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DTVM /FT/1A/01 SC8103 Heroes, Myths & Legends CA2 Singapore Myths & Legends True? Of Course Not!

t! _____________________________________________________________________ The Lion Spirit Written by Ching Peng, Debra

In the jungles of Temasek, the King of Lions reigned. His name was Zeroun. He had gathered the most revered Lions in all of Asia and brought them to Temasek, forming a pride that was capable of leading the island to greatness. Zeroun had had a Vision that this small island at the crossroads of China and India had the potential to be of major significance in the world. Zeroun then gave each member of his pride a mane; a status symbol that even the females would carry to show their royalty as a Temasek Lion. He needed fearless leaders that encompassed all that the Lion represented - courage in times of adversity, strength and excellence, resilience in the face of challenges, and fearlessness to rise above all tribulations. One day, a storm raged across the island. By then Zeroun had had a son, Kaiser, and he was caught in the storm. Kaiser saw a large ship at a distance with its sailors in a panic. However, the storm passed soon after, and Kaiser sensed something mystical occurring. Interest piqued, Kaiser slinked about the fringe of the forest to observe the survivors arrival. Upon setting foot on the island, the men immediately went hunting for wild animals, a man of noble air leading. Kaiser followed cautiously, watching their every

move. Suddenly, the head of their party paused, staring straight at Kaiser. Alarmed, he sped back to the pride to inform his father of the intruders. Seeing his son disturbed, Zeroun asked what had shaken him. Kaiser relayed what he had seen to Zeroun but was met with silence. Zeroun contemplated the situation; he understood that these humans could cause harm to the Lions, and even the island. He left Kaiser, lost in his thoughts as he weighed the options. Zeroun slept fitfully that night and saw a new Vision. It was very similar to the previous one, except the island was populated entirely by humans and led by them too. He woke and finally understood his Vision completely and decided on the course of action to take. He then called on his pride to ask them not to interfere with the humans, explaining his gift of Foresight and sharing his Vision. The pride believed in Zeroun and listened obediently, but Kaiser was dissatisfied with his fathers decision, wanting action against the intruders of their island. He and his gang of young Lions gossiped and slandered Zeroun behind his back, too juvenile to dare anything else. Years passed, a new visitor arrived, and he looked vastly different from the earlier inhabitants. The Lions took notice, even Zeroun, so he sent a party out to investigate the mans purpose on the island. The Lions came back and recited all they had heard. The man, Sir Stamford Raffles, had agreed with the inhabitants of the island to allow it to be used by his country, Britain. The island was now called Singapore, rooted from the earlier inhabitants who called it Singapura, or Lion City.

Zeroun was shocked at Raffles decision, yet pleasantly surprised the island was named after them. The older and wiser Lions were honoured by the recognition given, but the young Lions were disgruntled that they would not lead the island that was named after them. This caused a schism, and Kaiser, already a grown adult, was the most displeased. With his authority and youthful charm, he gathered a group of mostly female Lions against his father, who still staunchly believed in leaving the humans alone. Kaiser would not give Raffles the chance to destroy his home, and approached the Tigers of the island. He knew about their possessive nature and that they would be willing to go against Zeroun to reclaim the island from humans. So the rebellious Lions joined the Tigers to form a resistance. The Lions shed their manes to adopt the look of the Tiger and began their coup against Raffles. They raided the different racial communities and terrorized the immigrants, causing havoc. But soon, the humans began retaliating. Taking up arms, they hunted down the resistance, reducing their numbers drastically each day. Finally, the day came where Kaiser was killed and could lead the resistance no more. The remaining Lions returned fearfully to Zeroun, partly to relay the news of Kaisers death and partly due to the fear for their lives. They apologized and begged for forgiveness. Zeroun was kind, albeit saddened by the death of his son. He accepted them back, but as a warning to all, he disallowed them their manes their status as a honourable Temasek Lion was hence revoked. Zeroun left them after that. The death of his son was devastating; he began reconsidering his decision to leave the humans. But after quiet contemplation, he finally decided that Kaisers death should not change the course that he knew was right for the island. That was the first and last time tears fell from Zerouns eyes.

The Tigers continued attacking and were gradually wiped out except for one Keahi. He was the last Tiger and was determined to do absolutely anything to chase the humans away. In a desperate attempt, he planned an attack on Raffles at the hotel the human fondly named after himself. But on the way there, he crossed paths with Zeroun. Zeroun warned him then that his mission was suicidal, but Keahi was adamant. No one, not even the King Lion, could tell him otherwise. Reluctantly, Zeroun let him go. As Zeroun made his way back to his pride, a single gunshot rang. Zeroun knew Raffles was no longer on the island, but Keahi had refused to believe - his death had been in vain. Zeroun returned to see his pride in a panic. They had heard the gunshot and rumours were aplenty. Zeroun then gathered the entire pride and spoke to them solemnly. The last of the Tigers has gone - the shot you heard was for him. Man has no tolerance for us; our time is over. I now give you a choice: live in freedom in the foreign forests of Malaya; or remain in our beloved Lion City. You know my choice, now make yours. Many chose Malaya to raise their cubs in safety but a handful of faithful Lions remained for the love of their land. They decided to devote themselves to the good of Singapores future. Instead of returning to the Earths energy as all the dead normally do, they vowed that upon their deaths, their spirits would remain amongst the humans to guide Singapore onward.

Slowly, they perished as the forest dwindled along with their prey. Even their inexplicably long lives could not withstand the need for food. As Zeroun drew his last breath, he knew more was to come and that his pride was waiting for him on the other side. Zeroun and his pride watched in their spiritual state as more years flew by until 1941. That December, the Lions watched in horror as the island was cast into turmoil. The Second World War had reached Singapores shores. As the Lions saw all that was happening, doubt on their decision to remain spiritually began creeping into their consciences. However, as they continued watching, they saw brave citizens rise up to defy their aggressors. Encouraged, they made a decision: Zeroun and his pride inhabited these people with their souls. Although unable to influence their custodians, they helped cast all fears and doubts aside, allowing them to make clearer and better decisions. Some of these custodians included people who endured much hardship when caught for their defiance, such as Elizabeth Choy and Lim Bo Seng. Others included those who excelled in battle and brought honour and glory to their country, such as Lt. Adnan Bin Saidi. Zeroun inhabited Lt. Adnan himself, and lent him strength, bravery and a fearlessness that none could match. Finally, after many battles of strength and will, the war ended in 1945; the Lions were relieved. But amidst the rebuilding of the country, they saw a brave soul that had survived the war and showed great potential. None of the Lions recalled inhabiting him; he was lion-hearted of his own accord. His name was Lee Kuan Yew.

Lee Kuan Yew possessed all the qualities of a great leader this Zeroun saw clearly. He knew that with this young human guiding the country, it would thrive and become a great city-state. Thus, Zeroun decided to aid him in his quest. Lee Kuan Yew went on to become the first Prime Minister of Singapore, leading the country onward with Zeroun himself backing Lee Kuan Yew during times of difficulty. Especially on 9 August 1965, when Singapore separated from Malaya and was forced to fend for its own. Aside from Lee Kuan Yew, others were chosen by the Lions to help Singapore prosper. They continued inhabiting more people such as S Rajaratnam and David Marshall, strengthening Singapores leadership to spark its meteoric rise. Henceforth, Singapore became a country known for its peace and low crime rate. Now as Singapore progresses on, the Lions still inhabit other influential and groundbreaking citizens. Lawyers, entrepreneurs, recording artistes, etc, any who had potential to bring Singapore forward in the world was recognized by the Lions and inhabited to bring out the best in them. Zeroun still inhabits Lee Kuan Yew until today, but finally acknowledges the fulfillment of his Vision; Singapore is prosperous. It is time for the next generation to have their own ideas and visions of Singapores future and pursue them. Until then, the Lions souls will remain amongst us, waiting for us to realize our potential. By making the vital decision to make something of ourselves, the Lions can inhabit us to make us something more. [1623 words] 6

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