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theSun | MONDAY JANUARY 12 2009 9

news without borders

Ferry carrying Prince Harry

apologises over
250 sinks ‘Paki’ remark
LONDON: Britain’s Prince Harry apologised on Saturday after
a newspaper reported he had filmed himself calling an Asian
army colleague a “Paki” but he said he had used the term

in Indonesia
JAKARTA: An Indonesian ferry carrying 250 passengers
without malice.
The News of the World said the recording was made in
2006, a year after the prince was pilloried for wearing a Nazi
uniform at a costume party, a gaffe that sparked international
The paper said Harry, 24, and third in line to the British
throne, could be heard saying: “Anyone else here ... ah, our
capsized and sank after being battered by a large wave in
little Paki friend ... Ahmed” as he zoomed onto the face of an
storms in the country’s east yesterday, officials said, adding
Asian cadet while waiting at an airport to fly to Cyprus.
bad weather and nightfall made rescue efforts difficult.
A royal spokesman said there had been no racist intent in
Rustam Pakaya, head of the health ministry’s crisis
Harry’s words.
centre, said six deaths had been confirmed in the acci-
“Prince Harry fully understands how offensive this term
dent, which occurred early yesterday.
(Paki) can be, and is extremely sorry for any offence his words
Eighteen people including one of the crew had been res-
might cause,” the spokesman said.
cued, said transport ministry spokesman Bambang Ervan.
“However, on this occasion three years ago, Prince Harry
“We still don’t know the fate of the missing people,
used the term without any malice and as a nickname about a
whether they had lifejackets on when the ship was hit, and
highly popular member of his platoon.
it happened at dawn so most people were probably asleep.
“There is no question that Prince Harry was in any way
“Based on interviews with the surviving crew mem-
seeking to insult his friend.”
ber, the ship was hit by a huge wave which caused it to
The paper said the film also showed the prince telling
turn upside down.”
another officer cadet wearing a camouflage veil while off duty
Ervan said a search and rescue team had been dis-
“You look like a raghead”, an offensive term for an Arab.
patched to look for the missing passengers.
The royal spokesman said Harry had used “raghead” to
Transport minister Jusman Syafi’i Djamal said 150
mean a Taliban or Iraqi insurgent.
people had been taken off the ferry, but their condition
In May, Harry, grandson of British monarch Queen Elizabeth,
was unknown and he gave no further details. The dis-
was awarded a military service medal for 10 weeks of frontline
crepancy in the number of possible survivors could not
service in Afghanistan.
immediately be clarified.
His tour of duty there with the Household Cavalry Regiment
The ferry was travelling from Pare-Pare on the west
had been cut short after a media blackout collapsed, sparking
coast of Sulawesi island to the city of Samarinda on
fears worldwide coverage of his deployment could make him
Indonesia’s side of Borneo island when it ran into bad
a target for pro-Taliban insurgents.
weather, said Taufik Bulu, head of maritime safety at
Harry – born Henry Charles Albert David Windsor on Sept
Pare-Pare port. He said the ferry was carrying 250 pas-
15, 1984 – is not considered an intellectual.
sengers and 17 crew.
He got a ‘B’ in Art and a ‘D’ in Geography in his school-leav-
Those rescued were taken to the town of Majene,
ing A-level exams despite being educated at one of Britain’s
north of Pare-Pare. Muhammad Junaidi, an official at
most prestigious schools, Eton, and receiving hours of private
Majene port, told Reuters the ferry was hit by the wave
about 60km offshore from Majene and then sank.
But he is a good sportsman and distinguished himself
Indonesia’s Elshinta radio station broadcast the sound
in Eton’s cadet corps, a traditional springboard to the army.
of relatives weeping as they waited in Samarinda for
– Reuters
news of those who had been aboard the ferry.
Minister Djamal said there had been a tropical cyclone
in the area at the time. – Reuters

Week Ending Jan 9

Smog exodus
HONGKONG’S smog has become so severe that it is causing
at least 10,000 deaths each year, according to health officials.
Pollution levels rose last year to the highest since records
began, prompting about 1 in 5 residents to consider moving
away. A survey found that 500,000 were “seriously considering
or already planning to move.” The thick smog that often chokes
Hongkong, Macao and neighbouring China comes mainly from
the huge number of factories in Guangdong province and other
areas of southern China.

Ebola outbreak source

A DEAD monkey found in a forest of the Democratic Re-
public of the Congo could be one of the sources behind the
recent outbreak of Ebola in the country’s southwestern Kasai
Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek, representing the EU province. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says that
presidency, and Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko improper handling of dead monkeys felled by the virus could
confer during their meeting in Kiev yesterday. have infected hunters and women who came in contact with
the simians. According to WHO statistics, three cases of the
Ukraine, Russia, EU sign haemorrhagic fever have recently been recorded, with at least
another 36 suspected cases that include 12 deaths possibly
deal to get gas flowing linked to the disease.

KIEV: Ukraine, Russia and the European Union struck an Caribbean ash
agreement yesterday to try to resume Russian gas supplies ACTIVITY at Montserrat’s Soufriere Hills volcano sent plumes
through Ukraine to Europe, large parts of which have been of ash blowing over neighbouring islands of the Caribbean
plunged into a mid-winter energy crisis. during the first week of 2009. The mountain produced an
But it was unlikely the gas would reach Europe earlier than explosive eruption in early December and has continually
tomorrow, nearly two weeks after a gas price row broke out released plumes ever since. The latest explosions led to the
between Moscow and Kiev, choking off supplies and raising evacuation of approximately 70 people on Montserrat and sent
new questions about the EU’s reliance on Russian energy. a considerable amount of ash blowing into nearby Antigua.
And Russian gas officials said Ukraine had yet to send the
necessary documents and further delays were possible. Earthquakes
The agreement signed yesterday is for international teams THE strongest in a series of earthquakes that rocked eastern
of monitors to deploy to pumping stations along the route Indonesia killed four people and injured dozens of others in
of gas pipelines through Russia and Ukraine to Europe – a buildings wrecked by the shaking. The 7.6 magnitude quake,
condition set by Moscow to start gas flowing again. centered in Papua province, was felt as far away as Australia
Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom said in a statement and sent small tsunamis into southern Japan, thousands of
the firm was waiting to receive a faxed copy of the agreement, miles away.
signed early yesterday in the Ukrainian capital. » One woman in southwestern Greece died when a wall of the
“The experts are fully ready to fly out to the facilities but compound where she lived collapsed during a mild earthquake
we still have not received the documents ... It is delaying centered offshore from the Peloponnese.
our work and the start of monitors’ work at the facilities,” » Earth movements were also felt in eastern Afghanistan,
Gazprom spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said. northwest Mexico, Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park and
Europe receives 80% of its Russian gas – or a fifth of its far northern parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. – Universal
total needs – from pipelines that run via Ukraine. – Reuters Press Syndicate

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