Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

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Tata Communications Web Reservations Overview

Tata Communications Conferencing & Collaboration Services

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

This guide explains how to use the Live Meeting 2007 service available from Tata Communications. Please click on a link below to access product information: Page Overview Accessing Live Meeting 2007 Scheduling a Live Meeting 2007 call Editing your Meeting Starting your Meeting Uploading a document and showing a presentation Application and Desktop Sharing Web Camera Whiteboard Polling Recording File Transfer Outlook Add-In System Requirements Further Information 2 3 4 5 6 7-8 9-10 11 12-13 14-15 16-19 20 21 22 22

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Microsoft Office Live Meeting is a hosted Web conferencing service that enables you to combine audio and web collaboration in an interactive online environment at any time. It allows you to connect and engage audiences in online meetings, training, and events through a reliable, enterprise-class hosted service. You can deliver a presentation, kick off a project, brainstorm ideas, edit files, collaborate on whiteboards, and negotiate deals at a fraction of the cost and without the hassle of travel. Tata Communications provide complimentary training on this service and 24/7 via our customer service team.

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Accessing Live Meeting 2007

To schedule a Live Meeting 2007 call you need to log-in to the Tata Communications Web Reservation System by following these steps: 1. Go to select India as your region and click Login 2. Input your Client ID and Web Password and click on Log in. You will find this information on the conferencing confirmation e-mail that you received from Tata Communications. If you do not have this information, please contact Customer Service on 000 800 100 7188 or +353 (0) 1 486 0879.

3. Under the Services menu select Microsoft Live Meeting and click on Start or Manager your Meetings

Notes: you follow this process to start and schedule your meetings, to access Live Meeting reports, recordings and to edit or change your meeting details. The first time you follow this process it will automatically create an account for you on the Live Meeting service. Once you have completed this you can utilise the Microsoft Outlook Add-In and can schedule meetings directly from Outlook. You can also log directly into the Tata Communications site with your Client ID and Web Password at Back to Top 3

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Scheduling a Live Meeting 2007 call

1. Click on Schedule Meeting from the menu bar on the left hand side. 2. Complete the fields; a. Enter the e-mail addresses of the participants in the Attendees section and the Presenter details in the relevant section. b. Select your meeting subject, date and time, time zone and occurrence c. Enter a message for your participants if you wish 3. Once completed click on Send Invitations and Save Click on Meeting Options to see advanced settings Setting up your audio conference with your meeting You can type or copy and paste your dial-in numbers into the Message section at the end of this page or alternatively Click on Meeting Options and go to the Audio section to input your dialin details.

Note: You can start an instant meeting by clicking on Meet Now and once inside the meeting invite participants by clicking on Attendees/Invite/By E-mail. Back to Top 4

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Editing your Meeting

You can change your meeting details at any time by logging back into the scheduling system as outlined above. To change your details: 1. Under Manage on the left hand side, click on Meetings 2. Locate your Meeting and click on the Subject title to open up the information 3. Click on Update Meeting, make the relevant changes you require and click on Save

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Starting your Meeting

1. Log into the scheduling system as outlined above 2. Under Manage on the left hand side, click on Meetings 3. Locate your Meeting and click on the Join icon

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Uploading a document and showing a Presentation

You can upload any printable document such as a Presentation, Word or Excel document and show it to everyone on your call. You control the viewing experience and decide what to show the audience. Once inside your meeting follow these steps: 1. Under the Content menu click on Share and select Upload File (View Only)

2. Browse your computer for the presentation or document and click on Open 3. The document will be uploaded into your meeting and displayed in the Content window 4. To take everyone on the meeting through the document click on the file name in the content window. This will load the document onto everyones screen.

5. To advance through the pages on the document click the Forward/Back button located on the bottom left hand corner of the console. You can use the annotation tools to highlight areas on the document.

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Application and Desktop Sharing

Sharing an application allows you to show anything on your computer to your audience. The audience do not need to have the application installed on their computer to see and use yours. You can share one application at a time or share your entire desktop. It is best to have the application open and running on your computer prior to sharing it. To share an application, follow these steps: 1. In the Content window click on Share and select Share a Program and select the program you wish to share.

2. You will be automatically taken to the application on your computer and the audience will all be able to view it on their screens. You will notice the Currently Sharing icon on the top right hand corner of the application.

3. When you are sharing an application there will be a control menu on the top of the application. Use this to pass control of your application to anyone on the call and to end the sharing session and return to the meeting console.

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

4. To pass control of the application click on the Give Control icon, select the name of the person whom you wish to give control to and select ok.

5. To end your sharing session click on the return arrow on the control menu

Notes: The sharing can sometimes be slower for participants if they are using a slow internet connection. To ensure your audience can see what you are talking about, it is best practice to ask them to let you know if they can not see what you are doing during the sharing session. If they can not view your application you will need to wait for them to catch up before proceeding. The same process above applies if you wish to share your entire desktop, expect you select Share your Desktop instead of Share a Program from the Content/Share section. Back to Top


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Web Camera
Live Meeting 2007 allows you to connect a web camera to the meeting. You can display one web camera at a time and the presenter can select who the audience can view. We recommend 350 kbps of dedicated bandwidth to successfully use the web camera. To avoid delays you should also ensure your web camera is connected to your computer prior to starting your meeting. To use the web camera follow these steps: 1. On the voice and video panel click on the Web Camera icon and select Start my Video

2. Your Web Camera image will be displayed

3. To change the web camera image being displayed the presenter needs to click the drop down arrow and select the persons name.

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

To insert a Whiteboard follow these steps: 1. Click on Share and select Whiteboard. This will insert a blank Whiteboard onto all participants screens.

2. It places a Whiteboard section into your Content Panel. You can switch between documents and bring back up the Whiteboard whenever you choose.


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

3. Use the annotation tools at the bottom of the screen to draw on the whiteboard

Notes: To enable participants to be able to annotate on your Whiteboard ensure they have the necessary permissions: o On the Attendee Panel click on Permissions, ensure Annotate current content is selected and click on Close

You can print the whiteboard or save it as a PDF document by right clicking on the Whiteboard in the Content Panel and selecting Print to PDF

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

To conduct an online poll, follow these steps: 1. In the Content window click on Share and select Poll Page

2. This will open a Create Poll window which will only be visible to you. Create your poll by typing in a question and the choices and click on OK 3. A Poll will be created and a Poll document will appear in the Content section. The poll will be displayed to all your participants.

4. Each participant can select one option and submit their response to the presenter Notes: Each participant can only select one response 14

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

The Presenter can Show/Hide the results and Open/Close the poll by using the controls section at the bottom of the poll

You can save the Poll slide as a PDF by right clicking on the poll in the Content window and selecting Print to PDF You can create as many polls as you wish and can do so prior to your meeting if you wish by logging in and following the above steps. To view the Poll Reports and see which participant selected which option follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Log-in to your Live Meeting site via the process outlined above Click on View/Reports from the menu on the left hand side Select Meeting List Locate the report for your meeting and click on the Poll Results icon 5. You can save the results to a CSV file

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

You can record an audio conference and everything that takes place within the web conference including application sharing and video. Afterwards you can access the recording via a URL link or download the Windows Media Video (.wmv) file by following these steps: 1. Start your Audio Conference as per normal. Now you must connect the Live Meeting console to your audio conference and have the server dial into your audio conference. 2. In the Live Meeting console click on Recording and select Options

3. Click on Configure Phone

4. Click on Edit


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

5. Select your Country/Region, enter the City/Area code and the remainder of the number and click on Ok. This example is for India. Note that you do not enter the 0 in the City/Area code section.

6. Enter the audio conference participant passcode into the Dialing Keys section and click on Configure. Note that you must put a number of ps before this and enter the # key at the end e.g. ppp831740#

7. The console will dial into your audio conference call and you will hear an additional participant join (this is the Live Meeting silent server). If this does not happen you need to recheck the numbers and codes you have entered. Ensure they are as per the above example.


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

8. Click on Record. Your audio and web conference is now being recorded. All Live Meeting participants will receive a notification that the call is being recorded.

9. To stop the recording click on Recording and select Stop, Save and Ok


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

To view your recording: 1. Log-in to your Live Meeting site via the process outlined above 2. Click on View/Recordings from the menu on the left hand side

3. Locate your recording and click on the Live Meeting icon to open the View Recording Info page

4. Click the View icon to view the recording or click the Download icon to save the .wmv file to your computer. Back to Top 19

Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

File Transfer
You can transfer files to participants during a Live Meeting session by following these steps: 1. Click on the Handouts icon in the top right hand corner of the meeting console 2. Click Upload 3. Browse your computer for the file and click on Open 4. Your file will be uploaded to the meeting. 5. Once uploaded inform all participants that they can download the file by clicking on the Handouts icon on their meeting screen.

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

Outlook Add-In
Once you have an account on the Live Meeting service (created by following the process outlined above) you can install the Outlook Add-In which allows you to schedule meetings directly from Outlook. To use this feature follow these steps: 1. Log into your Live Meeting account and click the Download button at the top right hand corner of the screen.

Note: you need Admin rights to install this, contact your IT department if you are unable to install it. 2. This will place a Live Meeting Menu in your Outlook

3. The first time you use it you will need to configure your account. Your details are: a. URL: b. User Name = Your Tata Communications Client ID found on your conferencing confirmation e-mail c. Password = Your Tata Communications Web Password found on your conferencing confirmation e-mail


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

4. To schedule a Live Meeting click on Schedule a Live Meeting. This will open up a normal calendar invite and populate the web information into it.

5. Complete the calendar invite as per normal enter the e-mail address of the participants, subject and location. 6. If you wish to assign Presenters for your meeting click on Attendees/Presenters in the Calendar Invite to do so


Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

7. To set or change your meeting options including your audio information click on Meeting Options in the Calendar Invite.

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Live Meeting 2007 User Guide

System Requirements
Click this link for System Requirements:

Further Information
For further information, please contact your Account Manager or the Tata Communications Customer Service team on the following numbers: India Brussels Paris Frankfurt Dublin Milan Amsterdam Stockholm Geneva Sydney Hong Kong Tokyo New York 0008001007188 +32 (0)2 789 8660 +33 (0)1 70 99 46 61 +49 (0)69 71044 5448 +353 (0)1 4860879 +39 023 041 0373 +31 (0)20 794 8452 +46 (0)8 5051 3646 +41 (0)22 592 7703 +61 (0)2 8023 8350 +852 3071 4775 +81 (0)3 5767 4443 +1 914 400 0683

You can e-mail us at

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