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BlackBerry Messenger SDK

Version: 1.3
Getting Started Guide

Published: 2012-01-10 SWD-1391821-0217032050-001

1 System requirements........................................................................................................................................ 2 BlackBerry Messenger version dependencies.................................................................................................. 3 The BlackBerry Messenger pre-production environment................................................................................ 4 Communication limitations............................................................................................................................... 5 Installing and configuring simulators to support the BlackBerry Messenger SDK............................................ Set up Java environment variables................................................................................................................... Install and run the BlackBerry MDS Simulator.................................................................................................. Configure the BlackBerry MDS Simulator to use unlimited strength encryption...................................... Install the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package..................................................................................... Configuring the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator................................................................................... 6 Setting up your development environment..................................................................................................... Create a project for your BlackBerry Messenger connected application using the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse......................................................................................................................................................... Create a workspace for your BlackBerry Messenger connected application using the BlackBerry Java Development Environment............................................................................................................................... 7 Running your BlackBerry Messenger connected application........................................................................... Run your application using the simulators....................................................................................................... Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse.................................................................. Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Development Environment.................................................... 8 Provide feedback.............................................................................................................................................. 9 Legal notice....................................................................................................................................................... 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 11 11 11 12 14 15

Getting Started Guide

System requirements

System requirements

BlackBerry Messenger SDK 1.3 ( Java SE Development Kit (JDK), 32-bit, Version 6, Update 20 or higher ( java/javase/downloads/index.html) Note: The BlackBerry Messenger platform does not support 64-bit Java, or Java 7.

One of the following development environments: BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse ( that includes the BlackBerry Java SDK 6.0 BlackBerry Java Development Environment 6.0 ( javadevenv.jsp)

Getting Started Guide

BlackBerry Messenger version dependencies

BlackBerry Messenger version dependencies

The following table shows the dependencies between versions of the BlackBerry Messenger SDK, BlackBerry Messenger, and BlackBerry Device Software. You can use this table to determine the minimum version of BBM and BlackBerry Device Software that are required to run your application. BBM SDK version 1.0 1.2 1.3 BBM version 6.0.0 6.0.1 6.1.0 BlackBerry Device Software version 5.0 and later 5.0 and later 5.0 and later

Getting Started Guide

The BlackBerry Messenger pre-production environment

The BlackBerry Messenger pre-production environment

The BlackBerry Messenger pre-production environment is a dedicated cluster of BBM services that provides all of the functionality of the BBM Social Platform. The pre-production environment is ideal for building internal, alpha and beta versions of your BBM connected app. It provides you with an opportunity to test your app's features and functionality on activated BlackBerry smartphones with a small beta community before you release it through the BlackBerry App World storefront. If your app, or app version, does not already exist in BlackBerry App World, it is automatically placed in the preproduction environment. The UUID that you provide acts as a unique identifier for your app that facilitates monitoring for any adverse or unintended events (such as burstiness) in the traffic that is associated with your app. Since the pre-production environment is intended for testing, while restricting traffic from your app in the production environment, the following limitations apply: Each app is limited to 100 active instances. An app expires after 180 days. Once expired, your app no longer has access to the BBM platform services in the pre-production environment. An app in pre-production can communicate (for example, share content or send join invitations) only with other users who are running the same app or app version. This means that users who are testing the app cannot communicate with users who are running any version of that app if it has been submitted to or is available in BlackBerry App World.

Getting Started Guide

Communication limitations

Communication limitations

To prevent an application from using too much of the available bandwidth, the BlackBerry Messenger platform limits the total volume of data that is transferred by a BBM connected application as follows: All messages and application data transferred over channel and session connections for all BBM connected applications that are running on a BlackBerry device are collectively limited to a maximum data transfer rate that is configured by the BBM server. If the total volume of data attributed to an application threatens to exceed the maximum transfer rate, the BBM platform throttles data traffic for that application to reduce the transfer rate to an acceptable level. File transfers sent from a BBM connected application are not considered to be application data, and are therefore exempt from this limitation on the data transfer rate. File transfers sent from a BBM connected application are limited to a maximum of 60KB per transfer. The maximum number of users in a connection is limited to 24.

Getting Started Guide

Installing and configuring simulators to support the BlackBerry Messenger SDK

Installing and configuring simulators to support the BlackBerry Messenger SDK

To test your BBM connected application, you must install and configure the BlackBerry MDS Simulator and the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator with settings that enable communication between the BlackBerry MDS Simulator and two instances of the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator.

Set up Java environment variables

Before you begin: Verify that you are running the 32-bit version of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). 1. 2. In Windows, open the Environment Variables dialog. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the directory where you installed the the JDK, for example: C: \Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24. In 64-bit Windows, the default path is C:\Program Files(x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24. In the PATH environment variable, add %JAVA_HOME%\bin; to the beginning of the string. Click OK to save and close the Environment Variables dialog. Verify that your environment variables are set correctly. a. Open a command prompt. b. Type java -version and verify that the Java version is the same as the version that you set in the environment variable:
java version "1.6.0_24" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

3. 4. 5.

Install and run the BlackBerry MDS Simulator

Before you begin: Complete the task, Configure the BlackBerry MDS Simulator to use unlimited strength encryption. 1. 2. 3. 4. In the folder where you extracted the BlackBerry Messenger SDK, open the MDS simulator folder. Extract the contents of the file. Open the sdk > mds folder. Double-click run.bat to launch the BlackBerry MDS Simulator.

After you finish: If you are running the BlackBerry MDS Simulator and the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator on separate computers, in the file (by default, located in C:\Program Files\Research In Motion \BlackBerry JDE 6.0.0\MDS\config), change the value to the IP address of the computer running the BlackBerry MDS Simulator.

Getting Started Guide

Install the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package

Configure the BlackBerry MDS Simulator to use unlimited strength encryption

Note: You must live in an eligible country to enable this functionality. Before you begin: Verify that you are running the 32-bit version of the Java SE Development Kit (JDK). 1. 2. 3. Download the file from the Oracle website at javase/downloads/jce-6-download-429243.html. Extract the contents of the file to your computer. In the directory of the system JDK (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_24\jre\lib\security), replace the files local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar in the security folder. For more information, see Set up Java environment variables

Install the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package

1. 2. 3. In the folder where you extracted the BlackBerry Messenger SDK file, open the BlackBerry smartphone simulator folder. Double-click the BlackBerry_Simulators_<version>_<model>.exe file. Complete the instructions on the screen. After you finish installing the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package, two .bat files, sim1.bat and sim2.bat, are available in the folder in which you installed the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package. These .bat files launch two instances of the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator. These instances communicate with each other over the BlackBerry Messenger platform using the BlackBerry MDS Simulator running on the same computer. To learn how to run the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instances and the BlackBerry MDS Simulator on separate computers, see Configuring the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator.

Configuring the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator

If you want to run the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator without launching the two .bat files that are bundled with the BlackBerry Messenger SDK .zip file, you can create your own .bat files that specify the following parameters to support the BlackBerry Messenger SDK. Parameter


Description This parameter specifies the IP address of the computer running the BlackBerry MDS Simulator. If the BlackBerry MDS Simulator is running on the same computer as the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator, specify This parameter should specify the default port, 19781. If you use a different value, make sure it is the same for every instance of the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator.

Getting Started Guide

Install the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package


session app-param=regSrcPort pin

Description This parameter must be specified to make PIN-to-PIN communication between devices possible. If you have run the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator without specifying this parameter in the past, in the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse, click BlackBerry > Clean Simulator to delete the file system and remove the SYNC service record from the previous instance. The session number must be unique for each instance of the simulator. The port number must be unique for each instance of the simulator. This parameter must be 0x2100000 or greater and unique for each instance of the simulator.

Example The following example demonstrates how to run two instances of the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator using the same instance of the BlackBerry MDS Simulator. Create a .bat file with the following contents to launch each custom BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instance: Simulator 1 .bat file contents:
@echo off fledge.exe /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9800 /session=Sim1 /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile: 9800.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /pin=0x2100000A /appparam=regVersion=3 /app-param=regDestIP= /app-param=regDestPort=19781 /appparam=regSrcPort=19780 /app-param=DisableSyncServiceRecord

Simulator 2 .bat file contents:

@echo off fledge.exe /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9800 /session=Sim2 /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile: 9800.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /pin=0x2100000B /appparam=regVersion=3 /app-param=regDestIP= /app-param=regDestPort=19781 /appparam=regSrcPort=19782 /app-param=DisableSyncServiceRecord

Getting Started Guide

Setting up your development environment

Setting up your development environment

Both the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse and the BlackBerry Java Development Environment support development of BlackBerry Messenger connected applications.

Create a project for your BlackBerry Messenger connected application using the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. In Eclipse, open the BlackBerry Application Development perspective. Click File > New > BlackBerry Project. In the New BlackBerry Project dialog box, in the Project Name field, type a name for your project. In the JRE section, make sure you select a BlackBerry JRE that is version 5.0 or later, and click Finish. In the Package Explorer view, right-click the project and click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, in the left pane, click Java Build Path. Click the Libraries tab. Click the Add External JARs button. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the BlackBerry Messenger SDK file,. In the BBM SDK folder, doubleclick net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar. 10. Click Next. 11. In the properties window, click OK. 12. When you are ready to build your project, on the Project menu, click BlackBerry > Package All.

After you finish: To test your application see Running your BlackBerry Messenger connected application.

Create a workspace for your BlackBerry Messenger connected application using the BlackBerry Java Development Environment
Before you begin: In the folder where you extracted the BlackBerry Messenger SDK, copy net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar from the BBM SDK folder to the lib folder of the BlackBerry Java Development Environment (the default location of the lib folder is C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 6.0.0\lib). 1. 2. 3. 4. In the BlackBerry JDE, click File > New Workspace. In the Workspace Name field, type a name for the workspace and click OK. Right-click the workspace and click Properties. In the Workspace Properties dialog box, in the General tab, beside the Imported Jar Files list, click Add.

Getting Started Guide

Create a workspace for your BlackBerry Messenger connected application using the BlackBerry Java Development Environment



In the Add file dialog box, navigate to C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry JDE 6.0.0\lib and double click the net_rim_bb_qm_platform.jar file. The file appears in the Imported Jar Files list in your workspace properties. You can now import the BlackBerry Messenger classes and compile your application. Right-click the workspace and perform one of the following actions: To import an existing project, click Add Project to <workspace name>. To create a new project, click Create new Project in <workspace name>. When you are ready to build your project, click the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator profile drop-down list located in the top-right corner of the BlackBerry JDE. By default, the selected profile is Default Simulator. In the drop-down list, click 9800- On the Build menu, click Build. The .cod files for your application are created and placed in the simulators directory of the BlackBerry JDE.

7. 8. 9.

After you finish: To test your application, see Running your BlackBerry Messenger connected application.


Getting Started Guide

Running your BlackBerry Messenger connected application

Running your BlackBerry Messenger connected application

Run your application using the simulators
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

In the folder where you extracted the .zip file containing the BlackBerry Messenger SDK, open the MDS Simulator -> sdk -> mds folder. Double-click run.bat to launch the BlackBerry MDS Simulator. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where you installed the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator. By default, the location of this folder is C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 6.0\ (9800). Double-click the sim1.bat file (or your custom .bat file) to launch a BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator with appropriate settings to run your application and communicate with the BlackBerry MDS Simulator. In Windows Explorer, in the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator folder, double-click the sim2.bat file (or your second custom .bat file) to launch a second instance of the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator with the appropriate settings to communicate with the first BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator. To have each instance of BlackBerry Messenger have each other as contacts, in the first BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instance, open BlackBerry Messenger. Click the Menu key and click the Invite Contact menu item. Click Invite by sending a PIN or email message. In the To field, type 2100000B. This is the default PIN of the second BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instance. In the second BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instance, open BlackBerry Messenger and accept the invitation. Click the Send key. In the first BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instance, close BlackBerry Messenger. On the Home screen, click the icon for your BlackBerry Messenger platform application.

You can now communicate between the two BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator instances.

Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click Run > Debug Configurations. Create a new BlackBerry Simulator launch configuration and type in a name. On the Projects tab, select the projects that you want to launch. On the Simulator tab, click General. In the Device dropdown list, select a simulator (for example: SimPackage- To learn how to install the simulator package, see Install the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator package. Click the Advanced tab:

Getting Started Guide

Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Development Environment

a. b.

Select the Use Customized command options check box. In the Customized command line box, type the arguments from the sim1.bat file. For example,
"C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 6.0.0\ (9800)\fledge.exe" /handheld=9800 /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile: 9800.xml /pin=0x2100000A /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /session=9800 / app="C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 6.0.0\ (9800)\Jvm.dll" /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9800 /session=Sim1 /appparam=JvmAlxConfigFile:9800.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e / pin=0x2100000A /app-param=regVersion=3 /app-param=regDestIP= /appparam=regDestPort=19781 /app-param=regSrcPort=19780 /appparam=DisableSyncServiceRecord /title="BlackBerry 9800-1 Simulator"


7. 8.

In the Customized working directory box, type path of the directory where you installed the simulator package. d. In the Customized MDS directory box, type the path of the directory where you installed the MDS simulator package. To learn how to install the MDS Simulator package, view Install and run the BlackBerry MDS Simulator. To save the settings, click Apply. Click Debug.

Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Development Environment

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the BlackBerry JDE, Click Edit > Preferences. Create a new Simulator Profile and type in a name. On the Simulator tab, click General. In the Device dropdown list, select a simulator (for example: SimPackage- Click the Advanced tab: a. Select the Use Customized command options check box. b. In the Customized command line box, type the arguments from the sim1.bat file. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 6.0.0\ (9800)\fledge.exe" /handheld=9800 /app-param=JvmAlxConfigFile: 9800.xml /pin=0x2100000A /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e /session=9800 / app="C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 6.0.0\ (9800)\Jvm.dll" /app=Jvm.dll /handheld=9800 /session=Sim1 /appparam=JvmAlxConfigFile:9800.xml /data-port=0x4d44 /data-port=0x4d4e / pin=0x2100000A /app-param=regVersion=3 /app-param=regDestIP= /appparam=regDestPort=19781 /app-param=regSrcPort=19780 /appparam=DisableSyncServiceRecord /title="BlackBerry 9800-1 Simulator"


In the Customized working directory box, type path of the directory where you installed the simulator package.


Getting Started Guide

Run your application from the BlackBerry Java Development Environment

d. 6. 7.

In the Customized MDS directory box, type the path of the directory where you installed the MDS package.

Click OK. Click Run.


Getting Started Guide

Provide feedback

Provide feedback
To provide feedback on this deliverable, visit


Getting Started Guide

Legal notice

Legal notice
Java, JRE, and JDK are trademarks of Oracle America, Inc. Eclipse is a trademark of Eclipse Foundation, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Getting Started Guide

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Getting Started Guide

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