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Buddhism in Korea
Cedar Bough Saeji: Buddhist, Korean culture expert
This is the second part in a series looking into ance, now husband, Tibetan musician Karjam
religion in Korea. The first objective is to give ex- Saeji. After spending a year in China, she came
patriates a springboard from which you can de- back to Korea and enrolled in Yonsei’s Graduate
velop spiritually. Feature articles will examine School of International Studies. There she earned
Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, a master’s degree in Korean Studies with a focus
Judaism and Sikhism. — Ed. on Korean culture, society and religion.
“I realized I really enjoyed academia and that I
By Regina Walton wanted to perhaps have a future in academia,”
she said.
At times being a foreigner in Korea can be a lit- However, after Yonsei she took a year off to
tle challenging. There is both an immense lan- take a pilgrimage from Eastern Tibet to Lhasa
guage barrier and a cultural barrier. But once you with her husband. Because her Ph. D. focuses on
get past the culture shock, both can be overcome. Korean performance arts, when finished, she’ll
Expat Living is a section dedicated to
Cedar Bough Saeji is a good example of a for- the daily living of expatriates. It is printed have a doctorate in culture and performance with
eigner who has successfully managed to immerse on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. a focus on Korean folklore.
herself in both the language and culture of Korea. To share stories about your life abroad, “Most particularly, I like the Korean mask
send stories or story ideas to Matthew
One of the ways she did that was through the Lamers at dance dramas, but all folk performance arts are
practice of Buddhism. Submissions may be edited for length interesting to me, even court arts are fascinating.
“I feel that I became much stronger in my prac- or clarity. Preservation of traditional culture has to be done
tice after moving to Korea, and specifically I in the right way so that it’s not turned into a reen-
found the Korean Jogye-jong way of practicing actment, but is still part of Korean consciousness.
Buddhism to meld nicely with the various things I become quite distressed when I see how little
in the tradition that I had picked up on,” she said. younger Koreans — and I can’t blame very young
If you’re interested in meeting other Buddhists, Koreans, but college age Korean students —
but you do not speak Korean fluently, Cedar know about Korean traditions. Typical Korean
Bough recommends visiting one of the country’s college students may know a little about tradi-
many temples. “There are temples everywhere in tional Korean culture, but maybe they can’t even
Korea; if you go to one, you can expect to meet tie the bow on a hanbok.”
other Buddhists. You don’t need to speak Korean, Cedar Bough is a great example of how an ex-
you just need to be respectful and observe temple pat can learn more about Korean culture and the
etiquette. If you just do that, they’ll like you al- language. Her advice to others who want to learn
ready.” more is pretty straight forward: “In general, if
She also talks highly of temple stays. If expats Koreans see a sincere desire to learn about
are seriously interested in Buddhism, she recom- Korean traditions then the people that know
mends going on a temple stay program at a re- about them are very happy to teach foreigners.
mote temple. She says it’s cheap and proper in- When you sometimes get a sense that Koreans
struction is provided on how to participate in the don’t want to teach you about something tradi-
ceremony and temple etiquette. tional, it is generally when they’ve run into the
“In Seoul there are Dharma talks advertised in limit of their own knowledge and they’re embar-
the religion section of the newspaper, in English. rassed. Because how embarrassing is it to have a
There are also some temples that are being run foreigner interested in something about your own
by foreign-born abbots, or abbots that speak good culture that you do not know? So people will shut
English. If you contact the Jogye Order they will down and give a foreigner a feeling of being closed
put you in touch with everything you need,” she out.”
said. She then talked about specific places in Seoul
What is it about Buddhism that appeals to her? where expats could learn about Korean arts and
“Everything, really. My favorite sutra is per- culture. She said one of the best ways for expats to
haps that of Vimalakirti, reading it is out of this get a taste is at the National Center for Korean
world — Thurman’s translation is supposed to be Performing Arts. Twice a year they run free, or low
the best. I like impermanence and reincarnation fee, classes that give expats a chance to learn
— I like that I can keep improving myself gayageum, or janggu. “It’s a good way to get an ini-
through multiple lifetimes. I’m not a meditator. A tial idea if you’d be interested in taking it further.
lot of Westerners think of Buddhism and they im- It is free and it is on the weekends. There are ac-
mediately think of sitting meditation. That’s not tually hagwon for Korean traditional dance and
for me,” she said. music.”
“But I love bowing, prostrating, chanting. She said city governments run cultural and ed-
Right now, working on my Ph.D., I feel very con- ucational programs. She added that, while there
nected to Manjusri. It can be hard to explain but might be a language barrier for a lot of these
I feel the rightness of Buddhism inside of me as I classes, you can listen, watch, follow along and
practice. I took a three month dedicated Buddhist still learn.
pilgrimage, and I visit a lot of Buddhist sites as Cedar Bough Saeji If you’re interested in getting deeper into
part of less Buddhist focused travels — most of Buddhism, Cedar Bough said that you should
the major sites in Asia, actually. It’s also impor- terested in Korea, but had a goal of paying off stu- stick with the same temple, so that people get
tant to me that Buddhism does not negate the dent loans and a desire to see the world. “I had no used to your presence. “I think that foreigners
truth in other doctrines/religions — it is not dog- special reason to come to Korea. I had no special should know that if you go and practice respect-
matic.” previous knowledge of Korea or interest in Korea. fully in Korea, in the course of only a few visits to
Regarding English accessibility, she said you So, until I showed up, Korea was basically a a temple ... people will get used to you and wel-
probably won’t find good Dharma talks in English blank slate for me ... I found that I really loved come you. It will take longer if you skip around
near your home, “but there may be a nearby tem- Korea and I felt like it was my fate to come to and come to different services at different tem-
ple. I suggest that you read up on Buddhism at Korea and that I had been led to come to Korea ples, of course. If you live in Seoul, you should go
home and go to the temple for the uplifting feel- for a reason because I felt everything about to the 4 a.m. service at Jogyesa at least once. Resources on the Web
ing you get when you start the day with 108 Korea, even the air, which some people may com- During my M.A. in Seoul and now every summer
bows.” plain about, even breathing in the air made me when I visit Korea for research I go there as often Temple stay
I met Cedar Bough seven years ago. We were feel like I was at home. as I can.
both busy with our own things here but ended up “There was a tremendous feeling of comfort in “If your own learning has only taken you so far Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
in graduate school at international studies pro- Korea that I felt like I hadn’t experienced in oth- and you really want to go deeper, there are retreats
grams across the road from each other. I was at er places. So from the moment I arrived in Korea at several temples, including ones run in English,
Ewha Womans University and she was at Yonsei I really knew it was a good place for me to be. you can get more information at Buddhist English Library of Seoul
University. Now she’s in Los Angeles pursuing Korea has almost always treated me very well, so about those.”
her doctorate at UCLA. I have had all these amazing experiences and a Ahnkook Zen Center
Cedar Bough first arrived in Korea in 1996. lot of stuff has led me to want to stay there.”
Her reasons for coming to Korea sound similar to She left for a year in 2003 and spent time in Regina can be reached through her blog at ex-
others who’ve come: She wasn’t particularly in- China. There she was reunited with her then-fi- — Ed. Seoul International Zen Center

Lotus Lantern Buddhist Community

Benjamin Bell: U.S. Buddhist in Seoul


The Buddhist Channel

By Matthew Lamers So what was he wrong about?
“Everything and nothing,” he said. “Surprises
When Benjamin V. Bell tells people he is a constantly occur and continue to enlighten me.”
Buddhist, the reaction from most is: “Pure sur- Bell said the inner journey of constantly think-
prise, and usually laughter and smiles, because ing and checking negative thoughts struck a cord
we literally are all one in the universe (and) they with him. “Sometimes no thought is best
know that. thought,” he said.” Also, I strongly feel the
“But because I’m American, maybe they expect Buddha’s Dharma can be a mediator between
me to be like a certain outgoing cowboy from Christian crusaders and Muslim jihadists, thus
Texas who uses ‘strategery’ to become the ‘de- creating more dialogue, diplomacy, and peace in
cider,’” he said. the world.”
Being a foreign Buddhist in Korea, especially if Being from Montgomery, Alabama, it has not
you are from North America or Europe, can have always been an easy journey through Buddhism.
some tremendous advantages. Foremost is the His family are devout Christians; “they often
accessibility to temples and monks. don’t identify with thinking in terms of Dharma,”
“I wholeheartedly recommend visiting any he said, but they are understanding of his new-
temple in Korea. There are hundreds in Seoul found passion.
and thousands all over the countryside of “But like I mentioned, Jesus and Buddha prob-
Korea. Check out for a ably would be best friends since they both taught
chance to spend some time with a monk/nun,” love, peace, kindness, gentleness.”
said Bell. Being an American Buddhist in Korea, accord-
Bell points to the Buddhist English library of ing to Bell, can be challenging yet rewarding.
Seoul as somewhere to find more information He said there are some English monks around,
on Buddhism, and more specifically, Buddhism but it will take some effort to track them down.
in Korea. “The Buddhist English library of “Venerable Hyung Gak Sunim ... is an
Seoul is located near Insadong and Jogyesa American who went to Harvard and then (was)
Temple. They have a diverse and wonderful se- ordained as a monk here in Korea with the gray
lection of Dharma texts and also offer Dharma robes. Not sure where he is these days, saw (him)
talks in English from foreign sunims/monks,” on Buddhist Television Network here on Korean
said Bell. cable TV.”
Bell was first drawn to Buddhism when he was Benjamin V. Bell If it’s a foreign community of Buddhists you’re
The Buddha stands tall at
in the U.S. Peace Corps in Zambia, Africa, in after, Bell said, “Community is where you find it.”
Bongeunsa, Gangnam-gu, in Seoul.
2003. He said serendipity brought him a book His early perceptions of Buddhism, those be- He recommends Hwagyesa Temple in Seoul. The
Photo by Matthew Lamers/The Korea Herald
called “In the lap of the Buddha” by Gavin fore his time spent in Africa, were not unlike International Zen Center hosts a large gathering
Harrison, which he found in the Luapula most Westerners’. “It seemed to be all about of English speakers for meditation and Dharma
province library. “Reading it and meditating in a peace, simplicity, and kindness. I remember talks every Sunday.
mud hut with a grass thatched roof in rural studying about E.F. Schumacker’s “Buddhist Another good place to visit is Bongeunsa
Africa for two years will certainly change one’s Economics” and “Small is Beautiful” in high Temple, near COEX, southern Seoul, said Bell.
perspective — for the better.” school. (

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