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- 08/08/12

Obama gives in, signs transparency law his budget director didnt want
Hope Hodge ( Todays Top News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:17:39 PM

A law signed into effect by President Barack Obama today will force the White House Office of Management and Budget to talk about just how bad the coming budget cliff will be. The Sequestration Transparency Act will force OMB to deliver a report about the full effects of more than $1 trillion in defense and domestic cuts, within the next 30 days. With so many unknowns, the major defense contractors have said they may be forced to send thousands of layoff notices to employees in advance of Jan. 1.Though defense industry associations and advocacy groups have launched frightening projections about the specter of sequestration, showing over a million jobs and billions in revenue on the line, the administration has so far refused to release a roadmap showing the

full extent of the cuts and what programs will be most affected. In a June 15 letter to the leaders of the House Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, and Intelligence Committees, OMB director Jeffrey Zients rebuffed their interest in learning what the sequester will do. Should it get to a point where it appears that Congress will not do its job and the sequester may take effect, let me assure you that OMB, DoD, and the entire Administration will be prepared, he wrote. Appearing before the House Armed Services Committee last week, Zients appeared just as adamant. The right course is not to move around rocks at the bottom of a cliff to make for a less painful landing, he said. The right course is to avoid driving off a cliff altogether. Despite having only Republican sponsors in the House and the Senate, the Sequestration

Transparency Act passed both bodies of Congress within a seven -day span last month. Obamas signing of the bill may be a concession, but the administrations party line appears unchanged. Announcing the signing, White House Deputy Press Secretary Amy Brundage Tweeted, Congress must act to avoid these devastating cuts & ask wealthiest to pay fair share. Nonetheless, key Republicans said the bills signing was a move in the right direction. Within 30 Days, the Commander -In-Chief will have to do what this Committee, the Secretary of Defense, and our commanders around the world began doing a year ago- face the catastrophic consequences of the cuts he signed into law, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) said in a statement. House Republicans have acted. I look forward to the Presidents leadership in bringing

Senate Democrats to the table. The bills co-author, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, said the new law would help Congress and the American people understand the enormity of sequestration. The American people deserve to know how their commander-inchief intends to implement half a trillion dollars in cuts to our national security which his own Secretary of Defense compared to shooting ourselves in the head, he said in a statement. With the sunlight provided by this new law, I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress to replace these damaging defense cuts and expect the president to work with us. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

United States leads China in 'real' medal count - San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
(china - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:06:59 PM

San Francisco Chronicle (blog) United States leads China in 'real' medal count San Francisco Chronicle (blog) Through 11 days of the Olympics, China leads the United States in the official IOC medal count. But in Fourth-Place Medal's real medal count, a tally that ignores judged activities masquerading as sports, Team USA has a commanding lead over its Asian... China only dominates Olympic sports US doesn't care about Florida Times-Union (blog) Olympics 2012: China Continues to Excel with Spectacular Day 11 Bleacher Report London 2012 Olympic medal count, results Day 11; China still leads all 135 news articles

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Standard Chartered questions New York action

(Reuters: Top News)

Lawsky said. Chief Executive Peter Sands scrambled back from vacation to By Nate Raymond and Steve help the bank plan a defense and Slater limit damage to its reputation. NEW YORK/LONDON| Tue Shares in Standard Chartered Aug 7, 2012 7:50pm EDT closed down 16.4 percent at 12.28 (Reuters) - A New York bank pounds, taking their losses to 24 regulator's broadside against percent since the news surfaced Standard Chartered Plc over just before Monday's close. They transactions tied to Iran left had earlier slumped as low as i n v e s t o r s a n d t h e b a n k 10.92 pounds, their lowest for questioning the action, which on three years. Tuesday wiped $17 billion off the The White House said it took bank's value. sanctions violations seriously but The White House signaled its made no direct reference to strong interest in the case, saying Lawsky's action. the U.S. government takes alleged " S a n c t i o n s v i o l a t i o n s a r e violations of economic sanctions something that this administration "extremely seriously." takes extremely seriously and has L o n d o n - b a s e d S t a n d a r d a strong record of action to this Chartered said it has been in talks e n d , " W h i t e H o u s e P r e s s with U.S. authorities over its Iran S e c r e t a r y J a y C a r n e y t o l d transactions since early 2010 and r e p o r t e r s . " T h e T r e a s u r y said the public accusations by Department remains in close New York came as a shock. contact with both federal and state The state's banking regulator, authorities on this matter." Benjamin Lawsky, called The inquiry into Standard Standard Chartered a "rogue Chartered is not the first time institution" and threatened to Lawsky has been involved in a revoke its state banking license on state investigation of alleged Monday. conduct traditionally probed by Lawsky, head of the state's federal investigators. Department of Financial Services, When he worked at the New accused the bank of hiding 60,000 York Attorney General's office, secret transactions worth $250 Lawsky helped spearhead a still billion over nearly a decade. The unresolved 2010 lawsuit against transactions generated hundreds Bank of America Corp over its of millions of dollars in fees, acquisition of Merrill Lynch &
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:50:30 PM

Co, even while that bank was settling a similar case by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Marc Greenwald, a former federal prosecutor who is now a partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, said it is "not completely surprising" that Lawsky might press ahead now if he felt other regulators were moving too slowly. Lawsky did not respond to several requests for comment. The bank had been one of the least tarnished during the financial crisis because of its focus on emerging markets and conservative approach to capital and liquidity. It said Lawsky's order does not present "a full and accurate picture." "Some people were walking around under the illusion that Standard Chartered was the world's first riskless bank, and it's not," said Gareth Hunt, financials analyst at Canaccord Genuity, who rates the stock a "sell." "We've discovered that Standard Chartered is a mortal bank -- as they all are." Standard Chartered has hired two prominent law firms -- Sullivan & Cromwell in New York and Slaughter and May in London -to represent it in its dealings with various U.S. authorities over transactions linked to Iran.

Among the Sullivan & Cromwell partners working for Standard Chartered is Rodgin Cohen, one of the best-known U.S. corporate lawyers, a person familiar with the matter said. Sullivan & Cromwell has represented other non-U.S. banks probed for allegedly ignoring U.S. sanctions against countries. Lawsky, in his order, described how officials at Standard Chartered had debated whether to continue its Iranian dealings, which he said exposed the U.S. banking system to terrorists, drug traffickers and corrupt states. He said that on October 2006, the top official for business in the Americas warned in a "panicked message" that the Iranian dealings could cause "catastrophic reputational damage" and "serious criminal liability." A group executive director in London shot back, according to a New York branch officer quoted in the order: "You f---ing Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we're not going to deal with Iranians." The reply showed "obvious contempt for U.S. banking regulations," the order said. At that time the bank had five executive directors: Sands, now chief executive; Richard Meddings, now finance director; Mervyn Davies, a British Labour

Party peer; Kai Nargolwala, who later joined Credit Suisse Group AG and left the Swiss bank last year; and Mike DeNoma, who this month departed as CEO of Chinatrust Financial Holding Co. Standard Chartered's Americas CEO was Ray Ferguson, who is now its Singapore CEO. These people either declined to comment or could not immediately be reached for comment. U.S. RULES "UNCLEAR" The loss of a New York banking license would be a devastating blow for a foreign bank, effectively cutting off direct access to the U.S. bank market. Lawsky said Standard Chartered processes $190 billion every day for global clients. The United States imposed economic sanctions on Iran in 1979. Until November 2008 U.S. banks could process some transactions for Iranian banks or individuals provided they were initiated offshore by non-Iranian foreign banks and were on the way to other non-Iranian foreign banks. Such transactions were known as "U-turns." David Proctor, who worked for Standard Chartered from 1999 until 2006 and who oversaw the Iran business briefly in 2006 STANDARD page 7

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Exclusive: U.S. sweetens Taliban prisoner proposal in bid to revive peace talks
(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:01:59 PM

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (L) and Afghan President Hamid Karzai hold a joint news conference in Kabul July 7, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Omar Sobhani By Missy Ryan WASHINGTON| Tue Aug 7, 2012 8:01pm EDT (Reuters) - The Obama administration, in a move aimed at reviving Afghan peace talks, has sweetened a proposed deal under which it would transfer Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay prison in exchange for a U.S. soldier held by Taliban allies in Pakistan. The revised proposal, a concession from an earlier U.S. offer, would alter the sequence of the move of five senior Taliban figures held for years at the U.S. military prison to the Gulf state of Qatar, sources familiar with the issue said. U.S. officials have hoped the prisoner exchange, proposed as a good-faith move in initial discussions between U.S. negotiators and Taliban officials, would open the door to peace talks between militants and the government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. The revised proposal would send all five Taliban prisoners to Qatar

first, said sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. Only then would the Taliban be required to release Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the only U.S. prisoner of war. Previously, U.S. officials had proposed dividing the Taliban prisoners into two groups, and requiring Bergdahl's release as a good-faith gesture to come before the second group of prisoners would be moved out of Guantanamo. Bergdahl, now 26 years old, disappeared from his base in southern Afghanistan in June 2009 and is believed to be being held by Taliban militants in northwestern Pakistan. The White House and the Bergdahl family declined to comment on the revised proposal for a deal. The altered transfer plans were discussed with Qatari officials during a visit in mid-June by Marc Grossman, U.S. President Barack Obama's special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the sources said. It was unclear if the altered proposal had been put forward before those discussions. Qatar, which is hosting a number of Taliban officials, has played a key role in almost two years of initial, secret discussions between U.S. officials and representatives

of the shadowy militant group, which remains a formidable enemy in Afghanistan even as U.S. and NATO troops begin to withdraw. As part of a process the Obama administration hoped would lead to substantive talks on Afghanistan's future, the Taliban's leadership had planned to formally open a political office in Doha. But the Taliban announced in March it would withdraw from the talks, citing what it said were inconsistencies in the U.S. negotiating position. U.S. officials are now cautiously seeking to prepare the ground for a resumption in talks. But any negotiations involving the Taliban, even preliminary ones, could pose a political risk for Obama months before the U.S. presidential election. The proposed prisoner transfer was first reported in December by Reuters. The Taliban detainees are seen as among the most dangerous remaining at Guantanamo, and the transfer idea drew strong opposition on Capitol Hill even before it was formally proposed. Many lawmakers fretted that transferred detainees would reappear on the battlefield, and objected to the possible release of prisoners blamed for bloody crimes in Afghanistan.

U.S. officials stress that the transfer, if it occurs, will be done in accordance with U.S. law, which requires Congress to be notified before any detainees are moved from Guantanamo. NECESSARY EVIL The transfer of the prisoners has long been seen as a necessary evil by U.S. negotiators in their effort to coax the Taliban into talks. The militant group has long demanded their release, but the Pentagon, which handles detainee transfers, is particularly skeptical of a move officials there fear might not only fail to bring the Taliban to the negotiating table but also lead to the department being blamed for moving dangerous militants out of prison. According to a report released early this year from the House Armed Services Committee, more than one in four of the 600 former detainees moved from Guantanamo to countries like Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, or Yemen were confirmed or suspected to subsequently be engaged in 'terrorist activities.' Democrats accused the committee's majority Republicans of fear-mongering when they released that report. Of the five senior Taliban figures, many officials and lawmakers are particularly nervous about transferring Mullah

Mohammed Fazl, a "high-risk detainee" who was in the first group sent to Guantanamo in early 2002, under what could be only loose security and travel restrictions. A former Taliban deputy minister of defense, Fazl is alleged to be responsible for the massacre of thousands of minority Shi'ites. The group also includes Noorullah Noori, a former top military commander; former deputy intelligence minister Abdul Haq Wasiq; and Khairullah Khairkhwa, a former interior minister. The identity of the fifth detainee remains unclear. While a debate continues to rage within the U.S. administration about the wisdom of peace talks with the Taliban, Afghanistan experts see few other options for achieving even a modicum of stability in a region plagued by civil conflict for decades. The Taliban may have been weakened by Obama's 2009-2010 troop surge into Afghanistan, but it remains a potent enemy as the foreign force grows smaller. It is also deeply mistrustful of U.S. overtures and has appeared this year to grapple with its own divisions. In early 2012, Western officials EXCLUSIVE: page 6

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Assad gets Iran backing as forces squeeze Aleppo rebels

(Reuters: Top News)

television quoted Jalili as saying. The "axis of resistance" refers to Shi'ite Iran's anti-Israel alliance By Hadeel Al Shalchi with Syria's rulers - from the ALEPPO, Syria| Tue Aug 7, Alawite faith which is an offshoot 2012 8:29pm EDT of Shi'ite Islam - and the Lebanese (Reuters) - Iran has offered Shi'ite militant group Hezbollah, support to Syria's President which fought a month-long war Bashar al-Assad as his forces tried with Israel in 2006, with Iranian to choke off rebels in the northern and Syrian support. city of Aleppo. Damascus and Tehran have held Seeking to restore his authority Sunni Muslim Gulf Arab states a f t e r s u f f e r i n g t h e g r a v e s t and Turkey, all allies of the setbacks so far in the 17-month- United States and European old uprising, culminating in the powers, responsible for the defection of his prime minister on bloodshed in Syria by supporting Monday, Assad was shown on t h e o v e r w h e l m i n g l y S u n n i television on Tuesday meeting a Muslim rebels. Western powers senior official from his key sympathetic to the rebels are regional ally. concerned that anti-Western It was the first footage broadcast Sunni Islamists could benefit from of the 46-year-old leader for two a victory for the anti-Assad weeks, and came a day after forces. Syria's new caretaker prime Iran's Fars news agency said Jalili minister was televised chairing a told Assad that Iran was prepared hastily called cabinet session, to provide humanitarian aid to possibly to rebut reports that other Syria. ministers had deserted along with On a fence-mending visit to premier Riyad Hijab. Turkey, Iranian Foreign Minister Saeed Jalili, head of Iran's Ali Akbar Salehi said he wanted S u p r e m e N a t i o n a l S e c u r i t y to work with Ankara to resolve Council, said Iran would not let the crisis. Turkish Prime Minister its close partnership with the Tayyip Erdogan described as Syrian leadership to be shaken by " w o r r y i n g " a c o m m e n t o n the uprising or external foes. Monday by Tehran's top general, "Iran will not allow the axis of who blamed Turkey, Saudi Arabia resistance, of which it considers and Qatar for bloodshed in Syria. Syria to be an essential part, to be Iran has expressed fears for more broken in any way," Syrian than 40 Iranians it says are
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:29:00 PM

religious pilgrims kidnapped by rebels from a bus in Damascus while visiting Shi'ite shrines. Salehi wrote to U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon seeking his help to free them. Rebels say they suspect the captives were troops sent to help Assad. A rebel spokesman in the Damascus area said on Monday three of the Iranians had been killed by government shelling. He initially said the rest would be executed if the shelling did not stop but later said they were being questioned. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, without naming Iran or Sunni powers, warned against a descent into "sectarian warfare" and said Washington would not tolerate "sending in proxies or terrorist fighters" to "exploit" Syria's conflict. REBEL AMMUNITION In Aleppo, rebels trying to fight off an army offensive said they were running low on ammunition as Assad's forces tried to encircle their stronghold in the southern approaches to the country's biggest city. Assad has reinforced his troops in preparation for an assault to recapture rebel-held districts of Aleppo after repelling fighters from most of Damascus. "The Syrian army is trying to encircle us from two sides of

Salaheddine," said Sheikh Tawfiq, one of the rebel commanders, referring to the southwestern Aleppo neighborhood which has seen heavy fighting over the last week. Mortar fire and tank shells exploded across the district early on Tuesday, forcing rebel fighters to take cover in crumbling buildings and rubble-strewn alleyways. Tanks have entered parts of Salaheddine and army snipers, using the cover of heavy bombardment, deployed on rooftops, hindering rebel movements. Another rebel commander, Abu Ali, said snipers at the main Saleheddine traffic roundabout were preventing the rebels from bringing in reinforcements and supplies. He said five of his fighters were killed on Monday and 20 wounded. But rebels said they were still holding the main streets of Salaheddine. A fighter jet pounded targets in the eastern districts of Aleppo and shelling could be heard in the early morning, an activist in Aleppo said. "Two families, about 14 people in total, were believed killed when a shell hit their home and it collapsed this morning," the activist said. The house was one

street away from a school being used as a base by rebels, he said. PREMIER DEFECTS As Assad's forces battle to retake Aleppo, fighting has continued across the country. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the violence, said more than 270 people - including 62 soldiers - were killed in Syria on Monday, one of the highest death tolls in an uprising in which activists reckon at least 18,000 have died. Sixty-four of those killed on Monday died in the city of Aleppo and its surrounding province, the Observatory said. The president has suffered a series of blows in the last three weeks, from the bombing of his inner circle to the rebel gains in Aleppo, at border crossings and briefly in Damascus. On Monday, Hijab denounced Assad's "terrorist regime" after fleeing the country. The defection of Hijab, who like most of the opposition hails from the Sunni Muslim majority, was a further sign of the isolation of Assad's government around an inner core of powerful members of his minority Alawite sect. Opposition figures, buoyant despite setbacks in recent weeks of fighting, spoke of an extensive ASSAD page 9

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Tucson Case Comes to End With Plea By Gunman - New York Times
FERNANDA SANTOS (Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:57:33 PM

TUCSON Jared L. Loughner pleaded guilty on Tuesday to killing six people and wounding 13 others last year during a meetand-greet event here held by Gabrielle Giffords, then a member of the House of Representatives and the primary target of his rampage. The plea brought a sudden resolution to a case that seemed threatened by the fragility of Mr. Loughners mental state. A courtroom sketch shows Jared Loughner, center, sitting with his attorney, Judy Clark, during a hearing in Tucson on Tuesday. Mr. Loughner, 23, delivered his admission in a slurred monotone I plead guilty looking straight ahead from his seat at the defendants table, his back arched and his hands clasped in his lap. He repeated the words 19 times, one for each of the counts to which he had agreed to plead guilty as part of a deal that will keep him in prison for the rest of his life. He seemed subdued and resigned, telling Judge Larry A. Burns, who has presided over the case in Federal District Court, that he understood the consequences of his actions, as well as the implications of his plea, which

offers him no chance of appeals. At the hearing, Dr. Christina Pietz, a psychologist who treated Mr. Loughner at a federal hospital in Springfield, Mo., said his feelings had evolved from regret for failing to kill Ms. Giffords, whom he had harbored a secret grudge against for several years, to remorse for wounding her and others and for taking peoples lives. I especially cried for the child and yelled a lot because it hurt so bad, Mr. Loughner once told Dr. Pietz, she testified, reading from notes she had kept of their encounters. His plea brought a measure of victory to prosecutors, who were able to take Mr. Loughner off the streets without having to face the uncertain outcome of a trial, where they risked the possibility that his lawyers might sway a jury with an insanity defense. We feel that this is a certain and just and appropriate resolution in this case, John Leonardo, the United States attorney for Arizona, said outside the courthouse. Among the survivors, as well as relatives and friends of those whom Mr. Loughner killed, there were mixed emotions. I truly believe that justice was done today, said Ron Barber, a senior aide to Ms. Giffords who

His mother, Amy Joanne Loughner, wept quietly from a corner of the courtroom. Mr. Loughner began exhibiting odd behavior long before the shooting. Classmates at Pima Community College, where he attended, described him as strange and eccentric; professors spoke of was wounded in the shooting and h i s d i s o r g a n i z e d t h o u g h t who won a special election in p r o c e s s , D r . P i e t z s a i d . June to fill the remainder of her Once, he asked his parents if they term after she retired. could hear the same voices he had To Suzi Hileman, though, whom been hearing, she testified. In Mr. Loughner shot multiple times, written answers to her questions, the plea brought her no closer to his parents said they were worried healing. he would kill himself. In videos This is too little, too late, said he made, Mr. Loughner said that Ms. Hileman, who had taken the he felt depressed, and that he had y o u n g e s t o f t h e s h o o t i n g s the urge to kill someone. victims, 9-year-old Christina- On Jan. 8, 2011, he fired 31 shots Taylor Green, to Ms. Giffordss f r o m a 9 - m i l l i m e t e r event. Six people are dead, and semiautomatic pistol, until he was my congresswoman had a bullet tackled by onlookers as he tried to through her head. This is with me reload. It took him 16 seconds to forever. carry out the shooting. He Mr. Loughner arrived here on originally faced 49 criminal Monday from the hospital in charges, but most of them were Missouri, where he had been held dropped as part of the plea for more than a year, and spent agreement. the night at a medium-security The volatility of Mr. Loughners prison before Tuesdays hearing. mental state was a deciding factor. He looked pale and skinny under On May 25, 2011, he delivered an a khaki jumpsuit, and he offered incoherent rant in court, at the short answers to the questions same hearing at which Judge Judge Burns asked. Burns ruled him incompetent to The judge said, Has anyone put stand trial. Four months later, he unfair pressure on you to plead sat expressionless through a seven guilty? -hour hearing. No, Mr. Loughner answered.

Judge Burns noticed the changes in him on Tuesday. Hes a different person, the judge said in court. Moments later, he added, Theres no question in my mind he understands whats going on today, deeming Mr. Loughner competent to enter his guilty plea. Mr. Loughner has had a job in prison, delivering towels to inmates and stamping envelopes a big deal to him, Dr. Pietz said, something that hes successful at. He has been voluntarily taking medication since July; for months before that, he was medicated by force, under orders of the Bureau of Prisons, Judge Burns said. Dr. Pietz said Mr. Loughner told her he wished he had taken the antidepressants he had once been prescribed, long before the shooting, his arrest and the diagnosis of schizophrenia that followed it. Ms. Giffords did not attend the hearing. Her husband, Mark E. Kelly, said they had been in contact with the United States attorneys office, informed of every step in the negotiations. The pain and loss caused by the shooting are incalculable, Mr. Kelly said. Avoiding trial will allow us, and we hope the whole Southern Arizona community, to TUCSON page 9

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NASA rover sends back video and first color picture of landscape; prettier ... - Washington Post

continued from page 3

say, the Taliban's reclusive leaders struggled to contain a backlash from mid-level militants who opposed talking to the West. While they appear to have mostly succeeded in containing that response, even a start to real peace talks could still be years away. (Top Stories - Google News) Polar Lander carried similar gear, Tuesday, scientists got their first robotic arm. Since landing, Even so, analysts say there are but it slammed into the south pole view of the castoffs. The eagle- e n g i n e e r s h a v e b e e n b u s y signs that the Taliban leadership, Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:46:30 PM after prematurely shutting off its e y e d M a r s R e c o n n a i s s a n c e performing health checkups on its based in Pakistan, may now be Spectacular, mission deputy engines. Another effort was Orbiter had circled over the systems and instruments. Over the m o r e o p e n t o a n e g o t i a t e d project scientist Joy Crisp said of aborted in 2008 during the landing site and spotted Curiosity next several days, it was poised to s e t t l e m e n t , a n d t h e s e h a v e the footage. Weve not had that Phoenix landers mission to the and the scattered parts. send back crisper pictures of its included the appearance of a before. northern plains when mission Its like a crime scene photo, s u r r o u n d i n g s i n c l u d i n g a senior Taliban figure at a recent conference in Japan. Since parking itself inside an managers decided not to turn it on said Sarah Milkovich, a NASA Jet p a n o r a m a . ancient crater Sunday night, the for fear it would interfere with the Propulsion Laboratory scientist. The rover was still in great "The Taliban doesn't want a Curiosity rover has delighted landing. The parachute appeared to be shape, mission manager Michael vacuum in Afghanistan or a civil war with the North they know scientists with views of its new Its too emotional for me, said inflated, and the rocket stage that Watkins said. they can't win," said Ahmed surroundings, including the 3-mile Ken Edgett of the Malin Space unspooled the cables crashed ___ -high mountain it will drive to. It Science Systems, which operates 2,100 feet from the landing site. Follow Alicia Changs Mars Rashid, a prominent Pakistani beamed back the first color the video camera. Its been a Earlier this week, the Mars c o v e r a g e a t : h t t p : / / author and expert on the Taliban, picture Tuesday revealing a tan- long journey and its really Reconnaissance Orbiter caught referring to powerful northern warlords who battled the Taliban hued, pebbly landscape and the awesome. Curiosity sailing through the ___ in the 1990s and continue to wield crater rim off in the distance. The full high-resolution video Martian skies under a parachute. Online: power in Afghanistan. Locale aside, Curiosity is giving will be downloaded when time It was only the second time a scientists an unprecedented sense allows and should give the first spacecraft has been photographed Copyright 2012 The Associated "The elements that have been of what it took to reach its peek of a landing on another on a parachute; the first was Press. All rights reserved. This dealing with the U.S. government Martian destination. The roving planet. Phoenix during its descent to the material may not be published, basically want a deal." laboratory sent back nearly 300 Curiositys journey to Mars surface. b r o a d c a s t , r e w r i t t e n o r (Additional reporting by Mark Hosenball; Editing by Warren thumbnails that NASA processed spanned eight months and 352 The nuclear-powered, six-wheel r e d i s t r i b u t e d . into a low-quality video showing million miles. The rover gently Curiosity will spend the next two This entry passed through the Strobel and David Brunnstrom) the last 2 1/2 minutes of its white- touched down Sunday night after years chiseling into rocks and Full-Text RSS service if this is This entry passed through the knuckle dive through the thin executing an elaborate and scooping up soil at Gale Crater to your content and you're reading it Full-Text RSS service if this is Martian atmosphere. untested landing routine. The size d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r t h e on someone else's site, please read your content and you're reading it In the video, the protective heat of a compact car, it was too heavy environment ever had the right the FAQ at on someone else's site, please read shield pops off and tumbles away. to land using air bags. Instead, it conditions for microbes to thrive. only/faq.php#publishers. Five the FAQ at footage gets jumpy as relied on a heat shield, parachute, It will spend a chunk of its time Filters recommends: Incinerating only/faq.php#publishers. Five Curiosity rides on a parachute. In rockets and cables to lower it to driving to Mount Sharp where Assange - The Liberal Media Go Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go the last scene, dust billows up just the ground. images from space reveal signs of To Work. To Work. before landing. During its seven-minute plunge past water on the lower flanks. NASA twice tried to record a through the atmosphere, Curiosity Itll be several weeks before it Mars landing. In 1999, the Mars shed the spacecraft parts. On takes its first drive and flexes its

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Name-calling, accusations over welfare work requirements fly among Romney ... - Washington Post

continued from page 2

when he was CEO in the United Arab Emirates, said the rules on dealing with Iran were unclear. "At the time (May 2006), ... the key question was to try and understand exactly what counted (Top Stories - Google News) taunts were getting personal. gaining ground politically with his as a U-turn transaction," he said. Proctor, who now provides Romney, interviewed on Fox position on taxes. Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:39:23 PM News, said Obama was saying It also marked an attempt to take advice for banks with BAS Romney made his accusation in a things that are not accurate when t h e g l o s s o f f t h e r e c e n t Consulting in Singapore, added relatively rare occurrence in the it comes to taxes. He referred to a a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t f o r m e r that Standard Chartered now has race for the White House an crack the president made on President Bill Clinton will have a to help clear up what actually appearance before voters outside Monday night as Obama-loney, prime-time speaking slot at the happened. "Banks these days don't the small group of battleground rhyming it with baloney. Democratic National Convention have a choice," he said. "You states likely to settle the Nov. 6 At a fundraiser, Obama called in Charlotte, N.C. early next have to be transparent." Standard Chartered put the value election. Romneys tax plan Robin Hood in month. Illinois and its 20 electoral votes reverse Romney Hood Appearing before hundreds of of Iran-related transactions that are politically safe territory for and repeated his accusation that it supporters at a manufacturing did not comply with regulations at Obama in the fall. Romney was would mean tax breaks for the plant near Chicago, Obamas less than $14 million, contrasting there for a fundraiser as well as a wealthiest Americans while h o m e t o w n , t h e R e p u b l i c a n sharply with the New York stop at a manufacturing company, forcing the middle class to pay the c h a l l e n g e r s a i d b i p a r t i s a n regulator's estimate of $250 part of the intense competition IRS as much as $2,000 more a legislation signed into law by billion. It also called Lawsky's between the two candidates to year. Clinton in 1996 reformed stockpile cash for the stretch run The president wants to extend tax welfare to encourage people to interpretation of the U-turn to Election Day. breaks due to expire at all income work. They did not want a culture exemption "incorrect as a matter Romney picked up more than $2 levels, except above $200,000 for of dependency to continue to of law." Standard Chartered must million during his swing through individuals and $250,000 for a grow in our country, he said of appear before the Department of Chicago, and another fundraising couple. He has made his proposal the then-president and Congress, Financial Services on August 15. evening in West Des Moines, central to a pitch to middle- and under Republican control at the SIX BANKS Standard Chartered is the sixth Iowa, gave him at least another working-class voters as he seeks a time. $1.8 million. second term with unemployment This entry passed through the non-U.S. bank implicated since The president was speaking at at 8.3 percent. Full-Text RSS service if this is 2008 over alleged dealings with two private events, one of them a Romney wants to keep the tax your content and you're reading it sanctioned countries. fundraiser, at a hotel a few blocks cuts in place at all income levels, on someone else's site, please read Barclays Plc, Lloyds Banking from the White House. And after and has proposed an additional 20 the FAQ at Group Plc, Credit Suisse and ING being outraised by Romney in percent reduction in rates. only/faq.php#publishers. Five Bank NV have agreed to fines and recent months, his campaign Romneys decision to introduce Filters recommends: Incinerating settlements totaling $1.8 billion, announced a fundraising shoot- t h e w e l f a r e i s s u e i n t o t h e Assange - The Liberal Media Go while regulatory filings show that HSBC Holdings Plc is under around and dinner in New York campaign seemed aimed at blue- To Work. on Aug. 22 featuring several collar, white working-class voters professional basketball stars. i n a w e a k e c o n o m y , a n d [unable to retrieve full-text In a race as close as this one, the suggested that Obama might be content] content] content] [unable to retrieve full-text [unable to retrieve full-text

investigation. Separately, Barclays agreed in June to pay $453 million to settle U.S. and British probes that it rigged Libor, a global lending benchmark, while a month later a U.S. Senate panel faulted HSBC efforts to police suspect transactions, including with Mexican drug traffickers. The cost to protect 10 million euros of Standard Chartered debt against default for five years rose on Tuesday to 166,000 euros from 140,000 euros on Monday, according to Markit. ($1=0.6415 British pounds) (Writing by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Margaret Chadbourn, Karen Freifeld and Noeleen Walder in the United States; Sinead Cruise, Raji Menon, Adam Parry, Martin de Sa'Pinto, Matt Scuffham and Sarah White in Europe and bureaux in Asia; Editing by Leslie Gevirtz) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Bentivolio, Cassis vie for Michigan 11 House seat

John Gizzi ( Todays Top News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:58:00 AM

Politics Michigan 11 House district candidate Kerry Bentivolio If Nancy Cassis was on the ballot in the Republican primary Tuesday, few doubt that the former state senator and state representative would handily be nominated for Congress in Michigans 11th District (WayneOakland Counties). But, because of a string of bizarre happenings involving flawed petitions for renomination, embattled GOP Rep. Thad McCotter announced his decision to retire June 2 after the states filing deadline. Accordingly, the 68-year-old Cassis the choice of local party leaders could only run as a write-in candidate. The lone candidate on the ballot was Kerry Bentivolio, area leader for Ron Pauls presidential campaign and a U.S. Army veteran of Vietnam and Desert Storm. Cassis has spent a six-figure

amount from her personal income and emphasized her background as a fiscal conservative during the campaign. But this doesnt change the fact that writing in a candidates name on the Water Wonderland ballot and having it count is not as easy as it sounds. Although intent rather than precise spelling is how election officials determine the vote, the voter must also shade in an oval

space on the ballot after he or she writes in a name in order to have it count. Initially thought to be a gadfly, Bentivolio developed potential as a serious contender the day after McCotter exited the race. Veteran political consultant John Yob has signed on as his campaign quarterback and the Liberty for All SuperPAC, headed by Texas multimillionaire and Ron Paul

enthusiast John Ramsey, has weighed in strongly with mailings and TV spots on behalf of Bentivolio. A mass mailing of postcards by the SuperPAC takes past votes in the legislature by Cassis and links Nancy Cassis to Nancy Pelosi. Based on who is supporting her and her recognition from past races and service, Nancy should win, said one Oakland County

GOP activist. But having to win through write-ins is difficult for anyone. And besides, (Bentivolio) is running on a platform to abolish the income tax and the IMF and get out of the UN and the IMF. That resonates with a lot of folks. No one is calling this race for sure. And no one argues that, even with a heated Senate primary and a Democratic primary battle for the seat of retiring Democratic Rep. Dale Kildee in the Flint-Bay City district, the race in Michigans 11th is the strangest of all. HUMAN EVENTS: RELATED ARTICLES Those who read this also read This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Emails show Obama administration involvement in killing non-union auto pensions

continued from page 4

and long-planned operation to spirit Hijab and his extended family over the Jordanian border. A spokesman for U.S. President Barack Obama hailed Hijab's defection as a sign that the 40year rule of Assad's family was "crumbling from within" and said John Hayward ( Todays Top his associates that he had just intended to include a discussion he should step down. News) spoken with Treasury official of the pension situation, but Western leaders' repeated Matt Feldman, who said he had Joseph House told other staffers Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:19:47 AM predictions of Assad's imminent made progress discussing our that the Treasury department had collapse have so far proven Matthew Boyle of the Daily proposal with a number of key uninvited them. This is more premature, however. Caller reports that internal emails folks in Treasury and at [the] t h a n m e r e l y c o n t r o v e r s i a l , The security forces have show Treasury Secretary Tim White House, but he has not yet because as Boyle notes, without overwhelming superiority in Geithner was the driving force wrapped up his coordination. He a PBGC representative in the firepower, which they have behind terminating the pensions indicated that there is an 8 AM room, Treasury officials were wielded against lightly armed of 20,000 non-union retirees from call tomorrow that hell use to legally prohibited from making rebels. t h e D e l p h i a u t o p a r t s close the communication-loop, decision about pensions or even Hijab's defection was the latest manufacturing company, as part and hes confident hell have a from moving toward them. sign of Sunnis abandoning Assad, of the governments bailout plan fully-vetted Treasury view after Despite this effort to save money but there has been no sign yet that for General Motors. Union that call. at the expense of non-union members of his mainly Alawite workers, on the other hand, saw This is problematic not only employees, the GM bailout their pensions topped off and because of appearances, but remains a titanic loss to the TUCSON made whole. because Treasury officials have taxpayers, currently standing at continued from page 5 This decision was supposed to be testified under oath that the PBGC roughly$35 billion with the recent continue with our recovery and made by the independent Pension terminated those pensions, not the dip in stock prices. move forward with our lives. Benefit Guaranty Corporation, Administration. Its tough to read This entry passed through the Mr. Loughners formal which is meant to be free of the correspondence between Full-Text RSS service if this is sentencing is scheduled for Nov. political influence, so it can PBGC and Treasury without your content and you're reading it 15. represent the interests of private- concluding that Administration on someone else's site, please read Marisa Gerber contributed sector pensioners. officials were running the show. the FAQ at reporting. I n s t e a d , t h e D a i l y C a l l e r Especially troubling is a series of only/faq.php#publishers. Five This article has been revised to unearthed a string of emails that emails that show PBGC staffers Filters recommends: Incinerating reflect the following correction: show extensive involvement by were actually disinvited from a Assange - The Liberal Media Go Correction: August 7, 2012 the Treasury Department and the k e y e a r l y m e e t i n g o f t h e To Work. An earlier home page summary White House. In one email, Administrations auto bailout on this article gave an incorrect PBGC staffer Joseph House told team. The meeting was clearly account of the casualties. Six people were killed and 13 were injured, including Gabrielle

ruling inner circle are losing their will to fight on. (Additional reporting by Khaled Oweis, Mariam Karouny, Yara Bayoumy and Tom Perry in Beirut; Writing by Dominic Evans in Beirut; Editing by Alastair Macdonald) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Giffords. She was not killed. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Military Seeks More Sway in China, Worrying Party - New York Times
(china - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:58:05 PM

New York Times Military Seeks More Sway in China, Worrying Party New York Times BEIJING During a holiday banquet for China's military leadership early this year, a

were not processed until this month, court records show. The court will request a brief outlining her arguments for appeal at a later stage, Hermle said by email. Hermle argued in lower court that Pao had signed agreements to arbitrate disputes, but Pao's Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:48:17 PM SAN FRANCISCO -- Venture- attorney, Alan Exelrod, said the capital firm Kleiner Perkins agreements were with individual Caufield & Byers has appealed a funds managed by Kleiner. Pao's California judge's decision that an lawsuit is against the firm as a e m p l o y m e n t d i s c r i m i n a t i o n whole. lawsuit brought by one of its At the time of the July hearing partners should stay in court where Superior Court Judge rather than move to arbitration as Harold Kahn told Hermle he Kleiner had requested. disagreed with her arguments, (china - Google News) securities regulator in October, The appeal, which was expected Kleiner said it was disappointed investors hoped that he would and could take months, seems with the decision and said Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:20:10 PM bring a reformist zeal to the job likely to keep one of Silicon arbitration would be faster and China reforms fail to end stocks' that would help break the stock Valley's higher-profile cases in more efficient than a court case. bad run market's two-year losing streak. the public eye for now. The Pao's lawsuit paints a picture of a CNN They were right about the zeal... lawsuit, brought by Kleiner firm where complaints against (Financial Times) -- When Guo and more Partner Ellen Pao, has become the harassment went ignored, where a Shuqing became China's top talk of the Bay Area, inspiring senior partner suggested that debate on its merits as well as the marrying the alleged harasser broader question of sexism in the might be the solution to Pao's technology industry. difficulties, and where women K l e i n e r ' s a t t o r n e y , L y n n e were labeled "buzz" kills. Hermle, filed a one-page appeal In response, Kleiner on July 24, but the documents c h a r a c t e r i z e d P a o a s a n

powerful general lashed out in a drunken rage against what he believed was a backhanded move to keep him from being promoted to the military's top ruling body. China's president eyes ally for promotion to top body: sources Reuters all 8 news articles

Kleiner Perkins appeals decision for trial in sexual harassment case

<p class="bylinejb"> By Sarah McBride<br /></p><p class="bylineaffiliation&qu ot;>Reuters (Venture Capital Survey)

China reforms fail to end stocks' bad run - CNN

underperforming partner who never told the firm she was unhappy with her treatment by male colleagues. Kleiner Perkins, founded in 1972, has backed big-name firms such as online retailer, gaming company Electronic Arts( ERTS), biotechnology company Genentech, browser company Netscape, information-technology company Sun Microsystems and gaming company Zynga. The case in Court of Appeal of the State of California is Ellen Pao v Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers LLC and Does 1-20, case no. A136090. Copyright 2012 San Jose Mercury News. All rights reserved. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Why The Slowdown In Chinese Electricity Usage Is Making The Economy Look Worse Than It Actually Is
Bloomberg (Business Insider)

Steel plants, cement plants and refinery facilities -- these big Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:43:00 PM electricity consumers -- have Aug. 8 ( Bloomberg) -- A suffered a lot more than servicestagnation in electricity output industry players in the first half, that fanned speculation Chinas said Dong Tao, Credit Suisse slowdown is intensifying may Group AGs Hong Kong-based i n s t e a d b e e v i d e n c e o f a n head of Asia economics excluding accelerated transition to a more J a p a n . S o e l e c t r i c i t y services-based economy. consumption is not a benchmark The government will release but a reference. information on July electricity Industrial production probably production tomorrow as part of its rose 9.7 percent in July from a report on industrial output. Power year earlier, based on the median generation in June was unchanged estimate in a Bloomberg News from a year earlier even as survey. Data tomorrow may also industrial production rose 9.5 s h o w c o n s u m e r i n f l a t i o n p e r c e n t . H e a v y i n d u s t r i e s decelerated to 1.7 percent in July, including metals and cement the weakest pace since January consume about 60 percent of 2010. electricity and account for 20 Lending Data percent of gross domestic product, Trade data to be released Aug. 10 according to GK Dragonomics, a will probably indicate export Beijing-based consultant. growth slowed last month to a The shifts signal that electricitys three-month low. New yuan loans r e l e v a n c e a s a n e c o n o m i c fell in July, analysts predicted indicator is receding five years ahead of data due by Aug. 15. after Li Keqiang, now the vice Profits at Chinese steelmakers premier, was quoted as saying he fell 96 percent in the first half as watched data on power, rail cargo demand and prices dropped, a and loans because GDP numbers China Iron and Steel Association were man-made. An evolution official said last week. Anhui within manufacturing to more Conch Cement Co., Chinas efficient production is also biggest maker of the material, said damping electricity use as China in June that first- half earnings upgrades its factories. may have dropped by more than

50 percent. Some companies in service industries, by contrast, are seeing faster growth. The U.S.s Yum! Brands Inc., operator of KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants, said second -quarter system sales in China rose 27 percent and boosted the number of planned store openings in the country this year. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. said first-half China sales rose more than 25 percent. Manufacturing Gauge A survey of purchasing managers indicated that manufacturing teetered on the edge of contraction last month, with a government gauge at 50.1. The official services index was at 55.6; readings above 50 signal expansion. Service industries now account for about 43 percent of the economy, and Chinas government is trying to boost that to 47 percent by 2015. More broadly, electricity is a powerful indicator, but its just volatile on a month-to-month basis, said Michael Parker, senior analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in Hong Kong. Reviewing two years of figures gets a power-consumption growth rate of about 7 percent, which is

about consistent with GDP expansion, he said. Chinas statistics bureau publishes power output data while the National Energy Administration releases consumption figures. Three Segments The country divides its economic data into three segments: primary industries, which include agriculture and livestock; secondary, comprised of manufacturing and construction; and tertiary, which includes services and logistics. Electricity consumption in secondary industries grew less than 5 percent in each of the four months through June compared with 10 percent to 14 percent during the same period in 2011, government data show. The primary groups consumption fell from a year earlier in March, April and May. The tertiary groups power consumption, by comparison, grew more than 10 percent from a year earlier for most of the first half. The popular idea that electricity growth is a simple proxy for economic growth is clearly not true, said Nate Taplin, an energy analyst with GK Dragonomics in Beijing. Lis remark was

published in a WikiLeaks cable in late 2010. Investor concern over Chinas growth has helped send the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index down 15 percent in the past year. The yuan has weakened about 1 percent against the dollar in 2012. The government cut interest rates in June and July, the first reductions since 2008, and signaled its focusing on investment to support expansion that slowed to a three-year low of 7.6 percent last quarter. Premier Wen Jiabao set a 2012 target of 7.5 percent in March. Policy Easing Activity growth has probably stabilized on the back of the policy loosening which started in May, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists including Song Yu wrote in an Aug. 3 note. Slowing inflation will allow room for more easing, Song said. The electricity-output slump results from the economic slowdown as well as a longerterm shift away from energyintensive growth in China, Parker said. Even so, the nation may still have a ways to go. WHY page 14



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These 3 Things Keep Pushing Interest Rates Lower And Lower

Kenneth Rogoff (Business Insider)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:45:36 PM

CAMBRIDGE How long can todays record-low, majorcurrency interest rates persist? Ten-year interest rates in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany have all been hovering around the once unthinkable 1.5% mark. In Japan, the ten-year rate has drifted to below 0.8%. Global investors are apparently willing to accept these extraordinarily low rates, even though they do not appear to compensate for expected inflation. Indeed, the rate on inflationadjusted US Treasury bills (socalled TIPS) is now negative up to 15 years. Is this extraordinary situation stable? In the very near term, certainly; indeed, interest rates could still fall further. Over the longer term, however, this situation is definitely not stable. Three major factors underlie todays low yields. First and foremost, there is the global savings glut, an idea popularized by current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in a 2005 speech. For various reasons, savers have become ascendant across many regions. In Germany and Japan, aging populations need to save for retirement. In China,

the government holds safe bonds as a hedge against a future banking crisis and, of course, as a byproduct of efforts to stabilize the exchange rate. Similar motives dictate reserve accumulation in other emerging markets. Finally, oil exporters such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates seek to set aside wealth during the boom years. Second, in their efforts to combat the financial crisis, the major central banks have all brought down very short-term policy interest rates to close to zero, with no clear exit in sight. In normal times, any effort by a central bank to take short-term interest rates too low for too long will boomerang. Short-term market interest rates will fall, but, as investors begin to recognize the ultimate inflationary consequences of very loose monetary policy, longer-term interest rates will rise. This has not yet happened, as central banks have been careful to repeat their mantra of low longterm inflation. That has been sufficient to convince markets that any stimulus will be withdrawn before significant inflationary forces gather. But a third factor has become manifest recently. Investors are increasingly wary of a global

financial meltdown, most likely emanating from Europe, but with the US fiscal cliff, political instability in the Middle East, and a slowdown in China all coming into play. Meltdown fears, even if remote, directly raise the premium that savers are willing to pay for bonds that they perceive as the most reliable, much as the premium for gold rises. These same fears are also restraining business investment, which has remained muted, despite extremely low interest rates for many companies. It is the combination of all three of these factors that has created a perfect storm for super low interest rates. But how long can the storm last? Although highly unpredictable, it is easy to imagine how the process could be reversed. For starters, the same forces that led to an upward shift in the global savings curve will soon enough begin operating in the other direction. Japan, for example, is starting to experience a huge retirement bulge, implying a sharp reduction in savings as the elderly start to draw down lifetime reserves. Japans past predilection toward saving has long implied a large trade and current-account surplus, but now these surpluses are starting to swing the other way.

Germany will soon be in the same situation. Meanwhile, new energy-extraction technologies, combined with a softer trajectory for global growth, are having a marked impact on commodity prices, cutting deeply into the surpluses of commodity exporters from Argentina to Saudi Arabia. Second, many (if not necessarily all) central banks will eventually figure out how to generate higher inflation expectations. They will be driven to tolerate higher inflation as a means of forcing investors into real assets, to accelerate deleveraging, and as a mechanism for facilitating downward adjustment in real wages and home prices. It is nonsense to argue that central banks are impotent and completely unable to raise inflation expectations, no matter how hard they try. In the extreme, governments can appoint central bank leaders who have a longstanding record of stating a tolerance for moderate inflation an exact parallel to the idea of appointing conservative central bankers as a means of combating high inflation. Third, eventually the clouds over Europe will be resolved, though I admit that this does not seem likely to happen anytime soon. Indeed, things will likely get worse before they get better, and

it is not at all difficult to imagine a profound restructuring of the eurozone. Nevertheless, whichever direction the euro crisis takes, its ultimate resolution will end the extreme existential uncertainty that clouds the outlook today. Ultra-low interest rates may persist for some time. Certainly Japans rates have remained stable at an extraordinarily low level for a considerable period, at times falling further even as it seemed that they could only rise. But todays low interest-rate dynamic is not an entirely stable one. It could unwind remarkably quickly. Reprinting material from this Web site without written consent from Project Syndicate is a violation of international copyright law. To secure permission, please contact us. Related posts: Why Eurobonds are UnAmerican? Americas Constrained Choice One Money, (Too) Many Markets Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

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Judge: Ellen Pao does not have to take sex discrimination claim to arbitration
<p class="bylinejb"> By Peter Delevett<br /></p><p class="bylineaffiliation&qu ot;><a href='mailto:pdelevett@mercury'>pdelevett@merc</a><br /></p><p class="bylinecopyright&qu ot;> (Venture Capital Survey)

Caufield & Byers treats women like second-class citizens -- does not have to take her legal claim to outside arbitration. Pao's lawyer said his client was "very pleased" and looks forward to telling her story in front of a jury. But Kleiner Perkins, which has fought to keep details of the firm's financial doings out of the public eye during the proceedings, immediately vowed to appeal. Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:43:37 PM That could keep the suit in limbo Click photo to enlarge FILE - In for at least a year, during which this April 4, 2006 file photo, both sides will likely put pressure venture capitalist John Doerr on the other to settle out of court. poses for a portrait with partner Last week, San Francisco County Ellen Pao outside of their office in Superior Court Judge Harold Menlo Park, Calif. San Francisco Kahn shot down a request by Superior Court Judge Harold Kleiner Perkins to make Pao Kahn has scheduled a hearing arbitrate the case. Although Friday, July 20, 2012 to consider employers prefer that route t h e f i r m K l e i n e r , P e r k i n s , because it's usually cheaper and Caulfied & Byers' request to faster -- not to mention private -move Pao's sexual harassment Kahn had agreed with Pao's lawsuit from court to arbitration, attorney, Alan Exelrod, that the which are usually litigated venture firm does not have a confidentially. Pao filed a lawsuit blanket arbitration clause with its in May alleging senior partners employees and partners. ignored her complaints that a The firm's lawyer, Lynne spurned romantic interest at the Hermle, had convinced Kahn to firm was harassing her. (AP Photo let her submit a revised motion. In /Marcio Jose Sanchez, File) it, she argued that even though the The judge in a sex discrimination firm itself had not signed onto case that's rocked Silicon Valley's various arbitration agreements staid venture capital world ruled that Pao had previously consented on Friday that Ellen Pao -- the to, it deserved to be covered by j u n i o r p a r t n e r w h o c l a i m s those agreements nonetheless. v e n e r a b l e K l e i n e r P e r k i n s On Friday, Kahn shot down that

venture partner's share of an investment fund's returns -- that's spelled out in the LLC agreements, it's unfair not to hold Pao to the arbitration clauses in those agreements. "How can equity allow a plaintiff to accept a lucrative contract," Hermle asked the judge, "agree in the contract who is providing the argument as well. "I thought your papers were benefits, agree to an arbitration terrific," he told Hermle wryly. clause, and then only sue the "And I disagree with all of them." entity she agrees does not provide Each time a venture firm raises a those benefits?" n e w f u n d , t h e p a r t n e r s But Kahn called that reasoning participating in it form a limited "extremely circuitous," adding: liability corporation. Kleiner "The agreements that are cited as insists that, because the LLCs Pao the basis of the arbitration claim has joined during her seven years are not employment agreements." Pao in May filed a lawsuit at the firm contained arbitration alleging that another junior clauses, she cannot litigate her partner had pressured her into sex, claim in court. The judge retorted: "The parties then retaliated when she broke off here are very sophisticated. They t h e i r b r i e f r e l a t i o n s h i p b y could, if they wished, have excluding her from work-related included in their employment meetings and emails. She claims agreements an arbitration clause. her complaints about it to senior partners fell on deaf ears; that They didn't." Hermle in her revised brief had another partner subsequently cited a legal concept called propositioned her; and that she "equitable estoppel," which in was ultimately punished with poor layman's terms means that the performance reviews that may letter of a contract can be have cost her millions of dollars. overruled to correct a fundamental Kleiner Perkins has strongly denied the charges, calling Pao a unfairness. She continued on Friday to argue chronic poor performer who's that, because Pao in her claim is trying to twist the facts in seeking "carried interest" -- a retrospect. In its legal rejoinder to her suit, it says Pao waited for

years to bring her complaints forward. The firm also defended its record of hiring and promoting women; roughly a quarter of its partners are female, a percentage far higher than venture industry's as a whole. As with last week's hearing, no Kleiner Perkins partners -including Pao, who still works at the firm -- were in court Friday. Despite Hermle's insistence that the arbitration clauses in the LLC documents "could not possibly be written more broadly," Kahn at the end of a spirited 30 minutes appeared to weary of the back and forth. "Your remedy is to go across the street" to the state Court of Appeal, he said. "If I am wrong, they'll point it out, and I wish you well." Contact Peter Delevett at 408271-3638. Follow him at Copyright 2012 San Jose Mercury News. All rights reserved. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Kleiner Perkins tries new tack in Ellen Pao sex suit

<p class="bylinejb"> By Peter Delevett<br /></p><p class="bylineaffiliation&qu ot;><a href='mailto:pdelevett@mercury'>pdelevett@merc</a><br /></p><p class="bylinecopyright&qu ot;> (Venture Capital Survey)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:43:30 PM

continued from page 11

Knocked back in its legal argument that a junior partner suing for sex discrimination should be bound by previous contracts to take her case to arbitration, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers is trying a new tack. In a Friday filing in San Francisco Superior Court, Silicon Valley's most fabled venture capital firm says it should be allowed to take advantage of the arbitration clauses in those contracts out of simple fairness -even though the firm itself did not sign onto the agreements. Legal experts call it a novel tactic, and one that very likely won't work. A hearing on

Kleiner's revamped motion will take place next Friday, though it increasingly appears that the valley's favorite soap opera will drag on for months. Junior partner Ellen Pao filed the unusual suit in May, alleging that another junior partner who has since left Kleiner Perkins had pressured her into sex, then retaliated when she broke off their brief relationship. Pao said her complaints about it to senior partners fell on deaf ears and that she was later punished with poor performance reviews, costing her perhaps millions of dollars. Kleiner Perkins has strongly denied the charges and has argued in legal filings that Pao had previously pledged to take any disputes to arbitration. Kleiner noted that each of the new investment funds the firm has raised since 2005 contained arbitration clauses and that Pao signed onto those agreements as a participant in those funds. But Judge Harold Kahn on Tuesday agreed with Pao's lawyer that because Kleiner itself has no blanket arbitration agreement with its employees, she's not obligated

There are some energyefficiency benefits coming through the economy that will continue, Parker said. But its a little bit of a reach to suggest that China has effectively gone from to take the case to an outside benefit an underdog in a battle being Indonesia or Egypt in June arbitrator. Employers generally against a well-funded corporate of last year to becoming prefer that route because it's opponent. Hermle is essentially Switzerland or Sweden this year. faster, cheaper and less open to asking Kahn to do just the --Baizhen Chua, Zhou Xin. With the curious eyes of outsiders. opposite. assistance from Ailing Tan in With Kahn steadfast that Kleiner Pao's lawyer, Alan Exelrod, was Singapore. Editors: Scott Lanman, Perkins can't rely on the fund traveling Friday and could not be Stephanie Phang agreements because it, and not the reached for comment. He has To contact Bloomberg News staff funds, is the target of Pao's suit, generally declined to talk about for this story: Zhou Xin in Beijing Lynne Hermle -- the high- the case, letting Pao's legal filings at; p o w e r e d e m p l o y m e n t l a w speak for themselves. Baizhen Chua in Beijing at attorney arguing the firm's case -- Should Kahn again turn away switched gears. Kleiner's argument, many To contact the editors responsible In Friday's filing, she essentially observers expect Kleiner Perkins for this story: Scott Lanman at told Kahn that it's unfair for to appeal, delaying the case by a; K l e i n e r P e r k i n s n o t t o b e year or more. Alexander Kwiatkowski at protected by those arbitration Contact Peter Delevett at clauses simply because the firm's 2 7 1 - 3 6 3 8 . F o l l o w h i m a t Please follow Money Game on partners, not the firm itself, signed T w i t t e r . c o m / m e r c w i r e t a p . Twitter and Facebook. onto them. Copyright 2012 San Jose Mercury Join the conversation about this Legal experts say the concept News. All rights reserved. story Hermle is invoking, called This entry passed through the "equitable estoppel," gives judges Full-Text RSS service if this is the right to go beyond the black- your content and you're reading it and-white limitations of a given on someone else's site, please read contract if doing so will relieve a the FAQ at unfairness. only/faq.php#publishers. Five But Leigh Anenson, a professor Filters recommends: Incinerating of business law at the University Assange - The Liberal Media Go of Maryland who's among the To Work. foremost experts on equitable estoppel, says California judges almost always use that power to

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This MIT Startup Figured Get In on Housing Before It's Too Out A Way To Code Late - DailyFinance Facial Expressions
(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:07:53 PM

Aimee Groth (Business Insider)

Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:48:00 PM

Marketers already know way to much about us thanks to online tracking, and now they have yet another powerful way to understand consumers. MIT startup Affectiva has created a webcam that codes facial expressions and a sensor that measures changes in body temperature. Both could be a huge way for brands to steamline the market research process. Liz Gannes over at All Things Digital reports that MIT professor Rosalind Picard and research scientist Rana el Kaliouby initially created the technology to "help children with autism understand facial expressions," but now marketing research companies like WWP Millard Brown and IPG Media Lab primarily use the products. Affectiva just raised$12 million in Series C funding from Kleiner Perkins and Horizon Ventures. Kaliouby told Gannes that we have the largest repository of facial responses ever collected in

values ticking up. It's a hard fact to swallow, given the last five years -- but housing is on its way back up, folks. Time is... Get In on Housing Before It's Buffett's Housing Bet Pays Off Too Late DailyFinance BERKSHIRE BENEFITS FROM We've been seeing the data come BETS ON HOUSING U-T San in over the last year: new housing Diego starts at multi-decade lows, all 88 news articles demand passing supply, home

Is the Fed Eyeing a Housing Solution? - Wall Street Journal (blog)

the world, which is part of its webcam product, the Affdex dashboard. According to the company site, the "dashboard provides overall emotion scores and real-time, scene-by-scene playback of facial data." It can also compare the difference in emotional and facial responses from men and women, and people of different races. Affectiva's other product is the Q Sensor, which measures skin
(housing - Google News) conductance or in other words, how body temperature and sweat Submitted at 8/7/2012 11:58:51 AM glands change over time. NOW Wall Street Journal (blog) READ: The Incredible Story Of Is the Fed Eyeing a Housing How Target Exposed A Teen Solution? G i r l ' s P r e g n a n c y W i t h Wall Street Journal (blog) Sophisticated Market Research > So, another big bond-buying Please follow War Room on program, a so-called QE3, might Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

be the Fed's way of riding that pony, pushing the housing market, and hoping that gooses the economy. Whether we get openended QE, as the Boston Fed's Rosengren is calling for, or something... and more


Business/ World News/

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Cupertino: Parkside Trails proposing open space, housing project - San Jose Mercury News
(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:44:22 PM

Cupertino: Parkside Trails proposing open space, housing project San Jose Mercury News Big plans for new homes and

open space are in the works near (Nation - Google News) the southwest edge of Cupertino. Parkside Trails LLC is proposing Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:54:16 PM a project to the city of Cupertino Vic love rival killing appeal for 42.5 acres of undeveloped dismissed land on Stevens Canyon Road. Ninemsn The area in question--located... and more

Vic love rival killing appeal dismissed - Ninemsn

A young Melbourne man who ran down and killed his love rival has lost an appeal against his sentence. Leon Borthwick was 18 when he drove a van onto the wrong side of the road in outer suburban Melbourne in November 2008, hitting Mark Zimmer and... and more

Iran Sees Syria as Priority Issue - Voice of America

(Iran - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:50:27 PM

WASHINGTON Syria and Iran strengthened their relations on Tuesday after a top Iranian national security official visited Damascus to pledge Tehran's continued support against Syria's opposition. Iran's national security council secretary, Saeed Jalili, visited with President Assad and praised Tehran's ally as part of an "Axis of Resistance" against foreign opponents. Analysts point out that Shi'ite Iran has long struggled against Sunni Saudi Arabia as they vie for dominance in the region. More recently, Tehran also has

challenged the West, saying its nuclear program is for peaceful, civilian purposes and not for military use. Former Iranian President Abolhasan Bani Sadr explains why the Syrian crisis is crucial to Iran's interests. He says many foreign powers are present in Syria, with the United States, Europe, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar on one side arming the opposition, and Iran, China and Russia on the other side helping Mr. Assad's government. The former Iranian president says the stakes are high for Tehran because if the Shi'ite Syrian government falls, it not only would be a major blow to Iranian

influence, but it also could mean the Tehran government is next. But Abdulbaset Sieda, the president of Syria's opposition National Council, said this is not the case. Sieda said the Syrian opposition does not bear any ill will toward Tehran, and that there is no plan to bring down the Iranian government, if the Assad government collapses in Syria. But analysts say the Syrian rebels have not been friendly toward Iran. The rebels are holding 48 Iranians they seized in Damascus on Saturday. Tehran says they are religious pilgrims; the rebel Free Syrian Army describes them as Iranian Revolutionary Guards on a "reconnaissance mission."

David Schenker, director of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy's Program on Arab Politics, says Tehran has had no choice but to make supporting the Syrian government a priority issue. "They're isolated. Their economy is just suffering. And there is a very real prospect that a successful uprising in Syria may energize the kind of popular revolt in Iran that was so brutally repressed back in 2009," Schenker said. But Schenker says he expects Iran to be pragmatic. "The Iranians want to have continued relations with postAssad Syria. They prefer that it remain an Assad regime-

controlled Syria. But in the worst case scenario, Iran would look to reach out and maintain relations," Schenker said. Schenker says these relations would be critical to Iran as it seeks to support and wield influence with one of its remaining major allies in the region - Lebanon's Shi'ite militant group, Hezbollah. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Iran Inquiry Is Abrupt Reversal for Standard Chartered - New York Times
MARK SCOTT (Iran - Google News)

90 percent of the profit came from developing economies. Central to Standard Chartereds Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:26:32 PM business is its ability to facilitate 6:07 p.m. | Updated trade between emerging LONDON Long a golden e c o n o m i e s a n d d e v e l o p e d child among global banks, the countries by clearing transactions British bank Standard Chartered in New York City. That ability now wears a somewhat tarnished came under threat on Monday crown. when New York States top The banks investors were rattled banking regulator, the Department b y a c c u s a t i o n s t h a t i t h a d of Financial Services, said it had s c h e m e d w i t h t h e I r a n i a n grounds to revoke the banks government to hide $250 billion license in the state. The bank must in money transfers over nearly a appear before the states banking decade. On Tuesday, shares of superintendent on Aug. 15 to Standard Chartered fell as much explain why that should not as 25 percent their sharpest one happen. -day decline in more than two Standard Chartereds New York decades before recovering to office, which has been licensed end London trading down 16 since 1976, primarily operates a percent. dollar-clearing business, moving The accusations upset a widely roughly $190 billion a day. It also held view of Standard Chartered does corporate lending, trade as a banking success story, thanks finance, foreign exchange trading to its large operations in emerging and wire transfer services, among markets in Asia and elsewhere. other business. Unlike other European financial The regulator has accused the institutions hit by the Continents bank of masking more than debt crisis, Standard Chartered, a 60,000 transactions for Iranian London-based bank with roots banks and corporations, pocketing that date to 1853, continued to millions of dollars in fees. report rising profits. Last week, Senior management at the bank the bank said its net profit for the used the New York branch as a first half of the year rose 11.3 front for prohibited dealings with percent, to $2.86 billion. Around Iran dealings that indisputably

helped sustain a global threat to peace and stability, the regulator said. The accusations cast a shadow over Peter Sands, the banks chief executive, who was the companys financial director from 2002 to 2006. Mr. Sands had been mentioned as a potential future head of the rival British bank Barclays. Standard Chartered has gone on the defensive, rejecting the New York regulators portrayal of the facts. The bank said that 99.9 percent of the transactions related to Iran complied with regulations. The banks review of its Iranian payments also did not identify a single payment on behalf of any party that was designated at the time by the U.S. government as a terrorist entity or organization, it said in a statement. Penalties connected to the money laundering case may cost Standard Chartered around $1.5 billion, according to Cormac Leech, a banking analyst with Liberum Capital in London. Mr. Leech said the firm also could lose an additional $1 billion from a cutback in business operations connected to Iran, as well as $3 billion in market value if some of the banks senior

executives, including Mr. Sands, are forced to resign. However, analysts said on Tuesday that loss of the banks ability to operate in the United States was unlikely because authorities had focused their attention on monetary fines. Still, the damage to Standard Chartereds reputation and the continuing investigations into the banks activities with Libya, Myanmar and Sudan may weigh on earnings in the short term, according to Chintan Joshi, a banking analyst with Nomura in London. The money laundering accusations come at a broadly difficult time for British banks. Barclays agreed to a $450 million settlement with American and British officials in June after some of its traders and senior executives were found to have altered the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, for financial gain. HSBC apologized last month for not cracking down soon enough on money laundering activities in the United States. David Bagley, the head of compliance for HSBC since 2002, resigned last month because of the scandal. Analysts said Standard

Chartereds emphasis on emerging markets would help to limit the long-term effects of the allegations. Last week, the bank said it planned to open more branches in countries with fast-growing economies, like China and India, as it exploits a decline in its competitors trading activity. Standard Chartered also reported double-digit growth in its wholesale and consumer banking divisions during the first six months of the year. Before the money laundering accusations were made public, shares of the bank outperformed other financial institutions. Over the last 12 months, Standard Chartereds stock rose 10.4 percent, compared with a 12.8 percent drop in the Stoxx Europe 600 Banks index. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Iran wins 3 Greco-Roman gold medals in 3 days - ESPN

(Iran - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:26:02 PM

Updated: August 7, 2012, 5:24 PM ET Associated Press LONDON -- Iran broke its Greco -Roman gold medal drought by winning three of them in three days. Ghasem Gholamreza Rezaei won the Olympic gold medal Tuesday in 96-kilogram Greco-Roman wrestling, beating Russia's Rustam Totrov 2-0, 1-0. Many thought it would be world champion Saeid Abdvali joining Hamid Soryan and Omid Noroozi as Olympic champions. But Abdvali got beat and Rezaei -who was a lowly 16th at the Beijing Games -- navigated through an upset-riddled field to claim gold. "I am very happy because I have made my people very proud," Rezaei said. "To see all the Iranians inside the stadium and back home, to bring smiles to their faces is the happiest moment of my life." Kim Hyeon-woo also won gold Tuesday in 66-kilogram GrecoRoman wrestling, beating Hungary's Tamas Lorincz 1-0, 2-0 to give South Korea its first wrestling gold of the London Games.

"There is a saying in Korea that my coach uses all the time. 'If you work hard, the sky will know.' I worked hard and I think the sky recognized my efforts," Kim said. Russia finished with five overall medals in the discipline. Iran had three medals -- all gold. The Americans failed to win a medal in Greco-Roman for the first time since the 1976 Montreal Olympics after Justin Lester was knocked out Tuesday. It wasn't a surprising result. But it still stung for the U.S., and coach Steve Fraser said the poor showing will force the program to re-evaluate what it's doing. "It's tough. We're very disappointed because we take a lot of pride in our Greco-Roman program in the United States," Fraser said. "We have to go back to the drawing board and really sit down and talk about some things program-wise and coaching-wise and athlete-wise and development -wise." Although Kim won the Asian championships in 2010, few thought he'd win in London. But Kim beat France's Steeve Guenot, the Olympic champion in 2008, to reach the gold medal match, where he was tossed by Lorincz in the first period. Kim stayed on his feet and was given a

point for successful defense. His throw in the second highlighted his impressive run to gold. Kim, whose right eye was so black, blue and swollen that his pupils were barely visible, closed both of them and put his hand over his heart as his national anthem was played. "I couldn't see through one eye, which was annoying," Kim said. "But I got through it with my mentality." The first two days of GrecoRoman competition held largely to form, with mostly favored wrestlers reaching the finals. All the upsets, it seemed, were saved for the final day. Guenot jumbled the 66-kilogram bracket with perhaps the upset of the Olympic tournament so far. Abdvali went into the last 30 seconds of the second period needing a point to survive. He appeared to get two of them, but Guenot's corner won a challenge and had those points taken off the board -- much to Abdvali's dismay. Guenot successfully defended his position and went on to a 3-0, 1-0 victory. Guenot couldn't sustain his form, though, losing in the semifinals to Kim. The defending world champion at 96 kilograms, Bulgaria's Elis

Guri, also was knocked out in the quarterfinals by a wrestler who didn't reach the finals in Tsimafei Dzeinichenka of Belarus. Guenot and Manuchar Tskhadaia of Georgia won bronze medals at 66 kilograms. Jimmy Lidberg of Sweden and Artur Aleksanyan of Armenia took bronze at 96 kilograms. The Americans were hoping Lester could at least earn one of the two bronzes at 66 kilograms. But after opening with a victory and a close loss to Lorincz, it all fell apart for him. Lester earned a spot in the consolation bracket because Lorincz reached the finals, but he was beaten 5-0, 5-0 by Frank Staebler of Germany. Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press This story is from's automated news wire. Wire index This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Global Insights: Russia Faces Challenges in India's Arms Market

(World Politics Review: Articles)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:27:00 AM

The back-to-back visits to India last month by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, in charge of that countrys militaryindustrial complex, demonstrate the heightened competition for Indias defense import market, currently the largest in the world. India has been the leading global arms importer in recent years, with its weapons purchases totaling $12.7 billion from 20072011, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Over that period, 80 percent of Indias defense imports came from Russia, making New Delhi the leading purchaser of Russian arms. But Russian officials fear that various recurring problems will displace Russian defense contractors from their dominant position in the Indian market. ... This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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The Crisis of the Global Middle Class: Part II

(World Politics Review: Articles)

Junior Saleem Oakes arrested on suspicion of taxi stabbing in Birmingham - The Sun
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:02:49 PM

as varied as the countries themselves, but they all share Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:21:00 AM several key features that influence Editors note: This is the second w h e t h e r a c o n s u m e r - d r i v e n in a two-part series examining the economy will flourish or not. ... crisis of the global middle class. This entry passed through the Part I examined the challenges Full-Text RSS service if this is facing the global middle class and your content and you're reading it the implications for international on someone else's site, please read politics. Part II examines ways to the FAQ at the global middle class only/faq.php#publishers. Five and avoid the potential dangers of Filters recommends: Incinerating economic polarization. Assange - The Liberal Media Go The damage done to the global To Work. middle class, while significant, is not irreparable. The solutions are

The Sun Junior Saleem Oakes arrested on suspicion of taxi stabbing in Birmingham The Sun By ANDREW PARKER A MAN was arrested last night after his lover was found stabbed to death in a taxi. The 22-year-old died slumped out of the back of the motor after the couple were

allegedly witnessed having a furious row in the street at 8am. Birmingham taxi stabbing: Man arrested over murder of a woman in the back of a... Daily Mail Police arrest 28-year-old after taxi killing of young woman in Birmingham The Guardian Man quizzed over taxi stabbing The Press Association The all 449 news articles

Padres sale agreement in place, needs MLB approval

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:51:23 PM

A group that includes former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Peter O'Malley and pro golfer Phil Mickelson reached agreement Monday to buy the San Diego Padres from John Moores in a deal believed to be around $800 million.

Grim discovery in store car park - Scotsman

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:31:57 PM

Monsoon Session to see a lot of thunder, lightning from today - Daily Bhaskar
(Nation - Google News) Grim discovery in store car park Scotsman A POLICE investigation has been launched after human remains were found in a Wiltshire

supermarket car park. Police have not been able to identify the age or sex because of its decomposed state. The discovery was made at Sainsbury's in Chippenham. Chippenham tramp set on fire and killed by 3 thugs as he slept in Sainsbury's... Daily Mail Chippenham fire: body

discovered in Sainsbury's car park Decomposed body found in supermarket car park in Chippenham The Independent Sky News- BBC News- The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald all 55 news articles

like Assam riots,... Chidambaram meets BJP brass for 'peaceful' monsoon session NDTV Times of India Monsoon Session to see a lot of Session set to open on stormy thunder, lightning from today note as BJP to take up Assam Daily Bhaskar violence Indian Express New Delhi: The Congress-led NDA to move adjournment UPA is set to face the Opposition motion in LS on Assam violence hear in the Monsoon Session of Parliament which begins today. Daily News & Analysis Seeking to corner the government, all 93 news articles Opposition parties, led by the BJP, are planning to raise issues
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:39:52 PM


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BSY, DVS back to trading blows Times of India

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:26:11 PM

Assam is like a volcano: Tarun Gogoi - Economic Times

(Nation - Google News)

NSW police seek guns stolen from home - Herald Sun

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:54:28 PM BSY, DVS back to trading blows Times of India BANGALORE: There are no permanent enemies and friends in politics, and it was proved yet again. Former chief minister BS Yeddyurappa hit back at his successor DV Sadananda Gowda for endorsing party leader LK

Woman charged over Tattooed intruder is hunted after woman raped in her decade-old Anzac Day death - The Age own home - Scotsman
(Nation - Google News)

Advani's recent observation about BJP... Advani 'bungling' remarks irk BSY Deccan Chronicle Sadananda Gowda open to Karnataka prez role, Yeddyurappa 'not' Daily News & Analysis Yeddyurappa joins issue with Sadananda Gowda Economic Times Deccan Herald- The Hindu all 52 news articles

following the death of three people on Monday night. Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:49:58 PM More deaths, CM says Assam a NDTV volcano Indian Express Assam is like a volcano: Tarun Assam violence: Gogoi Gogoi recommends CBI probe, toll 73 Economic Times Zee News GUWAHATI: Violence has Assam asks CBI to probe riots r e t u r n e d t o t h e B o d o l a n d Times of India Territorial Autonomous Districts. The Hindu- Hindustan TimesAn irate mob on Tuesday blocked Business Standard National Highway 31, at Beltoli, all 223 news articles on the Kokrajhar-Dhubri border,

Mt Druitt Standard NSW police seek guns stolen from home Herald Sun POLICE hope members of the public can help them locate a cache of about 22 self-loading pistols and revolvers stolen from a western Sydney home. The theft occurred on the evening of June 30 in Mount Druitt when a man getting out of his car near his... Police appealing for information after 22 firearms stolen from Mt Druitt home Mt Druitt Standard all 5 news articles

suffered a terrifying ordeal at the hands of the suspect and she is... Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:59:35 PM Stranger rapes woman in her Scotsman home BBC News Tattooed intruder is hunted after Woman raped in own home after woman raped in her own home attacker followed her back from Scotsman club She was attacked at the house in Hunt for attacker after woman D a l k e i t h , M i d l o t h i a n , a f t e r endures horrific rape in her own visiting pubs on Saturday night. home Scottish Daily Record Detective Chief Inspector Kenny The Sun- Deadline News Gray, of Lothian and Borders all 62 news articles Police, said: The victim has

(Nation - Google News)

Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:43:59 PM

Woman charged over decade-old Anzac Day death The Age A woman has been charged with the murder and false imprisonment of a man who died on Anzac Day a decade ago. The man, Roy Nicol, was found with injuries in a Clayton house on

March 3, 2002, and died in hospital on April 25 from those injuries,... Woman arrested over decade-old Anzac Day death Brisbane Times Murder charge over Clayton man's death Monash Weekly Flemington woman faces murder charge Moonee Valley Weekly all 6 news articles

Shares dive as Standard Chartered reels

Louise Armitstead (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:59:31 PM

Standard Chartered's shares plunge more than 16pc as analysts warn it could lose 40pc of its earnings if US regulators succeed in securing money-laundering charges.

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How To Watch Full-Length Movies on YouTube for Free - But Not For Long
Mark Hachman (ReadWriteWeb)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:45:00 PM

Like a Hollywood sequel, pirated movie hits are back on YouTube and this time theyre more prevalent than ever. A year ago, users uploaded a number of pirated movies to Googles YouTube video service

and were eventually taken down. And now movies are back - to the point where if you dont want to pay for the summers biggest blockbusters, you dont have to: The Avengers is on YouTube, as is the latest Pixar movie, Brave. Yes, theyre so-called cammed films, which means that they were recorded illegally at a theater with a camcorder, and then uploaded.

The quality is poor, with resolutions nowhere near a legitimate copy of the film. But theyre free, and with YouTubes reach, totally ubiquitous - until theyre taken down. Which could be any minute, of course. In the last month or so, movie piracy has taken hold of YouTube like wildfire. While the number of current releases is small, finding

older films isnt that hard. Just Search for Full Movie The keywords? Just two: full movie. All a user needs to do then is check the running length of the film - if its 90 minutes or so, chances are that its the whole movie. An easier way is to simply filter out the shorter reviews and trailers by appending , long to

the search or by ticking the appropriate option within the Filter drop-down menu. Even Voltage Pictures, which has sued thousands of anonymous downloaders for copyright infringement, has been victimized: The Hurt Locker has been uploaded in two parts, HOW page 22



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continued from page 21

although in German. Voltage representatives declined to comment. Piracy Wars The upsurge in piracy comes just as Google executives have defended the companys antipiracy efforts. At the AllThingsD conference at the end of May, Google executive Susan Wojcicki was asked to defend the company from charges made by superagent Ari Emanuel the night before, who had claimed Google does not do enough to combat piracy. So I think he was misinformed. Very misinformed, Wojcicki said of Emanuel. First of all, we have done as much as we possibly can. We do not want to be building a business based on piracy. We want to work with the content owners, we want to be able to make sure that business is built on content owners who want to have that content distributed across search and YouTube. The influx of pirated movies comes as Apple has reportedly pulled the YouTube app from iOS 6, although Google is also apparently writing a standalone YouTube app for Apples app store. But it isnt like this piracy hasnt cropped up on YouTube before: plenty of pirated movies including recent blockbusters -

were found there by this author almost a year ago as well. Dozens of Hits In all, a quick search by ReadWriteWeb found dozens of movies that have been uploaded to the service, from blockbusters like Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides, Pixar classics including Cars, Cars 2 and Finding Nemo. The latter three were uploaded from an account known as FullMovieUpload1. In some cases, such as the Pixar movies, the pirated movie was found near or next to a link to a paid, authenticated version of the film that Google offered through a partner. Many foreign films have also been uploaded, although copyright issues in other countries are subject to their own laws and restrictions. As in earlier years, full movies can either be found by searching through the main search box, or else via the list of recommended movies that accompany them. Helpfully, some movies like the explicit Ken Park have been agerestricted by the community. How Did We Get Here? YouTube enforces a 10-minute limit on uploaded videos, but users qucikly found they could simply break up longer clips into ten-minute chunks, with helpful

pointers to the next clip in the series. In 2010, YouTube eliminated that the 10-minute limit for some trusted users, some of whom quickly used their new-found freedom to upload copyrighted clips. Traditionally, YouTube has had a three strikes and youre out policy with regards to copyright; in 2011, the company forced offenders to attend copyright school to learn what they could and could not upload. Today, Google uses an automated system called Content ID to identify possibly copyrighted films and TV shows and take them down before theyre actually live on the site. At the AllThingsD conference, Google executive Sundar Pichai described the process this way: It is automatic in many ways, Pichai said. Theres no human intervention. Its a piece of software that runs and tries to identify it its an extremely challenging problem, technical computer science problem. Its a quality issue, just like image recognition or voice recognition, Pichai added. The technology behind the Content ID system is fairly impressive, and it keeps getting better. And I think whats important is that its a

tough area to scan through a video, and know for sure that its copyrighted, and who owns the copyright. And I think its something that we have invested a lot in, I think its over 50,000 hours of engineering we have invested in $30 million on this project alone. A Google spokesman also noted that YouTube users upload 72 hours of video every minute, making the process of identifying copyrighted content even more challenging. ReadWriteWeb provided the URL of the uploaded The Avengers movie to Google at 11:25 am Pacific Time, Tuesday, which Google presumably will remove. Wojcicki also addressed what Google representatives have previously claimed: first, that its unclear who owns the copyright to a given movie, and second, that Content ID requires the copyright holder to notify Google before a movie can be pulled down. Finally, some copyright holders choose to leave content on YouTube in order to monetize or sell ads against it. At the end of the day, we need to hear from the content owner, Wojcicki claimed. Clear Breakdowns The problem, of course, is that its hard to believe that the

uploaded versions of The Avengers or Blaze were done legitimately to monetize the movie. And while its possible that the poor quality of the movies fooled Content ID, a general search for full movie could be a clue that Google needs to inspect the files more closely. Interestingly, Googles Content ID system has had some successes. Movies that were uploaded last year - Fast Five, Scream 4,, Black Hawk Down, and others - dont seem to have made a reappearance. Meanwhile, things may be about to change. In April, a German court ruled that Google must detect future violations of copyrighted content after a rights holder alerts the company the first time. Will YouTube be able to meet that standard? You can check for yourself: Just type full movie into the YouTube search bar every so often.

Happy Hour Links: Something More

Michael Warren (The Weekly Standard)

Byron York on voter fraud in Minnesota. Mitt Romney needs more than

Obama and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad recovery. money to win in November.

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HipGeo makes documenting your travels easy on iOS

Jason Parker (CNET News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:29:05 PM

photo, video, or text blog will show up with a time stamp and your location automatically along The Explore button will give you with whatever message you want ideas for how to use the app with to send to your followers. Even if Featured, Popular, and local you take several photos at one members. location, the app automatically HipGeo Travel Blog and Trip groups them together. This Journal(Free) lets you tell the running blog then becomes the story of your vacation with story of your vacation. It also has images, videos, text, tags, and an always-on functionality that more all tied to your geolocation. tracks where you've been until You start by signing up through you're ready to share it. Then, you Facebook or Twitter, then you can can post an animated map that choose people to share your shows your trip progress. That's travels with. If you just want to the basic gist of the app, but what see the app in action before you it means is that you can go about take your trip (and see best your vacation snapping pictures practices from other users) you and writing a few words at each can use an explore button to check stop while HipGeo does all the out blogs of popular or featured hard work for you. users, or look at posts from near The photo editor is fully your location. equipped with effects, cropping, Once signed up you'll have your red-eye, and tons more. own personal blog on HipGeo There are a number of extra where all your posts will live. features that will make HipGeo When you're ready to start, you even more useful. When taking a can either touch the camera button picture for example, you get a full to take a photo or video, or choose -fledged photo editor with several the Post option to write a text effects to choose from, color blog. After hitting post, your b a l a n c e c o n t r o l s , c r o p p i n g ,

your posts, but only sends them to your blog when you're in range of WiFi (great for avoiding roaming charges). Finally, you also have the option to add posts, images, tags, and other trip info directly to the HipGeo Web site on your computer, so you can clean up your vacation blog whenever you want. All of these features make for a really easy way to document the places you've been with images, video, and text, on your iPhone, iPad, or the HipGeo Web site. HipGeo is free at the App Store and looks like a great way to document a trip. If you're about to go somewhere and want a neat saturation, redeye, text captions, history of your travels, you should and tons more. When you're check out this app. finished you can send your image This entry passed through the out to Twitter, Facebook, or via e- Full-Text RSS service if this is mail, along with your blog post. I your content and you're reading it was really impressed with the on someone else's site, please read photo tools making it so you don't the FAQ at need to use any other only/faq.php#publishers. Five specialized photo apps. Filters recommends: Incinerating Another great feature is the Assange - The Liberal Media Go ability to set the app to WiFi-only To Work. mode so HipGeo still records all

Christian World Adoption (Ad ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed)

It's Dj Vu All Over Again

Geoffrey Norman (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:42:00 PM

Christian World Adoption is one of the largest international adoption agencies in the United States. Since 1991, Christian World Adoption has placed thousands of children from Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. These children now enjoy the love and security of a forever family. Christian World Adoption currently offers adoption programs in Bulgaria, China, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Ukraine. Explore our website to learn more about international adoption. Then, when youre ready, call our friendly adoption counselor, toll free, at 1.888.97ADOPT.

Is Obama the Carter II?

Seems that Jimmy Carter is going to speak(by remote means) at Democratic convention.



Curated News Edition

Amazon addresses security exploit after journalist hack

The Real Genius: Apple Ads Are Being Distributed By The Media
Billy Gallagher (TechCrunch)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:51:11 PM

the ads, with the top three headliners doing the former. The Mayday, Labor Day and Basically During the opening ceremonies ads have been viewed 666,000, Dara Kerr (CNET News) Honan's Google and Twitter exposes vital security flaws in of the Olympics, Apple aired 404,000 and 544,000 times, a c c o u n t s a n d w i p i n g h i s several customer service systems, three ads for its Genius Bar. Over respectively, on YouTube, putting Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:29:41 PM MacBook, iPad, and iPhone clean. m o s t n o t a b l y A p p l e ' s a n d the ensuing weekend, a number of them in the same range for views When tech reporters get hacked, "In many ways, this was all my Amazon's," Honan wrote. "Apple widely-read blogs posted mostly as the Siri celebrity ads that have it seems like tech companies pay fault," Honan wrote in an article tech support gave the hackers negative pieces about the ads. been out for months. No stats are attention. for Wired yesterday that detailed access to my iCloud account. Today, Apples ad agency told available for views on the Apple Wired reporter Mat Honan's his saga. "My accounts were daisy Amazon tech support gave them Mashabl e that the ads are no website. e n t i r e o n l i n e l i f e w a s -chained together. Getting into the ability to see a piece of longer running and they were only So, why do we care? People like compromised by a hacker named Amazon let my hackers get into information -- a partial credit card intended to run the first weekend watching Apple ads, and we like Phobia four days ago. Phobia used my Apple ID account, which number -- that Apple used to of the Games. Again, several writing about all things Apple. Honan's AppleCare and Amazon helped them get into Gmail, release information. In short, the posts were written on widely-read Some idiots even like writing IDs, along with his billing address which gave them access to very four digits that Amazon sites. about other people writing about and last four digits of his credit Twitter." considers unimportant enough to And therein lies the real Genius Apple ads. card to get into his various online The way Phobia gained entry into display in the clear on the Web of the ads: were still talking We care because even in making a c c o u n t s . A p p l e r e s p o n d e d Honan's Amazon account is by are precisely the same ones that about them. a shitty ad, Apple has won with yesterday saying that it was calling the e-commerce giant Apple considers secure enough to M a s h a b l e , F o r b e s a n d this ad campaign. The media has looking into how users can reset pretending to be Honan and perform identity verification." Venturebeat all embedded at least shared Apples ads for the past their account passwords to ensure adding a credit card to his account Despite Honan having to go one of the ads in their posts today. two weeks for free. data protection; and Amazon -- all he needed to do this was through digital hell for security MacRumors linked to the ads on But even more impressively, responded today. Honan's name, e-mail address, changes to be made at Apple and Apple and YouTube. GigaOm bloggers have gotten the point of " W e h a v e i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e and billing address. Then, Phobia Amazon, he hopefully has made was the only reputable source that Apples campaign across better reported exploit, and can confirm called Amazon again and said he the Internet just a little bit safer did neither (though they linked to than the ads did. that the exploit has been closed as couldn't access the account and for others. their previous coverage and In all of the posts Ive read about of yesterday afternoon," an this is how he was able to use the This entry passed through the Mashables coverage, both of them, the authors write about how Amazon representative told credit card information to add Full-Text RSS service if this is which had embedded videos). I it is a break from traditionally CNET today. another e-mail address and reset your content and you're reading it dont particularly care about the well-received Apple ads. And What this means is that Amazon H o n a n ' s p a s s w o r d . I t a l l on someone else's site, please read bottomfeeders because they just then they get to the point of the customers can no longer make snowballed from there as Phobia the FAQ at rewrote Mashables coverage (and ads: Apple Geniuses. A good changes to their account settings was then able to get into Honan's only/faq.php#publishers. Five did a poor job, at that). number tout the quality of Apple by telephone, according to PC Apple account, call AppleCare, Filters recommends: Incinerating Lets go back to last Monday, customer service and how the ads Magazine. A small but significant and get access to Honan's iCloud Assange - The Liberal Media Go July 30: miss the mark in getting that change -- because it was by a c c o u n t , a n d t h e n d e l e t e To Work. A g a i n , a l m o s t a l l o f t h e across. calling Amazon that Phobia e v e r y t h i n g . publications, especially the bigger Basically, Apple ran this Genius eventually succeeded in deleting "But what happened to me ones, embedded video or linked to ad campaign themselves.

Curated News Edition

Technology/ Finance/


Dear Apple: Dont Use the iPhone As the Remote for Your TV
Don Reisinger (SlashGear)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:35:31 PM

Although all of the talk surrounding Cupertino currently centers on Apples iPhone, I cant get the companys television out of my head. I own an iPhone and have an iPad. And although Ill likely buy Apples next handset, its the companys television that has me drooling. Based on the reports surrounding Apples television at the moment, I can all but guarantee that Ill be buying one. I love the idea of iCloud integration and I firmly believe that itll come with an App Store. Better yet, itll deliver high-quality visuals that should make its competition reevaluate their future decisions. The only thing I dont like hearing, though, is talk of Apple requiring iPhone and iPad owners use their mobile devices to control the television. Yes, its a forwardthinking idea, but its a bad one. The fact is, we can use the iPhone and iPad as a remote right now. On my Apple TV, for example, I can control everything the device does with Apples nifty

Remote app. But that Remote app is designed for a simple box and even simpler functionality. The remotes featureset just wont translate to a sophisticated television. Like it or not, todays remotes, as ugly and big, and old school as they might be, are a necessary evil. Physical buttons that light up at night make it easy for us to choose a channel, increase the volume, and perform other

activities. And with some help from a physical keyboard built into some of those remotes, we can quickly type out just about anything."Using the iPhone as a remote will take us back in time" A touchscreen-based remote, however, tends to fall short. For one thing, well always need to be looking down just to find out what buttons we need to press. And our current practice of sliding our finger over to a button based on

muscle memory alone will be gone. Using the iPhone or iPad as a remote in some ways will take us back in time. That said, I can see some value in using an iDevice to control my new Apple television. I like the idea of using it to type in credentials into an application or even making it a secondary screen that delivers more information than whats on the television. For example, if Im watching a

baseball game, it would be great if that broadcast shipped over to my iPhone likely through an additional application running on the handset some information on the batter, whos up next, and other key data. But as a remote, I dont see much value in the iPhone and iPad. Apple can certainly create some nifty applications and I wont deny that the company has come up with features that have blown us away. But controlling a television is very basic and needs some physical buttons. A mobile device featuring only a touchscreen just wont get it done. Ditch plans for the iDevices controlling your televisions, Apple. The future is still in the past with physical remotes. Dear Apple: Dont Use the iPhone As the Remote for Your TV is written by Don Reisinger& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Standard Chartered US claims puts auditors back in dock

Helia Ebrahimi (Finance News Business news from the UK and world)

Auditor Deloitte has rejected claims it helped Standard Chartered hide $250bn (161bn)

of illegal Iranian transactions in the latest scandal to embroil the industry.



Curated News Edition

Craigslist reportedly asks search engines to stop indexing its posts

Steven Musil (CNET News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:28:31 PM

PadMapper collects all listings around a specific city or ZIP code from Craigslist and other services and displays them on a Google map.(Credit: Screenshot by Dara Kerr/CNET) Craigslist is allegedly ramping up its efforts to keep PadMapper from displaying the online bulletin board's listings. Craigslist has reportedly asked general search engines to stop indexing its postings, effectively cutting off data harvester 3taps and those who use its API, including the popular apartment listings aggregator. The request was made Monday, according to 3taps' Twitter feed. "We are sorry CL has chosen this course of action and are exploring options to restore service," 3taps said in a tweet today. "We may be down for an extended period." CNET has contacted Craigslist for comment and will update this report when we learn more. However, a quick glance at Google reveals that Craigslist listings are still appearing on the popular search engine. Also, a review of Craigslist's robots.txt

file-- a simple code that sites use to prevent bots from indexing their pages -- reveals that it's apparently unchanged from last year, long before this brouhaha kicked up. PadMapper collects all listings around a specific city or ZIP code from Craigslist and other services and displays them on a Google map, allowing users to search by area, apartment size, and rental price. However, that arrangement didn't sit well with Craigslist, which last month sent PadMapper creator Eric DeMenthon a cease-

and-desist letter that claimed the app violated its terms of use. The popular portal's terms of service prohibit "copying, aggregation, display, distribution, performance, or derivative use of Craigslist or any content posted on Craigslist." But PadMapper resumed displaying the listings after announcing it had found a " legally kosher" way to circumvent a Craigslist ban on displaying its listings. The solution was provided by 3taps, which has created an API that harvests data

from Craigslist postings by "indirect means," meaning they aren't subject to the Internet bulletin board's terms of use, DeMenthon said. That development led Craigslist to sue PadMapper and 3taps late last month, accusing the pair of "unlawfully and unabashedly mass-harvesting and redistributing postings entrusted by Craigslist users to their local Craigslist sites," according to the complaint. "This exploitation of Craigslist content undermines the integrity of local Craigslist communities,

ultimately harming both Craigslist and its users." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Curated News Edition



Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon pricing and configurations revealed

Chris Burns (SlashGear)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:57:46 PM

This week the thinnest ultrabook on the block has been re-revealed with its full specifications, pricing, and release date ready to roll. This next-generation computer will be available from Lenovos online store starting on August 21st, and users will be able to configure their own model online starting at $1399 going all the way up to $1849 depending on whats chosen for the notebooks innards. This device comes with a 3rd generation Intel Core processor in three configurations: i5 at 1.7GHz, i5 at 1.8Ghz, or i7 at 2.0Ghz. This notebook works with a lovely 14-inch HD+ display thats Anti-glare at 1600900 pixel resolution with brightness up to 300 nits. Memory on each different model is always 4 GB DDR 1333 MHz, youve got a battery inside that works with RapidCharge said to last .63 hours by Lenovo, and youve got a front -facing camera for video chat that works at 720p resolution. Each model will come with Windows 7

fabulous collection of slots and ports: (1) Mini DP, (1) Combo Audio, (1) USB 2.0, (1) USB 3.0, (1) 4-in-1 SD card reader, and Ethernet via USB dongle. They all measure in at the same height, width, and depth, at 13.03 x 8.9 x 0.74 inches. And they all come with a three year warrantee. Well be checking this beast out here on SlashGear with a full review soon. For now, have a peek at the earlier posts about this device and get knowledgeable! Story Timeline Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Ultrabook revealed Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon arriving by end of August Professional right out of the box, and the whole beast weighs in at 2.998 pounds. Several configurations exist, each of them costing you a few more dollar bills than the last. Youll start with the $1399 model with Intel Core i5-3317U (1.7 GHz, 3MB L3, 1333MHz FSB) and 128GB SSD SATA 3. Next youll ramp up to the $1499 model with Intel Core i5-3427U (1.80 GHz, 3MB L3, 1333MHz FSB) VPRO and 128GB SSD SATA 3. Theres a model thats quite similar to the second model with an 256GB SSD SATA 3 thatll cost you $1649 as well. Finally theres the king of the pack, a model with Intel Core i7-3667U (2.0 GHz, 4MB L3, 1333MHz FSB) VPRO and 256GB SSD SATA 3 for $1849 USD. These models all come with a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon pricing and configurations revealed is written by Chris Burns& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Bat tracker can detect subtle differences in echolocation calls

Mark Brown
Submitted at 8/7/2012 10:45:00 AM

A free tool called iBatsID can identify 34 different species of bats from around Europe, by analysing the pips and speaks of their echolocation calls. Charlotte Walters from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) worked with an international team of ecologists to select 1,350 calls (of 34 different European bat species) from EchoBank -- a library of more than 200,000 bat calls. By: Mark Brown, Edited by: Duncan Geere Continue reading...



Curated News Edition

Steve Jobs and the "rubber band" patent

Mike Schramm (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:30:00 PM

There's a lot of patent throwdowns going on in the tech industry lately, and it's very easy to see them as just a battle of titans, of huge corporations going up against each other for assets and portfolios of arbitrary "features." But here's a story that reminds you of the human side of all of this, and of what these patent battles are really supposed to be: Protection for those people who have the creativity and courage to put new ideas forward. One of the patents involved in the Apple/Samsung battle right now is the so-called "rubber-band" patent, according to Yoni Heisler at NetworkWorld it was one of Steve Jobs' favorite features. That's the scrolling effect that occurs when you reach the end of a webpage in Mobile Safari. It was later used for a "pull-torefresh" effect that quite a few companies have copied since. The Next Web recounts that this patent was ascribed to a UI designer named Bas Ording, who Steve Jobs reportedly hired after meeting him in the lobby the

London 2012 basketball gets the interactive Google Doodle treatment

Ian Steadman
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:00:00 PM

afternoon after an unsuccessful job interview. Ording supposedly showed him a demo of a feature that would allow users to see more icons in their OS X Dock by pulling up a magnifying glass whenever they hovered over the icons already there. "I said, 'My God,' and hired him on the spot," says Jobs in Walter Isaacon's biography. Ording later came up with the scrolling feature and, according to testimony from Scott Forstall in the ongoing Samsung/Apple trial,

the role it played in creating the iPhone interface made it one of Jobs' favorite patents. Forstall said that "rubber banding is one of the sort of key things for the fluidity of the iPhone and - and all of iOS, and so I know it was one of the ones that Steve really cared about." In initial talks with Samsung, that patent was one of the items that Jobs specifically laid claim to as Apple's. That's one of the main reasons that Apple and Samsung are fighting so vehemently over

the patent portfolio. It's easy to see these as patent battles as two companies fighting over millions of dollars, but it's also important to remember that there are human achievements to recognize among these patents as well. Steve Jobs and the "rubber band" patent originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

After Google's interactive hurdles Doodle comes another cute little logo game, this time celebrating Olympic basketball. The aim is to score as many baskets as possible in 24 seconds (the standard shot clock time in basketball). Tap the space bar to hold the ball, then tap again to release. It may sound simple, but it's ruddy tricky. By: Ian Steadman, Edited by: Nate Lanxon Continue reading...

Curated News Edition



Fan interest for TimeSplitters 4 not high enough yet, Crytek says
Eric Abent (SlashGear)

yet, Yerli said. That being said, it did indeed trigger a deeper evaluation of what we do with Sad news coming out of Crytek Timesplitters, and I can only say today, as it seems that the long- this for now; we might have some awaited TimeSplitters 4 will have surprises coming soon. to wait a bit longer. Weve been So Crytek might have some hearing rumors of TimeSplitters s u r p r i s e s i n s t o r e f o r 4s existence for years now, but in TimeSplitters fans? That would be an interview with VG247, Crytek great, but like any good game CEO Cevat Yerli said that fan developer, Yerli picked his words interest is not yet high enough to carefully and didnt give anything j u s t i f y m a k i n g t h e g a m e . away. Since he isnt talking (and H o w e v e r , d o n t d e s p a i r probably wont be for a while), TimeSplitters fans, as Crytek were just going to go ahead and might have something for you make some assumptions. Yerlis anyway. tease makes us immediately think I tested through my official blog that Crytek might be considering to see how big the Timesplitters a n H D r e - r e l e a s e o f t h e community is, and while the TimeSplitters trilogy. At the very volume of responses was quite least, we might see some of the high, we feel its not high enough original TimeSplitters games
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:08:48 PM

released on PSN and Xbox Live. Of course, we dont have any proof to back these assumptions up, but re-releasing the older TimeSplitters game would be a good way to gauge fan interest in

TimeSplitters 4. Provided those re -releases sell well, Crytek may be encouraged to begin development on TimeSplitters 4, and anyone who has played a TimeSplitters game knows that wouldnt be a

bad thing. Whatever these surprises are, we cant wait to find out about them. TimeSplitters is one of the great franchises of years past, and it would be wonderful to see Crytek giving the series more attention. Hopefully Crytek ends up following through with Yerlis tease, because even if it isnt anything more than a few rereleases on XBLA and PSN, were sure TimeSplitters fans would be happy to have them. Stay tuned. Fan interest for TimeSplitters 4 not high enough yet, Crytek says is written by Eric Abent& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Amazon responds to iCloud account hacking

Megan Lavey-Heaton (TUAW The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:00:00 PM

Amazon is taking action after learning of the inadvertent role it played in Wired writer Mat Honan's digital nightmare last week, when his iCloud account password was compromised and his Mac was wiped. Apple spokeswoman Natalie Kerris told Wired on Monday that processes

were being reviewed, but Amazon has actually enacted a new security policy in light of what happened to Honan. As of today, Amazon will no longer allow users to change account settings, including credit card information and email addresses associated with the account, via phone. Wired confirmed this change while trying unsuccessfully to replicate the social engineering steps used

to get into Honan's accounts. We've yet to see exactly what steps Apple is taking to rectify the security issues, but Wired's

Robert McMillan has written a good piece on why Apple's secure password advice is no help against the sort of information

phishing that caused the loss of Honan's data. Amazon responds to iCloud account hacking originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments


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Curated News Edition

How To Enable 2-Factor Verification On Gmail (And Avoid Getting Hacked)

Fruzsina Erdgh (ReadWriteWeb)

the hackers recon mission leading up to the multi-device attack. Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:45:00 PM Googles two-factor verification, An easy tip for Gmail users on w h i c h t h e c o m p a n y b e g a n how to avoiding getting hacked: offering last February, is easy to two-factor verification. set up and just requires a phone If there is one lesson to be c a p a b l e o f r e c e i v i n g t e x t learned from Wired writer Mat messages. When you try to log Honans"epic" hacking last week- into your computer from a a hack that wiped years of digital different location than the one you memories including emails and set up, like a coffeeshop or photos of his daughter - its the airport, Google ask you for a importance of Gmails two-factor verification code before it lets you verification security feature. proceeds to your inbox. It will H a d I u s e d t w o - f a c t o r text you a code to enter, alongside authentication for my Google your password, to make sure it is account, its possible that none of really you. this would have happened, wrote Setting up the security feature Honan, who went on to say if he can be done through a variety of had used the security feature the options ( like this one, or this hack would have stopped during one), but an easy way is to go to

located on the far left side. Clicking the Security tab will reveal a few options, the most important being "2-step verification." You want to click the "Edit" button and once you do, Google will ask you to sign in again before allowing you to make the security change. Once you have signed in a second time, Google will ask you for your phone number. You can choose to add additional devices and phone numbers as you see fit. While many folks might hesitate giving their phone number to the menu options on the top right pop out like so: of your Google Account page You want to click on Account, Google, the other possible option, screen when signed into Gmail. which will open up a new tab on having your "entire digital life Click the downward facing arrow your browser, your Google . . . d e s t r o y e d " ( a s H o n a n s o on the far right of your Google+ Account page. From here, you succinctly put it), isn't too picture, and a small menu will want to navigate to Security appealing.

In focus: Planet Earth as seen by Meteosat's MSG-3

Duncan Geere
Submitted at 8/7/2012 11:00:29 AM

Today's photography from the Wired Aperture -- beautiful daily

images of the Wired world around us, curated every day by Subscribe to the Wired Aperture RSS feed or follow the @WiredAperture

Twitter account to make sure you

never miss a picture. View at high-resolution and fullscreen in our gallery. By: Duncan Geere, Continue reading...

Mars Landing Pictures

(HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:00:56 PM

Landing on Mars requires many years of careful planning and

research. Illustrated here is the latest craft to touch down on Mars: Curiosity. See how we landed robots on Mars and the pictures they sent back on the

following pages. Image courtesy NASA/JPLCaltech This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is

your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating

Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Curated News Edition



Judge in Oracle vs. Google Patent Case Demands to Know if Companies Paid Reporters
Dan Rowinski (ReadWriteWeb)

journalists covering the trial. The trial between Google and Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:20:36 PM Oracle was a bitter affair. Both The patent lawsuit between sides pitched emotional battles Google and Oracles over the use full of technical explanations and of Java in Android was, for all claims of significant damage. In intents and purposes, won by the end, Google came out almost Google. There are still a few loose completely clean with only a ends for the judge in the suit, couple rulings of copyright William Alsup, to take care of infringement against it. before the case is officially Oracle brought the case against wrapped up. Today, Alsup cause a Google to defend its patents and significant stir when he issued a the use of the Java programming surprising order demanding that language in Googles Android Google and Oracle disclose if mobile operating system. Oracle either company paid bloggers or claimed copyright infringement

on the structure, sequence and organization (SSO) of Java in Android as well as violation of

several technical patents. The jury determined Google had indeed copied the SSO of Java but was unable to determine if it was fair use or not. If Googles use of Java was fair, then Google would not owe Oracle a cent in damages. After the jury was hung, Alsup made the ruling the Google's use of Java API's were indeed fair use. Today, Alsup released an order to both parties demanding to know if either paid bloggers and journalists during the proceedings. If either company did pay media

in hopes of influencing the decisions, it would come as a major scandal both for the reporters involved as well as Google and Oracle. Alsup cited that the information would be useful in the appeals process even though it had little bearing on the verdict of the trial that has already passed. The full release order from Judge Alsup is below.

Hip-Centric Clothes Cleaners - The Hula Washer Launders Your Garments with the Power of Your Groove (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:39:02 PM

Retro Career Girl Captures - The Madison Headrick Oyster Editorial is 80s-Inspired (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:29:02 PM

( For many Westerners, the incentive is no

longer there to entice you to exert your own energy for chores when there are appliances available to do so. The Hula Washer takes advantage of a loophole,...

( The Madison Headrick Oyster editorial

embraces the 80s working girl, a term made particularly famous by actress Melanie Griffith. Focusing on big hair, colorful eyeshadow and tons of shoulder pads,...


Technology/ Sports/

Curated News Edition

iOS 6 Simulator Test Lends Credence To iPhone 5 Resolution Rumors

Chris Velazco (TechCrunch)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:26:03 PM

Facebook VP Of Engineering Mike Schroepfer On Moving From Coding To Management [TCTV]

Colleen Taylor (TechCrunch)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:06:36 PM

Suffice it to say that wasnt the case when they did the same thing in iOS 5.1 all the app icons Well damn. If there wasnt remained in four rows, though already enough fuel on the new they were set further apart from iPhone will have a taller screen each other to fill up that additional f i r e , 9 t o 5 M a c h a p p e n e d t o space. Whats more, changing the discover something terribly resolution in the iOS 6 simulator interesting after playing with the to anything but 1136 x 640 (and iOS 6 simulator. the standard 960 by 640, The full explanation can be found naturally) yields a sort of iPadhere, but in short they found when l i k e l a y o u t w i t h p e c u l i a r setting a simulated devices p r o p o r t i o n s . screen resolution to 1136 x 640, Its not exactly a smoking gun iOS 6 would neatly arrange apps (finding a prototype unit a la on the homescreen into five rows Gizmodo would be ideal) but its a homescreen layout that the pretty damning stuff nonetheless. iPhone rumor mill has pointed to Rumors of an iPhone with a taller for the past few months. screen have been circulating for

what seems like ages now, and if that particular screen resolution sounds familiar, thats because 9to5mac pointed to it as a likely suspect for the new iPhone back in May. At the time, they (along with quite a few others) reported that a 4-inch screen would be doing all that pixel pushing, yet another bit of iPhone scuttlebutt that seems like a lock as we head into the final stretch. With a grand unveiling reportedly taking place just over a month from now, its little wonder that these juicy new tidbits are coming hard and fast heres hoping the suspense ends sooner rather than later.

As they get older, lots of software engineers dread the seemingly inevitable move from being a programmer to being a manager. After all, if your true passion is writing code, taking on the responsibilities of managing other people may be a bit more lucrative, but it will obviously take away the time you can spend doing what you love the most. Thats ultimately why Steve Wozniak decided to make the move from Hewlett-Packard to Apple full-time, back in the companys earliest days, according to Walter Isaacsons autobiography of Steve Jobs, which read: [An old friend told Wozniak] if he joined Apple full-time, he would not have to go into

management or give up being an engineer. That is exactly what I needed to hear, Wozniak later said. I could stay at the bottom of the organization chart, as an engineer. So when I had the chance to have a brief chat backstage at the Facebook Ecosystem CrunchUp this past Friday with Facebooks VP of Engineering Mike Schroepfer, who began his career years ago as an engineer and currently serves in a management role, I asked him about how he made that switch. Watch the video above to hear about his thoughts on moving to management, how often he gets to code, how Facebooks recent CTO departure has affected his day-to-day duties, how Facebook is working to retain its talent, and more.

Suggestive Saddle Workouts - Horse Riding Fitness Ace Power is More Shocking Than the Shake Weight (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:49:03 PM

( While riding a horse undeniably offers a great

(Sports News Headlines workout, the same can also be Yahoo! News) said for sex; Horse Riding Fitness Ace Power happens to hone in on Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:15:45 PM both of these activities. Granted, BALTIMORE (Reuters) - Nick the latter is... Markakis has never played on a winning team in the majors so he can be forgiven for being a little

Success-starved Orioles enjoy being in playoff hunt

giddy that the Baltimore Orioles are still playing meaningful games this late in the season. Not only are the once-proud Orioles poised to end a 14-year losing streak, they are actually in the hunt for a wild card berth. "It's been fun," Markakis, a seven-year Major League Baseball outfielder who has played his entire career with the Orioles, said Tuesday in the upbeat Baltimore clubhouse. "Everyone in the clubhouse has one mindset. ...

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Shadow Era physical cards now being shipped to retail stores

Mike Schramm (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:00:00 PM

Shadow Era is an iOS app that came out a long time ago -- it successfully combines a collectible card game (fairly similar to the World of Warcraft card game, if you've ever played that one) with a freemium business model, a plan that has worked out very well for developer Kyle Pool. So well, in fact, that he announced a little while ago that Shadow Era would be getting physical cards to go along with the iOS title, and indeed, the company has

announced that Call of the Crystals, the first physical version of the original iOS title, is now headed to a game retail store near you. You can see unboxing videos

floating around already -- this is a full, high quality collectible card game that originally began only on Apple's iOS platform. That's great. Apple usually brags about how much software it has seen

released on its iOS, but when you look at things like all of those Angry Birds collectibles and then a game like this, that has gone from an indie developer's idea to a full franchise, it's really fascinating to see just how popular and powerful this App Store has become. Shadow Era physical cards now being shipped to retail stores originally appeared on TUAW The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

TED: Max Little: A test for Parkinsons with a phone call Max Little (2012)
TEDTalks (TEDTalks (video))
Submitted at 8/7/2012 10:04:43 AM

Parkinsons disease affects 6.3 million people worldwide, causing weakness and tremors, but there's no objective way to detect it early on. Yet. Applied mathematician and TED Fellow Max Little is testing a simple, cheap tool that in trials is able to detect Parkinson's with 99 percent accuracy -- in a 30-second phone call.

Stock Market Investors Have Become Absurdly Impatient

Sam Ro (Money Game)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:31:00 PM

Much of this is due to the advent of ETFs and high-frequency trading. But there's little doubt A s J e f f K l e i n t o p o f L P L that the average investor is also Financial writes, the average holding stocks for much shorter holding period of a stock has periods. fallen from eight years in the And that comes with 1960s to around five days today. c o n s e q u e n c e s .

Here's a chart and commentary

from Kleintop's latest Weekly Market Commentary: One of the consequences of such a short investment time horizon is that investors have begun to fear short-term market events and volatility as much or more than the factors that shape prospects

for long-term economic and profit growth that drive stocks over the longer term. Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story



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Dumb and Dumber - By George Lakoff

GEORGE LAKOFF (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:05:12 PM

Meet the "low-information voter" -- the soccer moms of the 2012 presidential election. BY GEORGE LAKOFF| AUGUST 7, 2012 As the U.S. presidential campaign heats up, both Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are piling up money and shoring up their political bases. But they're also going after a few million voters in a handful of swing states -- voters who are considered critical to winning the election. And within this block of voters is a special camp: "low-information voters," or LIVs, a term that keeps popping up in magazines and political blogs. The term is mainly used by liberals to refer to those who vote conservative against their interests and the best interests of the nation. It assumes they vote that way because they lack sufficient information about issues. The assumption being, of course, that if only they had the real facts, they would vote differently -- for both their own best interests and those of the nation. They're the kind of folks Thomas Frank wrote about in What's the Matter with Kansas?, folks who vote on the basis of their sense of what is right -- the moral views they identify with -- rather than material interests, either theirs or those of their fellow citizens.

The problem is that, as neutral as the term "low-information voters" may sound, it's pejorative and used to express frustration with these voters, who (we're told) act against their own best interests. Liberals tend to attribute the problem in large part to conscious Republican efforts at

misinformation -- say, on Fox News or talk radio -- and in part to faulty information gleaned from friends, family, and random sources. Interestingly, I have yet to run across a liberal castigating lowinformation voters who happen to vote Democrat on the basis of

information from liberal media, friends, or family. It's a term that goes one way: left to right. I have seen two attitudes toward LIVs. The first is that they are reclaimable, if only somebody -the president, the Democrats, the media -- can get the right information to them. The second

attitude is a hand-wringing sense of cynical hopelessness on the part of liberals who see LIVs as having an inherent character flaw. In their minds, LIVs are either too lazy to seek out relevant information, too dumb to act in a DUMB page 36

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Making Friends with Friends - By Sean Kay

SEAN KAY (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:02:05 PM

Mitt Romney, Charles Krauthammer, and conservative pundits are plain wrong: Barack Obama hasn't lost Europe. That was his predecessor's doing. BY SEAN KAY| AUGUST 7, 2012 In recent weeks, some foreignpolicy commentary -- associated mainly with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's trip to Britain and Poland -- has asserted that America's ties with Europe have been undermined during the last four years by President Barack Obama and his administration. Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer made a particularly absurd claim last week that the Obama administration had shifted its missile defense plans in Europe to "appease Russia" and surmised that Romney had made great strides in repairing this damaged realm of U.S. policy. This is part of a broader political assertion that the United States has turned its back on its allies in Europe -and it is wrong. The Obama administration has substantially rebuilt the broken transatlantic relationship it inherited from George W. Bush's administration, and its Europe policies have been a success story for the United States. There is no question the U.S.Europe relationship is evolving, but to assume that changes and

realignments are necessarily bad for America risks pining after a world that no longer exists and dangerously inhibits necessary initiatives to bolster this vital relationship. And, frankly, that Cold War world in which the United States and Europe were

joined at the hip was 1) a lot more dangerous than it is now and 2) never really existed -- as there were often major divides during the Cold War across the Atlantic. A commitment to the basic values of freedom and democracy remain solid across the Atlantic. These

values were reaffirmed by Romney's excellent speech in Warsaw, a speech that could have been given by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, either President Bush, or Obama. But confidence in values also means having confidence in negotiating change

in ways that can enhance mutual interest. Four specific achievements illustrate the vital ways that the United States is reinvigorating the transatlantic relationship under the Obama MAKING page 37


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way that would maximize their own interests, too apathetic or selfish to care about what's best for their fellow citizens, or simply brainwashed automatons who vote the way they're told. The implicit assumption is that everyone can be a highinformation voter -- that everyone is capable of learning, understanding, reasoning about, and voting on the basis of relevant facts, which are objectively true, independent of worldview. What is "best" -- for the voter, the nation, or the world -- is also assumed to be objectively true and not a matter of values. It is further assumed that everyone is capable of rationality -- taken as the correct mode of reasoning. From this it follows that, if everyone just had the relevant facts, they would reason to the right conclusion, the one that is objectively best. Furthermore, it is assumed that they would vote on the basis of such conclusions and that their elected representatives would act effectively on those conclusions. This, of course, leads to the idea that low-information voters can be blamed for many of the world's ills and that those ills would be healed if they were just highinformation voters. It should be clear that the assumptions behind the use of the term "low-information voters" are problematic at best. These assumptions come in the form of what cognitive linguists call "frames." And if one looks closely at these frames and at what we

know from the cognitive and brain sciences, the use of "lowinformation voters" becomes even more problematic. Frame analysis was developed by my colleague at the University of California, Berkeley, the great linguist Charles Fillmore. In the mid-1970s, Fillmore observed that every word, or fixed linguistic expression, is defined relative to a mental structure called a "frame," which is characterized by a fixed neural circuit in the brain. Every time you think or talk about anything at all, you use neural frame-circuitry. Anything you understand, you understand using those frame-circuits. Conversely, ideas that don't fit those framecircuits cannot be understood -they will most likely be ignored or thought to be ridiculous and rejected. This is not just about politics. Imagine telling a Midwestern farmhand who has never heard of acupuncture that his chronic pain can be alleviated by having a Chinese doctor stick needles in him. That would probably make about as much sense to him as saying that the best way for the government to deal with a huge budget deficit is to spend more money -- assuming he isn't reading Paul Krugman's column regularly. In particular, facts must fit existing frame-circuits fixed in the brain if they are to be comprehended. Even when you negate a frame, that frame is still activated. For example, when President Richard Nixon told the

American people " I am not a crook," they all thought of him as a crook. He activated the "crook frame," with himself in the role of the crook. This is why attack works a whole lot better than denial. Frames don't work by formal logic. In logic, negation wipes out what is negated. With frames, negation strengthens what is negated. If you come up to a friend and whisper in his ear out of the blue, "Your wife is not having an affair," you're raising the issue of whether his wife is having an affair. Likewise, in saying, "I'm against tax relief," one is still framing taxation as an affliction to be relieved. As much as we might like to think that policy drives politics, in my own research for the book Moral Politics, I found that moral frames were at the top of the political frame hierarchy. The activation of a political frame activates, and strengthens, its moral framing. The reason is simple. All politics rests on morality. Political leaders propose policies -- whether regulating large banks or loosening deportation laws-because they believe them to be right. The problem, of course, is that conservatives and liberals have different ideas of what is right: from same-sex marriage to machine-gun ownership. They have different moral systems, each characterized by neural circuitry in the brain. And it's exactly this difference in moral systems that explains why liberals tend to speak of "low-information

voters" while conservatives don't. Progressives believe that democracy starts with caring about one's fellow citizens and acting responsibly for both oneself and other citizens. Government is seen as a means for the public to provide things crucial for a decent private life and private enterprise: roads, bridges, infrastructure of many kinds, public education, public health, public transportation, publicly funded research, a judicial system, police, firefighters, a patent agency, public parks, and so on. Conservatives, especially the extreme conservatives now in office, aren't necessarily against many of these things, but they see government as preserving the liberty to act as one wishes and as secondary to individual responsibility; moreover, they see public services for individuals as better run by minimally restricted, profit-maximizing private enterprise. Yet liberals believe that if conservative voters only had more information, they would recognize liberal values as objective and universal -- they would turn off Fox News and unite to end global warming, support universal health care, back unions and women's rights, and so on. Obviously, they don't. And this means to liberals that conservative populists have character flaws that lead them to become low-information voters who screw things up for everyone. Unsurprisingly, conservatives see this as elitism, just the kind of

coastal snobbery that they hate. Many conservatives have a view of democracy diametrically opposed to that of liberals. They see democracy as giving them the liberty to pursue their own interests without necessarily being responsible for the interests of others. They believe in personal, not social, responsibility. They are therefore unlikely to argue that a lack of factual information leads to the material harm of others. Instead, they court LIVs with a conservative moral argument: Their liberty must be protected, and liberals are trying to take it away by going after their gun rights, private property rights, rights to run their businesses as they choose, and so on. Voters who understand democracy in these moral terms have very different frame-circuits in their brains than liberals do. If LIVs among conservatives define their very identity morally by conservative values, those values may well override material concerns -- and the very real benefits that may accrue to them by, say, taxing the wealthy or by getting cleaner water or universal health care. For many conservatives, this idea of liberty is more important than anything else. And so the liberal assumption that information about individual material gains would get poor conservatives to vote for liberal policies is mostly false. The liberal use of the term "lowinformation voters" reveals where DUMB page 40

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administration. First, the Obama team came to office after eight years of the most serious crisis between Washington and America's key European allies since World War II. Disastrous strategic thinking and bad diplomacy from Washington during the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq placed Germany in open opposition to a U.S. national security initiative for the first time since World War II. George W. Bush's administration was dismissive of legitimate concerns raised by close allies over Iraq -- concerns that were subsequently proved right. Guantnamo Bay and the horrors of Abu Ghraib caused alarm across Europe over America's abandonment of common values and international rules that had been the bedrock of the country's rise to power in the 20th century. Worse, the Bush administration seemed dismissive -- referring to America's allies as a "toolbox" to "cherry-pick" from -not the best way to get support and burden-sharing. That America is liked again across Europe (a sentiment that even the casual traveler can sense) is no minor thing. Obama deserves credit for that. Even if the gloss has worn off somewhat since the president's election, America is still vastly more popular in Europe than it was during the late Bush years, and if it is ever needed in a major crisis, this goodwill will be important. Second, the Obama team has achieved strong consensus among

NATO allies for a reinvigoration of collective defense via theaterbased missile defense systems now being deployed in southeastern Europe. The original missile defense plan proffered by the Bush administration -- an interceptor site in Poland and a radar site in the Czech Republic -was deeply flawed. It had dubious technological merit and left allies such as Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey exposed to emerging missile threats from Iran. It was the Bush team that abandoned these allies and neglected to think carefully about America's comprehensive relationship with Europe in terms of collective defense commitments. The new European Phased Adaptive Approach system better aligns threats to capabilities and provides America's allies with an additional piece of leverage in addressing Iran and its nuclear program. While critics are saying that the United States stiffed Eastern Europe, recently Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak made clear in a recent visit to Washington that there was strong consensus across NATO on the new plan. "No individual country can protect themselves from global threats," he said. "Global threats require global protection. The missile defense system is the answer." Lajcak added, "People have moved on. We are in a different situation now. We are discussing a different project. I see no reason to revisit discussions from three years back."

What seems to upset some missile defense advocates the most is that Obama's policy does more to advance U.S. and allied national security than his predecessor's did. In so doing, the Obama administration provided the first serious bolstering of collective defense in NATO since the end of the Cold War -something that all of Washington's allies have embraced and appreciate -- and something critics of the Obama administration's approach seem ironically intent on undermining. While Russia continues to raise technological concerns about later phased deployments of the European missile system, the Obama administration had held steadfast on this, while offering to find innovative ways to cooperate with Russia -- a policy also pursued by the Bush administration. Third, the United States and its European allies have maintained an effective common front toward ongoing challenges in the Arab world. First and foremost, NATO fought a successful war in Libya. Critics asserted that it showed weakness for America to "lead from behind" -- but it was effective -- and the administration deserves credit for staying steadfast in maintaining NATO consensus and avoiding a dangerous ground intervention. Meanwhile, the United States and Europe have agreed to the most stringent sanctions regime to date on Iran -- a power of consensus the Bush administration was not

able to achieve -- and there are signs that this pressure on Tehran is working. While Afghanistan has not been the success that advocates of the new surge policy in 2009 promised when selling it to Obama and the allies, NATO is on track toward a common goal of leaving on a timeline that forces Afghans to take responsibility for their own future while seeking to avoid a dangerous power vacuum. Meanwhile, the killing of Osama bin Laden and the significant diminishing of al Qaeda is something that has benefited all of the NATO allies. This is a far different approach to the years of neglect of Afghanistan and the dismissive conduct toward allies under the previous administration. It's true that the Afghanistan and Libya wars did expose a deep structural imbalance of capabilities within NATO, but rather than berate Europe (a Bush spokesman once dismissed the Belgians and other allies as "chocolate-makers" during one such dispute), the Obama administration has launched a new " smart defense" initiative designed to better pool resources and encourage European capabilities be developed to complement American military power. Fourth, and crucially, is the eurozone crisis, which is the most serious geostrategic challenge for the transatlantic relationship. Obama (who speaks regularly with German Chancellor Angela Merkel) and especially Treasury

Secretary Tim Geithner have each been forward leaning in urging Europe to take bold steps to address the high risk of contagion within the eurozone. Realistically, there are few direct policy levers Washington can pull relative to the eurozone crisis -- though quietly urging Germany to move toward some degree of progrowth stimulus appears to be taking root among key leaders in Berlin. The United States has served to use its own crisis experiences with banking to help show Europe the benefits of being proactive in addressing the crises that continue to threaten the continent's financial stability. But the crucial thing that America has done right is to have worked for decades to foster and encourage European integration as the solution to historical problems in Europe. If there is a serious criticism to be made about Obama's approach to America's European allies, it is that while he has taken the right steps, he has not yet launched the bold, visionary programs necessary to create a balanced transatlantic dynamic that would be -- to borrow from his own campaign rhetoric -- "built to last." Economically, we are at a moment where a Bretton Woodsand Marshall Plan-level of thinking and institution-building is needed. Yet, ironically, just as Greece was floundering this summer, the allies were focused on a NATO summit in Chicago, MAKING page 41



Curated News Edition

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor French Millionaires - By Haley Barbour

HALEY BARBOUR (Foreign Policy)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:12:31 PM

So Frances new Socialist president wants to soak the rich? My message to French jobcreators fleeing the nouveau rgime: Mississippi welcomes you. BY HALEY BARBOUR| AUGUST 7, 2012 The first European settlement in Mississippi, Fort Maurepas, was established by French explorateur Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville in 1799. With the recent announcement by France's Socialist president, Franois Hollande, of a tax plan to soak the rich, should Americans and others get ready for another French emigration, not of explorers but of entrepreneurs and other employers? Because that's what may be about to happen -- and it could happen to the United States if Barack Obama and the Democrats follow in Hollande's footsteps. You might think that the purpose of the new and higher French taxes was to significantly affect the deficit. But it wasn't. Rather, writes Michael Birnbaum of the Washington Post, who notes that political symbol than an economic the higher income tax "raises too m e a s u r e . I t w i l l h e l p g i v e little money to make a dent in H o l l a n d e p o l i t i c a l c o v e r . " France's funding needs," the Sacre bleu! Socialist tax plan "is more of a Perhaps Monsieur Hollande's

leftist political base may be placated by skyrocketing tax rates on job creators, but businesses and investors say the actual, as opposed to the symbolic,

economic effect will be to reduce growth -- a tall order when one considers that economic growth this year in France is predicted to be a paltry 0.2 percent as it is!

Many Americans, especially Republicans and other critics of Obama's economic policies, GIVE page 39

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believe the Democrats' proposal to increase the individual income tax by 10 percent on top earners; to increase the capital gains tax; to collect payroll taxes on investment income; to tax employers who don't provide their employees with health insurance by $3,000 per employee; to create a variety of other new taxes related to Obamacare and to increase taxes on the U.S. oil and gas industry by $4.2 billion a year, will hurt the U.S. economy. Even former President Bill Clinton has warned that raising taxes in a bad economy is a mistake. The French tax increases are, of course, far larger than those proposed in the United States; not only would those making more than $1.23 million a year be taxed at a 75 percent rate, but taxpayers who make less than $100,000 per year would be taxed at 48 percent. And that's after already paying a 19.6 percent sales tax or VAT! If you think the French are taxing everything that moves, you're not far off. Indeed, Hollande's new tax policy levies a 3 percent "one-time" wealth tax on assets held by individuals (foreign or French) in France, when the value of the

assets equals more than 1.3 million euros, or about $1.75 million. Corporate taxes will be increased in a variety of ways, such as a 3 percent tax corporations must pay on the dividends they pay out to their shareholders. And new taxes will be levied on financial transactions, on lending institutions, and on oil and gas companies. France's neighbors have adopted different strategies to try to regain economic growth and return the costs of government services to sustainable levels. They have avoided large tax increases. Unlike the Socialist government in France, most European countries not only think higher taxes aren't productive in resolving fiscal issues but would reduce growth or deepen their economic blues. A few actually foresee another negative for their French neighbors as a result of these tax increases: a flight of wealthy French citizens, including some non-citizens residing in France (as they generally will be subjected to the new taxes) and French corporations or their suppliers. And indeed, this seems to be happening. The Financial Times

reports that more French people are considering moving out of the country. British Prime Minister David Cameron even declared that Her Majesty's Government will " roll out the red carpet" for French businesspeople fleeing the big tax increases. And Hollande can't be happy about the reported comments of French business leaders. The head of Medef, the French employers' federation, said earlier this summer that the new higher tax regime will " dry out the economy" at a time when "company profits and orders [are] tumbling and investments [are] frozen." The French are asking: "Will the Socialists' soak the rich' regime work as the left hopes, or will it hurt growth and make job creation much harder, as many expect?" Their neighbors are asking a parallel question: "Will their gigantic taxes drive French citizens and non-citizen residents to leave the country to avoid being soaked?" Switzerland is already preparing. "It's open hunting season on the wealthy in France," Francois Micheloud, a partner in a company that helps foreigners relocate to Switzerland, told

Bloomberg news. "The number of Frenchmen asking for assistance has tripled." My name, Barbour, is an old French Huguenot name, and my great-great-great-great grandfather Louis LeFleur, a Frenchman, founded a trading post around 1800 that developed into Mississippi's capitol, Jackson, a quarter century later. I wonder if we Barbour boys ought to set up a business to attract wealthy Frenchmen and successful businesses from France to Mississippi. As a low tax, probusiness state with a regime of rational regulation, we could roll out the red carpet and run up the tri-color over Fort Maurepas. Bienvenue, mes amis! This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Dare to disagree: Why conflict is vital to progress [video]

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:00:00 PM

Taxing Our Patience

Geoffrey Norman (The Weekly Standard)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:40:00 PM

When you take your campaign cues from Harry Reid, then you

surely are running short on inspiration. But that is where Elizabeth Warren, who laid the intellectual foundation for the Occupy movement, finds herself. opponent in the Senate race for She is now calling for her

Theres nothing standing in the way of our sheltering within the opinions of like-minded people in this day and age, avoiding conflicts that force us out of our comfort zones and make stand back and reconsider our own ideas or even stand to defend them. Yet as businesswoman Margaret Heffernan points out in this TED talk, conflict, not comfort, is the driving force behind change and progress as were forced out of our box and into the arena, where we may not emerge victorious, but better equipped to fight what was once thought of in another day. Full story at YouTube via Massachusetts as "the Kennedy Trendhunter. seat" to release his tax records. Garnering courage from TED. The thing is ... Permalink| Leave a comment


Finance/ Culture/

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liberals need to get real. First, liberals need to recognize that conservatives have a moral system that is different from theirs and that they vote on the basis of it. They need to understand the conservative moral system and how it works, if they are to defeat it. And they need to understand the power of their own moral system and make use of it. Second, they need to notice that many liberal Democrats vote on the basis of as little information as the Republicans they are calling LIVs. It is not at all unusual for people to get their political opinions secondhand from sources they trust: their friends, neighbors, relatives, churches, commercials, and the TV shows they watch. We may wish democratic decisions had a firmer basis, but this holds for Democrats as well as Republicans. Third, they need to understand how brains work: If the facts don't fit morally based frame-circuits, it's the frame-circuits that stay and the facts that go out the window. All political parties should aim to communicate facts, but to do so successfully they have to take into

account voters' moral systems that constrain party values. Those moral-system differences are among the facts that need to be discussed. Fourth, liberals who speak of LIVs need to understand that many voters, Democrats as well as Republicans, vote on the basis of values and character rather than policies, material advantages, and facts. In short, they vote on the basis of trust -- trust in both whom they vote for and the sources of information about whom to vote for. Cursing conservative lowinformation voters for not voting for liberal policies is a fool's errand for all these reasons. Luckily, many people are liberal on some issues and conservative on others. These people are called "moderates," "the center," "independents," or "swing voters." They have both conservative and liberal moral systems in the same brain. How is this possible? Throughout the brain there are circuits that are mutually inhibitory -- when one is turned on the other is turned off. The more one is turned on, the stronger it gets and the weaker the

other gets. This isn't just about politics. There are other moral systems that are contradictory and work this way. Think about the things you might find acceptable to do late on a Saturday night as opposed to a Sunday morning. It's a moral switch mechanism in the brain (and that's even before a few drinks enter the equation). So how do political parties best inform and influence voters who have both moral systems but switch back and forth? The trick is what you're already seeing on your television: the consistent and repetitive use of language that activates frames and moral systems. Never use the other side's language. And always say out loud the moral framing needed for comprehending the facts. For example, health care is a matter of both freedom and life. If you have cancer and no health care, you are not free and you could die! With the right narrative, it is a powerful message, and one that tells a deep truth. And, like it says on the back of the shampoo bottle -- repeat as necessary. Brains don't change without repetition. It's like any

muscle: The more a neural circuit fires, the stronger its synapses get. To strengthen the neural circuits for your moral system, you have to repeat the language of your moral system and avoid the language that activates the contradictory moral system. Conservatives learned this decades ago. But a quick lesson to liberals who want to inform "low-information voters." Drop the term. It amounts to calling them dumb. Just because you use three words and seven syllables in place of one, it doesn't mean they don't understand. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

19 excellent food tips (we should have thought of before)

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:53:00 PM

Standard Chartered: UK bank faces 'Frankenstein monster' in US over money laundering allegations
Richard Blackden (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)

So often, the easiest solution to a problem is staring us right in the face and yet we dont see it thanks to the huge, blinding wall of habit standing in the light of common sense. Thankfully, Samir Mezrahi at Buzzfeed is here to blast off the blinders and point us in the right direction with nineteen foodrelated tips that will make life a heck of a lot easier from now on. (Though we're not sure about the wisdom of wasting precious Doritos in the woods.) Full story at Buzzfeed. Good food sense. Permalink| Leave a comment

The allegations against Standard Chartered suggest British banks have badly misread how the

politics around anti-money laundering have changed in the US.

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continued from page 37

rather than establishing initiatives for the shared debt crisis. On NATO, while the United States is withdrawing some troops from Europe, it could safely cut deployments in Europe even further and shift the burden of responsibility for security within and around the European area onto capable allies. The next major NATO summit, for example, could state an explicit goal of working within the organization to ensure that the allies have the capacity to fight both a Libya-style war and perform a Balkans-style peace operation without U.S. involvement. Then again, one can understand why the administration might want to avoid too bold a vision, especially in an election year, given that even U.S. successes are being characterized by critics as failures. Indeed, the lack of Washington's bipartisan goodwill toward U.S. efforts in Europe is the most significant new factor in the transatlantic relationship -- but that is not Obama's fault and, moreover, the fundamentals of the

relationship are stronger than such narrow short-term interests. Are there major shifts ongoing in between American and Europe? Of course there are -- and this is a good thing. Not only has the Obama administration handled this shift well, but it has laid a solid foundation for making the U.S.-Europe relationship sustainable for decades to come. A restoration of confidence among allies in America's leadership, a reinvigoration of collective defense in NATO, a successful war in Libya, a strong united approach to Iran, a rebalancing of the U.S. role on the continent that puts Europeans more in the lead, and a deep appreciation of common economic destinies are by definition a major success story. Europe is, to be sure, in a major economic crisis, but it has the capacity (and hopefully the will) to handle it. Let's remember that this is the outcome that the men who built this architecture in the first place sought: a Europe capable of meeting its own challenges without a permanent

reliance on the United States. Critics of America's approach to Europe, like Krauthammer and the Romney campaign, risk undermining important American gains that have been made in the last four years. Even more troubling is that they seem to have a misplaced nostalgia for something that has little basis in today's geostrategic realities while offering no serious policy alternatives of their own. There is plenty to debate over America's foreign policy agenda today -- but on Europe, Obama has gotten it right, and that's good for America. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Birth-Death Model in Spain: 391,000 companies closed, 334,500 New Businesses Launched; Spain Lost 57,000 Companies in 2011 (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

education (2682), the utilities (1,478), recreation and entertainment (859), and sector programming and computer Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:25:00 PM Inquiring minds are looking at consulting (828). the birth-death model of Spanish By contrast, construction of businesses. buildings had 13,206 net company Statistics show Spain Lost 57,000 closures, followed by specialized Companies in 2011 construction (10,170) and The number of active enterprises architectural and engineering decreased 1.6% in 2011 and stood (7343). Mike "Mish" Shedlock at 3,199,616. This is the fourth h t t p : / / consecutive year of decline globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. according to the latest update of com the Central Companies Directory Click Here To Scroll Thru My (CCD) released by the National Recent Post List Mike Institute of Statistics (INE). "Mish" Shedlock is a registered During 2011 more companies investment advisor representative ceased their activities (391,270) f o r S i t k a P a c i f i c C a p i t a l than were launched (334,516). Management. Sitka Pacific is an The net effect is a loss of 56,754 asset management firm whose businesses. goal is strong performance and By size, measured in number of low volatility, regardless of employees, Spanish firms are market direction. Visit http:// characterized by their small size. w w w . s i t k a p a c i f i c . c o m / 55.2% of companies (1,764,987) account_management.html to did not employ any workers in l e a r n m o r e a b o u t w e a l t h 2011. In addition, 867,550 m a n a g e m e n t a n d c a p i t a l companies (27.1%) had one or preservation strategies of Sitka two employees, while those hired Pacific. 20 or more workers accounted for only 4.7% of businesses. The fewest casualties were in



Curated News Edition

Why The Slowdown In Chinese Electricity Usage Is Making The Economy Look Worse Than It Actually Is
Bloomberg (Money Game)

Steel plants, cement plants and refinery facilities -- these big Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:43:00 PM electricity consumers -- have Aug. 8 ( Bloomberg) -- A suffered a lot more than servicestagnation in electricity output industry players in the first half, that fanned speculation Chinas said Dong Tao, Credit Suisse slowdown is intensifying may Group AGs Hong Kong-based i n s t e a d b e e v i d e n c e o f a n head of Asia economics excluding accelerated transition to a more J a p a n . S o e l e c t r i c i t y services-based economy. consumption is not a benchmark The government will release but a reference. information on July electricity Industrial production probably production tomorrow as part of its rose 9.7 percent in July from a report on industrial output. Power year earlier, based on the median generation in June was unchanged estimate in a Bloomberg News from a year earlier even as survey. Data tomorrow may also industrial production rose 9.5 s h o w c o n s u m e r i n f l a t i o n p e r c e n t . H e a v y i n d u s t r i e s decelerated to 1.7 percent in July, including metals and cement the weakest pace since January consume about 60 percent of 2010. electricity and account for 20 Lending Data percent of gross domestic product, Trade data to be released Aug. 10 according to GK Dragonomics, a will probably indicate export Beijing-based consultant. growth slowed last month to a The shifts signal that electricitys three-month low. New yuan loans r e l e v a n c e a s a n e c o n o m i c fell in July, analysts predicted indicator is receding five years ahead of data due by Aug. 15. after Li Keqiang, now the vice Profits at Chinese steelmakers premier, was quoted as saying he fell 96 percent in the first half as watched data on power, rail cargo demand and prices dropped, a and loans because GDP numbers China Iron and Steel Association were man-made. An evolution official said last week. Anhui within manufacturing to more Conch Cement Co., Chinas efficient production is also biggest maker of the material, said damping electricity use as China in June that first- half earnings upgrades its factories. may have dropped by more than

50 percent. Some companies in service industries, by contrast, are seeing faster growth. The U.S.s Yum! Brands Inc., operator of KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants, said second -quarter system sales in China rose 27 percent and boosted the number of planned store openings in the country this year. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. said first-half China sales rose more than 25 percent. Manufacturing Gauge A survey of purchasing managers indicated that manufacturing teetered on the edge of contraction last month, with a government gauge at 50.1. The official services index was at 55.6; readings above 50 signal expansion. Service industries now account for about 43 percent of the economy, and Chinas government is trying to boost that to 47 percent by 2015. More broadly, electricity is a powerful indicator, but its just volatile on a month-to-month basis, said Michael Parker, senior analyst at Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. in Hong Kong. Reviewing two years of figures gets a power-consumption growth rate of about 7 percent, which is

about consistent with GDP expansion, he said. Chinas statistics bureau publishes power output data while the National Energy Administration releases consumption figures. Three Segments The country divides its economic data into three segments: primary industries, which include agriculture and livestock; secondary, comprised of manufacturing and construction; and tertiary, which includes services and logistics. Electricity consumption in secondary industries grew less than 5 percent in each of the four months through June compared with 10 percent to 14 percent during the same period in 2011, government data show. The primary groups consumption fell from a year earlier in March, April and May. The tertiary groups power consumption, by comparison, grew more than 10 percent from a year earlier for most of the first half. The popular idea that electricity growth is a simple proxy for economic growth is clearly not true, said Nate Taplin, an energy analyst with GK Dragonomics in Beijing. Lis remark was

published in a WikiLeaks cable in late 2010. Investor concern over Chinas growth has helped send the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index down 15 percent in the past year. The yuan has weakened about 1 percent against the dollar in 2012. The government cut interest rates in June and July, the first reductions since 2008, and signaled its focusing on investment to support expansion that slowed to a three-year low of 7.6 percent last quarter. Premier Wen Jiabao set a 2012 target of 7.5 percent in March. Policy Easing Activity growth has probably stabilized on the back of the policy loosening which started in May, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists including Song Yu wrote in an Aug. 3 note. Slowing inflation will allow room for more easing, Song said. The electricity-output slump results from the economic slowdown as well as a longerterm shift away from energyintensive growth in China, Parker said. Even so, the nation may still have a ways to go. WHY page 44

Curated News Edition



These 3 Things Keep Pushing Interest Rates Lower And Lower

Kenneth Rogoff (Money Game)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:45:36 PM

CAMBRIDGE How long can todays record-low, majorcurrency interest rates persist? Ten-year interest rates in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany have all been hovering around the once unthinkable 1.5% mark. In Japan, the ten-year rate has drifted to below 0.8%. Global investors are apparently willing to accept these extraordinarily low rates, even though they do not appear to compensate for expected inflation. Indeed, the rate on inflationadjusted US Treasury bills (socalled TIPS) is now negative up to 15 years. Is this extraordinary situation stable? In the very near term, certainly; indeed, interest rates could still fall further. Over the longer term, however, this situation is definitely not stable. Three major factors underlie todays low yields. First and foremost, there is the global savings glut, an idea popularized by current Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in a 2005 speech. For various reasons, savers have become ascendant across many regions. In Germany and Japan, aging populations need to save for retirement. In China, the government holds safe bonds

as a hedge against a future banking crisis and, of course, as a byproduct of efforts to stabilize the exchange rate. Similar motives dictate reserve accumulation in other emerging markets. Finally, oil exporters such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates seek to set aside wealth during the boom years. Second, in their efforts to combat the financial crisis, the major central banks have all brought down very short-term policy interest rates to close to zero, with no clear exit in sight. In normal times, any effort by a central bank to take short-term interest rates too low for too long will boomerang. Short-term market interest rates will fall, but, as investors begin to recognize the ultimate inflationary consequences of very loose monetary policy, longer-term interest rates will rise. This has not yet happened, as central banks have been careful to repeat their mantra of low longterm inflation. That has been sufficient to convince markets that any stimulus will be withdrawn before significant inflationary forces gather. But a third factor has become manifest recently. Investors are increasingly wary of a global financial meltdown, most likely

emanating from Europe, but with the US fiscal cliff, political instability in the Middle East, and a slowdown in China all coming into play. Meltdown fears, even if remote, directly raise the premium that savers are willing to pay for bonds that they perceive as the most reliable, much as the premium for gold rises. These same fears are also restraining business investment, which has remained muted, despite extremely low interest rates for many companies. It is the combination of all three of these factors that has created a perfect storm for super low interest rates. But how long can the storm last? Although highly unpredictable, it is easy to imagine how the process could be reversed. For starters, the same forces that led to an upward shift in the global savings curve will soon enough begin operating in the other direction. Japan, for example, is starting to experience a huge retirement bulge, implying a sharp reduction in savings as the elderly start to draw down lifetime reserves. Japans past predilection toward saving has long implied a large trade and current-account surplus, but now these surpluses are starting to swing the other way. Germany will soon be in the

same situation. Meanwhile, new energy-extraction technologies, combined with a softer trajectory for global growth, are having a marked impact on commodity prices, cutting deeply into the surpluses of commodity exporters from Argentina to Saudi Arabia. Second, many (if not necessarily all) central banks will eventually figure out how to generate higher inflation expectations. They will be driven to tolerate higher inflation as a means of forcing investors into real assets, to accelerate deleveraging, and as a mechanism for facilitating downward adjustment in real wages and home prices. It is nonsense to argue that central banks are impotent and completely unable to raise inflation expectations, no matter how hard they try. In the extreme, governments can appoint central bank leaders who have a longstanding record of stating a tolerance for moderate inflation an exact parallel to the idea of appointing conservative central bankers as a means of combating high inflation. Third, eventually the clouds over Europe will be resolved, though I admit that this does not seem likely to happen anytime soon. Indeed, things will likely get worse before they get better, and it is not at all difficult to imagine

a profound restructuring of the eurozone. Nevertheless, whichever direction the euro crisis takes, its ultimate resolution will end the extreme existential uncertainty that clouds the outlook today. Ultra-low interest rates may persist for some time. Certainly Japans rates have remained stable at an extraordinarily low level for a considerable period, at times falling further even as it seemed that they could only rise. But todays low interest-rate dynamic is not an entirely stable one. It could unwind remarkably quickly. Reprinting material from this Web site without written consent from Project Syndicate is a violation of international copyright law. To secure permission, please contact us. Related posts: Why Eurobonds are UnAmerican? Americas Constrained Choice One Money, (Too) Many Markets Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story



Curated News Edition

Italy Industrial Production Plunges 8.2% YoY, GDP Declines 2.5% Annualized; Italy to Pay Civil Servants 80% of Their Salary to Do Nothing (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

continued from page 42

Spending(a needed measure but not how they went about it), and also hike the VAT by 2% (economic insanity in a deepening Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:35:00 AM News in the eurozone's third recession). largest economy is once again on Italy's government has agreed to the dismal side. Italian Industrial cut spending by 26bn euros Production Plunged more than (21bn, $32bn) over the next expected as did GDP. three years to plug the gap Italian industrial production between spending and income. declined more than forecast in Staffing levels will be assessed June, signaling the euro regions by October. Some workers will be third-biggest economy probably sent home for two years on 80% contracted for a fourth quarter. of their salary before losing their Economists forecast a decline of 1 jobs or being retired. percent, according to the median The package means the country of 16 estimates in a Bloomberg will not now need to bring in an News survey. Production fell 8.2 unpopular increase of 2% in value percent from a year ago on a added tax (VAT) and will be able workday-adjusted basis. to funnel 2bn euros to the Emilia Italian business confidence Romagna region, which was hit declined last month more than by two earthquakes in May. economists forecast as executives The cost of servicing Italy's debt became more concerned that the increased by 16% to 18.7bn euros, countrys economic recession will up from 16.2bn euros in the first deepen in coming months. quarter of 2011. Italy Recession Fiat SpA (F) temporarily stopped Lingers for Year new investments in Italy as the The official estimate for decline European debt crisis caused sales in GDP this year was -1.2% in the region to plunge. Italian car (revised lower from about half sales have plummeted 20 percent t h a t ) . P r e p a r e f o r a n o t h e r through July, with deliveries this downward revision as Italy's year on track to slip to the lowest Recession Pain Deepens. level since 1979. Italy to Pay Italy shrank further into recession Civil Servants 80% of Their in the second quarter for a 2.5 Salary to Do Nothing percent yearly decline, data To plug the rising deficit gap, showed on Tuesday, threatening Prime Minister Mario Monti a t t e m p t s b y M a r i o M o n t i ' s approved Deep Cuts in National technocrat government to control

a debt crisis that is undermining the whole euro zone. A 0.7 percent fall in gross domestic product, only slightly better than the first quarter's 0.8 percent decline, means the Group of Seven economy has now been contracting for at least a year, according to figures from government agency ISTAT. This will weaken tax revenues and hit jobs and consumer spending, a vicious circle which makes it harder for Monti, who is aiming to cut the budget deficit to 0.1 percent of GDP in 2014, to meet his public finance goals. A Reuters survey of analysts last month forecast that the budget deficit this year would be 2.3 percent of GDP, compared with Monti's 1.7 percent target, and 1.3 percent in 2013, when the government forecasts a 0.5 percent shortfall. ISTAT gave no numerical breakdown of GDP components with its preliminary estimate, saying only that activity contracted in agriculture, industry and services. ISTAT said so-called "acquired growth" at the end of the first quarter stood at -1.9 percent. This means that if GDP posts flat quarterly readings in the final two quarters of 2012, over the whole year it will be down 1.9 percent from the previous year. Expect

There are some energyefficiency benefits coming through the economy that will continue, Parker said. But its a little bit of a reach to suggest that China has effectively gone from being Indonesia or Egypt in June Debt-to-GDP to Rise Italy's debt-to-GDP ratio is o f l a s t y e a r t o b e c o m i n g 123%. Given rising borrowing Switzerland or Sweden this year. costs and shrinking GDP, that --Baizhen Chua, Zhou Xin. With number is going to go up, perhaps assistance from Ailing Tan in Singapore. Editors: Scott Lanman, substantially. Eurosceptic Government in 2013 Stephanie Phang What Italy needs is work rule To contact Bloomberg News staff r e f o r m , p e n s i o n r e f o r m , a for this story: Zhou Xin in Beijing dramatically smaller government, at; and lower taxes. As with Spain, Baizhen Chua in Beijing at work rule and pension reform is very slow in coming but tax hikes To contact the editors responsible have been plentiful, exactly the for this story: Scott Lanman at; wrong approach. A eurosceptic government may A l e x a n d e r K w i a t k o w s k i a t be on the way next year as Mario Please follow Money Game on Monti will step down in April. Twitter and Facebook. Mike "Mish" Shedlock h t t p : / / Join the conversation about this globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. story com Click Here To Scroll Thru My Recent Post List Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit http:// account_management.html to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific.

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Economy/ Culture/


On Wall Street Crime Pays - A 350% IRR To Be Exact

Tyler Durden
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:59:22 PM

Previously we showed that when it comes to Wall Street's returns, the 8% market return benchmark that every first year analyst finds in Ibbotson's is for naive amateurs. With corporate lobbying returning anywhere between 5,900% and 77,500%, the real money is to be made in the buying and selling of politicians. Yet in our day and age, when information propagates rapidly and when political muppets can be exposed for the Wall Street purchased frauds they are, lobbying is getting increasingly more complicated. Which leaves one other high returning " investment", which unlike lobbying is completely riskless when one is a Wall Street firm: crime. But not just any crime, the type of crime where a firm settles " without admitting or denying guilt" and in the process is slapped with a fine that barely covers the government's legal fees. Case in point: U.S. v. Morgan Stanley, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York Case#11-6875, where MS was punished with the epic

disgorgement penalty of$4.8 million. Of course, the fact that Morgan Stanley, who did not admit wrongdoing, generated profits of$21.6 million, is merely a triviality. But a useful one: it allows to calculate that on Wall Street crime does pay, and the IRR is in give or take 350%. This is what happened: Morgan Stanley (MS) won approval of a $4.8 million accord with the U.S. over claims it helped manipulate electricity prices, in what the Justice Department called its first effort to get disgorgement from a financial firm that used derivatives to aid anticompetitive behavior. In accepting the agreement, U.S. District Judge William Pauley in Manhattan turned aside complaints from a not-for- profit organization that Morgan Stanley didnt admit wrongdoing. Pauley, citing the Justice Department, said the case marks the first time the government filed an antitrust suit against a financial firm involving derivative agreements. Disgorgement of $4.8 million is a relatively mild sanction, Pauley wrote. But despite this courts misgivings, the governments

decision to settle for less than full damages is entitled to judicial deference, particularly in view of the novelty of the governments theory. The ever efficient US government did such a bang up job it could not even get Morgan Stanley to admit guilt. But at least it paid up... a full 25% of what it made in profit as a result of the crime: Critics of the settlement sought an admission of wrongdoing by Morgan Stanley and said the New York- based firm should have been required to pay the full $21.6 million it earned to settle claims it aided efforts by Brooklyn, New York-based KeySpan Corp. to manipulate electricity prices. Of course, by now a red light should be going off at the memory of a firm caught manipulating electricity prices and using any and all Wall Street inspired derivatives at its disposal to engage in anti-competitive behavior. The memory of course is of a firm called Enron, which promptly liquidated after being crucified in a court of public law. Naturally, when it comes to Wall Street corporations, which by now are fully in control not only of the

legislative but the judicial branches, the best one can hope for is that the profit said firm makes at the final ruling is not enough to cover the deal team's bonus... assuming 1,000,000% inflation. As for the punchline: This settlement should send a message to the financial services community that the antitrust division will vigorously pursue anyone who engages in anticompetitive conduct in the derivatives industry, Gina Talamona, a Justice Department spokeswoman, said in an e-mail statement. It is unclear if the proper response to this idiotic statement is crying or laughter. Average: Your rating: None Average: 5( 3 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

What are your favorite forgotten Windows features? [Discussions Of The Day]
Walter Glenn (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:00:00 PM

Great discussions are nothing surprising here on Lifehacker. Each day, we highlight a discussion that is particularly helpful or insightful, along with other great discussions and reader questions you may have missed. Add your two cents and jump in on the fun! More


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Curated News Edition

Guest Post: US Midwest Hit By Perfect Gasoline Storm

Tyler Durden

on average $4.39 per gallon, a 10 percent increase from last week. According to AAA, the national Submitted by Daniel Graeber of average for a gallon of regular, unleaded is $3.62. While that's a Retail gasoline prices in the U.S. far cry from the national spikes Midwest were as much as 50 early this year, the regional blow cents higher than in the rest of the has irked many area residents country. By Monday, the price of wary of high consumer prices and a gallon of regular unleaded pipeline incidents. jumped 13 cents from last week in An industry analyst said much of Detroit to settle at $3.99. The the region was hit by"a cluster of spike in retail gasoline prices bad luck." Last month, pipeline follows a series of pipeline spills company Enbridge reported a leak i n W i s c o n s i n a n d r e f i n e r y on a pipeline in Wisconsin. A s h u t d o w n s i n C h i c a g o a n d section of the Lakehead oil elsewhere. The impact of the pipeline system ruptured there, string of industrial incidents on cutting off oil supplies to Chicago consumers in the region may be - a r e a r e f i n e r i e s . U . S . short-lived, but retail prices rarely Transportation Secretary Ray decline as fast as they increase. Lahood said the incident was The American Automobile "absolutely unacceptable" and Association, in its daily gasoline forced Enbridge to keep the line report, states a gallon of regular closed until authorities review a unleaded gasoline in Detroit cost restart plan for the entire 467-mile $4.05, up from the $3.69 average pipeline. just one week ago. Chicago In Michigan, the state's governor drivers, meanwhile, were paying l a s t m o n t h i s s u e d a f u e l
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:42:08 PM

emergency in response to the rupture of pipeline that released 1,000 barrels of unleaded gasoline in eastern Wisconsin. Gov. Rick Snyder's emergency declaration lifted the restrictions placed on long-haul truckers so they could deliver retail petroleum products. Less than two weeks later, Enbridge confirmed that 1,200 barrels of oil spilled from Line 14 in central Wisconsin. A nearby resident said the pipeline "blew like an oil well." Enbridge maintains that "better than 99.999 percent" of the time, there are no problems with its vast network of oil pipelines in the United States. When accidents do happen, however, they're costly. Last year's oil spill in Michigan, on the same network as the Wisconsin leak, was the costliest onshore incident in U.S. history and EPA authorities are still reporting sheen in some of the waterways soiled by the release. Refineries, meanwhile, have shut

down at a time when the region is using "summertime gasoline," a blend not manufactured very much outside of the Midwest. Patrick DeHaan, a petroleum analyst at reporting Web site, told a Chicago newspaper that the regional spike in gasoline prices is temporary and likely "the last hiccup" for the summer. Nevertheless, gasoline prices rarely experience a 10 percent decline overnight. "As we all know, (retail prices) only move down by pennies per day," he said. Average: Your rating: None This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Remains of the Day: Amazon Closes Customer Service Exploit After Hack [For What It's Worth]
Craig Lloyd (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:00:00 PM

Amazon changes its customer privacy policies after devastating hack, The Internet Archives is now seeding over 1 million torrents, XBMC is coming to the Ouya gaming console, and Spotify updates its iOS app and releases a Kindle Fire version. More

Make Your Google Search Results Always Open in a New Tab [Tabbed Browsing]
Whitson Gordon (Lifehacker)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:30:00 PM

If you're doing more than a simple search on Google, you probably want those links to open

in a new tab instead of the current one, so your original results are always available. Here's how to

make Google open your results in a new tab every time. More

Curated News Edition

Economy/ Sports/


Europe's Scariest Chart In More Detail

Tyler Durden
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:39:20 PM

Basketball: French women reach semi-finals over Czechs

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:44:25 PM

While the surging unemployment rates across Europe are the most troublesome for politicians (and the extreme youth unemployment even more so), if we take a closer and more 'local' view of the stress, it is interestingly more regional than national. While Spain and Greece stand out, the unemployment rate, as analyzed in the chart below by Flute Thoughts blog, does not follow national borders. Northern Italy, for example, seems to have more in common with the Germanspeaking regions of Europe than with Southern Italy; France appears more peripheral than core; and the former eastern Germany still has not caught up with the west (so much for fiscal integration). Eastern Europe also has some striking differences as we suspect the ovals are slowly collapsing in on themselves as the reality of lower revenues from more unemployed procyclically pulls the euro-zone into depression. Via Flute Thoughts: The European Unemployment Map Yesterday I compared Italy and Spain, and noted that when it comes to unemployment the worst regions in Italy have roughly the same unemployment rate as the

best regions in Spain. This led me on to making this map (using data from Eurostat) to show unemployment rates for all EU and EES regions The map gives some hints about where there might be problems the unemployed who have debts have more difficulties keeping up with their loan payments - the unemployed don't pay very much in taxes and thus don't contribute to the government coffers - the

unemployed are rather more prone to engage in activities such as social unrest. The biggest problem is obviously in Spain, which stands out like a sore thumb! Greece has nearly the same level of unemployment, but Spain is much larger. Add to this the fact that the Spaniards are up to their ears in debt after the popping of their monumental real estate bubble... It's also interesting to see how

unemployment often does not follow national borders. Northern Italy, for example, seems to have more in common with the German -speaking area of Europe than with southern Italy. Sometimes, however, the national borders make a big difference, e.g. between Spain and Portugal. Also note that France look a lot more like the central part of Italy than it looks like Germany when it comes to unemployment. Bienvenue au club PIIGSF, monsieur Hollande! The difference in Germany between former East Germany and West Germany is still clearly visible, as the east still hasn't caught up with the west. Another striking difference is that between Czechia and Slovakia, where Czechia looks like Germany, but Slovakia (except the Brno region) has a high unemployment rate that increases towards the east. Average: Your rating: None Average: 5( 5 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

LONDON (Reuters) - The French women's basketball team roared back from an 11-point deficit in the fourth quarter to overtake the Czech Republic 7168 and reach the semi-finals of the Olympic tournament on Tuesday. Led by the inspirational play of point guard Celine Dumerc, France came back after trailing 55 -44, taking a 67-65 lead they would not relinquish on a threepointer by Dumerc with one minute to play and stayed alive in their pursuit for an Olympic medal. Dumerc finished with 23 points to lead France. Eva Viteckova scored 17 points as top scorer for the Czechs. ...



Curated News Edition

Is Liberal Christianity Worth Saving?

(The Christian Post)

that Jesus is God, that all of mankind is guilty of sin and condemned to hell, that God August 7, 2012| 5:23 pm sacrificed His Son to bear the Liberal Christianity is dying on punishment for our sins, that the vine. Mainline denominations S c r i p t u r e i s t h e a b s o l u t e , are taking big hits across the unchanging, perfect Word of God, board. According to The Pew and that the only path to salvation Forum on Religion and Public is through believing in Christ's L i f e , a m o n g M e t h o d i s t s , sacrifice and accepting His gift of Lutherans, Presbyterians, and eternal life by grace through faith. Episcopalians, more adults are In place of these tenets, liberal leaving the church than entering Christianity embraces a series of it. Methodists, Presbyterians, and denials: Christ is not divine, Anglicans are retaining less than mankind is not inherently sinful, half of their children. And in these the Scriptures are not authoritative denomination s, no one is sitting and unchanging, heaven and hell in the pews! Gallup reported in are not literal, morality and 2005 that weekly and near-weekly theology are not absolute, and church attendees made up less social mores do not flow from than 45% of self-identifying Scripture, but are an everMethodists, Presbyterians, and c h a n g i n g p r o d u c t o f o u r Lutherans, with Episcopalians at a evolutionary enlightenment. dismal 32%. And the numbers All of these beliefs allow liberal aren't getting any better. Christians to be more But what, exactly, is liberal "comfortable" in the culture Christianity? Over the past several a r o u n d t h e m . T h e c o m m o n decades, liberalism has primarily message of the liberal Christian is defined itself by what it is not. Its that "God is love" and we need to message is "We're not like those speak to the rest of culture in the stodgy old traditionalists-we're language of loving acceptance. hip and accepting" (as long as "Love" here is code for the they're not asked to accept conviction that there is no unchanging morality or the truth absolute moral standard which of Scripture). Liberal Christianity humankind has violated. Hence, r e j e c t s t h e c o r e t e n e t s o f to believe in justice, morality, sin, Christianity, including the belief punishment or an unchanging God
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:23:27 PM

is to be "judgmental" and "unloving." If this is the heart of liberal Christianity, is it worth saving? Douthat argued in his article that conservatives "should not be smug" about the failures of liberalism, but rather value the work liberal Christianity has done to advance the social duties of the Church. While liberal Christianity might have gotten the Church talking more about social justice, it provided all the wrong answers. Liberal Christianity looks primarily to the government to shoulder our social responsibilities. But the social duties of Christians are clearly spelled out in Scripture, and they are directed to individual Christians and to the church. Christians-individually and collectively-are primarily responsible for this work, not the civil government. Follow us It is not the message of "acceptance" but the truth of historic, traditional Christianity that has transformed society over the centuries. The spread of the biblical Gospel message throughout generations has changed the world. Christianity has grown and spread because Christians have taken seriously

Christ's great commission to go into all the world and make disciples. Animated by love for their neighbor (dictated by Scripture) and concern for their eternal future (heaven or hell), believers in historic Christianity have sought to spread the truth of the Gospel throughout the world. Concern for their fellow man and the belief that ministering to the poor and needy is the same as ministering to the Lord Jesus Christ himself (Matt. 25:40) has been the impetus to build hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens, pregnancy care centers, water purification plants and the like around the world. Liberal Christianity undermines the Truth that has motivated so much good work. Liberal Christians reject the core tenets of historic Christianity. They have embraced the contemporary fancies of an ever-changing culture. They have nothing to live for, nothing to die for, and nothing to work for. For them, church is just another social club, devoid of power because it is not animated by transcendent truth and accountability for living in conformity with that truth. They have no authority for faith or action. They embrace a counterfeit Christianity, a pale

image of the real thing, a hollow shell, a thin gruel that offers little sustenance for its followers or the culture at large. It is no wonder that the ranks of liberal Christian churches are shrinking. Liberal Christianity is passing with a whimper, not a bang. Increasingly, its adherents have concluded it is not worth saving. Ken Connor is Chairman of the Center for a Just Society in Washington, DC and a nationally recognized trial lawyer who represented Governor Jeb Bush in the Terri Schiavo case. Connor was formerly President of the Family Research Council, Chairman of the Board of CareNet, and Vice Chairman of Americans United for Life. For more articles and resources from Mr. Connor and the Center for a Just Society, go to Your feedback is welcome; please email This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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PAW Bishop Charles Ellis on Unity, New Orleans, Women Bishops

(The Christian Post)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:40:00 PM

(Photo: Timothy Moore/PAW) Bishop Charles H. Ellis III preaches at the PCAF-PAW Unity Worship Service at the Sheraton New Orleans as Bishops from both organizations offer encouragement on Aug. 5, 2012. August 7, 2012| 4:40 pm The theme of this year's convention is "Endeavoring to Keep the Unity," and Ellis has borrowed a slogan "One Band, One Sound" from the movie "Drumline" to rally PAW members to support one another. Within PAW there are many subministries, or auxiliaries, and Ellis says it is easy for them to forget that they are a part of a larger body. "That unity theme has really been a rallying cry to get everyone to support each other and not operate autonomously as separate auxiliaries or groups," he said. One way to help encourage unity,

he said, is to take the conference which is expected to be attended by over 10,000 people this week to a place like New Orleans, where many people are in need and church members can set aside their differences for the sake of helping others. The 2012 Summer Convention is the first that has been held in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina devastated the city in 2005. "There's still some areas of New Orleans where it still looks like Hurricane Katrina happened last week or last month," said Ellis. "So if there's any place that we have got to let our love be felt, and it has to be from the heart ... it's got to be in the city of New Orleans." As the senior pastor of Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, Mich., Ellis has seen how businesses and individuals have struggled with their finances in an area of the country that was hit particularly hard by the economic recession. And when individuals struggle financially, he said, one of the first things they stop putting their

money toward is donations to nonprofit organizations like the Red Cross, The Salvation Army and even their local churches. Follow us "The first thing they cut back on is benevolence ... those kind of nonprofit s are the first to catch it when the economy is not doing well. So it's been very challenging," said Ellis, who estimates that church giving is down about 30 percent at PAW churches nationwide. But that hasn't stopped him from encouraging the denomination to give back to churches and individuals in need. During last year's annual convention in Orlando, for example, PAW gave away about $50,000 to pastors, churches, and bishops who were in need of aid due to health problems, natural disasters and other issues. This year, PAW wants to leave a lasting legacy in New Orleans before the week is over. In addition to doing evangelism throughout the city and giving away clothing to the needy, the

organization is also giving away a home, which was built in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity and the Pentecostal Church of the Apostolic Faith (PCAF), to a local family in need. "We've tried to change that mentality that the organization doesn't just take, but it gives back," said Ellis. Last year's convention in Orlando marked the first time PAW broadcast a live service from the event on national television, and they will do it again on Thursday. Ellis will speak about Pentecost and "moves of God" during the telecast, and although his sermons preached at Greater Grace Temple are broadcast daily on The WORD Network, he says broadcasting from the convention is special because it shows "a broader church" with PAW members in attendance from around the world. Looking toward the future, one thing Ellis said the PAW will continue to work on is giving women an equal opportunity to join the ranks of the

denomination's leadership. Just a few years ago, PAW leadership voted to allow women to become bishops, but Ellis believes the odds are still against them. "Will we offer access and opportunities in jest? Or will we actually offer real hope and opportunities of individuals being elevated, especially when they're putting in the work and they're being used by God in a mighty way, just as many of the men and the brothers are?" he asked. The PAW annual convention will continue through Saturday, Aug. 11. Thursday's service will be broadcast from the Morial Convention Center and will air live at 9 p.m. ET on The WORD Network. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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After Epic Hack, Apple Suspends Over-thePhone AppleID Password Resets

Nathan Olivarez-Giles (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:12:00 PM

Apple is considering changes to its AppleID password reset policies. But what those changes would be, if there are any, arent yet clear. Photo: Ariel Zambelich/ Wired Apple on Tuesday ordered its support staff to immediately stop processing AppleID password changes requested over the phone, following the identity hacking of Wired reporter Mat Honan over the weekend, according to Apple employees. An Apple worker with knowledge of the situation, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Wired that the over-the-phone password freeze would last at least 24 hours. The employee speculated that the freeze was put in place to give Apple more time to determine what security policies needed to be changed, if any. The change follows similar security tightening at Amazon, which on Tuesday closed a hole in its customer service systems that gave people the ability to gain control of a customers Amazon account as long as the hacker knew the name, e-mail address and mailing address of the victim. Our Apple sources information

was corroborated by an Apple customer service representative, who told us Apple was halting all AppleID password resets by phone. The AppleCare representative shared that detail while Wired was attempting to replicate Honans hackers exploitation of Apples system for

the second day. The attempt failed, and the representative said that the company was going through system-wide maintenance updates that prevented anyone from resetting any passwords over the phone. The rep said we should try calling back after about 24 hours, and

directed us to to change AppleID passwords ourselves on the web instead. Right now, our system does not allow us to reset passwords, the Apple rep told Wired. I dont know why. In an earlier attempt on Tuesday to change an AppleID password

(which is the same password used to log into iCloud and iTunes), Apple customer service offered up a different response, saying that passwords could only be changed over the phone if we were able to supply a serial number for a AFTER page 54

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Have Christians Reduced Salvation to 'Get Out of Hell Free' Card?

(The Christian Post)

pastor at The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Ala., called the prayer "superstitious" and said August 7, 2012| 6:07 pm it doesn't exist in the New Ken Keathley, professor of Testament. Theology at Southeastern Baptist He further referred to it as Theological Seminary in Wake "modern evangelism built on F o r e s t , N . C . , s a y s m a n y sinking sand" that "runs the risk Christians are presenting salvation of disillusioning millions of as a "commodity that Jesus souls" in his talk at the Verge purchased and now offers." Conference earlier this year. "Christ is presented as having Follow us bought salvation by His death on Platt later clarified that he does the Cross, and if you ask Him not believe it is wrong for then He will give it to you," he someone to prayer the "sinner's wrote in a recent commentary. prayer" but said he made those "Salvation, redemption, and comments out of "a concern for forgiveness are understood a u t h e n t i c c o n v e r s i o n a n d entirely as a purchase, a business regenerate church membership." deal, or a transaction. Salvation is Keathley believes the entire reduced to the offer of a 'Get Out debate has been misguided. of Hell Free' card." "In my opinion, what is driving The professor was weighing in on the concern of many is the paltry a debate regarding the "sinner's r e s u l t s o f m u c h o f o u r prayer," where one asks Jesus into evangelistic efforts," he wrote. his or her heart. "Whether it's one-on-one The Southern Baptist Convention soulwinning (through Evangelism approved a resolution in June Explosion, Continuing Witness supporting the "sinner's prayer" Training, or FAITH) or mass amid debate over whether it is evangelistic meetings (such as b i b l i c a l a n d e f f e c t i v e . T h e crusades, youth camps, or VBS) resolution came after David Platt, the outcome is too often the same.
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:07:21 PM

Scores make 'professions of faith' who afterward demonstrate little or no interest in Christ, the church, or the walk of faith." The problem isn't with a particular prayer but rather with the way salvation is presented, he maintained. "Salvation," he underscored, "is not something Jesus gives; salvation is something He is. One does not receive salvation from Jesus. You and I receive Him the Lord Jesus Christ for Who He is, and in receiving Him we receive salvation, redemption, and eternal life. "We are not simply being offered a really great bargain; we are called to enter into a covenant relationship with Christ." The professor affirmed the penal substitution of Christ and did not reject the use of language such as "purchase," "redemption" and "transaction" when discussing salvation. "But," he added, "to see salvation only in those terms runs the danger of viewing salvation merely as a commercial contract." "A saving relationship with Jesus

Christ is more than just a contractual agreement it's a covenantal relationship." He continued, "I suspect that we tend to emphasize only the transactional aspects of redemption because such an objective understanding seemingly provides certainty. Relationships, in contrast, are subjective by their very nature, and therefore more complicated, maybe even messy. Yet you and I are called to be in vital union with Christ, and it is in this relationship we are saved." Keathley has nothing against the "sinner's prayer." But he encourages Christians to make sure they are leading others to Christ and not just "selling them on a really great deal." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Shocker: New Retirees Will Get Less from Social Security than They Paid in
(The Feed)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:17:23 PM

Via the Associated Press: People retiring today are part of the first generation of workers who have paid more in Social Security taxes during their careers than they will receive in benefits after they retire. Its a historic shift that will only get worse for future retirees, according to an analysis by The Associated Press. Previous generations got a much better bargain, mainly because payroll taxes were very low when Social Security was enacted in the 1930s and remained so for decades. For the early generations, it was an incredibly good deal, said Andrew Biggs, a former deputy Social Security commissioner who is now a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. The government gave you free money and getting free money is popular.. . . Duh. Greg Pollowitz This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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Apple Hammers In That Samsung's Products, UI 'Confusingly Similar' to Its Own

Christina Bonnington (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:35:00 PM

The Samsung Galaxy S 4G is one of about a dozen Samsung phones accused of being iPhone copycats. Photo: Jim Merithew/Wired Apple used testimony from several expert witnesses Tuesday, including former Mac graphic artist guru Susan Kare, to emphasize to jurors that Samsung willfully copied its iPhone, iPad and iOS user interface designs. But Samsungs counsel continued to chip away at Apples arguments by pointing out specific, undeniable design discrepancies between its products and Apples. I reached for an iPhone because I could see the screen, to make a point about the user interface, the graphics and I was holding a Samsung phone, Kare said in court Tuesday. I usually think of myself as someone whos pretty granular in looking at graphics, and I mistook one for the other. So I guess in addition to my formal analysis, I had the experience of being confused. A comparison of Apple versus Samsung music icons. Kare concluded that the Samsung

Fascinate, Captivate, Continuum, Droid Charge, Epic 4G, Galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S (i9000), Gem, Indulge, Infuse 4G, Mesmerize, and Galaxy S Showcase smartphones all gave a visual impression that was substantially the same as the iPhone and were in fact confusingly similar and were

beyond coincidental. Samsung has been trying to impress upon the jury that no one really gets confused between Apple and Samsung products, so the fact that a UI expert admitted to it could be fairly damning. Kare expressed that she thought there are viable alternative designs to those employed in the

iPhone. This is what I do all the time, Kare told the nine-member jury. She designed icons for the Mac back in the 80s, as well as Facebook gift icons in more recent years. Its what makes it fun. Could Samsung have, for instance, used triangular icons instead of square ones? I

wouldnt agree [square icons are] a truism, Kare said Tuesday. Unfortunately, Samsung attorney Charles Verhoeven quickly pointed out, in Kares earlier deposition testimony she said that triangles werent optimal because you cant fit as many images on the screen. A comparison of the iPhones Phone icon versus Samsungs. Even so, one of Samsungs continued tactics in the case is to get Apples witnesses to admit that when you look at individual details, there are significant differences between the iPhone and Samsung phones. But Kare said that she sees the parts that make a whole rather than the ingredients that make a cookie. Further hurting Samsungs case, a memo from the companys head of mobile communications JK Shin shown to jurors Monday afternoon, stated that the iPhone caused a crisis of design within the Korean company. Court documents (pictured above left and to the right) show the uncanny similarity between some Samsung icons and Apples. In a publicly released exhibit, Apple also detailed exactly how APPLE page 53

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Joss Whedon to Write, Direct The Avengers Sequel

Angela Watercutter (Wired Top Stories)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:22:00 PM

Walt Disney chief Bob Iger said Tuesday that Joss Whedon will write and direct a sequel to The Avengers. Image courtesy Marvel Entertainment The sequel to this years massively successful superhero team-up movie The Avengers is in good hands. The same hands, actually: Joss Whedon, the man behind Marvels hit flick, will write and direct the follow-up. News of the sequel, which will probably be called The Avengers 2(or maybe Avengers: Be Ready to Crap Your Pants This Time), came Tuesday from Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger during a financialearnings conference call, Variety reported. The Mouse House chief also revealed that Whedon will create a Marvel-themed TV show to air on ABC and, according to The

Hollywood Reporter, the company has plans to leverage the power of the Avengers throughout Disney. Marvel confirmed the news in a statement sent to Wired: Joss Whedon has signed an exclusive deal with Marvel Studios for film and television through the end of June 2015. As part of that deal, Whedon will write and direct

Marvels The Avengers 2 as well as help develop a new live-action series for Marvel Television at ABC. He will also contribute creatively to the next phase of Marvels cinematic universe. Knowing that the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator will continue to lend his magic touch to Marvel Studios properties is very, very cool news. Few if any

buzz coming from the Marvel cinematic universe was about the forthcoming Iron Man 3. During that films panel, Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige revealed details about Phase Two of Marvels movie master plan, confirming the directors and release dates for Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Feige also confirmed the rumored Guardians of the Galaxy movie, but didnt offer any specifics on the sequel to The Avengers, which brought in more than $200 million in its opening weekend and has grossed nearly $1.5 filmmakers can match Whedons billion at box offices worldwide. wit and abiding love of genre This entry passed through the writing, a combustible mix that Full-Text RSS service if this is fueled The Avengers incredible your content and you're reading it critical and commercial success. on someone else's site, please read His deft touch with dialog, and his the FAQ at knowledge of comics, bode only/faq.php#publishers. Five well for projects on Marvels Filters recommends: Incinerating production slate. Assange - The Liberal Media Go Just last month at Comic-Con To Work. International in San Diego, all the

continued from page 52

much in damages(.pdf) the company wants from Samsung for infringing on its various patents. The answer: more than $2.5 billion total. The jury trial for Apple v. Samsung began last Monday.

Apple claims Samsung is violating its design patents for the iPhone and iPad, as well as utility patents on UI features like the bounce-back effect when you reach the end of a list in iOS. Samsung claims Apple is

infringing on its essential 3G patent holdings. The case, which just finished its fifth day of trial, is expected to last for at least two more weeks. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is

your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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continued from page 50

device linked to the AppleID in question for example, an iPhone, iPad or MacBook computer. The rep also suggested changing our AppleID password online at or While its clear that Apple is reacting to the privacy vulnerability that surfaced with the hacking of Honans digital identity, its unclear what final policy change will emerge. Apple officials declined to comment on whether permanent changes to the companys security measures were planned. On Monday, we were able to call Apple, reset AppleID passwords over the phone, and gain access to iCloud accounts by supplying AppleCare representatives with a name, e-mail address, mailing address and the last four digits of a credit card number linked to an AppleID. This is the exact same information hackers supplied Apple with on Friday to get a

temporary password that gave them access to Honans iCloud account. From there, the hackers wiped Honans iPhone, iPad and MacBook. They also used their access to get into Honans .Me email account, which gave them access to his Google account (they wiped that too), his personal Twitter account and Gizmodos Twitter account. Honan previously worked as a reporter at Gizmodo and, under the hackers control, both Twitter accounts became a platform to spout racist and homophobic invective. Names with matching e-mail addresses and mailing addresses are easy enough to find on the web. Credit card numbers tied to a name can be found on many purchase receipts, and everyday millions of Americans give these valuable numbers out over the phone ordering pizzas, among other things. Yesterday, Apple issued a

statement noting that we found that our own internal policies were not followed completely. However, Wireds internal source at Apple said that if the support representative who took the hackers call issued a temporary password based on an Apple ID, billing address, and the last four digits of a credit card, he or she would have absolutely been in compliance with Apple policy. Wired reporter Alexandra Chang contributed to this report. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Top 5 Signs of Alternator Problems

Eric Baxter (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

accessories, which can be anything from headlights to the electro-hydraulic lifts on a snow Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:00:56 PM plow. The alternator also keeps It all starts with a few telltale t h e b a t t e r y f u l l y c h a r g e d , problems: A dash light coming on providing the power it needs to for a brief moment, maybe start the car. dimmed headlights and a few Because the alternator is flickering gauges. Perhaps there's connected to (and critical for) even an odd smell, or a growling o t h e r v e h i c l e s y s t e m s , a n y sound coming from under the mechanical auto problems can hood. have an affect on its function and Is this a case of automotive have an affect on diagnosing car possession? No. Most likely it's problems. However, paying one of many possible alternator attention to the five trouble signs problems, and without a little on this list can make diagnosing attention, this problem can cause car trouble related to the alternator car trouble ranging from slow a little easier. starts all the way up to a dead car. Keep reading to find out what While an alternator is a relatively you should be on the lookout for. simple component containing This entry passed through the only a few parts, it plays a critical Full-Text RSS service if this is role in any vehicle's operation. your content and you're reading it Essentially it turns the mechanical on someone else's site, please read energy of the engine's rotating the FAQ at shaft into electricity through only/faq.php#publishers. Five induction. Wires within the Filters recommends: Incinerating alternator cut through a magnetic Assange - The Liberal Media Go f i e l d ; t h i s i n t u r n i n d u c e s To Work. electrical current. That current is used to power your car's

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5 reasons to live in Berlin

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:41:00 PM

London, Paris, RomeBerlin? The capitol of Germany may not ignite the imaginations of many looking to set up a new life abroad, but Berlin has a number of advantages foreigners may not have considered that could quickly bump it up on the list of places to go and stay. Tom at outlines five great reasons to take a closer look at the once-divided city with a dark past but a very bright future. 1 Berlin is one of the most exciting cities in the world right now By now everyone had heard the buzz about Berlin. Its where artists and entrepreneurs and anyone who isnt otherwise tied to another location is moving at the moment. Due partly to the other reasons mentioned below, Berlin is attracting young and interesting people from all over the globe, making it a great place to get involved with people who are doing new things. Its also relatively easy to get,

say, a software or web business started there because rules arent quite as strict as they are in many other European cities where there is a mountain of paperwork to get through before you even begin. 2 Berlin is quite cheap compared to other major European cities Perhaps the single reason why Berlin is the hot place to be now for mobile artists and professionals is that its one of the cheapest major European cities in

which to live. Due to the unusual situation where West Berlin was surrounded by communist East Germany for 40 years, all the biggest and most profitable German countries moved to West German in that era, and almost none of them have moved back since reunification. Because of this, Berlin has massive amounts of available housing, and relatively few rich people competing for space. This means that most locals earn

somewhat modest wages, and rents have to stay cheap. You can get a fairly nice apartment in Berlin for 500 per month with a decent location, or even less if you need to, while a similar place would cost at least twice if not three times that in London or Paris. Full story at Exploring the expat lifestyle. Photo credit: Fotolia Permalink| Leave a comment


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5 Basketball Five questions to answer Variations to Play before buying a toaster in Your Backyard
Consumer Reports News (Consumer Reports)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 10:59:59 AM

Melanie Radzicki McManus (HowStuffWorks Daily Feed)

organized manner, plus whoknows-how-many others in pickup games [source: U.S. Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:00:56 PM Diplomatic Mission to Germany]. They say baseball is the great And then there are basketball's American pastime, and it's innumerable variations, which can obviously quite popular in the be played alone or with at least United States. Yet whose home one other [source: Basketball]. It's doesn't have a basketball hoop hard to say who created these sprouting up in their driveway or variations over the last 120-some b a c k y a r d ? L i k e b a s e b a l l , years, and it probably doesn't basketball is a home-grown matter. But here are five you can American sport, invented in 1891 test out for yourself. Maybe b y D r . J a m e s N a i s m i t h , a afterwards, you'll be inspired to Massachusetts physical education create one of your own. instructor. Naismith was charged This entry passed through the with creating a new game that Full-Text RSS service if this is could be played indoors to keep your content and you're reading it students occupied and out of on someone else's site, please read trouble during Massachusetts' the FAQ at winters. He came up with only/faq.php#publishers. Five Basket Ball, which today, after a Filters recommends: Incinerating slight name change, is played by Assange - The Liberal Media Go more than 250 million people To Work. around the globe in some kind of

Five questions to answer before buying a toaster It's not a new car or flat-screen TV, but the next toaster you buy could be with you for a long, long time. Choose wisely and the small appliance will help your mornings run smoothly, while maybe adding a nice visual accent to the kitchen. The wrong toaster, however, might make you hot under the collar. Here are five things to ask yourself before getting your next toaster. How many slots? Toasters come with one, two, or four slots. If your countertop is crammed, a single-slot toaster has a slim profile, plus it can accommodate oversize items, say a long slice of artisanal bread. Four-slot toasters claim the most real estate, though they're helpful if you're often toasting for a crowd. Two-slot toasters, the most common option in our Ratings of several dozen models, combine versatility in a fairly compact housing. What's my price range? You can spend $15 on a toaster or 15 times that amount. The majority of

models on our recommended list fall in the $30 to $60 price range. Spending more generally gets you additional features, such as a bagel setting, countdown timer, and slide-out crumb tray. Depending on how you plan to use the toaster, it might be worth spending an extra $20 or so for these conveniences. Would I be better off with a toaster oven? If you all you want is toast, buy a toaster, since this appliance still delivers the fastest, most consistent results. But a toaster oven might make sense if you also do a lot of countertop baking, broiling, and reheating. A handful of models in our Ratings handle these tasks well while also doing a relatively good job of toasting. Is it safe? There have been several recalls of toasters in recent years due to fire hazards and other safety-related issues. These

recalled toasters should no longer be in stores, but it's still worth running a background check on toasters you're considering on and The latter will include consumer complaints against models that may not have been recalled. Also, make sure any toaster you choose features automatic shutoff, which will turn off the heating elements in the event of a jam. Does style matter? Unless you plan to keep it in a cabinet, your toaster will be a visually prominent appliance. Models with stainless-steel housings could coordinate well with your other appliances. KitchenAid is one of several manufacturers that offers toasters in an array of bright colors. One of the most interesting designs in our Ratings belongs to the Magimix Vision Toaster, whose clear side walls allow you to watch your toast turn brown. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

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Texas executes 'mentally impaired' inmate

Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:53:35 PM

A Texas man convicted of killing a police informant has been executed after the US Supreme Court rejected arguments that he was too mentally impaired to qualify for the death penalty. Marvin Wilson, 54, was pronounced dead late on Tuesday, 14 minutes after his lethal injection began at the state prison in Huntsville. He was convicted of fatally shooting a police drug informant nearly 20 years ago in Beaumont. Wilson's attorneys had argued that he should have been ineligible for capital punishment because of his low IQ. They cited the US Supreme Court ruling that banned capital punishment for the mentally impaired. In their appeal to the high court, his attorneys pointed to a psychological test conducted in 2004 that pegged Wilson's IQ at 61, below the generally accepted minimum competency standard of 70. But lower courts agreed with state attorneys, who argued that Wilson's claim was based on a single test that may have been faulty and that his mental impairment claim was not supported by other tests and assessments of him over the years. Stay of execution The Supreme Court denied his request for a stay of execution less than two hours before his lethal

injection began. Lead defence lawyer Lee Kovarsky said he was "gravely disappointed and saddened'' by the ruling, calling it "outrageous that the state of Texas continues to utilise unscientific guidelines ... to determine which citizens with intellectual disability are exempt from execution". Commenting on the case, Simon Whitaker, a clinical psychologist from the UK, told Al Jazeera earlier on Tuesday: "This is a miscarriage of justice, he [Wilson] would have the same reasoning powers of a five-year-

old child, if a five-year-old child killed someone we would not execute them in part. "Texas courts have judged Wilson as not mentally retarded - even though psychologists measured his IQ in the bottom one percentile, about equal to that of an average five-year-old child. "With his diagnosis he cannot make rational decisions, there will be a clear problem for him to think things through," said Whitaker. Wilson was convicted of murdering 21-year-old Jerry Williams in November 1992,

several days after police seized 24 grams of cocaine from Wilson's apartment and arrested him. Witnesses testified that Wilson and another man, Andrew Lewis, beat Williams outside of a convenience store in Beaumont, about 128km east of Houston. Wilson, who was free on bond, accused Williams of snitching on him about the drugs, they said. 'Skirting the ban' CLICK HERE FOR 'THE DEATH PENALTY IN THE US IN NUMBERS' Witnesses said Wilson and Lewis then abducted Williams, and neighbourhood residents said they

heard a gunshot a short time later. Williams was found dead on the side of a road the next day, wearing only socks, severely beaten and shot in the head and neck at close range. The Supreme Court issued a ruling in 2002 outlawing the execution of the mentally impaired, but left it to states to determine what constitutes mental impairment. Kovarsky argued that Texas is trying to skirt the ban by altering the generally accepted definitions TEXAS page 58



Curated News Edition

Standard Chartered rejects laundering claims

Submitted at 8/7/2012 12:55:18 PM

continued from page 57

foreign exchange deals with Iran in a breach of controls that potentially opened up the US The British bank Standard banking system to terrorists and Chartered has rejected a US criminals. Facts and figures regulator's claim that it hid Standard Chartered is based in $250bn in transactions with London Iranian banks in violation of US Originally opened in Bombay, sanctions. Calcutta and Shanghai, the The denial came on Tuesday, a Chartered Bank was given a day after New York's Department Royal Charter in 1858 of Financial Services (DFS) Standard Chartered Bank was threatened to revoke the bank's formed in 1969 through the licence and impose fines, as the merger of Standard Bank of regulator branded the London- British South Africa and the based lender as a "rogue bank". C h a r t e r e d B a n k o f I n d i a , "The group strongly rejects the A u s t r a l i a a n d C h i n a position or the portrayal of facts It has 1,700 offices in 70 as set out in the order issued by locations t h e D F S , " g r o u p c o m p a n y The bank made a pre-tax profit of secretary Annemarie Durbin said $6.8bn in 2011 in a statement. The regulator said that Standard "The group does not believe the Chartered had hidden 60,000 such order issued by the DFS presents secret transactions from 2001 to a full and accurate picture of the 2010. facts." It has ordered the bank to explain Shares of Standard Chartered fell the alleged violations by August by as much as a quarter in 15, in the latest US move against trading in London and 7.5 per foreign lenders accused of failing cent on the Hong Kong stock to prevent money laundering and exchange, as there are fears the other illicit transactions. bank could lose its operating The regulator also said that it licence in the US. would hold a formal hearing over Forex deals 'disguised' the "assessment of monetary The US regulator accused the penalties". The bank has also been bank of systematically disguising threatened with having its US

banking licence revoked. Al Jazeera's Kirsten Saloomey, reporting from New York, said: "The bank says they are reviewing the claims and working with regulators, but regulators say this is the result of nine months worth of investigations." The bank, which mainly focuses on emerging markets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, said it was surprised at the allegations as it had informed relevant US agencies in 2010 that it had voluntarily launched an internal compliance review. Senior management were said to have codified their illegal procedures in formal operating manuals, including one labelled "Quality Operating Procedure Iranian Bank Processing". The bank was also accused of falsifying Swift wire payment directions by stripping the message of unwanted data that showed the clients were Iranian, replacing it with false entries. Standard Chartered said the review "did not identify a single payment on behalf of any party that was designated at the time by the US government as a terrorist entity or organisation". 'New business stopped' S t a n d a r d

of mental impairment to the point where gaining relief for an inmate is "virtually unobtainable". State attorneys say the court left it to states to develop appropriate standards for enforcing the ban Chartered says it stopped all new and that Texas chose to business with Iranian customers incorporate a number of factors more than five years ago. besides an inmate's IQ, including The sums mentioned in the the inmate's adaptive behavior and Standard Chartered controversy functioning. are far larger than those involving Edward Marshall, a Texas HSBC, which was recently assistant attorney general, said accused by the US senate of records show Wilson habitually failing to prevent money gave less than full effort and "was laundering from countries around manipulative and deceitful when the world, including Mexico and it suited his interest,'' and that the Iran. state considered his ability to Standard Chartered last week show personal independence and posted record first-half net profit social responsibility in making its of $2.81bn, up 12 per cent from determinations. the previous corresponding Texas is one of 33 states, along period. with the federal government, In a statement accompanying the which still maintains the death results, chief executive Peter penalty, which still has Sands lauded the bank's "culture widespread support. and values" as a source of strength A recent poll indicated more over its competitors. than 70 per cent of Texans "We are selective and turn things approve of capital punishment for down that we don't understand, or murder. don't like the look of," said Sands. 671 651 This entry passed through the This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at FAQ at Five only/faq.php#publishers. Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work. To Work.

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Iran pledges support as Syria battles rebels

Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:06:10 PM

Iran will continue to back the Syrian government, which acts as a pillar of an Iran-led regional alliance, a high-level Iranian diplomat has told President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus. Saeed Jalili, a senior aide to Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said in the meeting with Assad on Tuesday that what was happening in Syria was "not an internal issue". It is "a conflict between the axis of resistance on one hand, and the regional and global enemies of this axis on the other", Jalili said. The remarks came amid continued clashes between Syrian government troops and rebels in the country's commercial capital, Aleppo. Assad, for his part, pledged to to crush the 17-month rebellion against him and to cleanse the country of "terrorists". "The Syrian people and their government are determined to purge the country of terrorists and to fight the terrorists without respite," he was quoted by state news agency SANA as telling Jalili. Iran, which has voiced growing

opposition activist network said, adding that the nationwide toll was 115. Troops fought rebels in the Bab Antakya, Aziziyeh, Bab Janin and Sabaa Bahrat areas of central Aleppo and near the Palace of Justice in the west. Fighting also reportedly broke criticism of support by the US, quoted him as telling Adnan out for the first time in alTurkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar M a n s o u r , L e b a n o n f o r e i g n A s h r a f i y e h d i s t r i c t i n t h e for the rebels, also sent Ali Akbar m i n i s t e r . northwest when rebels attacked a Salehi, its foreign minister, to Following the Damascus talks, military post. Ankara and a letter to Washington Jalili told Iran's Al-Alam Arabic- Aleppo has been bracing for a holding them responsible for the language television that his threatened major ground offensive fate of 48 kidnapped Iranians. country was using "all means by the army against the rebels, Veiled warning possible" to secure the release of who say they control around half Iranian state media quoted Jalili its abducted citizens. of the city. as saying Iran "believes in He said Iran held responsible not A senior security official said on national dialogue between all only the kidnappers but also those Sunday the army had completed d o m e s t i c g r o u p s t o b e t h e f o r e i g n g o v e r n m e n t s t h a t the build-up of some 20,000 solution, and believes foreign supported the rebels fighting troops in readiness for a decisive solutions are not helpful". Assad's forces. showdown in the battle under way Earlier, visiting Beirut, the " W e b e l i e v e t h a t n o t o n l y since July 20. capital of Lebanon, on Monday, terrorists but also their supporters 624 Jalili issued a veiled warning to are responsible for this criminal This entry passed through the countries backing the rebels. act," Jalili said. Full-Text RSS service if this is Hospitals in the Syrian city of Clashes in Aleppo your content and you're reading it Aleppo struggle with casualties On the ground in Aleppo, clashes on someone else's site, please read "Those who believe that, by rocked several areas of the city the FAQ at insecurity in the centre early on Tuesday, while the only/faq.php#publishers. Five countries of the region by sending army also shelled rebel-held areas Filters recommends: Incinerating arms and exporting terrorism, in the east, activists said. Assange - The Liberal Media Go they are buying security for The fighting in Aleppo killed at To Work. themselves are wrong," Iran's least 23 people, the Local Coofficial IRNA news agency o r d i n a t i o n C o m m i t t e e s , a n

Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News

(Epoch Times | National, World, China, Sports, Entertainment News)

Top Stories A national network of live organ harvesting was acknowledged as part of an apparent attempt to conceal a deeper story, experts say. The third typhoon in less than a week arrives. According to IOC stipulations, the 2012 London gold medal is actually not made out of pure gold. It contains 92.5 percent silver, 6.16 percent copper, and only 1.34 percent [...] In a matter of decades, the Arctic will be entirely ice-free every summer. Scientists are projecting that day to be sometime in the late summer by the end of the 2030s, [...] NASAs Curiosity landed on Mars on Aug. 6, ending a 36week flight to the red planet. Curiosity is the largest rover ever sent to another planet. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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The Human Body Owner's Manual: 7-18 Months

Submitted at 8/7/2012 12:10:00 PM

Note: for Human Body (v1.2.1) care instructions on the first 0-6 months of lifespan, please refer to Chapter 1 of this manual. MAINTENANCE Here at Human Genome, we pride ourselves on customer care. Your maintenance, upkeep, and refueling needs should be fulfilled entirely by your Human Body Caretaker unit(s). If you find your Human Body Caretaker unit(s)' performance unsatisfactory in any way, please contact Human Genome Customer Service immediately at the number included in this instruction manual. Although, odds are high that you will not have the mental capacity to realize any deficiency in your Human Body Caretaker unit(s)' performance until your mid-20s or with the help of extensive psychological counseling. Your Human Body will produce seemingly excessive amounts of waste through this stage of ownership. This is normal. Prompt removal of said waste products is essential. Failure to adhere to strict waste removal scheduling may result in voiding your warranty. During this stage of ownership,

you may find your Human Body Caretaker unit(s) transition your regular high-nutrient fuel mixture to gelatinous or even solid fuels. While this process can be frustrating, it is essential to further development and Human Body growth. Thankfully, Human Genome craftsmanship and engineering combine form and function into the perfect nutrient processing system. MASTICATION Up until this point, your mouth has served primarily as an input port for Human Milk delivery and screaming/wailing to notify your caretakers of your needs. At approximately four to six months of ownership, though, your mouth will begin to self-install numerous Solid Food Mastication Implements. Initially, these implements may seem unwieldy or even irritating. This feeling shall subside, however, and you will find your Solid Food Mastication Implements adept at crushing and grinding solid foods into a smooth pulp your throat will find easier to swallow. NOTE: FAILURE TO PROPERLY MASTICATE SOLID FOOD ITEMS MAY RESULT IN SEVERE DAMAGE TO YOUR BODY'S THROAT, LUNGS, AND BRAIN. YOUR WARRANTY MAY BE VOIDED AND YOUR HUMAN

BODY MAY BE RENDERED INOPERABLE. HUMAN GENOME DOES NOT OFFER REPLACEMENT UNITS IN CASE OF MASTICATION FAILURE. MOBILITY Your Human Body musculature should continue to develop and grow, allowing you to begin

standing and even walking unassisted. Congratulations! This is a new phase of exploration and independence in your new body. NOTE: YOUR NEWFOUND MOBILITY INCREASES THE RISK OF COSMETIC AND STRUCTURAL DAMAGE TO YOUR HUMAN BODY. EXERCISE CAUTION AND WALK RESPONSIBLY. Advanced walker may enjoy "spinning," or walking briskly in tight circles. COMMUNICATION Human Genome-crafted neural pathways will grow and develop, connecting your BRAIN to your MOUTH more intricately. This process will also increase the responsiveness of your EARS as well. What once was seemingly random gibberish will slowly come into clarity as you develop the ability to process and understand language. Your Human Body Caretaker units should provide indulgent praise and encouragement at your fledgling attempts. Continue this moving under your own impulse. process! You will find increased Initially you will only be able to communication abilities will move quadropedally, on your result in your Human Body HANDS and KNEES. As your Caretaker unit(s) responding LEGS continue to grow, you may more satisfactorily to your wants find yourself experimenting with and needs. In certain cases, you standing for brief periods. At first may find Human Body you may need assistance from nearby furniture or other humans, HUMAN page 61 but soon you'll find yourself

Curated News Edition



Five common home improvement scams and how to stop them

continued from page 60

Caretaker units use this opportunity to try and communicate their own wants and needs regarding your behavior. You are under no obligation, however Human Genome Consumer Reports News such nearby states as door purchases of $25 or more recommends abiding by Human (Consumer Reports) Pennsylvania and Rhode Island can be cancelled within three Body Caretaker unit rules to were bidding on jobs without business days. Some states also Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:09:59 PM facilitate a peaceful and having registered in Connecticut. require such salespeople to be comfortable growth environment. Five common home improvement Tip. Before hiring a contractor, licensed. For instructions regarding the scams and how to stop them ask your state or local consumer A free audit can cost you. next stage of your body Cops aren't the only ones who agency if there are licensing or Consumers are complaining about ownership, please read Section 3. stage sting operations. For three registration requirements and then "free" home energy audit months, representatives of the check to make sure the contractor solicitations that come by mail or C o n n e c t i c u t D e p a r t m e n t o f has complied with them. in the neighborhood." After phone. In one case, a homeowner Consumer Protection posed as Money for nothing. After a convincing the homeowner that was pressured into opening a homeowners and requested bids Florida teacher gave $18,000 to a the driveway needs repair, and $5,800 line of credit so the from a series of contractors. Turns contractor to build an addition on getting the money upfront, the contractor could install an "energy out 44 of them were working in her home, he closed up shop and workers sprays a substance on the efficient radiant barrier used by the state illegally without the left the country without doing any driveway that isn't asphalt, tells NASA." The work was never proper paperwork. This is just one work. Florida investigators the victim not to use the driveway completed but the homeowner of a growing number of home tracked him to Asia and then, via for 48 hours and disappears. was able to close the credit line. improvement scams highlighted Facebook, to California where he Tip. Don't hire pavers, painters or Tip. Some utility companies offer i n a n e w r e p o r t f r o m t h e was arrested and extradited to other workers who show up free energy or weatherization Consumer Federation of America. Florida. Good news, the teacher uninvited at your door. Any work audits but typically they include Shoddy construction work or, in got her money back. they perform is apt to be subpar. such information with your utility some cases no work at all, were Tip. Pay only a small deposit The CFA recommends that you b i l l . I f s o m e o n e c l a i m s t o just some of the complaints in the w h e n y o u c o n t r a c t h o m e get the worker's license plate represent your utility company, CFA's 2011 Consumer Complaint improvement work. Some states number and call the police with a check to confirm that it's true. S u r v e y R e p o r t , m a k i n g limit the amount of money that description of the vehicle. Subscribe now! homeowner scams the third most can be requested upfront. Get a S u b s c r i b e t o How alarming. Unsolicited reported offense after automobile written contract that sets out a sellers of home security systems for expert and debt-relief gambits. All in all, payment schedule and milestones may also come knocking. In one Ratings, buying advice and consumer protection agencies for completion of the work. Never case, a 95-year-old Florida r e l i a b i l i t y o n h u n d r e d s o f from 22 states last year recovered pay the full amount before the job woman was convinced to sign a products. Update your feed more than $147 million on behalf is done. five-year-contract for $3,300 even preferences Consumer Reports News of scam victims. Here are some of Driveway drama. Asphalt scams though she already had a service (Consumer Reports) the cases cited in the report. spread in the summer. Here's how contract with another company. Submitted at 8/7/2012 11:59:59 AM The sting thing. In the case of the it works. An itinerant work shows Tip. Under federal law, door-toConnecticut sting, workers from up at the door, saying he "was just 2013 Subaru Outback arrives with lots of tweaks, new safety features

2013 Subaru Outback arrives with lots of tweaks, new safety features

2013 page 63


Products/ News Photos

Curated News Edition

It Took Half An Hour For Hackers To Totally Shred Tech Journalists Digital Life
Laura Northrup (The Consumerist)

Olympics photos of the day - San Francisco Chronicle

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:47:24 PM

aftereffects, and how he could have prevented the whole mess. Setting up strong passwords is Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:45:54 PM important, but it's not enough. As Hackers wanted access to former Alaska governor and technology journalist Mat Honan's Republican VP nominee Sarah Twitter account. It doesn't just Palin learned during the 2008 have 16,000 or so followers, but campaign season, someone can was tied to Gizmodo's account, reset your password with very allowing for exponentially more little effort and some pretty basic mischief and, above all, lulz. So information about you. how did they get access to his From the article, here are the bare account and destroy most of his facts of what happened. The ball digital life in the process? got rolling when the hacker called Knowledge of how different up Amazon, pretended to be him, companies confirm customer and obtained the last four digits of identities and how their password his credit card number on file. retrieval systems work are all that When the hacker (presumably a a determined person needs to get he) turned around and called into your life and mess everything AppleCare to reset Honan's up. The weakest links in this iCloud password, these four digits rather insecure chain? Apple and served to confirm the caller's Amazon. identity, verifying the card on file If you only click through and with Apple for iTunes purchases. actually read one article that At 4:33 p.m., according to Consumerist links to this year, Apples tech support records, please let it be this one. Honan's s o m e o n e c a l l e d A p p l e C a r e article about the incident for claiming to be me. Apple says the Wired details what happened to caller reported that he couldnt get him, how he experienced it, the into his .Me e-mail which, of

course was my .Me e-mail. In response, Apple issued a temporary password. It did this despite the callers inability to answer security questions I had set up. And it did this after the hacker supplied only two pieces of information that anyone with an internet connection and a phone can discover. At 4:50 p.m., a password reset confirmation arrived in my inbox. I dont really use my .Me e-mail, and rarely check it. But even if I did, I might not have noticed the message because the hackers immediately sent it to the trash. They then were able to follow the link in that e-mail to permanently reset my AppleID password. At 4:52 p.m., a Gmail password recovery e-mail arrived in my .Me mailbox. Two minutes later, another e-mail arrived notifying me that my Google account password had changed. At 5:02 p.m., they reset my Twitter password. At 5:00 they used iClouds Find My tool to remotely wipe my iPhone. At 5:01

they remotely wiped my iPad. At 5:05 they remotely wiped my MacBook. Around this same time, they deleted my Google account. At 5:10, I placed the call to AppleCare. At 5:12 the attackers posted a message to my account on Twitter taking credit for the hack. His key recommendations: - Don't link together key services, like Honan linked his iCloud and Google accounts. - Don't use the same e-mail prefix or login for every service that you use. - Back up your computer(s). How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking[Wired] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

San Francisco Chronicle Olympics photos of the day San Francisco Chronicle TOPSHOTS Britain's Nick Dempsey (C) poses with his sons Thomas-Flynn (L) and Oscar (R) after he won silver in the men's RS:X sailing class at the London 2012 Olympic Games, in Weymouth on August 7, 2012. AFP PHOTO/William WESTWILLIAM... Photos: Medal Rounds Gymnastics at the 2012 Olympics Tuesday on August 7 Long Beach Press-Telegram Getty Images Photo by Staff/ Getty Images 10 hours ago Yahoo! Eurosport UK Photos: Equestrian show jumping at the London 2012 Olympics, August 6 News in photos Atlanta Journal Constitution all 1,305 news articles

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Science/ Products/


continued from page 61

The Outback is a particularly popular car among our subscribers. So when the thoroughly-tweaked 2013 model showed up at dealers, we quickly bought one to test. Subaru made a lot of detail changes to their popular, jackedup station wagon. The fourcylinder engine is redesigned, although output is similar to the last model. Steering and ride have been modified, as well. The new models also get some styling details inside and out. Outbacks cover a wide array of prices and features. You can buy one with steel wheels and a manual transmission if you want, all for just over $24,000. But our test car has a lot of options, partly because we wanted to try Subaru's new EyeSight suite of electronic safety aids. Subaru is touting EyeSight as one of the most affordable ways to get this comprehensive array of electronic safety features. Indeed, its combination of lane-departure

warning, forward-collision warning with autonomous braking, and active cruise control is impressive for this price range. Oddly though, the system doesn't include blind-spot warning; Subaru doesn't offer this popular feature. Relatively affordable, EyeSight doesn't come cheap. You can only get it on the Limited trim level, which comes well equipped with leather and dual-zone climate control. On top of that, it's part of a $3,940 options package that includes a giant moon roof and a navigation system, adding $1,295 above the cost of those options alone. This reminds us of the days when you were forced to buy luxury options to get electronic stability controland that's not a happy memory. As priced, this makes the Outback 2.5i Limited one of the most expensive cars you can now buy with a non-turbo, non-hybrid four-cylinder engine. (We've been having an office contest to find

something that beats ita loaded Acura TSX wagon does cost more.) Including the mandatoryfor-Connecticut PZEV emissions, our car stickers at $34,130. So much for "Inexpensive and built to stay that way." But then again, the Outback has become a rather popular substitute for a Volvo XC70 wagon. But that's not all. Subaru also offers a long, long, long list of dealer-installed accessories. Since they carry quite a bit of profit, it's hard to find an Outback without a bunch of add-ons. Our car came with body-side molding, a rear bumper protector, all-weather floor mats, and fender splash guards. That stuff, all of which we'd gladly skip, added $568 to the sticker price, bringing the total to $34,698. Since there are about a dozen Subaru dealers within an hour's drive, we were able to easily haggle the just-arrived car's price to a few hundred over invoice. First impressions? The 2013

Outback drives a lot like our 2010 Outback with minor differences in steering weight and feel and ride quality. The navigation radio could be better designed; we wish we could have skipped that option. The EyeSight system looks somewhat cobbled on, with two giant cameras flanking the center rear-view windshield mirror. But it does work, frequently sounding off when we cross the shoulder markings on rural two-lane roads. We have had a chance to explore EyeSight at our track, and we'll cover that experience in an upcoming blog post. Subscribe now! S u b s c r i b e t o for expert Ratings, buying advice and reliability on hundreds of products. Update your feed preferences

FAA Puts The Kibosh On Traffic-Reversing Operation That Almost Led To Mid-Air Plane Collision
Mary Beth Quirk (The Consumerist)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:00:02 PM

When I'm in an airplane, I have no idea what air traffic control is doing or how they manage to make sure every single plane gets off the ground or lands without running into each other but I know it's a tricky dance. And to make it less tricky, the Federal Aviation Administration is banning airport air traffic controllers from using a method of running things that contributed FAA page 64

NASA Satellite Photo Shows Aftermath of Mars Rover Curiosity's Landing

Colin Lecher (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:33:37 PM

Aerial Curiosity Photo NASA/ JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona After the thrilling landing, where did all the pieces wind up?

Getting Mars rover Curiosity onto the surface of the planet had to be coordinated between many mechanical parts: a heat shield to protect it, a supersonic parachute to soften the landing, and a sky crane to set it down on Mars. It went smoothly for the rover, and

now NASA has released another

photo, which they've nicknamed a "crime scene" shot, showing what happened to the bit players in the landing, too. The photo, taken by the Mars Reconnoissance Orbiter, shows the view from 185 miles up. The distance between Curiosity in the

photo and the sky crane is about 650 meters, the parachute is about 615 meters away, and the heat shield is a full 1,200 meters away. The dark areas are where dust was disturbed during the landing.



Curated News Edition

From The Desk Of The Office Manager: Goblin Guilt

Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:00:00 PM

continued from page 63

Folks, You may have noticed the Internet running especially slow this week. Instead of investigating whether it has anything to do with our Internet provider, I have assumed that the slowdown is caused by the incessant viewing of VIRAL VIDEOS by our layabout staff. This is a place of work, people, not a Viral Video Screening Theater. In response to this problem, we have instituted a new "Fire-Wall" system. You may notice some differences the next time you watch a Viral Video. Namely: Fear of something enormous and unnamable looming just beyond the horizon of understanding. Nausea. Crippling shame. The feeling that someone close to you (your mother, perhaps) is weeping alone in a dark place. Sweaty knees. The sense that a tumor or large

spider egg is growing just beneath your shin bone. These feelings are all caused by Goblin Guilt, one of the 1000 ghosts of human suffering that we have hired as an Internet "FireWall." You will never see Goblin

to last week's incident at Ronald Reagan National Airport where three planes almost collided in mid-air. The operation is called trafficreversing, and allows for controllers to direct some planes to both take off and land from the opposite of the usual direction. Guilt, as he lives perpetually just That's going bye-bye, said FAA outside one's field of view, but he officials, and new procedures will be in place within a month. The sees all that you do, folks. Everytime you watch a Viral operation will only be allowed Video, old Goblin Guilt will be during emergencies from now on, there, dancing on your soul and according to the Associated Press. jabbing at your conscience with In last week's incident, three US his Pitiless Pitchfork. These are Airways commuter jets got way not metaphors, people, this is too close after a communication literally how the new Fire-Wall failure that cleared two outbound works. If you do watch a Viral flights to head up while another Video and receive a visit from plane was coming in to land. The GG, there is but one recourse: FAA said they wouldn't have You must push him deep, deep crashed anyway, as they were at inside yourself where no one can different altitudes and headings, see him and where your secret can but it was closer than is allowed remain safe. But HEADS UP, by the agency's rules. The folks: Goblin Guilt will visit you incoming flight was redirected. again in an even more malignant "In light of these preliminary f o r m d o w n t h e r o a d a n d findings, out of an abundance of irrevocably moulder your spirit. caution, there are some immediate Again, this is the only way to steps we are taking," FAA Chief handle the situation and obviously Operating Officer J. David it isn't great, so maybe you should just stop watching Viral Videos, mmk? -Bye- Katherine Tull-Potts, BA Office Manager

Grizzle wrote in a memo. He added that in the future managers will not be multitasking while handling complicated air traffic, which was apparently part of the problem in that case. The change shouldn't cause delays or disruptions at any airports, as the flow of landing and taking off traffic usually changes directions multiple times throughout the day. Directing only a few flights to land in the opposite way, however, won't happen anymore. FAA suspends operation that led to near-collision[Associated Press] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Products/ Gaming/ News Photos


Will Protection From Paying For Office Depots Protection Plan Cost You $4.99?
Laura Northrup (The Consumerist)

and there it was. A $4.99 charge to not get a protection plan. Look closer, though. Selecting Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:39:20 PM the purported $4.99 option doesn't "Who knew that not protecting cost anything. (Indeed, John's cart your purchase would be so total was $22.99.) See that tiny costly?" was all John's e-mail to curved line above the first radio our tipline said. Attached was this button? That's another radio screen capture. When putting an button, hiding behind the top one. item costing $22.99 in his virtual That's the option for the threecart, the site presented him with y e a r p r o t e c t i o n p l a n . P o o r two protection plan options: two alignment on the site hides this years for $6.29, or no plan for button and its caption from view $4.99. Wait, what? and misaligns the other buttons. We contacted Office Depot about This entry passed through the this questionable pricing scheme, Full-Text RSS service if this is and they never got back to us. your content and you're reading it Maybe they thought that it was a on someone else's site, please read ridiculous question and that their the FAQ at site couldn't possibly be only/faq.php#publishers. Five proposing something so silly to Filters recommends: Incinerating c u s t o m e r s . T h a t ' s w h a t w e Assange - The Liberal Media Go thought, too, but we tested it on To Work. the site with this same product,

Rover Curiosity: More photos, more data from Mars [Google+ Hangout] - Los Angeles Times
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:49:09 PM

Uncharted 3's v1.13 update adds tournaments, micro-transactions, more Drake dress-up
David Hinkle (Joystiq)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:00:00 PM

You know that new content Naughty Dog teased? Well, aside from the usual balance fixes that come with a game patch, the 1.13 update for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception installs a pipeline for weekly DLC updates to the multiplayer side. Each week will bring a new flood of items and other goodies, either unlockable in-game by leveling up and completing certain actions, or purchased directly through the game with micro-transactions. There's also a new Sniper/Pistole game type for online matches, and a Tournament feature where players will be gifted 10 tickets

Christian Science Monitor Rover Curiosity: More photos, more data from Mars [Google+ Hangout] Los Angeles Times It was another day of positive news from Mars as officials offered new updates on rover each week that can be used to Curiosity. In a Google+ Hangout, participate in special tournaments Times reporters Scott Gold and - don't worry, if you run out of A m i n a K h a n t a l k e d a b o u t tickets, you can always purchase d r a m a t i c n e w p h o t o s f r o m more with real-life cash. Curiosity and of the rover headed Naughty Dog released a pair of to Mars. They... video overviews showcasing this New Mars photos arrive from new content - one above the text Curiosity rover (+video) Christian here, the other just past the break. Science Monitor Continue reading Uncharted 3's NASA anticipates new photos of v1.13 update adds tournaments, Mars The Daily Advertiser micro-transactions, more Drake New Mars photos curious as dress-up Curiosity lands on Red Planet Uncharted 3's v1.13 update adds (Video) tournaments, micro-transactions, The News Herald- KVUE more Drake dress-up originally all 10,118 news articles appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments


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A Week Between Blockbusters

Ludwig Kietzmann (Joystiq)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:30:00 PM

You're reading Reaction Time, a weekly column that claims to examine recent events, games and trends in the industry, but is really just looking for an excuse to use the word "zeitgeist." It debuts on Fridays in Engadget's digital magazine, Distro. Thanks to a polite and fiscally beneficial agreement between movie studios, you were saved from seconds of paralyzing indecision last weekend. Had Total Recall and The Bourne Legacy stuck to a shared release date in theaters, as originally

bump the price up to $60, and extend the temporal investment to something between 8 and 80 hours? Now you see the dilemma squeezed in-between this holiday's most anticipated shooters, Halo 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and all of a sudden one week doesn't seem like much of a buffer at all. Continue reading A Week Between Blockbusters scheduled, you'd have become a have gotten your twelve bucks A Week Between Blockbusters originally appeared on Joystiq on s e a t e d p a r t i c i p a n t i n a n and two hours? e x t r a v a g a n t a n d m u t u a l l y If you're a movie buff, you might Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:30:00 EST. destructive showdown. Between not even hesitate spending time Please see our terms for use of Colin Farrell and Jeremy Renner, and money on both consecutively. feeds. which pouting action star would But what happens when you Permalink| Email this| Comments

6 Miranda Kerr nude photos leaked online New York Daily News
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:20:18 PM

AirMech beta brings accessible, hardcore RTS to Steam

Jessica Conditt (Joystiq)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:00:00 PM

During PAX East we told you that AirMech, the hardcore hybrid RTS from Carbon Games, would be available on Steam, in beta form, this summer. We have to take a second to thank Carbon Games for not making liars out of us. Thanks, Carbon. The AirMech beta is now live on Steam, accessible by buying the " Beta Bundle" for $20. The final game will be free-to-play, but the

tried out AirMech in browser form, but the Steam version adds some flair, such as 86 Steam Achievements and the ability to invite friends directly to play games. Continue reading AirMech beta brings accessible, hardcore RTS to Steam AirMech beta brings accessible, Beta Bundle offers oodles of The Chrome version of AirMech hardcore RTS to Steam originally perks, including all of the has been open for beta testing appeared on Joystiq on Tue, 07 AirMech classes and units, since February, and still is via the Aug 2012 20:00:00 EST. Please lifetime silver VIP and a beta- official Carbon Games website. see our terms for use of feeds. exclusive bomber. More than 250,000 players have Permalink| Email this| Comments

New York Daily News 6 Miranda Kerr nude photos leaked online New York Daily News Nude photos of the Australian model surfaced over the weekend on French photographer Laurent Darmon's website. Judging by the sexy black and white snaps, Kerr is just as uninhibited and stunning nude as she is in negligible nglige. In the images... Nude Black & White Photos Of Miranda Kerr Leak Online Nude photos of Miranda Kerr are leaked online Nude photos of model Miranda Kerr leaked online The Week UK Mstarz all 75 news articles

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Olympics FYI: Why Is Cannabis Considered a Performance-Enhancing Drug?

Rob Trump (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:29:15 PM

Nick Delpopolo American judoka Nicholas Delpopolo, expelled from the 2012 Olympics for doping. Franck Fife/AFP/Getty Images We've all wondered: really, guys, can cannabis help you win Olympic gold? On Monday, American judo competitor Nick Delpopolo was expelled from the Olympics for doping with cannabis. (He says he accidentally ate a pot brownie.) The key word here is "doping"--if the situation were different, Delpopolo might just have been "using." Cannabis is on the Prohibited List, a catalogue of banned drugs maintained by the World Anti-Doping Agency, or WADA. Test positive for a drug on WADA's list? You're doping, and face dismissal from the Games. Test positive for anything else, even if it's illegal? No worries--you're free to compete. This is one powerful list. But why is cannabis, the users of which are not necessarily renowned for their athletic ability, on it? I spoke with WADA about the process of creating and maintaining their list. Here's the basic rule, a version of which appears in their official code: [F]or a substance to be considered

social or diet consumption of caffeine. Furthermore, caffeine is metabolized a very different rates in individuals, and may even be performance decreasing when consumed at certain levels." But cannabis is still listed. WHY CANNABIS? Cannabis is considered to be in violation of all three main disqualifying criteria. It violates the first (performance enhancement) because of its ability to decrease anxiety and fear, and potentially to improve some types of oxygenation and concentration. It violates the second (health risk) because it can result in, among other things, "decreased cognitive performance" and "pulmonary toxicity." It violates the third (spirit of sport) because of the drug's widespread illegality and conflicts with the "role model of athletes in modern society," along for inclusion on the List of s a y s t h e s p i r i t o f s p o r t i s is an ever-evolving entity. P r o h i b i t e d S u b s t a n c e s a n d characterized by values like Caffeine, for example, was with "negative reactions by the Methods, it needs to meet any two "character and education," "fun considered dope as recently as the public, sponsors, and the media." Cannabis appears on the of the following three criteria: and joy," and "courage." The idea 2 0 0 0 S u m m e r O l y m p i c s i n Be performance enhancing; that a drug's legality, and an Sydney and the 2002 Winter Prohibited List with a couple of Potentially a health risk; athlete's medal, might come down Olympics in Salt Lake City, then caveats. It is banned only for use Against the spirit of sport. to something so subjective is removed from the list in 2004. "in competition"; that is, a t r o u b l i n g . A n d t h e r e i s , Quoting WADA's representative: positive test for the drug that does [/dme:striplines] unfortunately, no document "One of the reasons caffeine was not take place at the time of Elsewhere in the code ( page 14, explaining which banned drugs removed was that many experts performance would not be against if you're reading along), the spirit specifically violate the first and believe it to be ubiquitous in the rules. And it is on the Selected of sport is defined--it's both as second criteria, which violate the beverages and food and that Substances List, containing inspiring as you might hope and first and third, and which violate having a threshold might lead to OLYMPICS page 68 as inexact as you might worry. It the second and third. And the list athletes being sanctioned for



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Use Your Body's Electrical Field To Uniquely Identify Yourself

Colin Lecher (Popular Science New Technology, Science News, The Future Now)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:46:29 PM

EEG Machine Wikimedia Commons You are unique. This is one of the more obscure ways you're unique: An alternating current of different frequencies running through you causes a reaction that's noticeably different from anyone else's. Researchers from Dartmouth University are trying to put this difference to use by creating wearable electronics that respond to--and only to--their intended user. The design they're discussing is called"Amulet," a device "not unlike a watch" that could take a

Those devices would join the party through physical contact-maybe as easily as being slipped into a pocket, and staying securely rooted in your unique biology. A system like that could be used to better monitor a person's health; a single device attached directly to the body could monitor that person from anywhere, without causing wireless security concerns. But researchers are conceding that a better way of reliably interpreting the data measurement like this, confirming your biology; when it's set up with coming from the sensor will still the identity of a person. The the device, it only unlocks it for take time, and reliability is more device would use small electrodes you. than a little important for to measure how the body's tissue After that, it gets even better: s o m e t h i n g l i k e t h i s . react to the alternating current, once that connection has been [ Layer 8] which changes from person to established, researchers say, that person. It's a lock that's keyed into device can coordinate with others.

continued from page 67

substances that could conceivably be used recreationally or medically without any intention to boost performance. Use of a substance on the Selected Substances List could result in a smaller punishment than use of something that's just on the regular Prohibited List. WADA's Prohibited List will never be perfect--they're asking questions for which there simply aren't easy, perfect answers. But the organization should be

applauded for the transparency with which they conduct themselves. Perhaps one day, cannabis will go the way of caffeine. If it does, you can bet that the reasons for the change will be explained fully and available online.

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Kinesio Tape Plasters Olympians, But Not All The Science Sticks
(Shots - Health Blog)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:31:00 PM

Daniel Garcia/AFP/ Getty Images Germany's Laura Ludwing wears Kinesio tape during a women's beach volleyball match on July 31, 2012, during the London 2012 Olympic Games. Sports injuries are as much a part of the Olympic Games as gold

medals and doping allegations. And when pain strikes, many athletes in London turn to a conspicuous crutch: Kinesio, a soft and stretchy cotton tape available in neon hues. You've likely seen it adorning the bulging quadriceps, shoulders and abs of athletes on television. But apart from being a flashy, sporty fashion statement of sorts,

does this stuff actually help athletes perform better? Michael Good, international director of the Kinesio Holding Corporation, unsurprisingly, says yes. The tape was designed by Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor and acupuncturist, to support injured muscles, increase range of motion, and decrease muscle pain. The Kinesio website

claims Kase was frustrated with the rigid athletic tapes on the market and felt his patients needed something with "a texture and elasticity very close to living human tissue." Though Good says the tape has been used in Olympic competition since 1988, it got a big boost when the company donated rolls to physical therapists to use on

athletes at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. As Olympic athletes plastered in bright blue stripes danced across screens around the world, the company soon watched its online sales triple. Now athletes ranging from the Green Bay Packers to Lance Armstrong swear by the stuff, and KINESIO page 71



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Scientists See Progress In Alzheimer's Despite Growing List of Drug Failures

Jon Hamilton (Shots - Health Blog)

scrap heap. This time it's a drug called bapineuzumab. Like several Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:36:00 PM previous experimental drugs, it U.S. National Institute on Aging/ was designed to attack the plaques via Wikimedia Commons that build up in the brains of A PET scan of the brain of a people with Alzheimer's. person with Alzheimer's disease. And like those earlier drugs, it A n o t h e r o n c e - p r o m i s i n g failed. Alzheimer's drug has just been The drug company Pfizer issued tossed on the pharmaceutical a statement yesterday saying a

study of about 1,300 patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease found that bapineuzumab didn't help. Pfizer also announced it was discontinuing all studies of the intravenous form of the drug. The failure of bapineuzumab is the latest evidence that treating Alzheimer's may not be as simple as going after plaques in the brain. But scientists remain confident

that treatments will need to target the major component of those plaques, a protein called amyloid beta or "A-beta." "It all begins with A-beta," Robert Vassar, an Alzheimer's researcher at Northwestern University, tells Shots. "If we could limit the production of A-beta in the brain or enhance its clearance out of the brain then I think we could really

make some headway in terms of preventing Alzheimer's disease and perhaps curing it." The question is whether it makes sense to attack the A-beta in plaques that have already formed. Recently, some scientists have suggested that the sticky plaques actually protect the brain by SCIENTISTS page 71

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continued from page 69

continued from page 70

some independent research supports the athletes' loyalty. A 2008 study of college-aged patients with rotator cuff tendonitis, a shoulder injury, noted improved range of motion and less pain when Kinesio tape was applied as directed. But some sports performance researchers think the company might be making lofty medical claims for what is, essentially, a piece of sticky cloth. A February 2012 review of existing Kinesio research concluded that "there was little quality evidence to support the use of [Kinesio tape] over other types of elastic taping in the management or prevention of sports injuries." Results from actual patients in the clinic are pretty inconsistent too, says Amy Powell, an associate professor of sports medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Powell is also on the board of directors for the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.

"[In the clinic] it seems to be that there is a set of people [with shoulder injuries] who respond well, but it could also be the idea that any kind of tape would offer them structural support in the shoulder," Powell says. She also says that the tape doesn't work for every ache and pain, including her own Achilles tendon injury. Powell says she thinks the tape can be useful, but it probably isn't the miracle worker Kinesio claims it can be. "This is one of those Band-Aid kind of things; it will allow [athletes] to do their physical therapy to get back to their athletic activities more quickly," she says. "I think the company advertises it as more of a cure, but I see it as more of an aid. If things like Kinesio tape can aid rehab, then that's great, that's one of our goals." Even Good admits that the science hasn't caught up with the anecdotal evidence and the results that athletes have seen with Kinesio tape. But Powell says that

in the athletic community, a lack of hard evidence may not even matter. "Anything that [athletes] perceive as an edge, they'll try, whether it's scientific or not. And the athletes are convinced that [Kinesio tape] is really helpful," she says. "It wouldn't be the worst placebo in the world; it's not doing any harm." More Olympians in London wearing the tape won't do the company's revenue any harm either. Good says sales are up 300 percent since 2008. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

trapping bits of A-beta. These scientists suspect that it's freefloating particles of A-beta that actually damage brain cells. If that's the case, drugs would have to eliminate free floating bits of A-beta, not just the A-beta in plaques. One way to accomplish this may be to interrupt the process that forms A-beta in the first place, researchers say. Several drugs designed to do this are in the pipeline. And their prospects are looking bright after a study found that people with a gene mutation that reduces A-beta production were much less likely to develop Alzheimer's. The failure of plaque-attacking drugs may also be a sign that treatments need to begin well before people begin showing symptoms of Alzheimer's. "My opinion and the opinion of many colleagues is that once the A-Beta begins to accumulate in the brain and a person actually has

memory symptoms it may actually be too late," Vassar says. And ultimately, treating Alzheimer's may require going after A-beta in several different ways, says William Mobley, chairman of the department of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego. That could mean finding a way to both reduce production of A-beta and remove it from the brain, he says. "Several shots on goal may be needed," Mobley says. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Guadalcanal: Remembering August 7, 1942

(The Feed)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 2:10:39 PM

Via Fox News: As a huge wave of U.S. Marines bent on delivering Pearl Harbor payback waded onto the beach of the Solomon Island of Guadalcanal on Aug. 7, 1942, a

Japanese radio operator frantically vowed to his superiors, we will defend our posts to the death. He got his wish, thanks to 11,000 brave Marines, including an 18year-old Bronx kid named Al Duke Dellaera who still recalls the initial hours that kicked off a grueling, six-month battle that

helped turn the tide against the Axis Powers in World War II. For the first few days, the Marines met little resistance, but as they moved deeper into the island during the first week, patrols were regularly ambushed from the jungle shadows. We got in a few hundred yards in from the beach

and then the Japanese opened fire on us, Dellaera, now 89, said, recalling one such attack in the early days of the invasion. We were ambushed, really surprised. All I saw was debris falling all over the place.. . . 70 years ago, but never forgotten. Greg Pollowitz

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Gaps In Maternity Coverage For Some Women Could Grow Under Health Law
(Shots - Health Blog)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 10:12:00 AM

Joe Raedle/ Getty Images Maria Villa has her pregnant belly examined in 2009. There's been a lot of controversy over the health care overhaul's requirement that most health plans this month to start covering contraceptive services for women

as a free preventive benefit. But that requirement may prevent some young women from falling into a coverage gap of a different kind: no maternity coverage. Individual health insurance policies have long been criticized by women's health advocates for their frequent failure to cover maternity benefits for women. According to a recent report by

the National Women's Law Center, only 12 percent of plans in the individual market provide maternity coverage. But group plans aren't necessarily any better. Although the Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires health plans to provide maternity coverage to employees and their spouses at companies with 15 or more

workers, it doesn't require such coverage for other dependents such as adult children. Under the health care overhaul, children can stay on their parents' plans until they reach age 26 under many circumstances, including if they're married, living on their own and financially independent. The expanded coverage window means that

more of them will likely become pregnant while on mom and dad's plan, say women's health experts. Starting in 2014, the law will require coverage of 10 "essential health benefits" in individual and small group plans. Maternity and newborn care is one of them. But in a surprising twist, since GAPS page 73

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continued from page 72

health benefits at large companies are typically more comprehensive than those at small companies or individual plans, large group plans don't have to provide the essential health benefits. Women's health advocates hope that the law's coverage requirements will encourage those companies to step up to the plate and provide dependent maternity benefits anyway. "We would expect fewer employers to not cover maternity coverage for dependents," says Dania Palanker, senior health policy adviser at the National

The London Olympics have been dubbed the social media Olympics. Again, social media find their way into the big story of the day, but keeping perspective is important. Only a fraction of Internet users spend much time on Twitter (8 percent), and the virtual world pales in comparison with real Olympic athletic achievement. There is no doubt that Twitter, (David Frum) policemen: there is a mainstream Facebook, and other social media and a non-mainstream. Dabble connect the Olympic Village and Andrew Sullivan complained with the latter at your peril. Since the reporters who cover it as never yesterday that I had engaged in a David has perished by the cult of before. Since the last Olympics, a McCarthyite attack on Ron Paul the mainstream, its odd he social media explosion has taken by writing the following: should deploy it against others. p l a c e . D u r i n g t h e B e i j i n g A politician isnt answerable for But to throw in Holocaust Olympics in 2008, the world had the antics of every one of his denial and 9/11 Truthers for a mere 6 million Twitter users. supporters. But theres surely a good measure! Really. Today the number is over 500 reason, isnt there, that racists, And notice how particularly million. In 2008, Facebook had anti-Semites, 9/11 Truthers, and cheap and easy it is to use such some 100 million users; today it Holocaust deniers are so strongly tactics against a libertarian. The has more than 900 million. Add attracted to the Paul campaign. traditional left is often based on the Chinese networks Sina Weibo They hear something. They collective associations, building a and Tencent Weibo, and you get continue to hear it too, no matter movement out of oppressed to some 1.5 billion social media how firmly Ron Pauls more groups and their grievances, users. mainstream supporters clamp whether it be class or race or even Team USA even had its own list their hands over their own ears. sexual orientation. Libertarianism of top athlete tweeters, chief Andrews riposte: is the opposite. Its about dis a m o n g t h e m s t a r s w i m m e r Notice how pure the smear is, associating. When you listen to Michael Phelps. Thirteen U.S. enabled and not diminished by the Paul saying he will not turn athletes are presented as having first sentence. Notice the key concept of Beltway ideological DAVID page 74

Women's Law Center. "They wouldn't want to offer less than the essential health benefits." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Tweeting: An Olympic Sport?

Helle Dale (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:30:45 PM

David Frum

tweeted over 13,000 times, states the official Twitter list of 2012 athletes. Following these 13 active tweeters as they navigate the 30th Olympiad will make you feel like youre in their shoes, living the dream at the Olympic Games. Athletes, who used to be isolated in the Olympic Village, are now able to connect with friends, family, and supporters at home, tweeting about their Olympic experiences. For many, this is a big morale boost. But social media also means controversy, potential distraction, late-night sessions, and the dangers of tweeting as tempers flare. Two athletes have been kicked off their countries teams because of tweets. And NBC, the network that broadcasts the games in the U.S., is the center of a Twitter controversy. According to the Twitter hashtag #NBCFail, the networks coverage of the London Olympic Games has been, well, a failure because the network has delayed broadcasting certain events until the evening viewing hours. From the point of a social media point of view, the essence of which is almost split-second reaction, NBC was being lame and old-fashioned. BREAKING: USA wins gold

medal in synchronized NBC bashing. Tune in tomorrow for coverage of the event, went a typical tweet. However, from a television broadcasting audience point of view, this decision makes perfect sense, and in fact millions of Americans have enjoyed the show, blissfully unaware that a controversy is swirling on Twitter. While virtual popularity is fun and certainly a factor thats here to stay at the Olympics, perspective is important. For the U.S. government, formulating policies basis on an accurate analysis of the digital gap revealed by the NBC controversy is a major challenge. Social media are an important part of the media mix and will continue to be so in every major storybut only a part. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.



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continued from page 73

anyone away from supporting his platform regardless of their motives or beliefs, you are hearing a reflection of his libertarianism, not his bigotry. He will accept support from any quarter and compared with the corporate money flowing into the other candidates coffers, he is about as independent as a presidential candidate can be. Because he is a radical individualist, he doesnt even understand why he should somehow explain the belief of others, or justify their support. You should ask them, not him. This kind of gotcha-association game is particularly easy because libertarians favor liberty above all, and that will necessarily mean liberty for bigots as well as others. A principled belief in states rights will doubtless lead to more racist and homophobic policies in many states but also, of course, more enlightened and successful inclusive states like Oregon or New York or Massachusetts or California. A rejection of statism might lead to more discrimination in the private sector. But it doesnt mandate it. And it need not encourage it. A noninterventionist foreign policy will allow evil to triumph elsewhere in the world, because it believes its none of our business or too riddled with unintended consequences to try extirpating.

That may be right or wrong, but it is not an approval of the evil of Assad or Ahmedinejad or the North Korean junta. And again, it is actually much deeper an American tradition than permanent warfare. But if you can trot out David Duke or Ayatollah Khamenei as potential Paul supporters, you have a very easy, cheap and essentially McCarthyite target. It saddens me that this kind of tactic works. I still believe that the newsletters, because they were in Pauls name, require a clearer explanation from Paul than the muddled ones he has given. He should not be left off the hook. And his proposals deserve a thorough vetting and discussion. But there is something awry when a candidate is assessed not on his arguments and proposals but on the shadiness and ugliness of some of his fringe supporters. Ron Pauls supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his purchase of the mailing list of the Holocaustdenying Liberty Lobby. Or by the radio shows he chooses to appear on. Or by his strategic decision to reach out to racist voters. Or by

the conspiracy theories to which he lends credence, from government creation of AIDS to Israeli culpability for the 1993 bombing to a putative 9/11 coverup. And here I thought that libertarianism was a doctrine of personal responsibility? May Ron Paul at least be judged by the words he has spoken with his own mouth within the current campaign? The supporters say no again. When Ron Paul tells an interviewer that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made race relations worse, were not supposed to consider what he might mean by better. When Ron Paul warns that a border fence would be used to prevent fleeing American citizens from exiting the country, were not supposed to conclude that hes a paranoid crank. Andrew deploys what might be called the ontological defense of Ron Paul, as follows: 1) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 2) Libertarians espouse individualism. 3) Racism is a form of antiindividualism. 4) Therefore Ron Paul cannot be a racist. That is a demonstration of what might be called the deductive method of reasoning. But theres another way to study reality: induction.

Like this: 1) Ron Paul has again and again exploited bigotry, paranoia, and hate as fundraising devices. 2) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 3) So yes, I guess it is possible for a libertarian to do that. Heres my question for Ron Paul supporters: why the denial of the undeniable? Perhaps you like Pauls message of legalized marijuana? Why not just say so? You dont think its important to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? Argue it forthrightly. If you regard Social Security and Medicare as literally the moral equivalents of slavery, go ahead, make your case. But all this excuse-making, special pleading and jiggering of the rules of evidence so as to exculpate Ron Paul from the record of his whole political life? For what? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Immigration Enforcement: DHS Actions Further Erode the Rule of Law

Jessica Zuckerman (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 5:00:06 PM

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer in Newark, Delaware, is facing suspension for refusing to release an illegal immigrant because he was not a priority target under the Obama Administrations new immigration enforcement policies. In March, the officer arrested an individual under suspicion that he was a criminal alien under investigation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Turns out he wasnt the man they were after, but he was an illegal alien with 10 previous traffic violations. Upon learning this, the officer moved to charge the illegal alien and let the courts sort it all out. It all seems to make perfect sense, right? An ICE agent acted within the scope of his authority to enforce federal law then turned the case over to the courts. The agents supervisors, however, saw it differently and ordered the illegal immigrant released. The officer refused and now faces a possible three-day suspension. He also risks losing his job and his IMMIGRATION page 75

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DOJ Bullies Gibson into Submission: Will Congress Allow This to Happen Again?
Gavriel Swerling (The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation)

continued from page 74

its guitars was not finished in India, as required by Indian labor laws. There has been overwhelming Submitted at 8/7/2012 4:30:08 PM The Heritage Foundation has support for Gibson and pushback been writing about the problems against the DOJs outrageous that Gibson Guitar has faced for a prosecution. This agreement is the long while now. Sadly, Gibson result of the public outrage that has bowed out of the fight due to came about because of the work bullying by Department of Justice o f t h e o v e r c r i m i n a l i z a t i o n (DOJ) prosecutors. coalition and certain Members of Gibson has been strong-armed Congress. Members of Congress into paying a $300,000 fine and a recently introduced the FOCUS $50,000 community service Act and the RELIEF Act, which payment to the National Fish and would have undone the part of the Wildlife Foundation, and it has Lacey Act under which Gibson forfeited $260,000 in seizures of was being prosecuted. The DOJ wood deemed to be not compliant was worn down by the negative with foreign labor laws. media barrage it received for this This is not a criticism of Gibson case. Guitar. It has been the victim of Although nobody went to prison egregious overcriminalization and and the penalties Gibson suffered was forced to do what makes the were less severe than they could most sense for its business and have been, this does not mean that employees. all is well. The fact that the DOJ As we have noted in other blog could leverage the unreasonable posts, the Lacey Act allows penalties of the Lacey Act to bully prosecutors to go after U.S. Gibson into making a large citizens and businesses for donation to their charity pick of violating foreign laws, no matter the week is a travesty in itself. how remote. Gibson was being Further, the resolution of this investigated by the DOJ because case does nothing to prevent the wood it used in manufacturing future injustices. Other American

companies and individuals are still at risk of DOJ prosecution for violations of obscure foreign laws that they could not reasonably be expected to know. The government is most likely banking on this story going away so that the wave of opposition to the Lacey Act dies down. It would be unsurprising if the DOJ returns to arbitrarily prosecuting Americans for violating littleknown foreign laws. The next victim of the Lacey Act may not have the resources to combat it the way Gibson did. It is up to Congress to continue its work to remedy this problem, even though this story will no longer be in the news cycle. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

pension if he arrests another illegal immigrant not considered a priority target by the Administration. In June of last year, ICE director John Morton issued a memorandum granting ICE officers discretion in enforcing federal law and pursuing illegal immigrants, placing an emphasis on the detention and deportation of illegal immigrants who pose a risk to national security or public safety or have committed a felony or repeat criminal offenses. A second memorandum, released this past June, also called for the use of prosecutorial discretion for illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. under age 16 and are attending school or have served in the military. This time, the Administrations actions served to undercut legislative efforts in an attempt to implement major elements of the DREAM Act, which has been considered and rejected by both Democraticand Republican-controlled Congresses. In discussing these memoranda, Heritages Matthew Spalding explains that Secretary Janet Napolitano instructs her employees to use prosecutorial discretion. But what she actually intends to do is take away discretion by laying out very specific criteria. If illegal immigrants do not meet

the criteria, DHS will not prosecute them, a message that came out loud and clear in the situation in Newark earlier this year. However, not only was the illegal alien released in this case, but the ICE agent who refused to release him now faces disciplinary action. This fact, as Senator Jeff Sessions (RAL) explains, sends a message to agents in the field that they will be punished for doing their duty and enforcing the law. It once again shows the Obama Administrations lack of commitment on immigration enforcement. Rather than continuing to erode the rule of law, its time the Administration work with Congress to show the nation that it takes our countrys immigration challenges seriously. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon: Ultrabooks Get Their Flagship for Business [HANDS ON]
Peter Pachal (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:01:39 PM

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Built for business travelers, the Lenovo X1 Carbon isn't the sexiest laptop ever made, but it impressively fits a 14-inch screen into the footprint of a 13-inch laptop. It also has many practical features such as an anti-glare

screen, a rugged carbon-fiber exterior and a large-size trackpad. It's not cheap, though, starting at $1,399. Click here to view this gallery. Here it is -- the Ultrabook aimed right at businesses and business travelers: The Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon. Lenovo is known for building know, actually getting things solid, if unsexy machines for, you d o n e . T h e C a r b o n i s t h e

company's attempt at applying that work-first practicality to an "ultra-light" PC. We've been checking out the X1 Carbon for a few hours. From a distance, it looks like any other Lenovo laptop, but when you pick it up you can tell it's something special. For starters, it's very lightweight, about the exact same weight as

the 13.3-inch MacBook Air at just under 3 pounds. However, the X1 Carbon has a 14-inch, 1,600 x 900 screen -- the company hails it as a 14- Continue reading... More About: Ultrabooks, laptops, lenovo

Apple Store Genius Rescues Woman From Alleged Kidnapper [VIDEO]

Joann Pan (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:59:17 PM

Apple Store Geniuses -employees you would normally encounter at in-store Genius Bars -- are portrayed as spunky heroes in commercials that premiered

during the opening weekend of the Olympics. After foiling an alleged kidnapping and robbery scheme, one Apple Store employee in Louisville, Ky., certainly fits the bill. SEE ALSO: Apples Genius Olympics A d s D i s a p p e a r F r o m t h e On Saturday, an Apple Store

employee saved the day after alerting authorities about a woman claiming she was kidnapped from her home and brought into the Oxmoor Mall location. The victim arranged to meet a man named "Greg," whom she

met online, at her home for a Continue reading... More About: Video, apple

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Social Media/ Daily World/


The New Yorker Arrives on the iPhone With Free Issue

Lauren Indvik (Mashable!)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:30:35 PM

Hoy makes history in medals rush

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:10:09 PM

Sir Chris Hoy has made history by winning his sixth Olympic title The New Yorker is making its on a day when Britain claimed its way onto 3.5-inch screens best medal haul at a Games for Thursday with the launch of an more than a century. iPhone app. Sir Chris's triumph in the frenzied The app[iTunes link] is wellatmosphere of the velodrome designed and plenty readable, so means he now has more golds long as you don't mind flipping than any other British Olympian through 50 or 100-odd pages to Sir Steve Redgrave has five. get through an article. The New Team GB's medal tally is now 48 Yorker has an advantage in that - 22 gold, 13 silver and 13 bronze it's not a photo-heavy magazine. - making it the most successful Readers can still access bonus The New Yorker is making its G a m e s s i n c e t h e L o n d o n content found in the iPad and current issue free on the iPhone. O l y m p i c s o f 1 9 0 8 . Kindle Fire versions, including Current subscribers will be able to After winning the keirin title Sir audio interviews, slideshows, enter their credentials to receive Chris, 36, rolled around the e m b e d d e d p r i m a r y s o u r c e s velodrome draped in the Union documents and video interviews, Continue reading... flag as the audience, which and enter the cartoon caption included Prince Harry, raised the contest from the iPhone app. roof. He told the BBC: "It's just unbelievable; it's the most amazing feeling. This is the perfect end to my Olympic career." Before Sir Chris's record-

breaking victory the new star of British women's cycling Laura Trott, 20, won her second gold of the Games. She said: "I can't believe this is happening to me, I really can't. I am so happy." The outgoing face of British cycling Victoria Pendleton could only manage a silver in her sprint showdown with Australian Anna Meares. The 31-year-old said: "I've been a bit overwhelmed with emotion. I would have loved to have won on my final race but I'm just so glad that's it all done and I can move on." Earlier the Team GB gold rush continued as the dressage team trotted to a historic victory over Germany. The team of Carl Hester, Laura Bechtolsheimer and Charlotte Dujardin put in an exquisite performance in this most rarefied of equine sports. The Brownlee brothers raced to Olympic glory in one of the most dramatic races yet at London 2012. Alistair Brownlee took gold and his brother Jonny won bronze

despite being given a 15-second penalty. There was an unexpected bronze in the Olympic Stadium for Londoner Robbie Grabarz in the high jump. Grabarz, one of the most colourful characters in the British team, said: "I'm so happy I'm over the moon." And there was further success in Weymouth as Nick Dempsey took silver in the men's windsurfing. He said: "I am just massively relieved, I think, more than anything. I was desperate to finish second here so I am certainly massively happy and glad I could do it for a lot of people that have helped me." This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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Baby tribute to golden girl PM Cameron Ennis hails 'golden summer'

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:10:07 PM

supposed to be at the athletics for Super Saturday and were gutted when Emily's waters broke early Athletics fans Henry and Emily on Saturday morning as they Lee were meant to be inside the knew they weren't going to be Olympic Stadium when Jessica going after weeks of excitement Ennis won the heptathlon - leading up to it, but of course they instead they were welcoming their were thrilled that their baby was baby daughter into the world. arriving. So to honour the Sheffield-born "Just 20 minutes after Beatrice Olympian, the couple named their Jessica was born at Bath Hospital, baby after Team GB's golden girl. baby and daddy snuggled up just A delighted Ennis has sent her in time to see her namesake congratulations to the Lees, achieve her Olympic Gold. They having been told that the 6lb 9oz may not have made it to the baby had been given the middle Olympics, but they have a little name Jessica. part of the Olympics to treasure Beatrice Jessica Lee was only 20 forever." minutes old when Ennis won her She added: "Needless to say we medal, with her father making are all huge Jessica Ennis fans in sure she was sat with him in front our family now!" of a television at Bath Hospital to Ennis, 26, wrote a message to w a t c h t h e a t h l e t e ' s s p e c i a l Mrs Croxall after learning of her moment. niece's birth, telling her: Mrs Lee's sister Claire Croxall, "congratulations! That's so sweet who told Ennis about the name :)." tribute on Twitter, said of her Mr and Mrs Lee, both 30, had niece: "Her mum and dad were been "desperate" to travel to

London from their home in Derry Hill, Wiltshire, to take their seats in the stadium - despite their first child having been due some days earlier, on July 31. When primary school teacher Mrs Lee went into labour, they gave the tickets to friends, who have now returned the stubs, with a programme from the day, so they can be framed for Beatrice Jessica. Ennis, who also retweeted Mrs Croxall's message to all of her followers on Twitter, said on the networking site that life seems "surreal" after her win, with a dinner invitation from Jamie Oliver and even a mention on an episode of EastEnders. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

(Evening Standard - News)

"That is going to leave people with some very, very happy Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:10:08 PM memories of things they have David Cameron has hailed Team seen and done together," he said. GB's record Olympic medal haul, "We have shown the world the saying it has delivered a "golden best face of Britain." summer" for the whole country. Mr Cameron paid tribute to "This has really turned into a former prime minister Sir John golden summer for Team GB and Major for setting up the national for the whole of the UK," the lottery, which had been a key Prime Minister told reporters in source of funding for British Downing Street. sport. "Our athletes, both individually He said: "The lottery has been a and as a team, can be incredibly great boost to British sport and we proud of what they have achieved. must make sure that it on and is "The whole country can be very the case for the future." proud of putting on such and This entry passed through the incredible set of Games and such Full-Text RSS service if this is a great show for the whole your content and you're reading it world." on someone else's site, please read The Prime Minister said his the FAQ at highlight had been only/faq.php#publishers. Five watching British athletes win Filters recommends: Incinerating three gold medals on Saturday Assange - The Liberal Media Go night in the Olympic Stadium, To Work. saying it was "a moment I am never going to forget".

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Hush Now, Mitt: A Nuclear Iran Is Not the World's Greatest Threat
Emily Chertoff (Politics : The Atlantic)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:59:54 PM

Three-quarters of national security experts polled disagreed with the candidate. Reuters Three-quarters of National Journal's National Security Insiders disagreed with a recent statement by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who said a nuclear Iran represents the greatest threat to the world. If Tehran acquires a nuclear weapon, Romney told Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, it would pose the most serious threat to the world, to the United States and to Israel's existence. Not so, said 73 percent of NJ's pool of national-security experts, even as they acknowledged that a nuclear Iran could have a destabilizing effect on the Middle East and erode international nonproliferation efforts. "It would be an unmitigated negative for U.S. interests," one Insider said. "But it is not the greatest security threat facing the U.S. or the world at large." If Iran -- or any other country with money -- truly wants to go nuclear, another Insider said, there is not a whole lot the world can do to stop it. "Making such

comments reduces your maneuver room when Iran actually gets close to going hot, makes you look impotent when they do, and blinds us to other challenges (e.g., a rising or failing China, Pakistan imploding, etc)," one Insider said. Individual nukes rank behind several other threats, including cyberthreats, another Insider said. "Coupled with its aggressive ideology, Iran armed with nuclear

weapons would pose a greatly heightened danger to others. But so would other potential scenarios: the collapse of authority in Pakistan that undermined the security of its nuclear weapons, Pakistani aggression against India that risked escalate to nuclear war (feared in their 2001-2002 crisis), or unstable disintegration of authority in North Korea or

spasmodic acts by its leaders in a crisis," another Insider said. Others said that climate change, or the "invasive species known as Man," rank as bigger threats. MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL Should Romney Add Internationalist Cred to His Ticket? 'Make the S.O.B. Deny It' Romney's Four-State Bus Tour

Probably Isn't a Veep Rollout One Insider cited Israel itself, which is widely believed to have nuclear weapons, as a greater threat. "The greatest threat to the world is clearly nuclear-armed Israel with its almost daily threats to launch an attack on Iran, inevitably involving the U.S. in a HUSH page 81



Curated News Edition

How a Nominating Convention Is Like a Wedding

Beth Reinhard (Politics : The Atlantic)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 1:00:20 PM

No one will want to sit next to the crazy uncle, there will be too many speeches, and the hosts may embarrass themselves. So, how do you plan this thing? At the 2008 Republican convention. (Reuters) Pity the organizers of the Democratic and Republican conventions this year. The host governors -- Bev Perdue in North Carolina and Rick Scott in Florida -- happen to be two of the least popular state executives in the country. But geographic protocols demand that they address the convention hall. What to do? The chosen few devising the lineup for a party's nominating convention are not unlike wedding planners drawing up the seating chart for a dysfunctional family. There are egos to be stroked, aesthetics to consider, and dramas to be avoided. Even the uncle no one can stand -Donald Trump? -- has to sit somewhere. And just like the bride and groom forced to winnow down their guest lists, convention organizers are faced with limited time slots, especially during prime time, when coveted undecided voters may be watching. Political

operatives view these fence-sitters like squirrels, prone to being easily startled by the sudden movements and high-pitched rhetoric of, say, Republican firebrands such as former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, Rep. Allen West of Florida, and erstwhile presidential candidate

Ron Paul. Building the ideal lineup of speakers over several nights is based on a complicated formula that aims to boost favorable views of the nominee and the party's brand. MORE FROM NATIONAL JOURNAL Should Romney Add

Internationalist Cred to His Ticket? 'Make the S.O.B. Deny It' Romney's Four-State Bus Tour Probably Isn't a Veep Rollout "There's a story you want to tell, a picture you want to paint," said Republican consultant Ed Goeas,

who helped coordinate the 2008 convention, giving an artist's rendition of a baldly political process. "You frame it thematically for that night and then you start looking at the brush strokes. All of it has to fit together HOW page 82

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continued from page 79

potentially catastrophic Middle East war," the Insider said. "Continually threatened by Israel, with its 200+ nuclear weapons, and with nuclear-armed neighbors -- American allies Pakistan and India -- Iran has every reason to arm itself in equal measure, although U.S. intelligence believes it has not yet decided to do so." The best way to stop Iran from going nuclear is to turn the entire region into a nuclear-free zone, starting with Israel which never signed the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, the Insider said. Another Insider agreed that Iran is not the world's biggest threat but cautioned against making the "mistake" of pinning concerns on Israel. "A nuclear Iran is not THE greatest threat, but it is still a major threat.... A nuclear capable Iran would be a major threat to the Gulf, to South Asia, and to regional stability." Twenty-seven percent of Insiders did agree with Romney's assessment. "A nuclear Iran is certainly one of the most immediate threats to the U.S. from a national security and economic security standpoint," one Insider said. "A nuclear weapon in the hands of the Iranians would be tremendously destabilizing to the Middle East and could tempt the Iranians into closing the Strait of Hormuz, thus

provoking a U.S. reaction in an effort to re-open it." Another Insider said that the experts "err" when they assume the Iranians think like Westerners. "They do not," the Insider said. "And should they unleash a nuclear attack, the ultimate consequences could be devastating far beyond the confines of the Middle East." Or, as one Insider put it: "Can lead to nuclear war. That ain't nothin." 1. Do you agree with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's recent statement that "a nuclear Iran represents the greatest threat to the world"? (56 votes) No 73% Yes 27%

circles, but there are a number of dangerous threats to U.S. and world security. Hyperventilation is not helpful, but this is done on both sides of the aisle, especially in a political season." "Sounds like Israeli hype. That Iran would be any more irresponsible than other nuclear powers is unsubstantiated." "It is hard to think of any other contingency about which the hyperbole has gone so very far beyond any careful analysis as to exactly why it supposedly would be a threat." "I thought it was Russia. What changed? The policy or the audience?" 'If he's right, we're in a delightful spot. Did our way of life really change on May 25, 2009? Compare an Iranian deterrent to, No: say, a euro collapse or a Chinese "Political leaders and wannabees hard landing. It's no contest." should exercise rhetorical caution "We might have hoped for a bit as they paint themselves and the more measure and a bit less U.S. into unwanted corners. hyperbole and pandering." Preventing Iran from nuclear "Climate change comes higher, weaponizing is important but not even if a nuke Iran were a nasty the greatest global threat." piece of work." "The hysterical, election-driven "The greatest threat to the world is rhetoric about Iran today is almost the invasive species know as v e r b a t i m t h e s a m e a s t h a t Man." associated with the Chinese Yes acquisition of nuclear weapons in "Iran is a sponsor of terrorism. the 1960s." Enough said." "Iran is a dangerous country under "A nuclear Iran would create a great stress because of sanctions destabilizing arms race in the and fissures within the governing Middle East that could very well

lead to a nuclear exchange in the region." "Iran seeks to build an empire by defining itself in opposition to the West -- that would threaten peace for decades to come." National Journal's National Security Insiders Poll is a periodic survey of defense and foreignpolicy experts. They are: Gordon Adams, Charles Allen, Thad Allen, James Bamford, David Barno, Milt Bearden, Peter Bergen, Samuel "Sandy" Berger, David Berteau, Stephen Biddle, Nancy Birdsall, Kit Bond, Stuart Bowen, Paula Broadwell, Mike Breen, Steven Bucci, Nicholas Burns, Dan Byman, James Jay Carafano, Phillip Carter, Wendy Chamberlin, Michael Chertoff, Frank Cilluffo, James Clad, Richard Clarke, Steve Clemons, Joseph Collins, William Courtney, Roger Cressey, Gregory Dahlberg, Robert Danin, Richard Danzig, Paul Eaton, Andrew Exum, William Fallon, Eric Farnsworth, Jacques Gansler, Stephen Ganyard, Daniel Goure, Mike Green, Mark Gunzinger, Jim Harper, Michael Hayden, Pete Hoekstra, Bruce Hoffman, Paul Hughes, Colin Kahl, Donald Kerrick, Rachel Kleinfeld, Lawrence Korb, David Kramer, Andrew Krepinevich, Charlie Kupchan, W. Patrick Lang, Cedric Leighton, James Lindsay,

Trent Lott, Peter Mansoor, Brian McCaffrey, Steven Metz, Franklin Miller, Philip Mudd, John Nagl, Shuja Nawaz, Kevin Nealer, Michael Oates, Thomas Pickering, Paul Pillar, Stephen Rademaker, Marc Raimondi, Celina Realuyo, Bruce Riedel, Barry Rhoads, Marc Rotenberg, Kori Schake, Mark Schneider, John Scofield, Tammy Schultz, Stephen Sestanovich, Sarah Sewall, Matthew Sherman, Jennifer Sims, Constanze Stelzenmller, Frances Townsend, Mick Trainor, Suzanne Spaulding, Ted Stroup, Tamara Wittes, and Dov Zakheim. This article available online at: politics/archive/2012/08/hushnow-mitt-a-nuclear-iran-is-not-the -worlds-greatest-threat/260837/ This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


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continued from page 80

to make that picture." The Republican Party at least partly defused questions over Scott's role at its convention in Tampa by including him on Monday in an initial list of "headliners." Media outlets have already picked up on the tension between a state party trumpeting the governor's economic progress and a GOP nominee conveying a much gloomier picture of the economy. By announcing Scott's presence in the lineup, the GOP may have headed off more speculation about conflict between the two camps. (It goes without saying that if you're a convention organizer or a wedding planner, conflict is bad.) "But they didn't say when he's going to speak. It could be for five minutes at 5:35 a.m. Eastern Time,'' noted Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown, whose latest survey found that 52 percent of Florida voters disapprove of Scott's performance. "Just because you're speaking doesn't mean anybody is listening." Perdue's disapproval rating is even worse -- 59 percent according to a June survey by Public Policy Polling, a Democratic firm in Raleigh. Pegged as the most vulnerable Democratic governor in the

country, Perdue announced back in January that she would not seek reelection. A convention official asked about her role said: "In keeping with convention tradition, Gov. Perdue will speak and deliver the welcome." "It won't be prime time," quipped Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, who helped orchestrate the 2004 convention. (He described his role this way: "I got to make choices that made people unhappy. Thankfully, I usually wasn't the one who had to tell them.") As television networks have cut back on their coverage of what are essentially balloon-dropping parties with little news value, convention organizers have become even more disciplined about their choices. Once you schedule the keynote speaker, the running mate, the nominee's spouse, and the nominee, there's not much time left. One option for obligatory invites with popularity deficiencies: the speech via satellite video. That's how former President Jimmy Carter -- frequently invoked by Obama critics in an unfavorable comparison -- will address the Democratic convention, officials announced Tuesday. The video feed means Carter won't be able to make a faux paus like he did at

the 2008 convention, when he said Republican nominee John McCain was "milking every possible drop of advantage'' from his imprisonment during the Vietnam War. History shows the convention lineup can make a difference. Pat Buchanan's fiery speech at the 1992 Republican convention set a menacing tone for the culture wars. The 1980 and 1984 Democratic conventions are remembered most for the rousing speeches given by the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and then-New York Gov. Mario Cuomo, respectively. And of course, a fresh-faced Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate from Illinois named Barack Obama made an indelible impression at the 2004 convention. In 2012, the tea party presents the GOP with its biggest opportunity -- and its biggest pitfall. Movement leaders like Palin, West, and Paul are great at rousing crowds. They make good television. But their powers of persuasion with moderate voters (think squirrels!) are suspect. Palin hasn't said whether she's planning to attend, though RNC Chairman Reince Priebus made an obvious gesture on Fox News on

Monday by saying he'd like her to speak. The former Alaska governor is currently on a hot endorsement streak, having picked five winning GOP candidates this year. And who could forget her line from the 2008 convention, about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? "The not-so-little secret is that the 800-pound gorilla in the room at the Republican convention is the tea party, and Sarah Palin is as much a leader of that movement as anybody else," said conservative strategist Keith Appell. "Given how well her last convention speech went, it would only help the Romney campaign immensely to involve her at the convention if for no other reason than she will rhetorically beat the living daylights out of Barack Obama." Like Palin, Ron Paul has a cult following -- and a tendency for straying from the party's carefully scripted playbook. The libertarian congressman's antiwar and prodrug legalization views aren't what the GOP wants to bring into the American living room, but he makes a persuasive case against government overspending. Paul's son, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, made the cut in the

second list of speakers released on Tuesday. A spokesman for Ron Paul, Jesse Benton, said he "can't say too much" about the elder Paul's schedule. In fact, he said nothing. "Sorry, we're keeping the cards close to the vest," Benton wrote in an e-mail. "All I can say is that our relationship with the RNC [has] been very respectful and constructive." Sounds just like a family heart-to -heart. This article available online at: politics/archive/2012/08/how-anominating-convention-is-like-awedding/260818/ This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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The Most Plausible Vice Presidential Speculation You'll See Today

Molly Ball (Politics : The Atlantic)

few weeks ago stirred a few hours of buzz by suggesting Condoleezza Rice, is floating Submitted at 8/7/2012 3:49:00 PM Gen. David Petraeus, now serving Romney could choose a running as head of the CIA. And just in mate any day now, but don't c a s e a l l t h e i l l - i n f o r m e d believe the din of ill-informed speculation turns out to be wrong, speculation and analysis. Weekly some pundits are covering all World News their bases with a last-minute As Mitt Romney's running-mate disclaimer -- like Politico's allannouncement draws ever closer, knowing Mike Allen, who wrote, the vice presidential speculation gnomically, on Tuesday morning: gets ever noisier -- and less "We would not be surprised to be reliable. surprised." The collective Insiders grown bored with the takeaway from all of this: Until an long-running (and itself only announcement actually gets made, thinly substantiated) conventional don't believe anything you hear. wisdom that Ohio Sen. Rob But the award for most out-of-the Portman and former Minnesota -box VP possibility goes to the Gov. Tim Pawlenty are the joint Weekly World News, the onetime front-runners have raised anew supermarket tabloid, now onlinethe outside possibility of a Chris only. Its sourcing appears solid: Christie, Bobby Jindal or Bob "sources close to the Romney McDonnell selection. The Weekly camp." It laid out the political Standard is waging a last-minute calculation: Like Sarah Palin four c a m p a i g n f o r c o n s e r v a t i v e years ago, the candidate in dreamboats Marco Rubio and question meets with disapproval Paul Ryan. Matt Drudge, who a from Beltway elites like Karl

2008, Bat Boy initially endorsed John McCain, then changed his mind and switched to Obama, according to his remarkably detailed Wikipedia page. The Bat Boy idea is, of course, a joke. But it's a good reminder: When it comes to Romney's running mate, right now, nobody knows anything. Except Romney. And for now, he's not telling. This article available online at: politics/archive/2012/08/the-mostplausible-vice-presidentialspeculation-youll-see-today/ 260838/ This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it Rove, but he is endorsed by the going through," a "Romney on someone else's site, please read Tea Party and has the ability to advisor" tells the publication. the FAQ at Romney with one of his If Bat Boy does join Romney on only/faq.php#publishers. Five major vulnerabilities, his ability to the GOP convention podium, it Filters recommends: Incinerating connect with the average voter. would be something of a political Assange - The Liberal Media Go "Bat Boy is from West Virginia reversal for the five-foot-tall , To Work. and really understands the cave-dwelling mutant: He struggles that the middle class is endorsed Al Gore in 2000. In



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Video: MKH and OReilly go after each other on mandatory sentencing

Rumor of the day: First Romney fundraiser with VP may be in Florida on Sunday
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)

knows him and his circle well so shes well positioned for an inside scoop and, needless to say, a big Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:50:20 PM rollout fundraiser in Rubios posted at 7:50 pm on August 7, home state shortly after the Mary Katharine Ham (Hot Air look at every federal program having recently lost a relative to 2012 by Allahpundit announcement makes perfect Top Picks) with this in mind. drugs doesnt make for the Yes, yes, I know pure sense. This segment doesnt encompass soundest public policy, which speculation, as thin as tissue Or, maybe she knows nothing Submitted at 8/7/2012 7:38:03 PM my entire philosophy on the drug becomes relevant in this clip. paper. Get used to it. No less than and is blowing smoke in order to posted at 8:38 pm on August 7, war, but I do tend to think Anyway, figured yall could hash Karl Rove thinks the pick could build buzz for her preferred 2012 by Mary Katharine Ham m a n d a t o r y s e n t e n c i n g it out in comments. The response come as soon as Friday, so the full choice. Shes obviously no great I wont make a habit of posting requirements can get overzealous, I got on Twitter last night was force of VP frenzy will soon be fan of Stevens; this would be a my own video clips, but this made e n s n a r i n g p e o p l e a s d r u g more positive than I expected, upon us. Dont be surprised if way to get back at him for the some news on other sites today, to traffickers who might otherwise with Tea Party folks almost were a little more lax in relaying perceived slight in May. As I say, my mild surprise. be helped instead of put in federal u n i f o r m l y s h o w i n g t h e i r rumors than we usually are in the my friends: As thin as tissue I guess the disagreement among prison. I dont want drug kingpins libertarian streaks on this issue, meantime. paper. By way of a possible right-leaning figures on the drug gaming the system any more than but the law-and-order crowd can The source: preview of the campaign trail, via war and mandatory sentencing is anyone else, but I would like to take me to task below. Im Ana Navarro was Hispanic co- Bryan Preston, heres Rubio counterintuitive enough and the allow for flexibility for judges to interested where our audience chair of McCains 2008 campaign showing off his attack-dog skills shouting lively enough that it prevent some of mandatory stands on this. and Huntsmans campaign this earlier today. Excellent stuff, caught peoples attention. s e n t e n c i n g s u n i n t e n d e d This entry passed through the year. She knows people and especially in light of The Ones The seed of this discussion is a consequences. For instance, a Full-Text RSS service if this is one person shes known for a long sleazy smear this morning. NYT editorial on mandatory state law in Florida makes the your content and you're reading it time is Marco Rubio. BuzzFeed This entry passed through the sentencing requirements. Their possession of as few as seven pills on someone else's site, please read described her as atop ally of his Full-Text RSS service if this is argument is that mandatory of Oxy the trigger for a mandatory the FAQ at when she hinted back in June that your content and you're reading it sentencing, along with other sentence of three years for drug only/faq.php#publishers. Five Romney advisor Stuart Stevens, a on someone else's site, please read federal prison programs, should trafficking, which could easily Filters recommends: Incinerating former Crist advisor, might have the FAQ at examined and reformed as part scoop up a non-violent user of Assange - The Liberal Media Go leaked the news in May that only/faq.php#publishers. Five of cost savings, preventing Oxy whom society isnt best To Work. Rubio wasnt yet being vetted for Filters recommends: Incinerating overpopulation, and keeping the served by throwing in prison. VP. If shes telling the truth here Assange - The Liberal Media Go system sustainable. Would that I also think approaching then theres every reason to To Work. the NYT(or any liberal) could lawmaking from the position of suspect that Rubios the pick: She

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Scarborough: Why on earth Senator: Obama wouldnt you let Palin Plan Gives Safe speak at the convention? Harbor to Illegals
Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)

fans inside the tent, they can find one for Palin in the interest of keeping her supporters inside. The Submitted at 8/7/2012 6:01:33 PM only argument I can think of for posted at 7:01 pm on August 7, why they might be lukewarm 2012 by Allahpundit about her is that putting her back Via the Daily Caller, I couldnt in the convention spotlight will agree more. What possible reason further raise her profile, which is there to exclude her? Shes the might come back to bite Romney reining vice presidential nominee; if Palin emerges as a major critic she gives a hell of a speech; shes of his from the right during his on a major roll in helping tea- first term. But thats likely to party candidates win their Senate happen anyway if he governs p r i m a r i e s ; a n d s h e h a s a from the center, and shes already passionate base thats lukewarm sufficiently famous that the at best about Romney. If Team convention spotlight wont do Mitt can find a slot for Rand Paul anything, really, to add to her in the interest of keeping Paul platform. Hes better off making

nice and showing her some respect. Itll make conservatives happy and wont alienate anyone except the most Frum-ian Palin critics. Seems like an easy call to me. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


Rover Captures Red Planet in Color

Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:36:18 PM

This picture of the Martian landing site of NASA's Curiosity rover puts a color view obtained by the rover in the context of a computer simulation derived from images acquired from orbiting

spacecraft. The view looks north, showing a distant ridge that is the north wall and rim of Gale Crater. NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS Aug. 7, 2012: The first color view of the north wall and rim of Gale Crater where NASA's rover Curiosity landed Sunday night. The picture was taken by the rover's camera at the end of its

stowed robotic arm and appears fuzzy because of dust on the camera's cover. AP Photo/NASA Next Slide Previous Slide Mars NASA's Curiosity rover has beamed back its first color photo from the ancient crater ROVER page 86

officers to do what they have been hired and paid to do. Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:36:18 PM Sessions told Fox News that P r e s i d e n t O b a m a s n e w according to his understanding of immigration plan will provide the implementation documents, safe harbor to criminal illegal illegal immigrants who are using immigrants and will lead to a stolen or fraudulent Social capitulation to lawlessness that Security numbers in order to gain could threaten public safety, Sen. employment will not be charged Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said. with a crime. Fox News has obtained an Click to read Todd Starnes' full internal document detailing how report at Fox News Radio. the Department of Homeland Print Security plans to implement what Email critics say amounts to an amnesty Share policy for what could be more Comments t h a n o n e m i l l i o n i l l e g a l Recommend immigrants. Tweet According to the documents, illegal immigrants convicted of Share This Article Newsletter felonies or misdemeanors under Signup state immigration laws may be Sign up for free e-mail news granted deferred action. Those alerts from and who have repeatedly entered the Newsletter United States illegally will also be Signup eligible. And traffic violations This entry passed through the would not be considered a Full-Text RSS service if this is misdemeanor. your content and you're reading it It is a direct threat to the rule of on someone else's site, please read law and to the demonstrated the FAQ at of the American people for only/faq.php#publishers. Five a lawful system of immigration, Filters recommends: Incinerating Sessions said. I believe this Assange - The Liberal Media Go administration has utilized this To Work. policy to basically undermine and negate the ability of the law


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continued from page 85

where it landed on Mars and a video showing the last 2 1/2 minutes of its white-knuckle dive through the Martian atmosphere, a sneak peek of a spacecraft landing on another world. The picture released Tuesday revealed a rust-tinged, pebbly landscape and the crater rim off in the distance. The six-wheel rover snapped the photo on the first day on the surface after touching down on Mars Sunday night. It took the shot with a camera at the end of its robotic arm, which remained stowed. As Curiosity plunged through the atmosphere, a video camera captured the final moments. Nearly 300 low-quality thumbnails were sent back on Monday, which NASA processed into a short video. As the video rolled on a big screen, scientists and engineers at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory let out "oohs" and "aahs." The recording began with the protective heat shield falling away and ended with dust being kicked up as the rover was lowered by cables inside Gale Crater. Why Mars Again? NASA's new robot rover named Curiosity will soon begin its scientific studies. WHY MARS AGAIN? Did life ever existed there? Curiosity is the most ambitious effort ever to burrow into that question. HOW MUCH DID THIS COST? $2.5 billion. Development took longer than planned, after a two year delay and $1 billion more than planned.

WILL MAN GO TO MARS? President Obama has set a goal for astronauts to orbit Mars by the mid-2030s. It was a preview of a spacecraft touchdown on another planet, since it'll take some time before high-resolution frames are transmitted, depending on other priorities. The full video "will just be exquisite," said Michael Malin, the chief scientist of the instrument. Since parking itself inside a giant crater, Curiosity has steadily streamed home a flurry of photos. The first were grainy, black-andwhite images of its wheel, Martian gravel and a mountain at sunset. The landscape in the color shot looked fuzzy because the camera was coated with dust as the rover touched the ground. Curiosity, a roving laboratory the size of a compact car, landed right on target late Sunday after an eight-month, 352-million-mile journey. It parked its six wheels about four miles from its ultimate science destination -- Mount Sharp, rising from the floor of Gale Crater near the equator. Extraordinary efforts were needed for the landing because the rover weighs one ton, and the thin Martian atmosphere offers little friction to slow down a spacecraft. Curiosity had to go from 13,000 mph to zero in seven minutes, relying on a heat shield, parachute and rockets to slow down. In the final few seconds, cables lowered it to the ground at 2 mph.

At the end of what NASA called "seven minutes of terror," the vehicle settled into place almost perfectly flat in the crater it was aiming for. "We have ended one phase of the mission much to our enjoyment," mission manager Mike Watkins said. "But another part has just begun." The nuclear-powered Curiosity will dig into the Martian surface to analyze what's there and hunt for some of the molecular building blocks of life, including carbon. It won't start moving for a couple of weeks, because all the systems on the $2.5 billion rover have to be checked out. As it goes through its health checkups this week, it was expected to send back more stunning views of its surroundings. '[The full video] will just be exquisite.' - Michael Malin, NASA chief scientist But first NASA had to use tiny cameras designed to spot hazards in front of Curiosity's wheels. So early images of gravel and shadows abounded. The pictures were fuzzy, but scientists were delighted. The photos show "a new Mars we have never seen before," Watkins said. "So every one of those pictures is the most beautiful picture I have ever seen." In one of the photos from the close-to-the-ground hazard cameras, if you squinted and looked the right way, you could see "a silhouette of Mount Sharp

in the setting sun," said an excited John Grotzinger, chief mission scientist from the California Institute of Technology. A high-resolution camera on the orbiting 7-year-old Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, flying 211 miles directly above the plummeting Curiosity, snapped a photo of the rover dangling from its parachute about a minute from touchdown. The parachute's design can be made out in the photo. "It's just mind-boggling to me," said Miguel San Martin, chief engineer for the landing team. Curiosity is the heaviest piece of machinery NASA has landed on Mars, and the success gave the space agency confidence that it can unload equipment that astronauts may need in a future manned trip to the red planet. The landing technique was hatched in 1999 after devastating back-to-back Mars spacecraft losses. Back then, engineers had no clue how to land super-heavy spacecraft. They brainstormed different possibilities, consulting Apollo-era engineers and pilots of heavy-lift helicopters. "I think its engineering at its finest. What engineers do is they make the impossible possible," said former NASA chief technologist Bobby Braun. "This thing is elegant. People say it looks crazy. Each system was designed for a very specific function." Because of budget constraints, NASA canceled its joint U.S.European missions to Mars,

scheduled for 2016 and 2018. "When's the next lander on Mars? The answer to that is nobody knows," Bolden said in a recent interview with The Associated Press. But if Curiosity finds something interesting, he said, it could spur the public and Congress to provide more money for more Martian exploration. No matter what, he said, Curiosity's mission will help NASA as it tries to send astronauts to Mars by the mid2030s. Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Video Curiosity's decent to Mars What does Mars rover mission hope to accomplish? The Cost of a Mission to Mars Too High? Related Slideshow Mars Rover Curiosity: The Red Planet's Next Explorer 'Curiosity' returns photos from surface of Mars Mars revealed: A stunning look at the red planet Related Stories Arkansas grows moon trees Shatner helps NASA rover to boldly go to Mars Hurdle through cyberspace with today's Google Doodle Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and ROVER page 87

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Ex-Girlfriend of Sikh Temple Shooter Faces Gun Charge


for the new charge or if there was some other reason that the gun was deemed illegal. No details about the past conviction were Sikh temple gunman Wade available. Michael Page's ex-girlfiend, Misty "The longer she stayed here with Cook, faces an unrelated weapons him, the more quiet and more possession charge, sources tell withdrawn she got. In the end she AP/Fox News didn't even make eye contact with Aug. 5: This undated photo me." provided by the FBI shows Wade - David Brown, formewr neighbor Michael Page, the gunman in the Cook, a 31-year-old nursing Sikh temple shootings. student, lived with Page at two separate apartments in South Next Slide Previous Slide Milwaukee and Cudahy, Wis., MILWAUKEE Misty M. Cook, according to neighbors. She has the ex-girlfriend of the man not been charged in connection s u s p e c t e d o f k i l l i n g s i x with the temple shooting. Sources worshippers at a Sikh temple said Cook will be arrested and before a police officer shot and p r o c e s s e d b y t h e S o u t h killed him, is facing a charge of Milwaukee Police Department. felony possession of a weapon, Jenna Benn, the Anti-Defamation law enforcement officials told Leagues assistant regional Tuesday. director in Chicago told Stars and The gun was found during a Stripes that Cook is affiliated with search of the South Milwaukee the white-power group Volksfront home where Cook lives, sources a n d i s a s u p p o r t e r o f t h e said. The weapon, which law Hammerskin Nation, a Dallasenforcement sources did not based white supremacy group. identify, was not involved in She said Page's ex-girlfriend is a S u n d a y s a t t a c k . A l a w prolific poster on hate forums. enforcement source said Cook has On Tuesday, Cook declined to a prior felony conviction, but it a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s w h e n was unclear if that was the reason approached outside the home
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:36:18 PM

where the gun was recovered, but she later responded in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: "In light of this senseless tragedy, I must respectfully decline any requests for comments," she said. "If I could say something to ease the pain of the victims and their families I would gladly do so. Unfortunately words do not begin to heal the pain they are going through. I ask that you please respect my privacy in dealing with this issue as it is a great struggle for me." Neighbors and law enforcement sources said Page and Cook had broken up in recent weeks. One neighbor recently reported hearing Page "banging on the door of his old apartment, demanding to be let in." David Brown, 62, a Navy veteran who also lived in the building, said Page often lifted weights in the basement, as angry music blasted away. He said Cook began to change after living with Page. "The longer she stayed here with him, the more quiet and more withdrawn she got," Brown told "In the end she didn't even make eye contact with me."

Neighbors who lived in the building where Page and Cook shared a home for the first four months of 2012 said they were a strange couple, keeping to themselves. They played earsplitting rock music and barely acknowledged neighbors, witnesses told "He wouldn't even look at you," said Robert Haugle, 31. When a Hispanic family moved into the building, the couple moved out. "They had no stuff, and they didn't have movers, it was really weird," Haugle added. "Just one day they were gone." Authorities said they do not believe anyone but Page was involved in Sundays shooting. Page, a 40-year-old ex-soldier who was drummed out of the military after being caught drinking on duty, was more recently a guitarist and singer in several so-called white power rock bands. Pages bloody spree claimed Sita Singh, 41; Ranjit Singh, 49; Satwant Singh Kaleka, 65; Prakash Singh, 39; Paramjit Kaur, 41; and Suveg Singh, 84 as victims. Four more were injured, including a police officer who

suffered multiple gunshot wounds. SEND TIPS TO NEWSMANAGER@FOXNEWS .COM Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Opinion Did mental illness fuel Wisconsin massacre -or was it terrorism? Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Road safety project simTD connects cars, infrastructure. Hopes to save lives, time
James Trew (Engadget)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:08:00 PM

communicate with each other, and with general infrastructure, in an attempt to make roads safe and Live traffic info likely prevents less congested. As well as basic many a clenched fist meeting location data, other tools include a steering wheel every single day. A brake light that advises the car new trial scheme in Frankfurt behind it once activated, and an Germany, however, could prevent obstacle warning system to share even more unnecessary road-rage. information on the presence and The project involves 120 vehicles location of hazards -- as well as from a range of manufacturers, what those blockages are. The l o a d e d w i t h " c a r - t o - x " project is a collaboration between t e c h n o l o g y . C a r s w i l l Universities, research institutes,

telecom providers -- and of course -- the auto industry. We're keen to see how the trial turns out. Even if it's just to lower our next taxi fare.

Continue reading Road safety project simTD connects cars, infrastructure. Hopes to save lives, time

Filed under: Transportation Road safety project simTD connects cars, infrastructure. Hopes to save lives, time originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| simTD (pdf,German)| Email this| Comments

Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon Ultrabook gets official: on sale August 21st for $1,399 and up
Sarah Silbert (Engadget)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 9:00:00 PM

more -- Lenovo's just raised the official curtain on the Carbon, announcing a pricing scheme of Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon $1,399 and up and targeting an on has been a known entity since -sale date of August 21st at May, when the company gave us The entry-level a look at the 14-inch, Ivy Bridge- model will run a 1.7GHz Core i5packing Ultrabook. Up until now, 3317U CPU with 4GB, and it though, the successor to the includes a 128GB SSD and Intel's the business-centric Ultrabook. ThinkPad X1 remained somewhat HD integrated graphics. Like on Gallery: Lenovo ThinkPad X1 shrouded in mystery, with no the ThinkPad X1, 3G connectivity Carbon press photos pricing or specific availability will be an optional feature. Head Continue reading Lenovo's information to its name. But no past the break for more info on

Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 Carbon Ultrabook gets official: on sale August 21st for $1,399 and up originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 21:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments ThinkPad X1 Carbon Ultrabook gets official: on sale August 21st for $1,399 and up Filed under: Laptops

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SiriusXM launches On Demand radio, gives offline access to iOS apps

Terrence O'Brien (Engadget)
Submitted at 8/7/2012 8:32:00 PM

It's finally here! SiriusXM On Demand has launched, ushering the satellite radio service into the 21st century. The company's promised library of 200 shows and 2,000 hours of programming are online and available for subscribers to stream at their leisure. Access is free for existing subscribers, and available through the web or the SiriusXM apps on iOS. App users can even download shows for offline playback (which we believe makes them podcasts). Now you'll

never need to miss another allegedly hilarious episode of Opie & Anthony again. Though, you might be a better person if you did. Check out the PR after the break for a few more details. Continue reading SiriusXM launches On Demand radio, gives offline access to iOS apps Filed under: Cellphones, Tablet PCs, Internet, Software SiriusXM launches On Demand radio, gives offline access to iOS apps originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 07 Aug 2012 20:32:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| | Email this| Comments

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