GDK Adm Pro Manual1

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General Description
Overview Connection to GDK System Installation How to Program Grid Panel

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GDK Admin Program

Numbering Plan (PGM 01) Slot Assignment (PGM 02) MSN Table (PGM 03) Flexible DID Table (PGM 05) ISDN - System Attribute (PGM 08) COLP Table (PGM 09) ISDN - Station Attribute (PGM 23) ISDN - CO Attribute (PGM 37) Emergency Service Table (PGM 06) ICM Tenancy (PGM 16) System Attribute 1 (PGM 40, 41, 42, 45, 46) Exec-Sec Pairs System Attribute 2 (PGM 50, 51, 52, 53) Authorization Code (PGM 54) System Attribute 3 (PGM 55, 56, 57, 58, 62, 63) TIE Routing Table (PGM 65) System Gain Control (PGM 66) System Speed Zone (PGM 67) Tone Cadency, Frequency (PGM 68, 69) World Time Attribute (PGM 71) World Time (PGM 72) Voice Mail Dialing Table (PGM 73) CO Line Name (PGM 74) Ring Frequency (PGM 75, 76) DCO TX Gain (PGM 77) Digit Insert Table (PGM 78) LCR - Day of Week (PGM 07) LCR - Time of Day (PGM 07) LCR - Leading Digit Table (PGM 07)

LCR - Digit Modification Table (PGM 07) Station Attribute 1 (PGM 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16) CO Group Access (PGM 15) Internal Page Zone (PGM 17) Station Attribute 2 (PGM 18, 19, 20, 21, 22) Button Programming (PGM 29) CO Attribute 1 (PGM 30, 31) CO Attribute 2 (PGM 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39) Station Ring Assign - Ring Mode (PGM 32) Station Ring Assign ? Ring Count (PGM 32) Station On Demand Ring Assign (PGM 32) Hunt Group Ring Assign (PGM 32) Hunt Group On Demand Assign (PGM 32) Timer 1 (PGM 43) Timer 2 (PGM 44) Hunt Group Assignment (PGM 47) Hunt Group Attribute (PGM 48) Canned Toll Exception Table (PGM 64) Toll Table (PGM 70)

GDK AdminPro is a PC based Window S/W for GDK administration and remote maintenance. GDK AdminPro supports off line feature. So, a user can program GDK administration without connection to GDK system. Note that the GDK AdminPro is only for off line mode. So, the GDK ADMIN takes charge of communication with GDK system. Please refer to [Figure 1]. This S/W aims to reduce the dependency between GDK S/W and PC S/W, and give to: - Programming GDK Administration easily. - Common interface on GDK Family (GDK-162, GDK-100, GDK -FPII) The following figure is initial program running.

PC Requirement - PC OS : Windows 95 or Windows 98 - PC Memory : Minimum 16M bytes (32 Mbytes recommended) - PC Free Disk Space : Minimum 10Mbytes (larger than 20 M Bytes recommended) - PC Monitor Resolution : VGA or higher Version Compatibility GDK AdminPro supports currently GDK '99A series. But, it will also support '98 FEB version, in near feature.

Connection to GDK System

The GDK ADMIN Pro has no method to connection to GDK system. So, when a user wants to up/download ADMIN database to GDK system it is necessary to use GDK ADMIN. Mediation between GDK ADMIN and GDK ADMIN Pro is a user file, named "USR". User file is currently using GDK ADMIN and contains ADMIN database information. GDK ADMIN Pro makes or reads a user file. GDK ADMIN sends a user file to GDK system and receives a user file.

D a ta b a se ( U S R F ile ) G D K S y ste m R e a d / W r it e D B U p lo a d / D o w n L o a d R e a d /W r it e


G D K A D M IN P r o

GDK AdminPro is distributed with 5 diskettes. The "GDK Admin Setup Diskette" makes actual GDK AdminPro Application environment which includes "Program Group" and "Start up directory (Folder)" . To setup the GDK Admin, select "Setup" icon in this diskette 1. The setup program works - Make Program group "GDK PC Applications" and start up Folder which are user changeable options. - Copy system DLL files ("MFC42.DLL", "MSVCRT.DLL", "MSVCRT40.DLL", "SS30PP.DLL", etc). - Launch the registration of OCX for grid control and DAO 3.5. Note that the system DLL files are updated for existing system files with version compare. Also, "GDK AdminPro" supports "Uninstall" feature, which works to uninstall the "GDK AdminPro". To uninstall the GDK AdminPro, choose Program Group "GDK AdminPro" and then choose "Uninstall". The "Uninstall" feature removes installed "Program group" and "Startup Folder". It does not remove existing system DLL files. File List in Program Directory When you install GDK AdminPro successfully, following files reside in Startup directory. ADMINPRO.EXE : Main Execution File ADMINPRO.HLP : Window Help File ADMINPRO.CNT : Window Help Content File MFC42.DLL : System DLL File MSVCRT.DLL : System DLL File MSVCRT40.DLL : System DLL File SS30PP.DLL, SPR32X30.OCX, SPR32X30.DEP : Grid Control Files DAO35REDIST.EXE : DAO 3.5 Redistribution File CONFIG : Directory Including Configuration Information (MDB files)

How To Program

There are two types to program GDK Admin. One is "Input Box" type, the other is "Combo Box" one. For your understanding, refer to figure. You can see both "Input Box" and "Combo Box".

Grid Panel
Grid is combination of row and columns. Generally, row represents order of Station, CO, BIN, and Flexible Button, etc. And, column represents each field information. Refer to the following figures. Column represents a series of stations and row is its attributes.

New Open Save Save As Export To Excel Print Print Preview Print Setup Recent File Exit

This menu is for making a new database file of GDK system. You must select a system, version, and nation. (Currently not available)

This menu is for opening an existed database file to download from GDK system. Usually, its extended name is "USR". After selecting a file, system will analyze its system, version, and nation.

This is menu for flushing some modified value in current grid control to database file. If you don't have this menu after modifying some value, there will be no change for an user database file.

Save As
This menu is for saving as an another name. If there is a duplicated file, you can choice whether overwriting or canceling.

Export To Excel
You can export your items in grid panel to Excel 97 format file. All information in current grid panel to be viewed is exported. But, header is not exported.

This menu is for printing all items in current grid panel. Also, according to size of row and column, it can automatically determine if the way of printing is normal or landscape mode.

Print Preview
This menu is for previewing a layout to be printed (Currently not available)

Print Setup
This menu is for setup for print. It is common interface of Windows 95 or 98.

Recent File
This menu is for opening one of recent files. (Currently not available)

This menu is for exiting this program.

Undo Copy Cut Paste Move

This menu is for undoing previous command. (Currently not available)

This menu is for copying some value in a row or column to clip board. (Currently not available)

This menu is for cutting some value in a row or column. According to the characteristics of program

field, one is deleted and the other is set to default. (Currently not available)

This menu is for pasting some value in a row or column from clipboard. (Currently not available)

This menu is for moving a column to another column or columns. When it is selected, you will see input range dialog box. Then, you input ranges (Station, CO, BIN, Hunt Group Number, Flexible Buttons, etc) that you want, and all items in current column are moved to destinations.

This menu is dynamically created after database is opened. Configuration information determines what Admin menu creates. You can program GDK Administration according to your selection in this menu. See the figure.

Toolbar Status Bar

If this menu is checked, toolbar will be visible.

Status Bar
If this menu is checked, status bar will be visible.

Help Topics About AdminPro

Help Topics
You can see a help message using this menu.

About AdminPro
You can see information of this application.

Numbering Plan
Admin Feature is designed for change "Numbering Plan" or "Station Logical Number". "Station Port Number" is as following: Port 0-191 (GDK186) Port 0-135 (GDK100) Port 0-77 (GDKFPII) "Numbering Plans" are Station Group Pilot Number assign SLT Program mode select number Internal Page Zone Numbers Internal All Call Page Number Meet Me Page Number External Page Zone 1 Number External Page Zone 2 Number (Not on FPII)

External All Call Page Number All Call Page Number SMDR Account code Enter Number Flash Command To CO Number SLT Last Speed Dial Do Not Disturb Number Call Forward Number Speed Dial Program Number Message Wait Enable Number Message Wait Return Number Speed Dial Access Number DND/FWD Cancel Number Call Park Location Numbers Alarm Reset Number Group Call Pick up Number Station DVU Number Night Answer Directed Call Pick-Up CO Group Access [01-48:GDK186 01-24:GDK100 01-09:FPII] CO Line Access [01-96:GDK186 01-48:GDK100 01-34:FPII) Tie Routing Access Retrieve Held CO Group Retrieve Held CO Line Access to Co Line in the 1st CO ICM Call To Attendant Station Print SMDR Station Base (ATD) Print SMDR Account Group Base (ATD) Delete SMDR Station Base (ATD) Delete SMDR Account Group Base Display Call Charge On LCD (ATD) Abort Printing SMDR (ATD) Door Phone Relay 1 Door Phone Relay 2 Door Phone Relay 3 (Not FPII) Door Phone Relay 4 (Not FPII) VM Message wait Enable VM Message Wait Cancel (New topic text goes here.)

Slot Assignment
This menu consist of two part, Station and CO Slot assignment. Maximum number of slot is as following: GDK 186 : 17 GDK 100 : 12 GDK FPII : 8

MSN Table
This Admin Feature is designed for MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number) Table. The available range depend on system as following: GDK186 : 001-128 GDK100/FPII : 001-064 The Available Attributes are : CO Number (2 digits) Bin Number (3 digits) MSN Number (1 digits) Phone Number ( MAX 16 digits)

Flexible DID Table

In this feature, user can input Flexible DID Table. Step 1. User can change bound index (000-299) with 3 digit Step 2. CO Name Input (up to 11 max chars) Step 3. Day Destination (Station/Hunt/DVU) Step 4. Night Destination (Station/Hunt/DVU) DVU announce Number (0-9) Note : Make sure that GDK equipped MEMU ("*.EXP" file) and PGM 08 "DID conversion type" as '2'.

ISDN - System Attribute

These are ISND system attributes. Available Attributes are 1. In Zero Insertion (Yes/No), default is No 2. My Area Code (Max 2 digit). 3. CO Atd Code (Max 5 digit) 4. DID Conversion Type (0: according to PGM 55 / 1: according to PGM 01 / 2: according to PGM 05 ) 5. Calling Sub-Address (Yes/No), default is No 6. Type Of Calling Number (Unknown/International/National/Networking/Subscriber), default is National 7. Advice of Charge (None/AOC 1/AOC 2/AOC 3), default is None 8. Out Zero Insertion (Yes/No), default is No 9. Forced Page Index (00-xx), default is 0. where xx : 20 (GDK186) 15 (GDK100) 5 (GDK FPII) 10. u-law line is installed (Yes/No), default is No 11. ISDN Sending Mode (Overlap/Enblock), default is Overlap. 12. Enblock Inter Digit Timer (00-99), default is 5. 13. Prefix Code (2 digits) 14. International Access Code (4 digits)

COLP Table
Available bin No 1-10

Max digit in a bin no is 10

ISDN - Station Attribute

The menu supports as following: Sub Addressing Enable (No/Yes) Long / short configure (No/Yes) MSN (No/Yes) CO ATD or EXT Progress Indicator CO Message Wait Station base CLIP Station base COLP Station base CPN Station base CLIR

ISDN - CO Attribute
The available entries are COLP : input 2 digits 00 : Not assign 01-10: according to COLP table(PGM 09) bin no 11 : according to Extension No DID RN : DID ignore digit No 2 digits 00-99 (00 is default)

Emergency Service Table

User can input 10 bin no. Each bin no support max 5 digits.

ICM Tenancy
1. Group Attendant(STA No.) 2. Access Group No. in Sub menu Access Group is 1-5 (GDK common) and 6-10(GDK 162).

System Attribute 1
HOLD Preference (System/Exclusive) Auto Privacy (Yes/No) Privacy Warning Tone (Yes/No) Page Warning Tone (Yes/No)

Off-Hook Ring Type (Mute/One Burst) Multi-Line Conference (Yes/No) System Speed Toll Check (Yes/No) * Only on GDK186 Attendant Queuing (MOH/Ring back) No. Of BGM Channel Music On Hold Channel ICM Box Music Channel Music Source of Channel 1(INT/EXT) <- Not support in FPII LCD Display Language Caller ID Printing Camp on Call RBT (or MOH) SMDR Hidden (Not in GDK186) External Night Ring (YES/NO) Coline Aceess in CO Group (Round Robin/Last Choice) Continuous Dial-Tone (Yes/No) SLT RING Cadence (Yes/No) Dial Tone Detection (Yes/No) ACD Clear (Yes/No) ACD Printing Base Timer (10sec/1Hour)

Exec-Sec Pairs
User can input Execute/Secretary pair. But, the linked pair (ie, 101->102, 102->103, 103->101) is not allowed. These pairs depend on GDK system 24 pairs : GDK162 12 pairs : GDK100 6 pairs : FPII

System Attribute 2
Alarm Enable (Enable/Disable) Alarm Mode (Alarm/Door-Bell) Alarm Contact Type (Close/Open) Alarm Signal Mode (Repeat/Once) External Contact Type External Contact Value PBX Code Assign (MAX 5 digits) SMDR Long Distance Code (MAX 5 digits)

Authorization Code
User can input Bin no 001 - 600 (GDK 186) 001 - 164 (GDK 100) 001 - 110 (GDK FPII)

In each entry, max 5 digit can be entered When you input in ASCII, corresponding Numeric Data appears (ex: ABC ->"122223")

System Attribute 3
DID DIGIT CONVERSION - In this Program, User can program as following: Receive Count : 2-4 (3: default) Conversion : allow 0-9, "#", "*" (default"#***") 2nd Conversion: allow 0-9, (default "1234567890") DID/DISA DESTINATION - In this Proram, User can program for incomming call Busy_destination Error_destination PULSE DIAL SPEED RATIO - In this Proram, User can program 10 PPS 60/40 % 10 PPS 66/33 % 20 PPS 60/40 % 20 PPS 66/33 % MODEM ASSIGN - This attribute is for MODU The available entries are Modem : use MODU as "modem" or "by pass" BAUD : MODU baud rate. for MODU 2400bps fixed. Associate Device : Allow dumy station such as "STAxxx" (2xxx within 5 dgt) or dedicated CO line (1xx with 3 dgt) LCD DISPLAY MODE - The available entries are 12/24 Hour DDMMYY/MMDDYY SMDR Attribute I - The available entries are SMDR SAVE SMDR PRINT ENABLE LONG DISTANCE/ALL CALL RECORD PRINT INCOMING CALL RECORD IN DETAIL BAUD RATE : Setting GDK SMDR baud rate available Baud are 1:300 baud 2:600 baud 3:1200 baud 4:2400 baud 5:4800 baud 6:9600 baud SMDR CURRENCY UNIT 3 characters SMDR Attribute II - This entry is for SMDR COST Unit change COST : 6 digits FRACTION : 1 digit

Tie Routing Table

TIE LINE ROUTING - This is TIE Routing table (CO Number)

System Gain Control

This feature can change System Gain control on "DKTU", "EKTU", "SLT", "COL", "DVU", "DTMF Receiver", "External Page", "MODU", "CPT rx level', "DCO(ISDN CO or CEPT)", "WTIB", and "R2 DCO". Input Range : 00-63

System Speed Zone

User can device external page zone into 10 zone no. The available zone range is 400-999 : GDK186 300-399 : GDK100/FPII Note that the overlapped zone range in zone number is not allowed. The Station range means allowed to access that speed zone and the overlapped station range in zone number is not allowed. The max station range depent on system.

Tone Cadency, Frequency

ACNR TONE CADENCE - Ring back tone, Busy tone, Error tone and secondary dial tone can be programmed for ACNR. SYSTEM TONE FREQUENCY - Frequency, user entered (dial tone, ring back tone, error tone, busy tone), may change to the closest System frequency that provides.

World Time Attribute

1. Display World time or not 2. Temperature type (C/F) 3. ISD Code length : determine the length of ISD code 4. ISD code

World Time
This is world time attributes - Nation : input within 3 digits - Area : input within 4 digits - Time : input time range [00-23], when restore to defalut press '00' - Temperature : Press desired Month with flex button, and then input 3 digits within 255 for average temperature.

Voice Mail Dialing Table

Input digits up to 12 digits.

CO Line Name
When an incoming CO line occurs, the name of CO line can be displayed on the LCD. Each CO line can be assigned any name group. There are 10 (01-10) groups in system and CO line name (max. 12 characters). To input an entry in Admin such as "AAA12" input "AAA12". Only GDK Allowed ASCII can be supported.

Ring Frequency
RING FREQUENCY - Frequency for 4 differential ring may change to the closest ring frequency that provides. DISTINCT RING FREQUENCY - Frequency for 4 differential ring may change to the closest ring frequency that provides.

This feature can change DCO TX Gain to "DKTU", "EKTU", "SLT", "COL", "DVU", "DTMF Receiver", "CPT rx level', and "WTIB".

Digit Insert Table

Select desired bin no (1-5). In this feature, user can change Dialed Digit (max 2 digits) Inserted Digit (max 4 digits) CO Group (2 digits up to max CO group number)

LCR - Day of Week

[LCR mode] User can change "Disable/Override/Always" with 3-way toggle [Day of Week Zone] User can divide a week into 3 zone Each day assigned into MON:1 TUE:2 WED:3 THR:4 FRI:5 SAT:6 SUN:7

LCR - Time of Day

With "Day of Week Zone", user can input TOD zone. User can select each TOD into 3 sub class.

LCR - Leading Digit Table

Input 1 is assigned to change Bin no (max 250) Input 2 is LD mode (Both/Int/Col with 3 way toggle) Input 3 is CD(Compared digits) upto 12 digits

Input 4 is Zone 1 (max 6 digits). Input 5 is Zone 2 (max 6 digits). Input 6 is Zone 3 (max 6 digits).

LCR - Digit Modification Table

Input 1 is assigned to change Bin no (max 100) Input 2 is A(Added Digits) up to 16 digits Input 3 is RP(Removal Position) (01-12) Input 4 is RN(Removal Digit No) (00-12) Input 5 is AP (Add Position) Input 6 is C(CO Group) Input 7 is ALT DMT Index[0-99(with MEMU)].

Station Attribute 1
DND ( Do-Not-Disturb ) Speed Dial Access Page Access Call Forward Access PLA (Preferred Line Answer) Auto Speaker Select Warm Line SMDR Dial Digit Hidden Display CO Line Queuing 3-Minute Warning Tone Override Priviledge Automatic CO Hold(is Attendant?) Data Line Security Group Listening Speaker-Phone/Headset Howling Tone To SLT Alarm/Door Bell Signaling ICM Box Signaling CO Individual Access No Touch Answer DVU Access Voice over Suppress Rx Data connected DM Prepaid Call STATION ID ASSIGN 18 consist of type and value Keyset DSS MAP 1 : assigned station number DSS MAP 2 (Not on FPII) : assigned station number DSS MAP 3 (Only on GDK186) : assigned station number DSS MAP 4 (Only on GDK186) : assigned station number DLS MAP 1 : assigned station number

DLS MAP 2 (Only on GDK186) : assigned station number ICM Box SLT (DTMF) SLT (Pulse) SLT with Message Wait (DTMF) SLT with Message Wait (Pulse) WTIB Station COS(Day) : 1-7 Station COS(Night) : 1-7 ICM Tenancy Group Assign

CO Group Access
Select allowed/deny Group (with toggle) Allowed group is Group 1-48 (GDK186) Group 1-24 (GGK100) Group 1-9 (GDK FPII)

Internal Page Zone

Internal Page Zone Access.

Station Attribute 2
CALL FORWARD PRESET - Input Forward preset number (Station or Hunt) IDLE LINE SELECTION - Choose one of the followings: Flex Button CO Line Number CO Group Number Station Number SMDR ACCOUNT GROUP DID Ring ACD Warning Tone CO Button Program Enable ADMIN Program Enable UCD Service Differential Ring CO Call Drop Timer Enable CTI Mode (1:InActive 2:CTI_MODE 3:AT_MODE) CTI Baud (1:1200 2:2400 3:4800)

Button Programming
Consists of two parts: type and value

Type is one of Empty, CO Line, CO Group, Loop, program feature, Speed, etc. Value is associated one of each type.

CO Attribute 1
CO Line Group Assign Coline COS CO Line Group Account DISA: for DISA input "03", for DVU announce "02" default is "00" DISA Account Code COL Name Bin No.: 00 is not assign CO/PABX DTMF/Pulse Universal Night Answer(UNA) Flash type(Ground/LOOP) Metering Type (No:0,50Hz:1,12k:2,16k:3,S-pol:4,p-pol:5) Voice/Data For CEPT(is VOICE?) Line Drop using CPT Incomming call Night DVU

CO Attribute 2
FLASH TIMER - The available range is 00-30 (100msec unit) OPEN LOOP DETECT - The available range is 00-20 (100msec unit) CO/TIE LINE ASSIGN - The available entries are Normal Ring Ring/Down Loop/Dial Ear/Mouth Continuous Polarity Reverse Ear/Mouth Discontinuous DID Line For Digital CO Line DID LINE ASSIGN - The available entries are Immediate Start Wink Start Delayed Dial Start Note that it is not available in GDK FPII RING(0-4) MOH(0-4) Dial Tone In Signal : 0:Pulse 1:DTMF (Only GDK 186) Out Signal: 0:Pluse 1:DTMF (Only GDK 186) B Signal : 0:Charge 1:Free 2-9: Option (Only GDK 186)

Station Ring Assign - Ring Mode

You can choose one of as following lists: Not assign Day Night Both

Station Ring Assign - Ring Count

You can choose one of 0-9

Station On Demand Ring Assign

You can choose one of 0-9 and Empty.

Hunt Group Ring Assign

You can choose one of as following lists: Not assign Day Night Both

Hunt Group On Demand Assign

You can choose one of 0-9 and Empty.

Timer 1
Exclusive Hold Recall Timer System Hold Recall Timer Transfer Recall Timer I-Hold Recall Timer ATD Recall Timer CO Ring Detect Timer Pause Timer CO Release Guard Timer CO Warning Tone Timer

CO Dial Delay Timer Call Park Timer Preset Call Forward Timer Unsupervised Conference Timer ACNR Retrial Pause Timer ACNR Retrial Delay Timer Flexible DID Time out ACNR No Answer Timer ACNR Retry Counter Warm Line Timer PBX Code Print Prepaid Call Warning Tone Timer DISA Retry Counter COS on DISA seize COL DVU Forward Answer R2 Manage Timer(GDK186 Only) R2 Pulse Timer(GDK186 Only) DT Delay Timer(GDK186 Only) ACNR No Tone Retry Counter Switch Pause Timer Override 1st CO Group(Yes/No)

MSG Wait Reminder Tone Time Hook Switch Flash Timer Hook Switch Bounce Timer DID/DISA No Answer Timer ICM Box Timer Door Open Timer Call FWD No Answer Timer Dial Tone Timer Inter Digit Timer Automatic Release Timer. Paging Timeout Timer Ring Stop Detection Timer Wink Timer Minimum Hook Flash Timer SMDR Timer DVU User Record Timer CO Digit Analysis Counter ACD Print Timer Ring Phase Timer CAMP-ON Recall Timer Station Auto Release Timer DCOB TYPE DCOB Ready Timer(Only GDK186) Erase Wakeup Ring

Hunt Group Assign

In this menu user can select Station Group type and Input member. The Station Group types are Circular Terminal UCD VM Ring Pickup : Pickup can be any combionation with above Max Hunt members are depend on system 64 : GDK186 32 : GDK100 /FPII

Hunt Group Attribute

If PGM 47 is already programmed, user can program this entry. This menu is divided into as following [Circular/Terminal] Almost the same attribute, but Pilot Hunt (Circular dedicated) [UCD] [VM] [RING] Pickup combined with any of this catacory follows above list [PICKUP]

Canned Toll Exception Table

This entry is for Station Class 5,6 Toll check Table. This entry is divided into following [ALLOW Table] - 10 bin no. - max 8 digits [DENY Table] - 10 bin no. - max 8 digits

Toll Table
The Allow/Deny Tables are organized into 2 sets of tables to support 2 different toll plans at one installed site. Each allow table may contain up to 20 number strings and each deny table 10 number strings. All bins of allow and deny tables have no entries by default. Each number string can contain up to 8 numbers including any number 0-9, *, #, "Don't care". The following rules should be remembered when setting up the Allow/Deny Tables: (1) If the tables have no entries, no restriction is applied.

(2) If entries are made in the allow table and only there, then only those numbers are allowed. (3) If entries are made in the deny table and only there, then only those numbers are denied. (4) If there are entries in both tables, the allow table is searched first and if number is found, it is allowed. If not found, the deny table is searched and if number is found, it is denied If it is not found in either table, it is allowed.

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