Red-X Outline: Chapter One: The Arrival

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CHAPTER ONE: THE ARRIVAL 35 year-old James, a ruddy complexioned man of Mediterranean descent is in a rush as he takes photos of Susan: a 25 year-old white girl that looks cheap like a prostitute. As he continues with his work, there is a power failure. James get's rid of Susan after he discovers the form of a dying alien woman in his basement. At the same time across town at the power plant, Darren Xavier, a Hispanic member of the FBI and Fire Marshal Royce Rolex, a short black fellow with a nervous manner, find the body of an alien girl embedded in the wall of a ruptured gas pipe. This is ground zero of the explosion that knocked out the power. Meanwhile Max the blob, a fat man with expensive tastes in pole dancers and an old friend of James, gets a desperate call from his friend and leaves the VIP club he is in for James' studio. Once there James attempts to show him the body of the alien but it is gone. Max thinks James is losing his mind and invites him to the club to unwind, as they leave another alien girl comes out of hiding with the body of the first girl. The girl is Zodoo, an alien called an Allun, which is humanoid, insectoid, and reptilian in design; she quickly uses an injection device to dissolve the body of the first alien girl into water. Later on James returns from the bar with Alice, a pole dancer and expensive hooker. When he leaves her alone, the alien, Zodoo, attacks her and steals her identity. The next morning Bill the nose arrives and suggests that James uses Alice in all his future photo shoots; it is learned that Bill is the real owner of the studio. CHAPTER TWO; THE ARRIVAL As James does what Bill the nose asks and takes photos of Alice, who is Zodoo the alien, there is another power surge. James gets knocked unconscious while Goda, another alien teleports into his basement. Later when Max arrives with Capri, Alice's hooker friend, she is killed and taken over by Goda while Max and James were arguing. At the same time Darren Xavier is shown another alien girl that is embedded into the wall of a power transformer that has been taken offline. Royce Rolex assures him that the workers at the plant are too scared to go near it and that he suspects that the government was experimenting with teleportation. Darren swears Royce to secrecy. The alien girls report to Mettarra, who has taken over the identity of Jill, the leader of the Crazy Cats band. It is suggested that James and Max go to the band's show and they do. Once there Zodoo meets with Mettarra and later has sex with James in the woman's bathroom; he discovers that Zodoo is a virgin just like he is. Max gawks at Jill and later he decides to invite the Crazy Cats Band over to his house to have a party. CHAPTER THREE: THE REVEAL

James tells Max that he suspects that Alice/Zodoo is not of this earth and he devises a plan to test out his theory. Since Max knows both hookers well, they decide to ask a few questions to them in order to route them out. Max gives the aliens drinks and cocaine to consume, that is when he discovers that they no nothing of how to do the drug, but just to make sure Max asks Capri/Goda about her sick mother and she can't answer correctly. As Max realizes that the girl is an imposter and reaches for a gun he has hidden behind the bar, Capri leaps on him lustfully and get's Max to drop his guard as well as the gun. As Capri/Goda tries to have sex with Max, Zodoo/Alice does the same thing to James. She uses her venom on James, rendering him immobile but before the venom can take its full effect James sees the alien forked tongue on Zodoo as she pulls it from his mouth. James hears Max scream so he stabs Zodoo with a pair of scissors, knocks her out with a statue, and then crawls into the room where he sees Goda in her true form, sucking the brains out of Max through hollow fangs on her wrists. James shoves her off of Max just as Zodoo comes into the room and tries to stop Goda from killing James. As the alien women fight each other James picks up Max's gun and shoots Goda in the back, he passes out after the incident and awakens in a concrete bunker tied to a pillar. Zodoo tries to convince James that she is not the enemy and that Mettarra is the one he should be worried about. As they talk Goda gets a partial message out to Mettarra and is discovered by Zodoo while doing so. The three of them leave the bunker and steal most of the alien technology as well. CHAPTER FOUR: THE ESCAPE Phil, the owner of the club's driver confronts Jill/Mettarra just as she finishes cleaning up what is left of Phil's boss. Once she convinces him that the boss is fine, another Allun alien by the name of Azirelle, who stole the identity of Katie, tells her that Goda sent her a signal saying that Zodoo has compromised their mission. Back at the bunker Zodoo detects Mettarra on her SPS, a device that can keep track of all alien agents on the earth as well as their locations. She tells James that if they do not escape, all of them will be killed and that she needs Goda to complete her experiments. They leave just before Mettarra's hit squad arrives with the Crazy Cats as her commandos and soldiers. Two other aliens, Krillanie/Bebe and Satassa/Wendy join the search and kill two innocent teens in a car that are nearby, thinking that they are Zodoo and James. James takes Zodoo and Goda to Darren's house where they discover that Susan is still asleep and has broken up with her husband. Goda has a miscarriage and the fetus, which is the size of a three-month-old baby, is put in a jar. The fetus was made by Max but was so large that James could not believe it. At the same time Mettarra detects Bill the nose in the studio where they are looking for Zodoo, it is also their entry point to the earth and must be preserved. Azirelle/Katie confronts Bill and after she is convinced that he is no threat, she has sex with him, sucks out his brains, and kills him. It is then that we discover that the mission of the aliens is to get pregnant by human males as soon as possible. After Bill is dispatched, another squad of alien girls teleport into the studio basement, but this time they are technicians. Once the new girls are inoculated, Mettarra goes out to the store to get them some food, before she manages to go a group of Japanese

tourists come to the door looking for the band and inadvertently become the new squad's hosts. James calls Darren to tell him about the aliens and they decide to meet at Benny's Pub on the waterfront. James gives Darren an alien earpiece which has the ability to render them invisible to electronic surveillance as proof, but when Darren takes it to his car in order to examine it, Jill and the crazy cats charge into the bar. James is rescued by Zodoo and is taken out the back door while Jill/Mettarra confronts Darren. When they leave Darren goes home and asks Susan if anything strange has happened, she corroborates the story that James has be spewing all night about the alien women. CHAPTER FIVE: DOPPLEGANGER Darren and his female partner Nancy, a small gum-cracking half Asian woman with olive skin and a bad attitude sit in his car and watch James' studio from a distance. They wait until Mettarra and the other alien girls leave and then they break into the place and begin searching. They find the Japanese tourists all asleep in one room and they soon see a host of alien tech in another. Darren takes photos as the aliens return and try to attack him, but Darren manages to shoot first and kills Krillanie/Bebe just as Mettarra/Jill shoots him as well. Nancy shoots Azirelle/Katie in the head and Satassa/Wendy in the chest just before getting knocked out by one of the former Japanese tourists Yatata/Yuki. The rest of the alien women search for Darren's body but cannot find it; then turn the dead women into water and take Nancy captive. Zodoo goes to the studio and confronts the new squad, she talks with Yatata/Yuki and then they go away from prying ears. We learn that Zodoo is a rebel, so is Yatata, and also one other girl whose identity is still unknown. They have been sent to earth to construct a teleportation device in order to send the squad members back home after they get pregnant. Zodoo tells her of the Red-X and how it allows them to have sex many times without killing their male partners just like an earth women, whereas without it they have an instinctual need to suck out the males brains during climax to make a small amount of the Red-X hormone inside their own bodies. Zodoo tests the final version of Red-X on James and Goda, it works and Goda gets pregnant once again. Meanwhile at the new bunker, Mettarra tries to get info out of Nancy. She uses Ottoh in the guise of Eunice (the tour guide) to pump Nancy for Intel, but fails miserably. Soon Satassa begins to die just as Hemmett/Hoshi and Fanatera/Fuji complete the teleporter. They use the machine to transfer Satassa's consciousness into the body of Nancy so that later on they can hopefully restore her, but Satassa's body dies and the machine cannot send it back to their home planet because they are lacking special crystals for power. The aliens believe that Nancy has become the ultimate spy for them because she is still an FBI agent and has the memories of Nancy as well. Nancy meets up with Darren and retrieves the alien earpiece; she kills him and then dissolves his body after getting him to inadvertently covering up the incident in advance.

CHAPTER SIX: ALLIES James, Alice, and Goda return to his studio because the FBI has found out about Mettarra's squad and she would never go there again for fear of being captured. Once there Zodoo makes James have sex with Goda one more time and then she collects the enzyme for the Red-X formula. Now Zodoo has everything she needs to present her findings to At FBI headquarters her boss, Leroy Willis, confronts Nancy; he's a big black and Samoan man who nearly catches her in the process of copying and then erasing the hard drive of Darren's computer. He wonders what happened to her partner Darren Xavier and Nancy Torres quickly points out that Darren had left her behind to go to Mexico. While talking Nancy begins to get sick and doesn't understand why, that is when Leroy pulls a syringe out of her desk and gives her some insulin. When he leaves she discovers a bottle of alcohol and some chewing gum; she uses both, not realizing that she's an alcoholic and a diabetic. As she finally gets better she brings Darren's computer information to Mettarra which solidifies her as a reliable agent, but when she leaves the life of Nancy Torres goes into overdrive and flashes through Satassa's mind, pushing her into the background. Soon the real Nancy returns and a gray streak of hair appears on her head, marking the change. Nancy goes back to the studio and Zodoo/Alice thinks she is still Satassa, but once she scans Nancy with her full spectrum vision she realizes that she is more human. Nancy tells Zodoo about Darren's computer and how she gave only some of the information on it to Mettarra. She shows Zodoo that the humans are aware of aliens and have taken some radical measures to defend against them; she tells them of bases and laboratories where aliens are imprisoned and experimented on. She convinces Zodoo that an all out invasion of the earth would be suicide at the least and genocide at the most, she says that their plan to takeover should be radically changed. Yuki/Yatata brings Zodoo/Alice a new device that can not only mask who she is but it will make her appear human on Mettarra's scanners. Now they can relax without fear of being detected by the radical squad. Inoki/Irielle is outside on the street while Zodoo and James watch her from a distance from a car. Zodoo believes that Inoki is a rebel member and wants to befriend her, as she prepares to confront her she is hit by a speeding black van. The girl is dragged and then carried away by two big men in black suits who take her to a hospital, but the girl's father shows up and starts hovering around the hospital. Nancy and Leroy get in a shootout with some criminals and Nancy gets a bullet to her shoulder in the process. While trying to protect Leroy from a runaway car, Nancy seems to put up a protective bubble around him, crashing the car and saving his life. Later when Leroy takes her to the hospital he sees her alien tattoos, when Nancy tries to lie her way out of the situation Leroy shows her that he has tattoos as well. Leroy tells Nancy that he believes that Darren has been killed because his homing chip implant was found on the ground somewhere. Nancy breaks down and cries, realizing that Satassa killed him while she was occupying her body. CHAPTER SEVEN: REBELS

At the other bunker Yuki/Yatata tells Zodoo that Nancy is degrading rapidly and that soon she will no longer have any Allun from Satassa left in her. She has determined that Nancy has become an abomination, a creature that can't be controlled and with powers of an unknown origin. Later on Nancy and Leroy break the rules and go out on a date, at the bar a big fight breaks out. Jill and the Crazy Cats lose control and transform into their alien forms, they battle the bar patrons until Nancy freezes time and get's them out of the establishment. That night Leroy and Nancy have sex, and while sleeping, Nancy puts the earpiece in him just as Zodoo shows up and knocks at the door. Nancy convinces him to stay hidden while the Zodoo and James comes in. Zodoo gives Leroy the improved earpiece and then takes the old one to give to Mettarra. During the meeting they discover that Irielle/Inoki was actually the rebel commander she was looking for, but she was taken away to a place where her strange biology could be operated on. Now they realize that Leroy was aware of the alien women and vow to align them with him. Alice/Zodoo tells Nancy that Mettarra is planning to kill her and they all decide to be allies against Mettarra. In a meeting it is exposed that Satassa had been placed in Nancy's body against her will and now she is suffering from essence rejection. At another meeting where Goda/Capri is present, Nancy begins to harass Goda and tells everyone that she is not to be trusted because she is loyal to the evil counsel. Goda starts to lose control and can no longer keep her human form of Capri, eventually she starts calling Nancy names and then gives birth to an insectoid baby. The lobster-like creature intimidates everyone in the room as it leaps from wall to wall and spits acid; Nancy steps up to the plate and crushes the giant bug without hesitation while everyone else gets grossed out. Goda dies from the experience and Leroy orders and autopsy van to the house to retrieve her. CHAPTER EIGHT: THE CAPTURE Leroy drives James and Zodoo into the Nevada desert to a warehouse on a dirt road; Nancy and Mettarra follow them with the belief that they were going to retrieve Irielle from a secret government facility. Once they get there Zodoo and Nancy get Mettarra to get out of the car and then armed men capture her. Inoki/Irielle is retrieved and all of the people involved go back home. Zodoo/Alice returns to the bunker where Yatata tells her that the crystals for the teleport machine has arrived, when Zodoo installs them Mettarra comes into view and attacks. The pair fights until the queen appears in the teleporter, she tells them that Zodoo is her daughter and that the high council is filled with traitors. She makes Mettarra vow to protect Zodoo and to swear her loyalty to the queen. The queen tells them that other Allun are on earth without permission and that they are the rebel forces that are against the queen. They are suspected as being sent secretly by the council as a way to establish an army on earth before the queen can take control. The queen also reveals a plan as to where her people will get next to all the most powerful men on earth and at an appointed time, kill them and take their place as world leaders, businessmen, generals, and corporate giants.

Zodoo discovers the difference between making love and having sex, and because of her awakening she revolutionizes her Red-X formula. CHAPTER NINE: RED-X Nancy retrieves Ottoh/Eunice from headquarters and delivers her to Alice/Zodoo. It was Ottoh that had taken on the persona of Mettarra/Jill and was captured in her place. Leroy and Nancy meet in a van where he gives her a special ballistic jumpsuit and geta sandals. The suit makes Nancy faster, nearly invulnerable, and allows Leroy to track her anywhere on earth. Obediah Trudnich is introduced as Overton Hightower informs him that alien crystals have been found somewhere nearby, their properties are revealed. Mister Trudnich wants these crystals no matter where they happen to be, even if they are of alien origin. At the same time Ottoh is placed inside the teleport machine and transformed back into the face and persona of Eunice, looking like Mettarra nearly got her dissected by the government. Zodoo distributes the Red-X among her peers while Nancy gives the Allun women a crash course in how to seduce a human male. The women do not understand that the earth women can have sex many times before getting pregnant and now they would be almost the same with the introduction of the Red-X. Nancy gets the women to all practice meeting rich men at a fancy restaurant, but once they get there Jill/Mettarra meets and old schoolmate named Jeraldo Quinn. Since Jill is just a fake she has no idea of the real Jill's past but Jeraldo doesn't seem to care. She tries to resist him until she discovers that he's a rich man and the stepson of the Vice President elect of the United States, Senator Icefinger. Jeraldo Quinn demonstrates the resilience of his Terrordyne presidential limousine so that Jill would cuddle up to him in order to feel safe. It works and she promises to go on a date with him in the near future. When they get home Alice/Zodoo finally admits to James that she's an alien and that she killed the real Alice in order steal her identity. She explains the situation on her world and that she had no choice because in a short while all her people would have been dead. James has a hard time understanding Zodoo, but eventually gives it thought. CHAPTER TEN: THE MATING Jeraldo Quinn, James, Leroy, Nancy, Alice, and Jill go to a ski lodge in the mountains so that they can have a romantic weekend, all of them have sexual encounters but when it comes to Jill, hers is extraordinary because she has sex twice and the second time she has no more Red-X. However she never morphed into a predator and that has Alice confused. Jill/Mettarra feels vulnerable now that she has experienced love and she wants no part of it anymore. Jeraldo Quinn learns that a Tea Party militia killed his stepfather, Senator Icefinger and he wants revenge; from now on he wants to be known as Icefinger. Jill/Mettarra learns that Nancy's sickness has mutated and she will not allow her to go to the Allun home world for treatment or get into the teleport machine; she is afraid that her disease will spread and kill innocent Allun.

Nancy gets drunk and goes to Leroy's house where the big man comforts her. As she begins to freak out, various objects around the house begin to explode and fly off of the shelves; Leroy takes some blood from Nancy when she passes out. Eunice is discovered to be pregnant but no one knows if she had access to the Red-X or when it happened. She finally figures out that she must have been raped while being detained in the government facility when she was strapped down to an examination table. Back at Leroy's house Nancy is in a bad way and the other rebel women come to be at her side. Alice/Zodoo brings a moon crystal for Nancy's soul and soon she dies. Leroy is torn after her death and promises to bury her in Arlington Cemetery. The Allun women ask Leroy to leave the room while they retrieve Satassa's essence from Nancy's body so it can be brought back to their home planet for burial. CHAPTER ELEVEN: A NEW GENERATION Yuki/Yatata explains the politics and the hatred of men by the Allun females. After she finishes and goes out to buy lunch, James sees one of the techs in front of the teleport machine, talking to the high council. Ottoh/Eunice has an alien recorder on her and she gives it to James. She tells him that the council has ordered the death of all the babies that were made pregnant by the use of Red-X and to make it look like an accident. So far the only ones known to be pregnant are Zodoo, Mettarra, and Ottoh, but she was not on their hit list. Ottoh tells James to let Zodoo and Mettarra hear the tape and maybe they'll know what to do in return. James never got to see the face of the alleged assassin and neither did Ottoh, but maybe Zodoo will recognize her voice. Jeraldo Icefinger is now the owner of Icefinger Dynamics, a weapons company that is in the process of sending crack troops to kill the tea-baggers that murdered his stepfather. Jill/Mettarra meets John Coldknuckle, the man in charge of Icefinger's private army and she also is with him about seeking revenge. Yuki/Yatata tells James that Eunice/Ottoh died while having her baby. James suspects that it was not an accident and that Jill/Mettarra may have been the one that did it because she was against being pregnant by a human in the first place. The two remaining pregnant women rush to the bunker with labor pains and they prepare for their birthing procedure. An assassin poisons both Alice/Zodoo and Jill/Mettarra while posing as a doctor; the poison was in a Red-X ampoule. Leroy crashes onto the scene and captures Fuji/Fanatera as the assassin, but Fuji yells that she has friends waiting to seek revenge for what has happened. The next day a van pulls up to the bunker with ninja-like assassins in it. They break in and destroy nearly all the alien detection devices as well as medical equipment by using their own bodies as acid bombs. Their final goal is the teleport machine but Inoki finally stops the last one; when she pulls off the ninja's mask she is shocked at what she sees. All the ninjas melt into powerful molecular acid that destroys the bunker and wounds nearly all of the Allun women. It is noticed that the geta sandals that Hoshi and Yuki wear seem to be resistant to the acid as they walk right through it unimpeded. They walk through the acid and rescue the others and the two babies. Leroy shows up with his van and takes the wounded women away.

CHAPTER TWELVE: STRANGE BEDFELLOWS The women go to the studio to lick their wounds, but they soon discover that they no longer have their fast healing medical equipment. Inoki informs the others that the ninjas were mutated Allun with mostly insectoid-like physiology and that would explain their expulsion of acid when they died. Since they are vulnerable without their technology, the women decide to get help from Leroy. They also surmise that there are more Allun on the earth with the same equipment that they had and that is probably why they destroyed the equipment: in this manner Mettarra's squad can be kept blind to their existence. Leroy shows up and gives the women government PIP kits (Personal Identification Prototypes) that keeps them all connected and in touch with each other. The tracking part of the device can help Leroy keep tabs on all of the allied aliens and the devices were just the size of a normal wristwatch. Leroy learns why there are no males left on the planet Ki and he realizes that the aliens had planned to conquer the earth. Leroy makes the alien women pair up with an earthman and begin living with him, he also tells them to bring all of their equipment and the teleport machine to his big fortified house with a basement bunker. James and Alice/Zodoo move in together with their newborn child. When James gets ready to change her diaper he sees that his little girl has turned into a boy overnight. This means that he is possibly the first Allun male in many generations and must be protected. The baby named James Junior is thought to be an Allun prince because Zodoo happens to be the daughter of the queen. Leroy and Yuki become a couple and have sex many times without the Red-X, Leroy surmises that his bloodline (which is Mayan) may have ties to hers. He tells Yuki that his secret benefactor want to meet Inoki/Irielle and if he likes her she will move out of their house. Leroy, James, and Inoki drive in a van to a stone arch in the middle of the desert, the arch is a Matter Transport Doorway (MTD) and it sends them through a wormhole to another location owned by Obediah Trudnich, leader of the Terrordyne Corporation. Obediah informs everyone that the Allun have been on the earth before and that he is a remnant of the Maya, which were the forefathers of the Allun race. Inoki reveals that she is the spy for the council and that the council plans to bomb the earth using a teleport machine, but Inoki has secretly sworn her allegiance to Obediah for the chance at being his wife and wielding unbelievable power. Fuji/Fanatera, the assassin that tried to kill Mettarra and Zodoo is purged of her first disguise and the other alien DNA in her body by using a special machine. Obediah tells the Allun that he can purge all the bad blood from their species if they will ally with him. Soon Inoki returns from also being purged of the insect DNA and in her natural state she looks almost perfectly human and Asian. Obediah detects the trillium crystals and then notices that the sandals on Inoki's feet are made of the sought after substance. When he tries to examine them she goes wild and acts like she is addicted to them like a drug. CHAPTER THIRTEEN: ESSENCE-TO-ESSENCE

James confronts Alice about lying to him about the invasion, she rebukes him with a fact he had not considered: spies and secret assassins. Yuki comes running in with her scanner in hand, showing 12 essence agents heading for the studio. Essence agents were local inhabitants possessed by external entities under the control of some foreign master. James leaves the studio with the children while the girls grab an SUV and prepare for the attack. Since Americans have more weapons per person than any other modern country on the planet, the girls were under fire by multitudes of gun-toting crazies without any noticeable end to them. Each time an essence agent was killed, its spirit would jump into another passerby and turn him or her into another agent. James spots their control center and Jill dispatches it with an alien weapon. The teleport machine comes to life in Leroy's basement and the lady Rakkun, one of the top council members, speaks with Irielle/Inoki and sends her a vibration bomb as well as some poison to put in the Red-X. The bomb is taken to Terrordyne where Trudnich reprograms it and then gives it back to Inoki. Rakkun greets Zodoo and Mettarra and tells them they must get pregnant with a possible new queen, they are also told to take the new bomb to the highest point in the city and wait for instructions; they thinks it's a beacon. At the same time dozens of invaders begin to appear all over the city on a scanner, which means that there are other teleport machines on the planet. Rakkun teleports into Leroy's basement just as the bomb detonates. Zodoo/Alice risks her own life to rescue the evil Rakkun from the vibration wave and gets contaminated. Mettarra tries to save Zodoo and she also falls victim and Leroy is gunned down by a malfunctioning auto-turret. Obediah Trudnich saves the lives of the aliens and Zodoo is pregnant with another boy, but this one is different from James Junior. Leroy is brought back to life in another body that had been preserved for him; it is found that Leroy is Kong, Obediah's brother. All of the aliens are put in a machine that takes the foreign DNA out of their bodies, they no longer have their human disguises but they look much different due to insectoid DNA being pulled out of them. The Allun no longer have dual names or identities. Zodoo's child is the REAL prince of the Allun and is not at all human; he is more like the Mayan king Pacal the Great, an alien that ruled Central America long ago. Obediah shows his brother Kong a glass tube with the body of Nancy in it; only she looks younger and a lot different. Trudnich had separated Nancy from Satassa and her Hispanic DNA long ago. Now she looked totally Asian with long black hair, green eyes, and muscular gymnastic looking legs, she no longer was diabetic and he revives her as Rose May Lee. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: THE JOURNEY A month later Zodoo and her team prepare to teleport to Ki in order to see the queen. They take one of Trudnich's MTDs with them so that they can put it together as a way to get the humans onto the planet and back again without any side effects or complicated travel. Irielle permanently becomes Inoki and meets her human father Jack Yushika; she's going to be the one to assemble the MTD on the planet Ki.

Yuki also drops her Allun name and elects to stay looking Japanese; she wants nothing more to do with Allun politics and also wants to stay on earth as a human. They teleport to Ki and assemble the MTD, Obediah and the humans go through and meet Queen Dozoo. They propose an alliance with the queen, but before she can answer Obediah grabs her and shows her the mightiest weapon in the universe: Ten Mile High, Terrordyne's Ultradimensional Super Fortress! The queen is overcome by the sheer might of TMH and wants to warn the council that attacking the earth would be suicide. There is a meeting of the High Council and politics get in the way of common sense. Zodoo is accused of being a terrorist and part of the council's evil plan is exposed for all to see. Vosoo is exposed as the mastermind behind the plot to overthrow the queen and the insectoid DNA is made visible to the council members. Zodoo's second son Pecal is shown to the council as the first true Allun male; he is the size of a thirteen-year-old boy even though he is only a few months old. An attempt is made on the queen's life and Pecal revives her. Mettarra unmasks the traitors in the high council and the evil guards that shot the queen are dispatched. Hoshi shows the council about Pecal in their "Spirit Book" and still they don't want to believe what is in front of their eyes. Pecal telepathically connects with all the members of the council to show them their missing history; they learn that they originated on earth and escaped to Ki when a huge meteor threatened to wipe them out. Pecal kills Vosoo as she tries to convince the council that they are being tricked. It is brought to everyone's attention that bombs were released all over the surface of Ki and blamed on Zodoo, but no one knows why or what damage was done. Zodoo and the others decide to go outside and document what they see. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: OUR EYES HAVE OPENED Obediah Trudnich has given James power armor, but he has had minimal training using it. Mettarra is also wearing power armor but hers was made on Ki and modified by Terrordyne. Yuki and Zodoo are wearing stealth suits, special recon armor that allows them to move quickly and quietly and blend into their surroundings, but Zodoo's armor has crystal and gold plating on it signifying her royal heritage. As they leave the castle as a group, they see monitors that are broadcasting false images of what is outside. They are made to make the people think that the surface of the planet is a lush paradise. When the team gets outside they see that the planet is in ruin, with many years of dirt and dust covering everything as far as he eye can see. Eventually they encounter swarms of bugs and finally human-like insectoids. One bug woman enlightens them about some of the bombings by saying that the Allun bred them as workers and were left to their own devices when their queen went crazy. The bombings were the council's way of keeping what happened quiet. The team fights their way back to the castle where they see a model city that is being passed off as the real Ki; they decide to enlighten the people. The also find a passageway that leads to a secret chamber behind the throne room where the spirit book sits. Rakkun is told the truth so she decides to enlighten Zodoo about the elite and the ruling class that lives in a domed city just outside the castle.

Only Zodoo and the elite members of her team are allowed inside the city where a big secret is revealed: insectoids are being birthed in a baby mill by the thousands by many of the elite's unwitting young girls and huge broodmares. Hoshi records everything they see when they come under attack by a Mantara Queen insectoid, they are all trapped in a web that is extremely strong, but Inoki escapes capture. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: MANTARA Inoki is recognized as a Grand Intimidator and gets a group of officers to accompany her into the birthing mill where the mantara queen is holding her friends at bay. The girls fight a troop of bug ninjas and small beetles, eventually freeing Zodoo and the others. In the meantime the mill is set on fire, the team escapes and the queen is burned, but it is not over yet. They are chased by millions of beetle-like bugs that spit fire and acid; Inoki gets them into a pipe shaft where they eventually exit to the sight of Mettarra and James. Obediah Trudnich knows that they are in trouble and attempts a rescue; he is hit by a subway train while trying to sneak into a tunnel beneath the castle. The team escapes certain death as Obediah rescues James from a pit he fell into; the team enters the castle through a hole in the basement wall to the tune of an earthquake of unprecedented force. The castle is in ruins and most of the council is dead or wounded. The team is stranded in the council chamber with no way out until they discover the small opening behind the throne that Pecal opened earlier. They decide to try and find a way out by using the opening but they have to leave most of their suits and guns behind. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: HISTORY Zodoos team, James and Trudnich have found an ancient facility where the history of the Allun has been kept secret from the people since the Great War. The room is made of stone and decorated in Mayan-like art. Pecal sees an image that looks like him on one of the walls, prompting him into figuring out how to open a secret door. The team goes inside and they see that they are in a huge lab where the bodies of several generations of female Allun are in glass tubes. A few feet away are tubes filled with the same insects that were removed from the Allun women by Trudnich, except that these are much larger. In a giant glass tube in the middle of the room is an Allun/Mantara queen. She has the torso of a woman and the body of a gigantic insectoid; she looks like Zodoo in the face. Her glass tube is marked First Mother Creator and it is obvious she was sewn together from various implants. The full history of the Allun is revealed, including how they lost their males. They find out that is was a woman that destroyed their world due to a miscalculation and not the men as they were led to believe for many generations. They find a way out that leads into the center of the castle and an ancient space ship is discovered with Mayan writing on the outside of it. Later Zodoo takes her place on the throne and chooses a new high council; she is accompanied by Pecal as she picks the members. Pecal is revered as their new prince. As the ceremony finishes Rakkun returns seemingly from the dead with a

warning. She tells Zodoo that the insectoids are launching an attack and that soon the castle will fall. Unnatural earthquakes continue as it is revealed that giant bugs are causing them by undermining the foundation of the castle. Obediah volunteers to rescue the Allun from the impending doom by using the MTD technology, Rakkun runs away and sees the old space ship they found buried in a secret corridor. Obediah takes as many Allun as he can with him through the MTD to Ten Mile High; he gives a pep talk to his subordinates to hype them up before taking a long space flight to the Allun planet of Ki. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: CHAOS The humans come back and remove their helmets so that everyone can see and hear them; an unprecedented announcement is made. "All of you that wish to live follow me, those that want to hold onto your old ways keep your butts here," Obediah Trudnich booms. "We must gather all of our royal relics before we go," Dozoo advises, "all of you grab something and bring it through the gate!" As the council members scramble throughout the castle picking up artifacts, Obediah Trudnich, Kong, and James push the MTD into the main hall where the crowds of people can easily access it. As people scramble to gather their possessions, gangs of Terrordyne workers pour out of the MTD with tools and equipment so that they can dismantle much of the technology beneath the castle. Small construction vehicles and bobcats scramble about the castle carrying architecture, ornaments, treasure, and machinery into the mouth of the MTD. As one of the bobcats clears rubble from one of the passages two workers discover a cache of crystals beneath the broken floor; he calls Obediah. In response Obediah dispatches Kong to the scene in his power suit; that way he can reach into the hole and lift the heavy stones into the scoop of the bobcat. The stones turn out to be harmonic crystal trillium, the same crystals Obediah had been looking for in many galaxies. The last of the party runs through the opening of the remaining MTD as rocks from the ceiling smash the other one to bits. As it goes dark a small package of explosives detonates on its wall just as the bugs attempt to charge through; it brings down the entire center of the castle on the insectoids. The pair of giant MTD's at the base of the castle remains on as the last vehicle speeds into it and vanishes. A crew takes apart the last giant portal and ships the pieces via many small trucks through the smaller versions and once finished they pull the last small MTD into the mouth of the other. Rakkun seeks out the small ship that was built by Pacal the Great. Rakkun goes inside and activates the engines, as she does so she keeps holding her stomach, which is hurting badly. The ship takes off by breaking through the roof of the corridor and as it speeds off into space, a beam comes out that teleports something from the castle courtyard into the ship. The entire landscape is covered in a mass of bugs, and even further away the whole planet is in flames and the giant bugs are standing on houses waving their arms in the air in victory. But it is not over; Rakkun attempts to land on one of Allun's moons with the refugees, when she sees that the

insectoids are there as well. They have the refugees surrounded and are closing on them from about three miles out in a giant circle. These bugs however, look different from the ones that attacked Allun proper; these have armored vehicles and small flying ships with weapons mounted on them. It is obvious that the bugs want the Allun alive for harvesting; that is why they are taking their time to close the circle around them. Obediah and Queen Dozoo are sent a message from Rakkun; it tells them that the moon she is on is being overrun by insectoids and led by a being named Thunderhead. It comes to their attention there are no MTDs on that moon and they are 1000 light years or more away. Aboard TMH Zodoo hovers near Obediah's control chair, as space seems to fold in on itself. Everyone in the room begins to vibrate as matter collides with antimatter and the fabric of the universe is ripped. A hole is punched through and Ten Mile High dematerializes from space-time in earth's galaxy to rematerialize in Allun space in the blink of an eye. The gigantic ship slams into the side of the Allun moon with such force that it vaporizes the ground and disappears into the crust of the planet; an explosion grabs the atmosphere and then pulls it onto the hole behind Ten Mile High in a vacuum. TMH breaks through the ground and opens its doors so that the Allun can seek refuge inside. After battling the insectoids with everything they have, Obediah learns that some atomic weapons are being deployed in order to stop them; he decides to fold space inside the core of the moon, an act that may have devastating consequences CHAPTER NINETEEN: IMMIGRANTS The aerial view of a metropolis comes into view as if from a satellite or high altitude plane; the voice of a reporter is audible over the television. "...As millions of people still line up to get inoculated against the sickness the government calls Craniodiaphyseal or lionitis dysplasia. Lionitis disease has been among us since the dawn of time and usually causes the face to mutate over a period of years due to excessive calcium. This mutated version however seems to mostly affect young women by making their foreheads change. It was illustrated in the movie called Mask..." A year has gone by and the Allun have been integrated into colonies all over earth; a lot of people believe that they are merely women stricken with a non-lethal disease and this allows them to hide among the humans in plain sight. As the new people settle in, Zodoo has an epiphany because of something Hoshi tells her. Inoki, Hoshi, and the intimidators decide to join Terrordyne and become Valcurites, a new breed of genetically engineered female warriors that use trillium armor and swords. Kong reveals to James that he is a superhuman with some cyborg parts; he tells James that he needs a purpose and so he leaves him a present that he asks him to consider using. Meanwhile back at Leroy's old apartment, Rose is sitting on the floor in the corner foaming at the mouth, pulling her own hair, and shaking with her eyes staring into the darkness. A weird look is on her face and in her wild eyes, she is cracking her gum and the sound drowns out every bit of background noise until it is

all consuming, and then she screams because she senses something evil not too far away. At the same time in a sleazy apartment, in a crappy part of downtown Vegas, a female prostitute, Edella is just finishing with her John and puts a large roll of bills into her purse. As she walks away the man she was with is sitting up in the bed with two holes punched in either side of his head. She leans over the body and ejects something out of her mouth on it, within minutes it starts to vibrate until it swells to almost twice its size. On her back there are small sharp spikes running up her spine. As she slowly starts to put on her clothes there is a chittering sound from the body and a large bug comes out the mouth. By the time she puts on her high heels the body is gone and in its place are several large beetle looking bugs and a puddle on the floor. Nancy, now known as Rose May Lee, attacks and follows Edella to a warehouse far from town where new bugs are being hatched; she informs Obediah and a crew is sent to eliminate them. Zodoo discovers Rakkun's Mayan space ship outside the warehouse, it explodes and Zodoo is almost killed, but she is so disfigured and in a coma that there was a good chance she will never wake up. It is now six months later and James is now embedded with the US military as a cameraman for Reuters as his cover. As a journalist he has been to many hot spots around the globe and now he was in Pakistan with a special full-spectrum camera on his helmet that could spot camouflaged insectoids posing as humans. This new type of bug was really insidious and no one was aware of them except the United States; the Pakistanis however didn't believe in aliens and when told about them laughed it off as American propaganda. On this day however, a terrorist cell had two insectoids embedded amongst them posing as suicide bombers and James could see them. James switches on the helmet camera again and proceeds to follow several soldiers into a burnt building where the bugs were hiding among the Taliban. There are some bodies on the floor and one of them is a bug in disguise, but the other one is nowhere to be found. One of them puts up his hands and is instantly killed by the other one; this prompts the soldiers into making him do the machinegun boogie until he was shot to bits. James slowly goes over to the body with the sergeant; that is when the sergeant turns on his men and shoots them in the back. James is caught completely off-guard as the sergeant reveals himself as an insectoid and points his weapon right at James' chest. There is the chatter of an M-16 and James falls to the ground dead A new persona by the name of Bartholomo Strongfellow awakens as Kong looks at him with sympathetic eyes; he hopes that the memory wipe has worked and the remains of James has been long buried. However his brain and vitals have been transferred to one of the best human fighting machines ever cloned, if only he will accept his new identity. CHAPTER TWENTY: A NEW BEGINNING It is now ten years later and much has changed since the rescue of the Allun from the Yaconians. New doors have opened in research thanks in part to the queen of the Allun, Dozoo, and Zodoo has been rebuilt and is on her feet again. James has accepted his new personality and has been heavily trained to be a fighting machine

for Terrordyne's earth forces. The world is also aware of aliens and most of the wars on the planet have stopped due to a perceived threat from outer space. Instead of many political leaders running the world in a chaotic manner, there is a one-world government with a man named Tork Thunderthroat as its world president. Zodoo is a diplomat between earth forces and several alien races that have been discovered residing secretly on earth and MTD gate travel is commonplace among the people. In schools children are taught about the 13 THUNDERS a book written by a celestial watcher by using a human as a conduit. The book predicted many things to come, like the visitation of aliens and the discovery of four new planets (dwarf planets) in our solar system giving a total of thirteen. The 13 Thunders also mentioned a race of gods called Overseers that gave birth to the human race and they were unisexed in a way where there were no males or females. The overseers also created the Allun when they were the Quetzal Maya on earth. Seeing how the book was written in the year 2003 and nearly all of the planets were discovered afterwards, it was prophecy. Reigning over the welfare of the people are the three mightiest weapons companies the world has ever seen: Icefinger Dynamics, which specializes in cyborg and super conductor computer warfare; Megadeath Incorporated, which specializes in mass destruction devices like explosives and their delivery systems; and Terrordyne the most powerful of the three specializing in heavy hardware and super robotics. All three when combined formed ICPAR: Interplanetary Crime Prevention and Rescue. However those acronyms really meant: Immediate Crushing Power and Retaliation and was used as a means to destroy invading forces should there ever be any. Now in the beginning the three companies got along fine and each had its own territory where they could operate freely, but all that changed A month later earth's early alien warning system picks up an explosion that is barely noticeable beyond Mars; it happens to be a teleport of such magnitude that all of earths defense systems come online. Klaxons begin sounding in all countries throughout the globe as monster telescopes reveal a massive fleet of gigantic ships popping in from some unknown location. On the moon a dozen giant guns called the Grand Cannons power up as force field domes begin to form over all major cities. In the United States ICPAR, the three weapons companies come alive with their special defense systems. Icefinger's bunker begins to raise itself from beneath the ground as it transforms in a monster mobile command center called the Great Behemoth. This huge machine, built by Kawasaki Heavy and Komatsu Industries, Is a gigantic tank carrier mounted on eight fifteen-foot-wide tracks and standing an impressive height of three hundred feet. Built to withstand a direct hit from a hydrogen bomb the huge machine could move along at an impressive twenty-five miles an hour and release a battery of conventional weapons such as cruise missiles, ICBMs, and particle beam weapons with ranges of over several thousand miles. The Behemoth also carries a battery of a hundred attack helicopters, fifty heavy tanks, fifty APCs, a hundred dune buggies, a thousand motorcycles, two hundred crew, and three thousand soldiers. Biomech raises its super weapon called a Jack Turret from its headquarters, Two Mile Tall. The turret was basically a super electronic pulse gun that could reach into space and disable ships and their shields a hundred thousand miles into space. Any ships that got past that barrage would have to deal with thousands of robotic drones called Iron Parasites which, could fly into space and attach themselves onto the hulls

of invading craft and eat holes into them. Each Parasite was equipped with a plasma torch capable of opening six-inches of armor a diameter of two feet in just one minute. Once breached, the drones would spit a vicious biological agent into the hole that was capable of infecting any insect based life form with a virus that would instantly disrupt their motor capabilities. If that didn't work then the drones could explode with the power of a small nuclear device inside the invading ships. And lastly was Terrordyne's multidimensional fortress called Ten Mile High, which sat off the coast of Florida near Belle Glade. Standing at 100,000 feet in height and weighing more than 1000 great pyramids, TMH stood silent as everyone took their positions for an invasion. Although filled with over a million troops and nearly twice as much equipment Ten Mile High didn't even lift off in preparation for battle. More than 50,000 ships began to appear on the early warning scanners built by Allun scientists, marking their distance at somewhere at being somewhere in the area between mars and the asteroid belt beyond the moon. The automated defense systems detect the ships and begin to rise up from the craters of the moon ready to unleash their devastation. The armada get's within a quarter of a million miles of the moon when the Grand Cannons open fire in a continuous barrage of rail gunfire into the fleet; hundreds of ships perish but none of them slow down. Within ten minutes a small attack fleet separates itself from the armada and encroaches on the cannons from several different directions; the Grand Cannons are neutralized. Now the huge armada was just coming within the gravitational pull of the moon and could be seen with the naked eye from the earth. This brought the Jack Turret online with all of its mighty EMP guns and thousands of drones; when it let loose the ground shook and a massive beam arcs across the sky slamming into the armada as it passes the moon. It was not enough to slow the ships even though thousands were disabled or even destroyed, but the ships began to open fire on the earth with concussion beams that were equivalent to being hit by aerial bombs. Not only that, the armada had special ships that scooped up thousands of meteors on their way towards the earth and was now releasing them by the hundreds to rain death upon the world. The continuous bombardment was slowly weakening the shields over the Jack Turret as well as all of earth's major cities. This brought the earth forces laser guns online as well as jet fighters and anti-aircraft guns; literally millions of weapons were firing into the sky in an effort to keep the invaders from landing. However unknown to the defenders another armada was coming from the other direction directly in the path of the sun where detecting them was nearly impossible. This actually was the bulk of the fleet with the heavy weapons, whereas many of the other ships were decoys that were being towed by very tiny space vehicles so that earth's weapons would be exhausted on them. The invaders timed the attack so that most of the earth's weapons were aimed away from the sun, meaning America was on the dark side of the earth when the other fleet showed itself. Suddenly Ten Mile High began to power up and levitate above the coast. The huge building began to emit a powerful rhofield that enveloped the hull like some kind of invisible net. Silently TMH faded from view in the night sky to reappear near Japan in the waters off of Russia; the insectoids have finally found the Allun and now it is all out war of the gods!

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