KPTCL Project

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Organization study is a part of MBA programme which a student has to undergo duringtheir course of study. It narrows the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical situations.Training makes a knowledge man into an experienced one. The principal objective of the study isto inter-relate the theoretical aspects with practical things that are moving in

industry, and studying the organization as a whole. No doubt that the necessary training will be imparted at the work place, but having a brief knowledge before entering an organization will certainly help the individual in learning about the organization quickly and to improve his performance for the betterment, as well as the betterment of the organization for the organization for which he is working.

Objectives of the study

To get the practical exposure in the corporate world. To have a proper balance between the theory and practical knowledge. To study origin, growth, vision, mission and status of the organization. To study the functional departments exist in the organization. To evaluate the effectiveness of the organization. To study the problem areas in the organization. To provide some valuable suggestion to improve the efficiency in theorganization

COMPANY PROFILE History of the Karnataka Power Sector The gears of enterprise in Karnataka powered nascent industrial activity as earlyas the year 1800, when the first sugar unit was set up. In 1902, Karnataka recorded another mega watt sized project first - Asias first Hydro Electric Power Station in Shivanasamudram,on the banks of river Cauvery.

In fact, Karnatakas pioneering spirit in the field of power has been translated into severalmajor milestones. Karnataka was the first to embark on Alternating current, when BangaloreCitys lighting scheme was completed. Karnataka had the longest transmission line in the world in 1902, from Shivanasamudram toKGF, covering a distance of 147 km. and Karnataka was the first state in the country to conceiveand set up a professionally managed Corporation to plan, construct, operate and maintain power generation projects in the state. Thats the legacy that KPCL started with and built on. KPCL an overview For over three decades, the Karnataka Power Corporation has been a prime mover andcatalyst behind key power sector reforms in the state - measures that have spiraled steady growthwitnessed in both industrial and economic areas. Right from the year of inception, in 1970, KPCL set its sights on growth from withinmeeting growing industry needs and reaching out to touch the lives of the common man, in more ways than one. KPCL today has an installed capacity of 5509.82 MW of hydel, thermal and wind energy, with 4000 MW in the pipeline. The 1470 MW Raichur Thermal Power Station located in Raichur distis accredited with ISO 14001-2004 certification for its environment protection measures. Froma n industry vantage point, KPCL has raised the bar on the quality of deliverables and i s constantly working at lowering the cost per megawatt - a commendable cost-value equation that has become a benchmark on the national grid. KPCLs stock in trade is industry proven well established in frastructure & modern, progressive management concepts and a commitment toexcel, helping it meet the challenges of the rising energy demands of Karnataka. The leverage point of KPCL initiatives are its resource management strengths right across planning, financing and project engineering. KPCL also has a high rating in terms of project completion and commissioning within the implementation calendar.

KPCL Mission & Objectives KPCL seeks to touch higher vantage points in the world of power engineering. Our formula for achieving this - start with a world class organization, build-in efficiency and costcontrol and ensure that progress is in harmony with the environment. Exploring, identifying and developing opportunities in power generation. Devising innovative ways of setting up and operating power plants. Investing in a resource base of technical competence, systems, processes and capability. Empowering people, work teams and the support network to achieve these objectives. KPCL Vision Ensuring energy security for Karnataka through diversified energy portfolio. Social Responsibility The corporation made a total contribution of Rs. 1.5 Crs to chief Ministers Relies fund during the year 2004-2005. Enhancement of knowledge and skill of employees through training. Voluntary implementation of best practices having regard to the regulatory tariff regime. High priority in compliance to environment laws, regulation and norms.

The power sector has registered significant progress since process of planned development of the economy began in 1950. Hydro-power and cost based thermal power has been the main sources of generating electricity. Nuclear power development is at slower pace,which was introduced, in late sixties. The concept of operating power systems on a regional basiscrossing the political

boundaries of state was introduced in the early sixties. In spite of the over all development that has

taken place, the power supply industry has been under constant pressure to bridge the gap between supply and demand.

Although electricity had been known to be produced as a result of the chemical reactionsthat take place in an electrolytic cell since Alessandro Volta developed the voltaic pile in 1800,its production by this means was, and still is, expensive. In 1831, Michael Faraday devised amachine that generated electricity from rotary motion, but it took almost 50 years for thetechnology to reach a commercially viable stage. In 1878, in the US, Thomas Edison developedand sold a commercially viable replacement for gas lighting and heating using locally generatedand distributed direct current electricity. The world's first public electricity supply was provided in late 1881, when the streets of the Surrey town of Godalming in the UK were lit with electric light. This system was poweredfrom a water wheel on the River Way, which drove a Siemens alternatr that supplied a number of arc lamps within the town. This supply scheme also provided electricity to a number of shopsand premises. Coinciding with this, in early 1882, Edison opened the worlds first steam-poweredelectricity generating station at Holborn Viaduct in London, where he had entered into anagreement with the City Corporation for a period of three months to provide street lighting. Intime he had supplied a number of local consumers with electric light. The method of supply wasdirect current (DC). It was later on in the year in Septem ber 1882 that Edison opened the Pearl Street Power Station in New York City and again it was a DC supply. It was for this reason that the generationwas close to or on the consumer's premises as Edison had no means of voltage conversion. Thevoltage chosen for any electrical system is a compromise. Increasing the voltage reduces thecurrent and therefore reduces resistive losses in the cable. Unfortunately it increases the danger from direct contact and also increases the required insulation thickness. Furthermore some loadtypes were difficult or impossible to make for higher voltages.Additionally, Robert Hammond, in December 1881, demonstrated the new electric

lightin the Sussex town of Brighton in the UK for a trial period. The ensuing success of this installation enabled Hammond to put this venture on both a commercial and legal footing, as anumber of

shop owners wanted to use the new electric light. Thus the Hammond ElectricitySupply Co. was launched. Whilst the Godalming and Holborn Viaduct Schemes closed after afew years the Brighton Scheme continued on, and supply was in 1887 made available for 24hours per day. Nikola Tesla, who had worked for Edison for a short time and appreciated the electricaltheory in a way that Edison did not, devised an alternative system using alternating current. Teslarealised that while doubling the voltage would halve the current and reduce losses by three-quarters, only an alternating current system allowed the transformation between voltage levels indifferent parts of the system. This allowed efficient high voltages for distribution where their risks could easily be mitigated by good design while still allowing fairly safe voltages to besupplied to the loads. He went on to develop the overall theory of his system, devising theoreticaland practical alternatives for all of the direct current appliances then in use, and patented hisnovel ideas in 1887, in thirty separate patents.

In 1888, Tesla's work came to the attention of George Westinghouse, who owned a patentfor a type of transformer that could deal with high power and was easy to make. Westinghousehad been operating an alternating current lighting plant in Grea Barrington, Massachusetts since1886. While Westinghouse's system could use Edison's lights and had heaters, it did not have am o t o r . With Tesla and his patents, Westinghouse built a power system for a gold mine i n Telluride, Colorado in 1891, with a water driven 100 horsepower (75 kW) generator powering a100 horsepower (75 kW) motor over a 2.5-mile (4 km) power line. Almarian Decker finallyinvented the whole system of three-phase power generating in Redlands, California in 1893.Then, in a deal with General Electric, which Edison had been forced to sell, Westinghouse'scompany went on to construct a power station at the Niagara Falls, with three 5,000 horsepower (3.7 MW) Tesla generators supplying electricity to an aluminium smelter at Niagara and thetown of Buffalo 22 miles (35 km) away. The Niagara power station commenced operation onApril 20, 1895. Tesla's alternating current system remains the primary means of delivering electrical energy to consumers throughout the world. While high-voltage direct current (HVDC) is increasingly being used to transmit large quantities of electricity over long

distances or toconnect adjacent asynchronous power systems, the bulk of electricity generation, transmission,distribution and retailing takes place using alternating current.

Growth of Indian power sector

Power developmentis the key to the economic development. The power sector has been receiving adequate priority ever since the process of planned development began in 1959.The power sector has been getting 18-20% of the total public sector outlay in initial plan periods.Remarkable growth and progress have led to extensive use of electricity in all the sectors of economy in the successive five years plans. Over the years (since 1950) the installed capacity of power plants (utilities) has increased to 109092 MW (2004-05) from 1713 MW in 1959,registering a 63 fold increase in 54 years. Similarly, the electricity generation increased from about 5.1 billion to 440 billion units 86 fold increases. The per capita consumption of electricityin the county also increased from 15 KWH in 1950 to about 395 KWH in 2004-05, which isabout 26 times. In the field of rural electrification and pump set energization, country has made atremendous progress, 88% of the village have been electrified except far flung areas in NorthEaster states, where it is difficult to extend the grid supply. Generation mix The share if hydel generation in the total generating capacity of the country hasdeclined from 34% at the end of the sixth plan to 29% at the end of the seventh plan and further to 25.5 percent at the end of eighth plan. The share is likely to decline ever further unless suitablecorrective measures are initiated immediately. Hydel power projects, with storage facilities, provide peak time support to the power system. Inadequate hydel support in some of the regionsi s adversely affecting the performance of the thermal power plants. In western and Easternregions, peaking power provided by thermal plants, some of which have to back down during off peak hours. Emergence regional power systems In order to optimally utilise the dispersed sources for power generation it was decided right at the beginning of the 1960s that the country would be divided into 5 regions andthe planning process would aim at achieving regional self sufficiency. The planning was so far based on a

region as a unit for planning and accordingly the power systems have been developedand operated on regional basis, strong integrated grids exist in all the five regions of the countryand the energy resources developed are widely utilised within the regional grids.Presently, theEastern and North-Eastern regions are operating in parallel. With the proposed inter-regionallinks being developed it is estimated that it would be possible for power to flow any where in thecountry with the concept of National Grid becoming a reality during 12Th plan period.

Private Sectors The initial response of the domestic and foreign investors to the policy of private participation in power sector has been extremely encouraging. However, many projects haveencountered unforeseen delays. There have been delays relating to finalisation of power purchasea greements, guarantees and counter guarantees, Environmental clearances, matching tr ansmission networks and legally enforceable contracts for fuel supplies. The shortfall in the private sector was due to the emergence of a number of constraints, which were not anticipatedat the time the policy was formulated. The most important is that leaders are not willing tofinance large independent power projects, selling power to a monopoly buyer such as SEBsdonot pay for electricity. Uncertainties about fuel supply arrangements and the difficulty i n negotiating arrangements with public sector fuel suppliers, which concern penalties for nonperformance, is another area of potential difficulty. This important to resolve these difficultiesand revolve a framework of policy which can ensure a reasonable distribution of risks whichmake power sector projects financially attractive. The capacity addition programmed for the 9th plan envisaged around 17588MW to be added by private generating companies. In order toachieve the targeted private sector capacity addition during the 9th plan, the following additionalfacilitating measures have recently been suggested by the promoters. Most of these have beenaccepted while some of them are under the consideration of the government. Objectives of the power sector


ly sustainable power development.

PRODUCT/SERVICE PROFILE: The study is conducted in Karnataka Power Corporation limited, which has generatingthe power as its product. The firm is providing the service of power with out which lightening isnot possible. Now a days power is very essential in all the activity of life of human beings. KPCL is a monopoly producer of power in Karnataka state. The corporation is generatingthe power by Hydro, wind and coal. It is really very expensive to generate power. Because itneeds constructed dam for Hydal power generation, generators, plants, which incur hugeinvest ment, it also costly in the case of wind and coal. At present KPCL producing at 70%through hydro, 20% by coal and 10% by wind.

The power generated by KPCL is sold KPTCL (Karnataka Power TransmissionCorporation Limited). As per data collected the corporations is generating power capacity is19713 million units. The generated power can not be saved and sold some days later, it should besold out while generating. Power is sold with the help of the gridlines, transforms & other power supply tools. At present KPCL is using modern techniques of power generation. In addition to this thecorporation is training their employees regarding the power generation techniques. The KPCL has more than 20 projects. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION This is one of the cheapest ways to electricity, the kinetic and potential energy of runningwater being harnessed to drive generators. However, it is limited to mountainous region wherefast rivers flow. A fairly large difference in height is required to produce enough force in heflowing water to turn the water wheels to which the generators are connected.

Early installation had vertical water turning the machinery. Modern plants use verticalgenerators mounted on horizontal water wheels. These generators of the synchronous salient pose type are

of very large diameter (30 to 40) feet and have a large number of poles (up to 60)depending on the speed of rotation (usually from 100 to 600rpm). The required head of water obtained by constructing a dam across the river, usually at its steepest point to make maximumuse of height. A reservoir forms behind the dam, so that a constant head of water is obtained.This water form the reservoir is carried through underground ducts and they directed against thegenerators are usually mounted in the range 6.6 to 15 KV. The exciter set on top of the maingenerator provides the low voltage, high current D.C required to set up the magnitude field in themin generator. Transformers situated just outside the powerhouse raise the voltage to the longdistance transmission level of 275 to 400KV. These plants are cheap to run, for this only a small staffs is required. However, the initialcapital is enormous since dam construction is a major civil engineering feat. Suitable sites for hydro electricity transmission lines must be added. However, these stations have a long life up to5 years. THERMAL POWER STATION Thermal power stations were the best energy, which is converted in to electric energy and provide the majority power generation at present. The main is advantage is that they can be sitedwhere needed thus saving on the cost of the transmission lines. However, high cost of fuel (coal,oil or gas) is incurred. In operation, fuel is burnt to heat the water in the boiler, which then produces steam atvery high pressure (up to 5000 Ib/sqare Inc) and temperature (1100 f). This steam is directed onto blades of high-speed turban, which is connected to the generator. The steam is condensed thenthe water is return to the boiler, thus forming a closed cycle. This condensed is required largecooling tower of external water (15 million gales/hour for a 300 MW station) or large coolingtower. These sites must be chosen near the river or where the unsightly cooling tower will notdetract from the surrounding. The generation are of 2 cycles pole construction rotating at 3000rph again the voltage output varies between 6.6 to 33KV, the machine rating the higher thevoltage used. The excited set is again amounted on the shaft. Large amounts of heat are produced is important fans mounted each end of he rotor circulate air or hydrogen gas. Hydrogen is better cooling medium then air and also only and fourteenth is its densities. Thus less power is required to circulate. Recently liquid cooling is using oil or water as being adopted. Liquid are far superior to gases for

cooling, water being 50 times better then the air. Thermal stations are not particularly efficient, the overall figure about 38% of the thermal power being put into plant fromthe fuel is available as electric energy. The main limitation is the boiler design, the generators being up to 90% efficient. WIND POWER STATION It is also one type of power generation where KPCL produce power by using the wind.This form of power generation contributes only 1% of total power generation. Ex:- Kappatagudda wind farm DIESEL POWER STATION A diesel generator is the combination of a diesel engine with an electrical generator (often called an alternator) to generate electric energy. Diesel generating sets are used in placeswithout connection to the power grid or as emergency power-supply if the grid fails.KPCL has 6 units and 21.32 capacity in MW, total installed capacity is 127.92. this typeof power generation is very costly, it costs nearly Rs.10 per unit and used only for emergency purpose. KPCLs Diesel power station is situated in Yelahanka. Ex:- Yelahanka Diesel Generating station. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Grouping of activities is an essential step in designing an organizational structure.Grouping of activities into departments or other homogeneous units is known asdepartmentation. Departmentation is the process of grouping tasks into jobs the combining of jobs into effective work groups into identifiable segment or departments.In Prateeks activities are grouped into different functional units. Each major functionof the enterprise is grouped into different department. This can also be studied as a separatefunction. Departmentation based on functions is a simple form of organizing the activities.Specialization of department promotes the excellence in performance. It lead to improve planning and control of key functions and ensure economy.

Board of director???????????org structure ???????

Powers of the Board To authorize the corporation for undertaking of work of a capital nature. To pay and change to the capital amount of the company and any interest law full payable. To act on behalf of the company in all matters relating to bankrupts and insolvents. To open any account or accounts with such banks as the board of directors may select or appoint. To appoint or remove or suspend such managers, secretaries, supervisors, clerks, agents and servants or permanent or temporary as they fit. To establish any board or agency for managing any of the affairs of the company in any locality in India or elsewhere. To appoint any person to be the attorneys of the company. No member shall be entitled to visit or inspect works of the company without permission of directors in the nature of trade secrets, trade mystery and secret process. Introduction The functional areas of Karnataka power Corporation Ltd are divided into categories. They are Production department, Human Resource department, Finance department, Marketing department, Environment department and, Computer department Finance is the main source of every business. Finance department of Karnataka Power Corporation ltd involves managerial activities concerned with procurement at low cost and utilization of funds for business purposes the financial manager deals with planning, organizing, directing and controlling financialactivities of

the enterprise Production is also an important work in every manufacturing unit. Karnataka Power Corporation ltd have latest technological machineries so that the production process can be done easily. The HRD department of the company is well structured and employees are getting good benefits and this is one strategy of the company to increasethe productivity. Lastly, Marketing department of the company is helping the organizatio n inincreasing the dealers and customers through their marketing strategies and campaigns and promotional activities. This is all about functional departments. Let us know each department in depth. the all the Departments detailed information. o carry out the easy work. place.


Finance department is very essential for any organization to be set up. It is the backbone of any organization. Similarly the finance department plays a vital role in the set up and running of KPCL. Chief accountant manager and chief finance manager works under the direct control of finance Director at KPCL. Other top executive in the finance department are executive (Finance), divisional officer (Finance), accounts officer, assistant officer, senior assistant(Accou nts) and assistant (Accounts).The chief finance manager and accounts manager handle various

activities in the finance department. Each of them has their tasks cut out systematically in these areas. In KPCL, finance and accounting department is subdivided into 11 sub departments. Salary department Cash department Bills department Budget and costing department Consultancy department Provident fund department Monthly and annual accounts department Debt servicing department Ongoing project department Taxation department Pension department Its brief explanation as follows:

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited Salary Department In KPCL salary department looks after the advances to employees salary payable to the employees. Salary department calculates the salary of employees, on the basis of information given by the Human Resource department regarding the employees attendance, leave, leave not sanctioned, under salary amount deduction made in respect of provident fund, tax, and remittance

charges, recoveries for advance. Salary department credit net salary amount and

reimbursement of Medical and Electricity charges amount to employees bank account by issuing cheques. Cash department The cash section is responsible for all receipts and payments of cash, cheques, etc., and accounting the same in the books of accounts. KPCL provided 150 corers as working capital to cash department, to carry out its transactions. If need arises beyond 150 corers, it requires to get permission from senior executive of finance. The functions of Cash department are: Operation of Bank accounts. Withdrawal of cash from bank, to cater for daily needs. Payment of voucher by cheques / cash Cash disbursement to salary department for payment of salaries, wages and other payments. Writing of cash / bank books. Preparation of Bank reconciliation statement. Safe custody of cash, cheque book, revenue stamp & other documents like bank guarantees, fixed deposit receipts and investment etc. Reconciliation of inter transfer of funds transaction.

Bills department Bills department concerned with the verification of bills relating to expenses after verification, the bills will be sent to cash section for payment. Bills department ensure that the bills amount are not exceeds the budgeted amount. If bill amount exceeds the budgeted amount, the bill department is not having power to process the bill, in that case managing director has power to process the bill. In the department bills are divided in to two types. 1. Major bills. 2. Minor bills.

Major Bills Major bills stands for amount payable for suppliers to supply goods to the power generating units according to the predetermined agreements. Agreement is made on Rs. 100/ stamp papers. In case of delay in supply of goods, penalty of 10% on the purchase work is demanded. 80% of the payment will be made during the agreement, if the goods are being transported by railways. In case, goods are transported roadways, payment will be made only on receiving the goods, at the site, the quality and quantity of goods are verified and inspection report will be sent to the bills section. In bills section the terms and conditions based on the agreement are verified and if they are found to coincide with inspection report, then the bills will sent to cash section for payment. If C -form is producing or submitted the right of royalty and exercise duty would be 4%, otherwise 12%. C-form is issued only after receiving the goods. Minor Bills The minor bills include: Payment of interest of loan, debenture, repayment of loan amount and debenture. Payment of rent, telephone bill, office expenses printing and stationary, computer maintenance expenses. Payment of directors fee and remuneration. Reconciliation of balance of head offices with Banks. Budget department Budgeting is nothing but the blue print of the future needs of the company. Budget refersto forecast of future need. KPCL involves two types of Budget.


Revenue Budget The revenue budget mainly focuses on the sales revenue and the associated costs to generate the power. The power generation is budgeted on the basis of average of last ten years sales and expenses on the basis of previous year actual and estimation received from different departments. Establishment and general expenses. Operation and maintenance. Fuel and chemicals. Royalty paid for water use. Financial charges the outstanding loans. Depreciation. Cash budget It is helpful in estimating each requirement, planning short term financing and scheduling payments in connection with capital expenditure project, planning purchase of materials. Consultancy Department KPCL today has the capability to undertake large scale power projects from concept to commissioning. It can also operate the plant on an EPC basis, with a host of exclusive auxiliary services. KPCLs Consultancy and Engineering Services Division, an offshoot of its core competency, offers its clients a wide spectrum of consultancy inputs across the complete cycle of power project development. It has the expertise in analysis and design of structures using STADPRO 2006, NISA Finite Element package, AUTOCAD 2006, micro station and in house developed software packages for reservoir operation, Stability of Dams etc.

These include Feasibility studies / evaluation and the compilation of detailed project reports Design, Engineering, procurement and construction services Consultancy on both Thermal and Hydel Power Stations, including handling of international competitive bids Project Management from project scheduling to preparation of final invoice andcertification. Supervision of erection, commissioning and operation of civil, electrical, mechanical systems and equipment. Operation and maintenance services, Rehabilitation of dams in distress Renovation, modernization and updating of hydro stations Overall project and performance management. Provident Fund department Karnataka power corporation Ltd employees contributory provident rules. These rules shall come in to force from 20th July 1970. The fund shall be deemed to have been established on and from 20th July 1970. The regional provident fund commissioner decisions final regarding interpretation of any rule and it must be carried out by both the trustees and the member of the fund. Pension department The employee pension scheme 1995(statutory). The central Govt established THE EMPOLYEES PENSION SCHEME 1995 through the employees provident fund andmiscellan eous provision Act 1952. This scheme shall come into force on 16th day of November 1995. Internal Audit Department

Internal Audit in KPCL a statutory requirement as per GOI order of 1975 was established in KPCL in 1977 was earlier under the charge of financial adviser for a quite long, but now not exist separate wing since 1986 is headed by chief manager (internal audit) and report to MD KPCL has 5 audit units. Insurance department Insurance is a service of an undertaking taken in order to overcome or set off the losses or damages while operating the business. In order to cover the risk and maintenance KPCL has taken outinsurance policy with many companies. The risky projects among all power generating project are RTPS in order to cover all those risks while operating all those insurance policies covered under RTPS can be classified: 1. Maintenance Standard fire and special perils. Boiler explosion policy. Terrorism. 2. Construction.

Hr dept

KPCL believes that its true investment lies in its workforce, and their happiness lies in t h e future of KPCL, it therefore strives to make every effort to promote a work culture that enable an employee to give his very best. Employee participation in decision making negotiations has enabled the employee to develop a sense of belongingness and in turn contributes to the progress of the organization. A high

professional approach to recruitment, induction, on the job training appraisals and proper channels of promotion help KPCL get personnel of the finest quality. Human resource department concerned with managing/developing people. As theorganisation is made up of people, they should be managed/ developed to attain higher level of performance this can be done by developing their skills and motivating them. This helps the organization to achieve its objective. KPCL has a dedicated of 2287 professionals, which share the vision of the KPCL technocrats, administrators and supporting staff of KPCL joining hands to give more power to Karnataka.


HRD MISSION A congenial work environment supportive of high performance leading to attainment of HRD in KPCL. Maintaining optimum Staff level nurturing and developing talents, trust, empowerment, concern for people and reward and key elements of congenial work environment which is dynamic. KPCLs strength is its people. In its journey to achieve excellence, KPCL is focusing one very aspect and area of work with the trust area being the development of its human resource Functions of the Human Resource Department: RECRUITMENT:

It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. It is the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. Online Recruitment: 200 Engineers recruited in 2005 Website notification. About 4500 applications received online. Written test through IIsc. Interview/selection finalized in about 3 months.

TRAINING Every year the corporation the training program for the benefit of the employees and the company. During the year 2008-09 in house and external training 92 programs were conducted totally 1151 employees consisting of 1031 corporate and 120 non-corporate cards benefited from the training was Rs.41.07 lakhs.

IN-HOUSE TRAINING PROGRAMMES Corporate excellence through co-operation and collaboration. Company a/cs and accounting standards. Performance management. Managing conflict for organization excellence. Total quality management. Motivating and goal setting. BPR and bench marking. Attitudinal shift through self development.

EXTERNAL TRAINING PROGRAMMES National seminars on utilization of fly ash. Earthquake resistance design of dams. Renewable energy source and energy audit.

National seminar views of the future civil engineering in 21st century. Role of energy efficiency in the Indian energy sector. Seminar on instrumentation engineering practice, team and research. Conference on the condition monitoring of plant and equipment. International conference on civil engineering.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL To ensure greater objectivity in appraising the performance of employees and also taking in to account the present day practices in professionally managed organization, KPCL decided to introduce a new system called performance appraisal and development system in the corporation. The PADS will apply to all the employees in the corporation cards.

In KPCL once in year the performance appraisal will be sent to the entire department inorder to know the appraisal of employees. It will be measured by immediate supervision, reviewing authority and accepting authority.

TRANSFER Transfer of an employee from one place of work to another place of work or one job to another job is ordered primarily in the interest of the service of the corporation. Request of anemployee for transfer is given consideration and acted upon if it is in consonance with the interest of the service of the corporation. Transfer also aims at rotation of employees amongrelate jobs of the discipline to which the employee belongs, thereby enabling the employee toacquire wider knowledge and experience in the discipline. Transfer and non-transfer, however isnot a matter of right for any employee.KPCL has right to transfer any employee from one place to another place with in the country.Transfer may arise due to: Administrative grounds suitability Higher studies

Medical grounds Joining spouse RETIREMENT The corporation has multiple schemes of retirement benefits of its employees, majority of employees retiring under the pension and allied schemes, few employees retiring under contri butory provident fund schemes prevailing them, a scheme exempted. WELFARE ACTIVITIES The HR Department is in charge of all the welfare activities in the organisation. Thewelfare activities under taken by KPCL are: School recreation, club. House journal. Libraries and reading rooms. Sports and games. Consumer co-operative society. Literacy programmes. Canteen. Medical facilities. Cultural activity LOANS House building / purchase / repairs improvement and extension advance may be grantedto the employees of KPCL for his bonafide, residential purpose only. Vehicle advance to the employers and employees.

Festival advance to the employees of the corporation. Loan assistance for the personal computer.. SAFETY MEASURES Providing conveyance and other facilities to the employees involved in the accident whileon duty or service. Accidents resulting in minor injuries / service injuries. Fatal accidents while on duty. Death of employee while on service. Lost homage. Free conveyance. Retention. PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT For a power Generation Company a good production team is necessary. KPCL is havinga very good production department with highly skilled labour. They recruit experience pro fessionals. They upgrade technology on a continuous basis. KPCL gives them adequatetraining in order to update them with latest techniques and with new skills. These productionteams are placed at project sites with adequate facilities. Today KPCL owns and operates 34Dams and nearly 25 Power houses. These are four type of power generation by KPCL and they are:1.THERMAL: In this type of power generation KPCL produces the power by using coaland fuel as raw material. At present RTPSs (Raichur Thermal Power Station) 8 th unit,BTPS (Bellary Thermal Power Station) thermal plants are under construction. KPCL hasmany track records in Thermal power production. In these case KPCL is well known inAsia and world this form power generation contributes 31% of total power generation.Ex: RTPS which have 7 units.

2.HYDEL: In this case KPCL produce the power by using the water as raw material it hasconstructed 34 Dams for Hydel power generation. This form of power generationcontributes 68% of total power generationEx: sharavathi valley project, kalinadi hydro electric project 3.WIND: It is also one type of power generation where KPCL produce power by using thewind. This form of power generation contributes only 1% of total power generation Ex:-Kappatagudda wind farm. 4.DIESEL POWER STATION: - A diesel generator i s t h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f a d i e s e l engine with an electrical generator (often called an alternator) to generate electric energy.Diesel generating sets are used in places without connection to the power grid or a s emergency power-supply if the grid fails. KPCL has 6 units and 21.32 capacities in MW, total installed capacity is 127.92. this typeof power generation is very costly, it costs nearly Rs.10 per unit and used only for emergency purpose. KPCLs Diesel power station is situated in Yelahanka. Ex: - Yelahanka Diesel generating station KPCL currently has 34 dams & 25 power stations across the State with profiles that range from0.35 MW to 1035 MW.The total installed capacity logged by KPCL is 55739.83 MW across a project canvas that coversexpansions, renovations and upgrading of existing plants. .

MARKETING DEPARTMENT KPCL directly sells power to the particular customer that is KPTCL, it is a sub part of the KPCL. KPCL generates power directly sells to the KPTCL (Karnataka Power TransmissionCorporation Ltd). Its carries out transmission of power, thus KPCL no need to c a r r y o u t marketing its power generated.

Its producing of the demand offered by the KPCL, it fulfilling market demand by joining hands with central government, Private organisation and other companies.Within the KPTCL zone power is supplied to the households, commercial establishment,industries etc, and other government under takes namely: BESCOM- Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (HQ in Bangalore) MESCOM- Mangalore Electricity Supply company (HQ in Mangalore) GESCOM- Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company (HQ in Gulbarga) HESCOM- Hubli Electricity Supply Company (HQ in hubli) CESCOM- Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Company (HQ in Chamundeshwari)


In KPCL, whole organisation is computerised. It is the first state utility in the power section to have establishedcomputerised satellite communication network, through V-SAT.LAN is established at office in Bangalore and at all project sites. LAN is used for E-mail, filesharing, and printing of document, internet, and application software. The computerisation includes latest software like Auto-CAD, Oracle, developed 2000, Windows NT, Server etc. Thesoftware developed with in KPCL deals with Finance, Administration, Design, MIS, PublicDeposit, and Provident Fund. MIS plays a vital role in KPCL, as information is required for any company to set up andalso to work. In 1996, KPCL started a full-fledged computer services department, there are 18 projects at Bangalore carried on by KPCL employees; so, in order to cater to all of them system department was organised.There 13 system engineers and 8 computer engineers catering according to KPCL. Wide Area Network (WAN) has been installed connecting 9 projects withuse of V-SAT at Bangalore. LAN is also been installed at all project locations at Bangalore.There are around 750 computers in the organisation at Bangalore. The whole

organisation iscomputerised. All the projects are automated and they go online to rectify the problems in the project. They train their staff whenever required, i.e. when the technology is being updated.The Hi-Tech V-SAT network apply called SHAKTHINET was commissioned during June 1997.

KPCL is a highly IT Savvy company among the public sector units in the state at largeand power sector in particular and has the distinction of being the first state owned company inthe power sector to have established SHAKTINET - a satellite based communication network through V-SATs among all its power stations and Bangalore. Local Area Networks have beenestablished at all Project locations and about 800 officials have been wired to corporate office with reliable VSAT back bone. All the activities of the corporation are computerized and KPCLhas the unique distinction among power utilities of establishing voice and data communication between its projects and Bangalore through the new generation DAMA V-SATS on KPTCLs"VIDYUTNET". The computer services department of KPCL with fully dedicated engineers andsoftware professionals has developed and implemented all the software required for its businessactivities and is geared to offer consultancy services in the field of software development and networking.

Some of the software developed in-house are: Fuel Management system Human resource Information System Cash and Compilation Management system Establishment Integrated Inventory Management System Public Deposit System Generation Management System Billing software for Bellary Thermal power station Medicine Procurement system

New Initiatives Established 2 MBPS MPLS circuits between Bangalore and two of its major projects viaRaichur Thermal Power Station and Bellary Thermal power station for speedycommunication Extension of the above facility to other project locations in the near future. Established Video Conferencing facility at Major project locations. Exploring possibilities of establishing SCADA facility at corporate office, Bangalore for real time data monitoring. Providing reliable communication facility at major project locations through Fiber Optic Cablingusing state of the art technology.The computer services department has set for itself very high standards and firmly believes that"It is not the IT Infrastructure of a few crores that needs to be managed but the business that getstransacted over the network that needs to be managed".

ENVIRONMENT DEPARTMENT We have not inherited the earth from our parents. We have borrowed it from out children. Believing in this credo and translating this belief into action, KPCL is constantly andconsciously striving to return to the environment whatever the organisation borrows from it.While carrying out its primary task of power generation, KPCL has also adopted a definite policythat blends and harmonizes ecological balance even as it upholds human rights. The modern civilization is looking for sustainable development, which in real s e n s e means improving quality of human life, and much depends on healthy environment developmentcan not be achieved at the cost of environmental destruction, ecological imbalance and humanhealth, at any time. Sustainable development has little value with out environmental protections. Keeping this in mind, KPCL is stringently adhering to its comprehensive environmentaction plan that covers systematic strengthening of environmet management, polluti on monitoring at power stations and implementation of specific environment projects. Every time KPCL implements a power project, it undertakes a comprehensiveenvironmental impact study, to examine the impact of the proposed project on the environment.

KPCL also undertakes eco-friendly techniques like controlled blasting, constructingcolonies with least destruction to ecology, provision of fish ladder, installation of electro static precipitators in thermal plants, etc. particular care is also taken to minimise pollution.

Environment Management Measure KPCLs power generation blueprint has a clear-cut policy on environment management.Building in greenmapping concepts such as sustainable development, which creates theframework for improving the quality of life. Sustainable development goes hand in-hand with'environment protection' KPCL has a comprehensive action plan in place that enables environment management, pollutionmonitoring and the implementation of specific environment projects.

All KPCL projects have the assurance of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Study toevaluate the impact of the project on the environment. It also prepares an Environmental Management Plan complying with all the conditions stipulated by KSPCB/MOEF.

KPCL's Raichur Thermal Power Station has been accredited with ISO 14001 -2004 for its effortstowards environment protection management.

The following innovative and new measures to aid the process of environment control have been put in place: A unique Ayurvedic greenhouse has been developed at Kadra Project. Fish fingerlings in power generation reservoirs to maintain aqua-balance. Eco-friendly control measures adopted such as controlled blasting. Construction of colonies with least destruction to ecology. Installation of Electro Static Precipitators in Thermal Plants. Measures across the board to minimize pollution. Fuel supply agreement with collieries to ensure high grade coal supplies.

Monitoring measures for ash minimization, ash emission control, ash utilization and ashdisposal. Recycling of water from ash ponds for alternative use.

Modernization of sewerage treatment plant. Continuous monitoring of air quality in work environments & environment managementmeasures.

Evacuation of Fly Ash from RTPS KPCL has taken several steps to promote fly ash utilization as per MoEF notification. Fly ash is being issued free of cost to SSI units. Leading cement manufacturers in the country have tied upwith KPCL for lifting fly ash to an extent of about 2500 metric tones per day. Besides severalsmall- scale industries, brick manufacturing Units & Government construction buildings are alsoutilizing about 450 metric tones per day. The operation and maintenance of silos and issue of flyash to users from units 3,4,5,& 6 has been entrusted to M/s. ARV Cement society. In respect of Units 1,2 & 7 M/s ACC has installed the necessary equipment for fly ash collection at their cost .Fly ash utilization at RTPS is rapidly increasing and present utilization is 80% of the fly ash production. Further, the users have proposed transport of ash through rail by having a dedicatedsiding & this work is under progress. Total production of fly ash during 2006-07 was 17.5 lakhMT and 12.14 lakh MT of fly ash was lifted. KPCL has established a Centre of Fly Ash Utilization Technology and EnvironmentConservation at Raichur Thermal Power Station in consultation with Central Power ResearchI n s t i t u t e a s c o n s u l t a n t u n d e r I n d o N o r w e g i a n E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o g r a m m e a t a c o s t o f R s 5 8 million. Presently, in the above centre is manufacturing various Fly Ash products and are beingutilized by them for housing. This centre will demonstrate various process, technologies for themanufacture of construction materials like brick, hollow concrete blocks, mosaic tiles etc.

Fly ash Initiatives

MOEF/GOI has stipulated utilization of 100% Fly Ash generated at Thermal power s t a t i o n s f o r m a n u f a c t u r i n g a s h b a s e d p r o d u c t s l i k e B r i c k s , A s b e s t o s s h e e t s , Embankments, Dams and Dykes. Fly Ash is issued free of cost The approximate quantity of Fly Ash generated at Raichur Thermal Power Station from 7units for the year 2004-05 is 16.0 lakh MT RTPS has the distinction of utilizing approx. 60 to 65% of Fly Ash in a year Total coal consumed during 2004 2005 69.10 lakh tones Ash content - 22.02 lakh tones (Weighted ash content 31.73 %) Fly ash (80%) 16.0 lakh tones Bottom ash (20%) 4.40 lakh tones

Initiatives to utilize maximum Fly Ash from RTPS : * Agreement signed with major cement manufacturers like ACC and ARV society for production of puzzalona cement using Fly ash* The Fly ash is being transported through specially designed closed tankers by road* MOU between KPCL and major cement companies like ACC and ARV is under finalization for transportation of fly ash by rail in closed railway wagons to enhance theutilization* Fly ash has been issued to many SSI units for manufacture of Fly ash bricks, asbestossheets etc.* Established an R&D centre in 2002 with Norwegian aid for the utilization of Fly ash inthe manufacture of ash based products.* Associated with the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur by extending financialaid for carrying out R&D on utilization of Fly ash in the agricultural sector.* Pond ash is being used for construction of roads.* Fly ash bricks utilized for construction of houses and station building ASH UTILISATION:


CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Corporate communication is playing a vital role in KPCL. The main aim of corporatecommunication is image building. Functions of Corporate communication Various publications have been brought out Media Relations maintaining good rapport with Print & Electronic Media. Sports meet were organized House magazine Shakthi Vahini being published regularly to maintain internal relationand motivating the hidden talents of employees. Organised various meetings, functions and Seminars. Corporate film produced and screened. Corporate Image building in news-paper and magazines released on important occasions. Develops relevant literature and documents of the Company. Enhance the image of KPCL through various sponsorships and financial assistance totemples, educational institutions and hospitals, district festivals, sports personnel and blind Association/orphanages as Community service measures. Constant upgrading the image of the company and maintain cordial relations with opinionmakers and pressure group etc.


Availability of resources: Generally the power generation in India is based on natural resources. Availability of abundant coal reserves and water resource are boon to power sector.

High potential: Indian power sector have the vast hydro electric potential of producing 150,000 MW.Emergence of strong and globally comparable central utilities (NTPC, Power Grid) has helpedthe growth of power sector.

Effective planning and implementation: Indian power sector have expertise in integrated and co-ordinated (CEA and PlanningCommission). Availability of highly skilled technical personnel in large numbers has helped toimplement these plans effectively.

Growing demand for the power; Indian power sector has responded positively to th e increasing demand for the power throughout the country from all sectors due to industrialisation and irrigation facilities


Inadequate infrastructure: Inadequate infrastructure has lead to inadequate power generation and thus under utilisation of available resource.

Under utilisation of capacity:

Under utilisation of the existing generation capacity in present projects has decreased the profitability.

Interstate disputes: Improper water management and interstate water disputes are wasting valuable water resource there by reducing the production efficiency.

Fluctuating monsoon: Untimely monsoon causes water scarcity in the country affecting the g e n e r a t i o n o f power and leads to power cuts and load shedding.

Ineffective power administration: Ineffective power administration leading to power thefts and inefficient use of electricity by the end consumer decreases the revenue


Investment opportunities: Investment opportunities for private people are increasing because of increasing demandfor the power. This contributes to growth of power sector.

Subsidies given by government: Subsidies are given by government for the generating companies to encourage power generation and supply.

Largest power markets: P o t e n t i a l l y, I n d i a n p o w e r s e c t o r i s o n e o f t h e l a r g e s t p o w e r m a r k e t s i n t h e w o r l d . Growing demand for the power from all sectors of economy like agriculture, manufacturing, service.

Monopoly in power sector: KPCL being the state monopolist in power generation holds treme n d o u s g r o w t h opportunities in the field of investigation, design, construction, generation and maintenance of power projects.

Consultancy business: As KPCL is venturing into consultancy business which is still at growing phase, companycan look for bright future.

Explore other source of energy: KPCL has opportunity to explore other source of energy like wind based and solar power projects.

Rural electrification:

Karnataka Power Corporation Limited Government has shown concern rural electrification. Schemes like Bhagya jyothi scheme,which aims to power to the poor families at cheaper rate. THREATS

Uncertain government policies: Changes in political environment affect the government policies. Excess involvement of government in decision making affects the industry.

Bad debts: Increasing bad debts due to non payment of electricity bills by poor people and power thefts.

Interstate water disputes: The interstate water sharing disputes have halted the smooth functioning of many projects.

Entry of private players: With the advent of economic reforms and liberalization, there is an open gate policies for private participants like TATA Power, Reliance Energy, GMR, etc, in the field of power.

Rise in prices: Increase in political of coal due to increase in demand and transportation cost leads toincrease cost of production of Thermal power.

FINDINGS The organisation is reimbursing the medical bills on time. The organisation is providing good leave facility to its employees. The promotion scheme in KPCL is mostly based on seniority. The training given in KPCL is serving the purpose that is employ e e s a r e improving the performance on the job. The canteen facility provided should be improved so that the employees work efficiency and their by to improve the productivity of the organisation. Since the employees felt that there is disturbance at work place due to n o i s e necessary steps should be taken to remove it. company is good compare to previous financialyear

The investors are getting good returns. The employees are satisfied very much with good benefits. The co-ordination between management and workers is good. More training and development is required.

SUGGESTION KPCL has both expertise and experience in power generation. Hence, the organisationcan focus on research and development activities leading to innovative methods of power generation. Generation of more power from natural sources which again depends on research anddevelopment. By generating more and more wind power, cost can be minimised. More awareness program and other such events at places where power project are to beconstructed. The co has scope to improve on layout facility. The company has to improve number of power station. The factory should make the arrangement of pay to the middle men at the proper time.

CONCLUSION The organizational study helps to analyze the functioning of the o v e r a l l organization and to check out the strengths and weakness of the c o m p a n y. T h e s t u d y g i v e s details about the departments, its operation, coordination and functioning in detail. The companyi s g i v i n g m a j o r p r e f e r e n c e t o q u a l i t y i n i t s o p e r a t i o n T h e c o m p a n y i s h a v i n g a v e r y n a r r o w distribution channel.

It has been a long and rewarding journey for KPCL ever since its establishment inthe year 1970. Today, KPCL takes great pride in the experience it has gathered, the expertise ithas developed and the skills it has honed. Especially in planning, investigation, design, executionand effective operation and large power projects. KPCL has completed power projects in recordtime by compromising on quality of infrastructure and power generation, these by meeting thechallenges of the rising energy demands of Karnataka. An excellent HR department coupled withinnovation in technology and motivated staff further have led to the uplift the organisation.

BIBLOGRAPHYWeb of Indian Ministry of power. KPCL Company website. BOOKS REFERRED: Human Resource Management By Ashwathappa.k

Financial Management By Prasanna Chandra. Magazines in KPCL. KPCLs 38Th Annual Report 20011-20012

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