A Fighter's Line

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A Fighter's Lines by Marzuki Ali

Dialog Seorang Pejuang

I am old and worn (aku tua dan letih) and have lost all my strength (dan sudah tidak berdaya) sufferings (menderita) and the history of the fight for independence (dan sejarah memperjuangkan kemerdekaan) have forced sacrifices (telah menuntut pengorbanan) that know no name (yang tidak mengenal nama) or life (atau hidup) from the wheelchair of the rest of my days (dari kerusi roda untuk sepanjang hayatku) I, body and energy crushed (Aku, yang tiada daya upaya) see and cannot do much (melihat dan tidak dapat bertindak) these times are too big a challenge (masa sekarang banyak cabaran) for the remnants of my crippled years (untuk sisa kehidupanku) the net of deceit spread everywhere (penipuan yang berada di merata) disturbs me (menggangguku) In the name of justice (Di atas nama keadilan) Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor (Bangunlah dan bentuk kerjasama anak warisan) Be brave (Beranilah) And erect a wall of people (dan dirikan tembok bangsa) Stand up heirs of our freedom (Berdirilah waris kemerdekaan kita) I have no more voice (Aku sudah tiada suara) It is you now who should speak! (Sekarang kamulah yang harus bersuara!)

EXERCISE 1 1. Who do you think the speaker is? A A veteran B A young generation 2. Who is he addressing? A The younger generation B The older generation 3. How does the persona feel about his country? A He loves his country very much. B He doesnt care about his country anymore. 4. What is the personas contribution to his country? A He has raised his country name over the world. B He has fought for the freedom of his country. 5. Name three things he wants the young generation to do?(Tick [] if true) He wants them to be brave He wants them to be united He wants them to clean the environment He wants them to continue the work of the freedom fighters He wants them to respect olders 6. What do you think is the personas opinion of the heirs of our freedom? A He is still hopeful that the young people will heed his words. B He is still hopeful that the young people will always honest to themselves. 7. Which word best describes the personas physical handicap? A Hearing-impaired B Physically disabled

8. What do you think the phrase remnants of my crippled years mean? A The remainder of his wheelchair-bound days. B He would have many good years ahead. 9. What is the personas physical condition? A He is old and wornout and wheelchair bound B He is young and strong man 10.According to the persona, what had been sacrificed in the cause he fought for? A A lot of animals and plants had been sacrificed B A lot of lives and friends had been sacrificed

11.Who does the persona call on to safeguard the country? Why? A He calls the younger generation because they are able and strong. B He calls the older generation because they are experienced and knowledgeable. 12.What problem does the persona feel plaguing the country? A The country is plaguing by infectious diseases that kill many people. B The country is plaguing by widespread corruption and falsehood. 13.What do you think the expression the net of deceit refers to? A It refers to political problems faced by the country. B It refers to environmental problems faced by the country. 14.What moral lesson have you learned concerning the role of the older generation to the country? A The older generation has fought for the country and we should appreciate this. B The older generation has developed the country and we should appreciate this. 15.By erecting wall of people, what would the young people show to the world? A They would show to the world that there is unity and no other country can disrupt it. B They would show to the world that there is honesty and other country can trust them.

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