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SECTION A Each question in this paper is followed by three or four possible answers.

Choose the best answer from the answers marked A, B, and C or A,B C and D. Then, on your answer sheet, blacken the answer that you have chosen.

Questions 1 - 4 Choose the best words to fill in the blanks below.

Uncle Siva is a farmer. He has a vegetable ________

behind his house. He grows many kinds of vegetables like tomatoes, ___________

and long beans. Every morning, he __________

the plants and pulls out the weeds. After that, he _________

the vegetables to sell them.

1. a. farm b. field c. area d. garden 2. a. carrots b. capsicums c. cabbages d. cauliflowers

3. a. cleans b. waters c. pours d. picks

4. a. picks b. cuts c. arranges d. pulls

Questions 5 - 7 Choose the best phrase to complete the sentences below.

5 Arun saw _________ kittens under the table. a. a bundle of b. a swarm of c. a litter of d. a bale of

6. The room is _________ ice because it is winter season. a. as white as b. as cold of c. as clear as d. as cool as

7. The children ____________ in the playground. a. played noisily b. slept soundly c. swam quickly

Questions 8 10 Choose the best sentence that describes each picture.

8. a. Pak Karim is sitting on the coconut tree. b. Pak Karim is watering the coconut tree. c. Pak Karim is climbing the coconut tree. d. Pak Karim is chopping the coconut tree.

9. a. A cat is eating the fishmongers fish. b. A cat is watching the fish at the fishmongers stall. c. A fishmonger is watching the cat.

10. a. A doctor uses chalk to write on the blackboard. b. A teacher uses chalk to write on the blackboard. c. A cobbler uses chalk to write on the blackboard. d. A pilot uses chalk to write on the blackboard.

SECTION B Questions 11 -15 Look at the pictures below carefully. Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the picture.


A. B. C. D.

Where did I put the tickets? Its showing in Golden Screen Cinema. I dont like this movie. Sure. What time is the show?


A. B. C. D.

How are you going home? Can I borrow your umbrella? Can I wait here with you? Are you going home in the rain?


A. B. C. D.

What is your hobby, Lisa? I like your collection. Where do you keep your stamps? How much do you spend on your stamps collection?


A. B. C. D.

Id be glad to. Oh, how kind of you. When will he joining you? What are you doing now?


A. B. C. D.

Its my birthday gift for you. You have a motorcycle. It needs to be cleaned. You must take good care of it.

SECTION C Questions 16 19 Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences. 16. Miss Tan ________ not like sewing but she _______ cooking. a. b. does..likes c. d. do..likes

17. Siti sat _______ a shady tree and rested for a while. a. in b. under c. along d. from

18. Who is _______, Mr Rao and Mr Ching? a. old b. older c. oldest d. very old

19. The fisherman _________ a lot of fish this morning. a. caught b. catch c. catches d. catching

Questions 20 -21 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined.

20. Jennys mum drives carefully. a. clumsily b. lazily c. recklessly d. neatly

21. We must be rude to others. a. bold b. brave c. polite d. humble

Questions 22 23 Based on each picture , chose the answers with the correct spelling. 22. A. photo B. fotop C. potograph D. photograph


A. baby B. baboes C. babies D. babys

Questions 24 25 Choose the sentences with the correct punctuation.

24. A. Mrs.Ooi bought a flight ticket to new zealand last Saturday. B. Mrs.Ooi bought a flight ticket to New zealand last Saturday. C. Mrs.Ooi bought a flight ticket to New Zealand last Saturday. D. Mrs.Ooi bought a flight ticket to new zealand last Saturday

25. A . hello , may I speak to Jason,please ? B . Hello , may I speak to jason,please ? C . Hello , may I speak to Jason,please ?

Questions 26 30 Look at the picture and read the passage carefully. Based on the picture and the and the passage, fill in the blanks. You must write only ONE word for ONE blank.

Yesterday, while Mandy was walking home from a shop, he saw (26) --------------------- old man crossing a road. The old man ( 27) --------------------blind. He (28) --------------------------- very sorry for the old man. He (29)------------------------- the old man to cross the road safely. The old man (30)--------------------him for his kindness. 26. A. an 27. A. was 28. A. is B. the B. the B. felt C. a C. is C. feels D. D. are D. are

29. A. carry 30. A. thanked

B. helping B. thanks

C. helped C. thanking

D. helps D. think

Questions 31 -35 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

251, Jalan Kedidi 2 Taman Paroi Jaya, 70400 Seremban. Negeri Sembilan. 26th June 2012. Dear Mariam, Im sending you a copy of our class bulletin The Millennia for your reading pleasure. It is our class first edition produced by group Bestari. During our assembly last Monday; seven boys from our class in their colorful shirts marched in with our giant class bulletin. Everyone was shocked to see the giant class bulletin. Then our class teacher said a few words about it. Later our headmaster was invited to give a speech. He announced the launching of the Class Bulletin Project in our school. He then cut a big ribbon hanging on the giant class bulletin. Everybody clapped in joy. I will never forget this moment. Mariam, I do hope you will enjoy reading the bulletin. Youll find my short essay and my riddles in it. My class monitor wrote four poems dedicated specially to our class teacher and our headmaster. Hope to hear from you soon. Send my regards to aunt Liza and uncle Jafar. Bye. Yours sincerely, Amy.

31. The ceremony was about? A. cutting a big ribbon B. the class project C. the launching of a class bulletin D. writing essays and poems

32. The word it in the second paragraph refers to A. the project B. the class bulletin C. the giant class bulletin D. the big ribbon

33. The headmaster launched the ceremony by A. giving a speech B. cutting the big ribbon C. giving away the class bulletins to the pupils D. writing a poem and essay in the class bulletin

34. From the letter we know that; A. Liza is in year six. B. The class teacher cut the big ribbon. C. The boys were Lizas classmates. D. The pupils were given a copy each.

35. The Millennia was produced by A. the school boys B. the pupils in Lizas class C. the teachers D. the project class

Questions 36 40 Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Sheila was looking at the photo album. When she turned to the last page she saw a picture of a Malay wedding. At once she remembered the night when her best friends brother, Ahmad got married few years ago. On that night the house was filled with excitement. Sheila enjoyed the moment when the bride and bridegroom sat together on the pelamin. According to her friend they called it bersanding. Each guest received a beautiful bunga telor. Sheila helped Ani to give them away to the guests. The children were given a box each filled with sweets. The life band was invited to cheer the day. Later a group of beautiful dancers performed a traditional dance. The food and drinks were served under four big tents in front of the house. It was such a grand celebration. The guests went home at midnight. Sheila knew that now the couple has three children. She smiled to herself and closed the album.

36. Sheila remembered Ahmads wedding when A. she read the magazine. B. she looked at the photo album. C. she remembered her friend Liza. D. Liza sends her a photo of her brother

37. Sheila enjoyed the moment when A. a group of dancers performed a traditional dance B. she help Ani to give away the bunga telor C. the life band cheer the day D. the couple sat on the pelamin stage

38. From the passage we know that A. Liza and Sheila were classmates. B. The guests were given a box of sweet each. C. Sheila helped to clean the house after the ceremony. D. Ahmad now has three children.

39. The children were very happy because A. they received a box of sweets each. B. they were served under the tent. C. they were given a bunga telor each. D. they performed the traditional dance.

40. Which title would best suit the passage? A. A photo album B. My Classmate C. A Grand Wedding D. A Memorable Occasion

Prepared by; English Panel 2012 SJKT GELANG PATAH

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