RCI Purpose N Benefits Explained Ver1

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Rapid CEMLI Installer V 1.

A comprehensive tool to Install EBS CEMLI Objects

A Relook over Oracle EBS Customization Installation Process

Oracle EBS Customization commonly known as RICE components are some sets of program that provide an extended functionality over the standard EBS solution. Oracle calls them as CEMLI. CEMLI is a software extension framework provided in Oracle Applications. CEMLI stands for Configuration, Extension, Modification, Localization, and Integration Framework The approach usually adopted to install/deploy/host these custom objects in an EBS environment is largely a repeated and documented task. Moreover the time and effort spent by a DBA person over this monotonous yet important task has been often huge. In other words, this method has a good scope for automation. This presentation explains the effort that went behind to relook this usual method of deployment with a slightly wider perspective to make the life of the developer and the DBA better and still keep this an simple and enjoyable task. It also aims at an error free, completely automated tool considering the importance of migration of a CEMLI to an EBS environment.

Background and the Traditional Method

In the usual process, developers send the CEMLI objects along with the installation instructions to the DBA The installation instructions prepared by developer typically contains the execution commands and special instructions to DBA.
The developer usually spends around 20 minutes to prepare this for an average of 10 objects This tool though necessarily does not reduce this effort, it also has made a step to revisit this documentation step and finds a simpler alternative

The DBA follows this installation instructions for deployment.

A DBA consumes 15 minutes for the same set of objects on an average

How is this Different?

Theres a tool which does all these just by a single stroke
It makes the work of DBA and the developer much easier Its conscientious and has the intelligence to know the action to be performed

It does all these in just few seconds

The Rapid CEMLI installer(RCI) is a program that helps in deploying multiple CEMLI objects in a single go.

The CEMLI deployment includes

Backing up of an existing file. Moving to the respective custom directory. Compilation wherever applicable/required.

Versatile and needs a one-time and simple configuration performed before using it for the first time.
Suits both for R12 as well as 11i environments. This tool is built on BaSH shell scripting and could be used to deploy almost ALL CEMLI objects

Key Features
Implements almost all CEMLI objects. The exhaustive list of the supported CEMLI objects are as follows.
RDF Oracle reports FMB Oracle forms LDT -- Migrating Configurations between instances WFT Oracle workflow XML/RTF templates HOST programs (creates soft link as well) PLL - Form library CTL Data loader Control file JAVA SQL (Database SQL objects will be compiled while concurrent SQL objects will be copied into desired folder)

Key Features (Contd.)

No. of Objects isnt a constraint. More the count, More would be the benefits realized Extremely helpful for Implementation & Upgrades An Improved Process in Production Support and Maintenance projects Inbuilt Intelligence finds the right Authentication information and the Deployed instance
This helps use the same migration script to different instances

Developer still owns the compilation specifics, if he wants to dictate specific compilation instructions

Detailed logging
Helps to know the Installation status Helps troubleshoot later An acknowledgement to the Developer in a systematic form.

Automated Solution. Prevents Human Errors A better Installation Instruction documentation process. The Data file used can even go a step further to replace MD120s.

The Deployment can be triggered and left unexamined till completion. A DBA can concentrate on other activities while this is ON
Statistics in the coming slides would help understand the benefits/effort savings that we realize using RCI.

Benefit Realization Chart (Time with Deployment complexity)

Average complexity (200 objects of 5 different types)
45 Time consumption in Hours 40 35 100 Objects

Time taken for deployment

Extreme possible complexity (200 objects with 10 different types)

45 Hrs
150 Objects
200 Objects

25 20 15 10 5 0 Single Object Type 3 Different Object Types

23 Hrs

97% improvement

93% improvement

1.5 Hrs
5 Different Object Types 10 Different Object Types 10 Different Object Types (Extreme possible With RCI (Extreme possible combination) combination)

Deployment complexity in terms of Varied Object Types

Benefits Realization Chart - Explained

The graph shows the Time consumption Against Various Complex Combinations i.e. Number of objects coupled with Varied Types of Objects. The statistics derived for this chart are computed and are estimates arrived with the past experience and with the knowledge on RCI The Last set of Bars which denotes the Usage of this tool shows an extremely less time consumption with an Highly complex & Remotely possible scenario. An Average deployment (with 200 objects of 5 different types) the time taken by manual deployment is 23 hours, whereas RCI deploys them in just 1.5 hours.
Were talking about 93% improvement over the usual method It is important to note that this execution can be UNATTENDED during this course of action

The Extreme Combination, (with 200 objects of 10 different types) through the usual method takes 45 hours, whereas RCI takes just the same 1.5 hours which is a 97% improvement over the usual practice.


Some Constraints of the Current Release

RCI, at present does not support OAF customizations This release does not take backup of database objects and workflows from database.


Annexure - 1
The Input Data file

Execution Method


Annexure 1(Contd.)
Detailed log


Annexure - 2
The Readme file both in MS-Word and ASCII text file is attached for a detailed reading.


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