The Supply Fundraising Pamphlet

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Fundraising events should be planned in advanced in order to ensure that all logistics are secure and the event is ready to go! Publicize your chapter events at all times! This can be done through social media, flyers, word of mouth, and any other creative ways that you can think of! This pamphlet is a general guideline. Chapters are encouraged to customize each idea to best fit their respective campuses! You know your campus best! Remember to always show your appreciation to everyone who volunteered, helped out, or supported the event and The Supply. 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Male Beauty Pageant - Mr. Supply Yard Sale Reverse Raffle Car Wash Tailgating Bake Sale Walk One Day Supply Olympics BBQ Semi-Formal Gala Holiday Special: Christmas 5k Walk/Run Quick & Easy Fundraisers


Purpose: To raise awareness and funds by presenting a competitive and entertaining show.

Mr. Supply is a fundraising charity show and it is not your average pageant show. Through ticket sales, you will work to draw an audience who will not only pay for an amazing show, but also donate to a growing cause. The purpose of this event is to create the best male beauty pageant where contestants compete through a series of categories, such as making a video, fashion show walk, talent performance, etc. to become the years Mr. Supply and win the grand prize. Of course, the event can be Miss Supply as well.
Steps: 1. Secure rental space, time, date, tickets, food, beverages, judges and all other logistics necessary for the event a. Note: Usually universities and other vendors need to know weeks and months in advance. 2. Publicize! 3. Hold auditions and choose contestants! a. Suggestion: It helps to choose contestants who are already part of different student organizations or clubs because they can represent their respective clubs, resulting in more club members to come support and purchase tickets. 4. Meet with all the contestants and share the rules and regulations of the competition, and any other information about the event. Make sure everyone is on the same page. 5. Promote the event and sell tickets! Good luck!


Purpose: To organize students in a collaborative effort to raise awareness and funds about The Supply. Note: This will attract new students who have never heard of the Supply!

Many times throughout the semesters, students can accumulate a sum of unnecessary things within their dorms and apartments. Chapter members can go around and collect donations from students to sell at The Supply Chapter yard sale.
Steps: 1. Secure an rental space either a garage or open field, tables, chairs, signs, food, beverages, and whatever else necessary to cultivate a welcoming environment. 2. Spread the news about the yard sale. 3. Be organized and keep record of all names and belonging that students are selling. 4. Have students sign forms so they are liable and responsible for their belongings. 5. Promote the event!


Purpose: To offer a unique and creative touch to raffling through a reverse method of selling raffle tickets.

A sub-fundraiser in addition to one of the bigger fundraisers, this fun and creative way to attract people to sell their raffle tickets can be a big hit. Usually, people purchase a raffle ticket(s) to be in the race to win a prize at the end of an event. But, Reverse Raffle is a system of selling back tickets rather than getting more. This is how it works: Instead of winning a prize, the lucky winner will be chosen to present a funny gag or do something embarrassing on stage. Use your imagination. You can opt out by selling your raffle back to the Supply in return for a donation. To be more creative, selling back raffles can work on a sliding scale. The first 10 will be taken back for $1 donation, the next 10 for $2, the next 10 for $5, and so on.
Note: You can give each person who sells his or her raffle ticket a fun fact slip about the Supply, the slums, and anything else we are involved in. Steps: 1. Prepare raffle tickets, and give to each person. 2. Explain the rules of Reverse Raffle in the beginning of the event so they can make their exchanges throughout the duration of the event. 3. Prepare on-stage performance for the lucky raffle winner at the end of the event.


Purpose: To raise awareness and funds by involving the community to support the Supply through community service.

Everyone loves a cheap, nice car wash. This great event will help the community become more aware of who the Supply is and what we do. This event will require a big enough open space where cars can freely come in and out, and collective man power throughout the event. A donation box should be available for anyone who desires to give at the end of the car wash. This wet, fun, and soapy fundraiser is perfect on a hot day to give back to the community and raise awareness and funds for the Supply.
Steps: 1. Secure out-door rental space, big enough for cars to come in and out, cleaning supplies, water (hose), donation box, signs, food, beverages, and all other logistics necessary for the event. 2. Recruit volunteers so there is a rotation system. 3. Promote the event! a. Suggestion: Make the event as public as possible. Use all the resources you need. Make promo shirts, posters, flyers, signs, school newspaper, etc. 4. Form assembly line to be quick and effective when cleaning the cars. 5. Promote donation box at the end of the assembly line.


Purpose: To mobilize and engage conversations with tailgaters and successfully sell baked goods for a certain price.

During sporting events such as college football games or basketball games tailgating is a popular social gathering. Normally, people are having barbeques, theres music and dancing, and everyone is generally in a good mood. This is what we call a gold mine because of the number of people that gather together. This event will require walking up to tailgaters, mobilizing strategically, and selling baked goods. You are encouraged to engage in conversations with the buyers and share about who The Supply is and what we do.
Note: This fundraiser can be done at multiple football games throughout the semester! Steps: 1. Bake and have everything ready to go and start selling. 2. Mobilize students together and come up with a strategy. a. Suggestion You can all wear matching t-shirts! 3. Start selling a. Note You can print out brochures, pamphlets, etc. to give to buyers as a reminder and appreciation 4. Engage in conversation and refer them to our website for more information.


Purpose: Mobilize students to walk a day for a country of a project counting their steps, and donating a penny for each step walked.

Walking is something we do every day without second guessing, much like breathing. An average person walks 3,000 5,000 steps a day, and 2,000 steps is equivalent to 1 miles distance. This Walk One Day fundraiser is an exciting and practical simulation of how slum children walk long distances to school. By mobilizing students to set apart one day to walk as their only mode of transportation, we are providing an opportunity to share in the lives of slum children. For every step students take to walk, the Supply will ask them to donate one penny for each step. More than a monetary effort, this is practical means to understand the slum children who live in the slum world.
Note: Our students in Lenana walk anywhere from 30 minutes to up to 1.5 hours each morning to get to school Steps: 1. Publicize the event and reach out to students to join in the walk. 2. Prepare pedometers and other tools necessary for the event. a. Note: Pedometers can be purchased for as low as $1 a piece if bought in bulks. 3. Gather the students who will participate in the event early in the day, share any information they need to know, and equip them with the necessary tools, such as the pedometer. 4. Remind the students throughout the day in case they forget and as an encouragement to finish strong. 5. Gather again at the end of the day and collect the donations.


Purpose: Organize a mini-Olympic style tournament by gathering students to compete with one another in friendly competition through sports.

This dynamic event will comprise of numerous different sports so everyone can enjoy. From popular sports like basketball to specialized skill sports like darts, this fundraiser will attract many people to participate not because of the personal attachments to a sport, but because of the fun and competitive nature of the event itself. Teams, clubs, or (if you really want to go big) even schools, will compete with one another in an array of different sports to win the championship title for a grand prize.
Steps: 1. Secure rental space, time, date, referees, equipment, food, beverages, and all other logistics necessary for the event. a. Note: Usually universities and other vendors need to know weeks and months in advance. 2. Publicize and reach out to students and different clubs to represent.Promote the event! 3. Register teams, sign liability forms, collect fees, etc 4. Review the rules and regulations of the tournament with all participating teams. 5. Encourage good sportsmanship and friendly competition.


Purpose: To encourage a warm and friendly gathering over food to raise funds and awareness about the Supply.

This fun event will serve to not only sell delicious food, but also to engage conversations with students in hopes to get them on board with our vision. Its always best and easiest to start conversations over food, especially at a barbeque where the atmosphere is warm and relaxed. At times, promoting any organization whether non-profit or not can seem burdening, so this event will provide a friendly environment to comfortably approach people. Simultaneously, who doesnt like to eat some good grilled food?
Steps: 1. Secure rental space, time, date, grills, food, beverages, flyers and all other logistics necessary for the event. a. Note: Usually universities and other vendors need to know weeks and months in advance. 2. Promote the event and invite everyone! a. Suggestion: Make as public as possible. Use all the resources you need. Make promo shirts, posters, flyers, school newspaper, etc. 3. Recruit volunteers and people who can help on the day of the BBQ as cooks or servers. 4. Create a warm atmosphere for students and other people to drop by. Suggestion: It would be nice to bring a football or volleyball to play with. 5. Start selling and talking!


Purpose: To recap the year, raise funds, and celebrate with the Supply by hosting a Semi-Formal event through inviting and selling tickets to students.

A semi-formal event is always a classy and encouraging way to end a semester, recapping the Supplys accomplishments for the year. Providing a full course meal, nice dance floor, and some good company, this event will attract many students. Furthermore, reviewing the different fundraisers, events, and breakthroughs with the Supply will help the students to finish their semesters with a good feeling and encouragement to continue supporting the Supply throughout their breaks. Dressing up is always fun, but doing it for a good cause must be at least a million times more fun!
Steps: 1. Secure rental space, time, date, grills, food, beverages, flyers and all other logistics necessary for the event. a. Note: Usually universities and other vendors need to know weeks and months in advance. 2. Promote the event and invite everyone, especially those who volunteered and supported the Supply throughout the year! 3. Prepare yearly review for everyone to see and celebrate a. Note: Be creative and entertaining! This is all your hard work in one presentation! 4. Sell tickets and raise funds (separate from the ticket sales) 5. Dress up and look all snazzy! a. Suggestion: Have fun!


5. Award runners according to their running times. Prizes always help in attracting participants and encouraging competition.Suggestion: Have fun! a. Note: For everyone who participated, you can award them with a small breakfast (i.e. bagel and coffee) if you have the budget.

Purpose: Execute a 5K Run/Walk to promote giving gifts and donating to the slum students from the Supply.

This Supply Christmas event provides a little more practical and personal approach to supporting the slum children. It is important as educators to provide the right encouragements and environment for a growing scholar. The holiday season is a perfect opportunity to give gifts. And so through this event, you can gather a large sum of gifts and funds to support and encourage the slum students to continue pursuing their education. Participants can either run or walk the 5 kilometers (3.1 mi.), but are asked to pay an entry fee for donation purposes.
Steps: 1. Secure running course, time, date, timers, awards, breakfast, beverages, flyers and all other logistics necessary for the event. a. Note: Some recreational parks have calculated 5 kilometer distance routes. 2. Promote the event and invite everyone! a. Suggestion: Make as public as possible. Use all the resources you need. Make course map, promo video, shirts, posters, flyers, school newspaper, etc. 3. Register participants, sign liability forms, collect fees, etc. a. Note: As a replacement for the entry fee, you can collect a gift (with a minimum monetary value, i.e. $10 minimum unwrapped toy) instead depending on the fee quote. 4. Record runners if they desire to be timed. Have some kind of consistent way to keep track either with a manual timer, digital clock, personal time keeper, or other ways.


ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Ice Cream social is a general interest meeting for students who are interested in the Supply. While serving delicious ice cream student can ask questions, participate in small activities, and get to know the Supply Chapter leaders. TEXTBOOK EXCHANGE The Textbook Exchange can be a fun and interactive way sell textbooks at the end of the semester and get to know about the Supply. Setting up a central location (can be as small as a booth or as large as a whole room) where student can sell or exchange their used textbooks can work to reach and attract many different types of students. SUPPLY CARD - RESTAURANT PERCENTAGE The Supply Card will act as a local neighborhood discount membership card to different types of stores, restaurants, cafes, hair salons, etc. Restaurants will give a time frame to the organization (i.e. 6pm-9pm) where if customers mention the fundraiser, a percentage of the total profit from that time frame will go towards the organization. Through sponsorships and partnerships, the supply cards will give students discounts to their favorite places (i.e. 10% off at China Garden). By selling Supply Cards for a fixed price like $5 a card, students can enjoy local treats as well as support the Supply. If 100 students purchase Supply Cards for $5 a piece thats $500!

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