The Blue Ridge Echo The Blue Ridge Echo The Blue Ridge Echo The Blue Ridge Echo

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The Blue Ridge Echo . .


.. Echo. .

Official Transmitter of the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club - W4YK -

Volume 25, Number 8 August 2012

The Prez Sez Greetings all!

First let me thank every one of you for your support as my father passed away. It is always nice to have such a wonderful bunch of people around you. THANK YOU to you all! We should all remember that life is way too short and we should enjoy the most of our days as we can now, because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. So check into that Net, work that DX or contest...maybe just ragchew with an old friend, when all is said and done those are the memories we keep! Lots of opportunities upcoming for you to get active and work the airwaves a little. Solar cycle 24 isn't being of much help lately but the opportunities are there. The CQWW VHF Contest is well under way as I write this and 9N7AK (Nepal) should be on the air by the time you are reading this.CY9M (St. Paul Island) should be QRV July 26th. This is a sorta rare one, #47 on the most wanted list, so grab him for your logs!! Also if you are looking for a new challenge there will be a lot of islands activated for the annual RSGB IOTA (Islands on the Air) contest coming up July 28-29. Well, I look forward to seeing you all soon. Grab your key (or Mic, Hi Hi) and enjoy this wonderful hobby!! 73! Rusty / K4SAA

Our Next Meeting: August 7, 2012 7:00 pm


Meeting called to order on July 3, 2012 at 7:05pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, chaired by Rusty Jones (K4SSA), club President. In Attendance: 17 people signed the attendance sheet. Visitors: There were no visitors. Treasurers Report: The treasurer reported that we have a balance of $2,381.68. Public Events Bob Felt of ARES, (W4RYF) reported that the Fletcher Flyer was a success and that there were no injuries. He stressed the importance of BRARC continued participation with these community activities. As a result of our participation, sponsors of the Flyer donated $250 to the Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club as a thank you for our volunteer services! President Rusty Jones (K4SSA) suggested that we (the Club) in-turn, donate the $250 to ARES so they can update their equipment. It was moved, seconded and passed as a resolution. Gene Mathis (KG4SXE) announced that he still needed volunteers to work the Hendersonville Fourth of July Parade. He passed a sign-up sheet around the members present. Contest News Michael (AI4GR) announced the preliminary Field Day results. This years results were not as good as last years because of poor propagation. CW had twice as many contacts as HF phone! However, digital had 50% more contacts than they did last year. Go Figure. Its too early for the total results. General News Duke Knief (W4DK) announced that there is free software called RMS Express that is used by ARES. This is the software used when there is an emergency and all Hams should familiarize themselves with it. Duke also announced that there will be a training class for the Technician license offered with no tuition in September with testing on October 1, 2012. He would like several volunteers to serve as instructors. This class will meet on Wednesdays and Mondays at the ARES county offices downtown. Time is TBD. Please contact Duke for more details. HamFests The WCARS Hamfest is scheduled for Saturday, July 28, 2012. It will be held at the Haywood County Fairgrounds, in Waynesville, NC. Local address for your GPS is: 758 Crabtree Road. It starts at 8:30am and you should come early to get the bargains. Admission is $7.00 at the gate. Ten-Tec is having their Hamfest on July 28-29, 2012 in Pigeon Forge, TN. Check the Internet for details. Formal Presentation The presentation was a video presented by Duke Knief (W4DK) on the K4M Expedition to Midway Island in the Pacific. 50/50 Drawing Duke Knief (W4DK) won the drawing, once again. Refreshments: Ronnie Parham (K2SST) provided refreshments. Thanks Ronnie!! Meeting Adjourned at 8:38pm

BRARC Enjoys Field Day On Friday evening, June

22, several of us joined Danny, NA4X, to kick off Field Day 2012. His giant slingshot did its thing, and lines were soon in place so we could raise our extended 80m Zepp the next morning. Soon after an early breakfast, tent and emergency power were functional. The Zepp was joined by two Tarheel verticals along with their radials. Counting visitors, there were 45 participants. Eighteen of us operated. We energized three HF rigs and another for 6m. The latter used a 2-element quad at an elevation of about 30 feet. It was the model for our educational activity as

several members copied it on-site (quite an interesting construction project). A separate 2m station was used to send 11 NTS messages via packet. Propagation on the 10m band was poor; 15m was fair. Most contacts were on 20m, 40m, and 80m. As usual, we made quite a bit more CW contacts than phone --409 versus 283. Digital contacts were mostly on PSK-31, and totaling 54 were 50% higher than last year. Our 745 contacts gave us a claimed QSO score of 2414. Bonus points must be added to this. Well know how we compared to other clubs when the ARRL publishes nationwide results in several months.

Mark Your Calendar

11-12 12 August 18-19 August 19 August 25-26 August 1 September 2-3 September 8-9 September 8-10 September 15-16 September 15-16 September 29-30 September WAE DX Contest, CW Feld Hell Sprint, North American QSO Party, SSB Rookie Roundup RTTY Ohio QSO Party Shelby Hamfest, Dallas, NC Tennessee QSO Party WAE DX Contest, SSB ARRL September VHF QSO Party South Carolina QSO Party QCWA Fall QSO Party CQWW DX Contest, RTTY

Please notify the editor if dates change, or as new events arise.


ICOM IC-7000 HF/VHF/UHF Transceiver. Excellent condition. Not modified. Asking $1000...make an offer BIRD Model 43 Thruline wattmeter w/3 low power VHF slugs. Asking $200 ...make an offer. Duke W4DK 828-891-4359

If you have items for sale, or need something, notify the editor.

K2DRM is clear.

Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club Points of Contact

President: Rusty Jones, K4SAA - 828-674-9350

Financial Report: July 2012 Steve Smith, KC5F Balance as of 6/30/12 Plus: Deposits Less: Expenses Balance as of 7/31/12 2,381.68 279.00 460.92 2199.76
Vice President: Jonathan Williams, KF4NVX - 828-429-1007 Secretary: Doug Davis, KJ4WWN- 828-685-1291
Treasurer: Steve Smith, KC5F - 828-697-6388
Members-At-Large: Michael Parente, AI4GR 828-891-8970 Martin Harris, W4FOT - 828-891-7532 - Antennas: Walt Wernsing, KO4JN - 828-891-9956 Echo Editor: Dan Maxwell, K2DRM - 828-243-1347

Purpose: The purpose of the club is to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency, and to promote and conduct programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of amateur radio in the community. Elmers: We have many Elmers. An Elmer is a knowledgeable amateur radio operator who is willing to help new hams and students with questions or procedures and help them to understand more about the hobby. Volunteer Examinations: Every 3 months, our volunteer examiners provide an opportunity to get your amateur license or to upgrade your status. NEXT SESSION: August 11, 2012 Contact Sid, W4IOE, for details. Classes: We occasionally have classes so you can learn how to get your own amateur radio Technician class license.
Webmaster: Dick Smith, W4RSS - 828-687-9531
ARRL Emergency Coordinator: Bob Felt, W4RYF

VE Testing: Sid Hendricks, W4IOE, 828-684-8130 Membership: - Steve Smith, See above Public Relations: Dick Smith, See above Trustee: Steve Smith, KC5F - 828-697-6388

Club Information
Address: Blue Ridge Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 831, Horse Shoe NC 28742

Website: Dues: Our dues cover the period from January through December. Dues for additional related members in the same household as a Full or Associate member are one-half the applicable rate. Dues for full-time students of an accredited school are one-half the regular rate as long as student status is maintained. New members joining between July and December pay one-half the applicable rate for membership through the end of the year. This years dues are $20.00 per person; $10.00 per additional family member. Please send your renewals to: Steve Smith, 607 E Blue Ridge Rd, East Flat Rock, NC 28726 Meetings: We meet at the Stoney Mountain Activity Center at 7:00 pm on the first Tuesday of each month.

A message from the editor....... Articles and submissions for the Echo should be th sent by the 15 of each month. If you have something to add to our newsletter, send it to: Dan, K2DRM. Call me at: 828-243-1347 or E-mail me at:


Nets and On-The-Air Activities

Net BRARC Net Henderson County ARES Net High Country Swap & Rag Chew Haywood County ARC 2m Net Mount Mitchell 6m Net QCWA Chapter 76 Buncombe ARES Net Good Morning Net WCARS Info. Net 6600 Net Blue Ridge Traffic (SC) Mount Pisgah 220 Net Mount Mitchell 220 Net NC ARES Area 15 Roll Call Net Tarheel Emergency Net NC Morning Net SATERN Net NC Evening Net Carolinas Slow Net Carolinas Net (Late) Carolinas Net (Early)

Freq / PL 146.640 MHz/ 91.5 146.640 MHz / 91.5 442.225 MHz/107.2 147.390 Mhz/94.8 53.630 MHz/100 3.625 MHz (SSB) 146.910 MHz/ 91.5 146.760 MHz 146.910 MHz/ 91.5 145.190 MHz 146.610 MHz 224.260 MHz 224.540 MHz 146.640 MHz/ 91.5 3.923 MHz (SSB) 3.926 MHz (SSB) 14.265 MHz 3.923 MHz (SSB) 3.571 MHz (CW 5-8 wpm) 3.573 MHz (CW 15-18 wpm) 3.573 MHz (CW 20-22 wpm)

Day Sunday Wednesday Monday Monday Friday Saturday Wednesday M-W-F Monday Saturday Daily Sunday Monday Thursday Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Time 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:45 AM 9:00 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:45 AM 10:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 7:00 PM

If this information has changed, please contact Dan at

Club Meeting Tuesday August 7, 7:00 pm Stoney Mountain Activity Center Subsequent club meeting September 4, 7:00 pm Stoney Mountain Activity Center Henderson County ARES Training Fourth Monday of Month in the County Building 100 King Street, Hendersonville, 7pm

Find us on the web at < >

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