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Ashia Neal Professor Caruso English 1102-020 24 July 2012 The Exposure of Sex in the Media As the internet becomes an integral tool in school, business, and personal time the television out ranks viewers due to more couch or leisure time. Although the internet plays a great part of popular culture in almost everyone today people believe that television watchers are more popular. The importance of this topic is that parents, guardians, and employers have more control to monitor what is seen from the internet. As for television, you watch whats on and available to you at that time. According to A.C Nielsen Co. people watch over four hours of TV a day which is equivalent to almost two months a year. What I am saying is that a lot of our time and energy is being put into one thing and what are we getting out of this? The perceptions people get are usually influenced by their environment, and their surroundings. If your environment includes watching television for more than four hours a day, the influence you receive is it negative or positive? The media has influenced many people in different areas. According to my research in particular, the media has affected the thoughts and views to the exposure of sex. Sex is everywhere and everyone says that Sex sales. In theory sex does sell, but what is the message we are selling to all viewers? The Kaiser Family believes that TV is doing a better job of emphasizing safe sex. Previously to my research my thoughts were that TV sales sex in a negative way of never emphasizing the safety aspect. It is important that we are all learning how to be safe to avoid unwanted pregnancies, diseases, and maybe even some mental effects. The picture I always seen

Comment [J1]: Reviewed by Jacob Eldridge

Comment [J2]: Should this not be a comma or semi colon?

Comment [J3]: Should be a comma in here

Comment [J4]: Sex sells

Comment [J5]: Whos the Kaiser family? Comment [J6]: sells

Comment [J7]: Ive

Neal 2

was that sex is fun, nothing is wrong with it, and nothing can happen to you. I have never seen sex on television and the encouragement of a condom or other contraceptives. Now we have television shows that praise even teens with children. When the show first aired there were lots of pregnant teens who some did graduate high school and lived the life once becoming famous from the reality show. The show didnt until later show the side effects abortion, adoption, and miscarriage.
Comment [J8]: Should name the show teen mom or 16 and pregnant so all readers know what shows youre talking about Comment [J9]: A lot of

Use>>>Its encouraging to see this trend of greater attention to safer-sex issues on TV, says Kaiser Vice President Vicky Rideout, who oversaw the study. The generation is immersed in the media, so, when Hollywood makes safer sex sexier-whether its abstinence or protectionthats all to the good. (par. 3) The purpose of this research is to see and get good feedback like what I have found in this article. They have made it obvious that things are increasingly getting better. This give hope to me and the generation I am in and what is to follow. *Work with>>Over the last few years, the media has been allowed to put whatever they can profit from on television even if over half of the population does not agree with such. The importance of this topic is the stereotypes they as in Hollywood have created for many social or culture groups. Is this affecting the teens, adults, men or women? What has and is happening with the media changing lives daily. As all have their own lifestyle. Through this research, I am trying to prove that stereotypes within the media have been created to look down upon certain groups<< Where are you going with this?

dynamics and technicalities of sex psychology there is a consequence to the behavior being portrayed Outline

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1. Purpose a. Thesis 2. What have I learned? a. Knew/Know 3. Findings? a. Most Important 4. Image a. Positive or Negative? 5. Good or Bad 6. Damaging? Improving? 7. Conclusion 8. Use of extra or unnecessary words Questions to my editor a. b. c. d. e. f. g. So far am I on track? I know I have to incorporate more sources, how are the sources I have now? Flow? On topic? Interesting? So far have you learned anything Please give me constructive criticism! Help
Comment [J10]: Staying good on track, maybe put in specific examples of the teens from television who ruined their life, or came out on top after having a child. Comment [J11]: It flows well, you set up that television>>>Internet in the sex sells method then you incorporated specific shows into the paper! Comment [J12]: It was an interesting read, you chose a topic that wasnt boring or too tedious of a read Comment [J13]: Americans are complete sluts perhaps? :p Comment [J14]: I enjoyed reviewing this paper, and that never happens so thats pretty dope. Make sure youre not throwing in periods with incomplete sentences. Also I believe the phrase you were bringing up in the paper is Sex Sells not Sex Sales I may be wrong but Im pretty sure its sells. Regardless this should turn out to be a great fun informative paper - Jacob Eldridge

(My paper is all over the place and I have even more noted in hard copy.)

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