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Darrieus is a type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) generator.

Unlike the Savonius wind turbine, the Darrieus is a lift-type VAWT. Rather than collecting the wind in cups dragging the turbine around, a Darrieus uses lift forces generated by the wind hitting aerofoils to create rotation.

Diesel: a petroleum-based fuel used in engines ignited by compression rather than spark. Diesel fuels are heavier and produce higher emissions than conventional gasoline. They also provide more power per unit of volume. Diesel engine: a compression-ignition piston engine in which fuel is ignited by injecting it into air that has been heated (unlike a spark-ignition engine). Digester: an airtight vessel or enclosure in which bacteria decomposes biomass in water to produce biogas. Diode: a one-way electrical gate which allows current to travel in one direction only.

Direct Current: electric current which travels in one direction only, such as that produced by a photovoltaic module or storage battery. Direct methods: techniques of solar heating in which sunlight enters a house through the windows and is absorbed inside. Direct Solar Radiation: radiation that comes straight from the sun, casting shadows on a clear day output to the energy input, often expressed in %. For example a typical solar cell has a 15% efficiency which means that 15% of the incident solar radiation on the solar cell is turned into electricity. In solar energy it pertains to the percentage of the solar energy incident on the face of the collector (glazing) that is used for space heating.

In solar application this measure pertains to the percentage of the solar energy incident on the face of the collector (glazing) that is used for space heating. Discount rate: a rate used to convert future costs or benefits to their present value. The dish/Stirling system is a renewable energy source that generates power by using parabolically arranged mirrors to reflect sunlight onto a small focal receiver, thereby heating a gas chamber connected to a piston and drive shaft. The drive shaft powers a generator which produces electricity to be distributed to a grid. Distillate oil: any distilled product of crude oil. A light petroleum product used for home heating and most machinery.

Distillation: the process to separate the components of a liquid mixture by boiling the liquid and then recondensing the resulting vapor.

Distribution: the transfer of electricity from the transmission network to the consumer. District heating or cooling: a system that involves the central production of hot water, steam, or chilled water and the distribution of these transfer media to heat or cool buildings.

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