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From: To:;; All related & interest parties ..

Saipem Indonesia is a big company is recognized in the field oil and gas in the world. In addition to experienced as one of the players directly, now Saipem started th e experience as fabricator company in Indonesia by building yard in Karimun isla nd. As a large company, certainly the first impression that will be felt is a great system. But the fact it's hard to find when we directly see and feel a sense of reality in the yard. As if working at the company shipyard that everything is do ne by way of the cowboy. Early establish and operate in Indonesia, Saipem promised much for Indonesian wo rkers. Big name companies, experience and of course also the level of income. Ma ny local Indonesian worker who is experienced and tested in the field of oil & g as fabrication of several similar large companies, such as McDermott, Nippon Ste el, Megaron, Profab, GPS, McConnell Dowell, Bredero Shaw etc in Batam who joined in the hope to obtain those expectations. But instead of the positive experience gained but rather bitter experience. Ther e are no parameters that can indicate that it is should Saipem is a great compan y in all respects. Indonesia local workers who initially joined to get a new experience to learn it from foreign worker, even those they teach and provide training to foreign work er. The foreign workers mostly came from pizza's country (Saipem center comes) were among blue-collar workers are not worker who are experts in their field. With st ylish and cocky smart ass expert would open secret that basically they are the o nes who are in the process of training in the field of fabrication. Not so secret anymore among local workers there that foreign workers that comes with high positions and high salaries were in fact not be able to read drawings, can't prepare planning, do not know the system work even that funny, do not spe ak English. Which in essence, those who come to work to Karimun from there are people who do not know the work. With an arrogant attitude, they want to demonstrate to the l ocal workers that they are capable and powerful. But in fact zero, is reasonable if local workers here can assess that foreign wo rkers can not work and the only training course in Karimun yard. Not strange tha t some of the projects in the works are failed project. For example is the Gorgon project. All job shall be reworked. Construction fabri cation until painting and some structure uses as scrap metal and shall be re-fab ricated. Surprisingly, recruitment standards for local workers Indonesia is made so high as to be good at speaking English, must have a certificate of expertise and cons iderable work experience. This harsh reality was felt by all local workers Indonesia. All work process enc ountered a problem and strangely it is delegated to local workers who scripted d eemed unable to work. Foreign workers which has a function as the decision maker was actually always been a problem maker. Another thing that was felt by local workers are facilities and the equal rights between expart and local. Expart provided superb facilities like a very comfort able place to live like a villa complete with facilities and infrastructure. As for the local until now not given anything, only the treatment facility. Not to mention the routine habit of management for special feast in the yard or outside . This fact makes one after another local workers out and find new companies that is consistent with the expected. These local workers assume that they are not gr

owing smarter after working at Saipem but just do not get anything. To the extent there is a term that is now very popular among local workers as fo llows: Amazed The first time heard the name of Saipem and saw a large fabrication/facilities a fter entering the yard. Shocked Surprised and did not expect that Saipem managed by people who are just starting to learn to work. Even learning with local local workers. Disappointed Emerging sense of disappointment because the big name of Saipem did not correspo nd with reality and the expectations that desired. Out Getting ready to seek new employment because of the fact that bitter. Sorry A deep sense of regret and a desire never to join to Saipem again. There are new policy from management to recruit workers from Bollywood country f or all level & discipline. Known to the people who are not professional. Conditions yes will say no, otherw ise condition no will say yes. They have access to all the terms of the manageme nt report are held by them. This condition is not fair, no matter what happens a lways considered that they are always right and if any problems will be devolved to local workers.Area closest to the Karimun is Batam island. Batam known wareh ouse and labor-experienced workforce in the fabrication of oil and gas because t here are so many similar companies that have long existed in Batam. But why loca l workers from Batam, deemed not qualified? Back to the initial scenario of some management that makes the policy reduced sa laries for local workers, so that local workers who go to work to Saipem just to have a little experience. So the scenario was successful, that local workers ar e not considered qualifying. Here's a little picture of the true facts of the actual conditions of a large co mpany in the world named Saipem. Not intended for racist but the fact that emerging and becoming common conclusio n of all local workers and all those who have a relationship with Saipem Karimun such as clients, vendors and others that management is managed by mafioso style . Responses from Clients (Chevron, Aramco, Foster Whiller, etc ) including: - Indonesian government is still weak to regulate the issue of foreign labor, is supposed to come to work who are skilled in the field, not come just for traini ng - Was not given an opportunity for local workers in the management level so that there is no access at all. - A very bad management, which is only concerned with business and cronies. Many positions are occupied by people who can not work. Intentionally done to keep t he business of each group in it. - The actual conditions with a lot of the resignation of staff local workers jus t left without addressed. This is not intended to create a provocation, the harsh reality of this can caus e big problems later on, sooner or later. Worker

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