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Abdul Kalam Scholarship 2011


General aptitude

All questions are compulsory. Max marks: 50 +2 marks for correct answer. Time: 1800 seconds Wrong answer will be awarded with -1 mark,0 mark if unanswered

1.Which of the following equations are equivalent? a.(x/4)^3-(y/2)^3 b. (x/4+y/2)^3-3xy/8(x/4+y/2) c.( x/4+y/2)((x^2)/16 xy/8 +(y^2)/4) d. 1/8((x/2)+y)((x^2)/4 - xy/2 +y^2) A. a and d B. b and c C. b,c and d D. a,b and c 2. Five boys are sitting in a circle.Ajay is between Ramesh and Damanik.Suleman is left to Vikas.Ramesh is left to Suleman.Who is sitting immediate right to Ajay. A. Suleman B. Damanik C. Vikas D. Ramesh 3. A,B and C together start a business. The amounts invested by A and B are in the ratio of 4:3 whereas the ratio of investments of B and C is 2:3.If the total profit earned is Rs.46000, what is Cs share in profit? A.Rs.14000 B.Rs.15000 C.Rs.16000 D.Rs.18000 4. A number in the given series is represented by x. Find out the number in place of x and use this number to find out the value in place of the question mark(?) in the equation following the series. 16,21,30,45,x,101 x +12 =?/4 A.320 B.325 C.330 D.360

5. In a certain code language PUBLIC is written as MWYNFE. How will SYSTEM be written in that code language? A.NANVCO B.OBOVCP C.PAPVCO D.MAMVCO 6. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a week day. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e.,Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk? A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. Wednesday D. Monday 7.Bablu ranked sixteenth from the top and twenty-ninth from the bottom among those who passed the examination. Six boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class? A.44 B.40 C.50 D.55 8. Sandip walks 20 metres towards North. Then, he turns right and walks 30 metres. Now he turns right and walks 35 metres. Now ,turning left he walks 15 metres. Again he turns left and moves 15 metres. In which direction and how far from his original position? A.15m east B.45 m east C.15 m west D.45 m west 9. If + means * ; - means / ; * means - ;and / means +,then 9+8/8-4*9 = ? A.26 B.-26 C.39 D.65 10.Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? A. Deluge B. Calamity C. Catastrophe D. War

11. The diameter of pulleys A and C is 10 cm and pulleys B and D is 5 cm. When pulley A makes 2 complete turns, pulley D will turn A.2 times B.4 times C.8 times D.6 times 12.Which one of the options should come after the problem figures, if the sequence is to continue? Problem figures:

Options: A

13.A cistern can be filled by pipes A and B in 12 minutes and 16 minutes respectively. When full the tank can be emptied by a third pipe C in 8 minutes only. If all the taps be turned on at the same time, the cistern will be full in A.48 min B.24 min C.20 min D.36 min 14.Correct the sentence if required: Even on most critical moments,he is calm,but today he appears very much disturbed. A. appeared very much disturb B. appeared to be very much disturbing C. is appearing very much disturbing D. no correction required 15. Pointing to a gentleman, Deepak said, His only brother is the father of my daughters father .How is the gentleman related to Deepak? A. Father B. Uncle C. Grand-father D. Brother-in-law 16. Read the following questions and choose the option according to which of the given statements are required to find out the answers(consider the data in the given statements to be true) Q. How many sons does D have? Statement 1: B and F are brothers of E Statement 2: C is the sister of A and F Statement 3: C and E are daughters of D A. Data in 1,2,3 together is required to answer the question B. Data in 2 and 3 are sufficient to answer the question C. Data in 1 and 2 are sufficient to answer the question D. All 1,2 and 3 are not sufficient to answer the question

17.In this question a statement is followed by two assumptions numbered 1and 2.An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Statement: If Dinesh has finished reading the instructions then let him begin the activities accordingly Assumptions: 1. Dinesh would understand the instructions. 2. Dinesh is capable of performing the activities. A. only 1 is implicit. B. only 2is implicit C .both 1 and 2 are implicit D.neither 1 or 2 are implicit In questions(18-21) find out and list which of the following options are true.One or more than one option may be correct.The answer to these questions will be considered correct iff all the options which are true are listed: 18.Two trains of the same length but with different speeds pass a static pole in 4 seconds and 5 seconds respectively then A. When the trains travel in the same direction they take 40 seconds to cross each other B. When they are moving in the opposite direction , they take 40/9 seconds to cross each other. C. When they are moving in the opposite direction , they take 40 seconds to cross each other D. When the trains travel in the same direction they take 50 seconds to cross each other. 19.A.




20. A.


D. 21. In this question select right word from the given options that watches the same relationship of the two related words given: Find out which of the following options are true. One or more than one option may be correct. List the options which are true.

A. Pig is to Sty as an Aeroplane is to Hangar B. Head is to Tiara as neck is to Necklace C. Water is to drought as energy is to Fuel D. Squander is to money as Dissipate is to Energy 22.If you had only one match and you entered a cold and dark room where there was an oil lamp,oil heater and a candle which would you light first? 23. If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells to take one pill every half hour,how long would it be before all the pills had been taken. 24.How many animals of each species did Moses take with him in the ark? 25.Divide 30 by half and add ten. What do you get?


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