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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

CT-BW Analyzer & Docu 2.1

Add-on to analyze and document SAP BW objects

CT-Softwareberatungs GmbH

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Add-on to analyze and document SAP BW objects................................................. 3 The problem ..................................................................................................... 3 The solution...................................................................................................... 3 Supported SAP BW objects Backend.................................................................... 4 Supported SAP BW objects - Frontend ................................................................. 7 General query information & reusable query components ....................................... 7 Filter and default values ....................................................................................11 Free characteristics / Query rows / Query columns / Query cell definitions ..............12 Supported export file formats...............................................................................15 Microsoft Word - Format / RTF ........................................................................15 Zipped-Microsoft Word - Format / RTF ................................................................16 HTML- Format Intranet...................................................................................17 HTML Help Format - Compact Help format with full text search ..............................18 Generation of BW analysis/documentation with docu profiles and docu templates .......20 BW analysis methods ..........................................................................................22 Automatic identification of relevant BW objects / level analysis ................................23 Contact .............................................................................................................24

CT-Softwareberatungs GmbH

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Add-on to analyze and document SAP BW objects

The integrated business warehouse application SAP Netweaver BI (SAP BW) is a central component of SAP software technology and is used as a reporting and planning platform in an SAP environment.

The problem
The customer specific applications and reports within the SAP Business Warehouse contain many different technical objects (e.g. Queries, InfoCubes, DataStoreObjects, Transformations, InfoObjects). It is often a time-consuming business to get an overview of the objects used and to understand and show how they are interrelated. Questions such as the following are the starting point for the subsequent complex analysis: "Which source data is transferred how into this object?" "How was the data aggregated?" Currently, it is also unclear whether or when, for example, the transformation routines within a data model were changed (missing version history). Moreover it is relatively time-consuming to manually analyze and to document the relationships of BW objects of individual object types (e.g. InfoCubes or Queries) within a specific BW model using the standard transactions.

The solution
The add-on program 'CT-BW Analyzer & Docu' breaks down a BW data model in a transparent way using systematic analyses based on the InfoCubes, Transformations, InfoSources, DataSources, data transfer processes, InfoPackages, and the individual InfoObjects involved. The result of the analysis is available as documentation in various formats (Microsoft Word, HTML, HTML Help). The automated analysis based on the individual BW objects enables you to generate self-contained documentation of a BW data model at any time. Periodic document runs allow you to obtain a history of the BW data model. This history makes it possible to see, even at a later point in time, the conditions under which a productive BI analysis was generated (revision aspect, requirement to document). The automatically generated documentation for the BW data model and for the generated BW Queries is complemented by extensive supplementary analyses. These new types of analyses (e.g. a graphical data flow analysis based on InfoObjects) are not currently available in the SAP BW standard version and are transferred by the 'CT Analyzer & Docu' program 1:1 into the generated documentation. As a result, a BW data model is not just documented, but also broken down in a more transparent way than was previously the case (view into the black box). Within the generated analysis documentation, double-click navigation enables you gain a fast overview and to get up to speed quickly. In addition, the results of the BI analysis can be imported into CT-GraphAssist, where extensive additional menu functions for processing the analysis are provided. You can convert the scalable diagrams to create, for example, printed versions, meeting documents, or beamer presentations.

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Supported SAP BW objects Backend

(InfoCubes, transformations, etc.) Through appropriate analysis and reporting functions you can generate different perspectives on a BW model: - Identification, analysis and evaluation of BW metadata, - Documentation of BW objects: - InfoCubes - Transformations (e.g. formulas , ABAP routines) - DataStore objects (DSO) - InfoSources - DataSources - InfoObjects - Process - Data flow calculation (InfoObject level) - Cross-reference of objects - Flow- Logic Screenshot: InfoCubes (Star Scheme diagram)

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

The InfoCube analysis shows the following elements: Basic information (last changed by, info area, etc.) Dimensions (single list of each InfoObject) Key figures Characteristics Star Scheme diagram Data flow diagram on InfoObject level Ingoing 7.x transformations / 3.x update rules / 3.x transfer rules Basic information Start end-routine Rule groups: ABAP routines, formulas, no update, 1:1, master data reading Expert routine DTP - Data transfer process General info Selections Selection routines / BEx variable selection InfoPackages of export datasources Cross-reference per InfObject (overview on all relevant update rules for one InfoObject)

Screenshot: Data flow diagram on InfoObject level

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Screenshot: Data flow diagram (Ingoing information up to 20 levels down)

Screenshot: Cross Reference per info object

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Supported SAP BW objects - Frontend

(Queries: Formula, Selections, ...) The single elements of the SAP BW queries can be detailed, analyzed and documented. The analysis can be individually changed and follows the SAP query builder semantic.

General query information & reusable query components

Basic information:
Description Last changed by/at Technical name InfoProvider / InfoProvider description Query key date / Key date is variable Query version (3.x / 7.x) Display: - Adjust formatting after refreshing - Hide repeated key values - Display scaling factors for key figures - Document links for InfoProvider Data - Document links for master data - Document links for metadata Rows/columns - Result position (rows) - Result position (columns) - Suppress zeros - Value Display - Display of +/- sign - Zero Value Display - Advanced settings - Query ID - Allow external access to this query

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Screenshot: Basic information of Query

Query variables
Among other things the following items are documented: Description Last changed by/at Technical name Variable type Processing by Characteristic Variable ID Default values - Including / excluding - Operator - Low value - High value - Hierarchy name - Hierarchy version - Hierarchy date-to

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Details - Variable represents ... - Variable is ... - Variable is ready for input - Variable is without content - Copy personalization data from this variable Screenshot: Query variables

Calculated and restricted keyfigures

Among other things the following items are documented: Description and technical name Technical name of the key figure Restrictions: InfoObject, selection type, operator, value(s) Defined formula as text

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Screenshot: Calculated and restricted keyfigures

Screenshot: Calculated key figures (Formula Value Adjustments)

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Filter and default values

Basic Information
Among other things the following items are documented: Description / technical name InfoObject Type of restriction, operator, values Hierarchy node selection Display - Display as, text view, result rows Access type for result values Filter value selection during query execution Screenshot: Information - Filter of Queries

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Free characteristics / Query rows / Query columns / Query cell definitions

Keyfigures / Key figure selection
Among other things the following items are documented: Description / technical name Technical name of key figure Type of Restriction, operator, values Display - Hide - Highlight - Number of decimal places - Scaling factor - Sign Change - Status of Node Local calculations (on displayed data only) - Calculate results as ... - Calculate single values as ... - Cumulated - Also apply to results - Calculation direction Information on cell definitions (cells) - Cell type - ... belongs to line - ... belongs to column Planning Change data Advanced Constant selection (independent of filter settings)

Screenshot: Keyfigures / Structure Key figures

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Characteristic restriction
Among other things the following items are documented: Description / technical name Technical name of key figure Type of restriction, operator, values Hierarchy node selection Display - Display as - Text view - Result rows Hierarchy - Activate hierarchy display - Selected hierarchy - Expand to level - Position of lower level nodes - Values of posted nodes - Nodes with only one lower-level node Advanced - Access type for result values - Filter value selection during query execution Screenshot: Characteristic restrictions

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Query formula
Among other things the following items are documented: Description / technical name Formula as text (e.g. [ZKMACOUNT] Employee count - 50 + [ZKGEHALT] salary DIV 2) Display - Hide - Highlight - Number of decimal places - Scaling factor - Sign change - Status of node Local calculations (on displayed data only) - Calculate results as ... - Calculate singe values as ... - Cumulated - Also apply to results - Calculation direction Aggregation - Exception aggregation - Reference characteristic Advanced - Eliminate formula collision (which formula is used in case of formula collision) Information on cell definitions (cells) - Cell type - ... belongs to line - ... belongs to column Screenshot: Query Formula

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Supported export file formats

The 'CT-BW Analyzer & Docu' can generate the BW documentation / analysis in 4 different file formats. Each format has its certain advantages.

Microsoft Word - Format / RTF

This format is optimized for printing. The BW information is formatted in pages; diagrams are automatically cut if they are larger than one page. The export file can be imported into Microsoft Word to make manual annotations or to insert additional information. Screenshot

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Zipped-Microsoft Word - Format / RTF

This format is also optimized for printing. Additionally to the Word format output it incorporates all created diagrams in the original CT-Module format. All files together are saved in a ZIP compatible archive. Screenshot

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HTML- Format Intranet

This format can be viewed with a standard internet browser (.e.g. Firefox or Internet Explorer). The documentation is written to multiple HTML files, additionally a tree with all headlines is created. This tree can be expanded and collapsed within the internet browser. The files can then be published e.g. in your intranet. Special features: The pages are linked, so it is possible to interactively navigate thru the documented BI data model. Screenshot

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HTML Help Format - Compact Help format with full text search
The Microsoft HTML Help format can be displayed on each Windows-PC (Windows 2000, XP, Vista). It is the standard format of Microsoft to display help information. SAP also publishes their documentation in this format. A navigation tree is also automatically displayed at the left. Screenshot

Special features: Each pages are linked with each other, it is possible to navigate interactively thru an archived BW data model All information are combined and compressed in one file (CHM format), the help file can be displayed on every windows pc. No additional programs are necessary to view the file. Large BW data models with e.g. more than 5000 single pages can be combined in one file. This file could then be placed on a central file server. The HTML help file generation is directly carried out by the CT-Module (with the help of the Microsoft HTML Help-Compiler) The archive is completely INDEXED and can be searched via full text search (AND/OR/NEAR/NOT)

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Screenshot: Full text search

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CT-BW Analyzer & Docu Add-on for SAP BW solutions

Generation of BW analysis/documentation with docu profiles and docu templates

The generated analysis and documentation can be adjusted to your individual information needs. The level of detail is determined using the profile tree. By clicking on the checkboxes you can turn on/off single analysis steps. You can customize the individual text objects with various Microsoft Word document templates. The layout can also be adjusted by Word styles. Screenshot: Docu templates

Screenshot: BW template example (BW-INFOCUBE_GENERATE.RTF)

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Screenshot: Docu profile tree

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BW analysis methods
The BW documentation is based on several analysis methods (e.g. graphic dataflow analysis, InfoObject cross references, ABAP flow logic diagrams). The BW objects are displayed in tabular form, depending on the document template. In addition, various analytical methods are used to make the data flow in a BI model more transparent. A few analysis methods: Syntax-highlight and auto comment ABAP coding Visualize ABAP coding with flow logic Dataflow analysis of InfoProvider level (up to 20 levels downwards) Dataflow analysis on InfoObject level (end-routines are scanned too) Cross reference analysis of ingoing transformations / update rules / transfer rules per InfoObject (with end-routines) Graphic display of process chain for documentation purposes All diagrams are automatically 'routed' with the help of the award winning algorithms of the company AT&T Screenshot: Process chain diagram

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Automatic identification of relevant BW objects / level analysis

Starting at one BW object (e.g. an InfoCube) other related objects are automatically determined (up to 20 levels). These objects are for example transformations, data transfer processes, InfoPackages and InfoObjects. If you enter an InfoArea as a start point of the analysis, other objects within the InfoArea are gathered and documented (also dependent sub-InfoAreas). As a result a complete tree of the SAP BW (e.g. Sales) can automatically documented and analyzed. Result: An comprehensive documentation of a BW backend process.

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CT-Softwareberatungs GmbH Ziegeleiweg 8 33415 Verl Germany Web: Email: Tel: Fax: +49 5246-9310-15 +49 5246-9310-16

The CT-Softwareberatungs GmbH is a member of the German SAP User Group (DSAG).

Copyright 1998-2010 CT-Softwareberatungs GmbH. All rights reserved. SAP, R/3, R/3 Enterprise, SAP ERP, SAP Netweaver, SAP APO, SAP BW, mySAP CRM, SAP GUI Scripting, SAP XI, mySAP, ABAP are registered trademarks of the SAP AG . Microsoft,

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WINDOWS, WINDOWS 2000, NT, XP, Windows 7, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel are registered trademarks of the Microsoft corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of the INTEL corporation. All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners.

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