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2012 Anchors Retreat Report

From April 17th-20th, 2012, the Center for Media Justice convened the 14 anchoring organizations of the Media Action Grassroots Network (MAG-Net) at the National Labor College in Silver Springs, Maryland for the fourth annual Anchors Retreat. During this four-day annual retreat, participants evaluated the effectiveness of the network, dened priorities for network growth and sustainability, and heard from leaders in the eld of network building. Participating network leaders agreed that the coming years are both ush with strategic opportunities and understandable challenges for the Media Action Grassroots Network. Through evaluation processes, strategic dialogue, and planning sessions, MAG-Net Anchors reected on the signicant policy and movement-building impacts of the network, and prioritized ve key areas for development to ensure an effective, collaborative, and sustainable network over the next 12-18 months: 1. Cohere and integrate a network identity, purpose, distinct narrative and brand, policy platform, and organizing strategy for media rights and access that is shared throughout all levels of membership; 2. Codify and embed protocols and process to democratize and increase the effectiveness and efciency of anchor governance and host management of the network; 3. Build on recent network membership growth to streamline membership structure and new member orientation, and support retention of an active, engaged base; 4. Rene and deliver membership services and projects that empower and connect regional leaders and campaigns, and bring their collaborations to scale; 5. Implement collaborative projects for long-term network and movement sustainability that diversies contributed and earned network income,

establishes network-based infrastructure for eld collaboration, integrates holistic and creative practice, and provides effective ongoing vehicles to support member capacity and leadership; This brief report outlines the results of the MAG-Net Anchors Retreat, and lays the groundwork for a network action plan to be released in August 2012.

About the Media Action Grassroots Network

MAG-Net is a national network of community and cultural organizations collaborating for media rights and access to ensure a more just and humane society. Conceived in 2004 to amplify the role and voices of local organizations in the national ght for media rights and access- MAG-Net has a membership of 135 organizations in 27 U.S. cities. For the last ve years, MAG-Net has collaborated to ensure more than 20,000 families were not left behind during the Digital Television Transition, won the rst rules governing the Internet, and blocked the takeover of T-Mobile by AT&T. In partnership with our funders and public interest allies, MAG-Nets chapters and cohorts, membership services, and campaigns are cultivating a new generation of leaders to address the complex media and communications issues facing 21st century social movements.


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Over the next 12-18 months, MAG-Net members will lead diverse regional projects focused on digital inclusion, wireless rights, community media, cultural and media infrastructure, economic rights, and elevating the public voice of excluded workers. Together, the network will work collectively to pass federal and state rules to lower the cost of calls from incarcerated and detained people and protect under-represented wireless consumers. MAG-Net is a chapter-based network, with twelve regional chapters governed by a team of local Anchor institutions in New Mexico, Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, California, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Minnesota, and Illinois. Anchor institutions are leading local or statewide groups with the infrastructure, capacity, and will to network locally at the intersection of media and social justice.

full-time National Organizer, and portions of all remaining staff time dedicated to network management. In July 2012 CMJ additionally contracted a Network Development Specialist to implement a 12-month network development plan.

This event would not have been possible without support from MAG-Nets funders. Special thanks to the Media Democracy Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation for their ongoing support of this critical work. We also thank the staff of the National Labor College, whose service over the years has been impeccable. None of this work would be possible without the dedicated leadership of MAG-Nets anchor groups. We thank the Media Literacy Project, Media Mobilizing Project, Peoples Production House, Media Alliance, IDEPSCA, Urbana-Champaign IMC, Highlander Center, Art is Change, Southwest Workers Union, Community Media Workshop, Native Public Media Martinez Street Womens Center, Working Narratives (formerly known as Thousand Kites) and Main Street Project, Other network leaders include the Media Justice League, Reclaim the Media, and the Esperanza Center. Special thanks to Alison Roh Park and Karlos Gauna Schmieder for documentation; Community Justice Network for Youth, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Spitre Strategies, and Lisa Yancey for special presentations; and to the Ford Foundation, the Media Democracy Fund, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, the Open Society Foundation for their ongoing support of this critical network.

About the Center for Media Justice (CMJ)

The Center for Media Justice (CMJ) is a communications training, strategy, and action tank mobilizing bold cultural strategies to end racism and poverty, and strengthen grassroots social justice movements. Launched as an organization in 2008, we help racial and economic justice groups deploy coordinated communications strategies and coalesce their political power for regulatory media change. Our programs include the Media Training and Technical Assistance Program, and the Media Rights and Access Organizing Program. CMJ is the scal and strategic manager of the Media Action Grassroots Network, a signature project of the Media Rights and Access Organizing Program. As such, the Center for Media Justice is charged with coordinating the governance activities of the Anchors Team, effective nancial management, strategic planning, infrastructure management, membership services, and mobilization of the network to achieve its shared goals. To fulll this mandate, CMJ has engaged our staff of ten- including one full time Membership Organizer, a


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

2012 Annual Anchors Retreat Objectives, and Attendees

To respond to some critical challenges facing the Media Action Grassroots Network, the fourth annual convening of MAG-Net Anchors had four primary objectives: 1. Assess the current landscape and effectiveness of the Media Action Grassroots Network. 2. Dene key interventions and priorities for network development over the next 12-18 months. 3. Identify priorities for the work of chapters that strengthened the regional presence of the network and mobilized the collective assets and vision of regional members. 4. Strengthen relationships within the Anchors Team, and between the Anchors Team and the Network Host organization. Guided by these objectives, the 2012 Annual Anchors Retreat agenda featured interactive assessment and planning activities, guest speakers on network development and sustainability, regional visioning activities, presentations on effective networks, cultural spotlights and story altar, and team building sessions. Bryan Mercer, Media Mobilizing Project (Philadelphia Chapter) Elandria Williams, Highlander Research and Education Center (Southeast Chapter) Sage Crump, Art is Change (Southeast Chapter) Nick Szuberla, Working Narratives (Southeast Chapter) Traci Morris, Native Public Media (Indian Country Cohort Leader)

Guest Presenters and Speakers

Monisha Som, Spitre Strategies Erin Boltz, Spitre Strategies Helen Brunner, Media and Democracy Foundation Lisa Yancey, Yancey Consulting, LLC Jenny Toomey, Ford Foundation Maurine Knighton, Nathan Cummings Foundation Lori McGlinchey, Open Society Foundation Malachi Larabee-Garza, Community Justice Network for Youth Laura Rivas, National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights Bryan Mercer, Media Mobilizing Project Elandria Williams, Highlander Center

2012 Annual Anchors Retreat Attendees

Pedro Joel Espinoza, IDEPSCA / Instituto de Educacin Popular del Sur de California (Los Angeles Anchor) Tracy Rosenberg, Media Alliance (SF Bay Area Chapter) Carol Ammons, Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center (Down State Illinois Chapter) Rusita Avila, Media Literacy Project (Albuquerque Chapter) Laura Muraida, Southwest Workers Union (San Antonio Chapter) Andrea Figueroa, Martinez Street Womens Center (San Antonio Chapter) Ernesto Olivo, Media Justice League and Local 782 (San Antonio Chapter) Danielle Mkali, Main Street Project (Minneapolis Chapter) Carlos Pareja, Peoples Production House (New York Chapter)

Participating Center for Media Justice Staff

Malkia Cyril, Executive Director amalia deloney, Associate Director Betty Yu, Membership Organizer Karlos Gauna Schmieder, Director of Communications Programs Steven Renderos, National Organizer Alison Roh Park, Technical Assistance and Training Coordinator Oshen Turman, Program Assistant


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Assessment of Network Effectiveness

The Anchors Initiative
To strengthen the organizational capacity and effectiveness of network leaders, and ensure the sustainability of similar groups in key regions, CMJ partnered with the Media Democracy Fund to establish and conduct the Anchors Initiative- an 18-month capacity building project delivering capacity assessment, strategic planning, and technical assistance to seven local media justice groups. Of participating groups, six anchor the Media Action Grassroots Network. The following ndings and recommendations are based on the combined reections of Anchors, gathered through interviews conducted by consultant Lisa Yancey as part of the Anchors Initiative Project and raised in evaluation conducted at the 2012 Anchors Retreat.

and story, a lack of clear communications protocols, and inconsistent and competing network messaging.

Key Recommendations:
1. Ensure the long-term vision of MAG-Net is clear, known across all levels of membership, and reects the collective aspiration(s) of Network Anchors. 2. Develop a 3-year strategic plan for the Network establishing strategic planning goals, and exploring how Anchors organizational plans might complement/advance the overall Network strategic plan. 3. Create an easily understood graphic that illustrates 1) what issue areas are being addressed by Network members; 2) what geographic areas and specic community demographics are being impacted; and 3) how the Network is empowering members to achieve its mission and vision. 4. Develop a network-driven marketing & communications plan, and related guidelines that allow the support network promotion, and elevate the contributions of network members and Anchors. 5. Clarify roles and responsibilities for governance and the role of the Anchors Team. 6. Engage and nd ways to nancially support network Anchor leadership and management of network infrastructure.

Key Assessment Findings:

1. While a core shared vision exists, there also exists dissonance about the purpose and long-term priorities of the network, across all levels of network membership and leadership. 2. CMJ has effectively expanded and strengthened the network, but an inconsistent approach to network leadership, and a lack of transparency in network operations has resulted in a need to clarify and streamline the role of CMJ as Network Host. 3. There exists a lack of clarity about the role of network Anchors, characterized by an ineffective process for participatory governance, inconsistent adherence to network bylaws and protocols, and uneven capacity of anchors across geography. 4. Network programming has, across the board, improved collaboration within the media justice sector, but is not sufciently aligned to the capacity, needs, and goals of members. 5. There remains a persistent challenge of co-branding between CMJ and MAG-Net, characterized by inconsistent knowledge of network history


2012 Anchors Retreat Report


Work with the Anchors Team to collectively establish clear governance structures, policies, and Anchor recruitment processes.

Key Questions And Issues

As a result of network evaluation ndings and recommendations, discussion at the 2012 Annual Anchors Retreat focused on the following three core questions: 1. What stage of development is the network in, and how should that inform our decisions about network growth? During the retreat, Anchors used a graphic developed by the Center for Media Justice to assess the current stage of network growth. The graphic is derived from research on network development. Anchors overwhelmingly identied MAG-Net to be in the Codify and Embed Network Functions stage, with some anchors expressing a continuing need to Build Network Identity and Strategy. Resulting discussions focused on best practices for collaborative network governance, rening key components of network identity, and the need to document and integrate a shared network strategy.

8. Deepen training opportunities for anchor leaders in core areas of organizational development, i.e. executive leadership, nancial management and budgeting, revenue generation, board development, marketing and communications, and stafng. 9. Document the story of the MAG-Netits history, strategies and accomplishments to date. 10. Develop and distribute an ofcial annual MAG-Net report. Anchors Initiative assessment and technical assistance were provided by consultant Lisa Yancey and supported by the Media Democracy Fund.


Define Purpose and Audience Experiment with Collaboration ACTION Organize and Formalize

Build Network Identity and Strategy

Codify and Embed Network Functions

Evolve the Network

Sustain the Network


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Key Takeaways Included: Inclusive prioritizing and planning can move organizations out of a scarcity framework. For its long term sustainability, the network must diversify its funding. The impact and sustainability of the network and its members is increased when member organizations both understand and share a common purpose. Membership and governance relationships need to be claried to ensure transparency and accountability. We need a network process that engages all members in adopting and integrating shared network principles. We need a clear, compelling, and easily understood network story. 2. How are other similar networks meeting the challenge of collaboration and participatory governance? During the Network to Network Exchange Panel Anchors had the opportunity to hear from Network veterans whove engaged in movement building in the arena of immigrant rights, criminal justice, media activism, rural and cultural organizing for many years. Through

this session, MAG-Net anchor participants were given an inside look at 1) how different networks function, 2) network decision-making models, 3) membership engagement models, 4) resource development models 5) responses to networkbased challenges. The panel featured Laura Rivas of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) and Malachi Garza of Community Justice Network for Youth (CJNY)who joined the panel via Skype and phone. Additionally, the panel featured Anchor representatives Elandria Williams who discussed Highlanders participation in the Central Appalachia Regional Network (CARN) and Bryan Mercer who shared insight on the 5-year old Media Mobilizing Project (MMP) network. Key Takeaways Included: All presenting networks had a capacity building function for membersincluding training for trainers, curriculum, and study groups. All presenting networks had formal and informal infrastructure for collaborationincluding member-led meshwork congurations. All presenting networks used national and regional convening as a way to cohere network identity and shared purposeincluding regional councils and national conferences. All presenting networks faced challenges in group decision-making, resource development, and scale. All presenting networks agreed that setting long-range goals is crucial for cohering a network strategy which is deployed through programming.


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

use their strategic and intellectual capacity. Tell the stories of success. Engage with local funders to amplify success stories at the national level. Ensure clear and professional standards when engaging with foundations about your work. This includes consistent and ongoing communication, rigorous evaluation of outcomes, and timely sharing of products and stories. Diversify funding. Consider developing comprehensive donor cultivation and earned income strategies to sustain your work, and work collaboratively to share resources throughout the networkincluding joint marketing, shared consultants.

3. What are best practices for developing the nancial sustainability of our network? Retreat participants had the rare opportunity to hear from four seasoned program ofcers currently resourcing the Media Action Grassroots Network and other networks and alliances. The Program Ofcers/Practitioner Strategy Session featured Jenny Toomey of the Ford Foundation, Helen Brunner of the Media Democracy Fund, Lori McGlinchey of the Open Society Foundations, and Maurine Knighton of Nathan Cummingswith Maurine and Lori joining the panel via Skype. Key Takeaways Included: A need to consider durability vs. sustainability, and balance collective and individual strengths within the Networkto support existing assets and leverage creativity to build durability and sustainability. To ensure strategyrecognizing the wide variety of institutional agendas, and limited capacitybeing disciplined about priorities is key. Building strategic partnerships with funders is critical. Funders can see trends and connect leaders in the eld. Foundations have more than nancial capital, so it is important to engage them as resources and partnersand

Effective Networks: Rening Network Identity And Purpose

To ground our decision-making on network development priorities, meeting participants reviewed and rened the network mission, long-term goals, principles and functions based on characteristics of effective networks and movement strategy theory. The metrics of effective networks used to examine network components were (based on assessment tools found in the Network Weaver Handbook by June Holley): Network purpose, principles, and platform must be clear, shared, and foreshadow the network vision. Networks are most effective when they use their functions to achieve their purpose. Programming of purpose, action, and support networks should connect members and develop leadership through frequent and ongoing training, build trust and reciprocity amongst members, and help implement a clear action plan.


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Feedback mechanisms should actively involve members in the development of network goals, objectives and action plans. Network convening should be participatory and productive. Network should be governed by an effective and democratic leadership team that guides the network to design and implement core strategies, supported by clear guidelines. Membership should be structured by clear guidelines and procedures. There should be continuous evaluation of the network, its membership, leadership, and activities. The network should have mechanisms for future growth and sustainability. Using these criteria, participating Anchors worked to rene the network description, mission, long-term goals, principles, and functions.

Proposed Long-term Goals (under development)

In a new media environment, our network is building a new generation of 21st century leaders to advance new opportunities and rules for media rights and access that help achieve the goals of racial and economic justice. As a local-to-local action network of community and cultural organizations, our long-term goals are to: Increase the visibility and collaboration of local social justice organizations and under-represented communities in debates on communication rights and access at home and in Washington D.C.; Ensure the sustainability and leadership of local community and cultural organizations that explicitly integrate strategies for media rights and access in every U.S. city; Mobilize bold solutions and strategies for media rights and access that close economic and racial gaps, increase corporate media accountability, and strengthen local economies.

Proposed Network Description and Mission (under development)

MAG-Net is a multi-racial national action network of community and cultural organizations working together to strengthen local communities through media change. Our mission is to connect and empower local communities to win media rights and access that strengthen social justice strategies, increase corporate accountability, and ensure a more just and humane society.

Proposed Network Principles and Platform (under development)

Based on a set of principles dened in 2006, MAGNet Anchors reviewed and reected on the following set of network values, and established a working group and process to engage all network members in nalizing a dened set of principles, based in these values, that will ground a dened network platform. Collaboration and Collective Action Cooperative Economics Corporate Accountability Democratic Governance Equity and Human Rights Creativity and Culture Transparency Sustainability Self-Determination Safe and Healthy Communities


2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Five Network Priorities And Recommendations For Change

In response to the key questions and challenges raised, Anchors Retreat participants dened the following ve priorities for network development, each with a set of specic recommendations for network growth over the next three years: Priority #1: Cohere and integrate network identity, purpose, distinct narrative and brand, policy platform, and organizing strategy for media rights and access that is shared throughout all levels of membership. Top Recommendations for Change: 1. Dene core messages and communications plan, synthesize a shared pitch tailored by region, and establish clear branding protocols and new branding language in network promotional materials. 2. Re-brand list-serve, and create clear description and protocols that are accessible from the listserve, expand ownership and management of the MAG-Net list-serve by anchors. 3. Re-design network website, and multimedia materials, based on branding protocols. 4. Formally establish and integrate a network speakers bureau and related communications training. 5. Dene network principles and network platform and strategy that uplifts shared values and deploys them in a collaborative network strategy, with a focus on democratic governance, local leadership, collective action, and corporate accountability as key elements. 6. Dene a network strategy and long term goals focused on building strong and healthy local communities, winning community driven media policies and platforms, increasing corporate accountability, and strengthening social justice movements.

Approved Network Functions

Guided by these draft principles, Anchors proposed that MAG-Net members achieve our objectives through mechanizing four primary functions: Establish and build a connected community of media activists, cultural workers, and social justice organizers based in under-represented communities and networked through ongoing training and leadership development opportunities; Dene and popularize a shared platform and strategy for media rights and access to close racial and economic gaps, increase corporate accountability, and strengthen local economies; Mobilize an effective vehicle for collective and creative action to advance our policy agenda, access for under-represented constituencies amplies the public voice of underrepresented constituencies; Embed effective infrastructure for collaboration on issues of media rights and access that supports effective local-to-national movement building and sustains the leadership and capacity of local organizations.



2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Priority #3: Build on recent network membership growth to streamline membership structure and new member orientation, and support retention of an active, engaged base. Top Recommendations for Change: 1. Expand new chapters to a minimum of 7 organizations each, then place a two-year moratorium on explicit membership recruitment. 2. Improve tracking of and reporting on membership engagement through membership survey, an annual report, and database. Priority #2: Codify and embed protocols and process to democratize network governance, increase the effectiveness of the Anchors Team, and increase the efciency and transparency of network management Top Recommendations for Change: 1. Rene network bylaws to a) clarify the role and process for the Network Host, b) clarify the role and process for Network Anchors, c) clarify governance protocols and processes d) establish feedback and engagement mechanisms across all levels of membership; 2. Make governance calls monthly, and establish committees and working groups to carry out specic governance projects, which should be more effectively divided amongst the Anchors Team; 3. Provide nancial resources, a toolkit, and technical assistance to support the governance activities of the Anchors Team; 4. Host an annual Anchors Congress to assess network impact, dene network strategy, set evaluation metrics, and strengthen governance and collaboration of the Anchors Team; 5. The network host should provide monthly nancial reports, support collaborative fundraising projects, provide materials and assistance to support membership recruitment, and coordinate the Anchors Team and membership services. 3. Produce rened membership materials and new membership orientation that claries criteria for regional membership, network structure, and decision-making; and promotes membership services. 4. Host membership assemblies in targeted regions to conduct network mapping, regional visioning and planning, engage regional members in local governance, and strengthen regional relationships and leadership. 5. Dene mechanisms to earmark regional dues for Anchor capacity and Chapter based activities. 6. Create a safe, effective, and searchable contact database that members can access. Priority #4: Rene and deliver membership services and projects that empower and connect regional leaders and campaigns, and bring their collaborations to scale Top Recommendations for Change: 1. Pilot new membership services including a clear, effective, and resourced peer exchange model to connect anchors across regions; a network-based speakers bureau and related training; and network driven earned income projects and collaborative fundraising activities.



2012 Anchors Retreat Report

2. Formalize and streamline existing membership services prioritizing conference delegations, the Media Action Grassroots Fund, and the MAG-Net Learning Community. 3. Use hosted membership assemblies to provide leadership training in strategic communications, community and cultural organizing, organizational development and fundraising, and media policy advocacy. 4. Establish and promote a network help line or other mechanism to streamline network requests for technical assistance and support. Priority #5: Implement collaborative projects for long-term network sustainability that diversies contributed and earned network income, embeds infrastructure for local-to-national collaboration, integrates a cultural strategy, and provides effective ongoing vehicles to support member capacity and leadership. Top Recommendations for Change: 1. Formalize and provide clear leadership to the newly developed Arts and Culture Cohort. 2. Formally integrate mentorship, self-care strategies, and beltway/regional convening into membership services. 3. Diversify network funding and create self-sustaining funding that brings network reliance on foundation funds down to 80% in year one, 70% in year two, and 60% in year three. 4. Develop a network fundraising plan featuring regional media justice giving circles, a media justice donor network; earned income activities including joint training/services and an online store to sell members products; and a strategy to strengthen relationships with community foundations in 10-20 target regions. 5. Establish a eld building strategy to deliver educational materials and presentations to foundation program ofcers and allied networks to connect media rights and access to primary social justice issues. 6. Establish a MAG-Net funders cohort and partner to convene and amplify network members, build new relationships with foundation afnity groups, map resources, and leverage the non nancial assets of allied foundations through shareholder actions and other special projects. 7. Identify specic mechanisms to share resources amongst network members: i.e., -shared consultants, marketing collaborations, shared benets.

2012-2013 Network Action Plan

Based on the recommendations of Anchors, the network host has secured a network development consultant to focus on the following phase-one network development projects in the next 12-18 months: 1. Dene shared network principles, policy platform, and pitch materials. 2. Clarify governance protocols, mechanisms, materials, and the role of the Anchors Team. 3. Streamline membership structure- including new member orientation and chapter formation. 4. Pilot new membership services including peer exchange, speakers bureau, membership assemblies, and a re-developed network communications infrastructure (website, listserv, and text group).



2012 Anchors Retreat Report

5. Dene a network fundraising plan and activities including an earned income strategy, collaborative fundraising activities, membership dues, and a rened Media Action Grassroots Fund to support the leadership of network Anchors. In addition to these phase one network development projects, the Center for Media Justice will rene network management services, continue coordination of existing membership services, and lead planning and mobilization of eld strategies and national networkdriven action to establish consumer protections for the nations most vulnerable telephone consumers.

San Antonio Chapter

Focus: Cultural organizing and digital inclusion and rights. Strategies: Launch re-constituted San Antonio chapter with new co-anchors; convene regional members to identify media policy conditions, map the local media landscape, and identify opportunities. Use local infrastructure, events, and campaigns to expand chapter membership. Build relationships to expand chapter beyond San Antonio by connecting with organizations in Houston and the valley (border). Use Librotracante tour and deep history between regions to reach engage Arizona. Needs: Network outreach materials, event planning and implementation support.

Regional Snapshots: Focus, Strategies, and Needs of Network Chapters

Anchors dened priorities for chapter development, informed by the overall purpose and functions of the network. Below are snapshots of those priorities, as well as the strategies they intend to use to strengthen regional chapters, and what resources and support they need to achieve those goals.

Southeast Chapter (TN, KY, GA)

Focus: Cultural organizing and economic development. Strategies: Curriculum, training, and infrastructure to connect media and social justice issues, and make the ideas and vision for media rights and access more accessible and relevant to southern organizations. Needs: Peer exchange, regional events, and materials to landscape, strategize, and engage local leaders.

Bay Area Chapter

Focus: Digital inclusion and rights. Strategies: Strengthen relationships with The Utility Reform Network and Los Angeles Anchor. Needs: Best practices for collaborative fundraising. Support to strengthen local chapter and build connections statewide.

Albuquerque Chapter
Focus: Community radio and prison phones. Strategies: Strengthen chapter, and activate members around campaigns. Build on the historical networks between Albuquerque and San Antonio leverage relationships to build power in the Southwest. Needs: Peer exchanges on prison phone justice and LPFM radio.

Los Angeles Chapter

Focus: Wireless policies and access for migrant communities. Strategies: Develop west coast learning and action community; expand chapter and build bridges with Bay Area and across the state of California. Needs: In-person support, and strategic and nancial resources, to expand regional chapter.



2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Minneapolis Chapter
Focus: Community media infrastructure, access, and rights. Strategies: Strengthen relationships with existing chapter members; develop communications infrastructure to reach members more effectively; and push to collect dues. Develop media and communications strategies to champion allied progressive elected ofcials. Bring a delegation to the Grassroots Radio Conference. Engage Twin Cities Community Radio coalition. Needs: Event planning support, assistance with mapping and power analysis.

Downstate Illinois Chapter

Focus: Community media access and ownership. Strategies: Use the Grassroots Radio Conference as a place to convene Midwest (generally), and Illinois (specically) media justice activists and organizers. Develop and build-out the Urbana chapter. Reach out to the non-prots within UC-IMC building and leverage the rich (pre-existing) relationships. Needs: Support with workshops at the Grassroots Radio Conference and hosting a MAG-Net Mixer; help orienting the UC-IMC board to MAG-Net, outreach materials to recruit members. folks), recruitment and event support to expand the local chapter, peer exchange.

Philadelphia Chapter
Focus: Movement building, organizing, and media to strengthen local economy and economic rights. Strategies: Develop regional infrastructure to strengthen media access, build ties with organizations across the state, advance statewide movement building work. Use learning community and peer exchange to share models. Needs: Education/learning opportunities to talk to Philly groups about broadband campaign, provide support and TA re: tech tools via webinars. Opportunities to share tools and technology, i.e., text message platform.

Chicago Chapter
Focus: Communications infrastructure and media relations. Strategies: Continue to develop Chicago chapter and recruit new groups. Integrate MAG-Net recruitment and media justice organizing efforts into ongoing activities. Needs: Resources and capacity to sustain the MAGNet activity and chapter.

Native Public Media, Indian Country Cohort (NPM represents over 500 sovereign native nations)
Focus: Community media for Indian Country. Strategies: Identify and educate nations, organizations and leaders about media rights and access issues Recruit leaders to network delegations and speakers bureau. Leverage interest on the Universal Service Fund to engage Indian Country. Needs: Speakers Bureau and trained spokespeople; tailored outreach and recruitment materials.

New York Chapter

Focus: Community journalism, wireless and telephone access. Strategies: Use storytelling projects and media campaigns as a recruitment strategy. Sustain, activate and build relationships throughout the NY region. Needs: Trainings and leadership development, multimedia platform (mobile/web platforms to connect



2012 Anchors Retreat Report

Materials And Links

Photos: MAG-Net 2012 Slideshow ( sets/72157629885741017/show) Presentations: MAG-Net Anchors Retreat and Convening 2012 ( Key articles: Movements, Coalitions, and System Development Networks ( movements-coalitions-and-system.html) Coalitions Work Tools ( Network Weaving Personalities ( network-weaving-personalities) A Network Theory of Power ( download/1136/553)

As the Media Action Grassroots Network grows, the resources for media rights, access, and strategy to support community organizing and local-to-local alliance building are shrinking. Our ability to sustain this collaboration and strengthen all of our movements relies on our capacity to collaborate effectively. As we work together for a more just and humane society through media rights, access, and strategy, it is our creativity and vision, our capacity for democratic practice and collective leadership, and our ability to meet the core needs of our members that will dene our future as a network. From August December 2012, feedback from anchors and members will inform a long-term network strategic plan to achieve this mandate. The Center for Media Justice remains a proud and willing host of the Media Action Grassroots Network, and is happy to engage in the difcult but exciting process of strengthening this network and the movements it supports. The Center for Media Justice is grateful to MAG-Net Anchors, funders, civil rights and public interest allies, allied policy-makers and sister networks without whom this network would still be a dream, instead of the inuential, visionary, and democratic alliance it is becoming.



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