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CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Independent Variable Chinatown Filipino residents Chinese residents Chinese Culture Filipino Culture Intervening Variable

Individual Differences Perception Nationality Race Dependent Variable

Cultural Adaptation

Figure 2.1 The diagram is an effective tool to visualize the units that is involved in Cultural adaptation of Filipinos in Chinatown. This diagram indicates how does the process is being executed and being practiced by the Filipinos residing in Chinatown. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

Figure 2.2 The Intercultural Adaptation Theory (IAT) (Ellingsworth, 1988) describes the conditions under which individuals interacting in a new cultural environment make changes in their identities and behavior (adapt or not). The theory argues that the process of adaptation is goal driven; individuals are interacting and communicating to accomplish some goals. Various factors influence intercultural adaptation, including participants motivation and power in the interaction (Ellingsworth, 1988).

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