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School Grade Subject Semester Competence Standard : : : : : SMP 1 Kudus VII (Seventh) English 1 (First) Listening 1. To understand the meaning of simple conversation for both interpersonal and transactional purposes interactively and noninteractively, in formal and informal condition to communicate with the nearest environment and or in academic context. Speaking 3. To express meaning in simple conversation for interpersonal and transactional formally and informally to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.
Main Material Learning Activities
To ask and answer

Basic Competence 1.1. To understand correctly ,and efficiently the explicit meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal conversation, which contain greeting, introduction, command or prohibition, request and giving information, gratitude, apologizing and politeness expression.

Character Building Habit forming in: - Curiosity - Attentiveness - Thinking logical - Politeness - Self confidence

Indicators To respond the expressions of:

Greeting to


Assessment Forms of Instrument Respondi ng spoken expressions

Example of Instrument



A: Good morning. How do you do? B: How do you do? A: Hi Stella. How are you? B: Im fine, thanks. A: Whats your name please? B: My names Danny Lukito A: Hello, Im Mrs. Clark. B: Nice to meet you Mrs. Clark. A: Write your name. B: No problem. A: Dont sit down.
B: No, I wont.

about things related to the material


To discuss

vocabularies and linguistic structure related to greeting, introduction, giving command or prohibition conversations related to greeting, introduction, giving command or prohibition questions.

To listen to

the known/unkno wn people Selfintroduction or other people introduction Command Prohibition

Listen to the questions and answer. A: Whats your full name? B:

4 x 40

START, Book 1, cassette and tapescri pts

relevant sources

To answer/respond

3.1 To express meaning with simple spoken language accurately fluently and acceptable in transactional and interpersonal conversation. Habit forming in: - Curiosity - Attentiveness - Thinking logical - Politeness - Self confidence

A: Hello. How are you? B: Im fine, thanks.

A: Hello,, my names Janet Gibson.

B: Hello, Im Budi WIjaya. Nice to meet you. A: Goodbye B: Goodbye. A: See you tomorrow. B: OK, see you. Bye. A: Open you book. B: OK.

1. To ask and answer about things related to the material. 2. To repeat the expressions of greeting, self introduction and its respond. 3. To discuss vocabularies and linguistic structure related to the material. 4. To practice conversation in the form of dialogue. 5. To use expressions in conversation related to the material and the real situation.

To express various speech act: of: Greeting and parting Selfintroduction Commanding prohibition

perform ance

Role play


Recorded document

Perform the dialogue in front of the class. With a friend, record your dialogue on your personal portfolio cassette and keep the cassette in your portfolio.

4 x 40

START, Book 1, cassette and tapescri pts Other relevant sources

Basic Competence
1.2. To understand correctly ,and efficiently the implicit meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal conversation, which contain greeting, introduction, command or prohibition, request and giving information, gratitude, apologizing and politeness expression.

Character Building
Habit forming in: - Curiosity - Attentiveness - Thinking logical - Politeness - Self confidence

Main Material
A: Whats this? B: Its a camera. A: Wheres my pen? B: Its on the desk.. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome. A: Would you turn on the light, please? B: Sorry, it doesnt work. A: Can you say that again, please? B: Yes, of course.

Learning Activities
1. To listen and respond introduction about asking and giving information, thanking, apologizing, and expressing politeness 2. To pay attention to vocabularies and linguistic structure that may exist in listening to the topic of the material 3. To listen to conversations about asking and giving information, thanking, apologizing, and expressing politeness 4. To listen to gambits in the conversation material. 5. To answer/respond questions based on the material being listened to.

To respond the following expressions: request and giving information thanking gratitude apologizing politeness

Spoken test

Assessment Forms of Example of Instrument Instrument

Responding questions/ spoken expressions Listen to the questions / expression and give your answer / response.

4 x 40


FL YING START, Book 1, cassette and tapescript s


Written test


Listen to the questions / expressions and complete the sentences. A:

relevant sources

3.2. To do

Habit forming

A: What does he

To listen and give respond to the

To respond the following


Perform the

Perform how

4 x 40


communication with the nearest environment and/or in academic context by greeting known/unknown people, self/other people introduction and commanding or prohibiting accurately, fluently and acceptable.

in: a) riosity b) c) d) e) f)

Cu Att entiveness Th inking logical Cri tical thinking Se lf confidence Cr eatively and innovatively

look like? B: He is handsome A: how is your school? B: It's clean and big

A: Would you help me repair the computer, To apply the Ed? speech acts taught by B: Sure the teacher with friends. A: Thanks a lot To apply the B: You're welcome speech acts taught by A: I'm sorry B: Never mind

introduction of speech act in the material. To pay attention to the explanation about vocabularies and linguistic structure that may exist in the speech act related to the material. To listen to the model of conversation using speech acts related to the material.

expressions: a. r equest and giving information b. hanking c. ratitude d. pologizing e. oliteness t g a p


instructions Recorde Voice

to use your camera Record your instructions on your personal portfolio cassette and keep the cassette in your portfolio.


YING START, Book 1, cassette and tapescript s Ot her relevant sources

the teacher with free variation or possibilities.

3.3. To express meaning with simple spoken language accurately fluently and acceptable in transactional and interpersonal conversation to communicate with the nearest environment and or in academic context involving the speech act of asking and giving information, thanking, gratitude,

Habit forming in: - Curiosity - Attentivene ss - Thinking logical - Critical thinking - Self confidence - Creatively and innovatively - politeness

A: Where are the pictures?

B: Theyre on the wall. Talking about classroom A: There isnt a whiteboard, there is a blackboard. B: Yes, and there arent any board pens but there are some pieces of chalk. A: Here you are.

1. To listen and give respond to the introduction of speech act in the material. 2. To pay attention to the explanation about vocabularies and linguistic structure that may exist in the speech act related to the material. 3. To listen to the model of conversation using speech acts related to the material. 4. To apply the speech acts taught by the teacher with friends. 5. To apply the speech acts taught by the teacher with free

To ask and answer about various things: asking and giving information thanking apologizing politeness

Spoken test

Question and Answer

Ask and answer questions to your friends based on the situation given or picture

4 x 40

Script of conversation Text book containing conversation Visual aid

Performanc e

Role-play Question and Answer Role-play Perform a role play with your friend about asking and giving information

apologizing and politeness expression.

B: Thank you. A: Oh, Im terribly sorry. B: Thats okay. A: Could you lend me your pen? B: Sure.

variation or possibilities.

Competence Standard : Listening 2. To understand the meaning of simple, short oral functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context. Speaking 4. To express meaning in simple ,short oral functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.
Basic Competence 2.1. To understand correctly the explicit meaning of oral functional text to Character Building Main Material
Short functional texts. Examples: 1. Do what you hear from
the cassette:

Learning Activities
1. To ask and answer about things related to the material 2. To discuss vocabularies and linguistic structure: verb phrases related

To respond the meaning in short functional text in the forms of: Instruction List of

Written test

Assessment Forms of Instrument

Multiple Choice

Example of Instrument
Listen to the dialogue or expression or text and choose the right


Script of spoken short functional text from the text book Script of

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking

6 x 40

- Touch your eyes

communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context

logical Critical thinking Self confidence

- Look at your friend

- Keep closed ! 2.Things to buy - Sugar - Flour - Meat - Butter 3.Congratulations ! -Well done ! 4.Announcement ! School will close tomorrow since its the Ied day. Functional Texts : Instruction Shopping list Greeting Card Announcement

to instruction, congratulating; noun phrases related to the list of goods 3. To listen to conversations related to the material 4. To answer/respond the questions about the conversation structure

things/goods (Shopping list) Congratula ting Announce ment


spoken short functional text from the daily life Recorded material (cassettes, CD, VCD, film)

4.1 To

express idea by simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in short functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking logical Critical thinking Self confidence Creatively and innovatively

1. To ask and answer about things related to the material. 2. To repeat the expressions related to the material. 3. To discuss vocabularies and structure of conversations. 4. To practice , announce briefly 5. To use the expressions in the conversation, give command, congratulate in a real situation

1. To give instruction 2. To mention list of things 3. To congratulate 4. To announce briefly

Spoken Test

To write based on pictures

Give an instruction based on the picture shown!

6 x 40



Inform your friend about the coming flag ceremony through an announcement

Basic Competence 2.2.To

understand correctly the implicit meaning of oral functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.

Character Building
Habit forming in:
Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking logical Critical thinking Self

Main Material
Short Functional Texts :

Learning Activities
1. To listen and respond introduction about implicit meaning in the expressions of short functional texts of instruction, shopping list, greeting card, announcement. 2. To pay attention to vocabularies and

To identify the meaning of ideas in the short functional spoken texts in the form of: - Instruction - Shopping list - Greeting card - Announcement - letter

Spoken test

Assessment Forms of Example of Instrument Instrument

Questions list Listen and answer the questions orally! Listen and mention as many shopping list items as you can remember

6 x 40

Script of spoken short functional text from the text book Script of spoken short functional text from the daily life

Instruction Shopping list Greeting Card Announcement letter



linguistic structure that may exist in the expressions of short functional texts of instruction, shopping list, greeting card, announcement implicitly in 3. To listen to short functional spoken texts related to the topic

Written test


Listen and fill in the blank spaces Write down T/F for the statements Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c, or d Match the statements in list A and B Listen the instruction and do it ! a. Give instruction to your friend based on the picture. b. Mention the things that you find in your bedroom c. Congratulat e your friend on his / her success in doing something d. Tell your friend about the coming school holiday e. Tell your 6 x 40

Recorded material (cassettes, CD, VCD, film)


Multiple choice


Performanc e

Respond of action

4.2 To express attitude, feeling by simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in short functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking logical Critical thinking Self confidence Creatively and innovatively

Functional texts in the form of: - instruction - shopping list - greetings - announcement - a letter

1. To listen and respond to introduction of ideas in short functional spoken text related to the material to be given 2. To listen and give respond of explanation to vocabularies, linguistic structure: noun, noun phrase, adjective, verb. adverb short answer, special terms in short functional text 3. To listen to the model of short functional texts. 4. To use short functional texts in simulation.

1. To give instruction orally 2. To mention a list of goods needed 3. To congratulate 4. To announce something 5. to tell about something

Spoken test


Script of short functional text Text book Visual aid Recorded material in cassettes, CD, VCD, film

5. To identify the meaning of ideas in short functional spoken texts. 6. To answer questions about the meaning of ideas in short functional text orally.

friend about your wonderful holiday

Competence Standard : Reading 5. To understand meaning in simple short writing functional text this relates to the nearest environment and/or in academic context. Writing 6. To express meaning in short, simple writing functional text to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic text.
Basic Competence Character Building Habit forming in: Main Material Learning Activities
1. To listen to the model of aloud reading

1. To pronounce words, phrases and sentences

Performanc e test

Assessment Forms of Instrument

Aloud reading

Example of Instrument
Read the sentences aloud!


Text book

5.1 To

understand correctly and

Pronunciation of words and intonation\

8 x 40

efficiently the meaning which is expressed explicitly in short functional text relates to the nearest environment and/or in academic context. 6.1 To express the information in simple, short writing functional text accurately, sequenced and acceptable to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context

Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking logical Critical thinking Self confidence

Phrase, The sentence learned Vocabularies related to the material Vocabularies on Science and Match

2. To repeat aloud reading with the right intonation and juncture according to the model. 3. To read loudly with the correct pronunciation, intonation and juncture.

correctly 2. To read phrases and words with the correct intonation 3. To read aloud correctly

Authentic text Observation Observation sheet Read the all the sentences loudly and carefully.

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss Thinking logical Critical thinking

1. Short functional texts in the form of: - Instruction - List of goods - Greeting cards - Announcement - letter 2. Simple sentences related to the material or type of text.
Description of someone or something Simple poem/ song Notice

1. To discuss the linguistic characteristics of short functional text 2. To make phrases, sentences related to the material To make short functional text

1. To complete short functional text 2. To arrange words/order of words into meaningful sentences To write short functional texts

Written test


Complete the 8 x 40 blank spaces of the following text! Arrange the jumbled sentences in a good order Make a greeting card (choose the topic)

Arranging sentences

- Self confidenc e
Character Building

Written test


Basic Competence

Main Material
Short functional texts in the form of: - Instruction - List of goods - Greeting cards - Announcement - letter Simple sentences related to the material or type of text. - Description of

Learning Activities
1. To ask and answer about things related to the material 2. To repeat aloud reading 3. To identify information in the reading material 4. To discuss vocabularies, sentence structure and

1. To identify various information in the short functional texts: - Instruction - List of goods - Greeting cards - Announcement 2. To identify the linguistic characteristics of the text that has

Written test

Assessment Forms of Instrument

Multiple choices

Example of Instrument


- Text book - The other relevant reading material

5.2 To

understand correctly and efficiently the meaning which is expressed implicitly in short functional text relates to the nearest environment and/or in academic

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss

- Thinking logical - Critical thinking - Self confidenc

Completing sentences/ phrases Answering questions

- Read the 10 x40 announcem ent loudly and communica tively! - Complete the noun phrases stated in the sentences


someone or something - Simple poem/ song - notice

reading structure

been read

below! - Answer the questions based on the text!

6.2 To express the idea in simple, short writing functional text accurately, sequenced and acceptable to communicate with the nearest environment and/or in academic context.

Habit forming in:

Curiosity Attentivene ss

- Thinking logical - Critical thinking - Self confidenc e

Short functional texts in the form of: - Instruction - List of goods - Greeting cards - Announcement - letter Simple sentences related to the material or type of text. - Description of someone or something - Simple poem/ song - notice

Steps of rhetoric of short functional text

Structure recognizing inductively: simple present tense simple past tense simple continuous tense simple future tense quantifiers singular/ plural countable/ uncountable

1. To listen and respond the explanation about the characteristic of short functional text 2. To arrange words into noun phrase 3. To arrange words, phrases into meaningful sentence. 4. To identify the characteristic of short functional text with the help of the teacher 5. To identify the characteristic of short functional text independently 6. To complete short functional text with the correct structure 7. To write short functional text.

1. To write short functional texts 2. To use steps of rhetoric in writing short functional texts

Written test

Completing Essay

Complete the blank spaces of the short text. Write down announcem ent based on the given situation Go to public places and find at least 10 written short texts Make a list of things you find in the following places : 1. bedroom 2. bathroom 3. kitchen

10 x 40

Text book Visual aid Authentic announce ment, instruction, list of things, greeting card



Kudus, July 13th 2010 Approved by The Principal of SMP 1 Kudus Teacher,

H. Oky Sudarto, S.Pd NIP. 19571016 197803 1 002

Nurul Azkiyah, S.Pd NIP. 19860530 200903 2 010

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