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:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::










C II Sohrabji Godrej Green Business C entre, Hyderabad

CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre

Video Case Studies Photographic Case Studies

The CII Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre in Hyderabad is the first LEED Platinum rated building in India. Locally available materials and sustainable energy sources have been used extensively in the building. Natural lighting and ventilation enhance the energy-efficiency of the building. Adequate green spaces help in controlling the micro-climate providing visual delight at the same time.

Aerial view of CII-Godrej GBC, Hyderabad showing wind towers, solar photovoltaic panels and green roofs. (Sourced)

Location, Orientation & Climate

It is located in HITEC City, a major technology township in Hyderabad. Use of vehicles that run on alternative sources of energy is encouraged. Use of such vehicles helps in saving energy.

There is a vast difference in the amount of glazed areas on the northern and western sides

of the building. Such features prevent unwanted heat gain.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

of the building. Such features prevent unwanted heat gain.

Natural Features
Existing features in the landform have been integrated into the design without causing much harm to the local eco-system.

Rocks existing on site have been retained and integrated in the building design (Sourced)

Architectural Design
The building is designed to maximise usage of natural light for day-lighting without getting unwanted heat inside. The ground surface covered by the building is replaced through roof gardens which play a major role in insulating the building.

Roof gardens insulate the building from solar heat (Sourced)

Unwanted gain of heat is reduced through simple design principles like earth berming. Heat gain through openings is also reduced through intelligent design of windows.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

Intelligent design of windows allow in light but keep the heat away

An effective combination of closed and open spaces help in modulating the microclimate so that it keeps the building cool and well-ventilated. There is ease of access throughout the site.

A combination of open and closed spaces keep the building cool and well-ventilated (Sourced)

Materials & Appliances

Use of local materials and materials with low-embodied energy is visible at various places. For instance, local stone and waste construction materials are used for external cladding.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

Locally available materials like stone and wood are used in the school

Old furniture has been used in different parts of the building.

Old furniture used in the cafeteria negates the energy consumed in making new furniture (Sourced)

Emphasis is laid on providing adequate day-lighting. Intelligent design of windows such as different windows for views and for light reduce the heat gain.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

Abundant natural light is available in office spaces (Sourced)

Effective measures are taken to properly ventilate the building while saving energy at the same time. Air caught by the wind towers is carried through an earth-air tunnel which precools the air entering into the AHUs. This saves energy required in the cooling process.

Wind towers carry air through an earth air tunnel to cool it before being supplied to the AHUs (Sourced)

Jaalis on the outer faade of the building also help in cooling, shading and ventilation of the building.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

Jaalis help in cooling and shading the building and inducing ventilation

Renewable Energy
Solar energy is used to generate electricity that is used in the building.

Solar photovoltaic panels on the roof generate electricity for the building (Sourced)

Use of vehicles that run on alternative sources of energy is encouraged.

Use of battery operated vehicles is encouraged (Sourced)

Water Management
Rain water is recharged into the ground. The landscaped garden has a variety of local plants and trees which require less water for irrigation. The garden has been designed such that all rainwater is retained.



:: Green Buildings - The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy - Examples ::

Rain-water is harvested in the landscaped garden

All waste water is treated in a root zone treatment facility. The treated water is used for flushing toilets and irrigating the garden.

Waste water is treated in the root zone treatment facility (Sourced)

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