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Good afternoon, Im (. ) . & Im (.). and welcome to the news at 10.

Now Im standing before the university of Liberal Arts Bangladesh and the time is 10:15. Our top story today. Im going to talkin about the Co-curricular act of ULAB.
At ULAB, students can participate in a range of sports activities, including our two inter-university teams: Cricket and Table Tennis. CRICKET ULAB has already organized several inter-private university cricket tournaments, including the ULAB Fairplay Cup, on our full-sized, tournament-standard cricket ground, the only one of any private university in Bangladesh.

ULAB Fairplay Cup ULAB organizes its annual ULAB Fairplay Cup, an inter-private university cricket tournament. Teams which have participated in past tournaments: BRAC University; East West University; Independent University, Bangladesh; North South University; State University of Bangladesh; and the host University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. Scores are available via ULAB's website. Viewers as far away as America wrote that they were following the matches online as they were played.

Why dont we take a look at that

ULAB recently participated in the United International University (UIU)-organized Table Tennis Tournament.

Is that true that we won cup?? no

Our team just went to the 3rd round in singles, and in doubles went to the 2nd round.

Yaa..Thats a bad luck. but

ULAB will also participate this year in an up-coming tournament hosted by the Bangladesh Table Tennis Federation (BTTF)

You may surprised to hear that

ULAB provides wide range of scopes for co-curricular activities within and outside the campus. Study Tours and Field Trips Both of these events are of educational in purpose; but varying mainly in duration. A study tour will usually last at least one night, but not exceed a week. A field trip will usually be a few hours or day-long at most. Typically, some charge will accrue. Trips within Dhaka city will be funded by the students themselves, consisting mainly of transportation and/or admission costs. Trips outside of Dhaka city will be funded partially by students' funds and by university funds. Goals and Expectations The goal of a Study Tour or Field Trip is to provide students active and hands-on experience related the specific course or club. A Study Tour or Field Trip will be characterized by interactive teaching methods, meant to maximize the students' involvement. An emphasis will be given on teamwork, problem solving, and active participation. Study Tours and Field Trips are not meant to be picnics, which are solely for the purpose of recreation. Consent Forms Any out-of-town and/or overnight Study Tour or Field Trip requires written consent by the student's guardian. Students who do not have guardian's consent are not allowed to attend those events. Download Consent Form (PDF) Recreational Events Recreational events will include picnics, cultural events, etc which may be arranged by clubs or any department of the university.

I got some student of ULAB right what do u know about your universitys co-curricular life..?
The mainstay of Co-curricular life at ULAB is club activities. The clubs will maintain regular weekly or bi-weekly activities to enhance skills and Learning. The activities of different clubs will include organizing intra- and inter-university competitions or

tournaments, participating in competitions, tournaments or events elsewhere etc.

Now we just take a break. After that we will hear more about the co-curricular act of ULAB . lessoners..stay with us. (After break) Hello.wellcome again . thank u to saty with us. We will go back to the the news of ULABs co curricular activity So() where were we?? Yaa..we were talking about the club..
The university provides a set budget for each club each term. The budget must be submitted in advance by the club Finance Secretary and must be approved by the Club Coordinator. Late submission of proposed budget may result in loss of budget for the next term. The University will bear the majority cost of activities of clubs that represent the institution officially in legitimate, relevant, and reputable external events, competitions or tournaments. The university reserves the right to review and approve any proposed external event before offering funds. All other clubs and intra-mural sports activities must be financed by the club's own funds. This fund is to be raised by the club members. Any personal equipment necessary for a ULAB activity is the responsibility of the member. List of Active Clubs (variable term-to-term) ULAB Shangskriti Shangsad ULAB Business Club ULAB Debating Club ULAB Programming Club ULAB Media Club Theatre ULAB ULAB Sports Club ULAB Film Club ULAB Adventure Club ULAB Social Welfare Club ULAB Sustainable Development Club ULAB Language Club

ULAB Electronics Club

Policy for Club Activities 1. Each club at ULAB will be run under the guidance and supervision of a faculty advisor, and s/he will directly form the executive committee of the club until a club reaches a size of at least 60 members. 2. Every student at ULAB will have to sign/become a member in one of the clubs at least for a year. 3. S/he can be a member of a particular club for a maximum of three years in her/his entire university life. 4. The tenure of an executive committee of every club is one year, but the faculty advisor will assess/monitor the performance of the executive members throughout this period and s/he can make changes in the committee or can dissolve the committee if necessary. 5. The clubs will recruit all new members in the Spring term by abolishing the existing club. But in other terms they can take new members from new batches. 6. Number of club member is minimum 10 and maximum 60 for all clubs. 7. The executive body of the clubs will consist of minimum three and maximum six members. The committee may start with three members and later co-opt other members. The committee will consist of following positions: a) President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside over the meetings of the club, participate actively in policy making, to maintain liaison with the faculty advisor time to time and to perform such other duties as President of the club. b) Vice President c) General Secretary: It shall be the duty of the GS to keep the records of membership, record the attendance at the meetings, send out notices of meetings of the club, record and preserve the minutes of such meetings and perform such other duties as usual pertain to the office of secretary. d) Finance Secretary: It shall be the duty of FS to have custody of all funds and to perform such other duties as pertain to the office of FS. e) Organizing Secretary f) Publicity Secretary 8. The executive committee has to meet at least once a month and it will call general meeting when needed. 9.

The Advisor, President and General Secretary will sit with Task Team for Nonacademic Activities on 1st June and 1st December of every year. If there is any holiday on that particular date, the meeting will be held on the previous official day. 10. The advisor may dismiss an individual committee member or an entire committee if they prove to be seriously incompetent, or act in ways contrary to the policies, purpose and the spirit of the Club, or the University. Any violation of Students Code of Conduct is an automatic disqualifier for committee position, if not club membership.

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