Classes and Objects - C++

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Classes and Objects in C++

Data Types
Recall that C++ has predefined data types, such as int int x; // Creates a specific instance of an // integer named x C++ also predefines operations that can be used on integers, such as + and *

Sometimes, a programmer will want to define a custom "thing" and the operations that can be performed on that "thing" A class is the definition An object is a particular instance of a class Classes contain
data, called members functions, called methods

Class Declaration
class Class_name { public: member (data) definitions method (function) definitions private: member (data) definitions method (function) definitions }; // order of public and private can be reversed // data is seldom public // note semicolon after }

Public and Private

Public members and methods can be accessed from outside the class and provide the interface Private members and methods cannot be accessed from outside the class

Data Hiding
Recall that many programmers can each write a small piece of a large program Need to have some way to define how other programmers can use your stuff
Public methods are the only way for any other code to access the class

Need to have some way to keep other programmers from messing up your stuff
Private methods and members cannot be accessed from outside the class

Reusability and Changeability

Writing programs is expensive, so organizations try to reuse code and avoid changing it If classes are well written, they can be reused in several programs Also, the internals of a class can be rewritten - as long as the interface does not change, programs that use that class do not need to be changed

Example 1
Create a counter. Other parts of the program should be able to increment the counter and read the counter

class Counter { public: // constructor to initialize the object - note no function type Counter ( ) { currentcount = 0; }; // increment the counter void count( ) { currentcount++; }; // get the current value of the counter int readcounter( ) { return currentcount; }; private: int currentcount; };

Constructors are methods that initialize an object
Must have same name as the class Declaration is odd - no function type Counter ( ) { ..... } Not required, but should be used when data needs to be initialized Never explicitly called - automatically called when an object of this class is declared

Destructors are methods that clean up when an object is destroyed
Must have the same name as the class, but with a ~ in front No function type in declaration ~ Counter ( ) { ..... } Also not required, but should be provided if necessary to release memory, for example Never explicitly called - automatically called when an object of this class is destroyed

Creating an Object
To create an instance of class counter (called an object) declare it as you would any other variable
Class_name object_name(s); This automatically calls the constructor method to initialize the object

Counter my_counter;

Using an Object
Using a public method is similar to a function call object_name.method_name (arguments) my_counter.count( ); int current = my_counter.readcounter( );

Using an Object
Common error - using the class name instead of the object name
Counter.count ( ); // WRONG! my_counter.count ( ); // RIGHT!

Common error - trying to use private members or methods outside the class
cout << currentcount ; // WRONG! cout << my_counter.readcounter ( ); // RIGHT!

Putting It All Together

#include <iostream> using namespace std;

class Counter { public: // constructor to initialize the object Counter ( ) { currentcount = 0; }; // increment the counter void count( ) { currentcount++; }; // get the current value of the counter int readcounter( ) { return currentcount; }; private: int currentcount; };

int main ( ) { // declare two objects Counter first_counter, second_counter; // increment counters first_counter.count( ); second_counter.count( ); second_counter.count( ); //display counts cout << "first counter is " << first_counter.readcounter( ) << endl; cout << "second counter is " << second_counter.readcounter( ) << endl; return 0; }

first counter is 1 second counter is 2

Global Scope
Anything declared outside of a function, such as the class in this example or a variable, can be used by any function in the program and is global Anything declared inside a function can only be used in that function Usual to declare classes to be global Global variables are bad programming practice and should be avoided

Function Prototypes in Class Declarations

In the previous example, the functions (methods) were completely declared within the class declaration Often more readable to put only function prototypes in the class declaration and put the method implementations later use class_name::method_name when declaring the methods This is the usual convention

class Counter { public: Counter ( ); void count( ); int readcounter( ); private: int currentcount; }

Counter::Counter ( ) { currentcount = 0; } void Counter::count ( ){ currentcount ++; } int Counter::readcounter ( ){ return currentcount ; }

Identifying Classes
Often, it is not immediately obvious what the classes should be to solve a particular problem One hint is to consider some of the nouns in the problem statement to be the classes. The verbs in the problem statement will then be the methods.

Example 2
Write a program that manages a checkbook. The user should be able to set the original account balance, deposit money in the account, remove money when a check is written, and query the current balance.

Example 2
class CheckBook public methods are init, deposit, check, and query Pseudocode for main program display menu and get user choice while user does not choose quit Set starting balance: get the amount, call init Deposit: get amount, call deposit Write a check: get amount, call check Balance: call query, display balance display menu and get user choice

Example 2 Program
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std;

Class Declaration
class CheckBook{ private: float balance; public: CheckBook ( ); void init (float); void deposit (float); void check (float); float query ( ); };

//constructor // set balance //add deposit //subtract check //get balance

Class Method Declarations

CheckBook::CheckBook ( ) { balance = 0; } void CheckBook::init (float money) { balance = money; } void CheckBook::deposit (float money) { balance = balance + money; } void CheckBook:: check (float money){ balance = balance - money; } float CheckBook:: query ( ){ return balance; }

Menu Function
int menu ( ) { int choice; cout << "0: Quit" << endl; cout << "1: Set initial balance" << endl; cout << "2: Deposit" << endl; cout << "3: Deduct a check" << endl; cout << "4: Find current balance" << endl; cout << "Please enter your selection: "; cin >> choice; return choice; }

int main ( ) { int sel = menu ( ); // get initial user input float amount; CheckBook my_checks; // declare object // loop until user enters 0 to quit while (sel != 0) { // set initial balance if (sel == 1) { cout << "Please enter initial balance: "; cin >> amount; my_checks.init(amount ); } // deposit else if (sel == 2) { cout << "Please enter deposit amount: "; cin >> amount; my_checks.deposit (amount): }

// checks else if (sel == 3) { cout << "Please enter amount of check: "; cin >> amount; my_checks.check (amount); } // balance inquiry else if (sel == 4) { cout << fixed << setprecision(2); cout << "The balance is " << my_checks.query ( ) << endl; } // get next user choice sel = menu ( ); } // end while return 0; }


Example 3
Write a class Can that calculates the surface area, volume, and weight of a can surface area = 2p r(r+h) volume = p r2h weight (aluminum) = 0.1oz/in2 of surface area weight (steel) = 0.5 oz/in2 of surface

Class Can
class Can { private: float radius, height; char material; // S for steel, A for aluminum public: Can (float, float, char); float volume ( ); float surface_area( ); float weight ( ); };

// constructor has arguments Can::Can(float r, float h, char m){ radius = r; height = h; material = m; } float Can::volume( ) { return (3.14 * radius * radius * height); }


float Can::surface_area ( ){ return ( 2 * 3.14* radius * (radius + height)); } float Can::weight ( ) { if (material == 'S') return ( 0.5 * surface_area( )); else return (0.1 * surface_area( ) ); }

int main ( ) { Can popcan(1, 5, 'A'); cout << "Aluminum popcan is about 5 inches high and 1 inch in diameter." << endl; cout << "Volume is " << popcan.volume( ) << " cubic inches" << endl; cout << "Surface area is " << popcan.surface_area ( ) <<" square inches" << endl; cout << "Weight is " << popcan.weight ( ) << " ounces" << endl; return 0; }

Aluminum popcan is about 5 inches high and 1 inch in diameter. Volume is 15.7 cubic inches Surface area is 37.68 square inches Weight is 3.768 ounces


C++ has built-in classes

Recall that to create an input file, use // class definition in fstream #include <fstream> // class is ifstream, object is input_file ifstream input_file; //close is a method of ifstream input_file.close ( );

String Class
#include <string> //class definition here // class is string, object is my_name string my_name; // Can set the object directly my_name = "Joan"; // methods cout << my_name.length( ); //4 //substring of length 2 starting from character 0 cout << my_name.substr(0, 2); //Jo


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