National Liberation Front of Tripura

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National Liberation Front of Tripura

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The National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) was formed in December 1989 for the
purpose of seceding from India in order to create an independent state of Tripura. The NLFT has
conducted a systematic and violent campaign for secession from India. It was declared as an
unlawful organization under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in 1997. Due to their
activities, they were declared by the Government of India as a terrorist organization under the
Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2002.[1]

• 1 Militancy and Violence

• 2 History, Funding and Church Support

• 3 Activities

• 4 Other Ties

• 5 Peace Efforts

• 6 Split

• 7 See also

• 8 External links

Militancy and Violence

An estimated 11,000 people have been killed on both sides of the conflict. In addition, the terror
has left over 40,000 as refugees.

History, Funding and Church Support

The Government of the state of Tripura has uncovered evidence to support the assertion that the
Baptist Church of Tripura has been funding the terrorists. Hindu Nationalists allege that the
Church has been forcing local tribals to convert to Christianity [2].
The Baptist Church of Tripura was initially set up by missionaries from New Zealand in the
1940s. Despite their efforts, even until the 1980s, only a few thousand people in Tripura had
converted to Christianity. In the aftermath of one of the worst ethnic riots, the NLFT was born in
1989—allegedly with the help of the Baptist Church. Since then, the NLFT has been advancing
its cause through armed rebellion.
Indian Government officials have accused the Baptist Church of Tripura of supporting this
violent campaign by providing funding and arms for the group. In April of 2000, Nagmanlal
Halam, secretary of the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura, was caught providing 50 gelatine
sticks, 5 kilograms of potassium and 2 kilograms of sulphur and other ingredients for making
explosives to the group. Halam later confessed to buying and supplying explosives to the NLFT
for the past two years.
In October 2000, the NLFT ordered all Hindus to cease celebration of Durga Puja [3]. In 2001,
there were 826 reported terrorist attacks in Tripura, in which 405 people lost their lives and 481
kidnappings were made by the NLFT and related organizations such as the Christian All Tripura
Tiger Force (ATTP) [4].
In another incident in August 2003, police arrested the secretary of a Baptist Christian
Missionary church in North Tripura District who was in possession of five kg of potassium, one
kg sulphur, few gelatin sticks and 45 gm of high explosive materials [5].
Recent investigations, as well as confessions from surrendered members, have revealed that the
NLFT have been making and selling pornography to finance their activities. This includes DVDs
of pornographic films made by the group with tribal men and women kidnapped and forced to
participate in sex acts while being filmed. The movies are dubbed into various languages and
sold illegally throughout the region for a profit. The women have also been sexually abused by
NLFT members [6]

Other Ties
The Indigenous Nationalist Party of Tripura is generally seen as the political wing of NLFT. In
fact, its formation was pushed through by NLFT by forcing various factions to unite into INPT.
NLFT is working closely with other North-Eastern Indian insurgent groups such as the United
Liberation Front of Asom for liberation from India. (see Insurgent groups in Northeast India)

Peace Efforts
In Tripura, a systematic surrender of arms by a faction of NLFT insurgents and NLFT fringe
groups is due to the increased security pressure and to infighting within NLFT insurgent ranks.
Since 2000 a few hundred militants have surrendered in small groups to the security forces,
handing in their weapons. The NLFT leadership engaged in peace talks with Mizoram Chief
Zoramthanga in April 2001, however the NLFT has not promised acceptance of any future peace

In February 2001, the NLFT split into two groups, one headed by Biswamohan Debbarma and
the other by Nayanbasi Jamatiya.Nayanbasi Jamatiya and Joshua Debbarma, two NLFT
members, were expelled from the group and a parallel outfit was formed under the leadership of
Jamatiya. The split occurred because of multiple reasons:
1. Reluctance of the Central Executive Committee of NLFT led by Biswamohan Debbarma
to nominate Joshua Debbarma as the King of ‘Tripura Kingdom’;
2. Misappropriation of funds by senior leaders;
3. Lavish lifestyles led by the senior leadership; and
4. Forcible conversion of tribal cadres/civilians to Christianity.
Jamatiya and Debbarma have been heading two factions since 2001. In June 2003, ‘General
Secretary’ Mantu Koloi was reportedly made leader of the Biswamohan faction.Earlier, internal
bickering within the NLFT had led to a spate of violent internecine clashes in Tripura and at the
outfit's camps in Bangladesh. Senior leaders such as Utpanna Tripura and Mukul Debbarma are
believed to have been killed in such violence. However, other leaders of the undivided NLFT
included ‘Vice President’ Kamini Debbarma, ‘Publicity Secretary’ Binoy Debbarma, ‘Chief of
Army’ Dhanu Koloi, and ‘Finance Secretary’ Bishnu Prasad Jamatiya. While the Debbarma
faction reportedly has an estimated strength of 550 cadres, the Nayanbasi faction comprises
approximately 250 cadres. 90% of the NLFT's top leaders are Christians.[7]

See also
• Tripura Baptist Christian Union

• Tripura

• Insurgent groups in Northeast India

• Terrorism

• Fundamentalist Christianity

• Baptist

External links
• Baptist Associations in India

• Constitution of NLFT

• Church backing Tripura rebels BBC 18 April, 2000.

• South Asian Terrorism Portal: National Liberation Front of Tripura

• Thirteen Years of Killings in Tripura by the NLFT

• Deccan Herald: Hostile Neighbhors

• NLFT ultras rape six tribal girls

• Tipura Police: Militancy

• The indigenous people of North East India: An ethnic Genocide

• National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT)

• Christian Terrorism in Northeast India

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