Water Quality Report 2008

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Friday, May 15,2009

WaterQuality Report 2008

We are pleased to prest.nt !O you the ArnJGI Water QooIity Report for the yw 2008. is report is
to Inform you Qbout the quality of YOlJ' water !MId the services we Ikliver to 'fOIl Mry dirt. (E$t!
informe cantin infonnadon nrt i,.ntllte sabre II agI1 potabk. T_CCIIO 0 liable con oIgIiaI que Ie
eM constSIt goal is to provide yau with asofe !lid dqIaldabIe SIfPly of water. We want you to
IIIderitlIId the efforts _ to .Yethe ft tre411ntnt prows ond protut GIl' IICItft
resources. We 1ft COIIIIIIitted to ensuring the fIIIity of your water. The City of AJexandrjQ Water
Department works nIIICf the clock to provide top qIdity GWing water to Mty u,. We " that all of
our customers help us to protect and conserve 011' IIGter SOII'W, which 1ft the MIrt of 011' community,011'
Ytf of life, and our chikral's futIre.
liS'cd . t
111& fIIIIUS of drinkil! liter (bGth ft1Iwfer GIld bot
tled 1I\ttI') iN:UIt rMrI,lices, sm., ...'
fau of In 01' tilt pnI, it chtoIIS IWtlntt
ocani'! .... GIld, ..casu, . ..
rial," ell! pick lIP .... the pres
au of aniIIIIs r fI'GII "-activity Cuil..."
thaf IIICI'f be praart hlliIIIU lIIItu IrdIde;
Mlcrobial os WIas n bactUlG,
which fffIf COIIIC from treatlIWlIf pblts.
systems, lMstock opautiGnS.11Id iklift
IrIargK "" lilts GIld mdaIs,
which COlI be or Mit fl'OIII
stn water rwff. iNlIstNl, ar daInestic lIIIStell1ter
disdwga, oil CIId gas fC1111119
Patkfdes !lid rrt1f came from
'II'ic1y of SllltCtS such as agnaiturt, donn IIQttt
nnff, anj I'IfidentiaI usas
C)IgGnic l1IanIctI synthItic
!lid volatile orga!IC Meals, which ft by-products of
iGItriaI prouutS GIld pttre/aIn pnxMtian. rI'd CIII
CGIIII from gas statian,"" stann liter NtOff,
RadiDIdM Ca!ItGmInIrts 'm COlI be IIGfIrOIy ,
OCCIIITIIIJ ar be the rWt of oU I1Id 90S IIId
1IIIb, if ,.rt,CIUId .'..,reach 011' SIIIft& ..
111'. It.iIduat .....,of potatiII __of
conhIIinItion the dIhItId area, .., adetemW

nation of tlit IIIIter susceptibility ta

tion by the identified potential ....ca. 11 the
SoIm Watu AsassInart PbI. 011' _eptijItity ratiIIg
of'MeDIV. If)WtUd like 0 reva .... Scace Water
AstasIneIIt Plan. please feel fru fo eoI\tQd 011' offica It
tlit ...p!'O\1ded In the foNOIII! pcI'IIfJI\1IIl
If praent. eIMted _ of lead 1\ ClaISe 5a'iaus
health probltll$, espccdIy fir lIGI\'oM IIIId )WI}
chilchn. lJD:I in lifer is fI'OIIIlNIten
cis !lid CIIIIIpONIItS ....1ith lines GIld "
Cftyof f
high q,di1y "ioN] wcter, but ClmIt control tht . y
f material usalln .)'011' IIGTtt
ha been Itti'! KYeI'IlIlws. you COlI """null the po'
for IIOd IxpoIn 111 flusNlS'tOII' tap for 30 sec
GIlds to 2_a bcfOl't watu for
CXIOIIiIJ. If you eft COIIW'IIed abcIut lead 'fU' iI01tt
you .,wish to hIM 'tW' lIIIttI' tested. Intomlllt 01\
'-' drinldNJ IIQtet IIIdhods aai $f. you all
.,. to mi'linne apotn .. avHbIe from he Safe
Drlnkil! 'Natei' 140 lillt r at http II!!Ntj!!!rl
Water Testing &Monitoring
The LouiMIo 0epartnIIIIt of Health ft Hospitab- Offict of N1lic Health routinrly IIIIMOI"S for consti1ucn1t 1/1 yu
drinking lIIIIter occording to FedcnII n StGtt Ia.s. The tabla ttwrt fol_ star the reNts of OIJI' monitoring dlring the
JOIIXJt'f I- Oewnbtr 31, 2008. Drriing lIGfer, inckdng bottled wafer. may bt expected to contain crt
IeMt _I 0III0IIItS of some contan\in. The of does not ilOcatt that lIGfer post.s Q
hellth risk.

J 112&'2004
... UIII AI.
ppm IJ
2005 S 8 ppb IS 1
oIlVIIInI depoe.
II$; WaIIr addM Mich

DiIdage Ion fdzIf
IIId IIlriun IIdIJiIs
frosion f fIIIIIIII depIIiIs
Deca. ofnabnllllllllM
madt depOsiIS
111 order tD e/1SJI'!.that JII1tu is sofe to drink, EPA prtSCn"bes regulGtiOM which limit the tIIIMt of artoin
in water provided by pWlic watrr systems. Food Drug Adlrlinlstration establish lim
Its for COIIttInlrmts in bottled water which must pmide 1t1e me for pilIic heith. We QIt pIrdSed
to report that otr cIrinIdng MItIr is and meets FederGf CIId Stott ,..1UItIItS. We IIIIIt 011' _ custom
rtS to be inforwd about thtir water utility. If}'Oll heM riff CjIIStions about this report IIIJIt to atmd riff
sdia:kIIed I*fings, G!' MIlt to iel:nllIlDI't cilout yoII' mr. contoct HarIis Bass at 318
,In 1111 bcIof, you" fiNI..., tnI a.j you IIIight lit f.Rkr with. To lief you
bcff1r to llldasfwld 1hac 1ns, .'Vl praIdcd tht toIo.ing dcfiNtlans:
....DIfId1(NO)-WloMtary indicates thai 1M AI.: Act1OII!.MI: of acontnnw fho1 j1
is lilt praart. exceeded Of *I'f4Ii!'eIMIIfJ lINch 0
,..,. pi" ) ...,. pi" h' (.,.. .....,.,.ufaIMI.
prt per .1lian com.spotwJs to * In two yetrS era
Yrillca , e.ptI-. StltlMA,....1IDf 11_
siagIe ptIIPfin $10,(m. aI MCI. fI atrtGtmaIt technique IJIder C'tI'tmn coMrtions.
Pam pr (ppb) er ,.. WItt (..yL)-oM t....i.PIc TIftiIity Unit (N1\I). is aIIlf.GUI of the
prt W billion to 0II1IIinItl in 211tJ yecrs er a eb'rty of lIIfer. Tmty in txa of.5N11J is jIt..
..,.., in $1O,[XX).Im. able to tilt.CMRIjI person.
PIrts ,.. ..(ppt) 01 NIIr- per .. f)on MRtU: Muiu anfediolllMl got Tht It\!I of
prt per. CIIIftSlIOI'ds to n IliNlft i112111J111J,[XX) waft! dlinfedlllt beloit IIIich there is /10 known It
yen 01' ON,.. !II $10111J111J11tJ111J expecttd riil to health. MRDLGs do not rtflut the bftfits
PIcaics ,.. per Iihi' is 8.-re of the IIIC of diltlfcct.lts mImbial cantlIIIiIIOntl
1IRI1: MaxiIM raiIUl disinfeMt 1tttI, The 1M!
" the 1IMr.
--,.. '(flit (.-.Iyr>--tn of nDatian ab- of Qdisinftctant GIoIed in .mr, Thn is COIWinciftg
50Itled by aidau that odIitioII " QcisiI!fect..t is MCISSII'Y fw _
fibus per Utii' (lIl)-nillirll filers per liter Is Q fro! of eOllt'alMwrts
IIIECIIn of the pr'dInCC of asbestos fiIus that en Tr: Treaf1naIt Tee. AI'fIjIirtd process illfllldcd to
/'We the levd of 0 in lIIfu
W: MaxiIM CtmIIlrati Lel'd 600/; the 'Goal' is tilt
Ma. is the Ievt.I of Q 1M! of CIIIIII8IIIt ill .......tIidI thin
liter. 1ft td os dosa to 1ht MCIhI as feo risk to t.!mon health. Ma.6s allow for. l1li_at'
sible uiItg the best awiWIII freGtJIert tcdmalogy. IftIIgin of safety.
the prriad t:Mttd by tNs report we hid beIoIt_
I:; 1
OIl IIIfa' systa. tcsfcd QMU of 60 _.in arimMth the Totrj CoIm Aula fOf c.
DIN) the priId CM'td by ttis report,lit hIl the fabiN.J _ ddectian for iNcl'ObiologitGl Ct
In !be mill ofAIJ.
,,511'6 01_
pleudl1med a pari-
MCL: Sys/eIm thai Coiled 40 or
MOl! per MooIh So
um thin 5% Jmitive DIldy

d'I: mirOlllDClll
III thE tables 011 thE IWXt page, It hmt MIl thE contlInilDlts 1Mt hmt detectable /mIs. 1lu
...,Ia, except lead CIId Copper rWh IJ1d utaIIIIta' tySttIns, WII'I cAIIltGted at thE row _ SOIIU CIId
,.aent - before." trutment, blending. or As Such, conunct ",1MIs could be less.
Oqical of 011' drinking .,.rrtIf not be 011 (11_ basis; information
in tM table mel'S to 1t!e latest 'fII' of chcI!IiaII
-_ ............ .... . -
m IWII!IItaI Prmction Npq Required Health Effects IA9I9
Somt pt.OpIt may mort wlnerablt to contamintllts ill water _ the genW popuIdtion. ,lIMuRI
persons lKh os with Cfter who hove IIIdergone orgill
ti"anSpblts, people IIith HIV/AItlS 01'.inIIN Iisordrrs, SOIII eJdrIy, and infants all pcrticu.
tarfy at risk from '\'htse people Md$uk advice about water from their heoIth pr0vid
ers. EPAlctlC gliddineS 01\ men to _ the risk of illfec1:ion by Crftosporidium and other 1I'i.
crobiaI contamillllt5 1ft fl'Oll\ tilt Safe Driftking Water Horlint
Additional Hfalth Effects
Colifonns ar, bacteria thaI are pltS,/lf in the envil'Oflllelrt and art used as indicator 1hat o1fier,potm
boctttio may be present. C41ifol'lllSM fotJld In than ond this. nul'll
iIg of potMtiaI problelnl.
Main millt.l'lll! ore radioactive tIId lIlY tJIIit forms of radiation known as photons and beta rodiatioft. Some peo
who drink MIter beta pcrtitlc and photon radioactivity in the exws of the MQ. over /I'IIlItf yars
may haYe 0I11ncrtGsed NIl of cancer,
There 1ft 110 odditiord heoIttI eff!Cts YioIation noticts.
.............................................,..........,.,...... .................
O!r 1Ur DmSlit Jisled below. Our Wlrrr alIIIS &om plIMI WIler.
II Source Well Sourti SOuI1:t .Well 8oUIt,
w.n Source Wei Source Well SoIm Well 801m
R.a25 R-806 R1I15 R.Q32 R1210 ,Rl357.
R..c26 R-833 R-D R916 R-927 R-933 R12fZ R1a
R.QT1 R918 R927 R934 RI329 R1430
R-&8 R909 R-920 Rm R93Il RI330 RI431
R-S12 R-839 R91D R-921 R929 R937 RI343 R1432
R748 R-875 R912 R-922 R-930 R1202 Rl356 R1475
R.a23 R914
'TW you fot _ us to CGIItiut fcdy *"" d&art, fIIIIlty wat!I' 1tIis yt#. In order
to IIIIIIntoiI QSGft GIlt depmIabIe iItcr Ie SIIIIIdiIIa need to ..iqrMlMIIts that will
balefit .. of 011' CIIStoIDeI's, Please call ... office if )'011 Nave
We lit fhr City of AIeIaIN M CII'OIIIII fhr c:Iock to provIdt top quaIi1y water to MIY tap,
We ask that oR 011' custlIIMI'S hqI. protect .., c.scM 011' water !CIII'CCS. whIdt 1ft fhr Ut of
0\1' way of 11ft. and 011' dIIIn's fIItIn.
For qw.stions aboot this report, contact Hri.s Bass, Water .intmtmt at (318) 441-6216

."'..... zv

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