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1. Determination of the effect of temperature and pressure on adhesion strength of glue.

a) Effect of temperature on strength From the results of the experiment, it can be seen that that when the temperature is increased the strength also tend to increase. It is so because when the temperature was 100 degrees, pressure at 50 psi then strength was 21 lbs. then when the pressure is maintained constantly at 50 psi and the temperature increased to 200 degrees, the strength further increases to 51 lbs. The effect on temperature will be given as; (51+57)/2 (21 + 42)/2 = 22.5 lbs b) Effect of pressure on strength According to the results from the table, when pressure is doubled, the adhesion strength also also doubles. This is possible when the temperature is held constant at 100 degrees. For example, when the pressure was 50 psi the adhesion strength was 21 lbs. when the pressure doubles to 100 psi, the adhesion strength also doubles to 42 lbs. this happens when the temperature constant is at 100 degrees. When the temperature constant is high at around 200 degrees, when the pressure doubles, the increase in adhesion strength does not double but it increase dismally. The effect of pressure on strength will be; (42 + 57)/2 (21 + 51)/2 =13.5 lbs

c) Calculation of the effect of interaction on strength You amend the design matrix first to show the high and low levels of interaction as shown below. Low values are represented by -1 while high values are represented by +1.

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4

Temperature -1 -1 +1 +1

Pressure -1 +1 -1 +1

strength +1 -1 -1 +1

The effect of interaction on strength is calculated as; (21 57)/2 (42 + 51)/2 = -7.5 lb 2. Results for an experiment with three factors are analysed below a) The three factors in table form are:

A 10 12 10 12

B 25 25 30 30

C 200 200 200 200

10 12 10 12

25 25 30 30

250 250 250 250

b) F- ratio is given by

Calculate the mean within each group =(10+12+10+12+10+12+10+12)/8 = 11 =(25+25+30+30+25+25+30+30)/8= 27.5 =(200+200+200+200+250+250+250+250)/8=225 Overall mean=(11+27.5+225)/8=87.83 F- ratio = MSB/ Msw =87.833/4.2 = 20.92
C) When three factors interact with a component they tend to affect it differently. Each factor

tends to have its own effect on the factor. D) Minitab solution Factor A B C DF SS 1 2 2 14450.0 933.3 133.3 MS 14450.0 466.7 66,7 F 273.79 8.84 1.26 P -0.00 0.04 0.318 Result -4 1 -1

Error Total

12 17

633.3 16150.0


3. Cake baking factors and their associated levels. The results were as follows;

Run Order

A: Brand

B: Time (min)

C: Temp.

Y: Taste (Avg. rating)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Costly(+) Cheap(-) Cheap(-) Costly(+) Costly(+) Costly(+) Cheap(-) Cheap(-)

10(-) 15(+) 10(-) 15(+) 10(-) 15(+) 15(+) 10(-)

70(-) 70(-) 80(+) 70(-) 80(+) 80(+) 80(+) 70(-)

75 71 81 80 77 32 42 74

The output response was taste. Taste was arrived at by averaging the ratings and multiplying them by 10.

The effects of factors A, B, and C.

The effects of the factors are analyzed in the table Minitab solution table in part C below. From the table it is evident that the time and temperature tend to have significant effect on the

products taste. The critical F value is 16.47 at one percent. the figure therefore, shows that when the temperature is very high, the taste tend to sharply decrease with time as charring tends to take place. b) The F- ratio is given as 16.47 at one percent from the Minitab table c) Conclusion It is seen that when the temperature is high, the taste decreases sharply with time.

d) Minitab solution table Factor Brand DF SS 1 20 MS 20 F 0.0816 Effect -1 Contrast -4.00 P 0.82 F-crit at 1% 16.47

Time Brand x Tme Temp Brand x Time Time x Time Brand x S x T Error Total

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

840.5 0.5 578.0 72.0 72.0 24.5 24.5 2442.0

840.5 0.5 578.0 72.0 72.0 24.5 24.5

34.306 0.0204 23.592 2.9388 2.9388 1

-20.5 0.5 -17 -6 -6 -3.5

-82.00 2.00 -68.00 -24.00 -24.00 -14.00

0.11 0.91 0.13 0.34 0.34 0.50

4. Here, the output response considered was crust formation. it was therefore measured by the weight of the crust and the lower it was the better. a) The main effects of the factors In this case, the F value of the three factors brand, time, and temperature fall below the critical value for one percent 16.47. It shows that these factors are not significant for the crust formation of the cake. If there is need of more crust formation, then other factors like quantity of ingredients in the cake need to be checked. b) The F- ratio is 16.47 at one percent c) Conclusion If more optimization of the crust formation is needed, then other factors such as quantity of ingredients in the cake need to be checked. d) Minitab solution table

Factor Brand Time Brand x Time Temp Brand x Time Time x Temp Brand x S x T Error Total

DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7

SS 14 1.4 1.1 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.9 5.9

MS 14 1.4938 1.1 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.9

F 1.4938 -0.825 1.1536 0.4952 0.7257 0.0672 1

EFFECT -0.825 -3.30 0.725 -0.475 0.575 0.175 -0.675


F-CRIT at 1%

2.9 -1.9 2.30 0,70 -2.70

REFERENCES Lomax, Richard G. (2007) Statistical Concepts: A Second Course, p. 10, ISBN 0-8058-5850-4

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