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Subject: Dems Group Picks Candidates Who Will Best Serve All Citizens in Okaloosa County Date: 8/2/12

1:30:13 AM From: "Okaloosa Democrats" To:

News from t he Okaloosa Democrats A Strong Democratic Party Turnout on August 14th Signals A New Direction for Okaloosa County An open letter to members of the Democratic Executive Committee and Democratic voters The August Universal "Open" Primary is giving registered Democrats the rare opportunity not only to vote in a "Republican Primary" but also to make the difference in county politics for the next four years. As required by an amendment to the State Constitution, whenever there is no challenger from the opposite party in the General Election, the Primary will be open to all voters regardless of party, and the winners in the Primary will become the elected officials. We can't afford to waste this opportunity! Your vote will help Democrats maintain a presence as a party and have a voice in County politics. Because there are two Democratic candidates on the ballot for US Senate, as chair of the DEC, I cannot recommend either of those candidates in a primary election nor can I advocate for a Republican candidate. However, as a private citizen, I have joined with a group of other Democrats who are concerned for the future of our county and have decided to speak out. After listening to the Republican candidates who have spoken at gatherings of Democrats, reading their literature, and discussing their merits, the group has determined that Steve Menchel for Sheriff, Mary Beth Jackson for Superintendent of Schools, Bill Roberts for Tax Collector, Nathan Boyles for County Commissioner District 3, and Felix Beukenkamp for County Commissioner District 5 are the most non-partisan candidates who will best serve all the citizens in our County. We recommend them to you for your consideration. You may or may not agree with our choices. The important thing is that you vote! If you have not made up your mind, I urge you to attend the Poquito Bayou Community Association's Candidate Forum starting at 6:15 p.m. Thursday, August 2, at the Bob Hope Village Community Ballroom, Shalimar and/or the NAACP Candidate Forum in Crestview on August 7, at the Warrior's Hall Auditorium starting at 6:00 p.m. Listen to what candidates are saying and let them know that as a Democrat you and other Democrats will be voting.

There are 26,640 registered Democrats in the county. When we vote, the citizens of Okaloosa County will know that there is a Democratic voting base and a chance for a healthy two-party system. It might even bring the Democrats in hiding out into the open, RINOs back into the Party and more Democratic candidates for public office. Additionally, a strong Democratic turnout in this primary will signal support to the Democratic candidates on the General election ballot (President Barrack Obama, Jim Bryan US HD 1, Ron Connor County Commissioner District 1) that there is a Democratic voting base in Okaloosa County that can put them into office. If the Republican Party has its way, this may be the last Universal Primary we will have. Let's not waste this chance. Mail in your absentee ballots. Early voting is August 4-11. Election day, August 14, is less than two weeks away. Vote! Jerry Mallory, DEC Chair Facebook - Twitter - @okaloosadems Contacts: Okaloosa Democrats Website - Okaloosa Democrats Club Headquarters - 60 Second St., Unit 305, Shalimar, (850) 609-DEMS Okaloosa Democrats General Information - Democratic Executive Committee - FDP State Committeeman - FDP State Committeewoman - Democratic Women's Club - Young Democrats - Democratic Black Caucus - Okaloosa Democrats Club - 2012 Election Campaign Committee - Hootnanny Social Club - Okaloosa Democrats Club Bettie Lehr
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