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Forge Army List

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1000 Point Battle

Point Total: 1000

-= Units =Chaos Sorceror Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Inv 100 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 10 3+ 5+ [ Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Frag & Krak Grenades ] [ Special Rules: IC ] [ Options: Mark, Psychic Powers, Wings, Daemonic Steed, weapon upgrades, Familiar, Terminator Armour ] 20 Mark of Nurgle 5 Familiar (1) 25 Warptime 15 Nurgle's Rot (Nurgle) Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Inv 135 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ Infantry 5-20 [ Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades, Close Combat Weapon, Bolter ] [ Options: one model may take an Icon, one may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol OR a plasmagun/metlagun/flamer. squads of 10 may upgrade one marine with a heavy weapon ] 50 Icon of Nurgle Points WS BS Str Front Side Rear I A Sv Inv 35 4 11 11 10 [ Wargear: Twin-Linked Bolter, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight ] [ Fire Points: one ] [ Access Points: side and rear hatches ] [ Special Rules: Repair (repair immobilised on 6+ each movement phase) ] [ Capacity: 10 models (not Terminators, Obliterators or Daemons ] Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Inv 150 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ Infantry 5-20 [ Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades, Close Combat Weapon, Bolter ] [ Options: one model may take an Icon, one may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol OR a plasmagun/metlagun/flamer. squads of 10 may upgrade one marine with a heavy weapon ] 10 Missile Launcher Points WS BS Str Front Side Rear I A Sv Inv 35 4 11 11 10 [ Wargear: Twin-Linked Bolter, Smoke Launchers, Searchlight ] [ Fire Points: one ] [ Access Points: side and rear hatches ] [ Special Rules: Repair (repair immobilised on 6+ each movement phase) ] [ Capacity: 10 models (not Terminators, Obliterators or Daemons ] Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Inv 75 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 9 3+ Infantry 5-10 [ Wargear: Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Frag & Krak Grenades, Close Combat Weapon, Bolter ] [ Options: one model may take an Icon, one model may become an Aspiring Champion, up to 4 heavy weapon upgrades ] 60 Missile Launcher (Chosen or Havoc) (3) 35 Lascannon (Chosen or Havoc) Points 90 WS 4 BS 4 Str 6(10) Front 12 Side 12 Rear 10 I 4 A 3 Sv Inv -

Chaos Space Marines (9)

Chaos Rhino

Chaos Space Marines (10)

Chaos Rhino

Chaos Havocs (5)

Chaos Dreadnought

Walker [ Wargear: Smoke Launchers, Searchlight, Dreadnought close combat weapon incl TL



Forge Army List

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Bolter] [ Special Rules: Crazed (D6 each turn 1=shoots twice at nearest unit 2 to 5=normal turn 6=Blood Rage - becomes Fleet and must try and run+assault nearest enemy unit) ] [ Options: must upgrade with a second arm ] 35 Twin-Linked Lascannon Chaos Dreadnought Points WS BS Str Front Side Rear I A Sv Inv 90 4 4 6(10) 12 12 10 4 3 Walker [ Wargear: Smoke Launchers, Searchlight, Dreadnought close combat weapon incl TL Bolter] [ Special Rules: Crazed (D6 each turn 1=shoots twice at nearest unit 2 to 5=normal turn 6=Blood Rage - becomes Fleet and must try and run+assault nearest enemy unit) ] [ Options: must upgrade with a second arm ] 35 Twin-Linked Lascannon

-= Upgrades =Mark of Nurgle Points R S 20 +1 toughness (not to Instant Death attacks) Points R S AP Type A Page




Page 85

5 grants the master an extra Psychic Power Warptime Points R S AP Type 25 Psyker may re-roll all rolls to hit and wound for that turn A


Nurgle's Rot (Nurgle)

Points R S AP Type A 15 6 only with the Mark of Nurgle. All enemy models within 5" suffer a Str3 AP- hit


Icon of Nurgle

Points R S AP Type A Page 50 grants the Mark of Nurgle to all models in the unit (except Independent Characters), counts as a Teleport Homer for Terminators, Obliterators and Lesser Daemons Points R S AP 10 48 Frag: Str4 AP6 Heavy 1, Blast Krak: Str8 AP3 Heavy 1 Points R S AP 20 48 Frag: Str4 AP6 Heavy 1, Blast Krak: Str8 AP3 Heavy 1 Points 35 Points 35 R 48 R S 9 S AP 2 AP Type A Page 82

Missile Launcher

Missile Launcher (Chosen or Havoc)


Page 82

Lascannon (Chosen or Havoc)

Type Heavy Type

A 1 A

Page 82 Page

Twin-Linked Lascannon



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