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Dissertation writing

1. Introduction. You all are required to develop an adequate knowledge of how to carry out research in a scientific manner, how to compile it and how to analyse, interpret and present it. Doing any original scientific research is a formidable task. Through dissertation we learn the basic principles of carrying out a study ,compile, analyse and present the findings in a coherent and logical sequence. Its propose to deal with some practical hints in dissertation writing. 2. Selection of the topic. a. Read some of the earlier dissertations and select some of the topics and short list them. b. Dont select a complicated subject. c. Select a simple topic that has a feasibility of being completed in a stipulated time, availability of resources in terms of men, material and money. d. Quality and volume of the dissertation are unrelated. Avoid temptation of voluminous filling up of pages. e. Finally decide the topic in consultation with your guide and give appropriate title and do work related to it f. Search for available literature on the selected subject. 3. Ask following questions:a. What am I trying to find out ? b. What has been done before on this subject ? c. What is required to be done to study this subject? 4. Synopsis :a. Introduction. b. aims and objectives. c. short review of material and methods. 5. Preparation of the schedule:After your subject is approved a Proforma/ Schedule should be prepared. 6. Pilot study : - The proforma should be tested on a smaller sample (say10%) and revised for any modification . This should be mentioned in material & methods. Cases done in pilot study can and are allowed to be included in the total of the study. However whether it has been done or not must be mentioned in the material and methods column. 7. Main Study :Start collection of data and simultaneously start collecting related literature.

8. Format of the dissertation:It is as given in the appendix A. 9. Introduction: a. Write background information on the subject. b. Clearly identify grey areas. c. Propose the hypothesis that you wish to study / prove. d. Mention clearly the aim of your study stating clearly how in your opinion this work will be beneficial . e. Justify in brief why did you choose this study. f. Introduction should not be more than 3 to 4 pages . It should be clear , brief and relevant to the topic. 10. Aims and Objectives :They should be clear, concise and brief. Aim may not be achievable in the study but objectives must be achieved. This should be cross- checked by asking yourself have I achieved the objectives of my study? 11. Material & Methods:a. Describe clearly the subjects chosen for your study. b. Describe fully their characteristics and other relevant parameters studied. c. Describe in details the methods used in your study. d. Give detailed protocol used as an appendix. 12. Findings and Discussion :a. Tabulate your findings followed by discussion in chronological order. b. Tabulate and classify data obtained. c. Smaller tables , clear tables and simple tables should be given. Do not unnecessarily complicate them. d. clear interpretations and inferences should be drawn and written given your own justifications. e. statistical interpretation should be clealy mentioned. f. serial numbers are to be used for the tables and figures. g. Clear , complete in all respects & unambiguous headings are to be given to the tables/ figures. h. Illustrate your data by figures/graphs & photographs with clarity. i. Coherence in tables & discussions must be ensured. j. Consistency in texts , tables and diagrams has to be ensured. k. Use of precision and appropriate, simple language should be maintained throughout the dissertation. l. References:They should be given in chronological order as they appear in main text. Identify tables & figures chronologically by numbers. Dont clutter up the tables. References in text and references column must tally. Do not use extra references in text or at the end. Tally the authors names in text and in references column without making any mistakes.

Avoid abstracts, unpublished articles, personal communications & dissertations as references Verify & use only authentic references. Authors if 7 or more use et al. Whereas upto six authors write all names in references columns but first authors name followed by et al in the text. In text: - if only two authors then give both their names but if there are more than two authors then write first authors name followed by et al. Use only standard abbreviations of journals / any words. It is always better to avoid them . 13. Conclusion .

Appendix A Contents or index 1. Introduction 2. Aims and objectives 3. Review of literature 4. Material and methods 1) Area of study 2) Place of study 3) Population 4) Unit of study 5) Sampling technique 6) Period of study 7) Data collection 8) Tools used 9) Reliability of data 10) Limitation of study 11) Pilot study 12) investigations 5. Findings 6. Discussion 7. Recommendations 8. Conclusions 9. References 10. Annexures

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