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List of Electronic Books from text book and book bank section, IIT,Central Library wse/open.asp

S.NO Title Author 1 Applied Linear Regression. Wiley Weisberg, S. Series in Probability and Statistics 2 3 Computer architecture Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface Detection ,Estimation & Modulation Theory Part -I Digital Logic Design Patterson hennessy Patterson, David A.; Hennessy, John L. Tree s, HL Van

Publisher Wiley

Year 2005

Elsevier Elsevier Science & Technology Wiley

2006 2005

4 5

2001 2002

Holdsworth, Brian; Elsevier Science & Woods, Clive Technology Guru, Bhag Singh; Hiziroglu, Huseyin R. Subramanya, K. Weber, Hans J.; Arfken, George Rao, S.S. Bose Ranjan Tsai, C.Stan Frederick S Hillier Ross, Sheldon M. Cambridge University Press Tata McGraw Hill India Elsevier Science & Technology Elsevier Science & Technology Tata McGraw Hill India Wiley Tata McGraw Hill India

Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals Engineering Hydrology Essential Mathematical Methods for Physicists Finite Element Method in Engineering, The Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography Introduction to Computational Biochemistry, An Introduction to Operations Research (SIE) Introduction to Probability Models Introductory Nuclear Physics March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure Materials Science of Thin Films Mathematical Methods For Physicists Millman's Electronic Devices and Circuits Numerical Methods: Problems and Solutions Optical Interferometry Optics Power Plant Engineering Power System Engineering Principles of Polymerization Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications Refrigeration and Airconditioning Renewable Energy Resources Suicide: A Study in Sociology


7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

2008 2003 2005 2008 2003 2007 2007 2004 2007

Elsevier Science & Technology Wong, Samuel S. Wiley VCH Smith, Michael B.; Wiley March, Jerry Ohring, Milton Elsevier Science & Technology Arfken, George; Elsevier Science & Weber, Hans J. Technology Millman, Jacob, Tata McGraw Hill India Halkias, Christos C Jain, M.K.; Iyengar, New Age International S.R.K.; Jain, R.K. Hariharan, P. Ajoy Ghatak Nag, P. K. Kothari, D.P. Odian Zettili, Nouredine Arora, C. P. Twidell, John; Weir, Tony Durkheim, mile Elsevier Science & Technology Tata McGraw Hill India Tata McGraw Hill India Tata McGraw Hill India Wiley Wiley Tata McGraw Hill India Taylor & Francis Taylor & Francis

16 17 18

2002 2005 2007



20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

2003 2008 2007 2007 2004 2009 2008 2005 2002
Computerarchitecture: Flynn,Michael 29 piplinedandparallel Introductiontochemical WrightMW 30 kinetics Introductiontodynamic Holton,James 31 meteorology Mathematicalmethodsfor 32 physicsandengineering: acomprehensiveguide RileyKF Modernphysicsforengineers JaspritSingh. 33 [TB]/ Managerialeconomics:theory Webster, andpractice/ 34 Opticalnetworks:apractical 35 perspective[TB] Ramaswami, Raj Jones&BartlettPub 1995 Wiley 2004 Elsevier 2004

Cambridge Wiley Elsevier

2006 1999

2003 Elsevier 2010

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