week.

3. We said: We shall overcome this difficulty.

The boy said to the neighbor: Im going on holiday tomorrow.

The teacher said : Youll have to finish all these exercises before next week.

Peter said: I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror.

Nam said I am told to be at school before 7 oclock.

Nam said
Lan said I will be very busy tomorrow.
Lan said
Thu said All the students will have a meeting next week.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng

Thu said
10. Phong said My parents are very proud of my good marks.
Phong said
11. My teacher said to me You should read these books.
My teacher told
12. Hoa said I may visit my parents next summer.


1. form:
S + Have/Has + Vpp..
S + Have/Has + NOT + Vpp..
Have? Has + S + Vpp?
2. Excercises
2.1 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect form the verbs in brackets.
a. I since 1989. (live)
b. They..for his factory for 20 years. (work)
c. He ..this novel three times.(read)
d. Hoa and me .each other we were at the same class. (know)
e. I her since last evening. (seen)
f. John England since yesterday. (be)
- T gives class to works in pair.
- Ss do the exercise.
- T calls, Ss gives the answer
- T remarks and gives the keys.Ss check their answer. And write down.
a. have lived
b. have worked
c has read
d. have known
e. have seen
f. has been
2.2 Complete the sentences. Put for and since in each group.
a. She has been in Vung Tau January.
b. Ha and Nam have seen this film .7 oclock.
c. I have send her 3 letters ..last week.
d. My sister has worked at that hospital.5 years.
e. I have known her.we were at elementary school.
f. Nam has became a footballer . 3 years.
- T gives class to do the exercise and then calls them to give the abswer
- Ss gives theie answer, T remarks and gives the keys.
a. since
b. since
c. since
d. for
e. since
f. for
2. Excercises.
2.1 Complete the sentences. Put for and since in each gap.
a/ Shes been in London..Monday.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
b/ Mike has lived in Hanoi.fours years.
c/ I have written to her..January.
d/ Weve not seen her .last week.
e/ My father has worked for that company..20 years.
f/ Theyve played football2p.m.
- T gives class practice in group.
- T calls some Ss to give the answer, others remark.
- T remarks and give the keys.
a. since
b. for
c. since
d. since
e. for
2.2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Use the present perfect.
a/ Look! Somebody(borke) that window.
b/ I cant find my pen. Somebody..(take) it
c/ Do you understand the text? No, I .(not read) it.
d/ I ..(buy)a new car. Do you want to see it?
e/ Where is your bike? Im sorry. My brother.(lose) it.
f/ She is looking for you.
- T gives Ss to do in pair and then calls them to give the answers.
- Ss give, T remarks and gives the keys.
a. has broken b. has taken
c. havent read
d. have bought e. has lost
f. have_gone
- Ss copy down.


2.1 Rewrite these sentences, using: (not)asas, the same as, different from.
a/ The weather is still cold today but yesterday it was colder.
The weather isnt(
b/ Im 14 years old and she is 14 years old, too.
She..(the same as)
c/ Your bag is made in Korea but my bag is made in Vietnam.
My school bag(different from.)
d/ Hanoi is older than HoChiMinh City.
HoChiMinh City .(not
e/ I had a grammar mistake in the English test. She had a grammar mistake,too.
She had.(the sameas)
f/ Hoas picture describes the river and Nams picture describes the sea.
Nams picture (different from).
g/ The examination was easier than we expexted.
The examination wasnt..(
h/ This book is big but that book is small.
That book ..(not as

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
i/ This red car is $ 50000 and that blue car is $ 50000, too. Oh! Its too expensive.
That car..(the sameas).
j/ DaNang is very large and it s more beautiful than my hometown.
My hometown is.(asas)
k/ That green ball is big but my ball is too small.
My ball.(different from)
- T gives class work in pairs and then calls them to do the exercise.
- Ss give the answer. T remarks and gives the keys.
a/ The weather isnt as cold as yesterday.
b/She is the same age as me.
c/ My school bag is different from yours.
d/ HoChiMinh city is not as old as Hanoi.
e/ She had a grammar the same grammar mistake as I did.
f/ Nams picture is different from Hoa s picture.
g/ The examination wasnt as difficult as we expected.
h/ That book is not as big as this book.
i/ That blue car is the same expensive as this red car.
j/ My hometown isnt as big as DaNang.
k/ My ball is different from that green ball.

Week 13: COMPARISION(Cont)

2.1 Write the comparative (short adj/long adj)
a/ old
b. difficult
c. large
d. strong.
e. far.
f. serious.
g. careful
h. pretty..
i. crowded..
j. bad
k. important
l/ good..
- T gives Ss to work individually.
- T calls Ss to give the answers. Others listen
- T remarks and gives the keys.
a. older
b. more difficult
c. larger
d. stronger
e. farrer
f. more serious
g. more careful
h. prettier
i. more crowded.
j. worse
k. more important
l. better.
2.2 Complete the sentences. Use the comparative.
a/ My car isnt very big. I wants a .car.
b/ This house is not very modern. I prefer house.
c/ You are not tall. Your sister .. than you.
d.Its not warm today. It ..yesterday.
e. Lao is not very large. Vietnam..

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
f/ People today are not polite. In the past they were.
g/ Hoa is not work very hard. I work
h/ Last night I went to bed.(early) . usual.
i/ The exam is qiuet difficult. It(difficult)we expected.
j. Is your headache better? No, It..(bad)
- T calls Ss to give the answers.
- T remarks and gives the keys.
a. bigger
b. more modern
c. is taller
d. is warmer than
e. is larger
f/ more polite
g. harder
h. earlier than
i. is more difficult
j. is worse.

Week 14:
I. Exercise 1
1. Complete the sentences. Use get/become and given adjectives
a/ The air in the city ..(polluted).
b/ Those house (modern)
c/ The streets in the village (clean)
d/ People in my hometown .(busy)
e/ Diamonds.(valuable)
f/ Im tired. I(hungry)
g/You should go on a diet. You.(fat).
h/ Computer.(important) in our life.
- T gives class to free work and then calls Ss to give the answers.
- Ss give, T remarks and corrects.
a. is getting/becoming more polluted
b. are getting/becoming more modern.
c. are getting/becoming cleaner
d. are getting/becoming busier.
e. are getting/becoming more valuable f. am getting/becoming hungrier
g. are getting/becoming fatter
h. is getting/becoming more important
- Ss copy.
2.2 Write 4 fours sentences to talk about the changes in your house.
- T guides Ss to do
- T calls, Ss write down the answers.
- T remarks and corrects.
II. Exercise 2
1.1 Put the verbs in the present progressive.
a/ We (have)a party next Sunday. Would you like to come?
b/ I (not go)...away for my holiday next month. Because Ive not got enough money.
c. She (travel).to VungTau on Saturday.
d/ Lan (come).tomorrow. What time..(arive)she..?
e/ They (build)..a new school in my village.
f/ Where are you? Nam? In thekitchen, I (cook )..meal.
- T gives class to work in pairs and then calls them to do

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
- Ss do, T remarks and corrects.
- Ss copy.
a. are having
b. am not going
c. is traveling
d. is coming
e. are building
f. am cooking
2.2 Complete the sentences.
a/ I/ wash / my hair/ now.
b/ The Sun/ shine
c/ She/ read/ magazine/ moment.
d/ You/ write / a letter? Yes, to my friend.
e/ Why/ you / run?. Because Im late.
f/ You/ feel / tired ? Yes, I feel hungry.
- T gives class to work in pairs and then calls them to do.
- Ss do, T remarks and corrects.
a. I am washing my hair now.
b. The Sun is shining.
c. She is reading a magazine at the moment.
d. Are you write a letter? Yes, to me friend.
e. Why are you running? Because Im late.
f. Are you feeling tired? Yes, Im late.


I. Form : Comparative and Superlative
S1 + be + adj_er + than + S2
more adj
S + be + the adj_est.
the most adj
II. Exercise.
- T gives Ss to do the exercise.
- T expalains the task and asks Ss to do
a/ This building is very old in my village.
b/ Youre 20. Shes 18.
c/ I can run very fast.
d/ She is very interesting person.
e/ In a year, today is very cold.
f/ Hoa is very intelligent student in my class.
g/ Diamonds are 50,000 USA. Gold is 45,000 USA.
h/ Nam is a weak student. Hung is a strong student.
i/ It was a very bad mistake.
j/ She is a very popular singer.
- T gives Ss to work individually. Ss do the exercise and exchange the results.
- T calls Ss to do
- T remarks and corrects. Ss copy down
a/ This building is the oldest in my village.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
b/ She is younger than you/ You are older than her.
c/ You can run faster than me.
d/ She is the most interesting person. Ive seen.
e/ In a year, today is the coldest day.
f/ She is the most intelligent student in my class.
g/ Diamonds is more expensive than gold./ Gold is cheaper than diamonds.
h/ Hung is stronger than Nam./ Nam is weaker than Hung.
i/ It was the worst mistake.
j/ She is the most popular singer.
Exercise: Write the comparative & Superlative of the ADJs




Week 16 + 17: Passive voice ( dng b ng )

Cu b ng c s dng khi ch t chu tc ng bi hnh ng ca ng t ( it
is used when the Subject is affected by the action of the verb.)
+ Cch chuyn i t cu ch ng sang cu b ng (How to change an active
Sent to a passive Sent )
Active :
V +
Passive :

be + Pp +



Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
a letter

a letter
is written
by me
Ch : S
Pp ___ Ved
- by people , by them , by someone .. c b i
a. Th hin ti n ( Passive Form in the present Simple.)
S + is / are / am + past participle + by + O
Ex: She buys a new hat yesterday .
A new hat is bought by her yesterday
b. Th qu kh n .( simple Past )
S + was / were + Pp + by + O.
Ex: She bought a new hat .
A new hat was bought by her
c. Th hin ti hon thnh .( present perfecr tense )
S + have / has +been + Pp + by + O
Ex: She has just bought a new hat
A new hat has been just bought by her
d. ng t khim khuyt (Modal verb : will, shall, can , could , may , might , could ,
should , have to / has to , ought to )
A : S + Mv + V( inf ) + O
P : S + Mv + be + Pp + by +O .
Ex : She will buy a new hat .
A new hat will be bought by her
e. Th hin ti tip din ( present progressive tense )
A : S + am / is /are + Ving + O
P : S + am /is / are + being + Pp + by + O
Ex : She is writing a letter
A letter is being written by her
f. Th qu kh tip din ( past progressive tense )
A : S + was / were + Ving + O
P : S + was / were + being + Pp + by + O
Ex : She was writing a letter at 8 oclock last night

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
A letter was being written by her at 8 oclock last night

I Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Mr Tuan delivered the speech yesterday .
2. Turn off the computer at night
3. I clean the floor everyday.
4. My mother bought this dress this morning.
5. She did this exercise tow days ago.
1. They send him abroad to study chemistry.
2. Nobody has used this room for a long time .
3. Someone has stolen my bike .
4. He has just received a letter from his parents
10 She will buy this house .
11 They are building my house .
12 Lan was making my new dress at this time yesterday .
1. People drink a great deal of tea in England.
2. Someone has locked this door.
3. Look ! Helen is carrying a basket of pears.
4. This team will win the prize by any means.
5. When she had taken off her coat , she hung it up.
6. The hot sun dried up the pools .
7. You may hand in the answers now.
8. By the end of the day the party will have set up the big tent.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
9. People have laughed at the joke for many years.
10. They heard him make an interesting remark .
11. I can assure you will arrange everything in time .
12. Why dont you have an optician test your eyes ?
13. Have you counted the money ?
14. Last night the visitors ate all the cakes.
15. They have brought most of these thongs from
London. .................................................................................
16. Tom and Bill are painting the fence over there. .
17. You must finish your homework before 9
oclock. .................................................................................
18. No one helped her to solve that problem .
19. Jane doesnt drink tea very often.
20. Someone had asked me to give a talk about my country.
21. Davids going to be given a big surprise.
22. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire.
23. Why was the house built so close to the road?
24. The old theatre is being pulled down .
25. People speak English all over the world.
26. I havent seen him for 3 month.
27. Who wrote this article ?
28. Nobody has used this bicycle for many years .
29. You have to give the book back .
30. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
31. Farmers cut rice during the harvest.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
32. You must give more care to your work .
33. I have seen that play three times.
34. No one like reading that book .
35. They are setting up a new theatre.
36. The smell of fresh paint greeted hundreds of pupils.
37. They have just seen the new teachers in the school yard.
38. He doesnt admire this actor.
39. Did the cartoon attract the children ?
40. They were selling tickets when the match started.

Week 18 + 19 + 20: Passive (Cont)

I. Change these sentences into passive forms.
1. They speak English all over the world.
2. He uses milk for making butter and cheese.
3. Does anyone answer my questions?
4. People always admire this picture
5. Her mother will take her to the hospital next week.
6. They made the fire in the traditional way.
7. The children are decorating the sitting-room.
8. Parents look after their children.
9. They made their friends feel comfortable at the party.
10. She cleans the floor twice a day.
11. We are doing our homework in the room.
12. He'll solve the problem soon.
13. He is writing a book on biology.

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
14. The teacher is explaining the lesson to the students.
15. They don't teach French in this school.
16. Nam can answer most of the questions
17. Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards.
18. Santa Claus gave children presents on Christmas Eve.
19. They don't grow coffee on this farm.
20. Do you often have bread and milk for your breakfast?
21. This boy broke my window last night.
22. We will meet him at the airport.
23. My father often buys me a math magazine on his way home every day.
24. Are the students doing the experiments in the laboratory at the moment?
25. They have known him well.
26. They will transport oranges from Valencia to Germany in a special crates.
27. You must do this work right now.

28. My sister didn't gave me a new pair of jeans on my fifteen birthday.

29. The workers are building a supermarket on our street.
30. You mustn't use this machine after 5:30 p.m.
31. Did people make jeans two hundred years ago?
32. We are going to grow flower in the front garden.
33. Have you learned English for three years?
34. How do they cook this kind of food?
35. What are the boys doing over there?

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
36. When I came, he was repairing the computer.
37. They will laugh at you if you wear that silly hat.
38. How do people learn English?
39. Where did you take these photographs?
40. No-one has seen Peter since last week.
41. My sister was doing her homework at the moment last.
42. We had to finish our work on time.
43. They have built that building for 3 months.
44. The students used to play marbles at recess when they were in grade 9.
45. They had had lunch when we came.

46. Hoa has just received her mother's letter.

47. They are going to join English speaking club tomorrow morning.
48. Are they planting trees in the garden?
49*. A painter painted our house last month.
We ..........................................................................................
50. My brother used to eat a lot of meat when he was a student.
51. Will you translate these instructions into Vietnamese for me?
52. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.
53. Did they win the games?
54*. The hairdresser is cutting my hair this afternoon.
55*. People say that John Wilson lives in New York.


Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng

Week 21 +22: Reported speech (Cont)

A. Quy tc chung
1. Direct speech(li ni trc tip ):l li ni ca mt ngi no c thutn li nguyn
Ex : Mary said to me our teacher will give us a test
2. Indirect speech(li ni gin tip ): l li ca mt ngi no thut li vi t v cch
ni ca ngi thut li nhng ngha khng thay i .
Ex : Mary said to me our teacher would give us a test .
3. Li ni trc tip hay li ni gin tip gm c hai phn.
+ mnh trng thut ( mnh chnh )
+ Li ni trc tip hay li ni gin tip .
Ex : Henry said :
Im studying law next year .
mnh trng thut
Li ni trc tip
Ex : Henry said (that )
he was studying law the next year .
mnh trng thut
li ni gin tip .
4. Mt s thay i khi i t cu trc tip sang cu gin tip .
a. i t lm ch t
He / She
they ,he , she
b. i t lm tn ng
him / her

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
them. her , him
c. i t s hu
his / her
their , her , him
* ng t tng thut c tc t : ch t ca cu trc tip c i theo tn ng ca
ng t tng thut .
Ex : He said to me You do the test very well
He told to me (that ) I did the test very well
Tom said to Mary : Its veru kind of you
Tom told Mary ( that ) It was very kind of her
* Ch t ca cu trc tip l ngi th ba s : She , He , It , They . th khi i
sang cu gin tip ta khng thay i .
Ex : He said : Shes a nice person
He said that she was a nice person
d.Thay i th : Khi ng t tng thut th qu kh n , thng thng ng t
ca cu trc tip i sang cu gin tip phi lui v qu kh mt th tng ng .
Direct speech
Indirect speech
Simple present
Simple Past
( am / is / are )
( was / were )
( V/ Vs / es )
( Ved / V2 )
Present progressive
Past progressive
( am/ is / are + Ving )
( was / were + Ving )
Have to
Ought to
ought to
* Khi ng t tng thut th hin ti n hay th tng lai n , th hin ti hon
thnh th cu trc tip i sang cu gin tip chng ta khng thay i th ( gi
nguyn th ca ng t trong cu trc tip ).
e. Mt s thay i khc .
Direct speech
Indirect speech
that day
the day before,
the next day , the following day
Last night
the night before
the week before
the month before

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
* Note : This / these + t ch thi gian
that / those + t ch thi gian
Ex : this morning
that morning
This / these + danh t ( noun ) the + danh t ( noun )
Ex : this book
that book
B. Cc dng cu .
1.Cu mnh lnh v cu yu cu .
Cu gin tip
Will you + bare inf + O..,please ?
S + asked + O + to inf + O / A
Can you + bare inf + O
, please ?
Please + bare inf + O
Would you like + to inf + O
Ex :Will you hand me a book ?
She asked me to hand her a book .
Ex : Clean the bike He said to Nam
He asked Nam to clean the bike
2.Mnh lnh ph nh ( negative commands )
Dont + bare inf + O / A ,please
S + asked + O + not to inf + O / A
Ex : Dont talk in class teacher said to the children
Teacher asked the children not to talk in class
3. Yes / No question .Khi i cu hi Yes / No question sang cu gin tip ta thc
hin mt s bc sau :
a. Dng ng t ask mnh chnh ( hay mnh tng thut )
b. Thm If hay Whether sau mnh tng thut, a cu hi v dng cu khng nh
( i vi ng t thng ta b tr ng t Do / Does )
c. Thc hin mt s thay i theo quy tc chung .
d. B du hi cui cu .
* Yes / No question vi ng t to be
is /am/are + S + C ?
S + asked + (O) + If / Whether + S + was / were + C
Ex : Are you late ? he said to me
He asked me If I was late
* Yes / No question vi Modal verb ( can , will , could .)
M.v + S + Vinf + O ?
S + asked + O + If / Whether + S + Mv + Vinf + O
Ex : Can you sing a song ? he said to me
He asked me If / whether I could sing a song
* Yes / No question vi ng t thng ( ordinary verb )
Do / does + S + Vinf + O ?
S + asked + O + If / whether + S + Ved / V2 + O
Ex : Does she buy a new book ? Lan said to me
Lan asked me If / Whether she bought a new book
4. Wh- question. Khi i cu hi Wh question sang cu gin tip ta thc hin mt s bc sau :


Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
a. Gi li t hi sau mnh tng thut, a phn cn li ca cu hi v dng cu
khng nh ( i vi ng t thng ta b tr ng t Do / Does ). Hoc vi ng t thng ta c th b ch t , tr t a ng t chnh v dng ng t nguyn mu c to
ni tip vo vi t hi
c. Thc hin mt s thay i theo quy tc chung .
d. B du hi cui cu .
Wh + be + S + C ?
Wh + do /does / Mv + S + Vinf + O ?
S + V +(O ) +
Wh + S + be + C
Wh + S + (Mv ) + V + O
Wh + to inf + O
Ex : Where is your bike ? he said to me
He asked me where my bike was .
What do you buy ?he said to me
He asked me what I bought
to buy
Ex Where is your bike ? he say to me
He asks me where my bike is .
What do you buy ?he say to me
He asks me what I buy
to buy

II. Chuyn Sang Cu Gin Tip

1. Please stop making noise , said Mrs . Lan .
2. Could you take these pictures to my room, Tan ? asked Nga .
3. You should concentrate on your study at school , said the teacher .
4. Please post this letter for me , said Mom .
5. Please give your parents your report card , said the teacher .
6. You should spend more time doing your homework , Tam said Mr. Nam .
7. Could you help me with English speaking , Ba ? asked Minh .
9. Can you wait for me here , Jerry ? Told Tom .
10. You should spend more time on English writing , Tim. The teacher told Tim .
11. Go out of here , children , The guard ordered .

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
12. You should not make noise in here . The teacher said .
13. Can you carry these chairs into the house ? Mrs. Lan asked me .
14. You should practice playing the guitar every day . The teacher said .
15. Please give the manager this document . The man asked the secretary .
16. Does your father work here ? She asked .
17. Do you live near your family , Tam ? The teacher asked .
18. Are you a foreigner ? She asked .
19. Are you in a hurry ? She asked .
20. Do you like having holidays abroad ? He asked .
21. Does your mother do the housework , Hoa ? Lan asked .
22. Are you hungry , Lan ? Nga asked .
23. Does your sister write for the Morning Star ? he asked .
24. Would you pass my suitcase, please ? he asked .
25. You should go to bed early. said Mom.
26. Could you lend me this book , Tom ? said Peter
27. I think it is going to rain tonight . Bob said .
30. Do many tourists visit Ha Long Bay every year , Mai? asked Lan .
31. Are you ready for the party , children ? asked Mrs. Lan .
32. You,d better ask his parents before doing this. I advised him.
33. I want to be a writer when I grow up , said Mary .
34. If you want to learn English , I can help you , John said .
35. Where are you studying ? Mr . Bruce asked .
36. Please call me at 6 o,clock tomorrow morning , said Mai .

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
37. Are you interested in this Language Center? asked Lan .
38. We will spend our holiday in Da Lat next month , said Mrs. Linh .
39. Do you live here ? Liz asked .
40. Where does your son want to learn ? the man said to Mr. Linh .
41. You must come today , Hoa said .
42. I do not understand what you are saying , Tom told us .
43. There is not any information about these colleges, Nam said .
44. Where are you working now, Nam? said Peter .
45. Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now? said Nam to me .
46. Are you leaving for Ha Noi tomorrow ? he said to me .
47. Frank said to me , We can still get tickets to the game.
48. I do not have enough for a drink , she said .
49. I will come with you as soon as I am ready , he replied .
50. I told Jenny , It is pouring outside.
52. Can the children get dinner at school? I asked him .
53. Do you see what I see , Mary? said the young man .
54. Are you going to see him off at the station? I asked her .
55. Is there a good art department at school ? he asked me .
56. Does this train stop at York? asked the old woman .
57. What time do you want to leave for the airport ? Harry asked me .
58. Do you realize what the time is , Steve? asked Chris .
59. Where will you come to see me this weekend ? She asked me .
60. I live here with my sister. Tom said to her .

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
61. Are you strong enough to bring this heavy bag? He asked me .
62. Can you speak English ? Mr. Brown asked .
63. What do you usually do in your free time ? the examiner asked .
64. Hoa said , I may visit my parents in Summer .
65. The teacher said We can collect old books for the poor students.
66. Where does your father work ? the teacher asked me .
67. Why do you collect waste paper ? She asked Ba .
68. How much does this dress cost ? Lan asked Lien .
69. What kind of books do you read ? Thu asked Huong .
70. Do you see somebody using my book ? Lan asked Thu .
71. John said "I have finished study my lesson"
72. "I cannot go to the movie with you tonight, John" Mary said
73. Johny said to his mother "I don't know how to do this exercise"
74. He said to her "You are my best friend"
Week 23 + 24: Revision
I. Change the following sentences into passive voice.
1. Mr Tuan delivered the speech yesterday .

2. Turn off the computer at night

3. I clean the floor everyday.

4. My mother bought this dress this morning.

5. She did this exercise tow days ago.

6. They send him abroad to study chemistry.

7. Nobody has used this room for a long time .

8. Someone has stolen my bike .


Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
9. 10. He has just received a letter from his parents

10. She will buy this house .

11. They are building my house .

12. Lan was making my new dress at this time yesterday .

II Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct rense.

1. She ( come ) . to France 2 years ago
2. I ( just send ) . the letter.
3. He ( work ). for that company for 5 years
4. I ( graduate ). from Hue University last year.
5. Tom (play ). football every afternoon
6. I (cook ) . in the kitchen when he came in
7. Mai ( attend ) . a meeting at the moment .
8. I ( help) . Him whenever he needs.
III Make complete sentences using the given cues.
1. you / send / letter / yet ?........................................................................................
2. Nile / longest / river / in / world .........................................................................
3. Hoa / salary / high / than / Tom/s ........................................................................
4. He / work / hard / order/ pass / exam ...................................................................
IV . Put the following verbs into the correct form- Ving or To- Inf.
1. She told me how (make ) the cake.
2. The man ( stand ) near the door is my brother.
3. Do you mind ( tell) me her address ?
4. My father decided ( go ) abroad
5. Could you please tellme where ( buy ) this book ?
6. Its difficult (do) this project ?
V. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
1. She was cooking the phone rang.
2. Would you mind I smoked here ?
3. Mary used be a good student.
4. Yesterday was hottest day during this month
5. I sat in the first row so to clearly hear his lecture
6. she asked me when depart .
IV. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box
Many people buy and use copied programs their coputer . This illegal of
computer software has become a huge industry because the software is much than
the original programs . Illegal solfware can be found on sale in any . of the world,
although it is more readily available in Asia in Western countries. Software .
have been trying to get goverments to stop this copying or pirating .
V. Choose the correct world in parentheses.
1. I was having dinner ( when / while / as ) my mother was cleaning the floor.
2. We are (delight/ delighting / delighted ) that you pass your final examation .

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
3. Would you like ( go/ to go / going ) to the cinema tonight ?
4. Thanks ( for / to / at ) inviting me to the festival.
5. Football is (play/ playing / played ) all over the world .
6. Mai asked Hoa ( whether / to / about ) she new Hoi An.
VI. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1.Mary ( find ) a five pound note while she ( walk ) to school yesterday
2. I ( just finish ) reading War and Peace .Its a brilliant book.
3. I (not be ) at work tomorrow ,Im taking the day off.
4. How long you (be ) .. a nurse .,Mss Lan ? For 5 years .
5. While Peter (drive ) . home late last night he ( run) . out off the petrol.
6. She always (get ) up early to study her lessons.
VII. Rewrite each sentence, beginging as shown , so that the meaning stays the same.
1. She invites me to the party.
2. Do many tourists visit Phong Nha Cave every year ,Lan ?Mai asked.
Mai asked Lan
3. I started playing the piano two years ago .
I have
4. I sometimes work on Sundays Huong said .
Huong said
5.They told him to stay home for three days
He was
VII. Use these key words to write meaning sentences .
1. It / not difficult / translate / this sentence/ English

2. You / mind / lend / me / dictionary ?

3. New bicycle /make / Japan / be / expensive .

4. you / see / film / Jurassic Park / yet ?

VIII. Complete each sentence with a correct preposition .

1. Can I help you . your bag ,Lan ?
2. We are looking forward to seeing you .June .
3. Today we went . an eight- hour tour
4. When I arrived . school , it began to rain .
IX. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
An increasing number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt . Last year , for
example , about one and a half million tourists visited Egypt . The population of Egypt is
about fifty million and the capital is El Qahira( Cairo ) , a busy city os just under nine
million people. Although the climate is hot nad dry and most of the country is desert , the
average temperature from Octobor to March is not too high. The most famous sights are the
pyramids at Giza.
1. Are there many visitors to Egypt every year ?

2. What is the climate in Egypt like ?


Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng

3. What are the famous sights in egypt ?

X.Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences .

1. Would you mind ( close / to close/ closing ) the window ?
2. The ambulance will be there ( in / at / for ) about 10 munites
3. We collect empty cans and bottles ( in order to / so that / for ) recycling .
4. John is interested ( in /on / at ) the history of Vietnam.
5. The boy ( to read / reading / read ) the book is Ba .
6. She hasnt finished the letter ( already / just / yet / never )
7. Lans studying hard . pass the final exam ( for / in order to so to , as to )
8. Its too cold outside . Would you mind. The window ? ( to close, close ,
closing , closed )
9. I am happy . all the exam ( passing , pass, passed, to pass )
10 The teacher .. to the principal is my English teacher .( talks . is talking , talking ,
to talk )
11. The bike .. in Japan is US$ 100( making, made , is making , to make )
12. We dinner when the phone rang ( are having, had , have had , were having )
XI . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
1. All the . in the debate had a chance to speak . ( PARTI CIPATE )
2. He is the only. that has not run this race before ( COMPETE)
3. Laszlo Biro . The pen- point pen ( INVENTION )
4. The of Christmas tree is indispensable at Christmas (DECORATE )
XII.Make the sentences from the words given.
1. Early this morning / children / decide / go / a run

2. Sydney opera / complete / 1973.

3. The road / join / two villages / be / narrow.

XIII. Put the verbs into the correct forms ( in active or passive )
Nylon ( invent ) .. in early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other
scientists ( work ) .. with his invention and finally on 27 Octorber 1938, nylon
(introduce )... to the world .It was cheap and strong and immediately ( become )
.. successful, especial in making old ladies stockings. During the Second World
War , it (use) .. to make parachutes and tyres.
Today ,nylon ( find ) .. in many things : carpets, ropes, seat bells, furniture,
computers and event space parts for the human body. It ( play ) ... an important
part in our lives for over 50 years . Next year, about 2.6 million tons of nylon ( manufacture )

XIV. Rewrite the following sentences , beginning as shown , so that the meaning stays the
same .
1. The window which was broken in the storm last night has now been repaired
The window
2. Do many tourists visit My Son every year Nam asked Lan
Nam asked Lan

Gio n Tng Bui Anh 8 Trng
THCS Qunh Thng
3. The French civil Alexandra Gustarve designed and built Eiffel Tower in 1889
Eiffel Tower
4 Could you send this letter for me ?
Do you mind
5. We learn English because we want to read English books .
In order to
6. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview .
I ..
7. Janets colleagues gave her a present when she retired .
8. Nobody told me that George was ill.
I wasnt
9. How much will they pay you ?
How much will you
10 . I think they should offer Tom the job.
I think Tom
11. Has anybody shown you what to do ?
Have you
12. The sister asked : Are you hungry , Tom ?
The sister asked
13. how do you go to school ? the old woman asked me
The old woman asked me
14 This is a machine which is used to wash clothes
This is a


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