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Product Positioning Decision In 1977, Dr. Sharma floated a company in the name of Health Beverages Private Limited. To have a unit of his own has been one of his cherished dreams. He was a very ambitious and dynamic person. After finishing his Ph.D. in food technology and nutrition from a reputed university in U.S.A., he worked for five years in health beverage industry as Research and Development Manager. His family consisted of his wife and three children. As his children were attaining the schooling age, he thought that he should settle in his home country and with this objective he returned to India in late 1976. Dr. Sharma consulted the Directorate of Industries and Commerce and expressed his desire of starting a unit to produce a health beverage. He received considerable support from the Directorate and he was advised to start the unit in an industrially backward area where several incentives were available to small scale units with his own savings and contributions of his relatives and close friends he was able to float the unit in early 1977. The Health Beverage Market Dr. Sharma studied the Indian Health Beverage market and found that a number of brands existed in this market. He classified all the popular brands into two categories white and brown beverages. Indian Health Beverage Market

White Beverages Horlicks Complan Viva

Brown Beverages Bournvita Boost Nutramul Cadbury's Drinking Chocolate

Apart from color, the beverages differed on many other dimensions like taste, flavor, energy giving, etc. Health Beverages were used by a variety of people, e.g., growing children, old-age persons, pregnant women, lactating mothers etc., for uses such as nourishment, milk-substitute, supplementary diet, convalescence, post-operative diet etc. On studying the market for its size, growth rate, profitability etc., Dr. Sharma found that it offered an attractive opportunity. He was, however, concerned about the competition that already existed in this market. He felt that in order to succeed it would be important very to introduce a product with the right mix of characteristics, not offered by existing products in the market. There were a number of questions that concerned him, the more important among those being: a) Is there an opportunity for a new brand in the health beverage market?

b) How many brands exist in the health beverage market and to what extent the consumers of various brands, in this market, are getting their desired characteristics in the brands? c) Is there any gap between the benefits desired and the benefits obtained by the consumers of various brands? d) What are the extraneous factors that influence the consumer usage of a particular health drink? e) To what extent doctors' recommendation/prescription influence the use of a particular health drink? Dr. Sharma approached the marketing faculty of a leading institute of management (LIBA!) with these questions. At the institute, a group of students was assigned to study the Health Beverage project as a part of their course work. The project group had concluded that an opportunity existed for a new health beverage brand which is seen by prospective consumers as a complete food providing health care, which has a chocolate flavor and cocoa or milk taste, and is easily soluble. According to the group, such a drink being close to the ideal of consumers and designed to meet unsatisfied desires, could possibly sell very well. Dr. Sharma was thinking about the recommendation made by the group. He was wondering whether the methodology used by the group was sound and whether he should design a product based on these findings. He knew that it was very important to position the product right. The success of his company, he felt, depended on successful positioning of his brand. Questions for Discussion a) Does the project report answer the questions Dr. Sharma had in mind about the Health Beverage market? b) Is there an attractive opportunity available for the Health Beverage market? What positioning would you recommend for HBPL's product? c) Evaluate the project report in terms of its a. approach, b. methodology, and c. conclusions


Product Positioning Decision Appendix Project on Health Beverage Market Introduction The main aim of our project is to find opportunity for a new brand in the Health Drink market. There are various brands available in the health beverage market, having various unique selling propositions. Our report is presented in the following parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Methodology Benefit Structuring Perceptual Mapping Major Findings Conclusions/Recommendations

1. Methodology: In view of the objective of locating new brand opportunities in the health beverage market we have used two techniques to reach the objective, namely Perceptual Mapping and Benefit Structuring. The methodology followed is described below: a. Initially, some preliminary interviews were conducted with a few retailers, wholesalers and consumers. This was done to understand the health beverage market, the pattern of usage of various brands etc. To understand the price-sensitiveness of demand, consumers from various income groups were interviewed. Besides, it was desired to find out what other drinks, were frequently/regularly used other than health beverages. The initial survey data provided us sufficient input to design a structured questionnaire which was used for data collection, and in gaining a general understanding of the market, buyer preferences, and the decision making units for the purchase of health beverages. As mentioned earlier the data collection for our analysis was done through structured questionnaire (Exhibit 1). The number of respondents chosen was 40, which included lower, middle and upper income groups.
b. Application of Techniques

The techniques used were perceptual mapping and Benefit Structuring. For perceptual mapping, we had obtained similarity data. (Refer to Exhibits II, IIIA,B,C,D,E).

Here a maximum of 9 brands were used inclusive of one Ideal brand and in the form of triads, we had a total of 84 combinations. Then with the similarity data, we used multi dimensional scaling to obtain maps on important dimensions. With these perceptual maps, the gaps in the region around the ideals brands were located. These gaps, between the ideal and the other brands, represented opportunities to position new brands. By using benefit structuring we are again locating gaps for positioning new-brands from the data about desired and actual benefits. These gaps again provide opportunities to new brands, for example, if a particular benefit is desired more, but is received less in the brands used, then an opportunity exists where one can formulate a product, with this increased benefit offered. Likewise, a mix of benefits could be blended, in a manner satisfying consumers, keeping in view the constraints in product formulation. c. Besides positioning new product/brands, repositioning of the existing brands is also possible with the help of these methods. Apart from this, we also made a study to understand the occasions for which the various brands have been used. We also probed into reasons for switching of brands by users, or for continuing with a particular brand. We also examined the proposition that a doctors prescription habits/recommendation of the brand had a major influence on the usage of the brands by the consumers. This proposition was tested out during our study. The data regarding type of users, extent of influence by doctors on the users etc., were primarily collected to broaden the scope of our project. d. Sample Design To facilitate a representative sample for our study, we made a preliminary study of the type of users, their income categories and their preferences and perceptions of the brands. From this study we found that health beverages are used not only in middle-income and high-income groups but also in the low-income group. We, therefore, decided to choose a sample covering all the income groups. 2. Benefit Structure Analysis The various benefits derived from the preliminary interviews were used to design the questionnaire and collect data needed for this analysis. Please refer to items No. V and VI of the questionnaire (Exhibit II). The list of nine benefits used is given in the questionnaire. The data about the degree to which each benefit was desired and received were collected on a four-point scale. Two-dimensional tables of the degree to which each benefit was desired and the extent to which it was received are enclosed in Exhibit II. The analytical results are also given besides each table. Analytical indicators developed were: average deficiency, average positive deficiency and proportion with positive deficiency. Positive deficiency represents the extent to when a benefit obtained falls short of the desired level. Negative deficiency represents the extent to which a benefit is obtained over and above the desired level. Average deficiency is the simple weighted average of both positive and negative deficiencies.

In our opinion for most of the benefits, the positive deficiency scores are more important than the average deficiency scores. If there is over-satisfaction on certain benefits the product need not have the characteristics that are expected to serve the benefits to such an extent. Proportion with positive deficiency indicates the percentage of persons who are not satisfied with the extent of benefit offered by the existing products. This is a more useful piece of information to management because this provides an indication of the proportion of market that is not satisfied on a given benefit. Exhibit III depicts the average positive deficiency structure graph of health beverages. This gives an idea of the characteristics the product has to have and the USPs that can be developed. Findings: The average positive deficiency scores for each benefit are: 1. Nourishment 2. Extra Energy 3. Removal of tiredness 4. Recovery after illness S. Filling drink 6. Liquid diet 7. Improve general health 8. Instant preparation 9. Easy digestibility 0.32 0.47 0.57 0.45 1.12 0.87 0.64 0.68 0.59

From the score we are able to find out that the gap for a filling drink seems to be the highest. The second highest score is for the benefit - liquid diet. This analysis indicates that the new product can be developed to have the benefits of Filling drink Liquid diet Instant preparation Improve general health Easy digestibility At the least a perceptual preference can be created for the product in the consumers mind against these benefits. This analysis in comparison with the position of the ideal beverage in the perceptual map developed through multidimensional scaling method helps arriving at some conclusions.

C. Perceptual Mapping Perceptual mapping consists of plotting the positions of different brands with respect to a few important benefits and product attributes. When such a map is drawn, and the position of perception of the ideal brand is plotted, it is easy to see whether the present brands are clustered around the ideal or whether there are any gaps around the ideal brands. While attempting such mapping, the difficulty of determining the ideal brand is encountered. One way to overcome this difficulty is to use multi-dimensional scaling techniques. The techniques adopted is as follows:1 1. A definite number of existing brands is chosen, say, N (which brands are chosen is determined from the data obtained in the preliminary survey). In addition, an ideal brand (defined as the consumer's perception of an ideal brand) is also considered. 2. From the brands chosen, all possible combinations of 3 brands each are generated. 3. In all the combinations possible, 3 comparisons are made taking two brands at each time. 4. The respondents are asked to mark the most similar pair and the least similar pair amongst the three pairs. This is done for all the combinations possible of 3 brands each. 5. A rating of (-1) is given to the most similar pair and (+1) is given to the most dissimilar pair. The unmarked pair is given a zero rating. 6. For all the responses obtained, the ratings for the (N x N) comparisons are aggregated. 7. Now if a matrix is drawn with the brands as rows and columns, and all the aggregated responses are filled in the matrix, all the diagonal elements and elements below the diagonal will be blank. This matrix is called the distance. 8. The data from the distance matrix is fed to the computer and the number of dimensions required for mapping is specified. 9. The computer output gives the coordinates of various brands with respect to different dimensions. 10. The coordinates are used to obtain a perceptual map. The above technique was used for the purposes of this project2. While printing out the coordinates of various brands, the computer also prints out the stress value, which is an indication of the fit between the actual locations of the brands and those estimated by MDS. MDS however, does not indicate explicitly which are the dimensions. The dimensions have to be identified implicitly by the coordinates of the brands. In the project, the questionnaire considered eight brands/products in addition to the ideal brand. The total lot of trials, therefore, come out to be 9c3m=84. The responses to the comparison of brands through these triads were aggregated to obtain the distance matrix (the distance matrix is reproduced in Exhibit I). Only three dimensions were deputed keeping in view the problems in interpretation with a large number. Using the coordinates, brands have been plotted taking two dimensions at a time. These plots arc shown in Exhibits IVA, IVB and IVC. From Exhibits IVA and IVB, dimension II has been adjudged as "flavor". The justifications for this is as follows:

It is to be noted that there are number of ways to collect data. The description hen is based on what was actually done in the project. For limitations of this approach, see Appendix -1.

On dimension II, Bournvita and Boost, both having chocolate or cocoa flavors are at the top. Then come drinks with maltish flavor, such as Viva & Horlicks. These are followed by conventional flavors such as the Elaichi (cardamom) and flavored milk, (masala milk). Complan has two products, one with saffron and cardamom flavor and the other with chocolate flavor. So, it falls in between the two. For this, one can infer that the dimension II stands for flavor. From Exhibits IVB and IVC dimension III has been adjudged as "taste". For this, the justification is as follows: On dimension III, Complan is at the bottom of the scale. It is a known fact that many people dislike the taste of Complan. The dislike reduces for Viva and Horlicks, in that order followed by Bournvita and Boost; both containing cocoa. These known facts about taste are reflected in the positions of various brands on dimension III. Our preliminary survey had indicated that people from upper class generally like to take flavored Masala Milk instead of the other brands because of taste. This fact is also borne out in the positions of Masala Milk vis--vis other brands on dimension III. From these, one can infer that dimension III stands for "taste". From exhibits IV A and IVC, dimension I has been adjudged as "extra energy giving". The justification for this is as follows: An analysis of the advertisements of the brands showed that the U.S.P. in case of Horlicks (& Elaichi Horlicks), Viva, Bournvita & Boost is, extra energy (and nourishment) giving. Complan's U.S.P. is that of providing vitamins, minerals etc. and ensuring a better health in the long run. This fits dimension I if distances going to right side are made to stand for extra energy benefit. Flavored milk and fruit juices are seen more as refreshing drinks rather than as energy giving drinks. . Extra Energy Giving The consumers feel that the extra energy giving benefit offered by Bournvita, Horlicks, Viva and Elaichi Horlicks is in excess of what is desired by them. On this dimension, Complan comes closest to the ideal, followed by flavored milk. This suggests to us that the U.S.P. of the new product should be based on providing the necessary vitamins, minerals rather than on providing extra energy. Other Findings From the responses, it bears out that: 1. l. Doctors had no influence in use of health drinks. 2. Switching of brands was because of novelty of a new brand or the consumers wanted a different tasting beverage. 3. Ovaltine was a commonly used brand in Ahmedabad, but its production has been discontinued. 4. Complan is discontinued because of its bad taste. We wanted to find out what attributes consumers considered as important in a health beverage. We gave them, a list of nine benefits. We had, therefore, asked them to rate nine benefits on a 6-point scale. It was found that 'nutrition' and `flavor' had very high mean ratings and the variance was quite low. This is in consonance with the mapping where again flavor was found to be one of the axes.

D. Conclusions Benefit structure Analysis indicates the most unsatisfied benefits as filling drink, liquid diet, instant preparation, and improvement in general health. Multidimensional scaling indicates that the new brand should have chocolate flavor (but less than Bournvita) should be very tasty (possibly cocoa or milk taste) and should put more emphasis more on vitamins, health value rather than extra energy or vigor. The two findings are consistent. It is clear that the new brand is required to stress on vitamins and health value that is in consonance with unsatisfied benefits of improvement in health and liquid diet. People want some drink, which can serve as good diet during sickness or convalescence and which should improve health. They, therefore, look for a drink which emphasizes vitamins and health value. Complan does not seem to be fully satisfying these needs possibly because consumers also consider taste as important and Complan is not tasty. If we took at average deficiency scores we find that in the case of extra energy, people are receiving this benefit more than the level they desire. This is further confirmed by MDS where we find that most of existing brands are on the higher side of extra energy axis (No. III as compared to Ideal. We, therefore, conclude that the opportunity lies for a new brand, which emphasizes complete food, and health care like Complan but which has a chocolate flavor, is more easily soluble, and has cocoa or milk taste. This drink, being close to ideal brand and designed to meet unsatisfied desires, could possible sell very well.

HEALTH BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT -1 QUESTIONNAIRE We, the students of the Indian Institute of Management, are doing a project designed to study the perceptions, preferences and usage patterns of health beverage as a part of our Product Policy and Management course. We hope that you will help us by providing your responses to the questions in this Questionnaire. I. Please specify the drinks used, users of that drink, and occasions for which used in the following: Occasions for which Users Children | Adult | Old persons

Drinks used 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tea Coffee Horlicks Elaichi-Horlicks S. Bournvita Boost Viva Complan Milk

10. Flavored Milk 11. Squashes/Fruit Juices 12. Any other drinks (Specify)


Please Indicate the consumption level in terms of quantity: Number of bottles/tins/packages per month.


Have you used any other brands earlier? If so what are they? 1. 2. 3. 4. Reasons for either having continued/discontinued the particular brand(s). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IV. V.

Do Doctors prescription have any influence on your usage of brands? Please indicate the importance/desired level required of the following benefits. Quite unimportant Unimportant Important Quite Very Important Important

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Nourishment Extra Energy Removal of tiredness Recovery after illness Filling drink Liquid Diet Improve General Health Instant Preparation Easy Digestibility Any other (Specify)?



Please indicate the degree of benefits obtained in the brands you are using. To a great Extent To a reason- To some able extent extent To a little extent only

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Nourishment Extra Energy Removal of tiredness Recovery after illness Filling drink Liquid Diet Improve General Health Instant Preparation Easy Digestibility Any other (Specify)?


Please indicate the degree of importance of the following attributes: Totally Quite UnImporQuite Very UnUnimpor- tant Impor- Imporimporimpor- tant tant tant tant tant Nutrition Cost Color Flavor Good in sickness Sweetness Quantity/Bottle Container Shape Solubility

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



Any other extraneous factors which has a significant influence on your usage o a drink (Please Specify). Brand Reasons

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


In each of the triad sets given below mark the pair of beverages which you consider Most Similar with and the pair which you consider Least Similar with a X. Example: In the triad, Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita; Bournvita-Boost; Boost-Elaichi Horlicks, if you consider Bournvita Boost as being Most Similar, mark a against the this pair; if you consider Boost-Elaichi Horlicks as Least Similar make X against this pair. Leave the space in front of the third pair blank as follows: - Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita Boost-Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita-Boost

The ideal brand referred to in some triads refers to your conception of best possible health beverage. Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita Bournvita-Boost Boost Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita Bournvita Viva Viva - Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita Bournvita Complan Complan Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita Bournvita Ideal Ideal Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks Boost Boost Ideal Ideal Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks Viva Viva Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk Elaichi Horlicks


Elaichi Horlicks-Bournvita Bournvita Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Bournvita Bournvita-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Boost Boost-Viva Elaichi Horlicks-Viva Elaichi Horlicks-Viva Viva-Complan Complan-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Viva Viva-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita-Boost Boost-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Bournvita Bournvita-Boost Boost-Complan Complan-Bournvita Bournvita-Boost Boost-Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Bournvita Bournvita-Viva Viva-Complan Complan-Bournvita Bournvita-Viva Viva-Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Bournvita Bournvita-Viva Viva-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Bournvita

Elaichi Horlicks-Viva Viva-Ideal Ideal-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Complan Complan-Ideal Ideal-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Ideal Ideal-Elaichi Horlicks Elaichi Horlicks-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Ideal Ideal-Elaichi Horlicks Bournvita-Boost Boost-Viva Viva-Bournvita Bournvita-Complan Complan-Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Bournvita Bournvita-Complan Complan-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Bournvita Bournvita-Flavrd. Milk Flavrd. Milk-Fruit Juice Fruit Juice-Bournvita Bournvita-Viva Boost-Ideal Ideal-Bournvita Bournvita-Viva Viva-Ideal Ideal-Bournvita Flavrd. Milk-Viva Fruit Juice-Viva Flavrd. Milk-Fruit Juice




Rs. 500 - Rs1000 Rs. 1000 - Rs2000 Rs.2000 & above

Number of members in the family: Number of children:

Thank you very much for the kind co-operation


HEALTH BEVERAGS PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT - IIA NOURISHMENT To a To a little To some To a great reasonable extent only extent extent Received/Wanted extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
2 1 2 2 (7) 0 1 7 2 (10) 1.74 0 2 0 9 (11) 1 0 2 7 (10) 2.13

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

3 4 11 20 (38) 10 11 10 7

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 7 -2 11

Received: 0 12 = = = 1 3 2 1

-1 2

3 2

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

-0.89 0.324 1 = 2 = 3 =

0.177 0.008 0.059


HEALTH BEVERAGS PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT - II(b) EXTRA ENERGY To a To a great To a little To some reasonable extent extent only extent Received/Wanted extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
1 4 2 0 (7) 1 0 9 5 (15) 2.00 1 1 2 2 (6) 0 0 2 4 (6) 2.32

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

3 5 15 11 (34) 6 6 15 7

REMOVAL OF TIREDNESS To a To a little To some To a great reasonabl extent only extent extent Received/Wanted e extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
2 4 2 0 (8) 2 0 8 5 (15) 2.05 1 0 3 6 (10) 1 0 0 3 (4)

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

6 4 13 14 (37) 4 10 15 8

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 4 -2 4

Received: 0 10 = = = 1 3 2 5

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 3 -2 6

Received: 2.27 0 9 = = = 1 3 2 6 -0.22 0.570 1 = 2 = 3 = 3 2

-1 7

3 1

-1 8

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

-0.32 0.470 1 = 2 = 3 =

0.260 0.180 0.030

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

0.30 0.22 0.25


HEALTH BEVERAGS PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT - II(C) RECOVERY AFTER ILLNESS To a To a little To some To a great reasonable extent only extent extent Received/Wanted extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
1 2 4 2 (9) 0 3 3 6 (12) 1.76 1 0 2 7 (10) 0 0 0 2 (2) 2.15

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

2 5 9 17 (33) 2 10 12 9

FILLING DRINK To a To a little To some To a great reasonabl extent only extent extent Received/Wanted e extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
6 3 0 0 (9) 4 4 5 1 (14) 2.84 0 3 1 1 (5) 1 0 0 3 (4)

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

11 10 6 5 (32) 4 5 14 9

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 2 -2 7

Received: 0 5 = = = 1 8 2 2

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 3 -2 1

Received: 2.12 0 9 = = = 1 4 2 7 0.72 1.120 1 = 2 = 3 = 3 6

-1 8

3 1

-1 2

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

-0.39 0.450 1 = 2 = 3 =

0.330 0.100 0.030

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

0.530 0.400 0.190


HEALTH BEVERAGS PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT - II(D) LIQUID DIET To a To a little To some To a great reasonable extent only extent extent Received/Wanted extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
5 2 0 0 (7) 3 2 5 2 (12) 2.58 0 2 0 3 (5) 2 0 2 3 (7) 2.39

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

10 6 7 8 (31) 7 5 12 7

IMPROVES GENERAL HEALTH To a To a little To some To a great reasonabl extent only extent extent Received/Wanted e extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
2 4 6 1 (13) 0 0 2 2 (4) 2.03 1 2 5 3 (11) 0 0 2 3 (5)

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

3 6 15 9 (33) 5 11 4 13

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 3 -2 5

Received: 0 9 = = = 1 2 2 5

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 3 -2 5

Received: 2.24 0 5 = = = 1 7 2 4 -0.01 0.640 1 = 2 = 3 = 3 2

-1 2

3 5

-1 7

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

0.19 0.870 1 = 2 = 3 =

0.390 0.320 0.160

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

0.390 0.180 0.060


HEALTH BEVERAGS PRIVATE LIMITED EXHIBIT - II(e) INSTANT PREPARATION To a To a little To some To a great reasonable extent only extent extent Received/Wanted extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
3 3 0 0 (6) 3 2 3 3 (11) 2.32 0 4 0 2 (6) 1 1 1 8 (11) 2.65

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

7 10 4 13 (34) 11 6 11 6

EASY DIGESTIBILITY To a To a little To some To a great reasonabl extent only extent extent Received/Wanted e extent To a great extent To a resonable To some extent To a little extent
3 4 0 0 (7) 0 3 4 3 (10) 2.20 0 3 3 3 (9) 0 1 3 4 (8)

Marginal Sums Wanted Got

3 11 10 10 (34) 0 9 10 7

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 8 -2 3

Received: 0 0 = = = 1 2 2 6

Averages Wanted Received Number of Respondents

Wanted: -3 4 -2 6

Received: 2.53 0 7 = = = 1 3 2 4 -0.33 0.590 1 = 2 = 3 = 3 3

-1 4

3 3

-1 7

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

-0.33 0.680 1 = 2 = 3 =

0.320 0.260 0.090

1. Average Deficiency: 2. Average Positive Deficiency: 3. Proportion with positive deficiency:

0.290 0.210 0.090






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