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Strategic Analysis and Research by the
Volume 2 - Numbei 31 - August 6-19, 2012
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3 Short List for the Next Chief Justice
This week the Judicial and Bar Council is set to draw up its short list of nominees for
Chief Justice. Heres how they are likely to winnow down the 20 to a highly select few
and who have the best chances to be on the sheet given to the President
Status quo: The Supreme Court lets Congress cast two JBC votes for now
13 Ivy League Courses Online and Free
Want to get a Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford education without having to leave home
or pay top dollar? Free online courses from world-class universities are proliferating
e-Syllabus: Sign up here for courses ranging from American poetry to applied cryptography
Brains and bytes: Asia's centuries-old value for higher education combines with high
technology to extend learning opportunities across the region
Work-study: Tips on passing courses while holding down a job
21 Fiscal Magic with Smoke and Liquors
As urged by President Benigno Aquino III in his State of the Nation Address,
and alcohol. The health of millions of Filipinos, especially smokers, drinkers and the
poor, depend on it
29 From Low-Cost Labor to High-Tech Robots
Rising labor costs and the dwindling pool of skilled workers is
prodding China and other manufacturing nations to go the robotics
route, just like Japan and the West did decades ago. Get set for man-
like machines doing all manner of work
Made in the Philippines: Home-grown, prize-winning robotic gear
Remote control: Here comes the avatar economy
35 Ending the Scourge of Dengue
Promising tests of an experimental dengue vaccine hold out hope
must be waged not just in the lab, but more so on the ground and
in the water
Killer bugs hard to kill: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are a
tough breed
China's upgiading of the administiative level of Sansha City and establishment of
a new militaiy gaiiison theie coveiing disputed aieas of the South China Sea iun
countei to collaboiative diplomatic eoits to iesolve dieiences and iisk fuithei
escalating tensions in the iegion
~ U.S. State Depaitment Acting Deputy Spokespeison Patiick Ventiell
e Chinese side expiesses stiong dissatisfaction of and im opposition to [the
State Depaitment statement]. We uige the U.S. side to coiiect its mistaken ways,
iespect China's soveieignty and teiiitoiial integiity
~ Assistant Foieign Ministei Zhang Kunsheng lambasting the U.S. statement

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