Primary Voter Guide 2012

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The League of Women Voters, a non-partisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government. The League never supports or opposes any political party or candidate.


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PrIMarY eleCtIOn
Information for this Guide was compiled by the League of Women Voters, Mount Pleasant Area. Responses are in candidates own words and have not been edited. Material not available indicates responses were not received from candidates by the required date for publication. Publication of these statements and opinions of candidates is solely in the interest of public service and in no way is to be construed as an endorsement by the League of Women Voters. The League takes no responsibility for any of the views or facts stated by the candidates.

on Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Isabella County sheriff Isabella County Clerk

are the CandIdates FOr the Mt. Pleasant area PrIMarY eleCtIOn

Isabella County register of deeds Isabella County Commission Union township supervisor Union township Clerk Union township treasurer Union township Board of trustees


Isabella County ProseCutIng attorney

question one: What do you think is the appropriate relationship between the Prosecutors office and other law enforcement professionals and agencies? How would you achieve this relationship Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe

Vote for one

question two: What do you perceive as the greatest obstacle(s) to justice?

question 1 The Prosecutor is the chief law enforcement official of the county. The Prosecutor provides legal advice and direction to local law enforcement agencies. There must be a relationship of respect, collaboration, and cooperation between the Prosecutor and law enforcement agencies. At the same time, because the Prosecutor is a servant of the law, the Prosecutor must maintain an independent role to ensure that ethical charging decisions are made and the affected persons rights are always protected.

question 2 Justice is achieved when the criminal offender is held accountable, when the crime victim is made as safe and as whole as possible, and when both the offender and the victims rights have been recognized and protected throughout the entire process. In cases of child physical or sexual abuse, it can be difficult to achieve full justice. Children must testify in court, and often, shut down or are incapable of doing so. As a result, their offenders may receive leniency when they shouldnt.

Risa scully
age: 40 Web site: campaign phone: (989) 289-8670 email: pResent occupation: Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney education: CMU, BS Degree 1993, Sociology with Concentration in Criminal Justice Cooley Law School, Juris Doctorate, 1997

Attorney General, Prosecutors Appellate Division, 1996-1997 Isabella County Prosecutors Office, 1998 to present

tom Weiss
age: 63 campaign phone: (989) 600-0409 email: addRess: 919 Watson Road Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 pResent occupation: Attorney education: B.S. Accounting / Finance - Lake Superior State University; J.D. - Michigan State University College of Law, cum laude

Thirty-five years experience in management and administration of complex offices and enterprises. Significant experience in litigation, both in criminal and civil law - uniquely qualified to act as Isabella Countys chief law officer.

The Prosecutor is the chief law enforcement officer, a leader in our countys system comprising five major law enforcement agencies all officers sworn to protect all of us and our way of life. Providing that leadership requires experience, tact, and respect our respect for the officers and their commitments, and their respect for the professionals who carry their hard work into the courts and chambers of justice.

I sincerely believe that the greatest obstacles to justice exist where officers and prosecuting attorneys fail to approach a case with an open mind and make skeptical, but honest, assessments of the facts and allegations after consulting with investigators, victims, and experts. As our attorneys oath provides: we shall not counsel any case which appears to be unjust, nor any arguments except for those we believe to be honestly debatable under the law of the land. This is a sacred undertaking.


LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS MOUNT PLEASANT AREA The League contacted candidates in contested races for biographical information and answers to questions on issues. The answers are printed as submitted and have not been edited. When a candidate exceeded the word limit the answer is ended with an ellipsis (). If the candidate did not reply by the required date for publication, the words Material Not Available appear under the candidates name.

Isabella County sherIff - Vote for one

question one: What, if any, changes would you implement in the operation of the sheriffs office? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe US Air Force Veteran, Shepherd Police, Clare County Sheriff Dept, Sag Chip Tribal Police, Carrollton Township Police, K9, Detective BAYANET, Isabella County emergency services team, shift supervisor, police instructor, field training officer, Isabella co traffic team, MSP meth lab response team, marine & bike patrol. question two: Do you see a shift in the types of crimes in Isabella County? If so, what are your plans to address this? question 1 Immediately work on getting the road patrol deputy wasted on prisoner transport (a corrections officer job), back on the streets protecting and serving. Utilize 12 hour shifts, which will provide better patrol services at no extra cost. Start a reserve deputy volunteer unit, which will be able to do numerous duties; that would otherwise remove a regular deputy from patrol. Stop fiscal waste, like take home cars for Sheriff and Admin on the county taxpayers dime. Overhaul day to day operations. question 2 I wouldnt say there is a shift in the type of crimes, but our community does experience crime sprees on occasion (mostly property crime in nature). The best plan is prevention, which usually is accomplished by visible patrols. This can be accomplished by stopping fiscal waste within the Sheriff Department and proper management of resources. I also feel an active Sheriff can help with day to day tasks at times, to keep road patrols out and about; rather than having them running errands.

Robert bob hall

age: 40 Website: campaign phone: (989) 621-0961 email: addRess: 209 N. Chippewa St. Shepherd, MI 48883 pResent occupation: Police Officer education: Graduated Ithaca High School, Studied aerospace propulsion at Community College of the Air Force, Studied Criminal Justice at Central Carolina Technical College, Delta College, North Eastern Basic Police Academy, and countless hours of in service training specific to the position of police officer.

leo mioduszewski
age: 57 Website: email: addRess: 5115 E. Valley Rd. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 pResent occupation: Isabella County Sheriff. education: Masters degree in Public Administration, Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Business Administration and Broadcasting. Graduate of the FBI National Academy, as well as numerous Executive Leadership Institutes for Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

Full-time, certified law enforcement officer for the past 27 years. I oversee a budget of $4.5 million, supervise over 50 employees and have extensive administrative, supervisory, budgeting, grantwriting and human resource management experience. I am also a trained K-9 Handler and Hostage Negotiator.

The Sheriffs Department is in the process of taking a regional approach to fighting crime. We recognize that it is not uncommon to have two or more police agencies investigating crimes committed by the same person. Recently, individuals were arrested for breaking into over 104 homes in a 6 county area, including Isabella County. Without cooperation and information sharing between detectives from the six counties, arrests in those cases may not have occurred.

The Sheriffs Department is seeing an increase in breaking & entering, larceny and identity theft calls. Over the past 3 years, breaking and enterings have increased 15%. The Sheriffs Department has been aggressive in addressing the issues by presenting Community Watch (Neighborhood Watch) and Identity Theft programs to our citizens. The programs provide citizens with suggestions and information on simple steps that can be taken to help ensure they do not become victims of crime.

theodore Joseph Visner

age: 45 addRess: 7287 W Fremont Rd. Blanchard, MI 49310 Website: campaign phone: (989) 561-2422 email: pResent occupation: Candidate for Isabella County Sheriff and student of law education:

Material Not Available.

For a more complete answer to the question asked, please visit Reduction of civil suits against the dept from inside and out. Creating an IAD within the dept adding jobs. Improving morale through pay and education incentives. Restoring the public trust. Negotiating with the union to resolve current issues. Establishing a mission statement that includes the concepts behind To Serve and to Protect. Replacing managers that insist on forcing citizens to sue the depart.

In a down economy crimes turn more towards crimes of opportunity, many of which can be avoided through public education. Crimes are also becoming more sophisticated. In order to maintain order, educating our LEOs is of top priority. As the types of crimes change, so do the efforts needed to stop or prevent them all together. Absent an extinction level event, crime will continue to advance at the same or greater pace than technology and to keep up, education needs to be top priority.


Isabella County ClerK - Vote for one

question one: What do you consider key issues to be addressed by the County Clerks Office in the next four years? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Currently Coe Township Clerk, Village of Shepherd ZBA Chairman, Bus Driver for Shepherd Public Schools PAST: Village of Shepherd Trustee, Village of Shepherd President Pro Tempore, Police Comm. Chairman, Fire Comm. Chairman, Zoning Comm. Member, County Precinct Delegate, Delegate to State Convention, 4-H Adult Leader question two: We have seen improvements in voting access with the provisions of the Help Americans Vote Act. In your view what are other steps that can be taken to continue providing equitable, easy and fair access to the polls? question 1 As Coe Twp Clerk, due to cuts in revenue sharing, I work within budget constraints. I will strive to keep cost down and continue affordable fees without cutting county services. Elections are the most vital component of any clerk position. As Twp Clerk I am fully trained in the latest election regulations. I will use this experience at the county level. The relationship between the Co. Clerk and Twp Clerks is key to the successful system now in place. I will maintain these relationships. question 2 Isabella Co is compliant with HAVA but can improve on informing seniors and people with disabilities of these changes. Visiting senior centers and civic organizations would be an effective, affordable way to raise awareness. Another priority would be visiting high schools to educate future voters of the ease of the voting process and the importance of being informed. While keeping up with technological advances, tools, and opportunities, we must remember our citizens who do not use computers.

paul J hawkins
age: 58 addRess: 106 West Orchard, P.O. Box 432, Shepherd MI 48883 Website: campaign phone: (989) 828-6641 email: pResent occupation: Owner of Hawkins Appliance Service education: Mid Michigan Community College Associate Business Administration, Shepherd High School Class of 1971

minde b lux
age: 38 addRess: 1240 Buckingham Place Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Website: campaign phone: (989) 773-3428 email: pResent occupation: Isabella County Register of Deeds Deputy Clerk education: Shepherd High School, Mid Michigan Community College studied in Business 14 Years of Governmental Experience

Isabella Co. Employee 1994-Present: V.A & Register of Deeds. Co-Owner: Lux Funeral Home, Mt. Pleasant Planning Comm., Sheriffs Victim Services Unit, Cert. Emergency Response Team, Comm. Cancer Servies.,Relay for Life, Ganiard PTO, Chamber of Commerce, Past Member: 12 yrs. Isabella Co. Parks & Rec. Chair, Lions Club.

Key issues facing the County Clerk in the next four years are the Budget and Technology. With the decrease in state revenue sharing, we could be facing cuts in employees & future budgets, unless revenue sharing is increased. Working for the County for 14 years has given me the ability to foresee areas where we can increase revenue utilizing the current website services. The county clerk needs to continue to make the office more selfsufficient and conscious of how expenditures are spent. The topics that I consider the key issues that need to be addressed by the County Clerks Office in the next four years include; the smooth transition from the current clerk to new clerk, budget alignment while addressing potential budget cuts, education and training of election workers, and continuing attentive and personal customer service within the office and through online resources.

In my view examples of steps that could be taken to continue providing equitable, easy and fair access to the polls is to stay on top with state and local upgrades in technology to election procedures, voting machines, record-keeping and poll worker training. We need to find organizations that are willing to sponsor I Ride busses to and from poll locations for seniors and disabled voters. Also, we need to make sure all voter locations are 100% accessible and motivate more people to vote.

lou ann schmidt

age: 54 addRess: P.O. Box 338 Shepherd, MI 48883 Website: campaign phone: (989) 330-3558 email: pResent occupation: Teacher education: Bachelors and Masters Degree in Education

Teacher for 31 years.

I do believe some people avoid voting due to limited education about the voting process or in some instances because they do not realize what is actually on the ballot at each election. I would hope to change this by visiting local schools addressing civics classes and senior English classes in order to inform the students and encourage them to become involved in the election process. This should help potential voters have a better understanding the impact that voting can have on their lives.

Kim yates


age: 42 addRess: 8320 Upton Drive Shepherd, MI 48883 campaign phone: (989) 828-5599 email: pResent occupation:Textbook Buyer education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

20+ years experience in customer service and managing data. Volunteer for Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival. Summer Ball Board Treasurer. Lifelong resident of Isabella County. Dedicated loyal employee with strong attention to detail. Ready and willing to learn and serve the citizens of Isabella County.

I think the key issues that should be addressed by the County Clerks Office in the next four years are electronic death certificate filing, continued advancements in making voting easier and more accessible for the people of Isabella County, and most importantly to continue to provide an outstanding level of customer service to the citizens of Isabella County as well as those from outside our County who require the services of the Isabella County Clerk.

I believe we should look at more ways to get the voters to the polls by providing as much free transportation as possible. I also feel we need to get the younger generation involved more also by educating them in the schools about voting and how easy it is and not something to be afraid of doing.


Isabella County regIster of DeeDs - Vote for one

question one: What unique experience qualifies you to hold this office? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Merrill Lynch Financial Consultant; Isabella Bank Mortgage Department; Mount Pleasant Abstract Closing Executive; Extensive Real Estate experience; Lifelong area resident and Local Business Owner question two: What do you see as the major work and challenge in the Register of Deeds Office in the next four years? question 1 I have over 30 years experience in Investment and Real Estate. This required a familiarity with Land Contracts, Trusts, Mortgages, Warranty Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, and numerous other recordable documents. I have owned numerous properties in land and rentals. I have developed sub-divisions which include Amber Lane and Chadwick Court in Mount Pleasant. My ambition and education has always been geared towards state, local, and federal government employment and yet I have never been involved in any type of public service due to family and employment constraints. However, given my current unemployed status, I now have the opportunity to pursue employment that fits my educational background. question 2 To incorporate the current changes in our economy using technology coupled with a strong customer service commitment. My intent is to utilize the tax payers dollars in the most efficient manner.

Kirk s arndt
age: 53 addRess: 2410 W. Baseline Mt. Pleasant MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 944-4637 Email: pResent occupation: Business Owner education: Bachelors of Science - Business Administration Central Michigan University

stephen W Fox ii
age: 44 addRess: 808 Riverview Court Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 289-2101 email: pResent occupation: Sales & Customer Service education: Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Minor in History, Graduate Certificate in Science Administration

Customer Service & Sales, Morbark, Inc. 2006 to 2011.

Due to being a new candidate to the position, I have yet to recognize any major work challenges in the position. This being the case, all I can do is provide you with my goals. First and foremost, continue to maintain the great customer service; and secondly, provide updated technologies as the position deems necessary.

Karen R. Jackson
age: 58 addRess: 492 W. Wright Ave. Shepherd, MI 48883 Website: campaign phone: (989) 289-0698 email: pResent occupation: Chief Deputy Register of Deeds education: High school graduate with continued courses in computers and accounting. Classes in document preservation, technology fund usage and passport acceptance.

I have 23 years experience in the Register of Deeds office. Member of the Michigan Association of Register of Deeds. Certified U.S. Department of State Passport Acceptance Agent. Past V.B.S. Director, Sunshine Guild President and Sunday School Department Head.

I worked in the Kalkaska County Register of Deeds office for 5 years before moving to Isabella County. I have 18 years of experience in the Isabella County Register of Deeds office, the last 8 years as Chief Deputy. As Chief Deputy I am able to perform all duties of the office. I have an excellent understanding of the intent and significance of all the statues that govern the office and have a thorough knowledge of the county budget and its constraints.

My first priority will be to protect the integrity of the records while making them more accessible and user friendly for the public. In an effort to continue excellent customer service and bring in revenue, I would continue processing passport applications and expand online searching capabilities. I plan to work with other county offices to ensure all time and cost savings are implemented, including internal electronic recording. I will be ready on day one.

alaina leemaster Wills

age: 36 addRess: 290 E Blue Grass Rd Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 560-0204 email: pResent occupation: Closing agent for Corporate Settlement Solutions education: Bachelor of Applied Arts, Minor in Business

Eight years in Title Insurance Industry as an experienced Closing Agent for Real Estate Transactions.

I currently work at Corporate Settlement Solutions formerly Isabella County Abstract. This position over the past eight years has given me an opportunity to see the workings of the Register of Deeds from the vantage point of a customer, which gives me a better idea of what the people of Isabella County need and expect from the office. I take pride in being involved in the community and successfully take on new challenges when faced with the unknown.

The major work in the next four years will be keeping up with technology in a fiscally conservative manner and making sure the records are easily accessible to those who need to do research and record documents. Utilizing the web, keeping it user friendly and efficient to access the documents, while still making money for the County of Isabella. The major challenge will be the budget. Once in the office I will be able to observe the behind the scene details and determine any changes.


Isabella County CoMMIssIoner County Commissioner District two - Vote for one
question one: What are the main challenges the county is facing? How would you deal with these challenges? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe I was appointed in 2002-Present as a County Commissioner. I have served on numerous committees such as; Chairman of the Criminal Justice Committee, Chairman Animal Control Committee and Chairman Isabella County Road Commission Committee. question two: What practices are in place or would you like to see in place to ensure funds allocated to county departments are spent judiciously? question 1 The main challenge facing the county is the different losses of funding; including revenue sharing personal property tax legislation and the DDA. To deal with these shortfalls we will be looking at what services are mandated and what are not mandated and then we will have to prioritize them as the most necessary question 2 I dont believe in micro managing a department, that is the job of the department head and its their responsibility to stay within their budget and to provide the best service possible to the residents of Isabella County

John haupt
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

age: 69 addRess: 1246 S. Gilmore campaign phone: (989) 644-3390 email: pResent occupation: Business Owner education: Bachelors of Science - Business Administration Central Michigan University

Ron mcdonald
pResent occupation: Material Not Available. education:

Material Not Available.

Material Not Available.

Material Not Available.

County Commissioner District three - Vote for one

question one: What are the main challenges the county is facing? How would you deal with these challenges?
Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Haved lived in Shepherd fo 40 years. Former School board member and President. Isabella County Commissioner 8 years,finance committee 8 years,MMDC board 8 years. Former Chair of County intergovernmental committee. Parks and rec board, 911 governing board and its present chair. Has served on the dist. health board. Business owner,Police Reserve,Vocational Instructor, Mi Department of Corrections, and U.S. Army Viet Nam Veteran

question two: What practices are in place or would you like to see in place to ensure funds allocated to county departments are spent judiciously?
question 1 The most important issue facing Isabella county is its financial challenges. Cuts in revenue sharing from the State means all levels face budget cuts. All departments of county Government must work together to help balance our budget. I believe that the state Legislature need to look at how there actions effect local Government with mandates without proper funding sources. I believe that DDAs must also be examined and changed to help Counties recover lost dollars. I think our county is in the same dire straits as every county in this state and we are all having to do more with less. We dont need to jeopardize our public safety or any programs or departments that can help pay their own way like the parks department, recycling program, etc. I am also in support of Veterans and the Commission on Aging. The County Commission needs to work more closely with the township boards to ensure that they have the support to be able to serve their local townships. question 2 I have been on the County finance committee for 8 years and have a very good understanding of how funds are allocated to difference departments of County governments. I am sure that the County Board of commissioners will continue to monitor how dollar are being spent. With the help of the County finance committee the board monitors spending on a monthly basis.

Roger l. trudell
age: 69 addRess: 400 Schoolcrest Shepherd Michigan 48883 campaign phone: (989) 560-3065 email: pResent occupation: Retired Banker education: BA Northwood University- Midland MI

tom Riley
age: 63 addRess: 9470 S. Fordyce Rd. Shepherd MI 48883 campaign phone: (989) 866-6225 pResent occupation: Retired Vocational Instructor education: Some College

Since I am not currently in office, I am not sure exactly what is already in place. I think the County Commission should have a report from all departments at least semi annually, if not quarterly, to see if they are spending their budgets on what they said they would spend it on. Another option could be some sort all departments.


Isabella County CoMMIssIoner continued County Commissioner District four - Vote for one
question one: What are the main challenges the county is facing? How would you deal with these challenges? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Shareholder/Pharmacy Director of 4 independent pharmacies (including Downtown Drugs) in the central Michigan area 1997-Present, Pharmacy Manager and Staff Pharmacist 1987-1997, Union Township Trustee 2004-2008, MPPS School Board Trustee 19992004, Adjunct Faculty MMCC (Pharmacy Law), Adjunct Faculty Ferris and UM. I have seventeen years of leadership and management experience. I am skilled at managing diverse teams, developing budgets, measuring performance, and achieving sustainability. I have been a resident of Union Township for 12 years and I am currently the Chair of the Union Township Economic Development Authority Board. question two: What practices are in place or would you like to see in place to ensure funds allocated to county departments are spent judiciously? question 1 A problem facing local governments today is being able to effectively manage their budgets given the uncertainty of funding sources due to a struggling economy. Being able to work within a group, reach rational decisions, and maintain a harmonious environment is necessary to accomplish difficult decisions concerning the finances and the management of affairs of Isabella County. My educational, work, and local government backgrounds provide me with valuable experience in solving budgetary issues. The financial picture of the county is growing worse and this will need to be addressed very soon. The county also faces the difficult decision on whether to absorb the Road Commission, due to a new state law passed in February. Another key issue just coming to the forefront is the continued decrease in revenue sharing of sales tax by the State of Michigan. Difficult decisions will need to be made in the near future. Conducting due diligence and taking an analytical approach will be important. question 2 Macro management by the Board of Commissioners is necessary to achieve a continuous flow of management. Getting caught up in self serving or personal causes can lead to decisions and/or policies that do not adequately express the viewpoints of County residents. I would like to see County Commissioners continue to disqualify themselves on matters in which they have a vested financial or secular interest. Consolidation of services with other local governments should also be explored. In order to achieve the goals the county has, I believe taking a conservative approach to spending is important. Through my past experience dealing with large budgets and restructuring businesses, I have found that there are often compromises that need to be made. This requires proactive thinking and taking an active approach to finding efficiencies. I have a proven track record of running successful businesses and finding creative solutions to problems.

Jim horton
age: 49 addRess: 3089 Hunters Trail Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Website: campaign phone: (989) 779-8004 email: pResent occupation: Pharmacist/Attorney education: J.D.Cum Laude, Detroit College of Law 1992, B.S. Pharmacy, Ferris State University 1987, Swartz Creek High School 1981

Jennifer turner
age: 40 addRess: 5134 E. Ward Street Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 560-7080 email: pResent occupation: Chief Executive Officer education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology - Saginaw Valley State University

Take A Friend To

Information on candidates running for national and state offices is available at the Michigan League of Women Voter website: or


unIon toWnshIP suPerVIsor - Vote for one

question one: What unique experience qualifies you to hold this office? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Material Not Available. 30 years Mt Pleasant Fire Dept 16 years on Union Township Board question two: What practices are in place or would you like to see in place to ensure the Board adequately responds to the demands of township growth? question 1 question 2

Russ allwood
Republican Republican

Material Not Available.

I have worked in government for 46 years. I was with the Mt Pleasant Fire Department for 30+ years where I retired with distinguished merit. I joined the Union Township Board in 1992 when I was elected to the Board of Trustees. In 1996, I was elected to the position of Township Supervisor and held that position for 12 years until 2008. In my tenure of 12 years of leadership the Township experienced an exceptional amount of growth and development plus upgrades of service to its residents. My combination of practical experience and advanced knowledge of local government management may be considered unique for an elected official. When I earned my Masters degree in Public Administration after serving several decades as both a corporate executive and a high-level county and city official I gained a unique perspective of the strengths and weaknesses along with best practices in both business and local government. That diverse background has served me well as a township supervisor.

Material Not Available.

I believe that the Township Board should position itself to help growth. We should work on making sure the development meets the intent of all Township ordinances. It should be the position of Union Township to work with developers, not get in the way. In that way, we can create jobs for the taxpayers and revenue for the people of the Township and stabilize the revenue of the Township government.

James collin
age: 69 addRess: 4329 E Airport Rd Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 772-0278 email: pResent occupation: Retired education: Associate Degree MMCC

John barker
age: 70 addRess: 5411 East Hazel Lane Mt. Pleasant, MI, 48858 Website: coming soon campaign phone: (989) 954-0299 email: pResent occupation: Retired Executive education: Central Michigan University B.S. Journalism,University of Maryland

Communications and Marketing Executive in private industry and public entities including Senior Vice President at Detroit Edison before retirement.

Our new Smart Growth Master Plan combined with infrastructure improvements is critical to the growth of the township. My administration has worked to double the capacity of the townships water system and we are planning to enlarge our waste water treatment system. The soon to be completed economic development plan is another step to prepare for growth. Our new regional Non-Motorized Transportation Plan is another measure we have put in place to respond to new economy growth.

Information on candidates running for national and state offices is available at the Michigan League of Women Voter website: or


VIsIT ouR Web PAGe LIke us on fAcebook


unIon toWnshIP ClerK


Vote for one

question two: Do you see a need for changes in the way this office relates to the public or to the rest of township government? question 1 Material Not Available. I have helped run township elections several times, I have been a precinct chairperson on multiple occasions, and I have seen how other Township Clerks Offices operate behind the scenes. During my time as a chairperson, I was closely involved in the entire election process from beginning to end. In addition, during my private-sector employment I have been entrusted with handling sensitive demographic and financial information. The last four years I have served as Election Administrator in Union Township. I was the first clerk in Union Township to also introduce Electronic Poll books on election day for a smoother voting process. question 2 Material Not Available. Although the public may not be aware of it, I would like to improve the education and training of the persons working at the polls to make for a better experience for everybody. There is always room for improvement, especially with the recent incorporation of electronic voting records. I would like to focus in particular on ensuring that Election Chairpersons are comfortable with running a voting precinct and all that it entails. I believe in friendly professional service. I want to be a Clerk who engages the community, encourages voting and always educates the public about the voting process

question one: What unique experience qualifies you to hold this office? BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Material Not Available. I have been employed as a clerk for a private business, I am computer savvy, and I possess good people skills. I have been commended for my filing and organizational abilities.

margie henry

Kimberly m Rice
age: 25 addRess: 3113 South Concourse Drive Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 560-0612 email: pResent occupation: Student education: BS from Central Michigan University: Health Fitness in Preventative and Rehabilitative Programs Major, Business Minor expected in Winter 2012

peter gallinat

Election Administrator

age: 28 addRess: 2953 N. Concourse Dr. Website: email: pResent occupation: Clerk of Union Township education: Associates Liberal Arts Ferris State University

Jerry hilliard
age: 62 addRess: 2743 Eland Ct. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 campaign phone: (989) 954-2156 email: pResent occupation: Adjunct Faculty education: MBA University of Michigan-Flint, B.S. in Ed. & M.A.Administration of Sports Central Michigan University

In past careers, in sales and management and teaching high school and at MMCC I have successfully used all the skills needed to perform the tasks necessary for the township clerk office. I am proficient in Microsoft Office, and have organized and managed large events including sales meetings, blood drives and clubs.

I am effectively prepared with extensive successful work experience in both the private sector in management, and public sector in teaching. This required organizational, planning, management, technological and office skills also needed in the township clerks office. I am a lifelong learner signified by having taken at least one class at CMU in every decade since I was a freshman in 68 and most recently the summer session of 11. I see the office as a way to help residents, not just a job.

When talking to other residents and officers of Union Township I have been made aware of a consensus that a need for improvement in the performance and communication of the township clerks office has existed for some time, and is why I am running. My main goals to improve the relationships are by pursuing best practices as outlined in the Township of Excellence program, to be pro-active in addressing problems that face the township, timely oversight and being accesible to residents.


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unIon toWnshIP treasurer - Vote for one

question one: What unique experience qualifies you to hold this office? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe 25 yrs as an owner of a local small business, 12 years as a manager at Dow Chemical Company, 11 years as a manager at Central Michigan University, 5 years as an instructor at CMU, 3 1/2 years as a treasurer at Charter Township of Union, and 8 years as a member/board member of Humane Animal Treatment Society question two: What do you see as the major work and challenge for this office in the next four years? question 1 As Treasurer of Union Township, I implemented an integrated computer system for taxes, cash receipting, accounting, accounts payable, special assessments and delinquent personal property taxes. I also reorganized the treasurers office to include all treasurer duties. I was given little assistance and required to learn the entire job on my own. I overcame all obstacles and am meeting all requirements in a timely fashion, including, settling tax collections with the county. question 2 The major work/challenges for this office is collecting all taxes and implementing new tax laws. Several tax changes have been passed and many more are currently being discussed at the State level. Most of these changes have far reaching consequences to the amount of taxes levied and the rules for applying those taxes. It has taken a complicated tax system and added more twist that have to be followed. Some of the proposals being considered will require indepth knowledge to implement.

pamela J stovak
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

age: 61 addRess: 2196 McDonald Drive campaign phone: (989) 775-8735 email:

tration and a Master of Business Administration

pResent occupation: Treasurer, Charter Township of Union education: Bachelor of Science in Business Adminis-

sarvjit chowdhary
age: 64 addRess: 774 Stoneridge Drive campaign phone: (989) 779-2900 email: pResent occupation: Retired education: PhD Animal Science MBA Finance and
Information Technology Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Research and teaching, insurance and financial adviser, consumer protection, independence consultant, business owner

I have worked as teacher and researcher that equipped me well with organizational skills, effective communication and team work. Working as Consumer Safety Officer for Federal Government & independent consultant trained me to interpret rules and regulations, serve as liaison between industry and government, and communicate with different stakeholders from different walks of life. As business owner, I oversaw all aspects of running a business: hiring, training, maintaining accounts effectively

Timely deposits, optimal investments, and effective strategies for licensing and property taxes are some of the challenges that need to be addressed.

Take A Friend To

Information on candidates running for national and state offices is available at the Michigan League of Women Voter website: or


unIon toWnshIP boarD of trustees - Vote for four

question one: How will you encourage Smart Growth in the township? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe I am a small business owner in Union Township. This has assisted me in learning to manage people, make tough decisions, and work within a budget. question two: What is your position regarding the sharing of governmental services such as fire; police; parks and recreation; water and sewage treatment among local units of government? question 1 A balance between residential, agricultural and commercial interest must be kept. To achieve this balance, we need to have a sound master plan. We need to appoint quality people to the appropriate boards. We need to trust the plan. I feel the most important way to encourage smart growth is to have elected officials who are willing to work together and put aside their personal interests for the good of all the residents of the township. Much time and effort was put into the Townships Master Plan, as we look at growth in the township we need to start with the Master Plan. We need to continue to attract businesss that will provide jobs to our residents while also enhancing the quality of life for Union Township residents and our surrounding neighbors. We also need to protect our rural areas as agriculture is a major part of Union Township. question 2 I believe if there is an opportunity to save taxpayers money by sharing services, it should be considered. However, studies and research should be completed to devise a proper plan for utilization where all parties needs are met.

Roger hauck
age: 50 addRess: 1682 S. Bamber Rd. campaign Phone: (989) 506-3317 email: PRESENT OCCUPATION: Unit Insulator (Delfield Co.) education: Beal City High School 1980
Mt. Pleasant MI 48858

Central Michigan University 1980-1983

Jeff sweet
age: 38 addRess: 2112 Cobblestone CT campaign phone: (989) 444-9306 email: pResent occupation: General Manager of Bucks Run Golf Club education:
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

I grew up in a small farming community in Jackson County, MI. Came to the Mt. Pleasant area in 1999 when I began work at Bucks Run Golf Club. I married my wife Melissa in 2001; we have two wonderful daughters, Alexis (3 years old) and Ava (2 years old). I have no prior political experience.

Bachelor of Science in Crop and Soil Science from Michigan State University

I believe it is imperative that the township, city and county work together in exploring ways that we can better utilize the services that all three entities have to offer. The township has a great relationship with the city with shared fire protection services. I believe that we should explore a similar relationship with either the Isabella County Sheriffs department or the Mount Pleasant Police department to provide expanded police protection for our residents.

lisa cody
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 email:

age: 31 addRess: 2953 North Concourse Dr. pResent occupation: Waitstaff education:

By using all available resources and I am for sharing governmental services to working together with all units of save money. government.

John dinse
age: 69 addRess: 1206 E. High St. campaign phone: (989) 772-8927 email: pResent occupation: Retired Political Science Professor education: AB University Of Michigan, MA Western Michigan, Ph.D. Indiana University

I have lived in Union Township for 20 years and Mt. Pleasant Commmunity for 41 years. Since 2008 I have been a Trustee on the Union Township Board, served on the Planning Commission, and on numerous Township Board committees. I also have been a member of the Commission on Aging Advisory Board since the year 2000.

Being on both Union Townships Planning Commission and Board, I helped develop a new 10 year Master Plan and a Policy Governance Document, both of which incoprorate Smart Growth principles and vision for guiding the Townships future. I have been actively involved in creating area non-motorized transportation and sidewalk plans. I have supported the sustainability of the Township through implementation of a successful recycling program and actual Township green energy projects and practices.

Local governments should be more cooperative in sharing services. I have strongly supported cooperative relationships and projects between and among Union Township, Isabella County, Mt. Pleasant, the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, and CMU. Actual successful collaborations between the Township and foregoing entitites have taken place since my and the current boards election in 2008. These include a comprehensive area wide non-motorized plan, parks and recreation, planning and county road projects.

Information on candidates running for national and state offices is available at the Michigan League of Women Voter website: or


unIon toWnshIP boarD of trustees continued - Vote for four

question one: How will you encourage Smart Growth in the township? Candidate BaCKGRound & eXPeRienCe Charter Township of Union Trustee, Currently question two: What is your position regarding the sharing of governmental services such as fire; police; parks and recreation; water and sewage treatment among local units of government? question 1 As a township trustee I actively think about smart growth as I consider and deliberate on issues before me. Recently I voted in support of the Smart Growth Master Plan that was adopted by the Township. This plan provides insight and direction into the Townships priorities through planning and zoning. I support the non-motorized transportation plan initiative for the region. It is my belief that there is a public health benefit along with an increased feeling of community to be gained when (...). I serve on the Planning Commission where we created a Smart Growth Master Plan detailing a vision for the township. Smart Growth requires collaboration with the city, CMU and the tribe. I will focus on enhancing those relationships as smart growth planning without the entire community will yield limited results. I will work to discourage sprawl, encourage economic development and expand the townships sustainability programs. I will also continue the work of the NonMotorized Transportation Plan. I will be supporting the elements of the community which create a welcoming community. Those elements include Non- Motorized Transportation; providing pathways and sidewalks that allow nonMotorized travelers to get to work and to shopping centers using foot or bicycle power. There are areas in the township that do not have adequate pathways for pedestrians. Bluegrass Road east of Mission and Deerfield Road west of Mission are two areas where we must provided improved safety for our residents. Material Not Available. question 2 Fire and police services are life safety services. These services regularly cross geographic governmental boundaries. The professionals providing these services understand the importance for clear lines of communication and jurisdictional authority, and therefore follow the Incident Command System during an emergency. Boards of local governments certainly should consider all options available to improve services, safety, recreational opportunities and facilities for its citizens. This would (...). I am not opposed to sharing governmental service nor do I blindly support the idea. There are many challenges and each instance of proposed sharing requires diligence in planning if the perceived benefits show promise. An example of where this works very well is the township hiring the City of Mt. Pleasant Fire Dept. Some services make sense to do only if all local communities are involved, such as the Non-Motorized Plan supported by the township, the city, CMU and the tribe. I will support the cooperative ventures between the Township and City now underway and will look for more opportunities to colaborate with other units of government in the future. The fire protection for Union Township is provided by a contract with the City and that arrangement is tremendously beneficial to Township residents. A high quality of fire protection is provided to residents for only two mills a year and could not be replicated by the township on its own for the same reasonable price. Material Not Available.

tim lannen
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

age: 51 addRess: 1129 Meadow Dr. campaign phone: (989) 289-8267 email: pResent occupation:Fire Safety Officer education: Bachelor of Science in Education, Central

Michigan University, 1986 Associates in Fire Science, Mid-Michigan Community College, 2006 Township Governance Academy, Graduate, 2012

bryan d mielke
age: 49 addRess: 3791 Greenacres Dr. campaign phone: (989) 772-7482 email: pResent occupation: Small Business Owner education: Master of Science in Computer Science
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

from CMU 1991 and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from CMU 1986

Current member of Union Township Planning Commission, Current Member of Union Township Economic Development Authority, Serving on the Sign Ordinance Revision Committee, Serving on the Green Community Leadership team, Served one term as Church Council President, Served two terms on Church Council Past chairman of the Michigan Recycling Coalition. Currently chairman of the Friends of the Broadway Theatre, an active member of the Cornerstone Property Owners Association Board of Directors, chairman of the Township Citizens Sustainability Advisory Committee and a member of the Elections Committee.

phil mikus
age: 57 addRess: 2163 Cornerstone Dr campaign phone: (989) 330-8379 email: pResent occupation: Recycling Manager and Environmental Advocate education: Central Michigan University Broadcast and Cinematic Arts major, with Business/Marketing
Mt. Pleasant MI 48858


John p Verwey

Material Not Available.

RemembeR to vote August 7th


County WIDe ProPosals

reneWal of fIXeD oPeratIonal MIllage Shall separate tax limitations be established for a four-year time period, or until altered by the voters of Isabella County, for the County of Isabella, Townships and Intermediate School District within the County, the aggregate of which shall not exceed 7.89 mills as follows: County of Isabella ........................ 6.6100 mills Townships .................................... 1.0000 mills Intermediate School District......... 0.2800 mills Total ............................................. 7.8900 mills YES [ ] NO [ ]

transPortatIon CoMMIssIon MIllage reneWal ProPosal For the purpose of continuing to fund the capital and operational needs of the public transportation services of the Isabella County Transportation Commission and its successor within Isabella County, at the same level previously approved by the voters in 2008, shall the Constitutional limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Isabella, Michigan, previously increased by up to 0.9929 of one (1) mill ($0.9929 per $1,000 of Taxable Value) be continued and renewed for a period of four (4) years, 2012-2015, inclusive? If approved and levied in full, this millage will raise an estimated $1,611,230 for the County-wide public transportation services in the first calendar year of the levy. In accordance with State law, a small portion of the millage may also be disbursed to the Downtown Development Authorities of the Cities of Clare, Mt. Pleasant, and Union Township; the Local Development Finance Authority of the City of Clare; the Tax Increment Finance Authorities of the City of Mt. Pleasant; and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority of the City of Mt. Pleasant. YES [ ] NO [ ]

ParKs anD reCreatIon MIllage ProPosal For the purpose of operating, maintaining and improving the Isabella County Parks and Recreation Commission parks and programs as provided by PA 261of 1965, shall the Constitutional limitation upon the total amount of taxes which may be assessed in one (1) year upon all property within the County of Isabella, Michigan, be increased by up to 0.3500 of one (1) mill, ($0.35 per $1,000 of Taxable Value), for a period of six (6) years, 2012-2017, inclusive. If approved and levied in full, this millage will raise an estimated $567,963 for the Isabella County Parks and Recreation Commission parks and programs in the first calendar year of the levy. In accordance with State law, a small portion of the millage may also be disbursed to the Downtown Development Authorities of the Cities of Clare, Mt. Pleasant, and Union Township; the Local Development Finance Authority of the City of Clare; the Tax Increment Finance Authorities of the City of Mt. Pleasant; and the Brownfield Redevelopment Authorities of the Mt. Pleasant. YES [ ] NO [ ]

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