Roof Project Poster

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Design and Layout of Renewable Energy Equipment for

the New Roof of the EPSEVG

R. Dornberger1, I. Kahraman2, J. Segalas3 ; M.Torrent3
1Technical University of Mining, Freiberg, Germany
2University of Dumlupınar, Kütahya, Turkey
3Technical University of Catalunya, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain

Introduction Background and Purpose

Over the last few years there has been an increased demand for renewable This project deals with the reconstruction of the roof of the building VG 1-2-3
energy. The reason for this is not only the drain on fossil fuel resources such of the EPSEVG. The old roof will be substituted by a renewable energy
as coal or oil, but also the global warming caused by the high emissions of equipment showroom, which will also be used to generate energy for the
Carbon dioxide which occur when fossil fuels are burned to produce usable building itself. With the connection of a solar thermal system, the hot water
energy. High levels of pollution have forced the world’s population to change needs of the cafeteria and the showers can be covered. If a photovoltaic
the way they think . system is connected, the energy produced can be used to power the lighting
By changing to renewable energies, the emissions of CO2 caused by of the electrical lab L008. Another idea is to sell the energy produced to the
burning fossil resources to produce energy are dramatically reduced grid system.
worldwide. To reduce CO2 emissions, which are in part to blame for global
The main goal of this project is to use the installations for educational
warming, the leaders of the European Union reached an agreement in
purposes. To this end information points, which show important values of the
March 2007 that 20 percent of the nations’ energy should be produced by
equipment and the system in real time, have been designed.
renewable energies by 2020 [01].

The aim of this project is to design a feasible solar renewable energy showroom, which will power
parts of the building and will be used for educational purposes.

Methods & Calculations

Solar Thermal (ST) System Photovoltaic (PV) System
1. Evaluation of the most efficient orientation and 1. Decide which systems can be applied [06]
inclination of the solar panels in the region of Energy demand of the lightings in the electro-technical lab
Barcelona [02] • Isolated system
2. Calculation of the hot water demand • Grid-connected system
3. F-Chart analysis to calculate the potential solar • Combination of both systems
fraction per m² of solar panel [03] 2. Calculate energy demand in the chosen 2. Energy demand calculations for the isolated system and chosen
rooms which use the isolated system room of the lab (yellow)
4. Select suitable flat and vacuum tube collectors.[04]
5. EPANET software is used to control the hydraulic 3. Evaluate the number of PV cells for the
parameters of the solar thermal system [05] isolated system
3. Solar fraction per m² of panel • Choose equipment for the isolated
system with Sunny-Design software [07]
4. Draw basic layout of the cells and the
equipment for this system [04]
5. Calculate maximum usable surface for PV
cells on the roof for the grid connected
6. Draw layout of this system [08]
• Choose the equipment for the grid-
connected systems with the Sunny-
1. Solar radiation in Barcelona at 0° azimuth and 40° inclination 5. Basic MS Visio layout of the solar thermal system Design Software [07] 3. Choosing equipment for the isolated system with SunnyDesign

The F- Chart calculation for the solar thermal system shows that
one Viessmann 200F 5DI flat plate and two SolarUK LaZer2
vacuum tube collectors are needed to heat the 17000l water per
month for the cafeteria and the showers. Each type of solar thermal
panel has its own water circuit, which is hydraulically balanced. Both
circuits are connected to a heat exchanger where the heat of the
solar fluid is transferred to the service water. With the whole system
an annual solar fraction of 0,854 can be reached. The amortization
time will last eight to nine years, depending on the equipment used.
To power the lighting of the electrical engineering lab008, six
polycrystalline Atersa 214P panels are used. They are connected in
This figure shows the information board for the solar This figure shows the information board for the isolated
a 24 V array with two panels in series and three in parallel. The
thermal system. The heated water is used for the photovoltaic system to power room L008 (the electrical
cafeteria and the showers in the building VG 1-2-3 of the energy produced will be directly used or stored in four long-life engineering lab) of the EPSEVG. All the important
EPSEVG. All the measured values of the system are Atersa batteries. To control the system, a regulator from Steca is measured values are shown in real time.
shown in real time. used. The energy produced by the photovoltaic array is inverted
from direct to alternating current before its use in the lab.

Conclusion Acknowledgements
The designed solar energy systems are technically feasible. Easy accessibility We would like to thank all the persons who were involved in the project for the information,
for students, visitors, companies and handicapped people is guaranteed by the constructive criticism, improvements and the perfect coordination during the European
design of the layout of the systems on the roof. Project Semester at the School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (UPC)
With the implementation of the solar thermal and the photovoltaic system, the
chosen facilities of the building can be supplied in a more energy efficient way. Further Information
By powering the water heating system and the lighting in the lab with renewable
More information about the project can be found in the project report. Do not hesitate to
energy equipment, the yearly CO2 emission can be reduced by nearly 2500 kg. contact the persons, involved this project. Their email addresses are listed below:
By designing the information boards, the first step towards using the installation Roman Dornberger: Marcel Torrent:
for educational purposes has been taken. In the future the information points
Ilgın Kahraman: Jordi Segalas:
can easily be connected to the labs of the university and the recorded values
can be used for research and studies.
Literature / References / Software
[01]; [02] Solar Atlas Catalunya; [03] Literature Review of
Uncertainty of Analysis Methods (Report on the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality); [04] Microsoft
Visio; [05] EPANET,; [06] Energía solar fotovoltaica, 2a edición, M. Carlos Tobajas Vázquez;
[07] SunnyDesign,; [08] AutoCad 2007

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