Wolverhampton Branc H: Summer 2012

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ampton Branch Wolverh

Summer 2012

UNISON Branch Officers accompanied by our Regional Head of Equal Pay, Anita Edwards have attended a series of weekly meetings during April/May/June 2012 in order to consider the outcome of the job evaluation process which was started in January 2010.
You will recall that UNISON objected in 2010 to the introduction of Ways HR Consulting by Wton City Council, because the evaluation methods used by Ways HR had caused difficulties in other local authorities nationally, some of which led to industrial action by employees badly let down by the impact that the final outcomes had on their pay (branch newsletter Spring 2010)

Ade Turner Branch Secretary

reduce some and abolish others of our national terms and conditions which form part 3 of the Single Status Agreement. A move that would see many of our members receiving increases through job evaluation only to see them taken back through cuts in part 3 terms and conditions, while other members could lose in a double whammy under both job evaluation and reduced part 3 terms and conditions!

Earlier in the year UNISON commissioned internationally renowned equal pay expert, Sue Hastings, to consider the methods and outcomes of the evaluation scheme. Wton City Council has now also agreed to use Sue Hastings (with UNISONs regional agreement) and at the time of writing Ms Hastings is still waiting for all the final Of particular concern is how the Ways HR evaluapaperwork that she has requested including tion method distorts the NJC Single Status Job equality impact assessments and Wton City evaluation scheme (branch newsletter Summer Councils preferred pay model which was due to 2010) go to Cabinet on 25 July 2012, however this reDuring the recent talks Wton City Council has port, like the report of 26 June 2012 on the sinmade clear to the unions its intention to reduce our gle status pay model were exempt reports and terms and conditions at the same time as introducnot shared with UNISON. ing a new pay model. During the consultation meetings Wton City UNISON has consistently told Wton City Council Council have stated their desire for a negotiated since the April meetings that the current proposals settlement, a position also shared by UNISON, would not be acceptable to UNISON nationally or however if a negotiated settlement is not achievthe majority of our members locally. able Wton City Council has stated their intention UNISONs Regional Office has informed senior offi- to dismiss and reinstate us all giving us 6 months cers and members of the Labour controlled Cabinet notice from 1 October 2012. of our serious concerns in relation to the evaluation (Continued next page) scheme methology being used and the intention to

and a quarter, (regardless of when the overtime is worked) UNISON will continue to negotiate with Wton City Council with the aim of reaching agreement (albeit only one meeting has taken place since the beginning of June) and Wton City Councils position on the big issues has not significantly moved since April.

So What are the Big Issues?

Is the pay model legal and does it achieve equality? The high number of red circle (losing) posts. Wton City Councils insistence on the introduction of any 5 from 7 day working in all our employment contracts.

UNISON is seeking the views of our members via workplace meetings and our Stewards network. We also urge members to attend our Branch Meeting on 18 September 2012, 7.00 pm, The abolition of weekend enhancements (at Council Chamber, Civic Centre and it is still the intention of UNISON to ballot our members on the the same time as introducing the 5/7 confinal package at the appropriate time. tracts). The abolition of essential car user allowance Adrian Turner Branch Secretary (now planned for April 2014). If, in the meantime, you require further advice contact us in the branch office on 01902 554096. The reduction of the overtime rate to time

The UNISON steward is the

most important link between the union and its members.

They play a number of roles They are organisers who talk to, recruit and organise members around workplace issues. Hold meetings, undertake surveys and help run ballots. They give members information about union issues and campaigns They are advisers and sounding boards, talking to members about workplace problems and addressing those concerns with management.
Stewards are legally entitled to time off to perform their duties and for training which UNISON provides


Wolverhampton Council are currently engaging in a Consultation on Community hubs. Again UNISON does not oppose cost effective The Community hubs proposal would see a number of centres created which would offer a wide range services, but we believe that what this means in practice will be a reduction in the services the relocated libraries of services from under one roof. will provide, to the point that they would no longer be At the heart of each hub would be a Library, a Comrecognisable as libraries! munity centre and a Youth facility. This is not just a concern of UNISON. Throughout WolThere would be three large hubs and a number of verhampton thousands are signing community petitions smaller hubs located around the City, although the in defence of their local libraries. consultation proposals (as vague as they are) indiWolverhampton branch has given its pledge to cate only possible locations. Up and down the Country Local Authorities are rushing to the concept of Community hubs , whilst UNISON has no problem with the concept of hubs, We suspect that the reason Local Authorities are all marching to the same tune when it comes to hubs is because (in the words of Cllr Mattu) They will make our services more cost-effective and reduce running costs. support the Communities fight to defend their libraries. To keep up with the campaign and to read UNISONs submission to the consultation FIGHTING FOR WOLVERHAMPTONS LIBRARIES

Most people join a union because they want protection at work - help with pay and conditions of service, legal or health and safety advice or representation in case things go wrong at work. That's what we're here for. UNISON negotiates on pay and working conditions at every level - local, regional and national. UNISON also offers you:

Join Online at; www.unison.org.uk Or phone 01902 554096

Or call into the UNISON office at the Civic Centre

Excellent legal services at work and in the home. Education and training advice and courses leading to vocational and professional qualifications. A colour magazine sent to your home four times a year; a fortnightly newspaper for our stewards and activists and a full range of publicity. Pensions advice and welfare services as well as certain benefits guaranteed by our rulebook.

Help us get the message across

We have started booking coaches . Cost 5 (refundable to members) Pledge to join us on 20 October. Send your email address to our email below so we can send you updates about the march. Tell your colleagues, family and friends about the march and ask them to let their feet do the talking too. Wolverhampton sent 6 coaches to the March last year lets send more this time!
Union office@wolverhamptonunison.org.uk

Wolverhampton UNISON

UNISON members and their families Do

The poorest and most vulnerable in our society do. Young people and older people alike do.

How about you?

If you believe that government cuts are not the way to deliver the future that this country needs, then you need to let your feet do the talking.

Assemble 11am Granville Street, B1 1JW March to Lionel Street

Come and march for a future that works.

Join us on 20 October at the TUC mass demonstration in London to show this government that their austerity agenda is standing in the way of delivering the jobs and growth that this country needs. UNISON believes that investing in good public services that save, protect and enrich lives will boost our economy and strengthen our communities.

Speakers include: Billy Hayes CWU, Mark Serwotka PCS, Christine Blower NUT, Paul Kenny GMB


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