English Assingment

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I am Umavathy A/P Velli Malai, this my first semester at this IPG KSAH.It s my newly experince at this kolej. Firstly I want to thank to my lecturer Pn. Haaiyon Binti Ahmad because madam very helpful and also gude to our class how to understanding this story and to do this English course work. In the short stories, i choose Mariah short story because this short story very interesting to read and peacful. This Mariah short stories written by Che Husna Azhari for Spirit of The Keris. The main characters in this short story is Mariah. She is widow and selling nasi belauk at Molo, Kelantan. She is very indepent and responsibility women. The minor character in this story is Imam , Cik Yam, Cik Gu. The Imam is head of Mosque at the village. I was very enjoyable when read this story.


Mariah live at a small village town of Molo,Kelantan. She is a widow. She is a veru beautiful and attractive person. Mariah was tall. Her face was unlined, complexion fair , black eyes also had on a short kebaya and her head always cover. Her part of torso with a kain lepas. Mariah is a one of famous nasi seller at Molo. She selling nasi kerabu, nasi belauk and nasi dagang but nasi belauk is famous among the mens in the village. When the mans buy nasi they really like love to watch Mariah. Mariah also very happy when selling nasi belauk every time. In the village, Imam, who head of the Mosque and also a guardian of the modesty and also faced problems in a marriage. His wife is Cik Yam good and kindful wife. One day Imam saw the Mariah. He like Mariah very much. He want to marry Mariah. Imam asked permission for his wife Cik Yam to marry Mariah. Cik Yam agree with his husband to marry Mariah.





This sacrifiallove is very suitable to Cik Yam. Its because Cik Yam agree to the secondly marriage of her husband. It s not mean that she didnt love her husband. She love Imam, her husband very much.But she doesnt worried about the matter because she cant able to produce the heir to Imam. So that is a reason she agree Imam to marry.

Cik Yam is very loyal to her husband, Imam. She always take good caring of him which was a model to be followed by the other women folk in the village. She also never missing doing housework in order to serve her husband the best. Cik Yam also very responsbility of her works and her husband.







Mariah is a widower. She was selling a nasi belauk in Molo, Kelantan. Mariah also had another asset. She had been married, but her husband passed away soon after. Fifteen years after her husbands death, which would make her foryish, Mariah would easily pass for a beauty in her late twenties. Mariah was a tall and well proportional move gracefully. She is very beautiful and sexy. Her faced was unlined and she have a complexion fire and very dark. She have a very black eyes appeared to grow. Mariah had on a short kebaya and her head was cover by kain lepas. She is a very hard working and responsible woman because she wake up early morning to prepare the nasi belauk. She also a independent women.

Mariah was a nasi seller in Molo, in fact the nasi seller in Molo. Every morning at seven sharp she would walk past the market entrance into the village square and mesmerise the men with her swaying hips as well as her nasi: nasi kerabu, nasi belauk and nasi dagang. (Line 26 to 30)

Mariah was tall and well-proportioned and moved gracefully. No, not gracefully but sensuously. Her face was unlined, her complexion fair and her very dark, very black eyes appeared to glow. Mariah always had on a short kebaya which accentuated her well-proportioned curves. As a concession to propriety she used to cover her head and part of her torso with a kain lepas. ( Line 53 to 59)




Cik Yams is minor character for Mariah short story. Cik Yam is Imams wife. She is a good Muslim wife. She is very patiently. She also too great care in her marriage with Imam. Cik Yam agree to second marriage by Imam with Mariah. She love Imam very much. She has culinary and house keeping skills. She is very responsibility because she wake up early morning and do the breakfast to his husband Imam. The other womenfolk is followed her housekeeping models.

Cik Yam, though no raving beauty, was an accomplished cook as well as being modest and extremely virtuous. She had been an obedient and excellent wife (Line 276 to 278)


I was read two short stories thats Mariah and another one is The Good Old Days . I choose Mariah short story because its very interesting to read and the story was very exciting to me. The short story Mariah it very easy to understand to me. The word from this short story not very hardly. This short storry Mariah tell us about a life of widower women, how she faced the problems in the life, what does the men aim of her . My lecthurer also guide to me and explain the meaning of the story. Im also search more information form the intenet. Here Im would like to thank to my lethurer and dear friends because help to me to finish this course work kindly. Form this story, I know that we should be responsible person and must hard working to get the achievement. Then, dont be meddle the other business and be a patiently for any situations. Human be indepent and brave to faced any problems in a life.

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