List of Famous Scientists and Their Discoveries

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List of Famous Scientists and Their Discoveries Famous Scientists Archimedes Heinrich Hertz Andre Marie Ampere Amedeo

Avogadro Life Period Inventions

Archimedean principle, famous theory of buoyancy and many 287-212 BC mathematical and mechanical discoveries. You can read more in detail on Archimedes inventions 1857-1894 1775-1836 1776-1856 Electromagnetic theory of light and electromagnetic waves. Unit of measurement to measure electric current Avogadro's Law, that is, "equal volumes of different gases, pressure and temperature being equal, contain the same number of molecules". Bohr Model of Atom Letterpress printing press also known as mechanical printing press. Theory of Relativity, photoelectric effect and lots more Combustion engine. X-ray Bicycle Pocket Watch Verbiest invented the first ever car. Graham Bell invented the first practical telephone. Reis is known for the early invention of telephone John Logie Baird invented the television. You can read more on
invention of television

Neils Hendrik David Bohr 1885-1962 Johannes Gutenberg Albert Einstein Rudolf Diesel 398-1468 1879-1955 1858-1913

Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen 1845-1923 Karl Friedrich von Drais Peter Henlein Ferdinand Verbiest Graham Bell Philipp Reis John Logie Baird Werner von Siemens Hans von Ohain Artur Fischer Felix Hoffmann Hugo Junkers Otto Lilienthal Melitta Bentz Konrad Zuse Gottlieb Daimler Robert Koch Karlheinz Brandenburg Heinrich Gobel Samuel Hahnemann 1785-1851 1479-1542 1623-1688 1847-1922 1834-1874 1888-1946 1816-1892 1911-1998 1919 1868-1946 1859-1935 1848-1896 1873-1950 1910-1995 1834-1900 1843-1910 1954 1818-1893 1755-1843

Dynamo Jet engine Fischertechnik Aspirin Civilian avion Gliding flights Coffee Filter First 'working' computer. You can read more on the original idea of computers and also about Charles Babbage who invented the computer. Automobile and internal combustion machine Isolation of Bacillus anthracis, tuberculosis bacteria and Vibrio cholerae. Also known for his Koch's postulates. MP3 Technology Incandescent light bulb Creation of alternative medicine practice called Homeopathy

Heinrich Focke Levi Strauss Otto Hahn Julius Lothar Meyer Emil Berliner Rudolf Hell Fritz Pfleumer Thomas Edison Elias Howe Laszlo Jozsef Bro

1890-1979 1829-1902 1879-1968 1830-1895 1851-1929 1901-2002 1881-1945 1847-1931 1819-1867 1899-1985

Helicopter Jeans Nuclear fission and known as the 'father of nuclear chemistry'. First person to draw the periodic table of chemical elements Record Player Formulated technology for Scanner and Fax Audio tape Electric light bulb. You can read more on Thomas Edison

Sewing machine Ballpoint pen Traffic signal, respiratory protective mask (gas mask), hair straightening preparation.
Telegraph invention

Garrett Augustus Morgan 1877-1963 Samuel F. B. Morse Percy Spencer Orville Wright, Wilbur Wright Benjamin Franklin 1791-1872 1894-1970 1871-1948, 1867-1912 1706-1790

Microwave oven
Airplane invention

One of the founding fathers of America, Franklin is attributed to have invented electricity

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