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DocFinity - Plan for Success: Knowledge Worker Training and On-boarding Are Easy with Process Aut
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Plan for Success: Knowledge Worker Training and Onboarding Are Easy with Process Automation
No matter how large or small a company is, employee turnover is inevitable. Although smart employers work hard to retain good people, few give enough thought to ensuring effective onboarding of new hires that will ensure their success. Costs of recruiting, hiring, and training knowledge workers vary, ranging from 50% to 200% of an employees annual pay, or more. Even with thorough training, vital details are often forgotten, passed over, or incorrectly understood. The resulting inconsistency, mistakes, and erratic service can damage a companys reputation. Reliance on knowledge workers is steadily increasing. Regardless of their area of specialty, their knowledge, skills, and abilities drive company decisions, priorities, strategies, and organizational performance. This is risky for organizations as workers retire or move on, since knowledge is lost.



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The new persons challenge is your challenge

Skilled new employees live in the shadows of their predecessors. No matter how hard they try to imitate those who precede them, discrepancies are inevitable: The same work is done, but in a slightly different way; Some of the details are missed; They initially accomplish less. Many knowledge workers know theres a gap, but lack information to fill it. Your job is to bridge the gap effectively, for the lowest possible time investment and cost. But how?

From diminished to distinguished performance

Imagine having your top performers available 24/7 to instruct new employees about the most efficient way to complete their work: No details would be missed. Consistency would be guaranteed. Productivity would increase. Delays and service interruptions would be history. Employees would succeed. The good news: continuity isnt a pipedream. With business process management (BPM) software, processes are designed, enforced, and executed according to your business rules.



DocFinity - Plan for Success: Knowledge Worker Training and On-boarding Are Easy with Process Aut
Automated, step-by-step processing reduces on-boarding costs, streamlines employee training, eliminates errors, and ensures work is done properly, on time. It lets you: 1. Distribute work effectively while awaiting replacements Employers typically need eight weeks or more to recruit, hire, and train employees. Problems inevitably emerge: Projects are delayed or dropped; Customer needs go unmet; Work is reallocated to employees who arent familiar with the tasks involved. In contrast, BPM makes new tasks manageable for existing employees. Unfamiliar and unwieldy processes can be shared among multiple people according to job role, expertise, or workload. Whether its for a day, several months, or permanently, BPM ensures process transparency, helping managers make smart decisions and giving workers confidence to assume new roles successfully. 2. Accelerate the hiring process Anyone who has tried to replace employees knows its challenging. Hiring people whose skills align with your needs before theyre offered other options is critical. BPM keeps the hiring process moving by gathering, packaging, and forwarding electronic documents to the right people quickly for timely review. Whether you scan paper applications, accept applications online, or receive both paper and electronic files, prompt action is ensured as files are received and acted on according to the best practices and business rules you lay out. Simultaneous desktop delivery of files to multiple reviewers lets you schedule interviews quickly, make informed decisions, and accelerate hiring. Digital tracking and web access let you monitor candidates status, wherever you are. 3. Standardize training Training consistently well is challenging. Too often, critical information is missed. Multiple trainers emphasize different information. Abrupt scheduling changes or illness result in incomplete knowledge. Employees grope after what to do next and how to do it. Supervisors lose precious time assigning work, explaining and reviewing tasks, and making sure procedures are followed consistently. By automatically pushing tasks to workers and providing desktop access to pertinent data at the right point in the business process, managers ensure nothing is overlooked. Time is saved. Processing errors are eliminated. BPM gives employees the information, tools, and confidence to proceed. 4. Prioritize work Whether work is prioritized by request date, deadlines, priority status, or other criteria, rulesdriven automation ensures prompt handling. Data from forms, phone inquiries, and other documents or transactions launches preestablished business processes, accelerating turnaround and managing timelines. Work is delivered to the right people in order, ensuring deadlines are met. Specific times are allotted and monitored for task completion. Progress is transparent, helping you address delays. Tasks are logically reallocated based on absenteeism, worker productivity, etc.



DocFinity - Plan for Success: Knowledge Worker Training and On-boarding Are Easy with Process Aut
5. Deliver better results, faster Even first-rate employees occasionally make mistakes: Steps are overlooked; Document signatures are missed; Projects are stalled when supervisors are absent and workers arent sure how to proceed; and Unappealing tasks are shoved repeatedly to the bottom of the pile. With BPM, your rules govern whats doneby whom, when, and how. When someones absent, work is automatically reassigned according to your rules, keeping processes moving. Sequential instructions ensure nothing is missed. Automated task prioritization guarantees customers are treated fairly, by the same rules and timelinesand the digital trail proves it. 6. Monitor productivity New employees and workers assigned unfamiliar tasks need time to become fully productive. BPM gives managers real-time insight into organizational, departmental, and individual productivity, helping them make necessary changes quickly. Automatic alerts signal sensitive deadlines or major projects, letting you reallocate work to persons with more experience or fewer deadlines. Unobtrusive views of processing bottlenecks help you identify where adjustments are prudent. BPM helps you to: Maintain oversight on the volume of incoming work; Monitor the productivity of new employees; Determine which employees can tackle new tasks; Identify areas where additional training is needed; Gain insight into bottlenecks affecting employee performance; and Allocate work appropriately until new employees reach maximal productivity. 7. Raise the bar on performanceand meet it Good hires inevitably hope to become star performers. By providing desktop access to the work and information they need, and pushing tasks onward sequentially, productivity increases and success is ensured. BPM lets you set higher expectations increased work volumes, higher accuracy, customized serviceand achieve them. As employees move on you can maintain established standards: workers have the tools to ensure benchmarks are maintained. Departing employees no longer means temporarily lowering expectations or compromising service. 8. Retain valuable knowledgeand keep workers happy, too Strong employee performance depends on more than good hiring. It requires thorough training, ongoing guidance, and recognition of each workers strengths and limitations. BPM helps knowledge workers to succeed, delivering: Thorough, consistent training that is equally accessible to every employee; Prioritized tasks, ensuring work is done by the right person at the right time; Access to all of the information needed to perform their jobs; Sequential instructions that makes sure no steps are missed; Automated routing that expedites processing and maximizes efficiency; and Insights that help you to build on employee strengths.



DocFinity - Plan for Success: Knowledge Worker Training and On-boarding Are Easy with Process Aut

Want to stay ahead? Jump those hurdles

Trying to embrace the idea of change and implement the technology thats needed is challenging for many. Perceptions of Its too expensive, Its too difficult, and We dont want to change how we do things, are just a few of the hurdles most managers face. Yet if you want to stay competitive, you must chart a straight course, run with resolve, and vault the hurdles that stand in your way. Fortunately, today affordable, easy-to-implement solutions based on mature technology are available in the marketplace. If you recognize the outlay as a costsaving investment in your future, embrace the potential for meaningful change, choose a proven vendor that is committed to your success, and create a solid plan, the stage is set for success. Deciding not to move forwardor to put it off until later carries a high cost, putting you further behind in the race.

Successit lies in the details

BPM mechanizes mundane tasks so employees can concentrate on using their skills and talents to serve customers and improve institutional performance. Managers benefit from consistent, top-quality work. Customers benefit from timely service, accurate information, and fair treatment. Employees accomplish more in less time. New employees no longer feel inadequate compared to their predecessors. With desktop delivery of work accompanied by the tools and information your workers need, they can become masters of detail, from the very beginning. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, please Contact DocFinity now.

2012 DocFinity \ Optical Image Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved \ Questions? Call 800.678.3241.


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