Copywriting For Electronic Media

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The Creative Team

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Creative Concept

Copywriting and the Creative Plan Brief

Copywriting is the process of expressing the value and benefits a brand has to offer

A creative brief is the guideline that specifies the message elements of advertising copy

The Creative Brief

The most important thought (The Take Away) Main product features Feature benefits Types of media and time frame Suggested mood or tone Ways that mood or tone is achieved Production budget

Taylor Creative Brief

Objective: Advertising will convince serious guitar players Objective: Advertising will convince serious guitar players

that the Taylor Guitar is a distinctive, high-value instrument and that the Taylor Guitar is a distinctive, high-value instrument and persuade them to consider it the next time they are in the persuade them to consider it the next time they are in the market for an an acoustic guitar. market for an an acoustic guitar.

Support: Taylor Guitars are handcrafted from the Support: Taylor Guitars are handcrafted from the
finest woods available, which gives the instrument a finest woods available, which gives the instrument a distinctive sweet sound. distinctive sweet sound.

Brand Character: The tone of Taylor Guitar advertising Brand Character: The tone of Taylor Guitar advertising

should convey beauty, quality, sophistication and value, with should convey beauty, quality, sophistication and value, with just a touch of good-natured humor. just a touch of good-natured humor.

Taylor Campaign

Taylor Campaign 2

Copywriting for Print Advertising

The headline The subhead

The body copy

The Headline
Gives news about Make it persuasivethe brand Emphasizes brand claims Appeal to self-interest Inject maximum the reader Gives advice to information Selects five-eight words Limit to targeted prospects Stimulates brand name Include the curiosity Establishes tone & copy Entice to read bodyemotion Identifies the brand Entice to examine visuals

Never change typeface Limit to 5-8 words Keep it simple & familiar Major component of Ad Never rely on body copy Appeal to self-interest Entice to read copy Entice to examine visual

Magic Words (John Caples)

Advice Announcing At Last Free How How to New Now Reduced This Wanted Which Who else Why

A-luring Ad

The Subhead
Consists of a few words or a short sentence Usually appears above or below the headline Includes additional brand information Print size between that of the body and headline Can communicate more complex selling points May stimulate investigation of the entire ad Is usually more appropriate with longer body copy

The Body Copy

Straight-line copy Dialogue Testimonial Narrative Direct response copy

Utilize present tense verbs Use singular verbs & nouns Make use of active verbs Use familiar words & phrases Vary sentence lengths Involve the reader Support the unbelievable Avoid clichs & superlatives

Copywriting for Broadcast Advertising

Print ad copy may be examined in depth, while broadcast ads are fleeting in nature. Radio and television ads employ more sensory organs than print media, and these extra stimuli can obfuscate ad copy.

Writing Copy for Radio Formats:

1. Music 2. Dialogue 3. Announcement

Use common, familiar language Use short words & sentences Stimulate the imagination Repeat the name of the product Stress the main selling point(s) Use sound and music with care

4. Celebrity announcer Tailor to time, place & audience

Effective Television Copy Formats:

1. Demonstration 2. Problem/solution 3. Music & song 4. Spokesperson 5. Dialogue 6. Vignette 7. Narrative

Use the video (1 picture = 1000 words) Support the video Coordinate both audio and video Entertain while selling the product Ensure flexibility for varied lengths Use copy judiciously Reflect brand personality & image Build and support campaigns

Short phrase used to .. .. .. Short phrase used to
Increase memorability Increase memorability Help establish an image, identity or Help establish an image, identity or position for a brand or organization position for a brand or organization

Good slogans can Good slogans can

Be an integral part of brands image Be an integral part of brands image Act as shorthand identification for the Act as shorthand identification for the brand brand Provide information about the brands Provide information about the brands benefits benefits

Common Mistakes in Copywriting

1. Vagueness 2. Wordiness 3. Triteness 4. Creativity for its own sake

The Copy Approval Process

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