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Pussy Willow Series


Click for more titles from this author. copyright 2012 -disclaimerThis story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons is strictly coincidental. This title contains subject matter suitable for -adults onlyPlease ensure you are over the age of 18 years old before reading this title. Also, be sure to check the laws, in your local jurisdiction, applicable to the reading or consuming of materials intended for adults, before reading this title.

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She was curled in a ball near the foot of the bed when I entered the room. And I had wondered if she knew where she was. I mean, I knew she knew she was at the edge of a precipice as these things go in life. But her leaving the room door unlocked for me to find her like this was almost an invitation to push her to the bottom. She cast eyes on me when I entered. But that was all she gave me. Her lament didnt desist, her voice didnt stir and her body did its best to remain in that fetal-bundle as her neck craned over her shoulder to take me in. Her frame must have already been tired of this strained pose when it began to stir. Before she even sat up I read her bodys thanking her for finally moving in her eyes. And then I read a lot more. She wasnt wearing much. I soon realized she was recently the main attraction at a wedding. But how all those well-wishers would have

mourned if they had seen her as I saw her rising from what must have been her honeymoon bed. There wasnt much of her left. All the same she was almost more than my eyes could bear. My heart had long since learned to leave the mystery of strangers alone. So her sadness wasnt doing much to me at all. But her body, those thighs those eyes they had me. Youre beautiful to look at, she managed to grumble as she sat up to the edge of the bed. The lone piece of her wedding garments left draped across her like smoke shielding my eyes from her fire but exposing me to it all the same. It was hot her fire. My thought was; are you kidding? If this wasnt the classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, I dont know what it is. I had a hard time resisting her wilds calling me. I knew she was in a lot of pain. The honeymoon room said it all. But were I a weaker man, I would have

given in to it. Unequivocally, her eyes were begging me to. I let my own eyes reply for now them taking in every inch of her red skin. What a taste it must give up. Shed taken to stooping next to the chair. I thought she made a beautiful painting. Still though, the room was dank and full of all of her emotions. And I could taste her tears in the air. If her skin tasted half as good as the tears, I wanted in.. deep. We finally got down to business. Mr. Willow. Her accent was thick. Your ad said you would start immediately. Oh Ive already started, I replied immediately. I made my eyes do the once-over of her body again. Then I made them get down to business too. Am sorry Mrs.?.. Donavon, she said. Hariette Donavon. I tried to make my eyes quizzical. Id seen this kind of thing a million times. But I had to pretend each time I came across it.

Your husband just upped and disappeared? She was nodding before I was even finished. Her tears had started to flow before I had even started. And this is.. I didnt want to seem presumptuous. ..Yes! In fact, this is the morning after our wedding night. She finished the thought for me, her tears no less. Hariette Donavon would later tell me she was born in the general hospital not 3 blocks from the second floor room of the Kingston Sheraton where I first laid eyes on her. Her husband had come into town looking for opportunity some 18 and 1/2 years later. And as luck would have it, fall in love with our bride. It didnt take them another 2 months to arrange their nuptials. That made her nearly 19. I had a hard time believing this simple fact. At least my lust did. It told me she was a lot older. I had gotten tired of looking at her. Actually

I was tired of having to avoid looking at her. So, before leaving the room, I had insisted she get dressed and meet me in the bar downstairs. What did I do that for? Dressed, she was even more dynamite.. sticks and sticks of it. I was going to have a hard time with this case. Money wasnt much of an issue for Hariette. Her father was the local M.P. She had laughed at my insisting on 50 percent down as a retainer and had handed me the no-limit AMEX card and $7000 in cash. My husband has no enemies, she had then said. Not a single one. She put her hand on mine on top of the bar, and her heat rose in me like an inferno. He didnt walk away from me. I cant believe that. Youre going to have a tough time finding the culprit that took him away from me. With that she stood and backed away from our meeting. In the Negligee number she wore to our meeting, it

was probably all I could manage -to take in the view from front of her. She left her smell there at the bar -not perfume and hair-spray and bodysoap. She left that too as she backed away from me. The smell of her body though her skin, her oils and her lust stayed behind to keep me company and I let it get inside of me. What the hell did I do that for? Getting around the Harbour View shanty was easier than grating cheese. I had expected local resistance right up until Hariette told me who her daddy is. That explained the ease with which I drove around Kingstons warm streets, and I was thankful. If it wasnt this it was going to be people getting shot up. And I wasnt very much in the mood to make anybodys target practice.. at least not until I had a stab at Hariette. I might be more open to chewing lead after I had enjoyed that perfection.

Most of the locals, strangely enough, hadnt even ever heard of young Mr. Donavon. He was only a part of this urban fabric for a couple of months. All the same he must have had the blessing of the esteemed Minister of Parliament to actually have been fortunate enough to walk the isle with his the ministers daughter. Thats where I would begin.. with the wedding. I didnt know how much of a wedding there was. Hariette and I had spent more time gazing at each other than chatting up these details in our meetings to date. I was going to have to see her again. After she filled me in with the entire wedding guest list, I would have somewhere to start. On the phone she said she had given up her wedding suite on the second floor of the Sheraton for a slightly more modest one on the top floor. And as soon as I was able to break away from the lank almost blocking my retreat from the corner watering

hole, I headed that way again. Im sort of a lank myself, but this heat it gets you. The typical Jamaican rudeboy spends all day in the streets under the sun. Youre first of all going to be working with the lightening metabolism customary to the stock in these parts. Couple that with this relentless sun bathing you all day long and all youre going to end up with is black, almost coal-colored skin, and it doesnt matter how red you start out either -this over a few thin strips of well-toned muscle if that, and not much else. My breath might just as easily have pushed Mr. Lank out of my way as the .38 stuck in the waist of my Lees but I was leaning towards the latter cause you just never know. Like I said, am pretty lanky myself. As I stepped towards the lank-man like I didnt even know he was there though, he made way. His ego followed me outside of course, ready to take me on. But when I turned and our eyes met he must have either

read Hariettes daddys blessing all over me or just my haste. I wanted to get to work. I had already overstayed my visits original duration in this heat. Still I wanted to get to Hariette. I didnt know how long I would stay for that. Her door was half-open again when I knocked. And this time I understood why. All of Harbour Views doors probably stayed open for Hariette. She didnt have to close them behind her. It was like the whole city was her home. She met me coming out of the shower. She was soaking wet and dripping all over the floor of the Sheraton, and I dont mean the water. That was there too. But as she approached me, knowing what I wanted, her body getting ready to give it to me, what soaked her from head to toe was want. What came dripping from every inch of her skin was desire. And I started to undress as I crossed the room ready to soak it

all up. Our bodies met in the middle of the room, her dropping the towel she had been mopping her hair with. I took her in my arms and felt the warmth of her lust slam me. The brush of her bare breast against my torso was like being painted with silk and when I raised one hand to her bosom she grunted, releasing all that was pent up, I soon found out, for all of her life. I have never before had a man inside me, I heard her say. She could have said anything then. It wouldnt have mattered, for my ears had given way fully to those of my senses that appreciated her most. This was the body of a princess shielded her whole life, sheltered from all harm, protected in a way that to gaze upon her lain in the center of the Sheraton bed was to gaze upon perfection. I wanted then suddenly to meet her make one our flesh and skin and lust, but my eyes still hadnt finished their admiration of her, of her face so golden, so ripe with

the beauty of her womanhood, and I paused for what must have been too long to allow my eyes their full satisfaction. I could tell as I gazed into her eyes she wanted to be done with it with being pure. My every sense was from the moment she had first entered the Sheraton and laid on the bed where I first met her, her body had begun a journey into flesh desire that she had very little actual control over. The interruption of her grooms disappearance didnt halt her bodys descent into this want. And indeed nothing would until it was quenched. I took one last look at her supple breasts. The circumstances of Mr. Donavons disappearance would remain for now a mystery, but what it is to feel, to have a man inside her, as she put it, this would no longer be a question. I laid next to Hariette on the bed and she quickly rolled on top of me. One of her firm breasts met my lips its sting sending shock to me, and I held her waist firmly bracing up

into her. I felt her moisten there and give into my slow thrust. When my rod sank fully inside of her I felt her breathe on me, and tasted the salt of her skin in my mouth. I reluctantly released my lips caress of her torrid breast, rising so her ripe lips waiting there might met mine. When our lips touched I began to increase my thrusts into Hariette. And with each thrust I savoured her low moans, each one strumming my senses, her opening up more and more for each descent. The wedding was small. Hariette told me she had chosen it this way. Of the 63 guests, 60 were either family or personal friends of hers and Hariette had no reason to suspect any capable of ruining her wedding night. The remaining 3 were strangers to her. At the very last minute, as she arranged seating for the reception, Mr. Donavon had asked her to make room for the 3 sudden guests. The groom had

insisted the 3 were God-family able to make it to town for the quick wedding, and she had seated them with the wedding photographer and Master of Ceremonies. She told me she wanted me to start there. The sudden guests hadnt sat well with her. She felt her husbands demeanor had changed after their arrival and she was sure this would lead me to her Mr. Donavon. I agreed. I had been doing this kind of work for so long to know to expect the unexpected, but the client was always right. And I also knew well enough to maintain this perception. I made a short list of the 3 names the mystery guests had provided and parted ways with Mrs. Donavon satisfied we had given into our mutual desire, but still undone as these things go. Generally when you meet a woman this good, this perfect, you will typically never reach the plateau of all you want to do to her, all your lust wants to be to her.

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