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Haec classis est Latina prima!

C. Iulius Caesar

Course Basics
Teacher: Magister Garret Yeats Class: Latin I Period: 1st Period Email:

Class Rules
Bring all materials needed to class every day Raise your hand when answering or asking questions Respect to your fellow classmates Expect the best from me like I expect the best from you

Required Materials
2-inch binder Notebook for notes Notebook paper Black pens Pencils Note cards 7 Dividers Highlighters (3 different colors)

Required Skills
Patience A sense of humor Curiosity

Grading Policy
For the 6 Weeks: Readings: Participation: Quizzes: Notebook: Homework Bell Work: 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% For the Semester: 6 Weeks Grades: Semester Exam 75% 25%

I offer most of my assignments in a three-tier system, with slight variations to an assignment. The purpose of this system is to allow students the freedom in how they pursue their education and how they approach their studies. All three variations of the assignment fulfill basic academic requirements, and there is no penalty or punishment for choosing a particular tier. This system is offered to all students, and they may choose whichever tier they wish for any given assignment.

Course Description
Latin I is an introduction to the ancient Latin language. The main emphasis will be reading Latin texts, but speaking skills will also be involved of the course. The three biggest skills for reading Latin are vocabulary, grammar, and word order. One of the keys to basic language skills is that you have to practice it regularly. Even taking a few days off will make the course more difficult. Id recommend at least 15 minutes a day outside of class should be spent studying and reviewing your Latin. You can do this by going over vocab, rereading a passage weve read before, or if youd like, I can give you direction to find your own Latin to read! We will also spend a good deal of time learning about the culture of the ancient GrecoRoman world. This includes the gods and goddesses of Olympus (collectively called Greek mythology), daily life of the Romans, Roman history, and Latin literature as it has come down to us.

By the end of the school year, you will be able to:

* Read basic Latin sentences and paragraphs independently * Translate Latin into English and vice versa * Explain basic elements of Roman society * Compare your culture with Roman culture * Understand the nature of Greco-Roman polytheism * Explain the origins of the city of Rome * Explain the layout of Roman government * Discuss in detail the campaign of Hannibal * Communicate in simple Latin statements

Latina in Classi
In class, I encourage you to use as much spoken Latin as possible. You may substitute English at any time if you are having difficulty thinking of a word, a phrase, and ending, or whatever. You are free to make mistakes, as making mistakes is a natural part of language learning, and you will never be penalized for saying something incorrectly.

Late Work
I do accept late work. Unless otherwise stated (i.e., I tell you to hold onto your work so we may go over it together in class or work on it tomorrow), all homework is due at the start of class before the bell rings. The highest grade I give for late work is a 70. If you go on a school-related trip, it is your responsibility to get your homework before you go on a trip, and it is due the next time you are in class. If you are ill, you have 2 days for every day missed to make up the work. This being said, I am willing to negotiate on when assignments are due, provided there is a legitimate reason for it not being done. Talk to me as soon as you know a conflict arises, and youll have a better chance of me granting you an extension.

Extra Help/Tutorials
I have a tutoring schedule by my door that states when Im available for tutoring for which class. Students are allowed to come in any day of the week, even if it isnt the time given for their particular class. I do ask that students speak with me before coming to tutorials, so I know who I am meeting with and when I am meeting with them. Tutoring after school will last no more than 45 minutes - 1 hour. Morning tutoring starts at 7:45. I have also sent home a packet explaining how parents can help with the material from the course. I hope it proves useful. There are various links that can help you with your studies. I have set up a blog that includes such links, and what lessons are coming up:

Cheating and Plagiarism

Cheating will be dealt with seriously, resulting in a 0 for the participation for the week, the assignment plagiarized, and under no circumstances will I allow the compromised work to be made up. A letter will also be sent home that must be signed by a parent explaining what occurred. This is one of my biggest pet peeves: dont do it!

Tentative Weekly Course Schedule: First Semester

Week 8.22-8.24 8.27-8.31 9.4-9.7 9.10-9.14 9.17-9.21 9.24-9.28 10.1-10.5 10.9-10.12 Material Syllabus; Procedures; Caesar Dicit Pronunciation; Verb Endings; Nominatives Oblique Cases Masculine Nouns and Word Order Neuters and Forms of Sum Translation Review; Stories of Iuppiter Future and Imperfect Tenses Review, Iuno est
No School Monday End of the 1st 6 Weeks No School Monday


10.15-10.19 Sum and Possum 10.22-10.26 Third Declension Nouns; Venus est 10.29-11.2 11.5-11.9 Third Conjugation; Neptunus et Mars Verb Review; Apollo et Diana
No School Thursday End of the 2nd 6 Weeks

11.12-11.16 Demonstrative Pronouns 11.19-11.20 Unus Nauta Adjectives 11.26-11.30 Review; 4th Conjugation; Ceres et Pluto 12.3-12.7 Dionysius et Mercurius; Personal pronouns

12.10-12.14 Trojan War; Semester Exam Review 12.17-12.21 Semester Exams Christmas Break A second semester schedule will be sent home in January. Parents and students will be informed as soon as possible to any changes that occur to the syllabus, such as a change in grading policy or the scheduled readings.

For Parents and Guardians: I understand the policies and syllabus for this course. I have gone over these pages with my child and agree to support my child in these studies. Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parents Contact Email:

Parents Contact No.:


For Students: I understand the policies and syllabus for this course. I agree to observe all the policies in the classroom, and will, to the best of my ability, do my best in the class. I will keep my copy of this syllabi for future reference, and I will be held accountable for all information in this syllabus. Student Signature:


The student should keep this syllabus in their notebook for reference. Only return this form.

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