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Contents Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Subject Abstract Introduction Objectives Hardy-Cross Method Example Hardy-Cross Method Finite Element Approach Advantages of Finite Element Analysis Finite Element Approach for Pipe Network Conclusion Page No. 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12


The analysis of flow in pipe network is complicated problem which has no explicit solution. For practical applications this problem has been solved numerically. The iterative H.Crosss method known in analysis of flow in pipes is most popular tool and has been used for long time. In order to analyse the flow in pipe network by finite element method, it is necessary to accomplish two steps. Firstly, we have to convert element level variables: friction loss water head and discharge in the pipe to the two variables prescribed on the nodal points. Secondly, we have to present the nonlinear relation between discrete elements by lineariesed expressions. The global coefficients matrix is formed by traditional finite element technique according to pipe networks topology. The remained operations follow standard finite element run. The theoretical investigations are illustrated by numerical examples. The finite element approach let to use standard procedures for the analysis of flow in pipe network and design piping systems.


The aim of flow analysis in pipe network is computation of discharges and loss water heads in pipes. The topology of network, geometry and hydraulic characteristics of individual pipes are assumed to be known. Water municipality systems consist of many junctions or nodes; many sources, and many outlets (loads). Object for designing a system is to deliver flow at some design pressure for the lowest cost. The iterative H.Crosss method known in analysis of flow in pipes has been used for long time for this purpose. It is important to put into engineering practice the general-purpose methods for calculation various objects. One of these methods is the finite element method. The differences between flow and structural analysis is nonlinear relation of water heads to discharges in pipe networks. The variables in pipes, for example the discharges in pipes, are strongly affected each other. The governing finite element equation became nonlinear and is solved numerically by the iterative Newton scheme.

The objective of the present paper is to compare the conventional finite element approach for the flow analysis of pipe network with finite element approach with an example for each. Many practical problems require a knowledge of flow in various circuits, for example water distribution systems. In order to illustrate the flow calculations in each circuit, laminar incompressible flow is considered in the network of circular pipes. If a quantity Q m3/s of fluid enters and leaves the pipe network, it is necessary to compute the fluid nodal pressures and the volume flow rate in each pipe. The main objectives of this term paper are as following computation of discharges and loss of water heads in pipes. To analyze a pipe network by two method: 1. Conventional or Hardy Cross method. 2. Finite Element Approach.

Hardy-Cross Method
Procedure: Divide network into number of closed loops. For each loop: a) Assume discharge Qa and direction for each pipe. Apply Continuity at each node, Total inflow = Total Outflow. Clockwise positive. b) Calculate equivalent resistance K for each pipe given L, d, pipe material and water temperature. c) Calculate equivalent resistance K for each pipe given L, d, pipe material and water temperature. d) Calculate hf=K Qan for each pipe. Retain sign from step (a) and compute sum for loop hf. e) Calculate hf / Qa for each pipe and sum for loop hf/ Qa. f) Calculate correction d =- hf /(nShf/Qa). NOTE: For common members between 2 loops both corrections have to be made. As loop 1 member, d = d1 - d2. As loop 2 member, d = d2 - d1. g) . Apply correction to Qa, Qnew=Qa + d. h) Repeat steps (c) to (f) until d becomes very small and hf=0 in step (c). i) Solve for pressure at each node using energy conservation.

Example of Hardy-Cross Method

Problem: Calculate the head losses and the corrected flows in the various pipes of a distribution network as shown in figure. The diameters and the lengths of the pipes used are given against each pipe. Compute corrected flows after one corrections.

Solution: First of all, the magnitudes as well as the directions of the possible flows in each pipe are assumed keeping in consideration the law of continuity at each junction. The two closed loops, ABCD and CDEF are then analyzed by Hardy Cross method as per tables 1 & 2 respectively, and the corrected flows are computed.

Table 1 Consider loop ABCD Pipe Assumed flow Dia of pipe d4.87 (5)

in in d in l/sec cumecs m (1)


Length K of pipe = L (m) 470 d4.87 (6)

500 300 500 300


HL= lHL/Qal K.Qa1.85 (9) (10)

26 66 97 92 281

(+) 43 (+) 23 (-) 20 (-) 35

+0.043 +0.023 -0.020 -0.035


373 1615 2690 1615

3 X10

0.30 2.85 X10

+1.12 +1.52 -1.94 -3.23 -2.53

0.20 3.95 X10-4 0.20 3.95 X10-4 0.20 3.95 X10-4

9.4 X10-4 7.2 X10-4 2 X10-3

* HL= (Qa1.85L)/(0.094 x 100 1.85 X d4.87) or K.Qa1.85= (Qa1.85L)/(470 X d4.87) or K =(L)/(470 X d4.87) For loop ABCD, we have =-HL / x.lHL/Qal =(-) -2.53/(1.85 X 281) cumecs =(-) (-2.53 X 1000)/(1.85 X 281) l/s =4.86 l/s =5 l/s (say)

Hence, corrected flows after first correction are:

Pipe Corrected flows after first correction in l/s AB + 48 BC CD DA - 30

+ 28 - 15

Table 2 Consider loop DCFE Pipe Assumed flow Dia of pipe d4.87 (5)

in in d in l/sec cumecs m (1) (2) (3)

+0.020 +0.028 -0.008 -0.005

Length K = L of pipe 470 d4.87 (m) (6)

500 300 500 300


HL= lHL/Qal K.Qa1.85 (9)



2690 6580 10940 6580

7.2 X10

97 314 184 74

DC (+) 20 CF FE ED (+) 28 (-) 8 (-) 5

0.20 3.95 X10 0.15 0.15 0.15

+1.94 +8.80 -1.47 -0.37

9.7 X10-5 9.7 X10-5 9.7 X10-5

1.34 X10-3 1.34 X10-4 5.6 X10-5



For loop ABCD, we have =-HL / x.lHL/Qal =(-) +8.9/(1.85 X 669) cumecs =(-) (+8.9 X 1000)/(1.85 X 669)) l/s = -7.2 l/s Hence, corrected flows after first correction are:
Pipe Corrected flows after first correction in l/s DC CF FE ED

+ + 12.8 20.8 15.2 12.2

Finite Element Approach

The finite element method (FEM) is the dominant discretization technique in structural mechanics. The entire body is divided into an equivalent system of smaller bodies as unites called finite element, interconnected at points common to two or more elements called nodal point or node. This process is called discretization. A continuous function is assumed to represent the approximate solution for each element The complete solution is then generated by connecting or assembling the individual solutions, allowing for continuity at the interelemental boundaries. For the solution of structural problems, either displacement at nodal point or the stresses within each element are typically referred to determine subjected to applied load. For non-structural problems, nodal unknown may be temperature for thermal problem and pressure for third flow problem. Handle nonlinear behavior existing with large deformations and nonlinear materials.


Advantages of Finite Element Analysis

Models Bodies of Complex Shape. Can Handle General Loading/Boundary Conditions. Models Bodies Composed of Composite and Multiphase Materials. Model is Easily Refined for Improved Accuracy by Varying Element Size and Type (Approximation Scheme) Time Dependent and Dynamic Effects Can Be Included. Can Handle a Variety of Nonlinear Effects Including Material Behavior, Large Deformations, Boundary Conditions, Etc. Vary the size of the elements to make it possible to use small elements where necessary. Alter the finite element model relatively easily and cheaply. Handle unlimited numbers and kinds of boundary condition. Model bodies composed of several different materials because the element equations are evaluated individually.


Finite Element Approach for Pipe Network

In order to illustrate the flow calculations in each circuit, laminar incompressible flow is considered in the network of circular pipes. If a quantity Q m3/s of fluid enters and leaves the pipe network, it is necessary to compute the fluid nodal pressures and the volume flow rate in each pipe. We shall make use of a fourelement and three-node model as shown in Figure.

The fluid resistance for an element is written as:

Rk =
Where, L = length of the pipe section D = diameter of the pipe section = the dynamic viscosity of the fluid k = the element number The mass flux rate entering and leaving an element can be written as-



Where, p = the pressure q = the mass flux rate and the subscripts i and j indicate the two nodes of an element The characteristics of the element, thus, can be written as-

Similarly, we can construct the characteristics of each element in Figure as: (Note that the mass flux rate entering an element is positive and leaving an element is negative.)






From the above element equations, it is possible to write the following nodal equations:


Now, the following matrix form can be written from the above equations:

Note that q1 + q2 = Q and q2 = q3 + q4



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