Thesun 2009-01-12 Page14 Boycotting Us Goods Akin To Shooting Ones Own Foot

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14 theSun | MONDAY JANUARY 12 2009


Shares prices KL market summary

expected to be INDICES
JANUARY 9, 2009

higher this week FBMEMAS

SHARE prices on Bursa Malaysia are likely to CONSUMER PROD 289.42 +0.37
be higher this week ahead of Chinese New Year INDUDTRIAL PROD 69.04 +0.51
CONSTRUCTION 168.14 +0.50
and bolstered by improved consumer sentiment
along with a potential upside to commodity FINANCE 7288.43 +83.92
prices, analysts said. PROPERTIES 548.39 +6.74
Jupiter Research Sdn Bhd head of research PLANTATION 4561.01 +19.95
Pong Teng Siew said the local bourse had started MINING 249.25 -2.03
to pick up this week amid mixed signals from the FBMSHA 6224.17 +58.70
United States. FBM2BRD 3981.48 -14.31
TECHNOLOGY 13.46 +0.02
“I think the market will reach around 1,000
points in the second quarter. We expect some TURNOVER VALUE
recovery in the global economy as we approach 415.429mil RM605,934mil
the middle of the year and this will restore some
confidence to the market,” he told Bernama.
He said several foreign houses had stated that recover soon.
commodities would show some recovery after On Friday, the market ended firmer, supported
being badly hit at the end of last year. by gains mostly in Tenaga. The local bourse had
For the week just ended, he said certain started its rally for this year from Jan 2 but tum-
foreign funds had shown support by buying bled on Thursday on expectations of a weaker
heavyweights, particularly plantation stocks, US job data released late Friday. However, it
on expectations that commodities price would recovered some of the losses on Friday.

Boycotting US goods akin

to shooting one’s own foot
by Tim Leonard Domestic Trade and Con- C.K Hiew, an economist with a sumer Affairs Minister Datuk local investment bank.
Shahrir Samad did not outward- He also questioned the
PETALING JAYA: Local econo- ly support a boycott but instead “non-economist” stand of poli-
mists have described calls launched a “Buy Malaysia” drive ticians and leaders who openly
to boycott US products to to spur the domestic economic called for a boycott without
pressure an end to the Gaza growth. His initiative was sup- realising the possible backlash
conflict as similar to shooting ported by MCA president Datuk on domestic economy.
one’s own foot. Seri Ong Tee Keat. “We have to ask ourselves,
Malaysian Institute of Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam, will the boycott hurt our
Economic Research executive chairman of the Asian Strategy economy and us much more
director Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr and Leadership Institute’s (Asli) than it will hurt the US and its
Mohamed Ariff Abdul Kareem Centre of Public Policy Studies, ally Israel. A boycott could be
did not mince his word when described a boycott as counter nobly motivated because we
he said the idea was “stupid” productive to the economy. want to drive a message to the
and that politicians and those “I think what the Prime US to force Israel to ceasefire
promoting it are just “playing to Minister (Datuk Seri Abdullah and stop killing innocent lives.
the gallery”. But is it practical for us?”
Mohamed told theSun al- Mariam Abdullah, an
though both Malaysia and the economist with a local research
US could be hurt to a certain house, said the practical issue
extent by a boycott, Malaysia It (boycott) is a and the economic viability of a
stood to lose more.
“We should express disgust
double-edged boycott on US goods might do
more harm than good.
and anger over the Gaza conflict sword … there “The US is the world’s
in a different way. Certainly not is bound to be largest economy and they are
through boycotts,” he said. our largest trading partner.
He said many Malaysians chain reactions Their products are literally
employed by US companies will and ramifications. everywhere and we are, to a
be affected by a boycott. certain extent, dependable on
“It (boycott) is a double- The timing is also US products.
edged sword … there is bound awkward due “How are we going to find
to be chain reactions and a replacement to some of their
ramifications. The timing is also
to the current products when we don’t have
awkward due to the current global economic much choice or many alterna-
global economic slowdown. It
will also hurt many potential
slowdown. It will tives,” she said.
“We can perhaps replace
investors,” he said. also hurt many Coca-Cola with teh-tarik or
Mohamed said Malaysians some other drinks, and L’Oreal
should not “play a fool” on the
potential investors.” cosmetics with homegrown
– Prof Emeritus Datuk Dr
economic front by promoting a brands. But what about other
Mohamed Ariff Abdul Kareem
boycott but instead, use other products like our computer
platforms to protest the Israeli software, hardware, machiner-
invasion in Gaza. Ahmad Badawi) did by writing ies and industrial goods that
“I think we are just shooting to the United Nations to con- are only manufactured by
ourselves in the foot. This mat- vene a special assembly was Americans.
ter has to be approached in a the right thing to do. That’s the “What are the alternatives if
proper manner,” he added. way forward, not boycotts. we boycott them?” she added.
Former prime minister Tun Dr “Boycotting US products is While some strongly oppose
Mahathir Mohamad had taken not going to solve the problem a boycott after studying the
the lead in calling for a boycott (in Gaza), neither will it have matter wisely, not all Malaysians
of US products. On Friday, he any effect. Unless the whole are on the same wave-length.
led more than 500 people in world boycott US products,” Some restaurants have
condemning the Israeli invasion said Ramon. already stopped selling Coca-
of Gaza after Friday prayers and “We must also remember Cola and Pepsi.
repeated his calls for a boycott the looming recession and it SMS messages and emails
of US products and currency. is at this time that we must are circulating around the
He even urged Malaysians stimulate economic growth, country listing the brands that
working with American firms to not stifle it. Our stand must be should be boycotted.
quit their jobs. more pragmatic,” he said. Some politicians have also
PAS spiritual leader Datuk Other economists raised used the opportunity to call for
Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat also several questions on the logic a week’s closure of restaurants
called on Malaysians to support of a boycott and its effects on linked to US and some even
a boycott of goods from the US the local economy. urged Malaysians working with
and stop using the US currency “Is boycott good or bad in- American companies to quit
in business dealings. ternational economics?” asked their jobs.

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