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Bulgaria is my native country.

They named it - the country of the roses.
The Thracians were the first to settle in this region.
681 .
Bulgaria has been a part of Europe since 681.
. ,
I'm Rosica. In fact, I am a primary teacher, but I have had the good fortune to work most of the
positions in the Bulgarian school.
I ve started as a teacher in the pre-school group.
I've been an educator.
I've been a primary teacher.
I've been a head of Primary school.
Ive been a senior of expert of the primary education at the Regional Inspectorate of education.
137 .
/ 7 10 / .
Now I'm a depute head at 137 Secondary school ngel Kanchev-Sofia, responsible for the
training and everything related to the primary stage / pupils from 7 to 10 years old / and project
school work,too .
- ,
. , .

The good and right education of the youngest students in Bulgaria is a problem that has always
excited me. I know that a first step at school is very important. Since the first year we not only
teach children but also instill habits for life.
, ...
In Bulgaria, we have introduced the latest curriculum and teaching programs since 2001, and
environmental education is widespread in the classes. But I'm one of those who enforced that in
the Bulgarian school and I realize - IN BULGARIA WE ARE ENVIRONMENTAL debtors.
We all enjoy the natural beauty around us.
, .
But we all along not care about cleanliness and more - throw the most inappropriate places
For this issue, Ive shared with my friends and partners abroad. I still remember the words of
the Frenchwoman Deirdra, who has toured many places in the world and met different cultures.
"The air in Bulgaria is so clean! But Sofia has a lot of waste junk. "
And that's the truth ...
(110 912 ..),
, , ,
. 94 , 383
, 36 , 16 , 207 , 27 000
, 3 500 3 750 6
500 . -

In spite of its relatively small territory (110 912 km2), the country has various landscape. The
scenery changes subsequently from vast plains, to hilly areas and high mountains.
Here we found shelter 94 species of mammals, 383 birds, 36 reptiles, 16 amphibians, 207 Black
Sea and freshwater fish, around 27,000 insects and other invertebrates, between 3500 and 3750
species of higher plants and more than 6,500 lower plants and fungi. Bulgaria is among the
countries with greatest biodiversity in Europe.
60 70
, 90
. ,
-, .
Explore the most popular species start to Bulgarian children still in the early school years
through out the curriculum subjects. If during the 60s and 70te of the last century school must
defend human care for wild species, from the 90s started talking and about environmental
education and upbringing.I myself remember my first lessons as a teacher, when I used phrasesclichs, I am not aware of what is real environmental education.

As a teacher in a subject Nature and Man I develop small projects with my students and say
they aim to realization of human activity as a factor for biodiversity in Bulgaria.

. - 31
, 7 , 3 , 2 , 3 , 2 ( 3)
6 .
As a result of human activities over the past few decades a number of Bulgarian species
declined to the point of extinction. Among them are at least 31 species of higher plants, 7
invertebrates, 3 fish species, two snakes, three birds, two (possibly three) species of mammals
and 6 local animal breeds.
, 3.9
( 35 % ). 60%
, 200
Special note should be Bulgarian forests, which cover about 3.9 million hectares (about 35% of
the total area of the country). About 60% of forests in Bulgaria are of natural origin. We include
sea biodiversity and freshwater fish species, over 200 species of edible mushrooms and several
hundred local medicinal plants.

. -
, .
Bulgarian biodiversity faces many threats. Direct loss of terrestrial and aquatic habitats is the
most significant threat to biodiversity in Bulgaria. It affects all ecosystems - from forests and
alpine lakes to the open water areas and benthic communities of the Black Sea.

() ,
1992 ., .
In Bulgaria we have a National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation (NSOBR) This is a longterm program developed in accordance with the requirement of national planning, conservation
deynosti, enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992, which Bulgaria has

, ,
. , ,
, ,

National Strategy for Biodiversity can not be achieved without strong support and
understanding by the public. There are visitor centers in national park Rila, Vitosha nature park
Strandzha in the Eastern Rhodopes. All prerequisites for the conservation educational
extracurricular activity. Media campaigns, press conferences, public hearings on bills, local
projects to protect biodiversity, public discussions of proposals for the designation of protected
areas are carried out regularly by staff for public relations of park administrations.
My country leaves schools free to decide what teaching methods to use; schools also choose
their own textbooks.
. ,
- .
, .
During this school year I have been working with students from the first grade. For about a
month, I started a small school project, "You know animals and plants in Bulgaria. They
together have formed these panels which I show you today . I imagine that by the end of the
school year we will do our panel of treatment and extinct species.


The aim of this project is of course - raise the children's attention on the role of humans on the
biological diversity.
My Malhalm visit will help me to motivate them.
Thank you for your attention!
I would like to be a change which I want to see in the world

Bulgaria is my native country.

They named - the country of roses.
The Thracians were the first to settle in this region.
Bulgaria is part of Europe since 681.
I'm Rosica. In fact, I am a primary teacher, but I have had the good fortune to work most of the
positions in the Bulgarian school.
I started as a teacher in the preschool group.
I've been educator.
I've been primary teacher.
I've been Head of Primary school.
Ive been and Senior of expert of primary education at Regional Inspectorate of education.
Now I'm Depute head at 137 Secondary school ngel Kanchev-Sofia. Responsible for the
training and everything related to primary stage / pupils from 7 to 10 years old / and project
school work.
Good and right education of the youngest students in Bulgaria is a problem that has always
excite me. I know that a first step at school is very important. Since the first year we not only
teach children but also instill habits for life.
In Bulgaria, the introduction of the latest curriculum and teaching programs since 2001,
environmental education is widespread in the classes. But I'm one of those who enforced that in
the Bulgarian school and I realize - IN BULGARIA WE ARE ENVIRONMENTAL debtors.
All enjoy the natural beauty around us.
But all along not care about cleanliness and more - throw the most inappropriate places junk.

For this issue, I shared with my friends and partners abroad. I still remember the words of the
Frenchwoman Deirdra, which has toured many places in the world and met different cultures.
"The air in Bulgaria is so clean! But Sofia has a lot of waste junk. "
And that's the truth ...
In spite of its relatively small territory (110 912 km2), the country has various landscape. The
scenery changes subsequently from vast plains, to hilly areas and high mountains.
Here we found shelter 94 species of mammals, 383 birds, 36 reptiles, 16 amphibians, 207 Black
Sea and freshwater fish, around 27,000 insects and other invertebrates, between 3500 and 3750
species of higher plants and more than 6,500 lower plants and fungi. Bulgaria is among the
countries with greatest biodiversity in Europe.
Is there any kind of scheme?
Explore the most popular species targeted for start Bulgarian children still in the early school
years through out the curriculum subjects. If during the 60s and 70te of the last century school
must defend human care for wild species, from the 90s started talking and about environmental
education and upbringing. Myself remember my first lessons as teacher, when I used phrasesclichs, I am not aware of what is real environmental education.
As teacher in the subject Nature and Man I develop small projects with my students and say
they aim to realization of human activity as a factor for biodiversity in Bulgaria.
As a result of human activities over the past few decades a number of Bulgarian species
declined to the point of extinction. Among them are at least 31 species of higher plants,
invertebrates, 7, 3 fish species, two snakes, three birds, two (possibly three) species of
mammals and 6 local animal breeds.
Special note should be Bulgarian forests, which cover about 3.9 million hectares (about 35% of
the total area of the country). About 60% of forests in Bulgaria are of natural origin. We include
sea biodiversity and freshwater fish species, over 200 species of edible mushrooms and several
hundred local medicinal plants.
Bulgarian biodiversity faces many threats. Direct loss of terrestrial and aquatic habitats is the
most significant threat to biodiversity in Bulgaria. It affects all ecosystems - from forests and
alpine lakes to the open water areas and benthic communities of the Black Sea.
In Bulgaria we have a National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation (NSOBR) This is a longterm program developed in accordance with the requirement of national planning, conservation
deynosti, enshrined in the Convention on Biological Diversity of 1992, which Bulgaria has
National Strategy for Biodiversity can not be achieved without strong support and
understanding by the public. There are visitor centers in national park Rila, Vitosha nature park
Strandzha in the Eastern Rhodopes. All prerequisites for the conservation educational
extracurricular activity. Media campaigns, press conferences, public hearings on bills, local

projects to protect biodiversity, public discussions of proposals for the designation of protected
areas are carried out regularly by staff for public relations of park administrations.
My country leaves schools free to decide what teaching methods to use, schools also choose
their own textbooks.
During this school year I work with students from first grade. For about a month, I started a
small school project, "You know animals and plants in Bulgaria. Together they formed these
panels are today, I imagine. By end of the school year and we will do our panel of treatment and
extinct species.
The aim of this project is of course - raise the children's attention on the role of humans on
biological diversity.
Malhalm visit to help me to motivate them.
Thank you for your attention!
I would like to be a change which I want to see in the world

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