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WEST NILE neighbourhood VIRUS has been identied in your

Reduce the risk of illness for yourself and your family. Learn how to recognize the symptoms, prevent mosquito bites and reduce mosquito breeding sites on your property.
What is West Nile Virus (WNV)? WNV is a disease spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected by biting an infected bird. What are the symptoms of West Nile Virus? In humans, most infections of the virus result in no symptoms. If symptoms develop, the most common symptoms are: fever extreme tiredness frontal headache muscle aches skin rash More serious symptoms can include: neck stiffness muscle weakness confusion Rarely, WNV can be fatal. It may take from three to 15 days for symptoms to appear. It is difcult to tell WNV from many other infections. Most people will recover without any treatment. See your doctor if: you have concerns you are feeling very sick your symptoms are not getting better your symptoms are getting worse Extreme swelling or infection at the site of a mosquito bite is another reason to seek medical help but it does not mean you have WNV. How can I prevent mosquito bites? Avoid areas with high mosquito populations Wear light-coloured clothing and cover exposed skin by wearing long sleeves, pants and a hat Use a mosquito repellent and follow the manufacturers instructions Take extra precautions from dusk to dawn when mosquitoes are most active Check all window and door screens in your home to ensure there are no tears or holes for mosquitoes to get through




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WNV activity in Peel.

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How can I reduce mosquito breeding sites? Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water that is present for more than a week. Here is what you can do to help reduce the mosquito breeding sites around your home: Recycle/dispose of old tires, plastic containers, paint cans or other containers that can hold water Drain water regularly from rain barrels and swimming pool covers Make sure your eavestroughs, owerpots, window boxes and planters drain properly Change the water in bird baths at least once a week Drill holes in the bottom of recycling and trash containers to allow water to drain Turn over all yard items including wheelbarrows, canoes, toys and plastic wading pools to drain water Remind or help your neighbours to eliminate breeding sites on their properties

Where can I nd more information about West Nile Virus? Call Region of Peel Public Health Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 905-799-7700. Caledon residents call toll free at 905-584-2216. Visit www.peel-bugbite.ca.


Register online at www.peel-bugbite.ca to receive email notications of positive WNV activity in Peel.




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