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Business Architecture

1 Business Architecture What is it? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 1.2 2 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Legend .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Systems Overview .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 2.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Interfaces........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

2.2.1 3

Process Discussions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 3.1 Procure to Pay ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31

3.1.1 3.2

Forecast to Stock ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 K - Market Products and Services........................................................................................................................................................................... 42 K-210 Develop Product / Service Forecast ...................................................................................................................................................... 42

3.2.1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Process Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort .......................................................................................... 43 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Future Process Vision ................................................................................................................................................................................... 43 3.2.2 M Manufacture Product ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 M-080 Perform Short-Range Production Planning ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 Process Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 45

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Business Architecture Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort .......................................................................................... 45 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Future Process Vision ................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 M090 Schedule Production ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Process Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort .......................................................................................... 47 Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Future Process Vision ................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 M-100 Execute Production ................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order................................................................................................................................................. 48 M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials ................................................................................................................................... 49 M-100-410 / 420 Inspect Material and Record............................................................................................................................................ 51 M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse ................................................................................................................................................. 52 M-100-460 Purge / Disposition Out of Spec Material .................................................................................................................................. 53 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 Order to Cash ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 74 Record to Report ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95 Reporting / Decision Support ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 98

Special Topics ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144 4.1 Inventory ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144

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4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 Raw Materials....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146 Finished Goods ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 151 Inventory Accounting ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 155 Dispositioned Material ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 158 Code-conversion................................................................................................................................................................................................... 159 GRD and Add-Back ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 160 Product Recall....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 162 Transfer Pricing .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 166 Schreiber .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 171 Meiji...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174 Pallets ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 Cost recovery / pallet logistic programs....................................................................................................................................................... 177 Pallet Setup .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 178 Physical Pallets ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 178 Logical Pallets ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 179 Pallet Summary ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 180 4.1.12 Pallets Inventory Management .................................................................................................................................................................... 180

Sales Reversals ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 181 Types of Problems ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 181 Timing of discovering the problem .............................................................................................................................................................. 182 Sales Reversal Diagrams ............................................................................................................................................................................... 185

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Business Architecture How to use the diagrams ......................................................................................................................................................................... 185 Sales Reversal Diagrams (Five Pages)....................................................................................................................................................... 186

List of Tables
Table 1 Systems Descriptions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Table 2 - List of Interfaces .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Table 3 - Procure to Pay Process Descriptions Raw Materials and Trade Goods........................................................................................................................ 37 Table 4 - Demand Solution ESSbase cubes..................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Table 5 - FTS Process Descriptions - Production & Inventory Management ................................................................................................................................. 63 Table 6 - FTS Process Descriptions - STO for Finished Goods ........................................................................................................................................................ 67 Table 7 - FTS Process Descriptions - STO for Raw Materials .......................................................................................................................................................... 71 Table 8 - Order to Cash Process Descriptions - Sales Order ........................................................................................................................................................... 79 Table 9- Raw Material Inventory Process Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................................... 147 Table 10- Finished Goods Process Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................................................... 152 Table 11 - Process Descriptions - Dispositioned Material ............................................................................................................................................................ 158 Table 12 - Process Descriptions Code-conversion ....................................................................................................................................................................... 159 Table 13 - Process Descriptions Create GRD ............................................................................................................................................................................. 160 Table 14 - Process Descriptions Product Recall ........................................................................................................................................................................... 163 Table 15- Schreiber Process Descriptions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 172 Table 16 - Meiji Process Descriptions .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 175 Table 17 - Pallet Table .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 180

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Business Architecture

List of Figures
Figure 1 - System Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Figure 2 - Process Map Diagram for Procure to Pay ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 3 - Procure to Pay System Diagram ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 4 - Procure to Pay Process to System Diagram - Raw Materials and Trade Goods............................................................................................................. 36 Figure 5 Forecast to Stock Production / Inventory .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Figure 6 - Develop Product / Service Forecast Process Diagram ................................................................................................................................................... 43 Figure 7 Perform Short-Range Production Planning Process ......................................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 8 - M090 Schedule Production Diagram ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Figure 9 - M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order Process Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 48 Figure 10 M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials Process Diagram ......................................................................................................................... 50 Figure 11 - M-100-410 Inspect Material and Record Process Diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 51 Figure 12 - M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse Process Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 52 Figure 13 - M-100-470 Record Operations Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Figure 14 - M-100-480 Reconcile and Close Work Order............................................................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 15 Forecast to Stock System Diagram Production and Inventory Control .................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 16 - Forecast to Stock System Diagram - Product Definition .............................................................................................................................................. 58 Figure 17 - Forecast to Stock Systems Diagram Transportation ................................................................................................................................................. 59 Figure 18 - Forecast to Stock System Diagram - Plant Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 19 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Production & Inventory Management ............................................................................................. 62 Figure 20 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Stock Transport Orders Finished Goods ........................................................................................... 66 Figure 21 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Stock Transport Orders Raw Materials Plant to Plant ................................................................... 70 Figure 22 - Order to Cash Process Map Order to Billing ............................................................................................................................................................. 74 Figure 23 - Order to Cash System Diagram - Order........................................................................................................................................................................ 75 Figure 24- Order to Cash Diagram - Master Data Setup ................................................................................................................................................................ 76 Figure 25 - OTC Process to System Diagram - Sales Order............................................................................................................................................................. 78 Figure 26 O-020 Capture Orders Process Diagram ..................................................................................................................................................................... 84

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Figure 27 - O-030 Process Orders / O-040 Calculate Order Pricing ............................................................................................................................................... 87 Figure 28 - O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery Process Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 89 Figure 29 - - O-090 Pick Orders / O-100 Pack Orders Process Diagram ......................................................................................................................................... 91 Figure 30 - O-110 Deliver Orders................................................................................................................................................................................................. 92 Figure 31 - O-130 Bill Revenue Process Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................... 93 Figure 32 - Process to System Diagram - Raw Materials .............................................................................................................................................................. 146 Figure 33 - Process to System Diagram - Finished Goods ............................................................................................................................................................ 151 Figure 34 - Process to System Diagram - Dispositioned Material ................................................................................................................................................ 158 Figure 35 - Process to System Diagram Code-conversion ............................................................................................................................................................ 159 Figure 36 - Process to System Diagram Create GRD ................................................................................................................................................................. 160 Figure 37 - Process to System Diagram Product Recall ............................................................................................................................................................. 162 Figure 38 - System Diagram Transfer Pricing ............................................................................................................................................................................... 170 Figure 39 - Process to System Diagram Schreiber ..................................................................................................................................................................... 171 Figure 40 - Process to System Diagram Meiji ............................................................................................................................................................................ 174 Figure 41 - Sales Reversal Diagrams ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 186

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Business Architecture

1 Business Architecture What is it?

1.1 Overview
Todays business process and computer systems environments are very complicated. They transcend the traditional company boundaries and now connect many business partners across the supply chain. Many different interface and communication technologies are used. These systems often seem to have a life of their own and tend to evolve over time. Knowledge of the overall architecture and the components can easily get lost as the result of personnel turnover. Detailed documentation is often maintained at a work unit level, but this can often be difficult to locate and often does not maintain a conceptual or integration perspective. Many projects are organized across functional boundaries. Over the course of a project, the integrated view of the system and business process architecture can be missed and not discovered again until problems are discovered in integration testing. The results can be disastrous. Even if the integration points are well managed in design and construction, they often are not well documented. In order to address these concerns it is necessary to develop an architecture document that provides an integrated view of the full solution. It has to have a good combination of business and technical architecture perspectives. The process of creating the document should help to assure that critical process and system interface points are properly considered and documented. In addition, the document should be written from a business perspective so that the user community can go to a single source to obtain a good understanding of the scope and architecture of the solution This is the reason this documented has been created. The SSi has had an aggressive implementation timeframe. A business process perspective has been maintained throughout the project, but much of this knowledge is imbedded in work unit documentation and in peoples heads. The purpose of this document is to mine this information and present it in an integrated, process oriented document. The information has proven to be valuable during the scenario development and testing phases of Release 1, although a major motivation for the document is to provide a well documented beginning point for Releases 1.5 and 2.0. The document begins by providing context information on the systems environment. Existing and future systems are described and the anticipated migration approach for each system is identified. In order to better understand the phasing of the systems through the planned releases, the systems are categorized into functional areas. The phasing information for Release 1.5 and 2.0 is based upon the best thinking at this point. This is subject to change as the future releases progress. In some cases functionality has been identified as possibly required, but timing and need will be determined in the analysis phases of each release.

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Business Architecture
Next the interfaces are identified. Manual, vendor, legacy, and SSI interfaces are described. Because of the number of interfaces required, it is not possible to show all of them on a single diagram. Therefore, the interface diagrams have been segmented by process area. The bulk of this document is organized by major process group. In each process area, System Diagrams are included to identify the systems and interfaces that are part of the process groups. As mentioned, the main part of this document is organized by major process area. Each process area includes the following sections: High Level Process Map provides an overview of the key sub-processes covered by the process group. Process / Sub-process detail (Forecast to Stock and Order to Cash) For each key Sub-process (please reference LeprinoPrint for additional details for other sub-processes and activities) o Overview o Context diagram inputs and outputs o Interface Table o Key Activities / Tasks o Tools o Future Process Vision System Diagrams - identify the systems and interfaces that are part of the process group. Process to System Diagram These diagrams show key activities within sub-processes and for each activity shows the systems and interfaces that executed as part of the activity. Process Descriptions Each activity on the Process to System Diagrams is identified with an activity id. This table provides more detail on each activity. The activity is also classified into process and sub-process area based upon the LeprinoPrint.

There are often important topics that transcend process groups. While the details of the topic are often included in the process group topics it is hard to obtain an integrated view of the topic. Therefore, the last section of this document includes discussions on special topics. The diagrams and tables use naming conventions and diagram elements. The key for this included below.

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Business Architecture
1.2 Legend
SAP Components JDE Components Release 1

Release 1.5

Infinium Components

Release 2

Legacy Components Miscellaneous Software Package SAP PI Interface

Existing Component to be Retained Existing Component to be Replaced Phasing not determined

Interfaces LG9999 Legacy Interfaces MN9999 Manual Interfaces SAP9999 SAP Interfaces RF9999 Real-time interfaces AC9999 Key Activities IN9999 SSi Interfaces JDE9999 JDE Interfaces EDI9999 EDI Interfaces DS9999 Demand Solutions Interfaces

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Business Architecture

2 Systems Overview
2.1 Overview
The SSi project team carefully evaluated the Leprino systems and business environment and developed a migration strategy. This strategy is based upon the major guidelines outlined below: Release 1 o SAP will be the book of record for all inventory except for plant maintenance stores and maintenance items Inventory balances will be also maintained in Legacy systems Interfaces will be written for most movement types Complex movements will be dual entered in SAP and Legacy o Purchase Order Receipts o Consumption o Repack Legacy inventory systems to be retained for release 1 Finished Goods JDE Inventory Control CMMS Plant Maintenance SAP will allocate warehouse space to plant maintenance inventory, but will not track inventory balances o The Product Specification System will generally be the book of record for product characteristics Continue to collect product specification information from CIM Information will be interfaced to SAP o SAP is the book of record for Inventory Control Cycle Counts Disposition Code Conversions o Inventory Management will continue to take place in the Legacy Systems Demand Solutions JDE Inventory management (Supply and Demand / Allocation Report)

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Product Cost build up will continued to be performed in the Legacy Standard Cost System and interfaced to SAP SAP will be the book of record for all financial transactions and reporting except for Accounts Payable (JDE) Relevant G/L transactions will be interfaced from Legacy JDE and Infinium Payroll Plant Maintenance Accounts Payable / Receiving o Received not invoiced o Purchase Price Variance o Accounts Payable o JDE will be book of record for Purchasing of non-plant maintenance materials and services Receiving will be performed in JDE and SAP Plant Maintenance purchasing and receiving will be done in CMMS o Legacy Systems will be the book of record for Production CIM Finished Goods Yield and Efficiency o SAP will be the book of record for all sales order processing JDE Sales Order file structures will be partially fed to allow transportation planning and inventory management to be performed o Transportation Planning and Billing will be performed in the Legacy Systems o Stock Transport Orders will be processed in SAP and interfaced to Legacy Systems Release 1.5 o CRM functionality will be implemented in SAP scope to be determined o Human Resource Capital in SAP will be implemented o Manufacturing Execution System Functionality will be implemented scope and systems to be determined Release 2.0 o Production to be implemented in SAP o Inventory Management to be implemented in SAP scope and systems to be determined o Project Systems to be implemented in SAP o Plant Maintenance to be implemented in SAP o o

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Business Architecture
o o Transportation systems will be replaced with SAP APO Transportation Planning / Vehicle Scheduling Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting will be replaced with SAP APO Demand Planning

Please refer to Figure 1 - System Diagram and Table 1 Systems Descriptions for more information on Release 1 systems.
Figure 1 - System Diagram

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Business Architecture
Architecture Software 98. Inovis Customer Relationship 35. JDE Sales Order Procssing 40. SAP SD Pricing 41. SAP SD Credit 42. SAP FSC Credit 43. SAP Customer 44. JDE Customer Inventory / Material Definition Financial Systems 51. SAP Receiving 48. SAP Purchasing 49. SAP PO Pricing 47. JDE GRIR 46. JDE Receiving 45. JDE Purchasing 4. SAP CCA 3. SAP PCA 1. SAP Journal 5. SAP COPA 2. SAP G/L 22. JDE Inventory Management 11. Infinium G/L 23. SAP Inventory Control 24. SAP Inventory Management 25. SAP APO SNP 26. Legacy Finished Goods 28. JDE Material Master 29. Legacy Standard Cost 30. SAP Transfers 31. Legacy Material Translation 28. JDE BOM 59. Legacy Production Plan 58. Legacy MRP Tactical 57. SAP MRP 21. JDE Inventory Control 27. SAP Material Master Inbound / Outbound Warehouse 61. SAP Delivery 62. SAP WMS 63. Bartender Transportation Legacy Transportation Management System 68. Freight Billing 65. TMS 99. Merge 67. LoadScheduling 66. MiniRelease 69. Freight Accrual 70. SAP Shipping Project Tracking 17. SAP PS 18. Legacy Capital Projects

97. SAP PI



37. Customer Issue Log 38. SAP Order Entry

101. Billing Customer x-ref 64. Innovative

100. CC Excess Freight


Procurement Systems 50. SAP GRIR

Document Mangement 92. Legacy DM5 93. Scriptura

39. SAP Billing

Production / Inventory Planning 60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning 53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting



14. JDE A/P

7. SAP A/R

12. JDE G/L 15. SAP FSC Collections 105. Transfer Pricing

8. SAP A/P

16. SAP FSC Disputes 9. SAP AM

6. SAP Cost Object


10. SAP Treasury

Reporting Systems Human Resources 88. Infinium HRIS 81. SAP Payroll 89. Infinium Payroll 82. SAP Benefits 79. SAP PA 83. SAP Comp 80. SAP OM 85. SAP L&D Quality Systems 78. LIMS Batch / Specification Management 33. Legacy Product Specification 34. Legacy XML COA 32. SAP Batch Management Plant Maintenance 19. CMMS 20. SAP MM Plant Maintenance 72. SAP Production Order 96. Showcase 95. Essbase 94. SAP BI

Production Execution Systems 74. Legacy CIM 76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency 75. Wonderware

90. Infinium Training Tracking 91. Legacy Performance Mgmt

84. SAP Training & Events


87. SAP Recruiting

73. JDE Production Orders

92. Kronos

77. SAP Quality

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Business Architecture

Table 1 Systems Descriptions

System Financial Systems SAP Journal



Planned Disposition Implement Release 1

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

SAP FI - General Ledger

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

SAP EC - Profit Center Accounting (PCA)

SAP CO - Cost Center Accounting (CCA)

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

SAP CO - Profitability Analysis (COPA)

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

SAP CO - Cost Object Controlling

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

7 8

SAP FI - Accounts Receivable SAP FI - Accounts Payable

This logical system takes business transactions and creates the appropriate accounting documents. Based upon the specific business transaction, financial and management accounting documents are created. This module of FI maintains financial documents and balances designed to provide information and reporting predominately for external financial reporting. This module of Controlling maintains financial documents and balances designed to provide information and reporting predominately for management reporting. It is Profit Center oriented. This module of controlling maintains financial documents and balances designed to provide information and reporting predominately for management reporting. It is Cost Center oriented. This module of controlling maintains financial documents and balances designed to provide information and reporting predominately for management reporting. It is characteristic based and is designed to provide profitability information by business entities such as product and customer. This module is a controlling module designed to maintain cost information at an object level such as internal orders, sales orders and production orders. This module maintains information and provides reporting on customer accounts receivable balances. This module maintains information on vendor accounts payable balances. Although being implemented in Release

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1

Implement Release 1

Implement Release 1

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1

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Business Architecture
System Architecture Description 1, it is a minimal implementation designed to support stock transport orders. This FI module maintains information on company fixed assets. It calculates depreciation and provides necessary statutory and tax reporting. This FI module provides functionality to manage cash flow and company investments. Legacy General Ledger System. This system will be a transaction collector. Financial transactions will be collected from JDE, Infinium HR, and CMMS and then interfaced to SAP. This module books the financial impact of accounts payable, inventory and production transactions. Journals are interfaced into Infinium. JDE Accounts Receivable System. Replaced in Release 1. JDE Accounts Payable System. Provides information and tracking for customer collections. This system documents and helps manage and resolve customer accounts receivable disputes. This system calculates the average selling price that is input into transfer pricing calculations. This module helps to organize, manage and collect costs for company projects. Custom developed system to collect costs for company projects. This system tracks plant equipment, manage maintenance, track supply items and purchase necessary supplies. Planned Disposition

SAP FI - Asset Management

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-Series

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 2 Decommission Release 2

10 11

SAP FI - Treasury Infinium General Ledger


JD Edwards (JDE) General Ledger

AS400 I-series

Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 1 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Decommission Release 1 Asset Related functionality Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2

13 14 15 16

JDE Accounts Receivable JDE Accounts Payable SAP FSC - Collections SAP FSC Disputes Management

AS400 I-series AS400 I-series HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series

105 Legacy Transfer Pricing Project Tracking SAP MM Project Systems


HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle


Legacy Capital Projects Plant Maintenance CMMS


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Business Architecture
System 20 SAP MM Plant Maintenance Inventory Systems JDE Inventory Control Architecture HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series Description This system tracks plant equipment, manage maintenance, and track supply items. This module posts inventory transactions and maintains inventory item balances. Transactions are posted to the JDE General Ledger via a batch interface. This module is used to drive purchasing and replenishment decisions for inventory. This module posts inventory transactions and maintains inventory item balances. Transactions are posted real time to the SAP Journal and subsequent modules. This module is used to drive purchasing and replenishment decisions for inventory. Raw material and finished goods replenishment will be supported in Release 1, but most decisions will be driven from the JDE Supply and Demand modules and the Legacy allocation report. This module tracks inventory balances and transactions for lot controlled materials. This module is used to maintain material master information. A small subset of information is interfaced to the Legacy Systems in phase 1. Material information will need to be maintained in SAP and Legacy Systems. This module is used to maintain material master information. Material information will need to be maintained in SAP and Legacy Systems. This Legacy system is used to build up product standard costs. Costs are passed to Finished Goods and SAP Inventory Control. Standard cost components are passed to SAP Inventory Control. Helps manage material movements between storage locations, plants, material numbers and bins. Planned Disposition Implement Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Finished Goods. Raw Materials and Stores in Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Implement Release 1


22 23

JDE Inventory Management (Supply and Demand) SAP MM - Inventory Control

AS400 I-series HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle


SAP MM Inventory Management

26 27

Legacy Finished Goods SAP MM - Material Master

AS400 I-Series HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle


JDE Material Master

AS400 I-series

Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2


Standard Cost System

AS400 I-series


SAP MM - Transfers

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

Implement Release 1

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Business Architecture
System 31 Legacy Material Translation Architecture AS400 I-series Description SAP material master information is interfaced to the Legacy Systems to provide a cross reference between Legacy and SAP material numbers and to supplement Legacy material information to allow for interfaces. Module within SAP that tracks product batch characteristic information. Customer batch requirements are also tracked. Module within the Legacy Systems that tracks product batch characteristic information. Customer batch requirements are also tracked. Module to generate some formats of customer certificates of analysis. Planned Disposition Decommission Release 2


Batch / Specification Management SAP MM - Batch Management

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series

Implement Release 1 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 1


Legacy Product Specification


Legacy Certificate of Analysis (COA) Customer Relationship Management JDE Sales Order Processing

AS400 I-series


AS400 I-series

This module is used to process sales orders. Most functionality is decommissioned in Release 1 although file structures are used to interface to JDE Allocation Reporting and to Legacy Transportation Systems This system helps manage all aspects of interaction with the customer including incident tracking, order management, sales force automation and reporting. Manage sales order entry and maintenance. Used to bill customer and intercompany orders. Provides for maintenance and calculation of customer prices and costs using conditions based pricing. Provides information and tracking of the current credit worthiness of customers.



HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

Decommission Release 2, just used as interface for Release 1 Implement Release 1.5

37 38 39 40 41

Customer Issue Log SAP SD - Sales Order Processing SAP SD - Billing SAP SD - Pricing SAP SD - Credit

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1

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Business Architecture
System 42 SAP FSC - Credit Architecture HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series Description Provides information and tracking of the current credit worthiness of customers. Increased functionality over the SD version. Used to maintain SAP customer information. Some information is interfaced to Legacy Systems. Used to maintain JDE customer information. Some information is interfaced to from SAP. Used to purchase services and materials. Used to receive materials from purchasing and to post to JDE Inventory Control. Used to control acquisition of services and materials to assure that there is consistency between the purchased, received and invoiced costs and quantities. Used to purchase services and materials. Provides for maintenance and calculation of vendor prices and costs using conditions based pricing. Used to control acquisition of services and materials to assure that there is consistency between the purchased, received and invoiced costs and quantities. Used to receive materials from purchasing and to post to JDE Inventory Control. Planned Disposition Possibly implement Release 2 Implement Release 1 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Implement Release 2 Implement Release 2 Implement Release 2 Implement Release 1

43 44

SAP SD Customer Master JDE Customer Master Procurement Systems JDE Purchasing JDE Receiving JDE GR / IR

45 46 47

AS400 I-series AS400 I-series AS400 I-series

48 49 50

SAP MM - Purchasing SAP MM - Pricing SAP MM GR / IR

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

51 52 53 54 55

SAP MM - Receiving Production Planning and Forecasting Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting SAP Sales & Operations Planning SAP APO Demand Planning

Used to develop sales forecasts. Vendor package. HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle Used to develop sales forecasts and sales and production plans. Used to develop sales forecasts.

Not Determined Not Determined May consider implementing

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Business Architecture
System Architecture Description Planned Disposition Release 2 to replace Demand Solutions Probably beyond Release 2, if at all Implement Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2


SAP APO Supply Network Planning

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle Excel Excel

57 58 59

SAP MM MRP Legacy MRP Tactical Legacy Production Plan


61 62 63

Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Warehouse Management & Delivery SAP SD - Delivery SAP MM Warehouse Management Bartender Transportation Systems Innovative

Used to manage replenishment and inventory balances across a supply chain. Provides sophisticated algorithms based upon the optimization logic of APO Used to manage replenishment and inventory balances across a supply chain. Spreadsheet generated to help manage inventory across the network. Hasnt been run in a couple years. Multi-tabbed Spreadsheet that is loaded from Showcase and ESSbase that contains the production plan. Planned production orders can be uploaded into JDE. Used to develop the production plan.

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

Generates document to manage and track material movements into and out of plants and storage locations. Used to setup warehouse configurations and allows tracking inventory at a bin level of detail. Used to generate pallet license plates.

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Decommission Release 2


AS400 I-series


Transportation Management System (TMS)

AS400 I-series

Legacy transportation system. Vendor package to manage trucking fleets. A subset of the functionality is being used. Currently the database and function modules are being used. Stores route and trip information. Provides the user interface in front of Innovative and Merge that allows a user to dispatch, tender and manage loads. Also provides freight rating functionality.

Decommission Release 2

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Business Architecture
System 66 Mini-release Architecture AS400 I-series Description Used to load the transportation systems from the business transaction systems. Maintains important cross references for documents and master data. Used to manage plant outgoing and incoming loads. Used to generate carrier freight payments. Interfaces freight payment information to JDE Accounts Payable. For carriers that arent paid based upon shipment confirmation and standard rates, freight expense is accrued at the end of a period for shipments where invoices have not been received. Used to combine multiple deliveries into a single shipment. This system is used to allocate freight costs to cost centers. This is used to maintain a cross reference between the Innovative and JDE customer numbers. Vendor package that calculate route mileage and information. Downloaded periodically into Innovative. This SAP custom module captures actual freight rates at a handling unit level to track and allocate PPM costs. Batch job evaluates sales / transfer orders for ship date and send transaction to Innovative to trigger trip completion. Used in SAP to track and manage end to end shipments. The shipments can be multi-mode and multi-stop. Planned Disposition Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 2

67 68 69

Load Scheduling Freight Billing Freight Accrual

AS400 I-series AS400 I-series AS400 I-series


Load Merge

AS400 I-series AS400 I-series AS400 I-series

100 Common Carrier Excess Freight 101 Old billing customer x-ref 102 Milemaker 103 SAP Freight Costing Enhancement 104 JDE Empty Load 70 SAP SD - Shipments

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 1 Decommission Release 2 To be Determined Implement Release 1


SAP APO Transportation Planning and Vehicle Scheduling (TPVS) Production Execution

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

This system is used to plan, track and manage shipments and vehicles. It uses optimization logic based upon SAPs APO module.

Implement Release 1 international only, remainder in Release 2 Implement Release 2

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Business Architecture
System 72 SAP PP Production Orders Architecture HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-series HP-UX, Oracle Forms, Oracle Database will move to Windows Server in 2009 Description Manages scheduling, tracking, and execution of production and process orders for discrete, repetitive and process industries. Manages scheduling, tracking, and execution of production orders. Legacy custom-built system to manage and track production on the shop floor. Used to collect and store process and product characteristics and readings and pass them to the appropriate systems Collects information to track the efficiency and yield information of the production process. Helps manage quality data collection and evaluation. Helps manage quality data collection and evaluation HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle This module is used to manage the lifecycle of an employee including hiring, retiring, firing etc. This module is used to setup and manage the business organization that is used by other HCM modules. This module is used to mange employee payroll. This module is used to manage employee benefits. This module is used to manage and track employee compensation and compare it to comparable values in industry. This module is used to setup training events, assign students to them and to manage employee training records. Planned Disposition Implement Release 2 Decommission Release 2 Decommission Release 1.5 In Place, interface to SAP Release 1.5 Decommission Release 2 Release 1.5 ? Release 1.5 ? Implement Release 1.5 Implement Release 1.5 Implement Release 1.5 Implement Release 1.5 Implement Release 1.5 Implement Release 1.5

73 74

JDE Production Orders Legacy CIM




Legacy Yield and Efficiency Quality Systems SAP Quality LIMS Human Capital Management (HCM) SAP HCM Personnel Administration SAP HCM Organizational Management SAP HCM Payroll SAP HCM Benefits SAP HCM Compensation Management SAP HCM Training and Events

AS400 I-series

77 78 79 80 81 82 83

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle


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System 85 Architecture Description This is a comprehensive module to manage the full lifecycle of training including development. Planned Disposition Implement Release 1.5 (?) scope to be determined Implement Release 1.5 Future (?) Decommission Release 1.5 Decommission Release 1.5 Decommission Release 1.5

SAP HCM Learning and Development HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle


SAP HCM Employee Self Service

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle AS400 I-Series AS400 I-Series AS400 I-Series

87 88 89 90 91 92 93

SAP HCM Recruiting Infinium HR Infinium Payroll Infinium Training Tracking Legacy Performance Management Document Management DM5 Scriptura Reporting SAP Business Intelligence ESSbase Showcase Architecture SAP Process Integration Inovis JDE EDI

This module is a portal based module that allows employees to manage their own employee records and many employee transactions. This module helps manage and track the full recruiting lifecycle. Legacy HR system Legacy payroll system Legacy system to track training.

Document Management Software Software that is used to publish product specifications as PDFs from the Product Specification System HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle Oracle SAPs version of Business Intelligence which includes data warehousing and reporting components Business Intelligence Database Report Writer Software Architecture software to facilitate the construction and management of system interfaces EDI translation service Used for EDI transportation tendering

Retain Retain

94 95 96 97 98 25

Implement Release 1

HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle

AS400 I-Series

Implement Release 1 Implement Release 1 Decommission Release 2 Page 22

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System 105 SAP GRC Architecture HP, Windows Server Enterprise 2003, Oracle Description Helps implement Governance, Risk and Controls throughout the SAP Suite of Products Planned Disposition Implement Release 1

2.2 Interfaces
2.2.1 Overview Interfaces are an important part of any system implementation, but they take on an added importance when systems are implemented in phases. This is the case at Leprino. Table 2 lists the interfaces for Release 1. They are broken down by SSi interfaces, existing legacy interfaces, vendor interfaces, manual interfaces and real-time interfaces. The naming conventions are listed in the Legend section on page 9. Each process group has diagrams that expand on the interfaces that are referenced below. The interfaces will be displayed on the System Diagrams and the Process to System Diagrams.

Table 2 - List of Interfaces

IN0001 IN0007

SAP General Ledger Legacy Finished Goods

CIM SAP Inventory Control

Automated Automated

Send actual / planned utility information for specified cost centers / elements Batch characteristics for Finished Goods will be initially captured in CIM and interfaced into Legacy Finished Goods or in some cases actually entered into Legacy Finished Goods. Actual Finished Goods production receipts will be entered into SAP and interfaced to Legacy Finished Goods through Interface IN0018. Empty batches will be created and the characteristics will be populated through this interface. Standard costs will continue to be developed in the Legacy Standard Cost System. The costs and their components will be interfaced to SAP. Updated pickup time and address information are passed from TMS to SAP so the bill of lading can be printed in SAP


IN0010 IN0011


Legacy Standard Costs Legacy Transportation Management System (TMS) SAP Order and Delivery

SAP Inventory Control SAP Delivery

Automated Automated



IN0014 IN0015

SAP Billing SAP Orders

Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Demand Solutions

Automated Automated

Sales Orders and Deliveries and interfaced to TMS so that transportation planning and processing can be done in the TMS Legacy transportation systems. Innovative and JDE sales orders are updated. The TMS systems reference information passed from JDE. Sales history is interfaced from SAP billing information to Demand Solutions Open SAP sales orders are interfaced to Demand Solutions Requirements

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Interface Source Target
Requirements Planning SAP Journal





Infinium General Ledger SAP Inventory Control



Legacy Finished Goods & JDE Inventory Control SAP Customer Batch Information SAP COPA


IN0021 IN0022

Legacy Product Specification JDE Accounts Payable

Automated Automated


3PL Inventory Control Systems via EDI Legacy Finished Goods and JDE Inventory Control Legacy Transportation Management Systems (TMS) Demand Solutions Sales Forecast (stored in Showcase) SAP Delivery SAP Delivery SAP Transfers



SAP Inventory Control custom tables SAP Inventory Control custom tables SAP Pricing




Infinium General ledger batches are interfaced into SAP Journal Processing where documents are created for the appropriate SAP financial systems G/L, COPA, CCA, PCA Material movements will be interfaced into the Legacy Inventory Systems. SAP raw materials will be setup as non-valued materials and not interfaced to the Legacy Systems since they are the book of record for raw materials and interfacing movements would cause duplication. Customer Specifications will be interfaced from the Legacy Product Specification System to SAP. In the Legacy Systems the expenses for Pre-positioned Moves (PPM) are stored by Pallet Number and then when the PPM product is shipped to the customer the proportional PPM costs are charged to the customer shipment for profitability purposes. This interface will duplicate this logic and update SAP COPA. 3PL inventory balances will be received via EDI and stored in SAP custom tables so that 3PL inventory balances can be validated against Leprino Inventory balances. Legacy inventory balances will be received via EDI and stored in SAP custom tables so that Legacy inventory balances can be validated against SAP inventory balances. SAP will need to price freight on customer orders. The pricing data is maintained in the Legacy TMS System. This interface uploads the pricing data to SAP. Sales Volume Forecasts at a Product / Customer / Plant level will be interfaced into SAP COPA PGI orders via email PGI orders via FTP SAP sales orders are being interfaced to Demand Solutions Requirements Planning, but in SAP Stock Transport Orders are stored in separate files. This interface transfers Stock Transport Orders to Demand Solutions Requirements Planning




IN0031 IN0032 IN0035

Master Gallery Foods UFPC Demand Solutions Requirements Planning

Automated Automated Automated

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Legacy Transportation Management Systems (TMS) SAP PI Inovis / SAP PI SAP Material Master



Upon shipment, freight liabilities are sent from Legacy Freight Billing to JDE AP. If additional charges are incurred these are entered into TMS. These charges need to be interfaced to SAP COPA to get a complete picture of the charges. BAI2 cash transactions Allows two-way FTP communication with Inovis using SAP PI Processing in the Legacy Systems will require four fields from the SAP Material Master. These fields will be interfaced to the Legacy Material Translation table via IDOCS. The Legacy Finished Goods is the system of record for Production. This interface interfaces production for a period to assure that all production is properly recorded in SAP. EDI 810 Customer Invoices EDI 816 Customer (Wal-mart) Organization Structure ANSI X.12 823 mapped to BAI2 by Inovis EDI 850 Customer Purchase Order inbound EDI 855 Customer Purchase Order Acknowledgement EDI 856 Advanced Shipping Notices EDI 860 Customer Purchase Order Change inbound EDI 864 Customer (Wal-mart) Text Messages EDI 875 EDI Grocery Products Customer Purchase Order inbound EDI 880 Grocery Products Invoices EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order EDI 945 Warehouse Shipping Advice The Sales Forecast is loaded into files in the Showcase System This is a logical interface. Data is stored in the Showcase files and for a subset of the files the data is loaded into ESSbase Cubes Material data is interfaced into the Demand Solutions systems and is being fed from JDE material master Production Orders are interfaced from JDE to Demand Solutions to prevent the creation of duplicate production. Inventory balances are interfaced to Requirements Planning so that net production requirements can be identified.


IN0038 IN0039 IN0040

SAP Accounts Receivable SAP PI / Inovis Legacy Custom Table

Automated Automated Automated


Legacy Finished Goods SAP Billing Customer Customer SAP PI / Inovis SAP Sales Order SAP Delivery SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis SAP Billing SAP Delivery SAP PI / Inovis Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Showcase files JDE Material Master JDE Production Orders JDE Inventory Control

SAP Inventory Control SAP PI / Inovis Inovis Inovis SAP Sales Order SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis SAP Sales Order SAP Sales Order SAP Sales Order SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis SAP Delivery Showcase Files ESSbase Cubes Demand Solutions Material Master Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Demand Solutions Requirements


EDI810 EDI816 EDI823 EDI850 EDI855 EDI856 EDI860 EDI864 EDI875 EDI880 EDI940 EDI945 LG0001 LG0002 LG0003 LG0004

Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated



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Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Showcase files Legacy Production Plan Legacy Product Specifications CIM Legacy Finished Goods JDE General Ledger

Planning Showcase Files


The Production Plan is loaded into files in the Showcase System


LG0007 LG0008

ESSbase Cubes JDE Production Orders CIM Legacy Product Specifications CIM Infinium General Ledger Legacy Finished Goods Infinium General Ledger CIM Legacy Yield and Efficiency CIM JDE Inventory Control / Finished Goods Legacy Product Specification Legacy Standard Cost Legacy Finished Goods

Automated Automated

LG0010 LG0011 LG0012 LG0013

Automated Automated Automated Automated

This is a logical interface. Data is stored in the Showcase files and for a subset of the files the data is loaded into ESSbase Cubes Planned Work Orders are interfaced to JDE Edwards and automatically loaded. Existing planned work orders are deleted. Firm finished goods and base material work orders are entered manually in MN0001 Planned / Required specifications are interfaced to CIM. Also actual values are interfaced for all products. Particularly Whey and GRD. Actual lot characteristics are collected in CIM and interfaced to Legacy Product Specifications Inventory information is interfaced to CIM General ledger batches are interfaced from JDE to Infinium. Manual journals are not allowed in JDE. The journals are primarily inventory, production and AP. Inventory information / usage is interfaced to Legacy Finished Goods General Ledger entries for Finished Goods production for the month is passed to Infinium General Ledger PLCs (Allen Bradley) outputs interfaces to CIM Yield information is interfaced to Yield and Efficiency Yield Information is interfaced to CIM This is the Legacy Wheel. Changes to inventory balances in either system will update the other as appropriate. Product Specifications are interfaced to PDF documents On request interface to copy product and BOM information to the Legacy Standard Cost System On request interface to copy product and standard cost information to Legacy Finished Goods

LG0014 LG0015 LG0016 LG0017 LG0018 LG0019

CIM Legacy Finished Goods Wonderware CIM Legacy Yield and Efficiency Finished Goods / JDE Inventory Control DM5 / Scriptura Legacy Product Specification Legacy Standard Cost

Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated

LG0020 LG0021 LG0022

Automated Automated Automated

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LG0023 LG0024 LG0025 LG0026

Legacy Finished Goods Legacy Standard Cost / JDE BOM TMS Innovative

JDE Material Master JDE BOM / Legacy Standard Cost Freight Billing Freight Accrual

Automated Automated Automated Automated

On request interface to update batch controlled material data in Two way on request interface that allows copying BOMs / Recipes and costs between the two systems. The BOMs may be at different granularity. Rate information is passed to Freight Billing For carriers that are paid from the invoice, incoming invoices are accrued. The impacted invoices are passed to Freight Accrual at the end of the month. Once billing accounts are finalized, the journals are interfaced to Infinium General Ledger. Freight accrual journals are interfaced to Infinium General Ledger Sales Orders and Transport Orders are interfaced to Mini-Release where cross-references are built and then interfaced to Innovative (LG0030) Sales Orders, Transport Orders and Purchase Orders are interfaced to Innovative Sales Order information is interfaced to Load Scheduling to facilitate warehouse scheduling Purchase Order information is passed to Load Scheduling to facilitate warehouse scheduling Merged trips are interfaced to Innovative Mileage and other routing information is interfaced to Innovative Yield information interfaced to Showcase for Reporting Yield information interfaced to ESSbase for Reporting Tenders sent to carriers Tender answers sent to Innovative Triggers trip complete in Innovative to allow billing Interfaces Add-back / Usage to JDE Production Yield information interfaced from Finished Goods Customer information interfaced to Demand Solutions Invoices are interfaced to JDE Accounts Payable General Ledger Batches are interfaced


LG0027 LG0028 LG0029 LG0030 LG0031 LG0032 LG0033 LG0034 LG0035 LG0036 LG0037 LG0038 LG0039 LG0040 LG0041 LG0042 LG0043 LG0044

Freight Billing Freight Accrual JDE Sales Order Mini-Release JDE Sales Order JDE Purchasing Load Merge Milemaker Legacy Yield & Efficiency Showcase Innovative JDE EDI JDE Empty Load CIM Legacy Finished Goods JDE Customer CMMS CMMS

Infinium General Ledger Infinium General Ledger Mini-Release Innovative Load Scheduling Load Scheduling Innovative Innovative Showcase ESSbase JDE EDI Innovative Innovative Finished Goods Yield and Efficiency Demand Solutions JDE Accounts Payable Infinium General Ledger

Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated

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LG0045 LG0046 LG0047 LG0048 MN0001 MN0002

JDE Vendor Kronos JDE Customer Finished Goods Legacy Production Plan Excel (Daily Milk Report)

CMMS CMMS Innovative Customer CIM JDE Production Order Perform Short-Range Production Planning (Demand Solutions) Issue materials for work order process SAP WMS, SAP Transfers Execution Production Process (CIM) Infinium General Ledger SAP Transfers CIM SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Receipts SAP Journal Infinium General Ledger

Automated Automated Automated / Manual Automated Manual Input

Vendors are setup in JDE and interfaced to CMMS Total time worked is interfaced to CMMS to be used for validation Reconciliation report to show discrepancies Material Usage Base Material and Finished Goods Work Orders are entered manually. When planner is developing production plan the expected milk supply by day is important. This is only maintained in a spreadsheet and distributed as a hard copy report. Was project to store milk supply in ESSbase but is not being used. Production ingredient goods issues will be picked in WMS from transfer orders. Transfer orders will have to be manually created in SAP Transfers from the work orders. The production plan is not interfaced into CIM, but is referenced manually.



JDE Production Orders -Work Order Printed Production Plan





Legacy Finished Goods Legacy Production Plan PLC output JDE Production Order CIM / JDE Inventory Control CIM / JDE Inventory Control 3PL Inventory Control Legacy Finished Goods Legacy Finished Goods


MN0006 MN0007 MN0008 MN0009 MN0010 MN0011 MN0012 MN0013

Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Lot-controlled raw material usage general ledger information is reported on from Legacy Finished Goods and a manual journal is entered into Infinium General Ledger. Stock transport orders are created manually using production plan as input. PLC readings manually keyed into CIM Enter Finished Goods Receipt Amount Obtain non-lot controlled production usage via report Non-Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage Report from either system to enter usage in SAP. 3PL Fax or Email notification of receipt of Finished Goods Monthly dispositioned inventory journal entry. Calculated from Finished Goods report. Finished Goods Systems proposes Finished Goods Production journal voucher that is then manually posted into Infinium General Ledger (No longer necessary)

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SAP Inventory Control / Profit in Inventory Report List of GRD Materials from CIM or Finished Goods Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting SAP WMS SAP Inventory Control SAP Transfer SAP Delivery SAP Delivery SAP Journal SAP Inventory Control SAP Receiving SAP Receiving SAP Delivery SAP Delivery SAP Billing SAP Accounts Receivable SAP Delivery SAP Inventory Control

SAP Journal


This report is used to make a journal to eliminate intercompany profit from the SAP Inventory Transfer Orders are created manually from the list of eligible GRD materials when GRD is deemed applicable. The sales forecast in monthly buckets is interfaced to requirements planning and is transformed into a forecast in weekly buckets. Changes made to the bin location balances in SAP WMS are automatically made to the inventory balances in SAP Inventory Control Inventory material movements made in SAP automatically create the appropriate accounting documents. These may include all or part of the following G/L, CCA, PCA, COPA. Deliveries can be automatically generated from Stock Transport Orders based upon a variety of criteria or they can be manually generated. Transfer orders can be automatically or manually created to drive the WMS picking process. For Stock Transfers the delivery is used for shipment and also receiving purposes Business transactions must be journalized and accounting documents created. SAP Journal is the logical system that does this in SAP. Transfer order created for Finished Goods Inventory putaway upon receipt Update appropriate inventory fields to reflect receipt Update appropriate Transfer Order (PO) fields to reflect receipt Look up Batches based upon customer specification Relieves SAP Inventory when post goods issued in the Delivery Billing entries journalized Cash Application Entries In-bound delivery creation triggers transfer order Available to Promise



SAP Transfers



SAP0001 SAP0002

Demand Solutions Requirements Planning SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal


Automated Automated

SAP0003 SAP0004 SAP0005 SAP0006 SAP0007 SAP0008 SAP0009 SAP0010 SAP0011 SAP0012 SAP0013 SAP0014 SAP0015

SAP Delivery SAP WMS SAP Transfer SAP G/L, SAP PCA, SAP CCA, SAP COPA SAP Transfers SAP Delivery SAP Transfer SAP Batch Management SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal SAP Journal SAP Transfers SAP Sales Order / SAP Delivery

Automated / Manual Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Reference Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated

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JDE0001 JDE0002 JDE0003 JDE0004 JDE0005 JDE0006 JDE0007 JDE0008 JDE0009

JDE Inventory Control JDE Production Orders JDE Accounts Payable JDE Production Orders JDE Purchasing, Receiving & A/P JDE Receiving JDE Receiving JDE Production JDE Sales Orders

JDE General Ledger JDE Inventory Control JDE General Ledger JDE Inventory Management JDE GR / IR JDE Inventory Control JDE Purchasing JDE Inventory Control JDE Inventory Management Innovative JDE Customer Master Load Merge JDE Material Master Legacy Production Plan

Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated

Material movements generated appropriate journals in JDE General Ledger Raw Materials usage is automatically back flushed from inventory based upon confirmation of the production order step. Payables are interfaced to General Ledger Production Orders are exploded through the BOM to show raw material demand. Interfaces setup matching logic in JDE Material movements interface to Inventory Control Two way interface Non-lot controlled Raw Materials are backlushed Sales Orders for block cheese and stock transport orders so they can be used in Supply and Demand. Interface IN0013 creates skeleton JDE Sales Orders and Interface IN0018 marks them as shipped. Customer, Trip and Mileage information are referenced and updated using Innovative function modules Customer information is referenced Merged Load information is referenced Material information is referenced Production Plan stored in ESSbase Cube Confirm Production Order Steps Reduce Production Order Quantity by produced Finished Goods Amount Create Transport Order to put away unused production raw materials Input raw material consumption from CIM and JDE Reports


RF0001 RF0002 RF0003 RF0004 RF0005 AC0001 AC0002 AC0003 AC0004

TMS TMS TMS TMS ESSbase JDE Production Order JDE Production Order SAP Transfers SAP Inventory Control

Real-time Real-time Real-time Real-time Real-time Manual Manual Manual Manual

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3 Process Discussions
3.1 Procure to Pay
3.1.1 Overview For Release 1, the Procure to Pay process will be predominately executed in the JDE system. Purchase Orders will be entered and approved in JDE. The receipts will need to be made in both SAP and JDE. All JDE purchase order receipts for lot-controlled materials will be interfaced through the wheel to the Finished Goods System. Basic vendor lot information is captured in SAP and interfaced to Finished Goods and the Product Specification System. For trade goods additional vendor batch information can be entered in the Product Specification System. Procurement decisions for Trade and Raw Material will continue to be made in the JDE Supply and Demand system. This section includes: Procure to Pay Process Group Map This shows key sub-processes. Since Procure to Pay was not in scope for Release 1 it is based on standard IndustryPrint sub-processes that have not been tailored to Leprino Description of overall Procure to Pay Process for raw materials and trade goods Procure to Pay System / Interface Diagram This diagram shows the Release 1 systems and the interfaces to other systems and process areas Procure to Pay Process to System Diagram for raw materials and trade goods For key activities, this diagram shows the system they are performed in and applicable interfaces. Descriptions of Processes and Activities on the Process to System Diagram. Leprino Print sub-processes are assigned to each activity.

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P Procure Materials And Services P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070-10 Identify MRP Requirements P-070-50 Create Requisition P-070-90 Assign Requisition to Supplier P-070-80 Perform Requisition Approval Process P-080 Create and Process Purchase Order P-120 Receive Materials and Services P-120-170 Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet P-120-180 Release Service Order P-150A Enable Payment P-150-050 Process Invoice O Perform Order Management O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110-030 Plan Transportation/ Process

L Manage Logistics

L-040 Receive and Putaway Product L-040-230 Determine Putaway Location Shipments L-040-280 Record Stock Location

Figure 2 - Process Map Diagram for Procure to Pay

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3.1.2 Process Description Procure to Pay was not in scope for the Release 1 implementation, but the process is impacted by Release 1. Purchase Orders will continue to be entered, approved and processed in JDE Edwards. Purchase Orders will continue to be interfaced into the Transportation Systems. For transportation, Purchase Orders still can be merged with sales orders, returns, and stock transport orders. Inventory Management decisions for all materials will still be made using the Supply and Demand Reporting. This is possible because sales orders are being interfaced to JDE to support this and transportation. Accounts Payable will still be performed in JDE. Purchase order receipts for all materials will change. Purchase order receipts will have to be received both in SAP and JDE. Receipts will be first made in SAP and then made in JDE. The JDE general ledger entry for the receipt will not be changed, but when the entry is interfaced to SAP via Infinium to SAP interface IN0017, the inventory part of the entry will be translated to a clearing account. The inventory receipt in SAP is performed using SAP custom transaction ZFWM_PO which generates a 501 material movement. This movement journalizes to inventory and the same clearing account that the JDE entry was translated to. As long as standard costs are the same on both systems and interface timing is considered the clearing account should have a zero balance. Accounts Payable, Purchase Price Variance and Received not Invoiced entries will be translated to its equivalent SAP G/A account, cost element and cost center number.

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Transportation Legacy Transportation Management System (See FTS OTC Transportation for full interfaces) Procurement Systems 70. SAP Shipping

Customer Relationship 73. JDE Sales Orders

46. JDE Receiving


65. TMS 22. JDE Inventory Management Inventory / Material Definition


JDE0006 JDE0005

45. JDE Purchasing

21. JDE Inventory Control 23. SAP Inventory Control





26. Legacy Finished Goods

Production Execution Systems 4. SAP CCA

SAP0006 JDE0005 SAP0006 SAP0006

2. SAP G/L 1. SAP Journal



11. Infinium G/L


73. JDE Production Orders



12. JDE G/L

14. JDE A/P


Financial Systems

Figure 3 - Procure to Pay System Diagram

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PTP.1.0 Identify Raw Material / Trade Goods PTP.2.0 Enter PO for Requirements Approval JDE0005 PTP3.0 -Approve PO OTC.1.0 - Merge Loads if necessary could include returns, TOs & sales orders Yes OTC.2.0 - Dispatch Trip


LG0038 OTC.3.0 - Tender Trip OTC.5.0 - Re-Tender Trip OTC.6.0 - Enter Appointment

22. JDE Inventory Management

JDE0004 JDE0009

45. JDE Purchasing

45. JDE Purchasing

LG0029 LG0031

Leprino Sourced Carrier

65. TMS

65. TMS

65. TMS
RF0003 RF0001 RF0001

64. Innovative
OTC.4.0 Process Tender Response Could be e-mail, EDI or fax

65. TMS

67. LoadScheduling

73. JDE Production Orders

73. JDE Sales Orders

66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling

No OTC.6.0 - Enter Appointment

99. Load Merge

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

64. Innovative


64. Innovative

67. LoadScheduling

102. Milemaker

Tender could be EDI, email or fax



PTP.4.0 - Confirm Trip

Leprino Sourced Carrier

PTP.5.0 - Rate and Prepare For Billing

PTP.6.0 - Bill Trip

PTP.7.0 Process Invoice


64. Innovative

65. TMS

68. Freight Billing

14. JDE A/P


12. JDE G/L


11. Infinium G/L

Inventory entries translated to wash accounts

SAP0006 SAP0006

2. SAP G/L

Yes RF0001 No

104. JDE Empty Load

FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O

64. Innovative

IN0017 SAP0006

30. SAP Transfers

26. Legacy Finished Goods

LG0019 JDE0001 JDE003

1. SAP Journal

SAP0007 For Trade Goods only IN0018

21. JDE Inventory Control

45. JDE Purchasing 23. SAP Inventory Control

PTP.8 - MM501 Receive Material Inventory & Wash Account JDE007


32. SAP Batch Management

IN0007 FTS.2.0 - Putaway Material PTP.10.0 - Enter Product Characteristics


33. Legacy Product Specification

46. JDE Receiving

JDE0005 PTP.9.0 - Receive Material



Material Type

14. JDE A/P

PTP.11.0 Process Invoice

63. Bartender
Print License Plates


23. SAP Inventory Control



Figure 4 - Procure to Pay Process to System Diagram - Raw Materials and Trade Goods

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Table 3 - Procure to Pay Process Descriptions Raw Materials and Trade Goods Activity ID PTP.1.0 Comments Requirements for Raw Materials and Trade Goods are identified. The JDE Inventory Control (Supply and Demand) is used. Enter PO and Process Approval No requisitions are actually used but the affect is the same System JDE Inventory Management JDE Purchasing Process ID P-070-010 Process Description Identify MRP Requirements Discussed in Process P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-80 Purchase Materials and Services O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery


P-070-050 P-070-090 P-070-080

Create Requisition Assign Requisition to Supplier Perform Requisition Approval Process Create and Process Purchase Order Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

PTP.3.0 OTC.1.0

Approve the PO Merge Orders into trip. This has been previously done with a custom screen in JDE Sales Order Processing. This will now be done with TMS which through Load Merging updates Innovative. Sales Order shipments and Returns, Purchase Order Shipments, and STO shipments can all be combined into a single trip. Dispatch the Trip Tender the trip the trip can be tendered via EDI, Email or Fax. For E-mail and Fax, the process assumes that it will be accepted unless it is rejected. If rejected, a null transaction will be entered and the trip will be retendered. Process the tender response. This could be via EDI, Email or Fax. If rejected, then null transaction entered and trip is re-tendered Re-tender the trip if necessary Enter Carrier Appointment Confirm the Shipment Rate the trip and prepare for billing. For most carriers the trip is processed before the invoice is received. In

JDE Purchasing Load Merge

P-080-080 O-110-030

OTC.2.0 OTC.3.0


O-110-030 O-110-030

Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery




Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery P-120 Receive Materials and Services P-120 Receive Materials and Services

OTC.5.0 OTC.6.0 PTP.4.0 PTP.5.0

TMS Load Scheduling JDE Empty the Load TMS

O-110-030 O-110-030 P-120-170 P-120-170

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Activity ID Comments order to do this, agreed to rates are entered into TMS and TMS does the rating. Rates are reviewed and approved and the trip is ready for billing. Bill the trip using Freight Billing. Account assignment is reviewed and modified as necessary. When released the invoice is sent to JDE Accounts Payable. The invoice is with the appropriate reference number. This is important so that Prepositioned Move costing can be properly handled through the interface IN0022 for STOs and Deliveries. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable Receive the incoming material. This is first done in SAP. This will debit inventory and will likely have to credit a wash account (still being determined what the offset account is) since the payable will be processed in JDE Accounts Payable and there is not interface. This is logically received against the JDE Purchase Order, but actually received as a material movement 501 in SAP using transaction ZFWM_PO since SAP is not aware of the PO. This places the material into a staging area within the warehouse. The material movement should reference the JDE Purchase Order Number so tracking can be done. This updates the SAP inventory. The Legacy inventory for trade goods is updated through interfaces IN0018 and LG0019. Raw Materials must also be received in JDE. For lot-controlled Raw Materials the Finished Goods system is updated through interface LG0019. The material is next received into JDE Purchasing. For lot-controlled Raw Materials and Trade Goods the vendor lot number is captured and the inventory is interfaced to the Finished Goods System. This receipt will trigger a JDE journal entry for inventory and an Received not Invoiced account. The inventory entry will be a duplicate of the SAP journal and must be cleared. Use transaction ZFWM_PBSU (EN0034) to perform the Bin to Bin movement. The user scans the pallet then selects a bin to move it to and scans the target bin and the transaction automatically creates and confirms the System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process


Freight Billing


Release Service Order

P-120 Receive Materials and Services

PTP.7.0 PTP.10.0

JDE Accounts Payable SAP Receiving

P-150-050 P-120-100

Process Invoice Receive Material Against Purchase Order

P150A Enable Payment P-120 Receive Materials and Services


JDE Purchasing


Receive Material Against Purchase Order

P-120 Receive Materials and Services




Record Stock Location

L-040 Receive and Putaway Product

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Activity ID PTP.12.0 PTP.13.0 Comments transfer order. For Trade Goods the product actual characteristics must be entered in the Finished Goods System. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

Product Specification JDE Accounts Payable

P-120-100 P-150-050

Receive Material Against Purchase Order Process Invoice

P-120 Receive Materials and Services P150A Enable Payment

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3.2 Forecast to Stock

3.2.1 Overview The Forecast to Stock process begins at the Sales Forecasting process; continues on to Requirements Planning and Production; and ends once the Consumption is recorded, the Production Order and Production Day and Month are closed out and finished goods is received and putaway. This Section includes the following: Forecast to Stock Process Group Map This shows key sub-processes. The sub-processes on the map are described in detail in the next item. Process / Sub-process detail o Overview o Context diagram inputs and outputs o Interface Table o Key Activities / Tasks o Tools o Future Process Vision Forecast to Stock System / Interface Diagrams This diagrams show the Release 1 systems and the interfaces to other systems and process areas. o Production and Inventory Control o Product Definition o Transportation o Plant Maintenance Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagrams For key activities, this diagram shows the system they are performed in and applicable interfaces. o Production and Inventory Control o Stock transport orders for Finished Goods to 3PLs o Stock transport orders for raw materials between Leprino plants Descriptions of Processes and Activities on the Process to System Diagram. Leprino Print sub-processes are assigned to each activity.

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K Market Products and Services K-210 Develop Product / Service Forecast M Manufacturer Product

L Manage Logistics
L-070 Putaway Product

M-080 Perform Short Range Production Planning M-090 Schedule Production M-090-140/150 Create and Release Work Orders M-100 Execute Production M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials M-100-410 / 420 Inspect Material and Record M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse M-100-460 Purge / Disposition Out of Spec Material M-100-470 Record Operations Statistics M-100-480 Reconcile and Close Work Order M-170 Control and Report Production Operations M-170-170 Report Production Operation Information

Figure 5 Forecast to Stock Production / Inventory

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K - Market Products and Services K-210 Develop Product / Service Forecast Overview Currently the sales forecast is developed in Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting. The input to this system is sales history which prior to SSi Release 1 has been fed to Demand solutions from JD Edwards Sales Order Management. In SSi Release 1 the sales history will be fed to Demand Solutions via IN0014 from SAP Billing. When the sales forecast is complete, it is loaded to into Showcase files which are subsequently loaded into an ESSbase cube. The forecast is performed at the customer / material / plant level. There is a new SSi Release 1 interface IN0030 to send the sales volume forecast from Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting to SAP Controlling Profitability Analysis (SAP COPA). Demand Solutions also has a module for Requirements Planning. This module also requires current inventory, production orders and open sales orders. The output of this module is the new production plan. Table 1 shows the ESSCubes that are loaded from Demand Solutions via Showcase. Sales forecasts are generally done on a weekly monthly basis. For whey, forecasting adjustments may be made within the month. Forecasts are performed for 12 monthly buckets.
Table 4 - Demand Solution ESSbase cubes

ChDaily ChProdA ChProdF ChSFcstA MilkFcst Tactical WhAvail WhProdA WhProdF WhSFcstA

Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions Demand Solutions

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Business Architecture Process Diagram Sales Forecast Stored in Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting. Showcase (LG0001), ESSbase (LG0002), SAP COPA (IN0030), Demand Solutions Replenishment Planning (DS0001) M-080 Perform Short-Range Production Planning Variety of Planning Processes

Sales History (IN00014) JDE Material Data (LG0003) Customer Forecasts

K-210 Develop Product / Service Forecast

Figure 6 - Develop Product / Service Forecast Process Diagram Interfaces Interface Source IN0014 SAP Billing Sales History IN0030 LG0001 LG0002 LG0003 Showcase Sales Forecast Demand Solutions Sales Forecast Showcase Files Sales Forecast JDE Material

Target Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting SAP COPA Sales Volume Forecast Showcase Forecast Files ESSbase Cubes Sales Forecast Demand Solutions - Material

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Integration of Customer Forecasts into Forecast Tools Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Future Process Vision SAP APO Demand Planning Module is being considered for implementation in SSi Release 2 or possibly later to replace the Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting. The ESSBase cubes and Showcase files would be moved to SAP Business Intelligence in SSi Release 2.

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M Manufacture Product M-080 Perform Short-Range Production Planning Overview Currently the production plan is developed with the aid of the software package Demand Solutions Requirements Planning. The inputs to this system include the sales forecast, current production orders, current inventory and open sales orders. The sales forecast will continue to be sourced from Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting. The twelve month sales forecast is spread over 52 weeks using user specified disaggregation factors. The default method is linear. The production orders and current inventory will continue to be sourced from the JD Edwards system in SSi Release 1. Open Sales Orders are currently sourced from JD Edwards, but in SSi Release 1 they will now be sourced from SAP Sales Orders through Interface IN0015. Based upon these inputs, a 12 week production plan is developed. Seven weeks of planned work orders are created and interfaced to the JD Edwards Production Order & Completion System. One week of firm work orders are reported upon, but need to be manually entered into JD Edwards. Work Orders for the base cheese are created manually in JD Edwards. The sales forecast was generated based upon the shipping location. Demand Solutions allows the creation of dependent requirements to drive work orders for the appropriate plant. No stock transport order (STO) is generated. The STO must be entered manually in SAP. There is no capacity information interfaced to Demand Solutions. Planners determine daily capacity based upon pounds of production and amount of milk to be delivered. Based upon the expected delivery of milk, typical yields are considered and the required pounds of production determined and compared to the pounds of capacity. The inventory being interfaced to Demand Solutions is strictly finished goods, so raw material levels are not considered. Attempts have been made to interface the expected milk supply by location to Demand Solutions, but this is not working correctly. Therefore, this is manually interfaced information. The production plan is interfaced to Showcase files and then on to the ESSbase cubes. See Table 1 for a list of the applicable cubes.

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Business Architecture Process Diagram Milk Supply (MN0002) Open Sales Orders (IN0015) Plant Capacity Expected Yields Finished Goods Inventory (LG0005) Production Order s (LG0004) Sales Forecast (DS0001) JDE Customer (LG0042) JDE Material Data (LG0003) Production Plan Stored in Demand Solutions Replenishment Planning, Showcase (LG0006), ESSbase (LG0007), Excel Multi-tab

M-080 Perform ShortRange Production Planning

M-090 Schedule Production Process - Enter Firm Work Orders into JD Edwards (MN0001

Figure 7 Perform Short-Range Production Planning Process Interfaces Interface Source IN0015 SAP Sales Orders Open Sales Orders LG0003 JDE Material LG0004 JD Edwards Production Orders LG0005 JD Edwards Finished Goods Inventory LG0006 Demand Solutions Requirements Planning LG0007 Showcase Files Production Plan LG0008 Production Plan Planned Work Orders LG0042 JDE Customer MN0001 Production Plan Production Plan MN0002 JD Edwards Procurement Milk Supply Demand Solutions Sales Forecast

Target Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Demand Solutions - Material Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Showcase Files Production Plan ESSbase Cubes Production Plan JD Edwards Production Orders - Planned Work Orders Demand Solutions M-090 Schedule Production Process Enter Firm Work Orders into JD Edwards M-080 Perform Short-Range Production Planning Process Demand Solutions Requirements Planning

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Manual Manual


Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Assign dependent requirements 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

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Milk Supply is manually considered Tools Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Future Process Vision SAP APO Supply Network Planning Module is being considered for implementation In SSi Release 2 or beyond to replace the Demand Solutions Requirements Planning The ESSBase cubes and Showcase files would be moved to SAP Business Intelligence in SSi Release 2. M090 Schedule Production Overview The twelve week Production Plan (Excel multi-tab workbook) is reviewed and firm work orders are entered into JD Edwards Production Order System. Planned work orders are uploaded into the JDE Production Order System. Existing planned work orders are deleted from the system as part of the upload. Firm work orders are released in JD Edwards as entered so a weeks worth of orders show as released in JD Edwards. They are actually sent to the production floor via printing and distributing the printed work order. The printed work order will be used to create bin to bin transfer orders to stage raw materials for production. Problem work orders are reported to Product Management and the schedule adjusted accordingly. This process is performed in the JD Edwards Production Order System. Process Diagram Production Plan Stored in Demand Solutions Replenishment Planning, Showcase, ESSbase, ExcelMulti-tab Released Work Orders - to M100-270 Production Plan Order to CIM
Issue Materials to Work

M-090 Schedule Production

MN0001, LG0008




3PL Stock Transport Orders

Figure 8 - M090 Schedule Production Diagram Interfaces Interface Source MN0001 Production Plan in Excel Workbook LG0008 Production Plan in Excel Workbook upload planned orders MN0003 Printed Work Orders MN0004 Updated Production Plan MN0006 Updated Production Plan 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Target JDE Production Orders JDE Production Orders M100-270 Issue Materials to Work CIM Execute Production SAP Transfers STO orders to 3PLs

Type Manual Upload Manual Manual Manual

Business Architecture Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Firm work orders are entered into the JDE Production Order System manually Tools Excel JDE Production Orders Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2 to replace the JD Edwards Production Order system M-100 Execute Production Overview Execute Production begins with the release of a work order and the print of the work order document. Virtual pallets are established which records production. This is done in the Finished Goods System. Transfer orders are created to stage the Ingredients. Ingredients are picked using the Radio Frequency device in six of the plants. In the other plants they will be picked using the transfer order form. They may have to be picked several times during a production run. The materials are not initially issued to the production order, but are moved to a production staging area. Once production begins, production is monitored in CIM by production day, production line, production center and material. CIM does not capture the work order number. All yield and Efficiency information is maintained at the production day, production line, production center and material level. Readings on production are collected both through automated as well as manual methods. All ingredients and lot numbers for Cheese products are captured in CIM. Lot controlled ingredients and their lots are captured in the Finished Goods Systems for whey and for all ingredients that arent interfaced to Finished Goods from CIM. Non-lot controlled ingredients are backflushed from inventory via JDE Production Orders. Target specifications are uploaded to CIM from the Legacy Product Specification on a daily basis. For cheese, actual chemical specification values are pulled into the Legacy Product Specification System. Whey chemical and all bacteriological values are captured directly in the Product Specification System. Product actual specifications are interfaced into SAP Batch Management. As material crosses the scale and moves from the cheese department into the processing department usage is recorded for the processing department in the Finished Goods System. As finished product is completed, it is recorded in SAP and interfaced to the legacy Finished Goods System and then propagated to via the Wheel to JD Edwards Inventory Control. A custom dialog has been created in SAP that records the finished goods receipt. This dialog triggers an inbound delivery that in turn triggers a transfer order to facilitate the putaway. When the putaway is confirmed the transfer order is confirmed which triggers a post goods issue on the inbound delivery. This material movement is then interfaced to the Finished Goods System. Finished Goods/ Semi-finished goods that are out of specification are moved into GDR or Add back stock. These can be used as input in future production runs.

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When the production run is complete, operation metrics are finalized and the work order is closed out in JD Edwards and work orders specific yield information is entered into SAP and interfaced into the Legacy Systems. The irtual pallets are reconciled which finalizes the actual production quantity in the legacy systems. Day oriented yield and efficiency information such as milk usage and labor is entered directly into the Legacy Yield and Efficiency system. The legacy Yield and Efficiency System is used as input to the monthly manual journal into SAP to reflect the yield entries. The ribbon production is not entered in to SAP, but is interfaced into SAP on a monthly basis through IN0041 which creates material movements for production and usage. M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order Overview Work Orders are printed from JDE Production Orders. These work orders will be used to create SAP transfer orders to facilitate ingredient picking. For six plants the transfer orders will be confirmed via the RF confirmation. At the other 3 plants the transfer orders will be confirmed manually from the transfer order form. The materials will be moved to the production staging area. For Lot Controlled Raw and GRD materials the work order is used as input to the MIGO transaction. A material movement 311 is entered and the required handling units are entered. Upon confirmation a transfer order is created which prints the transfer order form. The transfer order is used to stage the materials via transaction LM05. This can be performed via an RF screen or a SAP GUI screen. This is the preferred method, but the transaction ZFWM_PBSU has been changed to allow movement from a warehouse bin to a production storage location without a predefined transfer order. This is the process that will be followed. For Non-Lot Controlled Raw Materials, MIGO is again used to enter a material movement 311. This transaction actually moves the materially electronically and prints a document to facilitate the actual physical move. This is the original approach and should be the target in future releases, but a decision was made to store all non-lot controlled materials in a single storage location and consume from that location. There for no system movement is necessary, just the physical movement. Regardless of the material type the material is moved to the production staging area. Process Diagram

Printed copy of Work Order


M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order

List of GRD Materials


Ingredients staged to production staging storage location

Figure 9 - M-100-270 Issue Materials for Work Order Process Diagram

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Business Architecture Interfaces Interface Source MN0003 Printed Work Orders MN0017 List of GRD Materials from CIM or Finished Goods

Target Create SAP Transfers SAP Transfers

Type Manual Manual Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort SAP Transaction MIGO with movement type 311 create transfer order or picking document SAP LM05 to confirm the movement No entry or interface to Legacy systems required Tools SAP Inventory Control SAP WMS and RF JDE Production Order Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2 to replace the JD Edwards Production Order system which will eliminate the manual creation of the transfer orders. M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials Overview Ingredient Consumption from a financial and inventory perspective is primarily driven by SAP. Material Movement 201 and 202s for raw materials are entered into SAP Inventory Control (MM). These transactions do not interface to the Legacy systems. Consumption is entered for non-lot controlled raw materials using backflush reports generated from JDE Production / Inventory Control. GRD and Lot Controlled Raw Materials consumption will be entered into SAP via transaction VLMOVE using material movement 201. If partial pallet consumption is required than a pallet to pallet movement must be entered using SAP Transaction ZFWM_PTP. Non-Lot Controlled Raw Material usage is entered into SAP Transaction MIGO and material movement 201. Legacy system consumption must be recorded as well. The non-lot controlled raw materials are backflushed which is automatically triggered by the JDE Production Order System at a Production Order level. Lot- controlled raw material consumption must be entered into the legacy systems as well. Consumption of all cheese raw materials is entered into CIM and certain raw materials such as dry mix and hexane are interfaced to finished goods. The remaining lot controlled raw material usage must be entered into the Finished Goods System. GRD materials can be added back into production. This is follows the same process as Lot Controlled Raw Materials using transactions VLMOVE and ZFWM_PTP in SAP and CIM and Finished Goods in Legacy. Financial documents are created from SAP transactions real-time that update consumption and inventory accounts. The manual consumption entries that were made into Infinium General Ledger will no longer be made. The JDE backflush entries will be made to JDE General Ledger, but will not be passed to Infinium General Ledger.

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Business Architecture Confirmed Production Order in JDE List of Material Usage Material Usage from CIM

Process Diagram
Financial Documents

M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials

SAP0002, SAP0006, JDE0001


LG0017, LG0018


Consumption Information

Figure 10 M-100-300 Consume Materials / Reorder Materials Process Diagram Interfaces Interface Source MN0010 Various Production Tracking and JDE Backflush
LG0017 LG0018 LG0041 SAP0002 SAP0006 JDE0001 Finished Goods CIM CIM SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal JDE Inventory Control

Target Finished Goods, CIM, SAP WMS / Inventory Control

Yield and Efficiency Yield and Efficiency Finished Goods SAP Journal SAP General Ledger, CCA, PCA JDE General Ledger

Type Manual Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort SAP Transactions VLMOVE & MIGO to enter consumption SAP Transaction ZFWM_PTP to perform pallet to pallet CIM and Finished Goods to enter consumption Tools SAP WMS and Inventory Control SAP Journal to CCA, General Ledger and PCA JDE General Ledger backflush consumption generated here and suppressed going to Infinium General Ledger Finished Goods System Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2 to replace the JD Edwards Production Order system which will automatically generate consumption entries when the SAP Production Order is confirmed.

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Business Architecture M-100-410 / 420 Inspect Material and Record Overview Product Specifications are interfaced into CIM so that production has information on what the target specifications are. As production progresses actual chemical values are collected and entered into the Legacy Systems. Cheese chemical values are entered into CIM and interfaced into the Product Specification System. Whey chemical values are entered into the Product Specification System. Bacteriological values are entered into the Product Specification System. All values are interfaced into the SAP Batch Management System. When all product specifications are complete then the batch is taken off restricted status. Target Specifications Actual Specifications Actual Specifications from Lab Interfaces Interface Source
LG0010 LG0011 IN0007 IN0018 Product Specification CIM Product Specification SAP Inventory Control / Batch Management

Process Diagram

Figure 11 - M-100-410 Inspect Material and Record Process Diagram Stored Actual Specifications


M-100-410 / 420 Inspect Material and Record


LG0011 IN0018

Unrestricted Inventory

CIM Product Specification SAP Batch Management Finished Goods

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated

Frequency Daily Daily Near Real-Time Near Real-Time Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Enter actual specifications in CIM Enter actual specifications in Product Specification System Take batch off restricted status using either MSC5N or ZFWM_MASSBATCH Tools SAP Batch Management Product Specification System CIM

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Business Architecture Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning and Quality Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2. In addition, it is possible that the LIMS Lab Information System will be implemented. M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse Overview When a product handling unit is complete it is moved to the warehouse by scanning it using the RF unit and transaction ZFWM_PROD or entering it manually into the transaction ZFWM_PROD. Since logically this creates a move from a non-warehouse managed storage location to one that is, an inbound delivery is created which triggers a transfer order to be created. A transfer order is printed. An RF operator will scan the barcode on the form and the RF unit will tell him what bin to put it in. Behind the scenes SAP transaction LM02 is being used. When the operator places it the correct location he scans the location and the transfer order is confirmed which post goods issues the inbound delivery which updates SAP Inventory. The inventory is placed into a restricted status. The inventory is interfaced to the Finished Goods System and the JDE Inventory Control System. Financial Transactions are generated in SAP, but the batches interfaced to JDE Inventory Control are marked as posted so no financial documents are created in the daily batch interface. After all the specifications are entered, the batch is taken off restricted status in SAP which also updates the Legacy Systems through an interface. Restricted stock is available for 3PL shipment, but not for customer shipment. Process Diagram

Figure 12 - M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse Process Diagram Updated & Putaway Inventory

Completed Production Handling Units

M-100-450 Release Product to Warehouse


SAP0002, SAP0006

Financial Documents Interfaces Interface Source

LG0018 SAP0002 SAP0006 SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal

Finished Goods SAP Journal SAP General Ledger, CCA, PCA

Type Automated Automated Automated

Frequency Near-Real Time Real-Time Real-Time Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Record completed production in SAP using transaction ZFWM_PROD 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

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Putaway material using SAP Transaction ZM02 Tools SAP WMS and Inventory Control Finished Goods System JDE Inventory Control Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning and Quality Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2. The confirmation of the production order will trigger putaway activities. M-100-460 Purge / Disposition Out of Spec Material Overview When problems with materials are identified there are several options on how to disposition the materials: Classify them as GRD materials and use them in future production Co-convert them for another use such as animal feed Rework the packing or some other aspect to make the product saleable maybe at a reduced price

Standard costing is being used but batch split-valuation is not being used. This means that only one cost can be used for a particular material number. When material is dispositioned the batch characteristics are updated with a disposition code. The code is initially updated in SAP and interfaced to the Finished Goods System. Each disposition code logically has a dollar write-off amount, but that amount is not stored in SAP, but is stored in the Finished Goods System. A report can be executed from Finished Goods that shows activity for the month by disposition code. Based upon this, a monthly journal is made in SAP to write-down inventory against the appropriate expense account based upon the disposition code. In many cases dispositioned material can be used internally for a variety of purposes, but when that is not possible the material may be sold for other purposes such as animal feed. In order to do this, the material is moved to a new material number that reflects its expected use. This is referred to as code-conversion. The material is transferred to the new material using either MIGO and a 309 material movement or ZFWM_MASSBATCH and a 309 material movement. The new material will have a reduced standard cost and the material movement results in a variance equal to the difference between the two materials standard costs. Process Diagram Dispositioned Inventory

Completed Production Handling Units Product Specifications

M-100-460 Purge / Disposition Out of Spec Material


SAP0002, SAP0006

Financial Documents

Table 5 - M-100-460 Purge / Disposition Out of Spec Materials Process Diagram 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Business Architecture Interfaces Interface Source

LG0018 SAP0002 SAP0006 SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal

Finished Goods SAP Journal SAP General Ledger, CCA, PCA

Type Automated Automated Automated

Frequency Near-Real Time Real-Time Real-Time Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Enter disposition code using material movement 309 in SAP Transaction MIGO or ZFWM_MASSBATCH. Run the Disposition Code activity report in the Finished Goods System and calculate the monthly journal entry and enter the Journal into SAP. Tools SAP WMS and Inventory Control Finished Goods System SAP Journal Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning and Quality Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2. The confirmation of the production order will trigger putaway activities. M100-470 Record Operations Statistics Overview As product is being produced operations and process statistics are being captured. Process statistics can be captured two different ways: Manually keyed into CIM from the production line sensors Uploaded from Wonderware into CIM. Wonderware automatically uploads sensor information. Process Diagram

Figure 13 - M-100-470 Record Operations Statistics

Operations Statistics Wonderware (LG0016) Sensors (MN0007)

M100-470 Record Operations Statistics

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Business Architecture Interfaces Interface Source

LG0016 MN0007 Wonderware Sensors - CRT


Type Automated Manual Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Process metrics are manually entered into CIM from CRTs Tools CIM Wonderware Future Process Vision This process is being looked at in Release 1.5. Scope has not been established. M-100-480 Reconcile and Close Work Order Overview Completion of work orders mostly takes place at the beginning of the next business day. Milk usage and composition is recorded in CIM and attributed to production center, production line, date and material. This data is entered into the Yield and Efficiency System. Consumption of lot controlled materials is ultimately recorded in Finished Goods (Production Center, Production Line, date and material). Entries can be made directly in Finished Goods, but the majority of entries are made in CIM and interfaced to Finished Goods. The interface works two different ways. Recording of usage entering the processing line are updated in Finished Goods when they are interfaced from CIM. All other consumption is interfaced to Finished Goods, but stored in a temporarily table. The next morning once production quantities are known the consumption updates Finished Goods all at once. Manual consumption entries are also made in Finished Goods. Production is also recorded on the JDE production order. Based upon the production confirmation, non-lot controlled raw materials are backflushed at standard quantity. Consumption is financially booked in SAP, but is initially recorded in the Legacy Systems. A two step interface approach will be used to pass consumption to SAP. Consumption entries will be extracted from JDE for non-lot controlled material into a spreadsheet. After this is reviewed it will be uploaded into SAP. The approach will be similar for lot controlled materials, but he extract will be from Finished Goods. Process Diagram

Figure 14 - M-100-480 Reconcile and Close Work Order

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Completed Production Handling Units Product Specifications

M-100-480 Reconcile and Close Work Order


Dispositioned Inventory

SAP0002, SAP0006

Financial Documents Interfaces Interface Source

LG0018 SAP0002 SAP0006 SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal

Finished Goods SAP Journal SAP General Ledger, CCA, PCA

Type Automated Automated Automated

Frequency Near-Real Time Real-Time Real-Time Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Enter disposition code using material movement 309 in SAP Transaction MIGO or ZFWM_MASSBATCH. Run the Disposition Code activity report in the Finished Goods System and calculate the monthly journal entry and enter the Journal into SAP. Tools SAP WMS and Inventory Control Finished Goods System SAP Journal Future Process Vision It is planned that the SAP Production Planning and Quality Module will be implemented In SSi Release 2. The confirmation of the production order will trigger putaway activities.

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Business Architecture
Figure 15 Forecast to Stock System Diagram Production and Inventory Control
Inbound / Outbound Warehouse Architecture Software
SAP0004 JDE0002 SAP0005

61. SAP Delivery Inventory

Procurement Systems 51. SAP Receiving Customer Relationship 39. SAP Billing


98. Inovis 62. SAP WMS


63. Bartender 97. SAP PI

21. JDE Inventory Control

38. SAP Order Entry

IN0018 SAP0007 SAP0001 IN0027


Legacy DM5

23. SAP Inventory Control


30. SAP Transfers



Financial Systems 12. JDE G/L


11. Infinium G/L


IN0041 LG0015/ MN005 IN0018


53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting

DS0001 MN0002

60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning 59. Legacy Production Plan


Daily Milk Report (Excel)


SAP0006 SAP0006

5. SAP COPA 1. SAP Journal

26. Legacy Finished Goods



58. Legacy MRP Tactical Production / Inventory Planning RF0005

LG0008 / MN0001


Reporting Systems
SAP0006 LG0012 MN0003/ MN0006


96. Showcase

LG0002 / LG0007

95. Essbase


2. SAP G/L


94. SAP BI Batch / Specification Management Production Execution Systems

LG0011 LG0017

73. JDE Production Orders 76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency


33. Legacy Product Specification

IN0007 LG0010

74. Legacy CIM


MN0007 LG00016

32. SAP Batch Management 75. Wonderware



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Business Architecture
Figure 16 - Forecast to Stock System Diagram - Product Definition

Production / Inventory Planning 60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning 53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting

28. JDE Material Master


27. SAP Material Master


LG0024 LG0003

29. Legacy Standard Cost



26. Legacy Finished Goods

31. Legacy Material Translation



23. SAP Inventory Control


Document Mangement 92. Legacy DM5


93. Scriptura


33. Legacy Product Specification



74. Legacy CIM

Production Execution Systems 32. SAP Batch Management Batch / Specification Management

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Figure 17 - Forecast to Stock Systems Diagram Transportation

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Inbound / Outbound Warehouse 63. Bartender 28. JDE Material Master 30. SAP Transfers
IN0013 IN0011


61. SAP Delivery


Inventory / Material Definition

Transportation 70. SAP Shipping Financial Systems 4. SAP CCA

SAP0006 SAP0006 IN0013 IN0011 LG0031

5. SAP COPA 1. SAP Journal

SAP0006 SAP0006

102. Milemaker

67. LoadScheduling

66. MiniRelease


35. JDE Sales Order Procssing



IN0017 IN0022

2. SAP G/L

64. Innovative
RF0001 LG0026 LG0033


38. SAP Order Entry

12. JDE G/L


11. Infinium G/L


69. Freight Accrual

65. TMS 68. Freight Billing



99. Load Merge 39. SAP Billing

103. SAP Freight Enhancement




14. JDE A/P

101. Billing Customer x-ref


44. JDE Customer


Legacy Transportation Management System

43. SAP Customer Customer Relationship


45. JDE Purchasing Procurement Systems

Figure 18 - Forecast to Stock System Diagram - Plant Maintenance

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Business Architecture
Human Resources Plant Maintenance

92. Kronos

19. CMMS


Financial Systems 12. JDE G/L JDE Vendor

JDE0003 LG0013

11. Infinium G/L


SAP0006 SAP0006

5. SAP COPA 1. SAP Journal


14. JDE A/P




2. SAP G/L

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Figure 19 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Production & Inventory Management
Create Sales Forecast and Production Plan FTS.1 Develop Sales Forecast Enter Production Orders

39. SAP Billing


53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting


Daily Milk Report (Excel) 96. Showcase

LG0002 / LG0007

FTS.3 Enter Production Orders

Production Plan
MN0004 FTS.4 Trigger Production


74. Legacy CIM

LG0001 LG0006

95. Essbase


38. SAP Order Entry

73. JDE Production Orders



60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning

FTS.2 Develop Production Plan MN0002

59. Legacy Production Plan

Work Order


73. JDE Production Orders 21. JDE Inventory Control


FTS 6 Stage Production Materials


30. SAP Transfers 21. JDE Inventory Control


61. SAP Delivery 61. SAP Delivery

23. SAP Inventory Control 23. SAP Inventory Control

Daily Milk Report (Excel)


21. JDE Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods


26. Legacy Finished Goods


Record Legacy Consumption

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.17 Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O


23. SAP Inventory Control


SAP0011 FTS.21 Record FG Receipts


FTS.15 Enter FG Production Receipts

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.7 Create Virtual Pallet

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.8 Issue material to Processing Dept

74. Legacy CIM

FTS.9 Record Lot Controlled RM Usage

74. Legacy CIM

FTS.11 Record GRD Material Usage

61. SAP Delivery


30. SAP Transfers

FTS.19 Putaway Finished Goods

63. Bartender
FTS.20 Print License Plates


61. SAP Delivery

FTS.30 Return Ingredients to Stock

FTS.23 Record Process Characteristics

FTS.25 Record Product Characteristics

FTS.26 Record Product Characteristics

FTS.29 Raw Material Bin To FTS.28 Reconcile Bin T.O to return unused Ingredients to stock Virtual Pallet

74. Legacy CIM

LG0016 LG0016

74. Legacy CIM


33. Legacy Product Specification


32. SAP Batch Management


FTS.27 Change batch status to unrestricted IN0018

26. Legacy Finished Goods




30. SAP Transfers

75. Wonderware

75. Wonderware

FTS.22 Record Process FTS.24 Record Product Characteristics Characteristics,

33. Legacy Product Specification


32. SAP Batch Management

74. Legacy CIM

32. SAP Batch Management

26. Legacy Finished Goods

21. JDE Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control

Record Legacy Consumption

FTS.12 Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage FTS.14 Record GRD Material Usage

Record SAP Consumption FTS.31 Record non-Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage FTS.32 Interface Yield FTS.33 Record Process / Information yield Characteristics FTS.34 Record Process / yield Characteristics FTS.35 Record Milk Usage FTS.40 Reconcile Inventories FTS.36 Report on Yield and Efficiency FTS.37 Report on Total Production FTS.38 Book monthly Dispositioned Inventory FTS.39 Book monthly yield entries

FTS.10 Review & Update CIM Interface

FTS.13 Record Lot Controlled RM Usage

FTS.16 Record FG Receipts, reduce Production order quantity

23. SAP Inventory Control


23. SAP Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods


76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency


74. Legacy CIM


76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency


23. SAP Inventory Control

76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency


26. Legacy Finished Goods


26. Legacy Finished Goods


76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency


26. Legacy Finished Goods


26. Legacy Finished Goods


73. JDE Production Orders


Usage Report 26. Legacy Finished Goods

Usage Report 21. JDE Inventory Control

76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency

74. Legacy CIM

21. JDE Inventory Control

21. JDE Inventory Control

76. Legacy Yield & Efficiency

21. JDE Inventory Control

26. Legacy Finished Goods

96. Showcase

23. SAP Inventory Control

1. SAP Journal

1. SAP Journal

21. JDE Inventory Control

FTS.18 Backflush Non-Lot Controlled RM Usage

95. Essbase

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Table 6 - FTS Process Descriptions - Production & Inventory Management Activity ID FTS.1 Comments Develop Sales Forecast System Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Demand Solutions Requirements Planning JDE Production Orders JDE Production Orders SAP Inventory Control Process ID K-210 Process Description Develop Product / Service Forecast Discussed in Process K - Market Products and Services


Develop the Production Plan


Perform Short-Range Production Planning

M80 - Perform Short-Range Production Planning


Enter Production Order Trigger Production Stage Raw Material Materials Use MIGO (Dont know Pallets or not lot-controlled) or VLMOVE (Know Pallets) to trigger MM311. This is preferred method, but ZFWM_PBSU can now be used to move from bin to production storage location. Non-lot controlled materials will now be consumed in the same storage location as they are stored, so only a physical movement is necessary. Create Outbound Delivery (VL02N) Create Transfer Order (LT03) Post Pick (LM05 RF Plants, LT12 Non-RF Plants) Post Goods Issue Delivery - automatic

M-090140/150 M-100 M-100-270

Create and Release Work Orders Execute Production Issue Materials for Work Order

M090 Schedule Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

SAP Delivery SAP Transfers SAP WMS SAP Delivery / Inventory Control Finished Goods System Finished Goods System CIM

M-100-270 M-100-270 M-100-270 M-100-270

Issue Materials for Work Order Issue Materials for Work Order Issue Materials for Work Order Issue Materials for Work Order

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production


Create Virtual Pallet Record Base Cheese Usage normally processed in Finished Goods near real-time Record all raw material usage stored in CIM and interfaced into a buffered location in the Finished Goods System to be processed the next day. Record GRD Material Usage stored in CIM and interfaced into a buffered location in the Finished

M-100 M-100-300 M-100-300

Execute Production Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production




M-100 Execute Production

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Activity ID FTS.15 FTS.17 Comments Goods System to be processed the next day. Enter Production Receipts custom SAP RF screen Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

SAP WMS / SAP Delivery SAP Transfers

M-100-450 M-100-450

Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Putaway Products Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Record Inspection Results

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

FTS.19 FTS.20 FTS.21 FTS.22

Putaway Finished Goods Print License Plate Record Finished Goods Record Process Characteristics interfaces readings from PLCs Record Process Characteristics Record Product Characteristics Chemical, Non-whey Record Product Characteristics Chemical, Non-whey Record Product Characteristics Bacteriological, Whey Change batch status to unrestricted Reconcile Virtual Pallet Return Unused Materials to stock create transfer order Return Unused Materials to stock putaway materials Record non-lot controlled raw materials usage use 201 material movement. JDE Backflushed report needed as source document Review and Update CIM Interface Records normally done in morning of following day. Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage normally done the morning of the next day. Record FG Receipts, reduce Production order quantity

SAP WMS SAP Transfers / Bartender SAP Delivery Wonderware / CIM CIM Wonderware / CIM CIM Product Specification SAP Batch Management Finished Goods System SAP Transfers

L-070 M-100-450 M-100-450 M-100-420

M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

FTS.23 FTS.24 FTS.25 FTS.26 FTS.27 FTS.28 FTS.29

M-100-420 M-100-420 M-100-420 M-100-420 M-100-420 M-100-480 L-070

Record Inspection Results Record Inspection Results Record Inspection Results Record Inspection Results Record Inspection Results Reconcile and Close Production Order Putaway Products

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M70 Putaway Products

FTS.30 FTS.31

SAP WMS SAP Inventory Control Finished Goods System Finished Goods System JDE Production Order

L-070 M-100-300

Putaway Products Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step

M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production

FTS.10 FTS.13 FTS.16

M-100-300 M-100-300 M-100-450

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

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Activity ID FTS.18 Comments Backflush non-lot controlled raw materials a pop-up screen driven by the cancelling of production in JDE. System JDE Production Orders / Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control SAP Inventory Control System Process ID M-100-300 Process Description Consume Material/Re-order Material Discussed in Process M-100 Execute Production



FTS.32 FTS.33 FTS.34 FTS.35 FTS.36

Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage Entered into VLMOVE using a 201 material movement. Need source report from the Finished Goods System Record GRD Material Usage - Entered into VLMOVE using a 951 material movement. Need source report from the Finished Goods System. Requires the produced material number as well so that production can be proportionally reduced by the add-back amount. Interface Yield Information Record process / yield characteristics Record process / yield characteristics Record Milk Usage Report on Yield and Efficiency


Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material

M-100 Execute Production


M-100 Execute Production

Legacy Yield and Efficiency Legacy Yield and Efficiency CIM Legacy Yield and Efficiency Legacy Yield and Efficiency / ESSBASE / Showcase Finished Goods System / SAP Inventory Control Finished Goods System / SAP Inventory Control Finished Goods System / SAP Inventory Control

M-100-480 M-100-480 M-100-480 M-100-300 M-170-170

Reconcile and Close Production Order Reconcile and Close Production Order Reconcile and Close Production Order Consume Material/Re-order Material Report Production Operation Information

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-170 Control and Report Production Operations


Report on total production


Report Production Operation Information

M-170 Control and Report Production Operations


Book monthly dispositioned inventory


Report Production Operation Information

M-170 Control and Report Production Operations


Book monthly yield entries


Report Production Operation Information

M-170 Control and Report Production Operations

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Figure 20 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Stock Transport Orders Finished Goods

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Production FTS.2 Manually create Delivery OTC.1 Merge Loads if necessary could include LG0038 returns, TOs & sales OTC.2 Dispatch Trip OTC.3 Tender Trip orders

61.SAP Delivery
IN0011 OTC.5 Re-Tender Trip if necessary OTC.6 Enter Appointment

FTS.1 Enter STO

30. SAP Transfers

61.SAP Delivery

65. TMS

65. TMS

65. TMS

64. Innovative
OTC.4 Tender Response Could be e-mail, EDI or fax

65. TMS

67. LoadScheduling

RF0003 IN0013 IN0013 IN0013 IN0013 RF0001 RF0001



64. Innovative

35. JDE Sales Order Procssing


64. Innovative
IN0029 IN0030

35. JDE Sales Order Procssing


99. Load Merge

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

61.SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers

FTS.3 Manually create bin to bin TO


Tender could be email or fax

66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling

66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling

102. Milemaker



97. SAP PI
EDI856 OTC.7 Pick Pack STO Advanced Shipping Notice 856

98. Inovis


98. Inovis

97. SAP PI

30. SAP Transfers

SAP0009 PTP.6 Receive inbound FG

8. SAP A/P
PTP.8 Clear on Regular basis


PTP.7 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing




61.SAP Delivery
OTC.8. PGI, Load, Manifest, SAP0011 BOL

Transport Time

51. SAP Receiving


61.SAP Delivery

39. SAP Billing

OTC.9 Intercompany Billing

23. SAP Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods


23. SAP Inventory Control


JDE0001 PTP.1 Empty Load IN0018 SAP0006 PTP.2 Rate and Prepare For Billing PTP.4 Process Invoice PTP.3 Bill Trip

64. Innovative

65. TMS

68. Freight Billing

14. JDE A/P


12. JDE G/L


21. JDE Inventory Control


11. Infinium G/L


1. SAP Journal



104. JDE Empty Load


PTP.5 Record Rates for each Pallet

2. SAP G/L

64. Innovative

26. Legacy Finished Goods


103. SAP Freight Enhancement




Table 7 - FTS Process Descriptions - STO for Finished Goods

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Activity ID FTS.1 FTS.2 Comments Create the Stock Transport Order Manually Entered Create the Delivery System SAP Transfers SAP Delivery Process ID L-065-020 O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020 Process Description Create STO Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Discussed in Process L-65 Stock Transport Orders (STO's) O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery



Merge Orders into trip. This has been previously done with a custom screen in JDE Sales Order Processing. This will now be done with TMS which through Load Merging updates Innovative. Sales Order shipments and Returns, Purchase Order Shipments, and STO shipments can all be combined into a single trip. Dispatch the Trip Tender the trip the trip can be tendered via EDI, Email or Fax. For E-mail and Fax, the process assumes that it will be accepted unless it is rejected. If rejected, a null transaction will be entered and the trip will be retendered. Process the tender response. This could be via EDI, Email or Fax. If rejected, then null transaction entered and trip is re-tendered Re-tender the trip if necessary Enter Carrier Appointment Create the bin to bin transport order. This is manually created. Pick the Delivery



Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments


O-110-030 O-110-030

Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery




Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Record Carrier Information Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Send Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN)

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders


TMS Load Scheduling SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-110-030 O-110-030 O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-070 O-120-080 O-120-120


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery

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Activity ID PTP.1 PTP.2 Comments Confirm the Shipment Rate the trip and prepare for billing. For most carriers the trip is processed before the invoice is received. In order to do this, agreed to rates are entered into TMS and TMS does the rating. Rates are reviewed and approved and the trip is ready for billing. Bill the trip using Freight Billing. Account assignment is reviewed and modified as necessary. When released the invoice is sent to JDE Accounts Payable. The invoice is with the appropriate reference number. This is important so that Prepositioned Move costing can be properly handled through the interface IN0022 for STOs and Deliveries. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable Process PPM STOs. Interface IN0022 reads the delivery information and stores pallet and rate information in custom tables. This enables cost allocation when the customer shipment takes place. Receive the incoming material. This is done in SAP against the transfer order. Inter-company billing Automatically vouch the receipt via IDOC generated at inter-company billing time Clear Accounts Payable on a regular basis System Innovative TMS Process ID P-120-170 P-120-170 Process Description Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Discussed in Process P-120 Receive Materials and Services P-120 Receive Materials and Services


Freight Billing


Release Service Order

P-120 Receive Materials and Services



JDE Accounts Payable JDE Accounts Payable / SAP Freight Enhancement SAP Receiving SAP Billing SAP GR-IR SAP Accounts Payable

P-150-050 P-150-050

Process Invoice Process Invoice

P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment

P-120-090 P-150-240 P-150-050 P-150-050

Receive Material Against Plantto-Plant Transfer Order Create and Release Manual Payment Process Invoice Process Invoice

P-120 Receive Materials and Services P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment

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Figure 21 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Stock Transport Orders Raw Materials Plant to Plant

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PTP.1 Determine Raw Material requirement

30. SAP Transfers

MN0010 JDE0004 MN0011

22. JDE Inventory Management

73. JDE Production Orders

38. SAP Order Entry

61.SAP Delivery
OTC.1 Merge Loads if necessary could include returns, TOs & sales orders


61.SAP Delivery

IN0011 OTC.2 Dispatch Trip OTC.3 Tender Trip

IN0011 OTC.5 Re-Tender Trip OTC.6 Enter Appointment

FTS.1 Enter STO

FTS.2 Manually create Delivery

30. SAP Transfers

61.SAP Delivery

65. TMS

65. TMS

65. TMS

64. Innovative
OTC.4 Tender Response Could be e-mail, EDI or fax

65. TMS

67. LoadScheduling

RF0003 IN0013 IN0013 IN0013 IN0013 RF0001 RF0001



64. Innovative

35. JDE Sales Order Procssing


64. Innovative
IN0029 IN0030

35. JDE Sales Order Procssing


99. Load Merge

64. Innovative

64. Innovative
LG0037 Tender could be EDI, e-mail or fax

64. Innovative

61.SAP Delivery


66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling

66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling

102. Milemaker



30. SAP Transfers

OTC.7 Pick Pack STO OTC.8 PGI, Load, Manifest, BOM SAP0009 PTP.5 Receive inbound RM FTS. 4 Automatically create Bin to Bin TO


23. SAP Inventory Control

30. SAP Transfers

FTS.3 Manually create bin to bin TO



61.SAP Delivery

Transport Time

51. SAP Receiving



30. SAP Transfers


FTS.5 Putaway RM Goods


IN0018 IN0013

23. SAP Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control

61.SAP Delivery


23. SAP Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods

Lot Controlled RM only SAP0002 JDE0001


21. JDE Inventory Control



PTP.1 Empty Load

PTP.2 Rate and Prepare For Billing

PTP.3 Bill Trip

PTP.4 Process Invoice


21. JDE Inventory Control


64. Innovative

65. TMS

68. Freight Billing

14. JDE A/P


12. JDE G/L


11. Infinium G/L


1. SAP Journal





2. SAP G/L

Lot Controlled RM only

26. Legacy Finished Goods

104. JDE Empty Load

64. Innovative
JDE0001 SAP0002

Table 8 - FTS Process Descriptions - STO for Raw Materials

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Activity ID PTP.1 Comments Requirements for Raw Materials and Trade Goods are identified. The JDE Inventory Control (Supply and Demand) is used. JDE will not be provided Stock Transport Orders and Sales Orders so SAP reports and queries will have to be used. Create the Stock Transport Order Manually Entered Create the Delivery System JDE Inventory Management Process ID P-070-010 Process Description Identify MRP Requirements Discussed in Process P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions


SAP Transfers SAP Delivery

L-065-020 O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020

Create STO Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

L-65 Stock Transport Orders (STO's) O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery



Merge Orders into trip. This has been previously done with a custom screen in JDE Sales Order Processing. This will now be done with TMS which through Load Merging updates Innovative. Sales Order shipments and Returns, Purchase Order Shipments, and STO shipments can all be combined into a single trip. Dispatch the Trip Tender the trip the trip can be tendered via EDI, Email or Fax. For E-mail and Fax, the process assumes that it will be accepted unless it is rejected. If rejected, a null transaction will be entered and the trip will be retendered. Process the tender response. This could be via EDI, Email or Fax. If rejected, then null transaction entered and trip is re-tendered Re-tender the trip if necessary Enter Carrier Appointment Create the bin to bin transport order. This is manually created. Pick the Delivery




O-110-030 O-110-030

Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery




Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Record Carrier Information

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders


TMS Load Scheduling SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-110-030 O-110-030 O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-070


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery

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Activity ID Comments System Process ID O-120-080 O-120-120 PTP.1 PTP.2 Confirm the Shipment Rate the trip and prepare for billing. For most carriers the trip is processed before the invoice is received. In order to do this, agreed to rates are entered into TMS and TMS does the rating. Rates are reviewed and approved and the trip is ready for billing. Bill the trip using Freight Billing. Account assignment is reviewed and modified as necessary. When released the invoice is sent to JDE Accounts Payable. The invoice is with the appropriate reference number. This is important so that Prepositioned Move costing can be properly handled through the interface IN0022 for STOs and Deliveries. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable Receive the incoming material. This is done in SAP against the transfer order. Innovative TMS P-120-170 P-120-170 Process Description Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Send Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Discussed in Process O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders P-120 Receive Materials and Services P-120 Receive Materials and Services


Freight Billing


Release Service Order

P-120 Receive Materials and Services


JDE Accounts Payable SAP Receiving

P-150-050 P-120-090

Process Invoice Receive Material Against Plantto-Plant Transfer Order

P150A Enable Payment P-120 Receive Materials and Services

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3.3 Order to Cash

3.3.1 Overview
Figure 22 - Order to Cash Process Map Order to Billing

O Perform Order Management

O-020 Capture Order O-020-160 Create Standard Order O-030 Process Orders O-030-030 Allocate Product to Orders O-030-220 Approve / Release Order O-030-230 Create Order Acknowledgment

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Figure 23 - Order to Cash System Diagram - Order

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Business Architecture

Inbound / Outbound Warehouse Vendor &Customers

IN0031/ IN0032

Transportation Legacy Transportation Management System (See FTS OTC Transportation for full interfaces) 70. SAP Shipping

Architecture Software 98. Inovis

EDI856/ EDI940

61. SAP Delivery



63. Bartender Tech Support

EDI864/ EDI816

65. TMS

97. SAP PI

Customer Relationship

EDI810/ EDI880

Inventory / Material Definition 39. SAP Billing 30. SAP Transfers


41. SAP SD Credit

EDI850/ EDI860/ EDI875

21. JDE Inventory Control


38. SAP Order Entry

IN0029 IN0015

23. SAP Inventory Control




40. SAP SD Pricing

26. Legacy Finished Goods

37. Customer Issue Log

SAP0006 SAP0006

2. SAP G/L 1. SAP Journal

SAP0006 SAP0006


11. Infinium G/L


3. SAP PCA 53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting 60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning


12. JDE G/L

33. Legacy Product Specification


7. SAP A/R


Production / Inventory Planning

32. SAP Batch Management 15. SAP FSC Collections 16. SAP FSC Disputes

103. SAP Transportation Enhancement


14. JDE A/P Financial Systems

Batch / Specification Management

Figure 24- Order to Cash Diagram - Master Data Setup

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Business Architecture
Transportation Legacy Transportation Management System 101. Billing Customer x-ref Customer Relationship 40. SAP SD Pricing


64. Innovative

44. JDE Customer


Production / Inventory Planning


43. SAP Customer

60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning 53. Legacy DS Sales Forecasting

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Figure 25 - OTC Process to System Diagram - Sales Order

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Business Architecture
Customers Customers

98. Inovis

98. Inovis

Non-EDI Orders

97. SAP PI
EDI850/ EDI860/ EDI875

97. SAP PI 25. JDE EDI

EDI855 OTC.2.0 - Merge Loads if necessary could include returns, TOs & sales orders OTC.3.0 Create Delivery LG0038 OTC.4.0 Dispatch Trip OTC.5.0 - Tender Trip

61.SAP Delivery
IN0011 OTC.7.0 - Re-Tender OTC.8.0 - Enter Trip Appointment

OTC.1..0 - Enter Sales Order

38. SAP Order Entry

IN0015 IN0013 IN0013 IN0013

65. TMS

61. SAP Delivery

IN0013 SAP0010 IN0013 IN0013

65. TMS

65. TMS

64. Innovative
OTC.6.0 Process Tender Response Could be e-mail, EDI or fax

65. TMS

67. LoadScheduling


60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning

35. JDE Sales Order Procssing


66. MiniRelease

99. Load Merge


32. SAP Batch Management



35. JDE Sales Order Procssing 67. LoadScheduling


66. MiniRelease

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

61.SAP Delivery

67. LoadScheduling

64. Innovative

64. Innovative

33. Legacy Product Specification

64. Innovative

102. Milemaker


Tender could be EDI e-mail or fax


IN0031/ IN0032

PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis


98. Inovis 23. SAP Inventory Control


98. Inovis

98. Inovis 8. SAP A/P


97. SAP PI 97. SAP PI

EDI856/ EDI940/ IN0031/ IN0032 OTC.10.0 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

97. SAP PI 50. SAP GR-IR

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

15. SAP FSC Collections

SAP0014 OTC.14.0 - Process Credit Problems

SAP0001 FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.9.0 - Pick Delivery

EDI810/ EDI880


30. SAP Transfers



61. SAP Delivery

39. SAP Billing

OTC.11.0 - Bill the Orders SAP0013 PTP.4.0 - Rate and Prepare For Billing PTP.5.0 - Bill Trip PTP.6.0 Process Invoice

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts

16. SAP FSC Disputes

OTC.13.0 Mange Deductions SAP0006

41. SAP SD Credit

OTC.14.0 - Process Credit Problems


23. SAP Inventory Control



21. JDE Inventory Control


64. Innovative
PTP.3.0 - Confirm Trip

65. TMS

68. Freight Billing

14. JDE A/P


12. JDE G/L


11. Infinium G/L


1. SAP Journal


SAP0006 RF0001 IN0022

26. Legacy Finished Goods

104. JDE Empty Load

64. Innovative
JDE0001 SAP0002

103. SAP Freight Enhancement

PTP.6.0 - Apply pro-rated PPM Freight, Send to COPA

SAP0006 IN0022


2. SAP G/L

Table 9 - Order to Cash Process Descriptions - Sales Order

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Business Architecture
Activity ID OTC.1.0 Comments Enter the Sales Order the order can be input into SAP or can be received EDI. System SAP Sales Order Process ID O-020-160 O-030-030 O-030-220 O-030-230 O-110-030 Process Description Create Standard Order Allocate Product to Orders Approve / Release Order Create Order Acknowledgment Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Discussed in Process O-020 Capture Order O-030 Process Orders O-030 Process Orders O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery



Merge Orders into trip. This has been previously done with a custom screen in JDE Sales Order Processing. This will now be done with TMS which through Load Merging updates Innovative. Sales Order shipments and Returns, Purchase Order Shipments, and STO shipments can all be combined into a single trip. Create the Delivery

Load Merge

SAP Delivery

O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020

Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery

OTC.4.0 OTC.5.0

Dispatch the Trip Tender the trip the trip can be tendered via EDI, Email or Fax. For E-mail and Fax, the process assumes that it will be accepted unless it is rejected. If rejected, a null transaction will be entered and the trip will be retendered. Process the tender response. This could be via EDI, Email or Fax. If rejected, then null transaction entered and trip is re-tendered Re-tender the trip if necessary Enter Carrier Appointment Create the bin to bin transport order. This manually created. Pick the Delivery


O-110-030 O-110-030




Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Plan Transportation/ Process Shipments Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Record Carrier Information Process Goods Issue for Stock Material

O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders

OTC.7.0 OTC.8.0 FTS.1.0 OTC.9.0

TMS Load Scheduling SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-110-030 O-110-030 O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-070 O-120-080


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery

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Activity ID Comments System Process ID O-120-120 OTC.11.0 Bill the Order SAP Billing O-130-070 O-130-120 O-140-020 O-140-030 O-140-110 O-180-010 O-180-070 O-180-110 O-180-120 O-180-080 O-150 Process Description Send Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items Send/Transmit Invoice Receive Manual Payment Receive Lockbox Payment Perform Cash Application Create and Determine Deduction Type(s) Process Deductions Contact Customer for Repayment Write - Off Deduction Create Credit Memo Request Manage Collections Non-DSD Discussed in Process O-120 Deliver Orders O-130 Bill Revenue O-130 Bill Revenue O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts O-180-Mange Deductions O-180 Mange Deductions O-180 Mange Deductions O-180 Mange Deductions O-180 Mange Deductions O150 Manage Collections Non-DSD


Process the Cash Receipts



Manage Deductions

SAP FSC Disputes


Process Credit Problems


Confirm the Shipment



PTP.4.0 PTP.5.0

Rate the trip and prepare for billing. For most carriers the trip is processed before the invoice is received. In order to do this, agreed to rates are entered into TMS and TMS does the rating. Rates are reviewed and approved and the trip is ready for billing. Bill the trip using Freight Billing. Account assignment is reviewed and modified as necessary. When released the invoice is sent to JDE Accounts Payable. The invoice is with the appropriate reference number. This is important so that Prepositioned Move costing can be properly handled through the interface IN0022 for STOs and Deliveries. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable Process Customer Shipments. For customer shipments from 3PL warehouses, interface IN0022 will obtain the freight rate for each pallet and format a financial document that will book the pro-rated PPM freight to COPA. Automatically vouch the receipt via IDOC generated at

SAP SD Credit / SAP FSC Collections SAP Delivery / Batch Empty - JDE TMS


Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet Receive Service Against Acceptance Sheet

P-120 Receive Materials and Services


P-120 Receive Materials and Services

Freight Billing


Release Service Order

P-120 Receive Materials and Services

JDE Accounts Payable SAP Freight Enhancement

P-150-050 P-150-050

Process Invoice Process Invoice

P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment




Process Invoice

P150A Enable Payment

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Activity ID PTP.8 Comments inter-company billing time Clear Accounts Payable on a regular basis System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

SAP Accounts Payable


Process Invoice

P150A Enable Payment


O Perform Order Management O-20 Capture Order Overview Placing the order - Sales Order Processing will be performed in SAP for Release 1. Sales Orders can be entered directly into SAP or customer purchase orders can be accepted into SAP via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). EDI transactions can have a variety of formats or standards. Leprino is using the 850 Customer Purchase Order transaction from the ANSI X.12 Standards. Customers send the EDI transactions to a 3rd Party provider Inovis who translates the ANSI X.12 format into an SAP IDOC format that SAP can accept and create the sales order from. Each customer can have unique coded values that must translated into codes that SAP understands. In order to accomplish this, Inovis formats a translation map for each customer based upon information provided by Leprino. The IDOCS are processed in SAP and create sales orders if there are no problems. If problems are detected, the problem documents are placed in an IDOC error queue where they can be maintained and reprocessed, the map can maintained and reprocessed or they can be deleted and the customer can retransmit a corrected document or manually entered into SAP. Sales Order Types When an order is created an order type must be specified. The order types are described below: Standard Order used for all normal trade customer sales order shipments from Leprino Plants or 3PLs. The document flow begins with a sales order then a delivery is created. The delivery is shipped (Post Goods Issued) which relieves inventory. Normally the delivery will be invoiced in a batch run at noon the following day. Because the Sales Organization is setup in company code 1100 and the Leprino plants are setup in company code 1000, an intercompany invoice is also generated. Plant Order used to enter sales orders for plant sales of such items as animal feed. Credit Memo Request When credits need to be made to customer for non-revenue items, a credit memo request is entered in SAP. A reason for the request is also entered. When the request is approved and unblocked a credit memo is generated. Debit Memo Request When debits need to be made to customer for non-revenue items, a debit memo request is entered in SAP. A reason for the request is also entered. When the request is approved and unblocked a debit memo is generated.

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Sales Order with no goods movement For certain customers such as Meijer, we sell them material, but continue to inventory it for them. The sales order does not relieve inventory. Stock Sample Order - Create an order for shipment of samples to the customer where inventory will be adjusted. Samples may or may not have a charge associated with them. They are often used for verification by the customer, prior to volume ramp-up in production. For no charge samples a 100% discount is provided. For charged customer samples a less than 100% discount is provided. For other no charge products a sample order would be used with order reason code. Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge - If a material is delivered to a customer and is damaged, in the wrong quantity, or off-spec, another shipment is usually processed and shipped to replace material in the previous order. The documentation for the subsequent delivery refers to the previous order form in order to clearly associate the orders. In most cases, these subsequent orders are sent free of charge, without credit checks or product pricing including tax determination, batch determination, scheduling of shipments, involvement of export control, determination of order texts. Rush Order - Process order to create a delivery document on saving the rush order. These orders will also go through a credit review. These orders will be processed when any material is shipped within the 48 hour window. Schreiber Order - Schreiber order is created for the Schreiber process where the order is created with an approximate quantity that Schreiber would consume per day and at the end of the day the number is either increased or rejected based on the consumption. SAP specific: A custom item category and schedule line is created for the Schreiber order. A custom movement type is assigned to the new schedule line. Donation Order - Create order for donation/tax purposes. Inventory would be relieved and cost would be absorbed by Leprino. Consignment Fill Up Created to ship consignment material to Elk in Puerto Rico. Consignment Pick up Created to pick up consignment stock Consignment Goods Issue Used to reflect customer usage of consignment stock. The inventory is relieved and the customer is billed. Settlement Order - This order type would be used to handle the sale of cream, bulk whey, condensed whey, retentate and related liquid product. R & D Sample Order - This order type is used to capture sample orders from R&D where a debit memo to customer payer, no issuance of stock -cost to marketing and sales. A onetime customer account is used referencing a related customer partner. Invoice Correction Request - The invoice correction request is created for correcting the price and value of the product invoiced to the customer. 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 83

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Third Party Order (Direct Ship) Used to fulfill a Leprino customer order directly from the vendor. The sales order automatically creates a Purchase Order. Since SAP Purchasing is not in scope for Release 1, this order type is out of scope for Release 1, but will be configured for Release 2. Process Diagram
Figure 26 O-020 Capture Orders Process Diagram

EDI Input ANSI X.12 850 &875 Customer POs fax, mail, email, etc.

O-020 Capture Orders

Captured Sales Orders SAP to O-30 Process Sales Orders Interfaces Interface Source

EDI850 EDI875 IN0039 SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis Inovis / SAP PI

SAP Sales Order SAP Sales Order SAP PI / Inovis

Type Automated Automated Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Enter Sales Order (VA01) Tools SAP Sales Order SAP PI Inovis Future Process Vision Customer Relationship Management (CRM) will be implemented in Release 1.5. Manually entered sales orders will be entered into CRM and automatically interfaced to SAP Sales Order.

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Business Architecture O-30 Process Order / O-40 Calculate Order Pricing Overview Once the order is captured a variety of processes must be executed. They are discussed below: Valid customer / material combinations are checked Check inventory availability and reserve inventory Based upon the requested delivery date and pre-established lead times the system automatically checks to see if inventory will be available when needed. Unrestricted inventory balances and stock transport orders will be considered. Restricted inventory will be considered, but the restriction must be cleared prior to customer shipment. Restricted stock can be shipped to 3PLs. Inventory is reserved at a balance level by default, although specific batches can be reserved on the order if needed. This is most often required for international shipments. If the customer requires, an order acknowledgement will be sent. This can be via fax, email or EDI. If the order quantity is less than truckload. The load may be merged with another load on the same route. The order is released to manufacturing and transportation The order is priced If the order cannot be priced, it still can be released to manufacturing and transportation. A billing block should be placed on the order. The multiple components of pricing are discussed below: o SAP pricing is price condition driven many different price conditions can add together to calculate the price Price condition tables are developed to store the pricing information Multiple condition tables can be assigned to a price condition i.e. different access keys material; customer /material; material / customer group Access sequences are developed that specify the order of accessing the condition tables o Normally specified in the order of access key granularity with the most granular specified first o System will check the condition tables in the order specified in the access sequence until a price is found o Normal product pricing is based upon market price and premium Products are assigned to specific markets Market pricing can be effective at order time, delivery time or billing time o Contracts can be entered Variable contracts components of the pricing may be set or adjusted Fixed contracts the price is fixed o Rebates This provides the capability to provide pricing discounts that are tied to anticipated volume of purchases for a period of time. The rebate price condition is configured to accrue for the rebate so that the profitability of the order can be more accurately stated. o Freight 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 85

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Freight based upon standard rates is calculated as a baseline sent to COPA so Common Carrier Access Freight can be calculated Base Freight rate Fuel surcharge mileage based or route based Freight based upon actual rates fed to COPA from JDE AP for Freight Invoice Normal Freight rate Fuel surcharge mileage based or route based Accessorial charges Customer Freight Charges Base Freight rate at standard Fuel surcharge mileage based or route based Accessorial charges Excess Freight Discount Price Conditions Block cheese regional discounts PPM Freight PPM freight based upon AP Invoice is stored by pallet number in custom tables in SAP For customer shipments from 3PLs, when the order is invoiced, the PPM charges attributable to the each pallet are added to statistical PPM price conditions on the billing document. Credit Check the order is credit checked based upon the payers credit limit compared to the sum of the customer accounts receivable balance and the open orders within a shipping horizon. The horizon varies depending on the risk category of the customer.

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Business Architecture Process Diagram Released and priced Sales Orders JDE Sales Orders (IN0013) Updated TMS systems (IN0013, LG0029, LG0030, LG0031) Demand Solutions Requirements Planning (IN0015) Captured Orders O-030 Process Orders / O040 Calculate Order Pricing Sales Order Acknowledgement / Warehouse Shipping Order Customer Purchase Order Acknowledgement o EDI 855 o Fax / Email EDI940 Warehouse Shipping Order

Available Trips Using the TMS and Merge System

Figure 27 - O-030 Process Orders / O-040 Calculate Order Pricing Interfaces Interface Source

IN0013 LG0029 LG0030 LG0031 IN0039 EDI855 SAP Sales Order JDE Sales Order Mini-Release JDE Sales Order Inovis / SAP PI SAP Sales Order

JDE Sales Order, Innovative Mini-Release Innovative Load Scheduling SAP PI / Inovis SAP PI / Inovis

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Automated Page 87

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SAP Sales Order

SAP PI / Inovis

Type Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Enter Sales Order (VA01) Change Sales Order (VA02) Tools SAP Sales Order SAP PI Inovis Future Process Vision Many of these functions will move into CRM processing in Release 1.5. O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery Overview Once the order is released, information is sent via interface IN0013 to the transportation systems. The Transportation Department dispatches the load. Once the trip is dispatched it is tendered. Tendering can take place via phone, email, fax or EDI. Once the load is tendered, than the carrier information is interfaced through interface IN0011 to SAP Delivery, if the delivery is created. The delivery generally will be created anywhere from 48 hours prior to shipment up until the time the truck arrives. If it is necessary to assign actual batches of material earlier, than the delivery may be created earlier than 48 hours prior to shipment and the batches added to the delivery. The delivery and any changes to the sales order are interfaced to the transportation systems and if the changes impact the load, the Transportation Department is notified. When carrier appointment is made it is entered into the Load Scheduling system and is interfaced to SAP Delivery via interface IN0011. If batch assignments were made in the sales order they are copied to the delivery. If assignments werent made, then when the delivery is created, batch assignments must be made. The process of batch assignment is dependent on the shipping plant. For Leprino plants, customer specifications are used to automatically select batches that meet the characteristics of the customer specification. Assignments can be added to or overridden. For 3PL plants the process depends on the material class. In general for cheese, batch assignments arent made prior to sending the EDI 940 Warehouse Order to the 3PL. The 3PL makes the assignments in their system and sends the batches that were picked back to Leprino via an EDI 944 Warehouse Shipping Advice. The batches are updated in the delivery as the delivery is post goods issued. For whey batch determination is used and batches are assigned prior to picking.

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When it is time to pick the material, the transfer order is generated from the delivery and the transfer order form is printed. This drives the picking process. The pick can be a two stage pick or a one stage pick. A two stage is used when the load is complex. By assigning material to a group, a transfer order can be generated to move the material to a staging area and a second transfer order is created to move the material from the staging area to the dock. The staging is often done in preparation for the trucks arrival and due to the limited space in the plants, may often be staged in the aisles. Normal the pick order is driven by the transfer order, but in a two step pick a modification has been made to allow the operator to load the product in any order, strictly by scanning any pallet on the transfer order and confirming it. On a one step pick, a single transfer order is used to move the material directly to the dock. For less than pallet quantities a pallet to pallet movement must be made. The picking locations do not allow a pallet to pallet movement, so technically the material needs to be moved to a staging area, the pallet to pallet performed and the ordered stock moved to the dock and the remaining material returned to the bin using a bin to bin movement. A modification has been made to allow the pallet to pallet to be performed without a two stage pick. The required movements are made behind the scenes in the program. Process Diagram

Released and priced Sales Orders JDE Sales Orders (IN0013) Updated TMS systems (IN0013, LG0029, LG0030, LG0031)

Tendered Load with Load Scheduled Carrier Information and Appointment (IN0011) O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery Delivery created with batches assigned as appropriate LG0037


Tender Request and Answer

Figure 28 - O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery Process Diagram

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IN0013 LG0029 LG0030 LG0031 LG0037 LG0038 SAP Sales Order JDE Sales Order Mini-Release JDE Sales Order TMS JDE EDI / Email / Fax

JDE Sales Order, Innovative Mini-Release Innovative Load Scheduling JDE EDI / Email / Fax TMS

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated Various Various Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Dispatch Load (TMS) Tender Load (TMS, JDE EDI, Fax, Email) Tools TMS JDE EDI Email Fax Future Process Vision The transportation planning functions will be replaced with APO Transportation Planning and Vehicle Scheduling in Release 2.0. O-090 Pick Orders / O-100 Pack Orders Overview When it is time to pick the material, the transfer order is generated from the delivery and the transfer order form is printed. This drives the picking process. The pick can be a two stage pick or a one stage pick. A two stage is used when the load is complex. By assigning material to a group, a transfer order can be generated to move the material to a staging area and a second transfer order is created to move the material from the staging area to the dock. The staging is often done in preparation for the trucks arrival and due to the limited space in the plants, may often be staged in the aisles. Normal the pick order is driven by the transfer order, but in a two step pick a modification has been made to allow the operator to load the product in any order, strictly by scanning any pallet on the transfer order and confirming it.

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On a one step pick, a single transfer order is used to move the material directly to the dock. For less than pallet quantities a pallet to pallet movement must be made. The picking locations do not allow a pallet to pallet movement, so technically the material needs to be moved to a staging area, the pallet to pallet performed and the ordered stock moved to the dock and the remaining material returned to the bin using a bin to bin movement. A modification has been made to allow the pallet to pallet to be performed without a two stage pick. The required movements are made behind the scenes in the program. For RF locations the transfer order is confirmed as the pick is confirmed. For non-RF locations, the materials is picked and then the transfer order is manually confirmed using SAP transaction LT12. Process Diagram

Deliveries with batch assignments made

O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders

Picked Deliveries

Figure 29 - - O-090 Pick Orders / O-100 Pack Orders Process Diagram Interfaces None Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Create Transfer Order (LT03) Pick the Order (Radio Frequency, LM05) Pallet to Pallet (ZFWM_PTP) Confirm Transfer Orders (LT12) Tools SAP Inventory Control SAP Warehouse Management Radio Frequency 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 91

Business Architecture Future Process Vision None O-110 Deliver Orders Overview Once the material is moved into the truck the seal numbers, vehicle number and trailer vehicle temperatures recorded in the delivery and the delivery is post goods issued. This update the inventory balances and generates the financial transactions. The delivery is then ready to be billed. Process Diagram Post Goods Issued Deliveries O-110 Deliver Orders Picked Deliveries Inventory Financial Journals SAP Inventory Control Interfaces to SAP Journal via SAP interface SAP0002 and posts to the appropriate financial system via SAP0006

Figure 30 - O-110 Deliver Orders Interfaces Interface Source

IN0018 LG0019 SAP0002 SAP0006 SAP Inventory Control Finished Goods SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal

JDE Inventory Control and Finished Goods JDE Inventory Control SAP Journal SAP CCA, PCA, COPA, G/L

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Post Goods Issue the Delivery (VL02N) 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 92

Business Architecture Tools SAP Inventory Control SAP Financials Future Process Vision None O-130 Bill Revenue Overview Once the delivery is post goods issued the delivery is ready to be billed. Billing will normally be generated by a batch job that runs noon the following day. For shipments from Leprino plants, in addition to the customer billing, an intercompany billing will also be generated. Invoices can be sent via mail or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). The appropriate Revenue, Accounts Receivable, and Cost of Goods Sold financial journals are generated. Process Diagram

Figure 31 - O-130 Bill Revenue Process Diagram Interfaces Interface Source

IN0018 LG0019 SAP0002 SAP0006 SAP Inventory Control Finished Goods SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal

JDE Inventory Control and Finished Goods JDE Inventory Control SAP Journal SAP CCA, PCA, COPA, G/L

Type Automated Automated Automated Automated

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Business Architecture Key Activities, Manual Activities Impacting Interfaces or Duplication of Effort Bill the Order (VF01N and Batch) Tools SAP Billing Future Process Vision None

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3.4 Record to Report

3.4.1 Overview This process begins with the creation of the financial entries and ends with the generation of statutory, financial and management reports. Most financial transactions are generated from the applicable business transaction. The majority of the business transactions is already covered in Procure to Pay, Forecast to Stock and Order to Cash and will not be repeated in this section. Other financial transactions that are entered directly in the financial systems. In order to understand how and when these transactions are entered it is important to understand the SAP financial architecture and how it compares to the Legacy system structure. 3.4.2 SAP Financial Architecture This process begins with the creation of the financial entries and ends with the generation of statutory, financial and management reports. Most financial transactions are generated from the applicable business transaction. The majority of the business transactions is already covered in Procure to Pay, Forecast to Stock and Order to Cash and will not be repeated in this section. There are financial transactions that are entered directly in the financial systems. In order to understand how and when these transactions are entered it is important to understand the SAP financial architecture and how it compares to the Legacy system structure. Infinium and JDE Edwards both have a single coding block or string that has been defined to match Leprino requirements. The string definition is shown below: o Infinium each unique combination of the following is assigned a page number Company Code Division Region Location Cost Center Account Sub-account JDE each unique combination of the following is assigned a unique id that ties the combination to the Infinium page number Cost Center Account Sub-account Page 95

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The structure in SAP is different. In SAP the following coding elements are defined o o o o o o o o Company Code General Ledger Account Profit Center Cost Element Cost Center Plant Sales Organization Internal Order Number

SAP Financials are divided into multiple modules. In the past the SAP General Ledger was designed to perform external accounting and reporting. A separate Enterprise Controlling Module named Profit Center Accounting was used to define management reports based upon profit centers. Cost Center transactions were posted to a module called Cost Center Accounting. There was functionality to synchronize budgets between the modules. In the past few years SAP has introduced the New General Ledger. The New General Ledger allows the entry and derivation of profit centers and provides profit center reporting as well. Cost Centers are also captured. Because it is a relatively new module, the reporting functionality is not as robust as it is in Profit Center Accounting. The Leprino implementation includes the following functionality in Release 1. SAP financial modules are document oriented in that each financial module requires its own document. One business transaction may trigger multiple financial documents. o o New General Ledger This module captures financial transactions. General Ledger Account, Cost Center, Profit Center, Company Code information is captured and determines which other financial modules need to be updated. This provides standard reports for internal and external reporting. Enterprise Controlling Profit Center Accounting (PCA) As mentioned earlier, Profit Center Accounting is designed to provide management reporting by profit center. Although much of the required profit center reporting can be generated from the New General Ledger, the Profit Center Accounting module has also been implemented to provide additional reporting functionality. Controlling Cost Center Accounting (CCA) Cost Center management reporting is maintained in the Cost Center Accounting Module. Cost Object Accounting In the Legacy systems, a subaccount was defined. In SAP it is possible to create internal orders as cost collectors for special projects, maintenance orders, R & D projects etc. Internal orders are being created in place of the subaccount in the Legacy systems. Page 96

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Profitability Analysis (COPA) - COPA captures costs and revenues and attitudes them to documents and characteristics of those documents such as customer, material, geography etc. Profitability reporting can now be performed by characteristic. This can performed for dollars and pounds.

Cost Elements are setup in the controlling for each expense General Ledger account. The Cost Element key value matches the equivalent general ledger account key value. Cost centers are assigned to profit centers. Depending on the type of business transaction that generates the financial document, other data elements maybe populated in the financial document. For instance the plant, sales organization or material number may be populated. There is a general purpose field named allocation that can be configured to populate with various fields depending on the transaction. 3.4.3 Transactions that Originate in SAP Financial Modules As mentioned earlier, the majority of financial transactions originates in other business processes and system modules and has been discussed in those process areas. Some of these business transactions are traditionally considered financial systems. Examples of these are Accounts Receivable, Credit, and Disputes. These have been discussed in the Order to Cash Process Group. Accounts Payable will not be processed in SAP in Release 1, but will remain in JDE. It was discussed in the Procure to Pay process group. There are transactions that will be processed directly in the Record to Report Process. They are identified below: o o o o 3.4.4 Asset Management Fixed Assets will be added, maintained, and depreciated. Manual Journals Accruals, reversals, reclassifications and other journals that dont originate in other processes. Setting up Internal Orders Budget setup revenue, COGS, cost center, profit center

Financial Reporting

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3.5 Reporting / Decision Support 3.5.1

Overview In order to finalize the reporting requirements for the SSI project, the copies of the existing Legacy reports were collected and logged and categorized in the reporting database in the E-Room. The link is included for reference: After the reports were cataloged then the process teams reviewed them. Because many of the business processes will be different in Release 1 then they were in the past, many of the reports were withdrawn from consideration since they would no longer be needed. For the remaining reports and any newly identified reports the solution was documented in the report database. Report requirements could be met by any of the following methods: Standard SAP ECC Reports In each of the functional areas of SAP ECC standard reports are made available. These reports have been developed in a variety of architectures. Custom SAP ECC reports coded in ABAP RICEF objects were identified and these reports were designed and coded to the specific requirements. Report Writer reports For complex financial statements the SAP Report Writer was used to develop the reports. SAP Business Intelligence (BI) SAP includes this separate module to provide flexible, preformatted and ad hoc reports. BI runs on a separate server with a separate database specifically designed for reporting. This design allows flexible and responsive reporting without competing for computer resources with the main transaction system.

A subset of the Reporting Database has been included in this document for reference and is included in table on page. The No. field on the left refers to the report number in the Reporting Database and provides a cross reference back to the database. Since this is table is a subset of the information, this number can be used access the database for the remaining information. The Source field indicates where the information can be obtained. The Infoprovider field indicates for BI reports, what data is used to produce the report. For BI reports The Object field indicates the query name. The queries will be available on the Enterprise Portal and will be categorized in an easily accessible format. For ECC reports the Object field indicates the name of the transaction. The report can be accessed using the transaction code or through the standard SAP Menu. Reports will only appear in the Portal or the Menu, if the user has the security authorization to access them.

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3.5.2 SAP Business Intelligence (BI) Overview of Business Intelligence Traditionally reporting has been performed on the same computer server database as the transaction processing. This had two major disadvantages: the reports were often very computer and data intensive and would compete for these resources and reduce the response time of the transaction system and secondly, the database was designed for transaction processing and led to poor response time for the reports. In the mid-1990s a new technology was developed that was the predecessor to todays Business Intelligence. Multi-dimension data structures were developed. These data structures allowed for very efficient queries. These structures included many nested and related tables and implemented complex access sequences that allowed for parallel processing. They also presented a logical, business oriented data interface that allows non-technical personnel to develop efficient and productive reports. Because the BI environment executed on a separate server environment, mechanisms were developed that aided in extracting data from the transaction systems. Extractions needed to be flexible and reliable and had to allow for fast loads, because load windows were often short. Delta load technologies were developed that allowed an initial full load of all the data and then subsequently only have to load the changes each day. Flexible query tools were developed that allowed users to develop their own queries and reports. Tools were also developed that permitted the development of very formatted reports. Reports could execute using GUI components or could also execute on the Web and on Portals. SAP BI Architecture SAP has developed a very robust environment that tightly integrates into the SAP transaction environments as well as allows extraction of data from non-SAP systems using proprietary as well as standard interface tools. SAP also developed standard extraction functionality for many functional areas, but also allows the development of custom extracts as well. For this discussion please refer to Figure 32 - SAP BI Architecture Drawing. As mentioned earlier the architecture is designed to extract data from a variety of systems and using a variety of technologies. Refer first to the lower left hand corner of the diagram. SAP refers to the structures in the ECC of other SAP source system as a datasource. A data source is composed of several structural components. The first is referred to as a extract structure. The extract structure collects data from the SAP transaction systems. It can be loaded in batch or can also be updated in a near real-time manner using the communication structures in SAP ECC. The next component of the datasource is the transfer structure. The transfer structure is a data format that is used to move the data to the BI system. This structure is replicated to the BI system so the BI system understands the format the data will be transferred in. A datasource also contains logic to manage the extraction of the data. In the Sales and Distribution module the data is extracted into set-up tables and the set-up tables are used to initially load the BI system. The datasource also maintains logic to manage the initial loads in the other functional areas. For all functional areas SAP also provides the logic to allow for delta loads after the initial load the data source is setup to only send the changes to the data since the last extract.

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In this diagram the box in the lower left hand corner marked SAP Source System, shows two different datasources. The one on the left is the standard datasource and theses are provided for many functional areas in the Standard SAP Business Content. Tools are provided to customize these datasources, but new ones cannot be created. SAP provides a different technology which it refers to as a Generic Datasource to develop new custom datasources. As a general principle data is extracted into BI from the BI system and it is not pushed. SAP provides the tools to manage and monitor the transfer between the systems. These will be discussed shortly. In the lower right hand corner in the box marked External Data, two types of external data extraction are shown. The first is actual transaction data and the second is master data which in this case is texts, hierarchies and attributes. Master data can be used to add additional information about specific data elements such as a customer name or city. SAP also provides standard extractors to send Master Data from SAP transaction systems to BI. SAP allows for a variety of technologies for the extraction of data from foreign systems. Ultimately the data being extracted needs to be stored in databases that allow flexible reporting. SAP refers to theses data structures as infoproviders. These will be covered detail in a subsequent section. The process to load the infoproviders is often referred to as Extract, Translate and Load (ETL). We have already discussed the extraction. Translation is the next step. In this step the data is reformatted into a consistent format that is applicable for reporting. Errors are identified and corrected if possible. If they cant be corrected than the appropriate people are notified. When extracting from multiple systems, the transformation of data into consistent formats can be critical in order to produce useful reporting. SAP provides a variety of tools in order to transform data. They are briefly described below. In Netweaver 7.0, SAP is in the process of migrating these tools to a new toolset. Some data sources have been converted, but not all. So Netweaver 7.0 supports the old tools as well as the new. 1) Persistent Storage Area (PSA) This is an editable storage area where extracted data is temporarily stored. 2) Transfer Structure used as a data format to accept data from the source system 3) Transfer Rules Functionality provided by SAP to provide for first stage data translation. Standard translation tools are provided, but custom ABAP code can also be written. In the Netweaver 7.0 architecture the use of transfer rules is optional. When transfer rules are used the data is output into an Infosource which is described below. 4) Infosource If an infoprovider is loaded from multiple data sources, then there can be benefit in loading the data into a holding area prior to loading the infoprovider. The infosource is provided for this purpose. It can also be used if translation must be done in multiple stages. The use of an infosource is now optional. 5) Update Rules These provide second level transformation functionality. Normally used to transform data as it is loaded into the infoproviders. There use is optional. 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 100

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6) Transformation Rules This is new functionality in Netweaver 7.0 to provide transformation functionality. They are designed to replace transfer rules and update rules and provide expanded functionality. As previously mentioned, when data is loaded into BI, it is generally pulled into BI. SAP provides three constructs to control the loading. They are discussed below: 1) Infopackages For Netweaver 7.0, infopackages are used to load the data into the PSA. Extraction selection criteria can be established in the infopackage. They are also used to establish whether the load is a full load or a delta (Incremental) load. Data targets can be specified, that allow automatic loading of data into infoproviders. The use of data targets is still supported, but has been superseded by data transfer packages (described below) 2) Data Transfer Packages These control the load of data from the PSA or Infosources (if used) into the Infoproviders. 3) Process Chains Infopackages, Data Transfer Packages, and other BI tasks can be combined into process chains to control their execution. Dependencies can be established between steps and notifications can be established.

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Figure 32 - SAP BI Architecture Drawing

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3.5.3 Infoobjects and Master Data Data is usually maintained in data elements or fields and these are combined into tables. In SAP BI data elements are referred to as Infoobjects. They provide additional functionality that normal data elements dont. There are two types of infoobjects: 1) Characteristics and 2) Key Figures and they are discussed below.

Key figures are automatically tied to a unit of measure. They describe the how much. Characteristics describe the who, the when and the what. Characteristics can have many special properties. Description fields called texts can be attached to the characteristics. Attributes can also be added. For instance, customer city and state can be attached to the customer characteristic. In essence, an infoobject can act like masterdata. Attributes, texts and hierarchies associated with an infoobject can be used to enhance reporting. Reports can also be generated against infoobject attributes. See the following figures.

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Figure 33 Infoobjects

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Figure 34 - Customer Master Data Example

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Figure 35 - Detailed Master Data Example

3.5.4 Infoproviders In SAP BI, data is made available for reporting in infoproviders. There many types of infoproviders. Some are physical (actually store data) and some are logical (provide a view to other physical data). The basic infocube is the most fundamental infoprovider and will be discussed first. Basic Infocube As was mentioned earlier, reporting structures need to be designed for efficient reporting. The industry standard data structure is a multi-dimensional structure. This is often referred to as a Star Schema. SAP has changed and extended the functionality and refers to their solution as an Extended Star Schema and the technical component is called a Basic Infocube.

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One of the challenges of reporting is the many different ways that data needs to be accessed. A data table and keys is just not adequate to meet the requirements. SAPs Profitability Analysis (COPA) took a step in the right direction. They devised the concept of a profitability segment. In the operating concern, characteristics and value fields (Key Figures) are established that represent the data requirements of a company. As data is loaded each unique combination of characteristic values is assigned a unique key or identifier. Each data record that has that unique combination of characteristics values is updated with that unique profitability segment number. For reporting, all profitability segment records that have the selected characteristics can be selected and then all the data records can be selected by the profitability segment numbers. COPA is in essence a one dimension BI implementation. This is not very effective, however. SAPs Extended Star Schema allows for up to sixteen dimensions. A simple star schema is explained in the following figure. A functional example is provided in Figure 37 - Functional Star Schema Example.

Figure 36 - Simple Star Schema Example

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Figure 37 - Functional Star Schema Example

Dimensions are groupings of characteristics. The fact table is a grouping of key figures. As data is added, a fact record is added for each logical record. That fact record has a set of characteristic values that it is associated with. Each characteristic is assigned to one and only one dimension. As the fact record is added each dimension is checked to see if the combination of characteristics already exists in that dimension. If it does, the unique dimension key is assigned to the fact record, otherwise a new dimension record is added and that new key is assigned to the fact record. Please refer to Figure 38 - Dimension Tables, Figure 39 - Fact Table and Figure 40 - The Simple Star Schema for more information. When data is retrieved from an infocube, each dimension can be searched in parallel for all dimension records that meet the selected characteristic values. This returns a set of dimension keys that are used to select all the fact records that contain those combinations of dimension keys. This allows efficient and effective data retrieval.

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Figure 38 - Dimension Tables

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Figure 39 - Fact Table

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Figure 40 - The Simple Star Schema

Any characteristic contained in any dimension can be displayed or can be used to select records. Characteristic values that are contained in an infocube cannot easily be changed. If a sales book of accounts is assigned as a characteristic and it is changed, the infocube would have to be reloaded to make the update. This is why master data is so important. If the book of account is assigned in master data then it can be changed and all reporting that references the master data will be updated as well. Please refer to Figure 41 - Extended Star Schema for more details on how master data attributes hierarchies and texts are associated with the dimensions of multiple infocubes. This powerful concepts allows attributes to be changed and have immediate impact on reporting without having to reload the infocubes. Normally master data attributes cannot be used for query navigation or selection. This is a disadvantage that can be overcome by designating an attribute as navigational. This is not as efficient as using a characteristic, but the advantages most often overshadow the disadvantages. Sometimes it is necessary to report on attribute values as they were at various points in time. SAP BI supports this by allowing master data attributes values to be saved by time period. 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 111

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Figure 41 - Extended Star Schema

The extended star schema in Figure 41 demonstrates the power of the model. The text of a customer can be displayed at query time in the language of the user. Redundant data is kept to a minimum. Data only needs to be changed in one place and can have impact on many infocubes without having to reload them. Time sensitive values for specific attributes can be maintained and used in many different infocubes.

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Business Architecture DSO A DSO is generally used to store the most granular data that is stored in BI. A DSO is a very important infoprovider that serves many different purposes. These are outlined below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Store detailed data Allow reload of other infoproviders without re-extraction from source systems They are updateable so data can be reorganized Can be used for reporting Allows delta processing options that are not possible with a load directly into an infocube Infoobjects Characteristic infoobjects can be configured so that they are an infoprovider. Logical Infoproviders Logical infoproviders do not physically store, but instead just provide views to other physical data providers. Infosets 3.5.5 Order to Cash Sales, Deliveries and Billings ECC reporting

No. 185 192 Title Orders @ W/E Not Invoiced Yet Cheese Statistics Source ECC ECC Object VA05 related to RICEF 204 & 205 withdrawn RP0001 VA05 VA05 RP0001 VF04 Legacy NO_INVWKLY N/A Summary of Requirement data source statistical review of sales pounds by customer vs. budget and prior year PHI Weekly Price Confirmation Data for sales accrual journal entry Data for pallet sales accrual journal entry PHI Weekly Price Confirmation I review daily to see if any orders have shipped in an old order date NOT in 570/580 status. Will call Eric/Gene or the plant to have them advance the order

219 228 229 271 280




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No. 285 Title Y-T-D Pricing Report Source ECC Object VK32 (Change Log) Legacy RX40001 Summary of Requirement Review pricing changes, look for any large numbers making sure all pricing is correctly displayed before leaving the department Review pricing changes, look for any large numbers making sure all pricing is correctly displayed. Quick analysis tool to answer pricing questions within the month


M-T-D Pricing Report


VK32 (Change Log)


467 468 469 540 543 544 545 1351

Freight stats - Cheese MTD Freight stats - Cheese YTD PPM Freight Clearing Analysis Cream Sales Analysis Cream Customer Listing Cream Settlement Analysis Cream Sales Accrual Daily Order Changes - Quantity


RP0014 RP0014 RP0014 RP0020 Customer Master RP0027 RP0021 SAP F&B report Cut report; T-code ZOTC003 RP0016

GL/Access GL/Access AS400QRY/Acces s RX429562 RX429585 RX429595 RX429516 PX42191 RX42191 RX42278

Summarize XS freight by customer Summarize XS freight by customer Combine XS and PPM clearing by customer Cream Sales Information by Load Cream Customer Listing Cream Sales Loads Listing based on settlement Cream Sales Loads not invoiced before close Report shows difference in pounds ordered vs actual pounds shipped. Sales Service reviews this to inform customer if there is a shortage and to override pricing if necessary. Report shows all orders that have been price confirmed and are beyond their scheduled ship dates. This report alerts the CSR to an order that has not been shipped or picked up so that follow up can occur with PM, CT, or the customer. Report lists all Dominos' orders by center and their order placement to leadtime ratio. This information is populated on the DNC Operational Rating report. Report is a recap of all Domino's changes, which is populated on the DNC Operational Rating report. Report lists all Dominos' orders by center and their order payment count, which is information populated on the DNC Operatinal Rating report.


Price Confirmation orders not shipped and past scheduled/requested dates Lead Time Requirements Report Dominos Order Change Recap Report Dominos On-Time Payments Report Dominos






1364 1365


RP0017 RP0017

ASP202B RX42976B

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No. 1366 Title Late for Delivery (Pick Up) Appointment Report - Dominos Source ECC Object RP0017 Legacy RX42976A Summary of Requirement Report lists all Dominos' arrange pick up orders by center and indicates whether or not the Dominos' carrier missed the pick up appointment time. This information is populated on the DNC Operational Rating report. Allows CSR to track orders entered against a contract for each month. Used to track freight records that have been added/deleted/changed during prior week This report lists all orders that have an order header without any detail lines. The order will show on this report for 3-days and then drop off. used as a measurement tool used as a measurement tool Query is pulled into Excel spreadsheet for letter merge Provides list of customers needing price confirmations for orders shipping the upcoming week and the product pricing. Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. Open Contracts information to sales including back dates and remaining volume Report covering 2nd Sales and WIP Sales, compares problem cheese inventory and committed sales ( open orders )of that product and then evaluates what is remaining. Report/form for customer notifications related to monthly fuel surcharges, NFDM surcharges, entergy surchages, etc Required to true-up each month with cram customers class usage. Difference between invoice price and final settlement price based on class utilization

1370 1382 1386

Contracts Open or Sales Orders Open - Cheese Customers Customer Freight Changes Order Headers Withou Any Detail Lines ( incomplete Orders) Orders entered by user EDI orders entered by user totaled by parent number Buyer Download Report Weekly Price Confirmations - SW


VA45 VK32 VA02

PX42159 RX4079 JDXPROD/NO_D ETAIL Not listed Not listed FX40110LTR AS/400

1387 1388 1390 1587


VA02 VA05 RP0018 RP0016

1630 1633 1645 1650

Daily Report - SOM Support System Daily Report - Unshipped Orders Open Contracts Report Problem Cheese Sales Report


MB5T VL060 VA45 VA05


1774 1776

Forms for customer notifications Monthly batch settlements Cream Customers


RP0018 RP0019

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No. 1777 1778 Title UFPC Price Confirmation Report Email blocked memo report Source ECC ECC Object RP0001 RP0015 Legacy Summary of Requirement Consolidated report for price confirmations based on all McLain locations and a few other misc customers. Report VFX3 provides a list of blocked billing documents. One requirement is to customize the report to include the order reason code, customer material code, dollar am't and text from the debit or credit memo. Summary of 4 current system reports; Late for Delivery App't, OnTime Payments, Order Change Recap and Lead Time Requirements Report showing final settlement of cream shipments for a week including 10 different test results as well as a calulated settlement difference. Transfer pricing based on past 3 month historical customer pricing

1779 1780

DNC Operational Rating Cream Sales Analysis Detail for Orders Settled Through weely dates Average Selling Price Calculation Report


RP0017 RP0032

manual RX429593




SAP Business Intelligence

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ZSD_M001(Sales/ Delivery/Billing MultiProvider)

ZSD_I004(Billing Conditions Cube)

ZSD_IS01(Sales/ Delivery/Billing Infoset)

Infoset combining data from Sales Item Consolidated, Delivery, Billing and Billing Conditions DSOs Multicube combining data from Sales, Delivery, Billing and Billing Conditions Cubes

ZSD_I001(Sales Cube)

ZSD_I002(Delivery Cube)

ZSD_I003(Billing Cube)

ZSD_D005(Sa les Doc Item Consolidated Data)

Read Shipment Header Data for Planned Date for Start and End of Shipment, Shipping Line, Vessel, Carrier, Tractor, Trailer

Read Sales Document Header Data for Created on, Req Date, Shipment No, Estimated Class Usage, Settlement Procedure, Read Sales Document Header Status Read Sales Document Item Status

ZSD_D001( Sales Doc Header Status)

ZSD_D002( Sales Doc Item Status)

ZSD_D004( Sales Doc Item Data)

ZSD_D003( Sales Doc Header Data)

ZSD_D006( Delivery Item Data)

ZSD_D007Shi pment Header Data )

ZSD_D008( Billing Item Data)

ZSD_D009 Billing Document Condition )

2LIS_11_VASTH( Sales Doc Header Status)

2LIS_11_VASTI( Sales Doc Item Status)

2LIS_11_VAITM ( Sales Document Item Data )

2LIS_11_VAHDR ( Sales Document Header Data )

2LIS_12_VCITM ( Delivery Item Data)

2LIS_08TRTK ( Shipment: Header Data )

2LIS_13_VDITM (Billing Item Data)

2LIS_13_VDKON (Billing Document Condition)









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No. 159 163 165

Title Pizza Hut Customer Adjustments 2008 Business Review Reporting Cheese Whey Sample Analysis


Object ZZCOPAM01_Q021 ZZCOPAM01_Q023 ; ZZSD_M002_Q002 ZZCOPAM01_Q034

Legacy N/A None None

Summary of Requirement Yr/Yr claims adjustments Creates business reviews, sales by month, by product, by chain or by customer, year over year comparisons Analysis of all types of samples sent out for the month. Pounds, product cost, freight cost, customers, reason code, compares to budget Shows margins by product, chain or customer, item #, includes pounds, std cost, invoice premium / lb, other fees / lb, net premium / lb, net margin using standard market, compares to budget and prior year. Includes margin dollar variance explainations (volume, mix, cost, pricing) Summarized Margins by product / chain or customer, with and without expenses Reviews bulk ribbon premiums vs other customers Reviews weekly and ytd sales by product, year over year, by each customer location Sales and pricing recap current and next week estimated sales pounds and avg. of last 4 weeks sales pounds data source (data file) data source (data file) data source (data file) data source (data file) record of sales detail review of prior weeks' sales activity (by order w/volume and pricing components) review of YTD and prior weeks' sales activity vs. prior year historical sales, production, and inventory information vs. budget by week, month, and YTD weekly review of whey sales pounds and prices by product group vs. budget


Gross Margin Analysis - Cheese




167 168 169 170 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 183 184 189

Summary Cheese Margin Analysis w/ Expenses Schwans Most Favored Nations Roma / Vistar Weekly Noble Romans Weekly Estimated Weekly Sales Orders (Tuesday Report) 4 Week Sales Download ( source for Tuesday rpt) Current Week Estimated Sales ( source for Tuesday report) Last Week Actual Sales ( source for Tuesday report) Next Week Estimated Sales ( source for Tuesday report) Sales Recap By Product Report Godfather's Weekly Sales Report Pizza Hut Weekly Report Sales, Production, & Inventory Report (Wednesday Report) Whey Sales Recap Report


ZZCOPAM01_Q011 ZZSD_M003_Q010 ZZCOPAM01_Q018 ZZSD_M003_Q009 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M006_Q001 ZZSD_M003_Q008 ZZCOPAM01_Q015 ZZCOPAM01_Q030 ZZCOPAM01_Q036


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No. 193 194 196 200 201 202 203 215 224 225 226 230 231 232 233 245 246 257 262 263 272 288 290 Title Descending Sales by Customer Report Product Class Balance Report Average of the Mostlies Report Distributor Report Foreign Sales Corporation Report(FSC) - Cheese & Whey International Report Monthly Business Reviews Whey Sales By State HEDGEALL HEDGEDARDN INTTOTAL PHI MILK (RECOVERIES) PHIHEDGE (TWO WEEK LAG) PHIMILK PJMILK ORDER BOOKED AGAINST 08735.05000, 507, 523 REBATE ESSBASE SALES ACCRUALS - MONTHLY HEDGE MILK/CHEESE VARIANCE BRISTOL MYERS PALLETS HEINZ WEEKLY REPORT Paul's Achieva Analysis Mr. Jim's Supplier Agreement (this is a sample of just one of several customers this report is run for) PHI Monthly Milk Adj Source SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q011 ZZCOPAM01_Q002 ZZCOPAM01_Q001 Object ZZCOPAM01_Q008 ZZCOPAM01_Q003 ZZSD_M002_Q001 ZZCOPAM01_Q016 ZZSD_M003_Q015 ZZCOPAM01_Q004 ZZCOPAM01_Q023 / ZZSD_M002_Q002 ZZSD_M003_Q013 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q003 ZZSD_M003_Q006 ZZSD_M003_Q007 Legacy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WHEYFEED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Summary of Requirement review of monthly and YTD sales pounds by customer shown by decending customer YTD and monthly review of sales pounds by product group vs. budget monthly summary of external whey market prices monthly review of sales to distributors monthly review of foreign sales quarterly review of foreign sales review of sales pound trends by customer data source Orders hedged for the month Darden hedged orders for the month Recovery on PHI hedge activity for int calc. Recovery on PHI milk activity Data for PHI hedge recovery two week lag Orders that were ordered but not shipped until 2 weeks later. Orders for PHI MPA Orders for PJ MPA Data for accrued rebates Data for rebate calculations Data for sales accrual journal entry Hedge journal entry Bristol Myers pallet invoice Heinz weekly order report Achieva sales and associated prices Provides customer / product / volume data for select customers (in this example, Mr. Jim's) for use in variable pricing determination included in individual custokmer supplier agreements Verifies the amount ot MPA due PHI





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No. 295 296 300 Title Detailed Gross Margin Analysis Report by Sales Rep Detailed Gross Margin Analysis Report by Product Line Marketing Pallet Activity Report Source SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI Object ZZCOPAM01_Q007 ZZCOPAM01_Q007 ZZSD_M003_Q012 Legacy N/A N/A RX423200 Summary of Requirement Gross margins by product and customer (budget vs. actual) by Sales Rep used for the calculation of Sales Rep trimester bonuses Gross margins by product and customer (budget vs. actual) by product line used for the calculation of Sales Rep trimester bonuses Shows pallet revenue and cost for all billed orders and is used to confirm proper pallet invoicing as well as highlighting potential problems with cost, etc. Summarizes Marketing Excess Freight expenses by customer Used for compliance with UFPC Supplier Agreement Used for compliance with BIBP Supplier Agreement, specifically volume-based pricing Used for compliance with BIBP Supplier Agreement, specifically volume-based pricing Audits Extended Cost & Price Summarize customer shipments by customer from plants and storage. numbers 9 through 15 are similiar reports with different sort features. Summarize XS freight by customer - Monthly/Qtrly Summarize XS freight by customer Summarize prepositioning whey moves between plants Monthly/Qtrly Summarize customer shipments by customer from plants and storage Monthly/Qtrly Report customer pick ups by WH Summarized Listing of Sales Made in Month, sales by company is necessary including transfer pricing information. Listing of calculations of LFC sales to LFDPC

301 306 307 308 315 476

Marketing Excess Freight Report by Customer PHI Outlet Volume Summary by Product Code PJ's Quarterly Volume Analysis Domino's Quarterly Volume Analysis Gross Margin Reasonability Rep Summarized Customer Shipments


ZZCOPAM01_Q005 ZZSD_M001_Q004 ZZSD_M001_Q004 ZZSD_M001_Q004 ZZSD_M003_Q002 ZZCOPAM01_Q022

N/A N/A N/A N/A RX42196 AS400QRY/Acces s GL GL AS400QRY/Acces s AS400QRY/Acces s

527 528 530 531

Freight stats MTD Whey Freight stats YTD Whey Summarized Plant Shipments Whey Summarized Customer Shipments Whey


ZZCOPAM01_Q026 , Q027, Q028 ZZCOPAM01_Q026 , Q027, Q028 Query Query

551 885

Collect shipments Monthly National Sales Report (LFDPC Sales to end Customer by State) Transfer Pricing Report (LFC Sales to LFDPC) Returned Merchandise Summary


ZZSD_M005_Q004 ZZSD_M001_Q002

AS400 RX42650

886 1308


ZZSD_M003_Q001 ZZCOPAM01_Q017


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No. 1373 1375 1389 1544 1547 1570 Title Overrides for current month (adjustment Condition Types) Items that have not shipped within the last twelve months number of orders for the month by CSR Weekly Shipment Summary Customer Pricing Data "SF" Orders Not Shipped and Oustide 3 Week Order Window. Quote orders Should be Sent to Customers Order XXXXXX Not shipped within 3 week window Weekly Foreign Cheese Report Cheese Sales Forecast Whey Sales Recap Report Cheese Sales Trends Source SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI Object ZZSD_M003_Q002 ZZSD_M001_Q003 ZSD_M004_Q001 ZZSD_M003_Q005 ZZCOPAM01_Q019 ZZSD_M005_Q001 Legacy Not listed Not listed Not listed PX42151 RX40001 PX42118B This serves as a notification of orders that have not yet been quoted Summary of Requirement Used to review reason codes on all invoice overrides in order to identify areas of set up that may reduce # of overrides required. Report shows items that have not been shipped in the past 12 months. Used to cancel pricing for obsolete item codes. used as a measurement tool

1571 1581 1640 1652 1799


ZZSD_M005_Q002 ZZSD_M005_Q003 ZZCOPAMA01_Q03 2 ZZCOPAM01_Q014 ZZCOPAM01_Q024

AS/400 - Email FX42131BB DSFM / data cube Weekly Inv Report New

This serves as a notification that an order has not been picked up within the specified time window Provides visibility of all orders entered the week prior and their requested delivery dates Sales Forecast Compare Whey Sales to Budget Show sales by month for customers exceeding 200k pounds/week. Manual No. Title 259 HEDGE PAGE A 260 HEDGE INVENTORY 261 HEDGE RATIO VARIANCE 297 Monthly NDM Surchage Calculation

Source Manual Manual Manual Manual


Legacy N/A N/A N/A N/A

Summary of Requirement Hedge journal entry Hedge journal entry Hedge journal entry Calculates the amount of non-fat dry milk surcharge to be billed during the following 4 week(as shown, 1 of 3 versions) Provides monthly sales returns information by plant, product group and customer Comfirms weekly pricing for Domino's Page 121

298 299

Cheese Returns by Product and Plant Domino's Weekly Price Confirmation

Manual Manual

RP0007 and RP0011


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513 521 549 550 669 Reimbursed freight Over/short freight claims profit Cream California Profit/lb Analysis Federal Order Multiplier Analysis, Cream Application Process Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access Cream Sales System/SOM Cream Sales System/SOM Excel Report exp due to customer reimbursement Report gain/loss on freight claims. Related reports 60 - 63 (Monthly/Qtrly) CA Cream Pricing Analysis - Interim Federal Order Cream Pricing Analysis - Interim Process of keeping track of all new accts,exisiting & re-activated accounts that are set up in the AS 400-Yearly Distribution to Kathy Williams Summary of monthly gains/losses for hedging activity on behalf of UFPC Summary of monthly hedging activity Used in DISC commission calculations

693 696 942

UFPC Milk Futures Hedging Summary

Manual Manual Manual

N/A N/A --

Hedging Program Report Extraterritorial Income Exclusion (Cheese Sales, Whey Sales, Balance Sheet) 943 FSC Cheese 944 FSC Whey 1003 Cream Model, Ravenna , Ft Morgan, Lemoore East 1656 Alpha Monthly Reconciliation 1657 Meiji YTD Sales vs. Contract 1694 Customer Returns

Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

--N/A AS400 AS400 F0101 / I10PINVM / 122PSART / I37PPGDT / X12SCDTE

Used in DISC commission calculations Used in DISC commission calculations Calculates partial cream purchase price variance to book to the general ledger Provide Billing Information for Alpha Product Meiji Sales vs. Budget Reviews Customer Returns by Location/Customer Accounts Receivable ECC No. Title




Summary of Requirement

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504 Non Trade A/R P&L ECC FBL5N AS400/GL Miscellaneous receivables: C/S damage and loss chargebacks, pallets, etc. Should be similar to all of the other A/R reports. All open orders currently on credit hold Customers over credit limit A/R unresolved matters for short & overpayments for each Collection Unit Open SI orders not have not been invoiced Customers who require monthly statements-NCPS accounts Requesting sales tax #'s for our customers Customer's that do not have or their sales tax number has expired Review of all accounts with no activity for the last 6 months but should not be inactivated. Double check with master data team. Review of all accounts with no activitiy for the last 6 months that need to be inactivated. Double check with MDM. Review of Parent accounts that all child accounts have been inactivated. Review of all in active KCFM that have had no activity for 2 years. Review of data input in key customer master fields (new records and changes) Unresolved customer adjustments still not resolved by M&S Open Invoice List by customer

648 657 661 662 665 667 668 670

Open Orders on Credit Hold Customers over credit limit Unresolved Matter-Unworked short payments & over payments Collection Unit 21/22/24Open SI Orders Statements Sales Tax Exemption Letters Customer Exemption Certification Expiring within 30 Days Review for Inactive Status Accounts with order Details - Do not Inactivate Revew for inactive Status - Accounts to be Inactivated Parent Numbers that Ship-to Numbers Have All Been Inactivated Review for Inactive Status - KCFM Only Audit Log - A/R Customers Unresolved Customer Adjustments Customer Open Invoice Report


VKM1 FCV3 ud_dispute ud_dispute FB12 RP0012 RP0012 VC/2

? q0304a/JDXPROD qx0314c/JDXPROD Query:CRSI21/QR YUSR n/a ? PDX037682 ?




672 673 677 680 681


VC/2 VC/2 OV51 ud_dispute FBL5N

QFX03305/JDXPR OD ? PX01431A CRMSCA/QRYUSR various

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Business Architecture SAP Business Intelligence 213 Broker Accruals Join With A/R 632 Credits Issued 633 634 637 638 639 A/R Detail - Summarized Credits Only A/R Detail - Summarized Minus Credits Prior Days Credit Followup by Collection Unit Comparison of Aging Columns to Total Accounts Receivable Current Plus 1% Report - Open Balances in Columns 2-5 as of weekly close Customers with ADL over 7 Analysis of A/R Portfolio ADL Analysis of Key Accounts Analysis of High ADL Accounts Cream Key Account Customer Payment Status Report Annual Reviews Status Report Accounts Receivable Summary SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI SAP BI ZZAR_M001_Q004 ZZAR_IS01_Q004 ZZAR_IS01_Q002 ZZAR_IS01_Q001 Fulfills RP0009 Fulfills RP0009 BROKERAR N/A P034201-LFC0008 P034201-LFC0009 qx0317/JDXPROD n/a, excel spreadsheet CRCP1/QRYUSR data source List of all credit memos issued after year end. Used to search for overstated accounts receivable. A/R Aging for Bad Debt Analysis (credits) A/R Aging for Bad Debt Analysis (debits) Review of collection efforts of call tracking follow up program Current Plus 1% Statistics (collection effectiveness) Uses department report number 1 and number 2. Current Plus 1% Statistics - customer detail/comments (collection effectiveness). subset of the a/r aging report. Current Plus 1% Statistics - customer detail (collection effectiveness) Monthly A/R Portfolio ADL results 52 week history snap shot of top A/R customers 52 week history snap shot of A/R customers with ADL above 8 52 week snapshot of all cream customers Status of payments for a customer (inv date, due date, check date, paid date, etc) Status of annual reviews of customers List of all active customers, used for Sr Credit meeting Status of short payments 30 days + Report shows info for each customer on credit history

640 641 645 646 676 682 683 684 686


Fulfills RP0004 Fulfills RP0004 Fulfills RP0010 Fulfills RP0004 ZZAR_IS02_Q001 ZZAR_IS01_Q003 ZZAR_M001_Q005 ZZAR_M001_Q001 ZZDM_IS01_Q001 ZZAR_M001_Q005


Customer short payments 30 days and older 1798 Credit Annual Review Data Report

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Page 124

Business Architecture Manual No. Title 663 Bad Debt Analysis Report 679 685 687 Trade References Current Plus 1% Results Demand Accounts Source Manual Manual Manual Manual Object Legacy n/a traderef n/a n/a Summary of Requirement Reporting bad debt for the company. will stay as a manual spreadsheet. Trade references provided to other vendors upon request Review of quarterly and yearly CP1% results, manual spreadsheet. Status of demand accounts, sorted by collection unit ( credit rep). Similiar to report number 1 and 2. Manual spreadsheet


Forecast to Stock Inventory Management Legacy No. Title 503 Rework Cost Discontinued Product 509 510 511 514 518 520 533 Sales Returns Processed Sales returns refinished Sales returns scrapped Cold storage damage Cold storage Other Over/short cold storage inventory

Source Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy Legacy


Legacy AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access IPP133A ip009bp2

Summary of Requirement Report rework expense applied to PM. detailed by disposition code Report expense for SR processed. Processing / rework or scrapped and the associated costs. Report exp for SR refinished Report exp for SR scrapped Report C/S damages based on disposition codes Report other C/S product damage Report product lost/found at C/S Combined with dept nos 42,53,57 Report whey shortage/overage by storage Inventory summary, from the finished goods system and used for LIFO and state apportionment purposes. summary of current problem cheese inventory Page 125

Over/short storage inventory Whey 938 Weekly Inventory Report by Sub Groups 1606 as400 problem cheese report 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Business Architecture
1607 PM problem cheese report 1614 Product Allocation Report Legacy Legacy as400 as400 summary of current problem cheese inventory Daily review of all inventory and sales for selected product groups look at integration with the daily all report. similiar information but presented differently with the exception of capacity. ECC No. Title 561 Inventory by location - Cheese 562 Inventory - Whey 907 Cold Storage to Customer Shipments 1621 Daily Report - Exchange Product Shipping to Customers 1637 Aged Inventory Report


Object MMBE MMBE VF05 RP0034 LX27 - SLED control List (Stock levels by Shelf Life Expiration Date) BMBC MB03 MB51 MB52 MB53 MB59 MB5B MB5M MB5T MBGR MBSM MC48 MC49 MCBA

Legacy AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access CSCUSTDIAN @NITE_PRDM/_X _AS_0 IPP138B

Summary of Requirement Report month-end inventory trends and budget variances Report month-end inventory trends and budget variances Cold storage property tax returns - identify in-transit inventory Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. summarize aged inventory

Batch Information Cockpit Display Material Document Material Document List List of warehouse stocks on hand Display Plant Stock Availability Material Document List Stock for a Posting Date Expiration Date List Stock in Transit (For STOs) Reason for Movement Display Cancelled Material Documents Current Stock Value Avg. Stock Value Plant Stock (LIS) 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM


Page 126

Business Architecture
Plant Stock Storage Loc. (LIS) Material Stock (LIS) Batch Stock (LIS) Stock Placement Removal (LIS) Quantity Flows (LIS) Material Placement Removal (LIS) Material Flows (LIS) Movement Types (LIS) STO By Material STO by STO Number STO By Supplying Plant General Analysis (F) Stock Overview ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC MCBC MCBE MCBR MCL1 MCL5 MCL9 MCLD MCLH ME2M ME2N ME2W ME80FN MMBE Manual No. Title 464 All Movements Analysis - Cheese 465 466 Movements - Cheese Combined Movements

Source Manual Manual Manual


Legacy Summary of Requirement Excel/Access/AS400 Summarize freight pounds by rail, common carrier, pickup, etc as a % of total. (Monthly/Qtrly) Excel/Access/AS400 Summarize freight pounds by rail, common carrier, pickup, etc (Monthly/Quarterly) Excel/Access/AS400 Summarize freight pounds by rail, common carrier, pickup, etc. related to other reports (Monthly/Quarterly) Report Obsolete Supply Details. See purchasing section to see if could be combined. Monthly/Qtrly held inventory summary of sales production and inventory


Obsolete Supplies



1612 On Hold Report (Cheese) 1617 Dailyall

Manual Manual


as400 AS400

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Business Architecture
1618 Storage Report 1639 Whey Products Coordination Report 1641 Cheese Inventory Forecast 1643 Reconciliation of Production, Sales, Inventory Forecast Manual Manual Query, AS400 summary of total inventory by location, capacity information, outside storage locations only. current critical projects bi-weekly Inventory Forecast for production by product code Reconcile actual activity to forecasted activity

Manual Manual

various various

1644 Whey Monthly Inventory Report 1646 Weekly Whey Inventory Report 1647 NFDM Inventory 1648 Downgrade Availability1649 E-Lactose

Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

various Various Various PM, marketing Various

Source document for the Marketing Accounting Wednesday report Operational Reviews, source is the weekly inventory report so potential to merge with weekly report Report the volumes and changes to inventory. Used as part of a Powder recap report for Larry Jensen NFDM inventory management tool Whey Downgrade availability to sell based on inventory levels E-Products inventory management tool Potential cross reference to the NFDM availability report. Subset of inventory management report. Identify percentage of Filled Plant Capacity. Projection of future planning for storage to determine if additional storage is necessary. Forecast Inventory & Sales for the quarter

1651 Plant Capacity Planning Report



1654 Quarterly Inventory Forecast Report


Forecast Cube

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Page 128

Business Architecture Warehouse Management ECC

No. 556 557 558 559 560

Title Major codes Estimated Plant to Plant shipments Estimated Plant to storage shipments - Whey Estimated Plant to cold storage shipments Plant to Plant Non-PPM


Object LS26 ME2M or MB5T ME2M or MB5T ME2M or MB5T ME2M or MB5T LX04 MB5T LS03N LS04 LS09 LS23 LS24 LS25 LS26 LT22 LT23 LT24 LT26 LT27 LX01

Legacy AS400 AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400QRY/Access AS400 AS400

Summary of Requirement Inventory levels for major products available Report planned plant to plant shipments not yet shipped. similiar to number 10, different time frame Report planned plant to storage shipments not yet shipped-whey Report planned plant to storage shipments not yet shipped-cheese Report freight on plant to plant transfers not intended for customer sale % usage at internal locations Reconcile Yr End Intransit Lbs

1613 Storage Utilization Report 1655 Intransit Annual Reconciliation Report Display Warehouse Master Record Empty Storage Bins Display Material Data for Storage Type Display Quants Display Quants for Material Display Quants per storage bin Warehouse stocks per material Transfers Orders for Storage Type List of Transfer Orders Transfer Orders for Material Transfer Orders for Storage Bin Transfer Orders for Storage Unit List of Empty Storage Bins 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Page 129

Business Architecture
WM Stock (Dynamic selections available) Bin Status report Capacity used for Storage Type Document Overview Document Overview: Landscape Format SLED control List (Stock levels by Shelf Life Expiration Date) ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC ECC LX02 LX03 LX04 LX11 LX12 LX27 Manual No. Title 470 Plant to Cold Storage Shipments

Source Manual


Legacy AS400QRY/Access

Summary of Requirement Summarize prepositioning cheese moves C/S (includes product type)..numbers 9 through 15 are similiar reports with different sort features. Weekly/Monthly /Qtrly Summarize prepositioning cheese moves between plants. numbers 9 through 15 are similiar reports with different sort features. Monthly/Qtrly Summarize prepositioning cheese moves from C/S to plants.numbers 9 through 15 are similiar reports with different sort features. Monthly/Qtrly (Similiar to request 469) Summarize prepositioning cheese moves C/S Monthly/Qtrly Summarize customer shipments by storage facility. Includes shipments from plants. Monthly/Qtrly


Plant to Plant PPM




Cold Storage to Plant




Summarized Plant to Cold Storage


325 (on hold)



Summarized Cold Storage Shipments


325 (on hold)


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Page 130

Business Architecture
477 478 Materials Manager Scorecard MTD Materials Manager Scorecard YTD Manual Manual Production Acctg Production Acctg Track Materials Mgmt Performance. Need source information listed on the DB. Monthly/Qtrly Track Materials Mgmt Performance Monthly/Qtrly Summarize freight and rail claims Related reports 60 - 63 (Monthly/Qtrly) B/S reconciliation Related reports 60 - 63 Freight claim receivables aging Related reports 60 - 63 (monthly/qrtly)

522 523 524 526

Summary of rail claims Freight claims analysis Freight claims aging Movements (Profile) - Whey

Manual Manual Manual Manual

Excel GL GL

Excel/Access/AS400 Summarize freight pounds by rail, common carrier, pickup, etc Monthly/Qtrly


Plant to 3PL movements - Whey




Summarize prepositioning whey moves C/S (includes product type) Weekly/Monthly /Qtrly Summarize customer shipments by storage facility. Includes shipments from plants (Monthly/Quarterly)


Summarized storage shipments Whey



AS400QRY/Access FTC - Sales and Distribution ECC

No. Title 1622 Daily Report - Pallets Exchange Product Shipping to Customers 1623 Daily Report - One-Way Pallet Product Codes Shipping on Exchange Orders 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Source ECC ECC

Object RP0034 RP0034


Summary of Requirement Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. Page 131

Business Architecture
1624 Daily Report - One-Way Pallets Product Codes Shipping on Exchange Orders 1625 Daily Report - Pallet Exchange Product shipping to Storage 1781 Material Movement Report (Freezer to Cooler) ECC RP0034 @NITEPRDM/ITM505110 X @NITE_PRDM/ST G_X_AS_0 Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. Ensure accurate order scheduling, and high inventory management. No current specific legacy report. Report shows all materials that have to be moved from freezer to cooler before transporting to customer; involves material number conversion. Provides a summary of EDI issues/discrepancies that occured in the previous week regarding shipped vs received quantities, production dates, damaged cases, pallets shipped, etc. Exactly like EDI outbound Weekly Recap Report (RP0029) except that it covers data on product from one 3PL to another 3PL.


RP0034 RP0003

1782 EDI Outbound Weekly Recap Report



1783 EDI Auto Receipts Weekly Recap Report Display List of Sales Orders Display List of Sales Orders Sales Documents Blocked for Delivery List Billing Documents Outbound Delivery Monitor Inbound Delivery Monitor List of Shipments




VA05 VA05N VA14L VF05 VL060 VL061 VT11


Record to Report Asset Management ECC No. Title




Summary of Requirement

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Page 132

Business Architecture
4 5 Asset Register-all fields masked (book and tax) Asset Register-sort by plant (book and tax) Asset Retirements-by entered date (book and tax) Asset Retirements-by entered date (book and tax)-sort by plant Asset Transfer-by entered date Form 4562 (For 001, 004 & 012) Form 4797 (For 001, 004 & 012) ECC ECC S_ALR_87012026 S_ALR_87012026 FAAIB210 FAAIB210 List asset number, description, cost, a/d, nbv, install date, life, life remaining, location of asset List asset number, description, cost, a/d, nbv, install date, life, life remaining, location of asset for a specific plant List of retirements for a specific time period List of retirements for a specific time period for a specific plant. List of transfers for a specific time period, used as an edit report only Tax requirement Tax requirement

9 10 11 25 26


S_ALR_87012052 S_ALR_87012052 S_ALR_87012054 RP0031 S_ALR_87012052 and S_ALR_87012066 RP0026 S_ALR_87012047


27 29 30

Form 4626 - AMT (For 001, 004 & 012) Mid-quarter Convention Test Mid-quarter Convention Application


FATYEB210/FAGY Tax requirement E210 FAGYE190/FATYE1 Check to see if the mid-quarter convention applies for tax 90 purposes.

S_ALR_87012046/47 FAGYE190/FATYE1 Verify the mid-quarter convention was applied properly-if 90 necessary. Done in conjuntion with the convention test. Confirmation screen shot S_ALR_87012054 ABST2 FAYEB230/FAGYE 230 Manual entry of AS/400-FA reports AS/400-FA, AS/400-GL, Balance Sheet Prepares the FA system for the new fiscal year. The process prints out a report with the results from the clearing of the depreciation balances. Update on the NBV of the 12090 tech obs assets and plant maintenance boneyard assets-xx720. Reconciles the FA system to the G/L. Subledger balancing to the GL. Determine if there are controls in place that would prevent an out of balance which would make the report obsolete.




32 35

Boneyard Rollforward FA to G/L Rec


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Business Architecture
36 Auto Listing ECC Query QRYUSRASSETREG37 List of all the company owned cars/trucks as well as personal vehicles of Jim, Gina, Terry and Dan. This list also is attached to the auto insurance journal entry also prepared by Kristen Gines. Could use an asset register by asset class if available. Rental Expense Summary including: rental of equipment , lease payments, aviation leases, footnote disclosure requirements.


Schedule of Aggregate Rental Expense




Operating Leases



888 889 890 891 892 906 913 940

Federal Tax Depreciation FYE 10/2007 Fixed Assets for Apportionment FYE 10/2007 California Tax Depreciation FYE 10/2007 New York Tax Depreciation FYE 10/2007 State Tax Depreciation FYE 10/2007 Asset Register for Company Automobiles Schedule of Retirements Partial Asset Deletions


S_ALR_87012064 S_ALR_87012064 S_ALR_87012064 S_ALR_87012064 S_ALR_87012064 S_ALR_87011964 S_ALR_87012052 S_ALR_87012048

Manual entry of print screens from ITB-AS/400-GL, Operating leases Manual entry from print screens in ITB-AS/400-GL TAXDEPR FA03APPT TAXDEPR TAXDEPR TAXDEPR AUTOTAXDEP ---

Summary of significant operating leases.

Various Tax Fixed Assets Reports and Listings Various Tax Fixed Assets Reports and Listings Various Tax Fixed Assets Reports and Listings Various Tax Fixed Assets Reports and Listings Various Tax Fixed Assets Reports and Listings Auto listing for fringe benefits Monthly listing of asset sales, retirements and trade ins Partial deletions of assets for calendar year, by location SAP Business Intelligence No. Title 6 Asset Additions-by entered date (book and tax) 8 Activitly Location Report (monthly 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM


Object ZZAA_M001_Q003 ZZAA_M001_Q005


Summary of Requirement List of additions for a specific time period List of additions for a specific time period Page 134

Business Architecture
12 additions) PPE Reconcilation-Monthly and YTD SAP BI Manual Entry from g/l and compared to FA additions and retirement reports, je QRYUSRAFEASSETS QRYUSRSALVAGEALL & VEHSALVAGE -AS/400-FA PPE ScheduleManual Entry from g/l and compared to FA additions and retirement reports, je PROPTAXADD -Lists all the ppe cost & accum accounts and we tie back to the balance sheet and FA reports. Currently manually done by FA and can continue for a short term.


New Assets by AFE-Asset Additions Month Year Salvage Queries



Close the project in capital tracking and provide and asset addition report for each afe that was closed. Keep the two systems in balance. Monitor all assets that have reached their savlage value, especially for management's vehicles





Flux Explanations of FA Balances


Additions S_ALR_87012050, Retirements 87012052, and Transfers 87012054

Flux explanations of FA balances over $500,000 or $500,000 and 10%. Related to number 9.

908 939

Asset Additions Asset Deletions


ZZAA_M001_Q006 ZZAA_M001_Q002

Asset additions, both Tax and Book. Need to be able to separate by Plant location. Asset deletions for calendar year, by location Manual No. Title 14 Gain/Loss

Source Manual


Legacy Manual manipulation of Query-QRYUSRAssetretA (book) and AssetretB (tax), RW2000-

Summary of Requirement List of all the retirements for the month for book and tax purposes, reconcile to g/l and FA systems. Download from FA system to excel.

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Page 135

Business Architecture

15 16

Schedule of Retirements Cash Flow

Manual Manual

Manual entry of Gain/Loss Manual entry of PPE schedules, schedule of retirements, balance sheet, a/p query reportQX0911LC Manual entry of AS/400-FA reports

Summary of gain/loss information report. Number 11. PPE cash flow activities, uses all of the previous FA reports to prepare this report on excel spreadsheet.


Fed Tax Cost/Accum Rec


Reconcile monthly Federal activity to assist in the tax to g/l at the end of the fiscal year. Requirement is due to reconciling items in the FA system. Determine compensating controls. Reconcile the FA tax system to the Federal Book/G/L side.


Tax to G/L Rec



Analysis of Repairs & Maintenance Expense Trade-In Worksheet


Manual entry of serveral reports from AS/400-FA, AS/400-GL Manual entry from print screens of ITB-AS/400-GL Manual entry of info from Asset disposition form LFC 467, AS/400FA Manual entry from manipulated WIP accrual, Balance Sheet and YTD PPE schedule.

M&R expense per average assets. Download of the M&R GL balances and divided by the value of the assets for a KPI. Record trade-in value received properly on newly created asset for book and tax purposes.




PPE Footnote


PPE Footnote for external financial statements. Use report number 9 as a source for this report. Also use #43.

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Page 136

Business Architecture
58 Assets Held for Resale Manual Manual entry PPE Footnote, Balance Sheet Property Accounting Risk Management Lists assets held for resale for external financial statements.

1432 Property Values 1449 Monthly Fleet Updates

Manual Manual

Keep track of property values for insurance purposes Claim notes and charges on auto liability claims. Management Reporting ECC No. Title 1098 Cost per Pound stats (stat Excel models 01600 - 39400)

Source ECC

Object RP0013

1182 YTD Cost / Pound Comparison 1183 Production Cost / Pound


RP0013 RP0013

Legacy CSTLBSTAT and CSTLBCOMP groups of Reportwriter Models NA NA

Summary of Requirement Company-wide Cheese, Processing and Whey cost per lb. plant comparisons, and cost per lb. reports for each active production center.

YTD cost / lb Plant comparative of GL accounts Month & YTD cost / lb of GL accounts SAP Business Intelligence No. Title 62 G&A Memo

Source SAP BI

Object ZZCA_M001_Q001; ZZCOPAM01_Q009

Legacy Financials, G/L

Summary of Requirement Analyze actual vs budget for G&A cost centers and explain variances of $1,000 or greater unfavorable for the month and favorable/unfavorable of $5,000 YTD. Mo Exp by ea PD cost ctr less Incentive Exp PD Plant expense by Cost Ctr for MBO Calc Interim Reviews & Annual Budget: Used to compile actual to budget analysis

812 813 883

PD Total Co Exp by CC Month/Year PD Plant Exp by CC for MBO Calc Download of cost center expense by month


ZZCA_M001_Q010 ZZCA_M001_Q010 ZZCA_M001_Q009

HREXP HREXP2 Data to xfer from iSeries Financial Statements

1800 R&D Project Financial Summary

1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Page 137

Business Architecture Manual No. Title 154 Corporate Accounting Scorecard 499 534 905 935 Cold storage & Handling analysis Storage & handling analysis - Whey Quality Measurement Survey Results Cost of Sales Lead Schedule Source Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Object Legacy Department Activity G/L G/L -LEADCOGS Summary of Requirement Record Corp Accounting benchmarks. Cold Storage and Handling Cost Analysis. similar to 73 Dry Storage and Handling Cost Analysis Qualitative and quantitative measurement results Recaps cost of sales for uniform capitalization, download of GL balances for cost of goods sold from income statement. Calculates cheese production variances to book to the general ledger Calculates starter variance to book to the general ledger Weekly all-production dept. summary with Problem Cheese summary, Problem Whey summary, complaints, inventories, sales, etc.

1005 Mozzarella Yield Variances Ravenna , Ft Morgan, Lemoore East 1006 Starter Variance Ravenna , Ft Morgan, Lemoore East 1072 Weekly Production Summary (aka Management Report), with Glanbia summary / detail

Manual Manual Manual

N/A N/A JDE, CIM, Infinium, Finished Goods, Std. Cost, SOM, Spec system, FSLIB (quality, cust. Complaints, etc.), Excel Y&E models emailed from Llangnefni and Magheralin, converted into US measurements on LFC excel models, Access

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Page 138

Business Architecture
1073 Management Recap (by Plant) (aka 10-Week Recap) Manual JDE, CIM, Infinium, Finished Goods, Std. Cost, SOM, Spec system, FSLIB (quality, cust. Complaints, etc.), Excel Y&E models emailed from Llangnefni and Magheralin, converted into US measurements on LFC excel models, Access Many: AS400, CIM, Stats, ss, etc. Objectives Rep., Stats Showcase Showcase Showcase Stats book & Mkt Prices Stats book & Mkt Prices 10-week comparison, by plant, by product type, all-production dept. summary with Problem Cheese and Prob. Whey summaries.

1142 Objectives Report 1143 Plant Scorecard 1527 Financial Performance Controllable variances to Budget 1532 Overhead Spending Summary 1536 Overhead Spending Detail by Plant 1539 Dairy Economics 1542 Whey Economics

Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Summarize plant activity for prior month Overall rating for plant Summarize Division Controllable variances Summarize Division OH Spending variances to Budget Summarize OH Spending variances to Budget by plant Calculates Gross Dairy Economics for the month and year to date Identifies key components of Whey economics for the month

1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Page 139

Business Architecture Finance ECC No. Title 64 External Financials Statements/Notes 65 Monthly Financial Statements

Source ECC ECC

Object Legacy S_ALR_87011990/2/4 Internal F/S, G/L, Lead schedules, RP0013 Infinium Report Writer Group: FULLSET100, FULLST1NEW, & FULLST5NEW G/L - cash management G/L - A/P, JE's G/L - cash management G/L - JE & financials received from Glanbia Infinium Report Writer Group: ACCTLEADSH Infinium Report Writer Group: EXTERNALS Infinium/JDE

Summary of Requirement Financial statements and notes for company Reports monthly actuals, budget & variances and YTD actuals, budget & variances


Prepaid Exp-Foreign Sales Commission Prepay Deposits - Long term Split Dollar Insurance Investment Glanbia Cheese



Reconciles to the G/L of payments paid to Leprino Export Commissions - recon used at year end to write off balance to Misc Income Reconciles balance of long-term deposits - such as Bronco Box, NY Depart of Ag, Roswell CD Reconciles balance of Split Dollar Insurance Glanbia f/s used to

71 72 77


S_PL0_86000030 S_PL0_86000030 S_PL0_86000030


Lead Schedules


Report Painter

Balance Sheet account balances - used for external financial statements. Report Writer models ran in Infinium that are used for external financial statements Individual users analyze G/L in various ways, full detailed G/L (includes every account that has activity/balance) printed, bound, & files YTD G/L ran in July for budget purposes. The California plants receive theirs in Excel format. Ran after year-end close Page 140


External F/S Generated from Infinium Monthly Detailed General Ledger


Report Painter




82 83

YTD Detailed General Ledger YTD Detailed General Ledger


FS03 FS03

Infinium/JDE Infinium/JDE

1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Business Architecture
84 Internal Interim Financial Statements Available upon request List of JE's in a point of time ECC RP0013 Infinium Report Writer Group: Q2FULLSET Infinium Report Writer Group: MJEBOOKED Infinium Report Writer Group: GLBSREVEW2 Infinium Report Writer Group: GLBSREVEW1 Infinium G/L N/A FS300P QGLTAX001B TAX_5331 -UNICAPFRT UNIFORMCAP Reports monthly actuals, budget & variances and YTD actuals, budget & variances a list of JE's posted after a point in time



S_ALR_87012289 / 91 S_PL0_86000030 / S_ALR_87012301 S_ALR_87012333


Report of accounts w/balances


a report of all accounts with a balance


Report w/ active GL accounts


a report of all active GL accounts

102 222 884 887 920 931 933 934

Notes Payable-other S/T Borrowing GL ACCOUNT- CUSTOMER ADJ Detail General Ledger - Month, Year Annual General Ledger download Voucher with Sales Tax Code 5331 Accrued Use Tax Reconciliations Freight and Storage Costs Uniform Capitalization Inventory Summary


FAGLB03 S_ALR_87012282 FAGLB03 / S_PL0_86000030 S_PL0_86000030

Reconciles the notes payable account Summary of customer adjustment activity Monthly Portion Print - Tax Account Activity Separate report for each entity (100, 001, 003 and 005) Quantifies the NY QEZE sales/use tax exemption monthly reconciliation Recaps Freight Costs for uniform capitalization Recaps Inventories for uniform capitalization , download of inventory information with the exclusion of some categories of inventory such as supplies. Calculates Storage (Inventory) value with transfer price for Distribution Company Reprices inventory under LIFO for distribution company


936 937

Distribution Company Storage Valuation Report LIFO Report for Distribution Company


RP0024 RP0024

IP141BP1 IP143BP1 Manual No. Title 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM




Summary of Requirement Page 141

Business Architecture
59 Retentions Payable Reconciliation Manual Manual entry of print screen from ITB-AS/400-G/L Manual entry of print screen from ITB-AS/400-G/L N/A List activity in retentions payable accounts


Meiji Accrued Liability


List activity in 08850.09000 account.


Notes Receivable Reconciliation


Reconciles the balance to the G/L for loans that various employees have with the company. For example, forgiveness loans for relocations, sign-on bonuses, officer auto loans, officer country club memberships, home equity participation loans, etc. It is used quarterly to adjust current/long term receivables for external financial statements. Analyze cash flow from operating, financial and investing activities Reconciles the Misc invoicing, invoices created as needed A/P,G/L, and A/R for balance sheet accounts download done the Monday after close. Financial statements and supporting work papers for company. Uses external information from third parties to prepare financial statements. Will continue to be done on excel spreadsheets.

78 106 114 143

Statement of Cash Flows Misc Receivables Recon A/P, G/L & A/R for Balance Sheet Accounts download Health & Welfare Financial Statements

Manual Manual Manual Manual

Financials, G/L Infinium G/L AS400 G/L - Payroll, Treasury, Delta Dental, Principal, Medco, VSP, Mellon Bank G/L Account recons G/L Account recons N/A N/A N/A

152 153 208 209 249

Balance Sheet Review Balance Sheet Reconciliation Master List Whey Expense Analysis Report Meals & Travel Report FSC - CHEESE INCOME STATEMENT

Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual

Documentation and written review of Balance Sheet accounts. To track percentage of G/L Accounts reconciled each month. review of whey cost center expense variances vs. budget monthly review of meal and travel expense by sales representative vs. budget DISC financials Page 142

1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Business Architecture
250 251 252 253 254 255 256 266 267 269 270 294 505 506 507 508 525 FSC - WHEY INCOME STATEMENT FSC - BALANCE SHEET FSC - MARKETING OPERATING EXPENSE FSC - WHEY MARKETING OPERATING EXPENSE FSC - TRAFFIC OPERATING EXPENSE FSC - G & A ALLOCATION FOR MOZZ FSC - G & A ALLOCATION FOR WHEY PHI HEDGE RECON PHI MILK RECON CUSTOMER ADJUSTMENTS CONVENTIONS AND SHOWS Expense Analysis - Cheese Marketng and Sales Prepaid Expense P&L Accrued expenses P&L Cold storage pallets Problem Cheese Reserve Common carrier pallet Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual Manual N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GL GL AS400 QRY/AP/GL AS400QRY/Excel AS400 QRY/AP/GL Financials, Meiji Y&E Showcase DISC financials DISC financials DISC financials DISC financials DISC financials DISC financials DISC financials G/L reconciliation G/L reconciliation G/L reconciliation G/L reconciliation Analysis of monthly, TMD and YTD Sales and Marketing expenses B/S reconciliation B/S reconciliation: track monthly recurring accrual offsets B/S reconciliation B/S reconciliation: track monthly activity, roll forward prior months, reasonability ck B/S reconciliation calculate running cost/lb paid next period Details by plant current month and YTD Controllable variances

1147 Meiji Running Cost 1533 Financial Performance Controllable variances to Budget Plant Detail

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Page 143

Business Architecture

4 Special Topics
4.1 Overview
There are several complex topics that are handled separately in this section. In some cases, all aspects of the topic are covered in other process flows, but in order to understand the entire process one would have to refer to multiple diagrams i.e. raw materials Procure to Pay for acquisition and Forecast to Stock for consumption. The raw material description in this section covers the entire life cycle of raw materials. Some topics arent covered in the flows or could only be partially understood from the flows. A good example of this is the section on inventory accounting. This table shows the accounting for all types of inventory accounting. In other cases there are special processes for certain customers i.e. Meiji and Schreiber. Topics included in this section: Raw Material This section describes the full lifecycle of raw materials Finished Goods This section describes the full life cycle of finished goods Inventory Accounting This table shows the accounting for all types of inventory transactions. The left part of the table shows how the SAP accounting is updated. The center section describes the JDE / Infinium entries. In many cases it shows entries that are no longer made since they have been replaced by SAP. The fight part of the table shows how entries that will still originate in the Legacy systems are translated as they are interfaced to SAP. Dispositioned Material When inventory is written down the actual value on the material cannot be changed since the material is valued at standard cost and the system is not configured to allow costing at a batch level. Therefore a disposition characteristic has been added to the SAP batch. This characteristic is updated with a code that indicates the amount of the write down and the reason. This is interfaced through IN0018 to Finished Goods. At month-end a report is executed that shows activity by disposition code and transaction type. Journal entries are made to adjust the manual inventory account in SAP and charge the expense to the appropriate account and cost center. Code Conversion Dispositioning often represents a temporary situation such as damaged packaging or GRD. The product can still be used to some extent the way it was intended. In other cases the material can only be used for other purposes. In this case the material number is changed. This is termed a code conversion. When the material number is changed a variance is recognized that reflects the difference in standard costs of the from and to materials. GRD and Add back When material is produced that does not meet the specification, it is often categorized as GRD inventory. This inventory can often be used in subsequent production by adding it back to the run. GRD production is still booked as production so when GRD material is added back the production quantity of the new finished good must be reduced by the amount of the add back. This is done using a 941 material movement rather than a 201. The finished good material number is captured on the 941 so that the produced materials production can be reduced by the amount of the add back. This diagram describes the process of recognizing new GRD inventory. The add back of GRD material is covered in Figure 19 - Forecast to Stock Process to System Diagram - Production & Inventory Management. Page 144

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Product Recall Prior to Release 1, product recall research was performed in CIM, Finished Goods and JDE. In Release 1 the product recall research will continue to be processed in those Legacy systems in exactly the same manner as before. In order to allow this certain processes and interfaces are necessary: o IN0018 interfaces the customer information for material sales order shipments o Raw material and trade goods receipts will still be processed in JDE (dual entry in SAP as well) o GRD add back will still take place in CIM and Finished Goods with a two stage interface to SAP o Lot controlled raw material consumption will still be captured in CIM and Finished Goods with a two stage interface to SAP Transfer pricing All sales are made from company code 1100 Leprino Dairy, while production takes place in company code 1000 Leprino Foods. The Leprino plants are assigned to company code 1000 while the 3PL plants for inventory purposes are assigned to company code 1100. Therefore, any stock transfer order from a Leprino plant to a 3PL generates an intercompany billing. The price charged company code 1100 needs to be tied to a realistic value for tax purposes. Intercompany billings are also generated on all sales shipments from Leprino Plants. Transfer prices are based upon an average sales price that is adjusted by an intercompany discount. The average selling price is initially converted from the Legacy Systems. Going forward the average selling price and the discount will be adjusted quarterly. The average selling price will be extracted from COPA using CV0037 and loaded into SD with an LSMW. The discount will be evaluated and possible adjusted. If adjusted the ZAVD price condition must be updated. The standard cost in the 3PL plants must also be updated. There is an LSMW to update the standard costs to the average selling price less the discount. Pallets Pallets are a complex topic. This section describes pallet processing in detail. Sales Reversals This topic includes a very detailed write-up of sales reversals.

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4.2 Inventory
4.2.1 Raw Materials
Figure 42 - Process to System Diagram - Raw Materials

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PTP.1.0 Identify Raw Material / Trade Goods Requirements PTP.2.0 - Process Requisition JDE0005 PTP3.0 -Enter PO / Convert Requisition OTC.1.0 Plan Transportation Yes

30. SAP Transfers

FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O SAP0007

45. JDE Purchasing

PTP.5.0 - Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents JDE007 PTP.7.0 Bill the Transportation

22. JDE Inventory Management

JDE0004 MN0010

45. JDE Purchasing

45. JDE Purchasing

LG0029 LG0031

Leprino Sourced Carrier

Transportation Processing

23. SAP Inventory Control

1. SAP Journal

46. JDE Receiving

JDE0005 PTP.6.0 - Receive Material

Transportation Billing

73. JDE Production Orders

30. SAP Transfers


66. MiniRelease

67. LoadScheduling


PTP.4.0 - MM501 Receive Material Inventory & Wash Account




38. SAP Order Entry

Lot Controlled RM Only

64. Innovative
PTP.10 Create Invoice Financial Documents

67. LoadScheduling

63. Bartender
Print License Plates JDE0006

26. Legacy Finished Goods

LG0019 PTP.8.0 - Update FTS.2.0 - Putaway Material Inventory

14. JDE A/P

PTP.9.0 Process Invoice

12. JDE G/L

73. JDE Production Orders


Work Order

Lot Controlled RM

21. JDE Inventory Control




2. SAP G/L


21. JDE Inventory Control

JDE001 PTP.8.0 - Create JDE Inventory Financial Documents



30. SAP Transfers

FTS.3.0 - Raw Material Bin To Bin T.O


FTS.4.0 - Stage Production Raw Materials

74. Legacy CIM

FTS.5.0 - Record All Raw Material Usage LG0014 Yes

26. Legacy Finished Goods

23. SAP Inventory Control


1. SAP Journal A

CIM Interface
FTS.8.0 - Create Infinium Inventory Financial Documents

12. JDE G/L

23. SAP Inventory Control

FTS.6.0 - Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage

FTS7.0 - Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents

21. JDE Inventory Control




2. SAP G/L

21. JDE Inventory Control

FTS.9.0 - Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage LG0019



2. SAP G/L


26. Legacy Finished Goods

1. SAP Journal


26. Legacy Finished Goods

23. SAP Inventory Control


1. SAP Journal

IN0018 SAP0002 FTS.16.0 - Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O SAP0007

23. SAP Inventory Control




2. SAP G/L

FTS.10.0 - Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage

FTS.11.0 - Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents

FTS.18.0 - Record SAP0006 Non-Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage


23. SAP Inventory Control

30. SAP Transfers


FTS.17.0 - Put Finished Goods Away

23. SAP Inventory Control

FTS.20.0 - Raw Material Bin To Bin T.O to return unused material to stock

FTS.21.0 Return Raw Materials to Stock

5. SAP PCA 23. SAP Inventory Control



2. SAP G/L

SAP0006 SAP0002

1. SAP Journal
FTS.19.0 - Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents MN0010

30. SAP Transfers



FTS.12.0 - Record FG Receipts

73. JDE Production Orders


21. JDE Inventory Control



FTS.22.0. - Cycle Count RM

1. SAP Journal
FTS.23.0 - Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents

FTS.13.0 - Record FG Receipts, reduce Production order quantity

FTS.14.0 Backflush Non Lot Controlled RM

12. JDE G/L

FTS.15.0 - Create JDE Inventory Financial Documents

21. JDE Inventory Control

Usage Report

74. Legacy CIM

23. SAP Inventory Control

Table 10- Raw Material Inventory Process Descriptions Activity ID Comments System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

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Activity ID PTP.1.0 Comments Requirements for Raw Materials and Trade Goods are identified. The JDE Inventory Control (Supply and Demand) is used. JDE will not be provided Stock Transport Orders and Sales Orders so SAP reports and queries will have to be used. If requisitions are necessary they are created and approved System JDE Inventory Management Process ID P-070-010 Process Description Identify MRP Requirements Discussed in Process P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions


JDE Purchasing

P-070-050 P-070-080 P-070-090 P-070-100

Create Requisition Perform Requisition Approval Process Assign Requisition to Supplier Release Purchase Requisitions Create and Process Purchase Order Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery Receive Material Against Purchase Order

PTP.3.0 OTC.1.0

Enter the PO or convert the requisition to a PO

JDE Purchasing Transportation Management Systems SAP Inventory Control

P-080-080 O-110

P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-80 Purchase Materials and Services O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery P-120 Receive Materials and Services

Plan Transportation if necessary Please Refer to Error! Reference source not found.
Receive the incoming material. This is first done in SAP. This will debit inventory and will likely have to credit a wash account (still being determined what the offset account is) since the payable will be processed in JDE Accounts Payable and there is not interface. This is logically received against the JDE Purchase Order, but actually received as a material movement 501 in SAP since SAP is not aware of the PO. The material movement should reference the JDE Purchase Order Number so tracking can be done. This updates the SAP inventory. The Legacy inventory for trade goods is updated through interfaces IN0018 and LG0019. Raw Materials must also be received in JDE. For lotcontrolled Raw Materials the Finished Goods system is updated through interface LG0019. Create the bin to bin transport order. This is automatically generated by the 501 material movement. The putaway location is automatically assigned. Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents The material is next received into JDE Purchasing. For lot-controlled Raw Materials and Trade Goods the vendor lot number is captured and the inventory is




SAP Transfers


Determine Put-away Location Update Inventory (General Ledger) Receive Material Against Purchase Order

L-040 Receive and Putaway Product

PTP.5.0 PTP.6.0

SAP Journal JDE Purchasing

L-040-290 P-120-100

L-040 Receive and Putaway Product P-120 Receive Materials and Services

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Activity ID Comments interfaced to the Finished Goods System. This receipt will trigger a JDE journal entry for inventory and an unvouched payable account. The inventory entry will be a duplicate of the SAP journal and must be cleared. Transportation Billing - Please Refer to Error! Reference source not found. Update Inventory System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process




PTP.9.0 PTP.10.0 FTS.3.0 FTS.4.0 FTS.5.0 FTS.6.0 FTS.7.0 FTS.8.0 FTS.9.0

Putaway Material. This will be done with the RF terminals and is driven by the transfer order. The putaway confirms the transfer order. Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable Create Invoice Financial Documents Create Transfer Order to Stage Production Raw Material Usage Stage Production Raw Materials Record All Raw Material Usage Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents Create Infinium Inventory Financial Documents Lot Controlled RM Manual entry, may be done in SAP Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage

Transportation Management Systems JDE Inventory Control & JDE General Ledger SAP WMS


Receive Materials and Services Update Inventory(General Ledger) Record Stock Location

P-120 Receive Materials and Services


L-040 Receive and Putaway Product


L-040 Receive and Putaway Product

JDE Accounts Payable JDE General Ledger SAP Transfers SAP WMS CIM SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal Infinium???? SAP Legacy Finished Goods SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal SAP Inventory Control JDE Production Order

P-150-050 P-150-050 M-100-270 M-100-270 M-100-300 M-100-300 M-100-300 M-100-300 M-100-300

Process Invoice Process Invoice Issue Materials for Production Order Issue Materials for Production Order Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process

P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

FTS.10.0 FTS.11.0 FTS.12.0

Record Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents Record Finished Goods Receipts

M-100-300 M-100-300 M-100-450

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production


Record Finished Goods Receipts Decrement JDE Production Order Quantity and Choose the option to


M-100 Execute Production

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Activity ID FTS.14.0 FTS.15.0 Comments backflush Raw Materials Backflush Raw Materials Create JDE Inventory Financial Documents System Process ID Process Description Step Consume Material/Re-order Material Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Determine Put-away Location Record Stock Location Consume Material/Re-order Material Consume Material/Re-order Material Record Stock Location Record Stock Location Perform Cycle Count Update Inventory Value Discussed in Process

JDE Production Order JDE General Ledger SAP Transfers SAP WMS SAP Inventory Control SAP Journal SAP Transfers SAP WMS SAP WMS SAP Inventory Control / SAP Journal

M-100-300 M-100-450

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

FTS.16.0 FTS.17.0 FTS.18.0 FTS.19.0 FTS.20.0 FTS.21.0 FTS.22.0 FTS.23.0

Create Finished Goods bin to bin Transfer Order Putaway Finished Goods Record Non-Lot Controlled Raw Material Usage Create SAP Inventory Financial Documents Raw Material Bin To Bin T.O to return unused material to stock Return Raw Material Inventory to Stock Cycle Count Raw Material Inventory Update the Inventory for the Cycle Count Adjustments

L-070-060 L-070-110 M-100-300 M-100-300 L-040-280 L-040-280 L-060-440 L-060-460

L-070 Putaway Products L-070 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production L-040 Receive and Putaway Product L-040 Receive and Putaway Product L-060 Manage Inventory, Storage and Movement L-060 Manage Inventory, Storage and Movement

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Finished Goods

Figure 43 - Process to System Diagram - Finished Goods

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21. JDE Inventory Control

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.1 Enter FG Production Receipts


23. SAP Inventory Control



FTS.8 Enter STO

FTS.9 Manually create Delivery

OTC.1 Pick Pack STO

61. SAP Delivery 73. JDE Production Orders


30. SAP Transfers 21. JDE Inventory Control


FTS.5 Putaway Finished Goods

61. SAP Delivery

FTS.6 Record FG Receipts

30. SAP Transfers

61.SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers

FTS10 Manually create bin to bin TO



FTS.3 Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O JDE0008

63. Bartender
FTS.4 Print License Plates

FTS.2 Record FG Receipts, reduce Production order quantity

FTS.7 Backflush Non-Lot Controlled RM Usage

23. SAP Inventory Control


97. SAP PI

98. Inovis


98. Inovis

97. SAP PI

30. SAP Transfers

SAP0009 PTP.1 Receive inbound FG

1. SAP Journal







61.SAP Delivery
OTC.2 PGI, Load, Manifest, SAP0011 BOL

Transport Time

51. SAP Receiving


61.SAP Delivery

39. SAP Billing

OTC.3 Intercompany Billing

39. SAP Billing 23. SAP Inventory Control

SAP0001 OTC.7 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL OTC.8 Customer Billing


23. SAP Inventory Control

21. JDE Inventory Control



26. Legacy Finished Goods


23. SAP Inventory Control



38. SAP Order Entry

OTC.4 - Enter Sales Order SAP0010

61. SAP Delivery

OTC.5 - Create Delivery

FTS.11 - Material Bin To Bin T.O

30. SAP Transfers


OTC.6 - Pick Delivery

61. SAP Delivery



12. JDE G/L


21. JDE Inventory Control


11. Infinium G/L


1. SAP Journal


32. SAP Batch Management


23. SAP Inventory Control



33. Legacy Product Specification


26. Legacy Finished Goods



26. Legacy Finished Goods


21. JDE Inventory Control

Table 11- Finished Goods Process Descriptions

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Activity ID FTS.1 FTS.2 FTS.3 FTS.4 FTS.5 FTS.6 FTS.7 Comments Enter Production Receipts custom SAP RF screen Record FG Receipts, reduce Production order quantity Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O Print License Plate Putaway Finished Goods Record Finished Goods Backflush non-lot controlled raw materials System SAP WMS / SAP Delivery JDE Production Order SAP Transfers SAP Transfers / Bartender SAP WMS SAP Delivery JDE Production Orders / Inventory Control SAP Transfers SAP Delivery Process ID M-100-450 M-100-450 M-100-450 M-100-450 L-070 M-100-450 M-100-300 Process Description Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Putaway Products Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Consume Material/Re-order Material Discussed in Process M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production


Create the Stock Transport Order Manually Entered Create the Delivery

L-065-020 O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020

Create STO Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Record Carrier Information Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Send Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Receive Material Against Plantto-Plant Transfer Order Create and Release Manual Payment Create Standard Order Create Deliveries

L-65 Stock Transport Orders (STO's) O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders P-120 Receive Materials and Services P150A Enable Payment O-020 Capture Order O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping /

FTS.10 OTC.1

Create the bin to bin transport order. This is manually created. Pick the Delivery

SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-070 O-120-080 O-120-120


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery


Receive the incoming material. This is done in SAP against the transfer order. Inter-company billing Enter the Sales Order the order can be input into SAP or can be received EDI. Create the Delivery

SAP Receiving SAP Billing SAP Sales Order SAP Delivery

P-120-090 P-150-240 O-020-160 O-110-010

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Activity ID Comments System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-130 Bill Revenue

O-030-060 O-110-020 FTS.11 OTC.6 Create the bin to bin transport order. This manually created. Pick the Delivery SAP Transfers SAP WMS O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-070 O-120-080 O-120-120 OTC.8 Bill the Order SAP Billing O-130-070

Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Record Carrier Information Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Send Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery

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Inventory Accounting

Business Transaction Purchase Order Receipt

SAP Description Material Movement (MM) 501 / 502 Debit Inventory Credit Clearing Account


Legacy Description JDE Receipt Debit Inventory

No dual entry

Interface / Conversion Credit Description Received not IN0017 Invoiced

Sales Order Shipment

MM 601


Inventory Goods In Transit Inventory


IN0018 posts JDE Kardex as posted suppresses Journal Backflush from JDE Production Orders

Purchase Price Received IN0017 Variance not Invoiced Received not Purchase IN0017 Invoiced Price Variance None None N/A

Debit Inventory to Clearing Account Straight Translation Straight Translation N/A

Credit None

Straight Translation Straight Translation N/A

Non-lot Controlled Raw Materials consumption

Lot Controlled Raw Materials Consumption GRD Consumption

Use JDE backflush report to record consumption using MM 201 MM 201





Suppressed in G21 (LG0011) interface to Infinium






Previous Manual journal not made Previous Manual journal not made






MM 951 Consumption records produced material as well Consumption Adjust consumption cost for dispositioned Manual SAP


Yes Quantity only






Manual Inventory Account

Manual Monthly Journal no longer made in Infinium

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Business Transaction SAP Description Debit Journal Finished Goods Report as source MM 521 Inventory Credit Interfaced Legacy Description Debit Credit Interface / Conversion Description



Production Receipt

Yield Entry Monthly

Inventory Disposition

Source Yield & Efficiency Report, SAP Manual Journal MM 309 change disposition code Monthly manual SAP journal based upon Finished Goods Report

Inventory Milk

Inventory Change standard components available through reporting Milk Consumption by components None

IN0018 quantity only

Previous Manual journal not made






Previous Manual journal not made








Manual Inventory Account

Yes Disposition Code updates Updated disposition code N/A Previous Manual Journal in Infinium not made











Inventory CodeConversion Write-up Inventory CodeConversion Write-down Stock Transport

MM 309 change Material Number MM 309 change Material Number MM 641, 642

Manual Inventory Account Inventory

Expense Expense / COGS

N/A Yes Material Number Yes Material Number Yes

Previous Manual journal not made Material Number updated

None None

None None




Expense / COGS


Material Number updated






Inventory -


IN0018 posts JDE






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Business Transaction Shipment Stock Transport Receipt Cycle Count Miscellaneous IA type SAP Description Debit MM643, 644 - Intransit intercompany MM 101 / 102 Inventory Credit Interfaced Legacy Description Kardex as posted suppresses Journal IN0018 posts JDE Kardex as posted suppresses Journal IA - Manual Journal suppressed IA - Manual Journal suppressed Debit Credit Interface / Conversion Description



Inventory Intransit Consumption / Inventory Various/ Inventory







MM 701 / 702 MM 711 / 712 / 551 / 552 / 555 / 556 / 907 / 908 / 933 / 934 / 937 / 938 / 955 / 956 MM 251 / 252

Inventory / Consumption Inventory / Various

Yes Yes

None None

None None




Miscellaneous US type Miscellaneous Manifest type

Sales Return

MM 903 / 904 / 905 / 906 / 909 / 910 / 9SC / 9SX MM 651 / 652

Inventory / FG Consumption Inventory / Various

Consumption / FG Inventory Various / Inventory


US - Manual Journal suppressed US - Manual Journal suppressed
















MM 921 / 922 991 / 992

Production Reporting

MM 941 / 942 / 943 / 944 / 945 / 946 / 947 / 948 MM 311 / 312

N/A Inventory / Consumption / Invt Chgw/o Inventory / Consumption / Invt Chgw/o N/A

Inventory / Consumption / Invt Chgw/o Inventory / Consumption / Invt Chgw/o N/A


IN0018 posts JDE Kardex as posted suppresses Journal N/A











Storage Location Movements

Yes from Legacy to SAP IN0041 No

Previous Manual journal not made FG reporting was used IN0041 now sends this monthly to SAP N/A











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Business Transaction Material Storage Type Movements Initial Inventory Load SAP Description Debit MM 341 / 342 N/A / 343 / 344 MM 561 / 562 / 565 / 566 Inventory / Inventory Load Clearing Credit N/A Interfaced Legacy Description IN0018 posts JDE Kardex as posted suppresses Journal GL Balances Conversion Maps Legacy Inventory to Inventory Load Clearing Debit None Credit None Interface / Conversion Description N/A


Debit N/A

Credit N/A

Inventory Load Clearing / Inventory








Dispositioned Material
FTS.2 Run report to show dispositioning activity for month FTS.3 Enter Journal to write down G/L inventory by disposition code SAP0006

Figure 44 - Process to System Diagram - Dispositioned Material

FTS.1 Enter MM309 to change Disposition Characteristic in SAP

23. SAP Inventory Control

26. Legacy Finished Goods

1. SAP Journal




26. Legacy Finished Goods

Table 12 - Process Descriptions - Dispositioned Material Activity ID FTS.1 Comments Enter Material Movement type 309 this will be done in ZFWM_Massbatch System SAP Transfers Process ID M-140 Process Description Manage Product Disposition Discussed in Process M-140 Manage Product Disposition

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FTS.2 Run report to show dispositioning activity for month FTS.3 Enter Journal to write down G/L inventory by disposition code SAP0006

Figure 45 - Process to System Diagram Code-conversion

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.1 Enter MM309 to change Disposition Characteristic in SAP FTS.4 Enter MM309 to change from one material to anotherDisposition Characteristic in SAP

1. SAP Journal




23. SAP Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control



26. Legacy Finished Goods

26. Legacy Finished Goods

Table 13 - Process Descriptions Code-conversion Activity ID FTS.1 Comments Enter Material Movement type 309 this will be done in ZFWM_Massbatch System SAP Transfers Process ID M-140 Process Description Manage Product Disposition Discussed in Process M-140 Manage Product Disposition

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GRD and Add-Back

21. JDE Inventory Control

Figure 46 - Process to System Diagram Create GRD

FTS.1 Produce Material

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.2 Enter GRD Production Receipts


23. SAP Inventory Control


SAP0011 FTS.7 Enter MM309 to change Disposition Characteristic in SAP

Produce Material (See Production Flow)

61. SAP Delivery


30. SAP Transfers


FTS.4 Putaway GRD

61. SAP Delivery

FTS.6 Record GRD Receipts

Material needs Dispositioning


23. SAP Inventory Control

FTS.3 GRD Bin To Bin T.O

63. Bartender
FTS.5 Print License Plates

IN0018 No


26. Legacy Finished Goods

Table 14 - Process Descriptions Create GRD Activity ID FTS.1 FTS.2 FTS.3 Comments Produce Material normal production process leads to GRD material Enter Production Receipts custom SAP RF screen receive GRD Materials Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O System Various SAP WMS / SAP Delivery SAP Transfers Process ID M100 M-100-450 M-100-450 Process Description Execute Production Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Putaway Products Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Discussed in Process M100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production


Putaway GRD Material Print License Plate

SAP WMS SAP Transfers / Bartender

L-070 M-100-450

M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production

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Activity ID FTS.6 FTS.1 Comments Record GRD Receipt Enter Material Movement type 309 this will be done in ZFWM_Massbatch System SAP Delivery SAP Transfers Process ID M-100-450 M-140 Process Description Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Manage Product Disposition Discussed in Process M-100 Execute Production M-140 Manage Product Disposition

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Product Recall

Figure 47 - Process to System Diagram Product Recall

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Non-Lot Controlled Raw Materials Triggered Problem
74. Legacy CIM
FTS.1 Identify Production that used these vendor lots FTS.2 Pull Purchasing Documents for impacted vendor lots FTS.7 Identify impacted / Pallets and Ship-tos

FTS.4 Identify possible discrepancies

FTS.5 Reconcile Discrepancies

FTS.6 Finalize Impacted Production Days & Materials

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.8 Notify Customers

FTS.9 Manage Returns / Disposition

45. JDE Purchasing

Reference add-on that captured vendor lots for non-lot controlled RM FTS.3 review backflush activity for affected material

61. SAP Delivery

OTC.1 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL


23. SAP Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control

Lot Controlled Raw Materials Triggered Problem

74. Legacy CIM
FTS.1 Identify Production that used these vendor lots FTS.2 Pull Purchasing Documents for impacted vendor lots FTS.7 Identify impacted / Pallets and Ship-tos

FTS.4 Identify possible discrepancies

FTS.5 Reconcile Discrepancies

FTS.6 Finalize Impacted Production Days & Materials

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.8 Notify Customers

FTS.9 Manage Returns / Disposition

45. JDE Purchasing 61. SAP Delivery

FTS.3 RM usage and affected production OTC.1 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL SAP0011

23. SAP Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods

Manufacturing Triggered Problem

74. Legacy CIM
FTS.1 Identify Production of Affected FG FTS.6 Identify impacted / Pallets and Ship-tos

FTS.3 Identify possible discrepancies

FTS.4 Reconcile Discrepancies

FTS.5 Finalize Impacted Production Days & Materials

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.7 Notify Customers

FTS.8 Manage Returns / Disposition

FTS.2 Identify Production of Affected FG

26. Legacy Finished Goods

61. SAP Delivery

OTC.1 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL


23. SAP Inventory Control


21. JDE Inventory Control


Table 15 - Process Descriptions Product Recall Activity ID Comments System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

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Activity Comments ID Non-Lot Controlled Raw Materials Triggered Problem FTS.1 Identify Production that used these vendor lots FTS.2 Pull Purchasing Documents for impacted vendor lots Reference add-on that captured vendor lots for nonlot controlled RM FTS.3 Review backflush activity for affected material FTS.4 Identify possible discrepancies there are possibly discrepancies between the difference sources of information. Reconcile Discrepancies Finalize Impact Production Days and Materials Identify Impacted Pallets and Ship-tos Notify Customers Mange Returns / Disposition System Process ID Process Description Discussed in Process

Legacy CIM JDE Purchasing

M140 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition

JDE Inventory Control

M140 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition


Finished Goods SAP Order / SAP Delivery / SAP Billing / SAP Inventory Control SAP Delivery / Finished Goods Legacy CIM JDE Purchasing Finished Goods

M140 M140 M140 C-130-020 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Broadcast Recall Notifications Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition C130 Manage Recalls M140 Manage Product Disposition


Post Goods Issue the Delivery customer information is passed to Finished Goods through IN0018 Lot Controlled Raw Materials Triggered Problem FTS.1 Identify Production that used these vendor lots FTS.2 Pull Purchasing Documents for impacted vendor lots FTS.3 RM usage and affected production FTS.4 Identify possible discrepancies there are possibly discrepancies between the difference sources of information. Reconcile Discrepancies Finalize Impact Production Days and Materials Identify Impacted Pallets and Ship-tos Notify Customers Mange Returns / Disposition


Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition

M140 M140 M140 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition


Finished Goods SAP Order / SAP Delivery / SAP Billing / SAP Inventory Control SAP Delivery / Finished Goods

M140 M140 M140 C-130-020 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Broadcast Recall Notifications Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition C130 Manage Recalls M140 Manage Product Disposition


Post Goods Issue the Delivery customer information is passed to Finished Goods through IN0018 Manufacturing Triggered Problem


Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition

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Activity ID FTS.1 FTS.2 FTS.3 Comments Identify Production of affected Finished Goods Identify Production of affected Finished Goods Identify possible discrepancies there are possibly discrepancies between the difference sources of information. Reconcile Discrepancies Finalize Impact Production Days and Materials Identify Impacted Pallets and Ship-tos Notify Customers Mange Returns / Disposition System Legacy CIM Finished Goods Process ID M140 M140 M140 Process Description Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Discussed in Process M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition


Finished Goods SAP Order / SAP Delivery / SAP Billing / SAP Inventory Control SAP Delivery / Finished Goods

M140 M140 M140 C-130-020 M140

Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Manage Product Disposition Broadcast Recall Notifications Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition M140 Manage Product Disposition C130 Manage Recalls M140 Manage Product Disposition


Post Goods Issue the Delivery customer information is passed to Finished Goods through IN0018


Manage Product Disposition

M140 Manage Product Disposition

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Transfer Pricing Concepts Leprino has two main company codes Leprino Foods (1000) and Leprino Dairy Products (1100). Products are manufactured in Leprino Foods, but are sold from Leprino Dairy Products. As the result of this strategy, transfer pricing has been set-up. When products are transferred from Leprino Foods to Leprino Dairy Products the transfer price is calculated by taking the sales order price less an intercompany discount. The discount is currently set at 5%. This would be a very straight forward concept if products were only transferred to Leprino Dairy Products when it was sold to the end customer. This is not the case, however. Product is regularly transferred to cold storage facilities. The cold storage plants are assigned to the Leprino Dairy company codes. When the product is transferred to a cold storage facility it is moved to the Leprino Dairy company code and an intercompany billing is generated. The intercompany billing references an estimated transfer price. The final transfer price cannot be established until the product is sold to an end-customer. Therefore, the transfer price is trued-up when it is sold to the end customer. The estimated transfer price for stock transport orders is based upon an average selling price. This average selling price is updated on a quarterly basis and is calculated from Profitability Analysis data. The estimated transfer price is calculated by applying an intercompany discount to the average selling price. When the average selling prices and intercompany discounts are changed, the standard prices must be updated in the 3PL plants to reflect the changes, otherwise, variances would be recorded when the stock transport orders are received in the cold storage facilities. See Figure 48 - System Diagram Transfer Pricing for more information on how estimated transfer prices are updated. Data Setup Plants Manufacturing plants are assigned to the Leprino Foods company code. Cold Storage (3PL) plants are setup in the Leprino Dairy company code. This drives an intercompany billing when products are transferred from manufacturing plants to cold storage plants. Sales Organization Sales organization 1100 is the main sales organization for Leprino and it is assigned to the Leprino Dairy company code. When product is shipped from a manufacturing plant, the differences in company code between the plant and the sales organization drives and intercompany billing. Material o Manufacturing plants the standard cost is setup to the corporate manufacturing standard cost o Cold Storage (3PL) the standard cost is set to the average selling price less the intercompany discount

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Business Architecture Special Considerations Because the standard costs in the manufacturing plants are different than the standard cost in the cold storage plants, unless special care is taken, it would be possible to record different margins for sales invoices for product shipping from different plants. This would not be good. The standard cost in the manufacturing plants represents the estimated true cost of the material to Leprino and as such is the cost that should be reflected on the sales invoice, regardless of which plant the product is sourced from. If the product is shipped on a sales order from a manufacturing plant then the cost is the true standard cost. In addition, since the actual sales price to the customer is known, the actual transfer price can also be determined. When the sales order shipment is from a cold storage plant, the natural cost would be the cold storage standard cost which is based upon the transfer price and is not the correct standard cost. Financial journalizing strategies have been implemented to assure that customer shipments that take place via cold storage plants look the same as customer shipments that originate in manufacturing plants. This is demonstrated in Table 16 - Transfer Price Journals. Detailed transfer price scenario walk throughs Assumptions Pre-positioned move - Manufacturing Standard Cost - $11,722.32 Average Selling Price - $14,220.05 Intercompany Discount % = 5% Customer Price - $7,257.60 Transfer Price True-up - $2,111.31 Sale - Manufacturing Standard Cost - $7,814.88 Average Selling Price - $9,480.03 Intercompany Discount % = 5% Customer Price - $7,257.60 Transfer Price True-up - $2,111.31 Month-end Inventory Ending Inventory - $4,503.01

Estimated Intercompany transfer price - $13,509.04

Estimated Intercompany transfer price - $9,006.03 Actual Intercompany transfer price - $6,894.72

Profit in Inventory - $595.57 Ending Inventory @ Manufacturing Standard = $3907.48

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Table 16 - Transfer Price Journals Transaction 1) Delivery Post Goods issue 2) Customer Invoice A) Manufacturing Plant to Cold Storage (STO) Debit Inventory In-transit (1000/139000) $11,722.32 Credit Inventory (1000/131040) - $11,722.32 B) Cold Storage to Customer (SO) Debit Inventory In-transit (1100/139000) - $9,006.03 Credit Inventory (1100/131040) - $9,006.03 Debit COGS IC Delayed (1100/500010) - $9,006.03 Credit Inventory In-transit (1100/139000) - $9,006.03 Debit Trade A/R (1100/121000) $7,257.60 Credit Sales Revenue (1100/410000) - $7,257.60 Debit IC True-up (1100/290000) - $2,111.31 Credit COGS IC Delayed (1100/500010) - $2,111.31 3) Intercompany Debit COGS (1000/500000) - $11,722.32 Invoice Credit Inventory In-transit (1000/139000) - $11,722.32 Debit Intercompany A/R (1000/123000) - $13,509.04 Credit Interco Revenue (1000/410100) - $13,509.04 4) Intercompany Debit GRIR (1100/211200) - $13,509.04 IDOC Credit Intercompany A/P (1100/213000) $13,509.04 5) STO Receipt Debit Inventory (1100/131040) - $13,509.04 Credit GRIR (1100/211200) - $13,509.04 6) ME Elimination Debit Intercompany Revenue (9000/410100) - $13,509.04 Credit Intercompany COGS (9000/500005) - $13,509.04 Debit Intercompany A/P (9000/213000) - $13,509.04 Credit Intercompany A/R (9000/123000) - $13,509.04 Debit COGS (1000/500000) - $7,814.88 Credit Inventory In-transit (1000/139000) - $7,814.88 Debit Intercompany A/R (1000/123000) - $6,894.72 Credit Interco Revenue (1000/410010) - $6,894.72 Debit GRIR (1100/211205) - $6894.72 Credit Intercompany A/P (1100/213000) $6,894.72 C) Plant to Customer (SO) Debit Inventory In-transit (1000/139000) - $7,814.88 Credit Inventory (1000/131040) - $7,814.88 Debit COGS IC (1100/500005) - $6894.72 Credit GRIR (1100/211205) - $6894.72 Debit Trade A/R (1100/121000) $7,257.60 Credit Sales Revenue (1100/410000) - $7,257.60

Debit Intercompany A/P (1100/213000) - $2,111.31 Credit IC True-up (1100/290000) - $2,111.31 Debit Interco Revenue (1000/410100) - $2,111.31 Credit Intercompany A/R (1000/123000) - $2,111.31 Debit Intercompany COGS (9000/500005) - $2,111.31 Credit Interco Revenue (9000/410100) - $2,111.31 Debit Intercompany A/P (9000/213000) - $2,111.31 Credit Intercompany A/R (9000/123000) - $2,111.31

Debit Intercompany Revenue (9000/410100) - $6,894.72 Credit Intercompany COGS (9000/500005) - $6,894.72 Debit Intercompany A/P (9000/213000) - $6,894.72 Credit Intercompany A/R (9000/123000) - $6,894.72

7) ME Inventory Entry Inventory Inventory - 1000 / 131040 BEG 11,722.32 11,722.32 (A1) Inventory - 1100 / 131040 (A5) 13,509.04 9,006.03 (B1) Inventory - 1000 / 131040 BEG 7,814.88 7,814.88 (C1)

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Transaction Inventory Intransit A) Manufacturing Plant to Cold Storage (STO) B) Cold Storage to Customer (SO) Inventory In-Transit - 1000 / Inventory In-transit - 1100 / 139000 139000 (A1) 11,722.32 11,722.32 (A3) (B1) 9,006.03 Cost of Sales COGS - 1000 / 500000 (A3) 11,722.32 9,006.03 (B2) Intercompany COGS - 9000 / 500005 (B6) 2,111.31 13,509.04 (A6) C) Plant to Customer (SO) Inventory In-transit - 1000 / 139000 (C1) 7,814.88 7,814.88 (C3)

IC COGS Delayed- 1100 / 500010 (B2) 9,006.03 2,111.31 (B2)

Intercompany COGS - 1100 / 500005 (C2) 6,894.72 Intercompany COGS - 9000 / 500005 6,894.72 (C6)

COGS - 1000 / 500000 (C3) 7,814.88


IC Revenue- 1000 / 410100 (B6) 2,111.31 13,509.04 (A3)

Sales Revenue- 1100 / 410010 7,257.60 (B2)

IC Revenue- 9000 / 410100 (A6) 13,509.04 2,111.31 (B6)

Sales Revenue- 1100 / 410010 7,257.60 (C2)

IC Revenue- 1000 / 410100 6,894.72 (C3) IC Revenue- 9000 / 410100 (C6) 6,894.72

Accounts Receiveable

IC A/R- 1000 / 123000 (A3) 13,509.04 2,111.31 (B6)

Trade A/R- 1100 / 121000 (B2) 7,257.60

IC A/R- 9000 / 123000 (B6) 2,111.31 13,509.04 (A6)

Trade A/R- 1100 / 121000 (C2) 7,257.60

IC A/R- 9000 / 123000 6,894.72 (C6) IC A/R- 1000 / 123000 (C3) 6,894.72

Accounts Payable

GRIR 1100 / 211200 (A4) 13,509.04 13,509.04 (A5)

IC A/P- 1100 / 213000 (B6) 2,111.31 13,509.04 (A4)

IC A/P - 9000 / 213000 (A6) 13,509.04 2,111.31 (B6)

GRIR 1100 / 211205 (C4) 6,894.72 6,894.72 (C2)

IC A/P- 1100 / 213000 6,894.72 (C4) IC A/P- 9000 / 213000 (C6) 6,894.72


IC True-up 1100 / 290000 (B2) 2,111.31 2,111.31 (B6)

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Figure 48 - System Diagram Transfer Pricing

Customer Relationship 40. SAP SD Pricing



Financial Systems 105. Transfer Pricing


Inventory / Material Definition 21. JDE Inventory Control


23. SAP Inventory Control

29. Legacy Standard Cost 26. Legacy Finished Goods



2. SAP G/L



1. SAP Journal


Profit in Inventory Report

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4.2.9 Schreiber
FTS.2 Updated weekly plan each week OTC.1 Purchase Orders for production requirements next week

Figure 49 - Process to System Diagram Schreiber

Plan Production
FTS.1 Monthly and Weekly Plan

Shreiber Provides Production Plan 60. Legacy DS Requirement Planning

FTS.3 Develop the Production Plan

Shreiber Provides Production Plan

Shreiber Provides Purchase Orders

OTC.2 Enter Sales Orders

PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

Production Plan Produce Material

FTS.4 Produce the Material OTC.4 - Create Delivery

38. SAP Order Entry

23. SAP Inventory Control


8. SAP A/P

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Move Material to Production Area and Record Revenue Daily

OTC.3 Move material to Production Area

FTS.5 - Material Bin To Bin T.O


OTC.6 - PGI OTC.7 - Bill the Orders OTC.8 Apply Cash

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery

Move Product to Schreiber Production Area

Need More?


61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery


39. SAP Billing

7. SAP A/R

Receive Raw Materials & Packaging Material

FTS.6 Receive Material not Maintained in SAP

SAP0013 SAP0012

Move Product to Schreiber Storage Location Issue Raw Materials & Packaging Material
FTS.7 Issue Material not maintained in SAP


23. SAP Inventory Control

26. Legacy Finished Goods


21. JDE Inventory Control

1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


Move Product to Schreiber Production 23. SAP Inventory Control

FTS.11 LT03 - Create Transfer Order SAP0001 FTS.12 LT12 Putaway / Confirm TO

Move Produced Finished Goods to Inventory

FTS.8 Receive Finished Goods FTS.9 MIGO Enter MMxxx

Putaway Schreiber Finished Goods

23. SAP Inventory Control

61. SAP Delivery

FTS.10 VL02N -Create Inbound Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

FTS.13 PGR Delivery Automatic

Move Inventoried Finished Goods to Schreiber Shipping

FTS.14 Ship Finished Goods FTS.15 MIGO Enter MM251 FTS.17 LT03 - Create Transfer Order

23. SAP Inventory Control

SAP0001 FTS.19 - Pick

Move Product to Schreiber Shipping Area Bill Schreiber for Handling and Storage
OTC.9 Run Report to show stored inventory, Goods Issues & Good Receipts

23. SAP Inventory Control

61. SAP Delivery

FTS.16 VL02N -Create Outbound Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


FTS.18 LT12 - Pick/ Confirm TO

61. SAP Delivery

FTS.20 PGI Delivery

OTC.10 - Bill the Charges

23. SAP Inventory Control

39. SAP Billing


1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


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Table 17- Schreiber Process Descriptions
Plan Production


Schreiber provides Monthly and Weekly Production Plans one week before the end of the month


Schreiber provides Updated Weekly Production Plans by Thursday of preceding week


Develop the Production Plan


Produce Material Receive Purchase Orders from Schreiber Provided by Thursday of the preceding week Enter the Sales Order the order input into SAP. Purchase orders and Schreiber production plan is input Move Material to Schreiber Production Area performed many times a day until complete Create the Delivery

Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Demand Solutions Sales Forecasting Demand Solutions Requirements Planning Various Manual SAP Sales Order


Develop Product / Service Forecast

K - Market Products and Services


Develop Product / Service Forecast

K - Market Products and Services


Perform Short-Range Production Planning

M80 - Perform Short-Range Production Planning


Execute Production

M-100 Execute Production


Create Standard Order

O-020 Capture Order

Move Material to Production Area and Record Revenue - Daily


Manual SAP Delivery

O-090-050 O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020

Pick Order Items Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items Send/Transmit Invoice Receive Manual Payment Receive Lockbox Payment Perform Cash Application

O-090 Pick Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-130 Bill Revenue O-130 Bill Revenue O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts


Create the bin to bin transport order. This manually created. Pick the Delivery

SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-080 O-130-070 O-130-120 O-140-020 O-140-030 O-140-110


Post Goods Issue the Delivery Bill the Order

SAP Delivery SAP Billing


Process the Cash Receipts


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PTP.1 PTP.2 Automatically vouch the receipt via IDOC generated at inter-company billing time Clear Accounts Payable on a regular basis SAP GR-IR SAP Accounts Payable Manual Manual Manual SAP Inventory Control SAP Transfers SAP WMS SAP Transfers / Bartender SAP Delivery P-150-050 P-150-050 Process Invoice Process Invoice P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment

Receive Raw Materials & Packaging Material


Receive Schreiber Raw Materials Issue Schreiber Raw Materials Receive Schreiber Produced Materials Enter Production Receipts MIGO Material Movement XXX documented as 521, but dont want to use that. Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O Putaway Finished Goods Print License Plate Record Finished Goods

L-110 L-110 L-110 M-100-450

Perform Value-added Services Perform Value-added Services Perform Value-added Services Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Putaway Products Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Perform Value-added Services Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Perform Value-added Services Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items

L-110 Perform Value-added Services L-110 Perform Value-added Services L-110 Perform Value-added Services M-100 Execute Production

Issue Raw Materials & Packaging Material Move Produced Finished Goods to Inventory

FTS.10 FTS.11 FTS.12 FTS.13

M-100-450 L-070 M-100-450 M-100-450

M-100 Execute Production M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

Move Inventoried Finished Goods to Schreiber Shipping

FTS.14 FTS.15

Move Schreiber Finished Goods to Schreiber Shipping Area Create the Delivery Use Material Movement 251 to move material. This generates outbound delivery.

Manual SAP Delivery

L-110 O-110-010 O-030-060

L-110 Perform Value-added Services O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders

FTS.16 FTS.17

Create the bin to bin transport order. This manually created. Pick the Delivery

SAP Transfers SAP WMS

O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-080


Post Goods Issue the Delivery

SAP Delivery

Bill Schreiber for Handling and Storage

OTC.9 OTC.10

Analyze Schreiber Handling and Storage Charges using SAP Transaction MB5B Bill the Handling and Storage Costs using Debit Memo. The costs are booked to a clearing account and then based upon the condition type will be reclassified at the end of the month.

SAP Inventory SAP Billing

L-110 O-130-070

L-110 Perform Value-added Services O-130 Bill Revenue

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4.2.10 Meiji
Figure 50 - Process to System Diagram Meiji
21. JDE Inventory Control

Produce Beta Product / Alpha By-product

26. Legacy Finished Goods

FTS.1 Produce Beta Product FTS.2 Receive Alpha FTS.3 Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O


23. SAP Inventory Control



FTS.6 Record FG Receipts

Produce Beta

61. SAP Delivery


30. SAP Transfers

FTS.4 Putaway Finished Goods

63. Bartender
FTS.5 Print License Plates


61. SAP Delivery

Sell Alpha to Meiji

Process Sales Order

PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

8. SAP A/P
PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Code Convert Alpha

FTS.7 Code Convert Alpha to non-valued material

OTC.1 Enter Sales Order for tested and approved Alpha ZNG Order Type

OTC.2 - Bill the Order


OTC.3 Apply Cash

23. SAP Inventory Control 7. SAP A/R



1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


38. SAP Order Entry

39. SAP Billing

SAP0012 SAP0013

21. JDE Inventory Control 2. SAP G/L 5. SAP PCA


26. Legacy Finished Goods

1. SAP Journal




Ship Alpha to Meiji

OTC.4 Enter Sales Order for tested and approved Alpha ZOR Order Type OTC.5 - Create Delivery FTS.8 - Material Bin To Bin T.O SAP0001

23. SAP Inventory Control

SAP0011 OTC.7 - PGI OTC.8 - Bill the Orders

26. Legacy Finished Goods


21. JDE Inventory Control


OTC.9 Apply Cash

38. SAP Order Entry

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


OTC.6 - Pick Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

39. SAP Billing

7. SAP A/R

23. SAP Inventory Control

SAP0013 SAP0012


1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


Repurchase Alpha to use as Ingredient

Process Purchase Order
PTP.3 Enter non-stock Purchase Order PTP.4 -Approve PO PTP.5 Vouch Invoice

Code Convert Alpha

FTS.9 Code Convert Alpha Valued Material

45. JDE Purchasing

45. JDE Purchasing

14. JDE A/P

23. SAP Inventory Control



1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


Bill Meiji for Handling and Storage

OTC.10 Run Report to show stored inventory and Goods Issues & Goods Receipts OTC.11 - Bill the Orders

21. JDE Inventory Control


26. Legacy Finished Goods

23. SAP Inventory Control

39. SAP Billing


1. SAP Journal




2. SAP G/L


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Table 18 - Meiji Process Descriptions
Produce Beta Product / Alpha By-product



Produce Beta Material Enter Production Receipts custom SAP RF screen Alpha Production Legacy Material Number 47770 valued material Finished Goods Bin To Bin T.O

Various SAP WMS / SAP Delivery SAP Transfers

M-100 M-100-450

Execute Production Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Putaway Products Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step Release Product to Warehouse or Next Process Step

M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production


M-100 Execute Production


Putaway Finished Goods Print License Plate Record Finished Goods

SAP WMS SAP Transfers / Bartender SAP Delivery

L-070 M-100-450 M-100-450

M70 Putaway Products M-100 Execute Production M-100 Execute Production

Sell Alpha to Meiji Process the Sales Order



Enter the Sales Order the order input into SAP. Tested and Approved Alpha is input. Use order type ZNG. This Triggers no goods movement Bill the Order the order needs to be billed for the customer as well as Intercompany Process the Cash Receipts

SAP Sales Order


Create Standard Order

O-020 Capture Order

SAP Billing

O-130-070 O-130-120 O-140-020 O-140-030 O-140-110 P-150-050 P-150-050




Automatically vouch the receipt via IDOC generated at inter-company billing time Clear Accounts Payable on a regular basis

SAP GR-IR SAP Accounts Payable Manual

Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items Send/Transmit Invoice Receive Manual Payment Receive Lockbox Payment Perform Cash Application Process Invoice Process Invoice

O-130 Bill Revenue O-130 Bill Revenue O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts P150A Enable Payment P150A Enable Payment

Code Convert the Alpha


Code Convert the Alpha to a new material Convert from Legacy Number 47770 to non-valued Legacy Material 47771. Enter the Sales Order the order input into SAP. This occasionally occurs. Use order type ZOR. Create the Delivery


Pick Order Items

O-090 Pick Orders

Ship Alpha to Meiji


SAP Sales Order SAP Delivery

O-020-160 O-110-010 O-030-060 O-110-020

Create Standard Order Create Deliveries Select / Assign Appropriate Batch Process Deliveries

O-020 Capture Order O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping / Delivery O-030 Process Orders O-110 Plan / Manage Shipping /

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FTS.8 OTC.6 Create the bin to bin transport order. This manually created. Pick the Delivery SAP Transfers SAP WMS O-090-040 O-090-050 O-090-080 O-100 O-120-080 O-130-070 O-130-120 O-140-020 O-140-030 O-140-110 Generate Pick Tickets/Transfer Orders Pick Order Items Confirm Quantity and Location Picked Pack Orders Process Goods Issue for Stock Material Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items Send/Transmit Invoice Receive Manual Payment Receive Lockbox Payment Perform Cash Application Delivery O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-090 Pick Orders O-100 Pack Orders O-120 Deliver Orders O-130 Bill Revenue O-130 Bill Revenue O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts O-140 Process Receipts


Post Goods Issue the Delivery Bill the Order

SAP Delivery SAP Billing


Process the Cash Receipts


Repurchase Alpha to use as production ingredient Process Purchase Order


Enter PO and Process Approval No requisitions are actually used but the affect is the same. Should be a non-stock PO.

JDE Purchasing


Create Requisition

P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-070 Create and Maintain Purchase Requisitions P-80 Purchase Materials and Services P150A Enable Payment

P-070-090 P-070-080 PTP.4 PTP.5 Approve the PO Process the invoice in JDE Accounts Payable JDE Purchasing JDE Accounts Payable Manual P-080-080 P-150-050

Assign Requisition to Supplier Perform Requisition Approval Process Create and Process Purchase Order Process Invoice

Code Convert Alpha Product


Code Convert the Alpha to a new material convert from non-valued Legacy Number 47771 to valued Legacy number 47772. Analyze Meiji Handling and Storage Charges using SAP Transaction MB5B Bill the Handling and Storage Costs using Debit Memo. The costs are booked to a clearing account and then based upon the condition type will be reclassified at the end of the month.


Pick Order Items

O-090 Pick Orders

Bill Meiji for Handling and Storage

OTC.9 OTC.10

SAP Inventory SAP Billing

L-110 O-130-070

Perform Value-added Services Create Invoice for Relevant Sales Order Items

L-110 Perform Value-added Services O-130 Bill Revenue

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4.2.11 Pallets Pallets are a considerable expense that must be absorbed by the supply chain. There are a variety of methods being used to recover the cost of pallets. There are also a variety of different kinds of physical pallets. This discussion will discuss the cost recovery / logistics programs and the physical pallets. recovery / pallet logistic programs No Exchange Domestic (pallet indicator 01) This is often referred to as one way. There is no pallet exchange with either the carrier or the customer. The customer is charged approximately $6 / pallet. Any differences between actual recovery and $6 are credited to Product Management as long as the recovered price is less than $6.50. Any recovery above $6.50 is credited to marketing. No Exchange Heat Treated (pallet indicator 03) There is no pallet exchange with either the carrier or the customer. The customer is charged for the pallet. The actual price is negotiated with the customer. Customer Exchange (pallet indicator 02) - In this program, Leprino sends the product to the customer on standard pallets. The customer is not charged for the pallets when the product is shipped. When the carrier returns to Leprino to pick up more material for shipment to the customer, they return pallets to Leprino. If the number of pallets returned is equal to or larger than the number being shipped with the material, there is no billing to the customer. Customers can get credit for excess pallets up to 30 pallets. If the number of pallets returned is less than the number of pallets being shipped, the customer is charged for the discrepancy. A pallet is added to the delivery to charge for the pallet deficiency. This is referred to as the discrepancy pallet. Charges for the pallet exchange service from the carrier are handled between the customer and the carrier. Carrier Exchange (pallet indicator 10) - In this program the customer requests that Leprino does a pallet exchange with the carrier. Leprino sends the product to the customer on standard pallets. The customer is not charged for the pallets when the product is shipped. They are however charged additional freight of approximately $ 8 / pallet. The carriers charge this to recover their costs of returning the pallets. If the number of pallets returned by the carrier is equal to or larger than the number being shipped with the material, there is no billing to the customer. The carrier gets no credit for excess pallets. If the number of pallets returned is less than the number of pallets being shipped, the carrier is charged for the discrepancy. The pallet deficiency is passed to TMS through the interface and then the carrier invoice payment is adjusted by the deficiency. No Exchange - BMS o Bristol Myers Standard Pallet (pallet indicator 06) The pallets are provided to Leprino at no charge by Bristol Myers pallet suppliers. When Leprino needs to replenish the pallet inventory, a no cost PO is entered into JDE. The pallets are received into SAP and then into JDE. The inventory balance is relieved based upon shipment to the customer. The inventory balance is maintained in JDE and SAP and maintains a zero cost. o Bristol Myers High Temperature Pallet (pallet indicator 07) - The pallets are provided to Leprino at no charge by Bristol Myers pallet suppliers. When Leprino needs to replenish the pallet inventory, a no cost PO is entered into JDE. The pallets are received into SAP and then 1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM Page 177

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into JDE. The inventory balance is relieved based upon shipment to the customer. The inventory balance is maintained in JDE and SAP and maintains a zero cost. No Exchange CHEP Pallet (pallet indicator 08) For Leprino retail customers, it is often requested to use a CHEP pallet. The pallets are rented from CHEP. They will deliver pallets on request to Leprino and then also pick up the pallets at the customer. When Leprino receives the pallets the rental is started. When the pallet is shipped, an EDI856 Advanced Shipping Notice transaction is triggered in SAP from the PGI of the Delivery, that notifies CHEP of the shipment and ultimately will stop the rental. No exchange Plastic Pallet (pallet indicator 09) currently plastic pallets are only used for internal purposes No exchange slip sheets (pallet indicator 05) Generally slip sheets are used on rail shipments although they can occasionally be used on customer shipments. Slip sheets are not added to the delivery in SAP and therefore the inventory is not relieved. The inventory is expensed periodically based upon cycle counts. No Pallets (pallet indicator 04) no pallet used so no cost recovery is necessary. This is used for Schreiber and for small shipments such as Fedex or samples. Setup Physical Pallets Standard Pallets In the legacy system exchange pallets and one-way pallets were tracked separately and were maintained in two different materials (one-way 910 & standard 997). In SAP there will only be one material for both of them (SAP material 100000016) with old material reference of 910). This pallet will have a weight of 55 lbs and will be valued. Inventory quantity and cost will be maintained will be maintained. This pallet will be used on pallet indicators of 01, 02, 10. Heat Treated Export Pallet Normally used for export. Many countries require that pallets be heat treated and not made of particular woods. The quantity and value will be maintained in SAP using material number 100000015 which references an old material number of 909. A weight of 55 lbs will be maintained. This pallet will be used with a pallet indicator of 03. Bristol Myers Pallets o Domestic (Current) This pallet is purchased from Bristol Myers pallet suppliers at zero cost. Bristol Myer is paying the supplier. The inventory quantity will be maintained but the material will be non-valued. The SAP material number will be 300000238 and will reference an old material number of 907. The weight will be set at 55 lbs. This pallet will be used with a pallet indicator of 06. This pallet is being superseded with a new pallet old material number 906. The new pallet has not been setup in SAP yet.

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Heat Treated Export (Current) This pallet is purchased from Bristol Myers pallet suppliers at zero cost. Bristol Myer is paying the supplier. Inventory quantity will be maintained but the material will be non-costed. The SAP material number will be 300000239 and will reference an old material number of 907. The weight will be set at 55 lbs. This pallet will be used with a pallet indicator of 07. o Domestic (New) This pallet is purchased from Bristol Myers pallet suppliers at zero cost. Bristol Myers is paying the supplier. Inventory quantity will be maintained but the material will be non-valued. The SAP material number has not been setup but should reference the old material number of 906. The weight will be set at 55 lbs. This pallet is in the process of superseding the 907 pallet. This pallet is currently in use in Roswell, but has not been implemented in Lemoore West. These are the only plants using the BMS pallets. This material has not been setup in SAP yet. If the Lemoore West transition is not complete by conversion this will cause a problem with the pallet exchange indicator table. When the conversion is complete the 06 pallet exchange indicator will need to be updated to this pallet instead of 300000238. CHEP Pallets This pallet is rented from CHEP. CHEP will deliver pallets on request to Leprino and then also pick up the pallets at the customer. When Leprino receives the pallets the rental is started. When the pallet is shipped then and EDI856 Advanced Shipping Notice transaction is triggered in SAP from the PGI of the Delivery that notifies CHEP of the shipment and ultimately will stop the rental. The inventory quantity will be maintained but no value will be maintained. This pallet will be used with a pallet indicator of 08. The SAP material number is 300000237 and will reference old material number of 905. A second CHEP material is also used for junk pallets. This SAP material number has not been setup yet, but will need to reference old material number 911. The weight for these pallets should be 75 lbs and have a cost of zero. Plastic Pallets - Currently plastic pallets are only used for internal purposes. The SAP Number is 100000017 and references old material number 912 Schreiber Standard Pallet This pallet is SAP material 300000246 and references old material number 3333997. It has a weight of 1 lb and a cost of zero. The pallets are owned by Schrieber and receipts of new pallets are recorded in order to show activity that can be used to charge Screiber for the receipt of the pallet. It is only used in Ravenna. o Logical Pallets Pallet Cheese Used for pricing on pro-forma invoice for export sales. Added to Sales Order, but not copied to delivery or invoice since actual pallet will be added to those documents. SAP material number 300000000 referencing old material number C1. This material is non-valued and has zero weight. Pallet Whey Used for pricing on pro-forma invoice for export sales. Added to Sales Order, but not copied to delivery or invoice since actual pallet will be added to those documents. SAP material number 300000000 referencing old material number C1. This material is non-valued and has zero weight. Discrepancy Pallet this pallet is added to the delivery when the received pallets are less than the shipped pallets so that the customer can be charged for the deficit.

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Table 19 - Pallet Table

Pallet Standard Pallet Heat Treated Export Pallet Plastic Pallet BMS Standard (Current) BMS Standard (New) BMS Heat Treated Export CHEP Pallet (Good) CHEP Pallet (Junk) Schreiber Standard Discrepancy Pallet Pallet Cheese Pallet Whey

SAP Number 100000016 100000015 100000017 300000238 300000247 300000239 300000237 300000248 300000246 300000249 300000000 300000001

Product Code (JDE) 910 909 912 907 906 908 905 911 3333997 997 C1 C2

Pallet Exchange Ids 01, 02, 10,04,05 03 09 Currently - 06 Will be - 06 07 08 N/A N/A N/A 02 N/A

Attributes / Comments Consolidate Legacy 910 & 997, 55 lbs, valued 55 lbs, valued 55 lbs, valued 55 lbs, non-valued, being superseded 55 lbs, non-valued, superseding 100000238 55 lbs, non-valued 75 lbs, non-valued 75 lbs, non-valued 1 lb, non-valued 0 lb, non-valued logical pallet for pricing only 0 lb, non-valued logical pallet for pricing only 0 lb, non-valued logical pallet for pricing only Inventory Management

Pallets are acquired by issuing purchase orders in JDE Purchasing. Like Raw Materials, pallets must be received into both SAP and JDE. IN0018 does not interface receipt transactions from SAP to the Legacy Systems Sales Orders o Based upon the pallet exchange code from the customer (Customer Group 5) the appropriate pallet is added to the delivery. The relationship between the pallet exchange id and the pallet material number is maintained in SAP custom table ZTT_OLE_ORDPALEX. o The SAP system will calculate the number of pallets being sent and update a custom field on the delivery. A pop-up screen in the delivery will allow the Pallet Received Quantity (Good) and the Pallet Received Quantity (Junk) to be entered. o For customer exchange, the pallet deficit is charged to the customer by adding the discrepancy pallet number to the delivery which is copied to the billing document. o For carrier exchange, the pallet deficit is charged to the carrier by sending the deficit to TMS through the interface and the deficit is deducted from the carrier invoice in the Freight Billing System Stock Transport Orders to 3PLs Page 180

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The pallet exchange indicator is maintained on the Stock Transport Order Pallet line items will be manually added to the Stock Transport Order Generally customer exchange is not managed out 3PLs For Rail Shipments to 3PLs slip sheets are often used. For those rare situations where customer exchange is managed in 3PLs the 3PL may charge Leprino back for pallets on products that are generally sent to customer exchange customers. o 3PLs manage their carrier exchange programs. Attempts are made to place produced product on the pallet type that the expected customer requires o Sometimes product must be moved to different pallets for shipping o Material is normally not stocked using CHEP pallets due to the rental fee implications o o o o

4.2.12 Sales Reversals In the Sales Order supply chain a variety of mistakes and business changes can occur. They can occur at various times though out the life cycle of a sales order. Depending on when in the sales order life cycle a problem or change is identified, the required business transactions required to remedy the problem can be very different. Regardless when the problem / change is discovered, certain guiding principles must be followed. In addition, the changes must be designed to assure that when the changes are complete that the customer; material recall information; the inventory balances; and the customer billing documents are correct and clear. Sometimes this can be a challenge. The purpose of this section is to identify the causes of Sales Reversals, explain the SAP and Legacy systems implications of changes, and establish the necessary reversal and reprocessing steps. of Problems In Error! Reference source not found. the timing of discovering a problem is listed across the top of each page. The different types of problems and their remediation steps are listed in each of the shaded blocks in the body of the figure. Examples of possible problems are listed below: Wrong quantity picked This could occur in a 3PL where they reported they picked the correct quantity on the EDI 944 transaction, but the customer reports a different quantity. This could also occur where the carrier unloads the incorrect amount and the customer accepts it. This will often mean another customer is shorted that amount. Wrong batch picked This could happen during picking, but should generally be caught when the transfer order is confirmed. The 3PLs could ship a different batch than they reported on the EDI 944 transaction. Although the batch numbers print on the COA and bill of lading there is a good chance this problem will go unreported. Wrong Material sent This could be the result of an ordering or picking problem. In Leprino plants, there is a good chance the picking errors will be caught in the transfer order confirmation, but again in the 3PLs there is no transfer order validation. The load is rerouted to a different customer at various points in the order lifecycle. This could even be re-routed to a totally different sold to. Page 181

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Incorrect Pricing This could occur for a variety of reasons. Damaged Material This could occur during picking or it could occur during shipment Out of Specification Material This could be discovered during batch determination or by the customer. The customer may accept the material or may reject it.

It is clear that there can be many permutations of when and what problems occur. This document attempts to address the main problems, but it cannot possibly anticipate all the possibilities. Many of the remediation methods described can be extended to a wide variety of similar problems. of discovering the problem A problem can be discovered at different points in the order lifecycle and the remediation process is dependent on when in the cycle the problem is found. In Error! Reference source not found. the possible timings of discovery are laid out across the top of each page. They are listed below and remediation considerations are discussed: Ordered / Delivery not created Discovering a problem prior to a Delivery being created allows for the greatest flexibility since the order is the only thing that needs to be changed. The changes will be interfaced to the Transportation Systems and could trigger additional transportation planning activities. The Transportation Department is only notified if the changes impact the freight planning. Ordered / Delivery created In SAP a Delivery Document is created in preparation for shipping activities. While SAP is flexible and can have multiple Deliveries for one sales order, Leprino has decided to allow only one Delivery per sales order. When the Delivery is created, depending on the material and the shipping location, the system will attempt to assign batches to the delivery using the batch determination requirements interfaced to SAP from the Product Specification System through interface IN0021. In preparation for picking handling units are also assigned to the Delivery. Changes such as changing materials or changing ship-to or sold-to require the deletion of the delivery. In order to delete the delivery; the batches and handling units must be unassigned (SAP transaction - VL02N) and any unconfirmed transfer orders must be cancelled (SAP Transaction - LT15). The actual Delivery deletion is performed in transaction VL02N. Once the sales order is maintained or cancelled and a new one created, the new Delivery is created using SAP transaction VL10C. Ordered / Delivery created and picked but not shipped o Leprino owned plants Picking Process Finalizing the batch assignments in the Delivery using SAP transaction VL02N. Handling units (pallets) are assigned (VL02N) Transfer order is created (LT03). A transfer order is printed to aid in the picking process. Picking Algorithms Page 182

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One step - When materials are picked in Leprino plants the materials are ultimately moved within the Warehouse Management System to a warehouse location 916. o Two step In a two step process the pallets are first moved to an interim or staging bin location and then ultimately moved to the 916 bin location. This requires two transfer orders and these are generated by assigning the impacted pallets to groups. This is done for two reasons: Partial Pallets (Logically a two step) Pallet to Pallet transactions cannot be performed in most stocking bin locations. The full pallet is moved to the staging location and then the pallet to pallet is performed using transaction ZFWM_PTP. The parent pallet is returned to stock using the transaction ZFWM_PBSU and the child is moved to the 916 location using the second transfer order. The two step is happening logically through the ZFWM_PTP transaction. Large or complex loads most loads are picked once the truck arrives. In some cases the loads must be staged to reduce loading time when the truck arrives. o Non-radio frequency warehouses - The material is physically moved using the transfer order form and then the transfer order is confirmed using SAP transaction LT12. o In Radio Frequency locations there is an RF screen for picking that executes SAP transaction LM05, which upon RF confirmation of the pick also confirms the transfer order. Remediation Process Determination must be made of where affected material is in the process. Unconfirmed transfer orders may have to be cancelled using LT15. The transfer order can be cancelled or individual storage units can be cancelled. Wrong material or excess quantity can be returned using ZFWM_PBSU. For affected Material o Incorrect Handling Units must be unassigned (VL02N) o Incorrect Batches must be unassigned (VL02N) o Delivery Quantity maintained if necessary (VL02N) o Correct Handling Units must be assigned (VL02N) o Correct Batches must be assigned (VL02N) o Once the Delivery is correct the appropriate transfer orders must be generated using transaction (LT03) o Handling units that are already in 916 should be confirmed in LT12 o Additional picking would take place as normal. 3PL locations Picking Process Page 183 o

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Finalizing the batch assignments in the Delivery using SAP transaction VL02N whey and some cheese Handling units (pallets) are assigned (VL02N) - whey and some cheese Send EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order these are sent from the sales order and the Delivery 3PL picks and ships 3PL sends EDI 944 Warehouse Shipping Order Leprino Processes EDI 944 o Adds batches to Delivery o Adds Handling Units to Delivery o Identifies and reports on errors Errors identified could be classified into many of the problems on described in Error! Reference source not found.. Remediation Process the remediation processes are very similar to those of the Leprino plants with the exception of one point. The 3PLs are setup in the SAP system, but their storage locations are not setup as warehouse managed. Therefore transfer orders are not used. The remediation steps identified in Error! Reference source not found. that are listed in italics are related to transfer orders and picking and can be ignored for 3PL remediation. Order PGIed but not shipped In SAP, the process of performing a post good issuing (PGI) relieves the inventory from SAP and then through interface IN0018 relieves the inventory in the Legacy Systems (JDE and Finished Goods). As part of this process, vehicle and seal information is also captured. In order to fix any customer recall information for an order that has been PGIed the PGI must be reversed. The reversal can be performed in SAP transaction VL02N. Once the problems are fixed the Delivery can be PGIed again. This will generate a new COA and bill of lading. If the material has been shipped the COA and bill of lading may have to be sent to the customer. The PGI cannot be reversed if the order is invoiced. The invoice will need to be cancelled prior to reversing the PGI. Order Shipped but not Invoiced - At this point the remediation is similar to Delivery PGIed but not shipped except now the material is on the road and cant be changed. For some problems a PGI reversal is appropriate, but for others it isnt. Order Shipped and Invoiced This has several challenges and considerations o The invoice can be reversed as long as cash has not been applied. If cash has been applied, the cash will have to be reversed first. o For plant shipments the intercompany invoice will also have to be reversed. If the payable has been cleared it will have to be reversed first. o Determination will need to be made if the required changes will impact the invoice or not. If they just impact the inventory / recall information The new invoice should not be sent to the customer to facilitate this, the order should be billed manually using transaction VF01. Page 184

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The customer will pay the original invoice, so automated cash application will place the payment amount on account and this will have to be manually cleared. The entry of a return order and new order with the same materials cannot be performed due to the Legacy systems handling of the pallet information. This is often done at other companies because the return order can be applied against the new invoice and the customer will continue to pay the original invoice and will have no knowledge of the second invoice or the return order. Order shipped, invoiced and cash applied If Cash is applied then the cash must be reversed before the invoice can be cancelled. This can be complicated and will have to be coordinated with the credit department and tailored to the specific situation. o Considerations The payment may have cleared multiple invoices. The payment will have to be reversed in its entirety and then reapplied after the remediation is complete. The original payment may have triggered a residual and a dispute may have been created. Dispute will be cancelled and have to be reestablished after the problem is remediated. If the residual has been cleared then it will have to be reversed and re-done after remediation is complete. Reversal Diagrams How to use the diagrams The diagrams in Error! Reference source not found. show how to perform Sales Reversals. The timing of the identification of the problem is listed across the top of the diagram. The remediation for each category of problem is included in the shaded areas in the body of the diagram. For a particular problem, find the shaded area that describes the problem. Then find the box in the shaded area that is under the appropriate timing of when the problem was discovered. Follow the instructions in that box and then follow the arrows to the left. Perform the steps in each box until the arrows begin pointing to the right and follow the instructions in those boxes as you move to the right. Occasionally as you move to the right there may be multiple arrows. This is because the steps may be different depending on when the problem is found. As an example look at Picked Wrong Batch on the first page of Error! Reference source not found.. Under the column Delivery PGIed not shipped there are two arrows pointing from PGI Delivery. If the original was cancelled than a re-bill is appropriate otherwise an original billing is appropriate.

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Figure 51 - Sales Reversal Diagrams
Order Stage where Problem Identified To perform reversal start at stage where order is and follow arrows to the left until the end and then follow arrows to the right Ordered / Delivery not created Ordered / Delivery created Ordered / Delivery created and picked not shipped 26. Legacy Finished Goods
OTC.2 - Sales Order Interface to TMS OTC.3 - Create Delivery OTC.4 Assign Batches OTC.4 Assign Handling Units FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.5 - Pick Delivery LG0019

Delivery PGIed not shipped


Shipped not billed or shipped and billed

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Intercompany Payable Cleared 8. SAP A/P

PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

Cash Applied

21. JDE Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control



OTC.1 Enter Sales Order

38. SAP Order Entry

Plan Transportation

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

OTC.6 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

39. SAP Billing

OTC.7 - Bill the Intercompany Order

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts


OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 1st stage

62. SAP WMS 39. SAP Billing

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 2nd stage OTC.7 - Bill the Customer Order

Generic Reversal Steps by stage Maintain / Cancel and Re-enter 1) Maintain order (VA02) 2) Re-enter order (VA01) -if necessary

Delete Delivery 1) Remove Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches (VL02n) 3) Delete Delivery

Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove affected Handling Units (VL02n) if necessary 2) Remove affected Batches (VL02n) if necessary 3) Maintain Delivery change quantity if necessary (VL02n) 4) Update batch assignments if necessary (VL02n) 5) Reassigned Handling Units if necessary (VL02n) 6) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 7) Pick product if necessary (LM05) 8) Confirm Transfer Order (LT03 or LT12) 9) Put un-needed product away (ZFWM_PBSU) if necessary Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove affected Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove affected Batches (VL02n) 3) Update batch assignments (VL02n) 4) Reassigned Handling Units (VL02n) 5) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 6) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12)

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02)

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Picked Wrong Batch N/A


Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Pick / Deliver excess quantity customer will accept N/A N/A

Correct Pick Quantity stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines (if delivery is incorrect) 1) Maintain Delivery Line Quantity (VL02n) 2) Assign updated batches (VL02n) 3) Reassigned Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 5) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12)

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N) PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block (V.23) 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

See Order Shipped See Order Shipped, and Invoiced in the Invoiced and Cash Timing of Applied in Timing of Discovering the Discovering the Problem section of Problem section of the attached write up the attached write up

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Order Stage where Problem Identified To perform reversal start at stage where order is and follow arrows to the left until the end and then follow arrows to the right Ordered / Delivery not created Ordered / Delivery created Ordered / Delivery created and picked not shipped 26. Legacy Finished Goods

Delivery PGIed not shipped


Shipped not billed or shipped and billed

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Intercompany Payable Cleared

Cash Applied

21. JDE Inventory Control

23. SAP Inventory Control



8. SAP A/P
PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

OTC.1 Enter Sales Order

OTC.2 - Sales Order Interface to TMS OTC.3 - Create Delivery OTC.4 Assign Batches OTC.4 Assign Handling Units FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.5 - Pick Delivery

38. SAP Order Entry

Plan Transportation

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

OTC.6 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

39. SAP Billing

OTC.7 - Bill the Intercompany Order

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts


OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 1st stage

62. SAP WMS 39. SAP Billing

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 2nd stage OTC.7 - Bill the Customer Order

Pick / Deliver excess quantity customer will not accept N/A N/A

Correct Pick Quantity stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Maintain Delivery Line Quantity (VL02n) 2) Assign updated batches (VL02n) 3) Reassigned Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 5) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12) 6) Put Excess material away if necessary (ZFWM_PBSU) Correct Pick Quantity stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines (if delivery is incorrect) 1) Maintain Delivery Line Quantity (VL02n) 2) Maintain assigned batches (VL02n) 3) Maintain Handling Unit Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 5) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12)

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Customer Return 1) Process Return Request (VA01) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01) Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01) Work with customer to determine best way to get additional product Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Pick / Deliver under quantity customer will accept N/A N/A

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Pick / Deliver under quantity customer will not accept N/A N/A

Correct Pick Quantity stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Maintain Delivery Line Quantity (VL02n) 2) Assign updated batches (VL02n) 3) Reassigned Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 5) Pick Additional Material (LM05) RF plants 6) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12) Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches (VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add original Batches (VL02n) 2) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 3) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 4) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12) Normal Process

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N) PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Reroute Delivery Same sold-to but different ship-to Maintain Ship-to on Sales Order 1) Maintain Ship-to (VA02) Delete the Delivery 1) Delete the Delivery (VL02N) Recreate Delivery 1) Create the Delivery (VL10C)

Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01) Normal Process

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Normal Process

Normal Process

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Order Stage where Problem Identified To perform reversal start at stage where order is and follow arrows to the left until the end and then follow arrows to the right Ordered / Delivery not created Ordered / Delivery created Ordered / Delivery created and picked not shipped 26. Legacy Finished Goods
OTC.2 - Sales Order Interface to TMS OTC.3 - Create Delivery OTC.4 Assign Batches OTC.4 Assign Handling Units FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.5 - Pick Delivery

Delivery PGIed not shipped 23. SAP Inventory Control


Shipped not billed or shipped and billed

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Intercompany Payable Cleared

Cash Applied


21. JDE Inventory Control



8. SAP A/P
PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

OTC.1 Enter Sales Order

38. SAP Order Entry

Plan Transportation

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

OTC.6 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

39. SAP Billing

OTC.7 - Bill the Intercompany Order

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts


OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 1st stage

62. SAP WMS 39. SAP Billing

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 2nd stage OTC.7 - Bill the Customer Order

Reroute Delivery Different sold-to and different ship-to Recreate Sales Order 1) Cancel Original Sales Order (VA02) 2) Create New Sales Order (VA02) Delete the Delivery 1) Delete the Delivery (VL02N) Recreate Delivery 1) Create the Delivery (VL10C)

Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches (VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add original Batches (VL02n) 2) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 3) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 4) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12) Normal Process Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches (VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add original Batches (VL02n) 2) Choose batches for new material (VL02N) 3) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Pick new material if necessary (LM05 for RF plant) 5) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 6) Confirm Transfer Order (LT12) Normal Process Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches (VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add original Batches (VL02n) 2) Choose Batches for new material (VL02N) 3) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 4) Pick new material if necessary (LM05 for RF plant) 5) Create Transfer Order (LT03 or LT12) 6) Confirm Transfer Order (LT03 or LT12) 7) Put wrong material away if necessary (ZFWM_PBSU) Normal Process

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01) Normal Process Cancel Billing if necessary 1) Cancel Billing (VF02) 2) Place Sales Order on Billing Block (VA02) Rebill Delivery 1) Remove Billing Block 2) Bill Delivery (VF01) 3) Dont send invoice Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01) Normal Process Customer Return 1) Process Return Request (VA01) Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Normal Process Wrong Material Customer will Accept Maintain Sales Order 1) Reject incorrect material (VA02) 2) Add Correct Material (VA02) Delete the Delivery 1) Delete the Delivery (VL02N) Recreate Delivery 1) Create the Delivery (VL10C)

Normal Process Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

See Order Shipped and Invoiced in the Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

See Order Shipped, Invoiced and Cash Applied in Timing of Discovering the Problem section of the attached write up

Normal Process Wrong Material Customer will not accept Maintain Sales Order 1) Reject incorrect material (VA02) 2) Add Correct Material (VA02)

Normal Process Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Delete the Delivery 1) Delete the Delivery (VL02N) Recreate Delivery 1) Create the Delivery (VL10C)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

Normal Process

Normal Process

Normal Process

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Business Architecture
Order Stage where Problem Identified To perform reversal start at stage where order is and follow arrows to the left until the end and then follow arrows to the right Ordered / Delivery not created Ordered / Delivery created Ordered / Delivery created and picked not shipped 26. Legacy Finished Goods
OTC.2 - Sales Order Interface to TMS OTC.3 - Create Delivery OTC.4 Assign Batches OTC.4 Assign Handling Units FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.5 - Pick Delivery

Delivery PGIed not shipped 23. SAP Inventory Control


Shipped not billed or shipped and billed

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Intercompany Payable Cleared

Cash Applied


21. JDE Inventory Control



8. SAP A/P
PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

OTC.1 Enter Sales Order

38. SAP Order Entry

Plan Transportation

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

OTC.6 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

39. SAP Billing

OTC.7 - Bill the Intercompany Order

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts


OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 1st stage

62. SAP WMS 39. SAP Billing

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 2nd stage OTC.7 - Bill the Customer Order

Product Damaged N/A N/A

Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units for bad material (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches for bad material(VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add Good Batches (VL02n) 2) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 3) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 4) Pick replacement batches (LM05 for RF plants) 5) Confirm TO for non-RF plants (LT12) Disposition and Putaway Damaged Material 1) Disposition Material ( ZFWM_Massbatch) 2) Putaway Material (ZFWM_PBSU)

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

Damaged Product will be returned 1) Process Return Order (VA01) 2) File Freight claim if Applicable Damaged Product will be scrapped 1) Process Credit (VA01) writeoff to cost center 2) File Freight claim if Applicable

Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

Product Quality Failure- customer will not accept N/A N/A

Reverse Picking stock in warehouse bin location 916 for affected delivery lines 1) Remove Handling Units for bad material (VL02n) 2) Remove Batches for bad material(VL02n) Restore Delivery information 1) Add Good Batches (VL02n) 2) Assign Handling Units (VL02n) 3) Create Transfer Order (LT03) 4) Pick replacement batches (LM05 for RF plants) 5) Confirm TO for non-RF plants (LT12) Disposition and Putaway Damaged Material 1) Disposition Material ( ZFWM_Massbatch) 2) Putaway Material (ZFWM_PBSU)

Reverse PGI 1) Reverse PGI (VL02N)

Defective Product will be returned 1) Process Return Order (VA01) Defective Product will be scrapped 1) Process Credit (VA01) writeoff to cost center

PGI Delivery 1) PGI Delivery (VL02N) 2) Send updated documents if necessary

Bill Delivery 1) Bill Delivery (VF01)

Product Quality Failure- customer will not accept N/A N/A

Continue Processing

Continue Processing

Do Nothing

1/11/2009 4:16:31 PM

Page 189

Business Architecture
Order Stage where Problem Identified To perform reversal start at stage where order is and follow arrows to the left until the end and then follow arrows to the right Ordered / Delivery not created Ordered / Delivery created Ordered / Delivery created and picked not shipped 26. Legacy Finished Goods
OTC.2 - Sales Order Interface to TMS OTC.3 - Create Delivery OTC.4 Assign Batches OTC.4 Assign Handling Units FTS.1.0 - Material Bin To Bin T.O OTC.5 - Pick Delivery

Delivery PGIed not shipped 23. SAP Inventory Control


Shipped not billed or shipped and billed

PTP 1.0 GR-IR IDOC from intercompany billing

Intercompany Payable Cleared

Cash Applied


21. JDE Inventory Control



8. SAP A/P
PTP.2.0 Clear on Regular basis

OTC.1 Enter Sales Order

38. SAP Order Entry

Plan Transportation

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

61. SAP Delivery

30. SAP Transfers


61. SAP Delivery

OTC.6 - PGI, Load, Manifest, BOL

39. SAP Billing

OTC.7 - Bill the Intercompany Order

7. SAP A/R
OTC.12.0 Process Cash Receipts


OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 1st stage

62. SAP WMS 39. SAP Billing

OTC.5 - Pick Delivery 2nd stage OTC.7 - Bill the Customer Order

Incorrect Price Maintain Sales Order 1) Maintain Price (VA02) 2) Correct Pricing Setup (Various) Maintain Sales Order 1) Maintain Price (VA02) 2) Correct Pricing Setup (Various) Maintain Sales Order 1) Maintain Price (VA02) 2) Correct Pricing Setup (Various) Maintain Sales Order 1) Maintain Price (VA02) 2) Correct Pricing Setup (Various) Perform Invoice Adjustment 1) Process Invoice Adjustment (VA01) 2) Correct Pricing Setup (Various)

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